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E-Commerce Site for Online Food


Name: Haranika Selvasegaram

Registration Number: JAF/A-124808 LMU
ID: 22015270

ESOFT Metro Campus Jaffna

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering


I declare that this report entitled “E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering” is my
own work except as cited in the references. The report has not been accepted for any
degree and is not being submitted concurrently in candidature for any degree or other


Name: Haranika Selvasegaram

Date: 15 December 2022

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering


The dedication of this project deals with developing an e-commerce website for Online
Food ordering. It provides the user with a catalogue of different items available for
purchase in the store. In order to facilitate online purchase a cart is provided to the user.

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering


I would like to express my deepest appreciation to all those who provided us the possibility to
complete this project report. A special gratitude to my final year project mentor Mr. Steephan
Premnath whose contribution in stimulating suggestions and encouragement, helped me to
coordinate and complete my project especially in writing this report. Conceptualize the project
which enabled me to have clear understanding of my final year project. I would like to thanks
again to my final year project super visor and whoever has guided me most of the time and
supported me throughout the project.

Furthermore, I would also like to acknowledge with much appreciation, the crucial role of the
staff of ESOFT, who gave the permission to use all the resources and other necessary materials
to complete the project, ‘E-Commerce Site for Online food ordering’. I wish to thank my
parents for their undivided support and interest who inspired me and encouraged me to go my
own way, without whom I would be unable to complete my assignment. At last but not the least
I want to thank my friends who appreciated me for my work and motivated me to archive my
set goal.


LMU ID- 22015270

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

The Online Food Ordering System described in this document has been designed to fill
a specific niche in the market by providing small restaurants with the ability to offer
their customers an online ordering option without having to invest large amounts of time
and money in having custom software designed specifically for them. The system, which
is highly customizable, allows the restaurant employees to easily manage the site
content, most importantly the menu, themselves through a very intuitive graphical

The Online Food Ordering System described in this document has been designed to fill
a specific niche in the market by providing small restaurants with the ability to offer
their customers an online ordering option without having to invest large amounts of time
and money in having custom software designed specifically for them. The system, which
is highly customizable, allows the restaurant employees to easily manage the site
content, most importantly the menu, themselves through a very intuitive graphical

The purpose of this document is to provide in-depth descriptions of design and

implementation details of the system, as well as descriptions of all available
functionality and plans for evolution. In addition, user manuals and trouble-shooting tips
have been included for all three components to give the reader a clear idea of intended
typical use cases for the system.

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................................... 3
Abstract ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
1 Chapter 1Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 13
1.1 Goals ...........................................................................................................................................13
1.2 Motivation ................................................................................................................................. 14
1.3 Method ........................................................................................................................................15
1.4 Overview .....................................................................................................................................16
Proposed Solution E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering ............................................................ 17
2 Chapter 2 Background and Problem Statement .................................................................................... 18
2.1 Introduction .................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not
General objectives ................................................................................................................................... 19
Specific objectives ................................................................................................................................... 19
2.2 Literature Review ........................................................................................................................19
2.3 User requirements .......................................................................................................................21
2.4 Common issues ...........................................................................................................................22
2.5 The conclusion of the literature review .......................................................................................23
2.7 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 24
2.11 Summary .......................................................................................................................................... 25
2.12 Conclusion of analysis of existing systems ..................................................................................... 26
2.13 Prototype 1 ................................................................................................................................... 28
Page 1 – Login ......................................................................................................................................... 28
Page 2 – Contact Page ............................................................................................................................. 29
2.14. Conclusion .................................................................................................................................. 29
2.15. Problem Statement ...................................................................................................................... 30
3 Chapter 3 project management ............................................................................................................. 31
3.1 Approach .....................................................................................................................................31
3.1.1 Common project management methodology .................................................................32
Waterfall ......................................................................................................................................... 32
Agile ................................................................................................................................................ 33
Scrum ............................................................................................................................................... 34
3.1.2 Proposed Methodology ...............................................................................................................35
Planning & Analysis ............................................................................................................................36
Analysis, Design & Implementation of prototype ...............................................................................36
Design Prototype .................................................................................................................................37

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

Design ..................................................................................................................................................37
Implementation ....................................................................................................................................37
3.2Initial Project Plan ..........................................................................................................................37
3.3 Problems and Changes to the Plan ................................................................................................38
3.4 Final Project Record ......................................................................................................................39
Work Break Down Structure for Online Ordering System ................................................................. 39
4 Chapter 4 feasibility study .................................................................................................................... 40
4.1 Economic feasibility ...................................................................................................................40
4.2 Schedule feasibility .....................................................................................................................41
4.3 Technical feasibility ....................................................................................................................41
4.4 Operational feasibility .................................................................................................................42
Lower prices ........................................................................................................................................ 42
More saving options ............................................................................................................................ 42
Research capabilities ........................................................................................................................... 43
Increased variety .................................................................................................................................. 43
Convenience ........................................................................................................................................ 43
Saves Time .......................................................................................................................................... 43
4.5 Scope feasibility ............................................................................................................................
5 Chapter 5 design ................................................................................................................................... 44
5.1.1. Use case Diagram ...............................................................................................................44
5.1.2. Class Diagram ....................................................................................................................45
5.1.3. Sequence Diagram .............................................................................................................46
Admin Login Sequence Diagram ......................................................................................................... 47
5.1.4. Activity Diagram ...............................................................................................................48
Login Activity ..................................................................................................................................... 48
Admin Activity Diagram ..................................................................................................................... 49
5.1.5. Deployment Diagram ........................................................................................................49
5.1.6. ER Diagram ......................................................................................................................50
5.2. Hardware and software requirements .......................................................................................... 51
Security ................................................................................................................................................ 51
Efficiency and Maintainability ............................................................................................................ 51
Application Description ....................................................................................................................... 51
5.1.1 Hardware Requirements .................................................................................................51
Hardware requirements for the Administrator PC ...............................................................................51
Hardware requirements for the Delivery Agent’s PC .........................................................................52

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

Web Server Hardware requirements....................................................................................................52

5.1.2 Software Requirements...................................................................................................52
XAMPP .........................................................................................................................53
XAMPP for Windows .........................................................................................................................53
Programming Language ......................................................................................................................54
5.3 Evaluating of solutions ..................................................................................................................54
6 Chapter 6 implementation ................................................................................................................... 55
ItemTable ............................................................................................................................................. 55
Order Table .......................................................................................................................................... 56
Message Table ..................................................................................................................................... 56
Cart Table ............................................................................................................................................ 57
Order Summary Table ......................................................................................................................... 57
Vendor Table ....................................................................................................................................... 57
Sketch for web design ......................................................................................................................... 58
Product Page ........................................................................................................................................ 59
Payment Page ...................................................................................................................................... 59
Prototyping for web design ................................................................................................................. 60
Product Page Prototyping .................................................................................................................... 61
Contact Page Prototyping .................................................................................................................... 62
Login Page Prototyping ....................................................................................................................... 62
6.1 Project Design .............................................................................................................................. 63
About us ............................................................................................................................................... 63
Contact us ............................................................................................................................................ 64
Customer Login Page .......................................................................................................................... 65
User Registration ................................................................................................................................. 65
Back End Design Admin login ............................................................................................................ 66
Dashboard ............................................................................................................................................ 66
Order Page ........................................................................................................................................... 67
Implementation of the system ............................................................................................................. 67
Delivery person ................................................................................................................................... 68
6.2 Project Code implementation ........................................................................................................ 69
Login page code................................................................................................................................... 69
Index Page code ................................................................................................................................... 70
Show Items page code .........................................................................................................................71
Password Recovery Code ....................................................................................................................72
Add to cart Page Code .........................................................................................................................73

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

Customer Billing page code ...................................................................................................................73

Add Order Page ...................................................................................................................................76
Billing Page ...........................................................................................................................................77
7 Chapter 7 testing and verification ........................................................................................................78
7.1 Project Implementation & Testing ..................................................................................................78
7.2 Test Plan .........................................................................................................................................78
Test Plan for Online food ordering ....................................................................................................... 79
Test Case for Online Food ordering ...................................................................................................... 80
8 Chapter 8 Evaluation and Conclusion ................................................................................................ 87
8.1 Proposed System Completion ........................................................................................................ 87
8.2 System Strength and Limitation ..................................................................................................... 88
8.3 Future Enhancement ...................................................................................................................... 89
8.4 Conclusion ................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
9 References .......................................................................................................................................... 91
10.1 Interim Progress Reports ................................................................................................................ 94

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

Table of figure

Figure 1 Proposed Solution E-Commerce Site for Online ...................................................................... 17

Figure 2 Home page of the system .......................................................................................................... 28
Figure 3 Login page .................................................................................................................................28
Figure 4 Contact page ............................................................................................................................. 29
Figure 5 Traditional approach ................................................................................................................. 31
Figure 6 Waterwall model ....................................................................................................................... 32
Figure 7 Agile methodology .................................................................................................................... 34
Figure 8 Prototype ................................................................................................................................... 36
Figure 9 Initial project plan ..................................................................................................................... 38
Figure 10 Final project plan..................................................................................................................... 39
Figure 11 Work Break Down Structure for Online Shopping System .................................................... 39
Figure 12 Schedule feasibility ................................................................................................................. 41
Figure 13 Use case diagram..................................................................................................................... 45
Figure 14 Class diagram .......................................................................................................................... 46
Figure 15 Sequence diagram ................................................................................................................... 47
Figure 16 Admin login sequence diagram ............................................................................................... 47
Figure 17 Activity diagram for login ....................................................................................................... 48
Figure 18 Activity diagram for admin ..................................................................................................... 49
Figure 19 Deployment diagram ............................................................................................................... 50
Figure 20 ER diagram ............................................................................................................................. 50
Figure 21 Customer table ........................................................................................................................ 55
Figure 22 Item table ................................................................................................................................. 55
Figure 23 Order table ............................................................................................................................... 56
Figure 24 Message table .......................................................................................................................... 56
Figure 25 Cart table ................................................................................................................................. 57
Figure 26 Order summary table ............................................................................................................... 57
Figure 27 Vendor table ............................................................................................................................ 57
Figure 28 Sketch for home page .............................................................................................................. 58
Figure 29 Sketch for product page .......................................................................................................... 59
Figure 30 Sketch for payment page ......................................................................................................... 59
Figure 31 Home page prototype .............................................................................................................. 60
Figure 32 Product Page Prototyping ........................................................................................................ 61
Figure 33 Contact Page Prototyping ........................................................................................................ 62
Figure 34 Login Page Prototyping........................................................................................................... 62
Figure 35 About page .............................................................................................................................. 63
Figure 36 Contact page ............................................................................................................................ 64
Figure 37 Customer login ........................................................................................................................ 65
Figure 38 User registration ...................................................................................................................... 65
Figure 39 Admin login ............................................................................................................................ 66
Figure 40 Dashboard of the item ............................................................................................................. 66
Figure 41 Order page ............................................................................................................................... 67
Figure 42 Login page code ...................................................................................................................... 69
Figure 43 Login page code ...................................................................................................................... 69
Figure 44 Index page code....................................................................................................................... 70
E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

Figure 45 Index page code....................................................................................................................... 70

Figure 46 Show item page code .............................................................................................................. 71
Figure 47 Password recovery code .......................................................................................................... 72
Figure 48 Add to cart page code .............................................................................................................. 73
Figure 49 Customer billing page code ..................................................................................................... 73
Figure 50 Customer billing page code ..................................................................................................... 74
Figure 51 List order item code ................................................................................................................ 75
Figure 52 List order item code ................................................................................................................ 75
Figure 53 Add order page code ............................................................................................................... 76
Figure 54 Billing page code..................................................................................................................... 77
Figure 55 Interim progress report ............................................................................................................ 94

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

Table of tables

Table 1 Hardware requirement of the system .......................................................................................... 51

Table 2 Hardware requirement for delivery agent................................................................................... 52
Table 3 Hardware requirement for web server ........................................................................................ 52
Table 4 Test Plan for Online food ordering ............................................................................................. 79
Table 5 Test case 01 ................................................................................................................................ 80
Table 6 Test case 02 ................................................................................................................................ 81
Table 7 Test case 03 ................................................................................................................................ 82
Table 8 Test case 04 ................................................................................................................................ 84
Table 9 Test case 05 ................................................................................................................................ 85

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering


SQL: Structured Query Language

CSS: Cascading Style Sheet

GUI: Graphical User Interface

HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language

WBS: Work Breakdown Structure

SDLC: System Development Life Cycle

UML: Unified Modeling Language

BPMS: Business Process Management System

SDLC: Software Development Life Cycle

RAM: Random Access Memory

XAMPP: Cross-Platform Apache MariaDB PHP and Perl

PHP: Hypertext Processor

XP: EXPerience

FTP: File Transfer Protocol

OS: Operating System

DBA: Data Base Administrator

ER: Entity Relationship

GHz: Gigahertz

GB: Gigabyte

MBps: Megabits per second

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

1 Chapter 1Introduction

E-commerce is fast gaining ground as an accepted and used business paradigm. More and more
business houses are implementing websites providing functionality for performing commercial
transactions over the web. It is reasonable to say that the process of ordering on the web is
becoming commonplace (Amir, 2010).

The Online Food Ordering System described in this document has been designed to fill a
specific niche in the market by providing small restaurants with the ability to offer their
customers an online ordering option without having to invest large amounts of time and money
in having custom software designed specifically for them. The system, which is highly
customizable, allows the restaurant employees to easily manage the site content, most
importantly the menu, themselves through a very intuitive graphical interface.

The website, which is the only component seen by the restaurant customers, is then built
dynamically based on the system’s current state, so any changes made are reflected in real-
time. Visitors to the site, once registered, are then able to easily navigate this menu, add food
items to their order, and specify delivery options with only a few clicks, greatly simplifying the
ordering process. Back in the restaurant, placed orders are promptly retrieved and displayed in
an easily readable format for efficient processing.

The purpose of this document is to provide in-depth descriptions of the design and
implementation details of the system, as well as descriptions of all available functionality and
plans for evolution. In addition, a user manual and troubleshooting tips have been included for
all three components to give the reader a clear idea of the intended typical use cases for the

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

1.1 Goals
Food order has long been analyzed as a recreational movement by many. Food ordering online
is no exception. The goal of this application is to develop a web-based interface for online
The system would be easy to use and hence make the shopping activity pleasant for the users. The
goal of this application is

• To develop an easy-to-use web-based interface where the buyers can search for foods, view a
complete detail of the I, items, and order the items.

• A search engine that provides an easy and convenient way to search for items exactly to their
needs. The search engine would list a set of items based on the search term and the user can
further filter the list based on various parameters.
• An AJAX-enabled website with the latest AJAX controls giving a gorgeous and interactive
look to the web pages and anpreventingne annoying postbacks
• Drag and Drop feature which would allow the buyer to add a item to or remove a product from
the shopping cart by dragging the item into the shopping cart or out of the shopping cart.
• A user can view the complete requirement of the item along with various images and also view
the buyer reviews of the item. They can also write their own reviews.

1.2 Motivation
This case study looks at the problem of setting up a fast-food restaurant. In existing system there are
few problems:

• For placing any orders customers have to visit hotels or restaurants to know about food items and
then order and pay. In this method time and manual work is required.
• While placing an order over the phone, customer lacks the physical copy of the menu items, lack of
visual confirmation that the order was placed correctly.
• Every restaurant needs certain employees to take the order over the phone or in-person, to offer a rich
dining experience and process the payment. In today's market, labour rates are increasing day by day
making it difficult to find employees when needed.

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

Hence, to solve this issue, what I propose is an "online food order system, originally designed for
small-scale business-like college cafeteria, fast food restaurant or take-out, but this system is just
as applicable in any food delivery industry.
The main advantage of my system is that it greatly simplifies the ordering process for both the
customer and the restaurant and also greatly lightens the load on the restaurant's end, as the entire
process of taking orders is automated.

Anticipated benefits are:

• This will minimize the number of employees at the back of the counter.
• The system will help to reduce labour cost involved. System will be less probably to make mistake,
since its machine.
• This will avoid long queues at the counter due to the speed of execution and number of
• Optimum screens to accommodate the maximum throughput.

The motivation for designing this application came because my family is involved in the
fastfood business and I personally do not like waiting for long in the store or to have to call
store to place an order especially during the peak lunch or dinner hours. Moreover, I value
recent learning about the Java and JSP Programming languages as well as seeing how
powerful and dynamic they are when it comes to web designing and applications. The
languages used to build this application are JavaScript, JSP, HTML and Java at client 5 Facing
whereas Oracle database at the back-end because I found them to be extremely useful while
working on the technologies.

1.3 Method
The challenges encountered by the existing system serve as a major drawback to the realization
of efficiency and customer satisfaction. The experience of ordering in most food shops is not
pleasant for the customers. Buyers will have to make long lines before placing their orders
especially through peak hours and then the item ordering staff will record buyer orders.

Having placed their order, the customer must then wait near the counter until their order is
ready for collection. The other problem in the Food shop is that food shops are not realizing
the efficiencies that would result from better application of technology in their daily operations.
Fast online food delivery business in a very competitive business and one way to stand out
from competitors is through improving the business process where business process automation
can assist in business improvement.

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

The main objective behind the proposed web system is to provide a complete computerized system
which can capture collate and analyse the data and evaluate the impact of the program.

Characteristics of the proposed system:

The web application has the following features:

• In evaluation to the present system, the proposed system will be less time intense and is
more efficient.

• The analysis will be very easy in the proposed system as it is automated.

• The proposed system is very secure as no chances of loss of data as it is dependent on the
administrator only

1.4. Overview
E-commerce, also known as electronic commerce or e-business, is simply the buying and
selling of goods and services via an electronic medium, mainly the internet. The way of
electronic commerce has been growing quickly in the last decades after its initiation
prompting the majority of businesses to have an online platform. It is now essential for
companies to do their business online, as virtually any kind of goods and services can be
sold or purchased through the internet (Rayport and Jaworski, 2003).

Before the advent of e-commerce and the internet, consumers had to visit the traditional
brick and mortar stores to purchase goods or services, and the sellers had to find a space
where they could sell their Items, but due to the arrival of e-commerce and the internet
some decades ago shoppers do not have to visit these stores to make a purchase, neither do
the sellers have to find a place to locate their stores; buying and selling without any form
of e-commerce is unthinkable, complicated and cumbersome to many these days (Bhasker,

As a conclusion, this proposal is written to propose an efficient Food order system to

enhance and improve the existing traditional food delivery management system and
provide convenience, availability and integrity to the hotels. At the end of the project, it
will be very useful and did a huge contribution for Hotel which are located in Jaffna to
deals with the crowded situation during operation hours.

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

Some hotels are not ready to have delivery services because of low orders and a low number
of staffs and for cost-cutting. Therefore, I have formed a delivery agent and they will be a
mediator with many customers and hotel.

Proposed Solution E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

Figure 1 Proposed Solution E-Commerce Site for Online

The structure of the system can be divided into 3 main logical components:

• Web Ordering System- provides the functionality for customers to place their order and supply
necessary details.

• Menu Management-allows the restaurant to control what can be ordered by the customers

• Order Retrieval System-This is a final logical component. Allows restaurant to keep track of all
orders placed.

This component takes care of order retrieving and displaying order information

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

2 Chapter 2 Background and Problem Statement

2.1 Introduction
E-commerce, also known as electronic commerce or e-business, is simply the buying and
selling of goods and services via an electronic medium, mainly the internet. The usage of
electronic commerce has been increasing rapidly in the last decades since its inception,
prompting the majority of businesses to have an online platform. It is now essential for
companies to do their business online, as virtually any kind of goods and services can be sold
or purchased through the internet (Rejesh and Vikas, 2002).

The present shopping is to visit the shops and market manually and then from the available
product list one needs to choose the item he or she wants and then pay for the same item mainly
in cash mode is done, as not every society is well educated and aware to use net banking or
card modes or wallets (Cheryl, 2009).

This current system is not much user-friendly as one wants to go to the market physically and
then select items only from the available list. So mostly it is difficult to get the product as per
our desire.

Information about the Items are few available and are mostly verbal only. For this type of
shopping, one needs to have an ample amount of free time. Also, not really good markets exist
everywhere, so many times good markets become out of reach for certain people.

In the proposed system buyers not need go to the shops for purchasing the Items. He/She can buy
the product he/she wishes to buy through the use of this system.

The shop owner can be the admin of the system. The shop owner can appoint officials individually to
handle this, who will help the owner in managing the buyers and product orders.

The system also supports a home delivery system for delivering the purchased items.

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

General objectives

1. To increase efficiency and improve services provided to the customers through better application of
technology in daily operations.

2. To provide better customer relations.

Specific objectives

1. To break the barrier posed by physical limitations

2. To allow shoppers to purchase goods at their own convenience, with just some mouse clicks.

3. To reach more shoppers in order to increase revenue.

4. To make Items available to customers 24/7 globally.

5. To ensure correct placement of orders through visual confirmation

6. To reduce the operational cost of running a business.

7. Eliminate paperwork and increase the level of accuracy

8. Increase speed of service, sales volume and customer satisfaction

2.2 Literature Review

In an automated food ordering system is proposed which will keep track of user orders smartly.
Basically, they implemented a food ordering system for different type of restaurants in which
user will make order or make custom food by one click only. By means of android application
for Tablet PCs this system was implemented. The front end was developed using JAVA,
Android and at the backend MySQL database was used.

In Customer using a Smartphone is considered as a basic assumption for the system. When the
customer approach to the Smartphone. The list of selected reordered items shall be shall be
printed for further order processing. The solution provides easy and convenient way to select
pre-order transaction form customers.
In there was an attempt to design and implementation of digital dining in restaurants using
android technology. This system was a basic dynamic database utility system which fetches all
information from a centralized database. Efficiency and accuracy of restaurants as well as
human errors were improved by this user-friendly application. Earlier drawbacks of automated

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

food ordering systems were overcome by this system and it requires a onetime investment for
In an application of integration of hotel management systems by web services technology is
presented. Ordering System Kitchen Order Ticket (KOT), Billing System, Customer
Relationship Management system (CRM) are held together by the Digital Hotel Management.
Add or expand of hotel software system in any size of hotel chains environment was possible
with this solution.

In research work aims to design and develop a wireless food ordering system in the restaurant.
Technical operations of Wireless Ordering System (WOS) including systems architecture,
function, limitations and recommendations were presented in this system. It was believed that
with the increasing use of handheld device such as PDAs in restaurants, pervasive application
will become an important tool for restaurants to improve the management aspect by minimizing
human errors and by providing higher quality customer service.

In along with customer feedback for a restaurant a design and execution of wireless food
ordering system was carried out. It enables restaurant owners to setup the system in wireless
environment and update menu presentations easily. Smart phone has been integrated in the
customizable wireless food ordering system with real-time customer feedback implementation
to facilitate real-time communication between restaurant owners and customers. The restaurant,
the saved order can be confirmed by touching.

In Paper, the purpose of this study was to investigate the factors that influence the attitude of
internet users towards online food ordering in Turkey among university students. A Technology
Acceptance Model (TAM) developed by Davis in 1986 was used to study adoption of Web
environment for food ordering. Trust, Innovativeness and External Influences are added to the
model as main factors along with TAM.

In Paper, the research work aims to automate the food ordering process in restaurant and also
improve the dining experience of customers. Design implementation of food ordering system
for restaurants were discuss in this paper. This system, implements wireless data access to
servers. The android application on user’s mobile will have all the menu details. Kitchen and
cashier receive the order details from the customer mobile wirelessly. These order details are
updated in the central database. The restaurant owner can manage the menu modifications
E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

In Paper, this research works on efforts taken by restaurants owners also to adopt information
and communication technologies such as PDA, wireless LAN, costly multi-touch screens etc.
to enhance dining experience. This paper highlights some of the limitations of the conventional
paper based and PDA-based food ordering system and proposed these low-cost touch
screenbased Restaurant Management System using an android Smartphone or tablet as a

2.3. User requirements

A formal statement of user requirements includes the expectation of users and identifying the
requirements are mandatory. 'Lubrification of Everything' article pointed out most of the user
would like use Food-delivery system owing to buy their times and save their effort, the reason
is that a great deal of online stores gives the customer different discount and offer available
(Prabhu, 2016 and Khosrow-Pour, 2019).

According to Sreedhar (2018) that the Online web application is intended to provide complete
solutions for vendors as well as customers through a single gateway using the internet as the
sole medium. It will enable vendors to set-up online shops, customer to browse through the
shop and purchase them online without having to visit the shop physically.

• Secure access to confidential data (user’s details).

• 24 X 7 availability
• Better component design to get better performance at peak time
• Advertisement space where it will effectively catch the customer’s attention and as a source of
• In addition to the above-mentioned points, the following are planned to be delivered if deemed
• More payment gateways.
Dynamic price model the research has also identified five specific reasons for convenience choices

• by which prices can be changed based on demand and supply

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

The team need to focus on the efficient and simply functional demands for the user to make them
more convenient, and it could play the most important way to decide the successful system
maintenance. Thus, in order to meet the customer demands, there is following strategic and research
is most of customers' expectation in the ordering and delivery system

1. It could provide the searching facilities by different factors, such as foods, shopping cart, customer
own, and order.
2. This Online ordering also assists manage the delivery address online for user details, order details,
foods as well.
3. It could receive the order for items, stored and printed it for the customers. Editing, adding, remove,
or update of recorded is aimed to improve analysis and the result could review the favourite item for
the different type of customers.

4. It tracks all the information from the food’s category, delivery address, customer location etc.
5. It will tackle with monitoring information and transaction of users.

6. Classification the source of item category.

7. Show and explain the information about the foods and shopping cart.

8. Manage the information of the customer.

9. Requirement whenever the need is preferring to online or by cash in person.

10. It will also help them to easy retrieval of orders made by the customers.

2.4 Common issues

In the early days before the technological advancement, the trade has occurred through a
manual transaction. In detail, customers visited the wholesale, retail shops and supermarkets
to purchase goods via paying money in hand as cash. The emerging trend of E-Commerce has
opened up new doors to sell goods and services online. In summary, the cash in hand trend
has been changed as cash in a card, in which customers pay for the goods they purchase in
online via credit or debit cards (Joseph, 2019).

In today’s world’, the food market has a huge potential to cater to the massive demand from customers.
Giving food to someone is a universal symbol of expressing love and affection.

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

The foremost issue of online food market is a highly competitive rivalry across the globe. As
a result, the E-Commerce online platform should be very much competitive in terms of
userfriendly features, fast access and credibility among others. Especially, when it comes to
Cash On-Delivery (COD) purchases the online system should have been developed and
programmed in such a way to recognize invalid or fake phone numbers or addresses of
customers which could be entered erroneously and it can lead to huge revenue losses. In order
to address this issue, the online system can be programmed to send a verification link or code
when a customer signs up, via text message or email, to validate the customer is genuine
(Joshua, 2019).

The online platforms need to be user friendly in making a quick purchase with the click of a
button. In general, customers do not like to spend much of a time online to enter so many
information and go through a long process to order a food online. Simplified steps of
purchasing and easy online payment option are the topmost concerns the E-Commerce
retailers need to pay attention to win the customers feedback and long-term business (Merrill,

The psychological customers who are price conscious might think that online food ordering
is expensive and they tend to shop with a predetermined budget for food, therefore, the online
food ordering portal should have contained the clear pricing information and foods also need
to be displayed based on the price range (Botha, Botham, and Geldenhuys, 2008).

On-time delivery of the food is crucial for online food ordering retailers, that customers want
food to others on time therefore once the food has been delivered the system should generate
and send a confirmation of the delivery message of the food to the sender.

2.5 The conclusion of the literature review

This literature review contains a wide range of academic areas of study, app design, user
requirement, the negative problem, the online ordering trends of the markets. Those
researches could give the team some suggestion to build usability, simple, and more practical
app with navigational information, the teams understand the most main ideas are needed to
increase the apps memorability, recall how autonomous operate when they open a function
and allow users have a better experience to solve inconvenient problems. Apart from that
simplicity and memorability principles also allow the team to consider the layout of app
design, for example, in our design, I decide the new online foods delivering application should
have suitable image contrast rate, special colour background and some special page icon,

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

through understanding about the main elements that affect the web application design, the
team consider that it may minimize time form web application selection.

To achieve that, the team must learn about how to follow the trend of online ordering system
development and use the innovative method to attract customers in the simplicity, usability,
memorability, and reduce general app vulnerability. And the team based on some extensive
or relevant literature associated with the concept, trends, problem and feature of the online
foods’ delivery of the application, ensure that into the first-generation prototype and
secondgeneration prototype, and minimal layout and design was kept it consistent for user to
apply its regularity. The next step is that what the team design should focus on which areas
that are the good design or system in the existing system and in order to take the advantage of
the existing system that has a meal plan and preparation system.

2.7 Introduction
To study our next generation of applications, I will look for the strengths and weakness of the application.
I will analyse the existing applications,

• For placing any orders customers have to visit hotels or restaurants to know about food
• items and then order and pay. In this method time and manual work is required.
• While placing an order over the phone, customer lacks the physical copy of the menu items,
• lack of visual confirmation that the order was placed correctly.
• Every restaurant needs certain employees to take the order over the phone or in-person, to
• offer a rich dining experience and process the payment. In today's market, labour rates are
• increasing day by day making it difficult to find employees when needed.
• Do not take mass order.
• Does not indicate the famous dishes of a particular restaurant
• Nobody shows the current status of delivery
• Mismatch in delivery expected time.
• Location facility available in swiggy only.
• Outdated data.

Every application or website serves the user. The author analyses the user's satisfaction with
these applications or websites. I also hope to study the strengths and weaknesses in-depth and
make suggestions for improvement.

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

To reduce the user's chances of making errors in using the application, it is important to follow
the habits and logic of most users at design time, and designers should also reduce the factors
that may induce users to make mistakes. This indicator also affects efficiency to a certain
extent, and if some unreasonable designs lead to a higher probability of mistakes made by the
user, it can also lead to a drastic reduction inefficiency.

2.11 Summary
The results of previous empirical studies and our observations demonstrate that although
existing systems are somewhat different from each other, they all have some drawbacks,
which lead to some unanticipated problems encountered during use of the system, which leads
to poor user experience. So, next, the author will develop the own systems that address these
issues, combined with our unique insights.

The above is a reference to the existing application analysis after the reference method. But beyond
that, I have unique ideas of the system I am about to develop.

The main objective behind this project is to develop a web-oriented application which can
provide an online shopping feature to the users. In other words, the project aimed at creating
a virtual shop environment for users, in some handy form, which will be available to them
through the internet.

Although the idea of developing online shopping websites is not new in the electronic market
and has been evolved soon after the World Wide Web (www). In the present scenario, the
biggest market for this (online shopping) business is by highly educated people, mostly.

This system has been designed keeping in mind all the aspects such as loading the data, complexity and
maintaining the security of user credentials.

Here in this system, complexity refers to the total number of features being provided to users,
and their smooth arrangement and functioning required. Following are some of the key
features of our system, which distinguishes it from others:

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

• Display of all the available categories for ordering on the home page.
• Display all the sub-categories on the home page, those are associated with any particular item.
• Admin has the authority to add new particulars to the items list whenever needed.
• Permission to the administrator to remove items, anytime.
• Allows the admin to modify the price of each item, whenever required or felt like.
• Admin has the authority to update the description of each item.
• Permission to the administrator to view information about each customer who checkouts the items
• Website background colour and using text are clearer to user easily identify.

2.12 Conclusion of analysis of existing systems

The present scenario for ordering is to visit the shops and market manually and then from the
available product list one needs to choose the item he or she wants and then the payment for
the same item mainly in cash mode is done, as not every society is well educated and aware to
use net banking or card modes or wallets.

This system is not much user friendly as one needs to go to the market physically and then
select items only from the available list. So mostly it is difficult to get the product as per our

Description of the items are less available and are mostly verbal only. For this type of shopping,
one needs to have an ample amount of free time. Also, not really good markets exist
everywhere, so many times good markets become out of reach for certain people.

In the proposed system customers need not to go to the shops for ordering the items. The user can
order the item he/she wishes to buy through the use of this system.

The shop owner can be the admin of the system. Shop owner can appoint officials particularly
to handle this, who will help the owner in managing the customers and product orders. The
system also endorses a home delivery system for delivering the ordered items.

According to the current system of research, the team found that the current application to
some extent to solve the user's demand for food orders. Some for the user to order, some for
delivery to the user. However, there are also many problems, such as lack of interface design,
accurate delivery, distribution of nearby Hotels according to locations, and product

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

modification services in the ordering process, which make it more difficult for users to learn
and use applications. In addition, to further analyse the background and intended audience for
this application, I will segment our target audience and analyse their respective needs and
preferences. Then combine my analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of existing
systems to create our own system.

When it comes to evaluating existing software, it has encountered many problems, such as not
being able to pinpoint the shortcomings in the first place and comparing each. Our team
dedicated time to study these difficulties. For example, to find the different corner of the
border or dropdown box is covered behind the content. Also, the team members learned some
of the advantages and disadvantages of learning online, according to this analysis of each part
decomposition, and finally analyse the advantages and disadvantages. More, through the
analysis of existing systems, I was learned how to design a prototype and improve it better.

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

2.13 Prototype 1
Home Page Prototype

Figure 2 Home page of the system

Page 1 – Login
This interface clearly reminds users that they need to enter their user’s name and password to
log in to this application, for those who use this application for the first time, they can register
to use the application by clicking the "Sign up" option at the top of the page.

Figure 3 Login page

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

Page 2 – Contact Page

Figure 4 Contact page

2.14. Conclusion
This article is mainly divided into four main parts, literature review, study the advantages and
disadvantages of existing systems, analysis of the scene of the three different types of people
scene description and demand characteristics, and design two generations of different versions
of the prototype, the first three parts of the main basis for the design of the foundation. Before
doing the design, the author does the literature summary of the survey, given the impact of
web applications and the basic principles of web applications. On this basis, author has to
study user needs and food ordering system common problems, and finally, author discusses
the development of an online food ordering system web application in the market.

To analyse and design user-friendly mobile applications, the author next analysed different
existing systems, analysed their respective advantages and disadvantages, and summarize
what advantages the author can use in our system, and what disadvantages our system should
avoid. Then, the author divided the target users into three groups and selected a representative
person as the template for user needs analysis. According to the different characteristics and
needs of these users, the author put forward the requirements for the following prototypes.
Then the author designed the first prototype, including three different prototypes, and applied
the three prototypes to three users to analyses whether the application met their requirements.
Finally, designed the second prototype according to the analysis results and analyzed the
advantages and disadvantages of this system according to HCI principles.

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

2.15. Problem Statement

This project aims to develop an online food ordering for customers with the goal so that it is
very easy to order your delicious items from an extensive number of online shopping sites
available on the web. With the help of this you can carry out an online shopping from your
home. Here is no compelling reason to go to the crowed hotels or restaurant during peak time.

You simply require a PC or a laptop and one important payment sending option to shop online.
To get to this online shopping system all the customers will need to have an email and password
to login and proceed your shopping. The login credentials for an online ordering system are
under high security and nobody will have the capacity to crack it easily. Upon successful login
the customers can order a wide range of items such as Breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, drinks,
cakes etc. can be dispatched using online shopping system.

And of course, you will get your requested ordered items at your door step. It is simple. You will
pick your favourite items from variety of online shopping sites looking at cost and quality. No
need to go physical shops with this you will have more time to spend with your family. It
Just need a computer and a payment making options like net banking, credit card, debit card or
PayPal. Almost a wide range of things can be brought through online ordering system. It is
extremely secure. Customer service is accessible.

The challenges encountered by the existing system serve as a major drawback to the realization
of efficiency and customer satisfaction. The experience of placing an order in most food shops
is not enjoyable for the customers. Customers have to make through long queues before placing
their orders especially during peak times.

Some shops are not ready to have delivery services because of low orders, low number of staffs
for cost cutting purposes. Therefore, I form a delivery agent and they will be a mediator with
many customers and the food shop.

Description about the Items is less available and are mostly verbal only. For this type of
shopping, one needs to have ample amount of free time. Also, not really good markets exist
everywhere, so many times good markets become out of reach for certain people.

The physical market is not much user-friendly as one needs to go to the market physically and
then select items only from the available list. So mostly it is difficult to get the product as per
our desire.

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

3 Chapter 3 project management

Project management is the study of initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing
the work of a team to accomplish specific goals and meet specific success criteria at the
specified time. The primary challenge of project management is to achieve all of the project
goals within the given constraints.

3.1 Approach

The traditional approach involves following a series of five stages that are usually found when managing
projects. There are five stages:

1. Initiation
2. Planning and designing
3. Execution
4. Monitoring and control systems.
5. Termination
It is important to remember that some of these processes may occur at the same time or, if the
project requires it, some may not occur at all. Some projects can also go through several stages
several times as they are revised and evolved.

This approach has been appropriate and modified by different industries; Examples include
the Cascade Method that follows a systematic approach and Requirements Management,
which is used to develop and define software behavior. Alternatively, it could be known
simply as problem solving.

Figure 5 Traditional approach

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

3.1.1 Common project management methodology

Water fall
The waterfall model is also a very popular framework. But unlike Agile, waterfall is an actual
methodology that is rather straightforward. The waterfall methodology, also known as software
development life cycle (SDLC), is a linear process in which work cascades down (similar to a
waterfall) and is organized in sequential order.

To achieve this approach, each work task is connected by a dependency. This means each task
must be completed before the next task can be started. Not only does this ensure that work stays
on track, but it also fosters clear communication throughout the process.

While viewed as a traditional approach by some modern organizations, this method is good for creating
a predictable and thoroughly planned-out project plan.

Figure 6 Waterwall model

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

The sequential phases in Waterfall model are:

• Requirements: All possible requirements of the system to be developed are captured in this
phase and documented in a requirement specification doc.

• Design: The requirement specifications from first phase are studied in this phase and system
design is prepared. System Design helps in specifying hardware and system requirements
and also helps in defining overall system architecture.

• Development: With inputs from system design, the system is first developed in small
programs called units, which are integrated in the next phase. Each unit is developed and
tested for its functionality which is referred to as Unit Testing.

• Testing: All the units developed in the Design phase are integrated into a system after testing
of each unit. Post integration the entire system is tested for any faults and failures.

• Deployment: Once the functional and non-functional testing is done, the product is deployed
in the customer environment or released into the market.

• Maintenance: There are some issues which come up in the client environment. To fix those
issues patches are released. Also, to enhance the product some better versions are released.
Maintenance is done to deliver these changes in the customer environment.

All these phases are cascaded to each other in which progress is seen as flowing steadily
downwards (like a waterfall) through the phases. The next phase is started only after the defined
set of goals are achieved for previous phase and it is signed off, so the name "Waterfall Model".
In this model phases do not overlap.

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering


The Agile project management methodology is one of the most common project management processes.
But the reality is that Agile isn’t technically a methodology. Instead, it’s best defined as a project
management principle.

The basis of an Agile approach is:

• Collaborative
• Fast and effective
• Iterative and data-backed
• Values individuals over processes
When it comes to putting the Agile manifesto in place, teams often choose specific
methodologies to use alongside Agile. These could include Scrum, Kanban, extreme
programming, crystal, or even Scrumban. That's because connecting Agile methodology with a
more detailed approach produces a well-rounded project management philosophy and a tangible
plan for delivering great work.

Figure 7 Agile methodology

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

The Scrum methodology involves short “sprints” that are used to create a project cycle. These
cycles span one to two weeks at a time and are organized with teams of 10 or less. This is
different from the waterfall approach where individual tasks are broken down into

Scum is unique for a variety of reasons, one being the use of a Scrum master. Or, in other words,
a project manager that leads daily Scrum meetings, demos, sprints, and sprint retrospectives
after each sprint is completed. These meetings aim to connect project stakeholders and ensure
tasks are completed on time.

While Scrum is technically a project management methodology in its own right, it’s most
commonly associated with an Agile framework. This is because they share similar principles,
such as collaboration and valuing individuals over processes.

3.1.2 Proposed Methodology

The above-mentioned project development methods such as Agile, Waterfall, and Scrum
are widely in use. However, the methods have certain drawbacks as well. The problem lies
in the identification of an appropriate approach to managing projects because these
approaches serve as blueprints. The success of the approach depends on the selection of an
appropriate project development methodology.

Throwaway prototyping is a method of development that employs technical mechanisms

for reducing risk in a project. The software methodology that chosen to develop this System
is Throwaway Prototyping. Throwaway Prototyping Model is especially useful when the
project requirements are indefinitely and poorly laid out. It functions by providing proof
that something can indeed be done in terms of systems and strategies. Throwaway
Prototyping Model is handled for several projects and will eventually be dispatched after
the project has been completed. It is also known as Close-Ended Prototyping. Throwaway
Prototyping Model is fulfilled through the creation of prototypes and hereafter gathering
feedback from end-users to check if they find it good or not. This is valuable to get a better
knowledge of the actual needs of customers before a product or service is developed and
delivered. The reason to choose Throwaway Prototyping to develop this system is due to it
can develop a new system in a short time compared with other software methodologies.
Other than that, the user might not clearly understand what they really require in the system.
Therefore, Throwaway Prototyping is where the objective to develop the system rapidly
E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

and to understand the user’s requirements and hence develop a better requirements
definition for the system. The prototype concentrates on experimenting with the user
requirements that are poorly understood. The advantage of this approach is the speed with
which the prototype is put together. It also concentrates the user on only one aspect of the
system so following their feedback precise.

Figure 8 Prototype

Planning & Analysis

First and foremost, in the planning phase will conduct Joint Application Session (JAD)
with users to gather and understand the business needs and system requirements that users
are not clear. During the JAD session, will make use of CASE tools such as Adobe
Dreamweaver and PHP Coder so on to generate the user interface that shows users to verify
the user requirements. Furthermore, the activity of observation on the users’ daily work to
understand and has clarity viewpoint of the business process that operate every day.

At the end, a work plan which includes the project’s Gantt chart, Network Diagram,
resource sheet, resource usage and cash flow management will be generated. Then, will
follow Gantt chart and Network Diagram as a standard to perform the tasks that scheduled
to develop the system.

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

Analysis, Design & Implementation of prototype

After gather the user requirements from JAD session and observation. Will starts make
analysis, design and implement each and every module base on the user requirements that

Design Prototype

In this phase, the work is to assemble every module that had been implement in the previous
step to complete a finalize system prototype. Prototypes will be introduced to end users
who will utilize them for testing and evaluation purposes. At this time, they will be
providing feedback, clarify needs and relay requirements. As per the demands of end-users
derived through feedback and testing, the prototypes will be continuously altered until such
time it has reached near-perfection.


Once everything has been set and issues have been properly addressed, the prototype will
then be “thrown away” which means discard and the system will be design, taking into
consideration the feedback derived during the verification process.


This is the last phase, which will develop each and every finalize modules within time
frame from design phases and assemble it to be a final version system and deliver to end

3.2Initial Project Plan

Firstly, in planning phase the system for development will be identified and selected to solve
the problem that discuss in chapter 1 Several studies are needed to have more clearly
understanding about the system requirement. Besides, the SWOT analysis techniques will be
used interpret the strength, weakness, opportunities and limitations of the basic requirement for
the propose solution. Next, a project timeline will be created to have a clearly understanding of
what should do according to the project life cycle. The project timeline typically is a graphic
design showing a long bar labeled with dates beside itself and usually events labeled on points
where they would have happened.
E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

The Documentation include of the design of the system, this will serve as a reference that allow
me to develop the prototype of the proposed project more efficiency. Start from week 8, the
prototype of the proposed project will start develop.

The system will being test and the system will be debug to solve any error that found during
testing. The feedback get from the system tester will collect and use as the reference in the

Figure 9 Initial project plan

3.3 Problems and Changes to the Plan

The challenges encountered by the existing system serve as a major drawback to the
realization of efficiency and customer satisfaction. The experience of online ordering in
most shops is not satisfied for the customers. Consumers will have to make long lines
before placing their orders mainly during peak hours and then the ordering staff will record
customer orders.

Having placed their order, the customer must then wait near the counter until their order
is ready for collection. The other problem in the online shopping industry is that shops are
not realizing the efficiencies that would result from better application of technology in
their daily operations. Online shopping business in a very competitive business and one
way to stand out from competitors is through improving the business process where
business process automation can assist business improvement.

And also, requirements were changed and I planned to develop the web application also so some
kinds of task delivery schedule were changed below chart.

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3.4 Final Project Record

Figure 10 Final project plan

Work Break Down Structure for Online Ordering System

11 Work Break Down Structure for Online Shopping System

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

This is the last phase, which will develop each and every finalize modules within time
frame from design phases and assemble it to be a final version system and deliver to end

4 Chapter 4 feasibility study

A feasibility study is an evaluation and analysis of a project or system that somebody has
proposed. also, call it a feasibility analysis. The study tries to determine whether the project
is technically and financially feasible, as long as the feasibility of this topic is measured.
Taking the feasibility study and the feasibility analysis during the development of the
project online shopping and the item has been studied in the following four months, and
feasibility study categories are

4.1 Economic feasibility

Financial viability must be separated from economic viability. The ability of project
management to increase the funds needed to implement the suggested project is included
in financial viability. Additional investors and other sources of funds are considered by
project proponents for their projects in many cases. In such situations, the viability, the
sources, the solidity and the applications of these project funds can be an obstacle. Other
aspects of financial viability should also be considered, if appropriate, such as
creditworthiness, the availability of loans, equity and the loan schedule. The implications
of land purchase, leases and other property on the land are also reviewed in the financial
feasibility analysis. It is including the following.

• Personal costs
• Computer usage

• Supply and equipment’s costs

• Cost of any new computer equipment and software
• Core coding of the application
• Database design.
• Front end design of all forms.
• Bug fixing and final release including server setup.
• Hosting cost
• Payment Gateway.

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

4.2 Schedule feasibility

It is the measure of how reasonable the project time table is or the deadline is reasonable or
not. During the lack of time or the time become mandatory, we must finish the project
within a given period. It mainly addresses. In this project must completed within four
months so I planned the schedule breakdown structure and follow that that’s why I can
manage the risk in the time feasibility.

Figure 12 Schedule feasibility

4.3 Technical feasibility

Technical feasibility applies to the ability of the process to take advantage of the current
state of technology to seek additional amendments. The technical capacity of the
personnel, as well as the capacity of the available technology concerning the
requirements of the proposed project idea, must be acknowledged and the degree of
compatibility must be studied.

Technical feasibility assesses the current resources (such as hardware and software) and
technology, which are required to accomplish user requirements in the software within
the allocated time and budget. For this, the software development team discovers
whether the current resources and technology can be updated or added in the software
to fulfill specified user requirements. Technical feasibility also performs the following

1. Analyzes the technical skills and capabilities of the software development team members

2. Determines whether the relevant technology is stable and established

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

1. Ascertains that the technology chosen for software development has a large number of users so
that they can be consulted when problems arise or improvements are required.

• Technology to be used
(Front end, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery)
• Hardware Configuration
(Ram, Processor, Hard disk)
• Software Configuration
Language: PHP
Database: MySQL

4.4 Operational feasibility

Describe the need for the problem and the acceptability of any solution; If the system is
developed, will it be used? Includes people-oriented and social issues: internal issues, such as
manpower problems, labor objections, manager resistance, organizational conflicts and
policies; also, external issues, including legal aspects and government regulations, also social
acceptability of the new system.

Operational feasibility study. Operational feasibility is the standard of how well a proposed
system solves the problems and takes advantage of the opportunities identified during scope
definition and how it satisfies the requirements identified in the requirements analysis phase of
system development. Some of the advantages of the proposed online shopping system.

Lower prices

The main advantage of online shopping is that it enables to reduce your monthly expenses.
Most online stores offer lower prices, as opposed to offline stores, as well as offer various bargains that
help save even more money.

More saving options

People buying goods via the Internet have an possibility to pay less with online coupons. Online
merchants offer various opportunities that help save money.

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

Research capabilities
The Internet enables finding and buying virtually anything you may need. Just type in your
favourite search engine the name of the product, and you will get numerous options to
choose from.

Increased variety
Online shopping provides a greater diversity of Items. This means you can choose goods
that suit your requirements and budget the most. Besides, you check all available options
with the comfort of your room.

This means you can make purchases when you have the desire and spare time. Thus, you
can make purchases at any time of day and night. This is quite helpful to busy people, who
have no time to visit stores during regular working hours, as well as for older adults, who
are not always able to go to brick-and-mortar stores. In other words, you can make
purchases by switching on your computer.

Saves Time
Going from store to store and comparing Items and prices is a challenging and
timeconsuming procedure unless you do it online. You can visit numerous stores, without
leaving your home. You can make payments via electronic transactions, and the purchased
Items are delivered directly to your door.

4.5 Scope feasibility

Scope of Feasibility Studies are in depth technical evaluations of your business objectives.

A double-end analysis reviews resource allocation required for goals in your business strategy
paired with software and core business functionality requirements. Some of scope feasibility is

• Code Level Analysis

• Data Architecture Analysis
• Security Audit
• Server-Level Encryption Review
• Passwords Protocol and Policy Review

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

5 Chapter 5 design

At the end of the system requirements collection, several relevant diagrams have been
generated in order for the preparation of system model design. The design phase activities
include the design of project architecture and graphical user interfaces, develop relational
databases, business logic and file specifications.

5.1.1. Use case Diagram

The use case diagrams for this application illustrate the interactions that exist between users
(actors) and use cases (actions) within the application. There are two actors identified for this
application – administrator (admin) and customer actors.

As a result, there are two use case diagrams for the software application – admin use case
diagram and customer use case diagram. The admin is the owner of the e-commerce store who
performs various administrative tasks such as add Items, view orders, and update order status
while the customer is any individual who buys a product or Items from the online store.

Below diagram indicates the admin use case diagram. The diagram depicts how the admin
communicates with the application. More so, it shows all the movements that the admin can
perform on the application. As can be seen in the diagram, before any of these actions could be
executed the admin will have to login in order to be authenticated.

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Figure 13 Use case diagram

5.1.2. Class Diagram

A class diagram depicts the classes in a software system and how they interact with each
other. Also, the class attributes and functions are illustrated in a class diagram. Below
diagram indicates the class diagram for this application. It shows the relationships between
classes in the application and constraints applied to these relationships.

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

Figure 14 Class diagram

5.1.3. Sequence Diagram

A sequence diagram
gives a detailed
visual description of
how the various
classes in a system
interact with each
other. Also, it
depicts the order in
which different
objects exchange
messages with one
another in a system. The sequence diagrams for this application are presented in the following

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

Figure 15 Sequence diagram

Admin Login Sequence Diagram

Figure 16 Admin login sequence diagram

Below diagram indicates a detailed sequence of events needed for the admin to login to the admin
page of the application. After providing the login credentials on the admin login page, the admin is
authenticated through a form-based authentication method provided by the Apache Tomcat web
server. After a successful authentication process, the admin is forwarded to the admin menu page,
which contains links to several administrative functions. However, if the authentication process
fails, the admin is redirected to the admin login page with the displayed error message. For the
remaining sequence diagrams required for the administrative tasks.

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5.1.4. Activity Diagram

Login Activity

Figure 17 Activity diagram for login

Admin Activity Diagram

Figure 18 Activity diagram for admin

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5.1.5. Deployment Diagram

The deployment diagram for this application is indicated in below. The diagram shows the
configuration of the run-time hardware components (nodes) and the software components
running on those nodes. As can be seen in bellow, to deploy this web application a database
server, an application server, and computers with internet access are needed. Also, backup
servers are provided for the database and application servers.

Figure 19 Deployment diagram

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

5.1.6. ER Diagram

Figure 20 ER diagram

5.2. Hardware and software requirements


The pages of the website must be reached in the way they were intended to be accessed.
Included files shall not be reached outside of their parent file.

The Administrator can only perform the administrative task on pages they are privileged to access.
Customers will not be allowed to access the administrator pages.

Efficiency and Maintainability

Page loads should be returned and formatted in a timely fashion depending on the request being made.

Administrators will have the ability to edit the aspects of the order forms, product descriptions, prices
and website directly

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

Application Description

This application is divided into three parts – the home page , admin page and delivery agent
page. The home page is where customers (buyers) can order and pay for Items, and optionally
subscribe to an email list while the admin page is where the admin can carry out administrative
tasks. The admin page is restricted and can only be accessed through authentication provided
by the MySQL server container. This means that all the web resources in the admin page can
only be accessed by an authorized user

5.2.1 Hardware Requirements

This section lists the minimum hardware and software requirements needed to run the Web application

The computer or Taps are required for the restaurants and the delivery agents and the computer or
mobile for the customers.

Hardware requirements for the Administrator PC

Table 1 Hardware requirement of the system

Description Minimum Requirements

Processor 3.0 GHz or faster processor

RAM 4GB or more

Hard Disk 5GB of disk space available or more

Video Card DirectX 9

Internet Minimum of 30 MBps Download speed and 15Mbps Uploading Speed

Hardware requirements for the Delivery Agent’s PC

Table 2 Hardware requirement for delivery agent

Description Minimum Requirements

Processor 1.6GHz or faster processor

RAM 4GB or more

Hard Disk 5GB of disk space available or more

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

Video Card DirectX 9

Inter net Minimum of 50 Mbps Download speed and 10 Mbps Uploading Speed

Web Server Hardware requirements

Table 3 Hardware requirement for web server

Description Minimum Requirements

Processor 2.4 GHz or faster processor

RAM 8GB or more

Hard Disk 100 GB of disk space available or more

Bandwidth 1000GB

5.2.2 Software Requirements

1. Front End: Browser
2. Back End: MySQL Server, XAMPP Server
3. Operating System: Windows 10
4. Programming Language: JavaScript, PHP, MYSQL, HTML, CSS


Xampp is a simple to install Apache distribution containing mysql php and Perl xampp is really very
easy to install and to use just download extract and start

XAMPP for Windows

The distribution for Windows 2000, 2003, XP, Vista, 7 and 8. This version contains:
Apache, MySQL, PHP + PEAR, Perl, mod_php, mod_perl, mod_ssl, OpenSSL
Webalizer, Mercury Mail Transport System for Win32 and NetWare Systems v3.32, Ming, FileZilla
FTP Server, mcrypt, eAccelerator, SQLite, and WEB-DAV + mod_auth_mysql.

1. Apache 2.4.4
2. MySQL 5.5.32
3. PHP 5.4.16
4. phpMyAdmin 4.0.4

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

5. FileZilla FTP Server 0.9.41

6. Tomcat 7.0.41 (with mod_proxy_ajp as connector)
7. Strawberry Perl Portable

MySQL Workbench:

MySQL Workbench is a unified visual tool for database architects, developers, and DBAs.
MySQL Workbench provides data modeling, SQL development, and general administration
tools for server configuration, user administration, and much more. MySQL Workbench is
available on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS.

MySQL Workbench enables a DBA, developer, or data engineer to visually design, model,
generate, and manage databases. It includes everything a data modeler needs for creating
complex ER models, forward and reverse engineering, and also delivers key features for
performing difficult change management and documentation tasks that normally require much
time and effort.

MySQL Workbench delivers visual tools for creating, executing, and optimizing SQL queries. The
SQL Editor provides colour syntax highlighting, reuse of SQL snippets, and execution history of
SQL. The Database Connections Panel enables developers to easily manage database connections.
The Object Browser provides instant access to database schema and objects.

MySQL Workbench provides a visual console to easily administer MySQL environments and
gain better visibility into databases. Developers and DBAs can use visual tools for configuring
servers, administering users, and viewing database health.

Programming Language

2. CSS
3. Jquery
4. Raw PHP

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

5.3 Evaluating of solutions

According to the current system of research, the team found that the current application to
some extent to solve the user's demand for food ordering. I compared the three existing software
and found that they each have their characteristics, such as some for the user to order, some for
delivery to the user. However, there are also many problems, such as lack of interface design,
accurate delivery, distribution of nearby hotel shop according to locations, and product
modification services in the ordering process, which make it more difficult for users to learn
and use applications. Also, to further analyze the background and intended audience for this
application, I will segment our target audience and analyze their respective needs and
preferences. Then combine our analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of existing
systems to create our system.

When it comes to evaluating existing software, it has encountered many problems, such as not
being able to pinpoint the shortcomings in the first place and comparing each. Our team
dedicated time to study these difficulties. For example, to find the different corner of the border,
or dropdown box is covered behind the content. Also, the team members learned some of the
advantages and disadvantages of learning online, according to these analyses of each part
decomposition, and finally analyze the advantages and disadvantages. More, through the
analysis of existing systems, I was learned how to design a prototype and improve it better.

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

6 Chapter 6 implementation

Database Design Customer Table

Figure 21 Customer table


Figure 22 Item table

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

Order Table

Figure 23 Order table

Message Table

Figure 24 Message table

Cart Table

Figure 25 Cart table

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

Order Summary Table

Figure 26 Order summary table

Vendor Table

Figure 27 Vendor table

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

Sketch for web design

Home Page

Figure 28 Sketch for home page

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

Product Page

Figure 29 Sketch for product page

Payment Page

Figure 30 Sketch for payment page

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

Prototyping for web design

Home Page prototyping

Figure 31 Home page prototype

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

Product Page Prototyping

Figure 32 Product Page Prototyping

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

Contact Page Prototyping

Figure 33 Contact Page Prototyping

Login Page Prototyping

Figure 34 Login Page Prototyping

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

6.1 Project Design

At the end of the system requirements collection, several relevant diagrams have been
generated in order for the preparation of system model design. The design phase activities
include the design of project architecture and graphical user interfaces, develop relational
databases, business logic and file specifications.

Here the system will be used by several customers they all don’t have the laptops therefor
they'll try to use the system using iPad or mobiles therefor our system needs to be in a
responsive there for I focused on developing the system with responsive design.

About us

Figure 35 About page

This is the interface for the About us front end as a web site to know about the online food ordering s
and the services which they providing.
E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

Contact us

Figure 36 Contact page

This is the interface for the user front end as a web site to view the contact details and enter the comments
or feedback of the food hunt in website.

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

Customer Login Page

This is the customer's login page. If the customer clicks the checkout button, the login prompts
the user to login. If the user is already a member, he can login with his username and password.
or If you are a new user you can sign up by clicking the Sign-Up button.

Figure 37 Customer login

User Registration

Figure 38 User registration

This is the page for registering a new member. By registering a new member, you can become a
registered customer.

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

Back End Design Admin login

Figure 39 Admin login

This is the interface for the Admin Back end as a web site to admin login.


Figure 40 Dashboard of the item

The admin dashboard will appear after the login of admin. Here, the admin will manage the Items,
categories, setting, user and reports.

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

Order Page

Figure 41 Order page

Implementation of the system

Login process:

There are three users who can login such as Admin, Normal user and Delivery person. In this,
the users have to give out the login details i.e. user id and password and then only they can be
logged on. The user id and password given by the customer are checked from the data stored
in the database.

Registration process:

Without registering into our page, the customer can’t become as a member and cannot purchase
the product through our website. Proper validations will be provided to keep only authenticated
users i.e. those users who will provide correct information. All the data supplied by the user
will be stored in the database and it will be used for further validation and authentication.
During registration, the user has to give login and password of their choice. Login names and
passwords will be stored in the database so that the user can directly login without registering
again and again.

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

Administration process:

In this process, Administrator will upload the availability of Item information in the database.
The admin will manage the items, categories, setting, user and reports. The admin can add a
new category or he/she can add, delete and edit the item which is already there.

Delivery person
The delivery person is the one who is going to deliver the items which are purchased by the
customers. Here, after the customer selects and ordered the Items it will confirm/approved by
the admin and then the admin will assign that order to the delivery person. After assigning the
person, the delivery person’s Contact No. and the name will be sent to the customer as a
notification in the user dashboard.

When admin assigned the order to the delivery person it will show in the dashboard of the
delivery person. If it is a home delivery automatically the available delivery person will be
assigned with the bill number.

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

6.2 Project Code implementation

Login page code

Figure 42 Login page code

Figure 43 Login page code

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

Index Page code

Figure 44 Index page code

Figure 45 Index page code

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

Show Items page code

Figure 46 Show item page code

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

Password Recovery Code

Figure 47 Password recovery code

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

Add to cart Page Code

Figure 48 Add to cart page code

Customer Billing page code

Figure 49 Customer billing page code

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

Figure 50 Customer billing page code

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

List Order product page

Figure 51 List order item code

Figure 52 List order item code

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

Add Order Page

Figure 53 Add order page code

Billing Page


E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

7 Chapter 7 testing and verification

7.1 Project Implementation & Testing

At the end of the system design, it is the beginning of the actual coding to develop the proposed
system. During the development phase, the table structure of the database will be first built-in
order to provide suitable data types that suit the system back-end development, system
connection and data transfer. Next, the computer side client program will be developed and
follow by will be the web services that allow mobile phone client program to communicate with
the server and lastly mobile phone side client program will be developed. In the testing phase,
several test cases will be carried out to test the system in order to determine the system reliability
and system accuracy. According to the test cases, a system testing report will be generated for
further review to figure out the system weaknesses and made improvement accordingly. In the
deployment phase, training will be provided for the particular restaurant staff such as how to
operate the system, the procedure of handling the different event and instruction that need to be
followed when operating the system.

7.2 Test Plan

After the system has been developed, it will move to the system testing phase. In system testing
phase, the developed system is required to install on appropriate devices for testing purpose.
After the system installation has been completed, the system testing task will be performed by
different roles of the user such as manager role and staff role. The purpose of system testing is
to identify and determine the degree of system stability. At the same time, it is given an
opportunity for the developer to figure out the error or bug that has not been raised and encounter
during the system development phase. Those errors or bug that has been found during the system
testing activities will be solved before the system release. Each and every testing before system
testing phases is actually tested by the system developer itself. Therefore, it might cause some
biases toward the testing due to the system developer to have knowledge about the system
software logics and lead the result to be inappropriate.

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

Test Plan for Online food ordering

Table 4 Test Plan for Online food ordering

Test No Function Date Testing technique Tester Duration

1 Check the 08/11/2022 Black box Haranika 5 Minutes

possibility to testing
login with only
password without

Expected Result: Alert Message will pop up as username is required.

2 Check the 08/11/2022 Black box Haranika 05 Minutes
possibility to testing
login with only
without password

Expected Result: Alert message will pop up as Password is required.

3 Login the admin 08/11/2022 Black box Haranika 10 Minutes
dashboard with testing
wrong username &

Expected Result: Display the Error Message

4 Login the admin 08/11/2022 Black box Haranika 05 Minutes
dashboard with testing
username &
Expected Result: Successful login to the Admin dashboard.
5 To check the first 08/11/2022 Black box Haranika 10 Minutes
name is mandatory testing
for member

Expected Result: The alert should appear as Firstname is required!

6 Add member 08/11/2022 Black box Haranika 06 Minutes
Expected Result: Display message as “You are now successfully registered. It will
redirect to your profile”.

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering

7 Product add the 08/11/2022 Black box Haranika 10 Minutes

card testing
Expected Result: Particular item added successfully

8 Remove an item 08/11/2022 Black box Haranika 08 Minutes

from card testing
Expected Result: A popup should come once it removed.

9 Ordered 08/11/2022 Black box Haranika 03 Minutes

successfully testing
message will
appear to
the customer.

Expected Result: Alert Ordered successfully message

10 Add new user 08/11/2022 Black box Haranika 03 Minutes
Expected Result: Add User saved successfully

Test Case for Food hunt Online shopping

Table 5 Test case 01
Test Case No 01

Test Name Check the possibility to login with only password without
Test Purpose Security and Authentication

Test Method Type password only without Username and press login

Test Data Username -

Password – Admin@123

Expected Alert Message will popup as username is required


Actual Outcome Alert message will popup in username space as username is

Test States Pass

(Pass / Fail)

Conclusion Login part is correctly working.

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering


Table 6 Test case 02

Test Case No 02

Test Name Check the possibility to login with only username without

Test Purpose Security and Authentication

Test Method Type username only without password and press

Test Data Username – admin

Password –

Expected Alert message will pop up as Password is required


Actual Outcome Message popped up as password is required.

Test States Pass

(Pass / Fail)

Conclusion Login part is correctly working.

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering


Table 7 Test case 03

Test Case No 03

Test Name Login the admin dashboard with wrong username &
Test Purpose Security and Authentication

Test Method Type wrong username and password then Click Login

Test Data Username – Harni

Password – harni1234

Expected Display the Error Message.


Actual Outcome Display the Error Message.

Test States Pass

(Pass / Fail)

Conclusion Login part is correctly working.

E-Commerce Site for Online Food ordering


E-Commerce Site for Online Shopping

Table 8 Test case 04

Test Case No 04

Test Name Login the admin dashboard with correct username &
Test Purpose Security and Authentication

Test Method Type correct username and password then Click Login

Test Data Username – Harni

Password – harni1234

Expected Successful login to the admin dashboard.


Actual Outcome Successful login and display the admin dashboard.

Test States Pass

(Pass / Fail)

Conclusion Login part is correctly working.

E-Commerce Site for Online Shopping


Table 9 Test case 05

Test Case No 05

Test Name Add member

Test Purpose Signup the new member

Test Method Fill the new member form then click save button.

Test Data Name – Geerthi,, User name – geerthi, Password – G0001, Contact
number - 070868342.

E-Commerce Site for Online Shopping

Expected Outcome Display message as “You are now successfully registered. It will
redirect to your profile”

Actual Outcome The message is displayed as “You are now successfully registered. It
will redirect to your profile”

Test States Pass

(Pass / Fail)

Conclusion Member registration is properly working. And also, the alert came as
how the password characters would be.


E-Commerce Site for Online Shopping

8 Chapter 8 Evaluation and Conclusion

8.1 Proposed System Completion
E-commerce is quickly gaining ground as a trusted and used business model. More and more
business houses are executing web sites providing functionality for performing commercial
deals over the web. It is reasonable to say that the process of shopping on the web is becoming

The goal of this project is to develop a general-purpose e-commerce store where a product like
food can be bought from the comfort of home through the Internet. However, for
implementation purposes, this paper will deal with online ordering for food.

An online store is a virtual store on the Internet where customers can browse the catalog and
select Items of attention. The selected items may be collected in a shopping cart. At checkout
time, the items in the shopping cart will be presented as an order. At that time, more data will
be needed to complete the transaction. Usually, the customer will be asked to fill or select a
billing address, a shipping address, a shipping option, and payment knowledge such as a credit
card number. An e-mail notification is sent to the consumer as soon as the order is placed.
Overall System Function

• Any member can register and view available Items.

• Only registered member can purchase multiple Items regardless of quantity.
• Contacts page is available to contact Admin for queries.
• There are three roles available: delivery agent, User and Admin.
• Visitor can view available Items.
• User can view and purchase Items.
• An Admin has some extra privilege including all privilege of visitor and user.
• Admin can add Items, edit product information and add/remove a item.
• Admin can add user, edit user information and can remove user.
• Admin can ship an order to the user based on the order placed by sending confirmation
• Admin can View Detail reports.
Furthermore, the project objective which regarding provides convenience for both employees and
consumers has been achieved because the system allows the consumer to view all the updated

E-Commerce Site for Online Shopping

information through the mobile phone client devices and it reduces the number of manual works
which Shop staff need to be performed. Last but not least, the project objective of assisting shop
to plan ahead has been achieved due to the system allow Admin to generate several types of report
in order to assist the shop to plan ahead. By analysing the generated report, Admin is able to carry
out planning for the next business routine of the shop in order to improve the shop operation
efficiency. In a nutshell, the system has fulfilled all significant outcomes that according to all the
problem statements and project objectives that are stated.

8.2 System Strength and Limitation

8.2.1 System Strength
The system provides the customer with good experience as it an online store is a virtual store
on the Internet where customers can browse the catalogue and select Items of interest. The
selected items may be collected in a shopping cart. At checkout time, the items in the shopping
cart will be presented as an order. At that time, more information will be required to complete
the transaction. Normally, the buyer will be asked to fill or select a billing address, a shipping
address, a shipping option, and payment reports such as online payment, or Cash on Delivery.
An e-mail notification is sent to the buyer as soon as the order is placed.

This application is divided into two parts – the home page and the admin page. The home page
is where buyers can order and pay for the Items, and optionally subscribe to an email list; while
the admin page is where the admin can carry out the administrative tasks. The admin page is
restricted and can only be accessed through authentication. This means that all the web
resources in the admin page can only be accessed by an authorized user.

8.2.2 System Limitation

The mobile application has not been developed in the current system yet, but the web system
supports for any devices.

Public chat system is not available in the current system.

Delivery time isn’t shown in the customer invoice.

Mostly the delivery time is not clearly stated in the order process. More often than not, consumers
do not know when the product will be delivered. Consumers buy a product and the eCommerce

E-Commerce Site for Online Shopping

businesses do not even state the time of delivery. Many times, these orders take more time than
expected to be delivered.

It’s important for buyers to have realistic expectations and know when they can expect their
orders. It is important for people to know when their item is arriving so that they can plan their
day accordingly. Customers often complain that the delivery agents do not even call them
before arriving to deliver the item. The best thing is to check with the website about the
estimated time of arrival of a certain product before you place the order.

8.3 Future Enhancement

Then some delivery persons can make their work. This will be adding on benefits for the
consumers as it will save their time, additionally shopkeepers as well, as people will proceed
to shop from local shops rather than preferring to supermarkets every time.

Also, since the orders from these local business people will not be as time-consuming as these days
KFC, Pizza Hut, etc. take, but rather will be delivered the same day of order placed.

Else, the shopkeeper can ask the consumer that the product will be available by the next day,
so if he/she still wants to place the order, it can be done. Again, return or exchange will be easy
since the delivery boy can even do it as the store is nearby.

Including a chat box for public advantage is also a great idea via which people can directly have a
conversation with some officials regarding any type of queries.

Send Messages to the consumer via mobiles when the order is shipped and then when it is expected
to be delivered so that the customer is prepared to receive it.

E-Commerce Site for Online Shopping

8.4 Conclusion
The Internet has become a major source in modern business, thus electronic shopping has
gained importance not only from the entrepreneur’s but also from the consumer point of view.
For the administrator, electronic shopping generates new business opportunities and for the
consumer, it makes comparative shopping possible.
This project deals with developing an e-commerce website for Online food orders. It gives the
user a catalogue of different Items available for purchase in the store. In order to facilitate the
online purchase, a shopping cart is provided to the user. The system is performed using a 3-tier
approach, with a backend database, a middle tier of MySQL and PHP, and a web browser as
the front-end client and back end. In order to develop an e-commerce website, a number of
Technologies must be studied and explained.

To develop an e-commerce website, many Technologies must be studied and understood. These
include multi-tiered architecture, server, and client-side scripting techniques, implementation
technologies such as PHP, programming language, and relational databases (MYSQL). This is
a project with the objective to develop a basic website where a consumer is provided with a
shopping cart application and also to know about the technologies used to produce such an

A good shopping cart design must be accompanied by a user-friendly shopping cart application
logic. It should be convenient for the consumers to view the contents of their cart and to be able
to remove or add items to their cart. The shopping cart application defined in this project
provides a number of features that are designed to make the customer more comfortable. This
project helps in understanding the creation of an interactive web page and the technologies used
to execute it. The design of the project which includes the Data Model and Process Model
illustrates how the database is built with different tables, how the data is reached, and processed
from the tables. The building of the project has given me a precise knowledge about how PHP
is used to develop a website, how it connects to the database to access the data and how the
data and web pages are modified to provide the user with a shopping cart web application.

E-Commerce Site for Online Shopping

9 References

Google Books. 2020. E-Commerce: An Introduction - Amir Manzoor - Google Books.

[ONLINE] Available at:
AEIJjAA#v=onepage&q=E%20Commerce%20Introduction&f=false. [Accessed 17 June

Google Books. 2020. Introduction To E-Commerce - Rayport - Google Books. [ONLINE]

Available at:
AEIQDAD#v=onepage&q=E%20Commerce%20Introduction&f=false. [Accessed 17 June

Google Books. 2020. E-Commerce 3E - Bhasker - Google Books. [ONLINE] Available at:
20Introduction&f=false. [Accessed 17 June 2022].

Google Books. 2020. The Asian Manager's Handbook of E-commerce - Rajesh Chakrabarti
- Google Books. [ONLINE] Available
MAQ#v=onepage&q=E%20Commerce%20Introduction&f=false. [Accessed 17 June 2022].

Google Books. 2020. Design and Launch an Online Gift Business in a Week - Cheryl
Kimball - Google Books. [ONLINE] Available

E-Commerce Site for Online Shopping

ge&q=online%20gift%20website&f=false. [Accessed 17 June 2022].

Google Books. 2020. Advanced Methodologies and Technologies in Digital Marketing and
... - Google Books. [ONLINE] Available at:
merce&f=false. [Accessed 17 June 2022].

Google Books. 2020. Improving E-Commerce Web Applications Through Business

Intelligence Techniques - Google Books. [ONLINE] Available at:
alse. [Accessed 17 June 2022].

Google Books. 2020. E-COMMERCE : AN INDIAN PERSPECTIVE, Sixth Edition -

JOSEPH, P. T., S.J. - Google Books. [ONLINE] Available at:
e%20commerce&f=false. [Accessed 17 June 2022].

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[Accessed 17 June 2022].

Business News Daily. 2020. Are These Problems Affecting Your Online Store?.
[ONLINE] Available at:
researchroundupecommerce-issues.html. [Accessed 17 June 2022].

E-Commerce Site for Online Shopping

Google Books. 2020. Managing E-commerce in Business - J. Botha, C. H. Bothma, Pieter

Geldenhuys - Google Books. [ONLINE] Available at:
=onepage&q&f=false. [Accessed 17 June 2022].

Google Books. 2020. Business to Business Electronic Commerce: Challenges and Solutions
- Google Books. [ONLINE] Available at:
GMAQ#v=onepage&q=issues%20in%20ecommerce&f=false. [Accessed 17 June 2022].

Google Books. 2020. Business to Business Electronic Commerce: Challenges and Solutions
- Google Books. [ONLINE] Available at:
GMAQ#v=onepage&q=issues%20in%20ecommerce&f=false. [Accessed 17 June 2022]. 10

10.1 Interim Progress Reports

Figure 55 Interim progress report

E-Commerce Site for Online Shopping

In my project I followed all the steps in software development life style first I had investigated
and analysed the problem it took me nearly two weeks of time and after that by having the
analysed data I had done my proposal and submitted for the approval. It was approved my
supervisor nearly one week took for preparing proposal then for the next week I done literature
review on the design part it took some long weeks then the testing and implementation was
done and finally I took two weeks to complete my documentation.


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