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Chapter I



Parasitic worms, also known as helminths, are huge macroparasites that

adults may see with their own eyes. Many are intestinal worms that are

transferred through the soil and infect the gastrointestinal tract. According to

World Health Organization (WHO, 2022), soil-transmitted helminth infections are

among the most common infections worldwide and they affect the poorest and

most deprived communities. They are transmitted by eggs present in human

feces which in turn contaminate soil in areas where sanitation is poor. Parasitic

worms, also known as helminths, are large macroparasites that can be seen with

the naked eye in adults.

According to a report by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2022, it is

estimated that over 1.5 billion people worldwide, reaching to about 24% of the

global population, are affected by helminth infections transmitted through soil.

The regions that are most heavily affected by these infections, which occur

primarily in tropical and subtropical climates, include Sub-Saharan Africa, the

Americas, China, and East Asia. The transmission of these parasites is highly

prevalent in areas where more than 267 million preschool children and 568

million school-age children reside, highlighting the urgent need for effective

preventive and treatment measures to be put in place.

Anthelminthic Property of Cayenne Pepper (C. annuum) 2

In the Philippines, a nationwide semi-annual school-based Mass Drug

Administration programme targeting pre-elementary and Grades 1–6 pupils

(aged 6–12 years old) in all public elementary schools, has been implemented

since 2007 by the Department of Education (DepEd) in collaboration with the

Department of Health (DOH) through its Individual Health Coverage Program. To

assess the impact of the IHCP, in addition to the baseline nationwide survey of

soil-transmitted helminth (STH) infections, a follow-up survey was conducted in

2009. This survey showed a significant decrease in the prevalence overall

(44.7%) and of heavy-intensity STH infections (19.7%) among school-aged

children (6–12 years). In 2015, a National Deworming Day program was

established to improve access to and uptake of health interventions for all

school-aged children enrolled in public elementary schools in the Philippines

(Mationg et al., 2017).

Because of the devastating impact helminth parasites may have on their

hosts. It is critical to learn more about them and the illnesses that might endanger

human health. Therefore, it is necessary to create more alternatives for helminth

infestation control. Natural products are being researched for their anthelmintic

qualities, including medicinal herbs. Thus, researchers became interested to

investigate the antihelminthic properties of Cayenne Pepper (C. annuum) against

sludge worms (T. tubifex) using the in-vitro model.

Statement of the Problem

This study determined the anthelminthic property of Cayenne pepper (C.

annuum) against the sludge worm (T. tubifex) using the in-vitro model.
Anthelminthic Property of Cayenne Pepper (C. annuum) 3

Specifically, this study sought answers to the following questions:

1. What is the anthelminthic activity of Cayenne pepper (C. annuum)

ethanolic extract in terms of the number of deaths and mortality rate of

sludge worms (T. tubifex)?

2. Is there a significant difference in the number of deaths in sludge worms

(T. tubifex) across the varying concentration of Cayenne pepper (C.

annuum) extract?

Hypothesis of the Study

This study was guided by the hypothesis:

Ho: There is no significant difference in the number of deaths in sludge

worms (T. tubifex) in the varying concentration of Cayenne pepper (C. annuum)


Scope and Delimitation

This study focused on the anthelminthic property of Cayenne pepper (C.

annuum) against the sludge worm (T. tubifex) using the in-vitro model. This study

aimed to determine the number of deaths and mortality rate of sludge worms (T.

tubifex). The standard drug levamisole and four different concentrations (5%,

10% , 50%, and 100%) of Cayenne pepper fruit ethanolic (C. annuum) in distilled

water were used. This study was conducted in Notre Dame of Dadiangas

University – Science Laboratory on April 2023.

Anthelminthic Property of Cayenne Pepper (C. annuum) 4

Significance of the Study

This study determined the anthelminthic property of Cayenne pepper (C.

annuum) against the sludge worm (T. tubifex) using the in-vitro model. The

researchers hope that this study would be beneficial to the following:

To the Department of Health (DOH). This study may help them consider

the Cayenne pepper (C. annuum) as an alternative supplement against

helminthic parasites.

To the Local Government Unit (LGU). This study may benefit the Local

Government Unit by providing new insights into the medicinal benefit of Cayenne

pepper (C. annuum) specifically on its anthelminthic ability which may encourage

its community to further realize promoting the use of medicinal plants, especially

cayenne pepper, as a preventive measure against various diseases.

To the School Administrators. Through this research, academic

institutions and administrators may promote programs and advocacies regarding

medicinal plants that could help students deal with their gastrointestinal issues.

To the Community. This study may spread awareness in the community

on recognizing helminth parasites as a health concern and how medicinal plants

like Cayenne pepper (C. annuum) could be a useful approach to alleviate it.

To the Future Researchers. This study covers information involving

Cayenne pepper (C. annuum) as an eradicator of helminth parasites. Thus, the

Anthelminthic Property of Cayenne Pepper (C. annuum) 5

result of this study could be used for future discussions on the capabilities of

medicinal plants in alleviating other medical concerns.

Definition of Terms

For a better understanding of the study, the following terms are defined

conceptually and operationally.

Anthelminthic Activity. It refers to the medications that either kill or

expel infesting helminths. They injure the host by depriving him of food, causing

blood loss, organ damage, intestinal or lymphatic obstruction, and secreting

poisons. (Choudhary et al., 2021). It refers to the substance that kills helminths or

stops them from growing or causing disease.

Cayenne Pepper (C. annum). It refers to a fiery chili from the Capsicum

family that has long been regarded for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic

effects, and has been used primarily to reduce pain and inflammation (Marengo,

2020). The plant itself serves as the source of the extract in the study.

Death. It refers to the irreversible cessation of all brain functions, including

brainstem function, in an organism is also referred to as death. (DeGrazia, 2017)

Other definitions of death emphasize the characteristic halt of organismic

function and a human death, which refers to an irreversible loss of personality.

(DeGrazia, 2017). It pertains to the action used to measure the anthelminthic

activity of sludge worms (T. tubifex).

Helminths. It refers to enormous, multicellular organisms that may be

seen with the naked eye in adult form. Helminths, like protozoa, can be either
Anthelminthic Property of Cayenne Pepper (C. annuum) 6

free-living or parasitic in nature. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,

2018). It refers to the parasite that is used to test the anthelminthic property of

Cayenne pepper (C. annuum).

In-Vitro Method. It refers to the Latin word for "in glass". This is medical

operation, test, and investigation that are carried out outside of a living body. An

in vitro investigation takes place in a controlled setting, such as a test tube or

petri dish (Eske, 2020). It refers to the method used in determining anthelminthic

properties of Cayenne Pepper (C. annuum).

Levamisole. It refers to a veterinary medication that is used in animal

parasite infestations. It is available in the form of a white crystalline powder, as

well as pastes, gels, pills, feed topical and injectable treatments, as well as

premixes. (Drug Enforcement Administration,2019) It is the positive control used

in the study against Sludge worms (T. tubifex).

Mortality Rate. The death rate is an estimate of the percentage of a

population that dies during a given time period. (Porta, 2014) It pertains to the

measure used to determine the death of Sludge worms (T. tubifex) in varying

concentrations of Cayenne pepper (C. annuum) extract.

Sludge Worm (T. tubifex). It is a tubificid segmented worm found in lake

and river sediments on several continents. These worms' body walls enable them

to selectively digest microorganisms, consume soil, and absorb chemicals

(Hurley,2017). It refers to the type of helminth used to determine the efficacy of

Cayenne pepper (C. annuum) and its anthelminthic property.

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