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Learning Objectives:
At the end of the activity, the students should be able to:
1. Identify the parasites.
2. Be able to determine the following:
a. Source of infection,
b. Infective stage
c. Mode of transmission,
d. Vector or intermediate host
3. Characterize the different malarial infections based on
a. Type of RBC infected
b. Vector


Protozoa are unicellular, eukaryotic organisms that are made up of mass of protoplasm. The protoplasm is differentiated
into nucleoplasm and cytoplasm. The cytoplasm consists of a hyaline ectoplasm (outer layer) and granular endoplasm
(inner layer). The ectoplasm involves in protection, ingestion of food, excretion of waste products, respiration, and
locomotion. Not all protozoans are parasitic. Some are facultative capable of a free-living state (such as Naegleria and
Acanthamoeba). These facultative parasites reside in water or soil however, they can cause severe illness when they enter

Protozoa are classified on the basis on their locomotive organs they utilized. There are four main groups namely: Amoeba,
flagellates, ciliates and sporozoan. Pseudopodium is formed by as an extension of protoplasm outward of the body. It is
also used to surround and ingest food particles. Both cilia and flagella move the organism in a rhythmic or random
pattern. Flagella are found singly or in small groups near the end of the cilia. On the other hand, cilia are found around the
body or near the mouth in longitudinal rows.

In general, protozoans exist in trophozoite or cyst stage. Trophozoites are the feeding, motile, dividing, and pathogenic
stage of protozoans. Cysts are the dormant, non-motile and the infective stage of most intestinal protozoan parasites. Due
to their small size, infections due to protozoans are diagnosed through microscopic examination of body fluids, tissue
specimens, or feces.

Most protozoans divide by means of Asexual multiplication: simple binary fission or multiple fission (schizogony). In
simple binary fission, which is organism divide by mitosis. The parasite either divides transversely or longitudinally. In
multiple fission two individuals are produced. The sporozoan like, Plasmodia, reproduced both asexually and sexually,
wherein asexual reproduction is through a process called merogony or schizogony. Sexual reproduction is through
conjugation or syngamy. In conjugation, there is a temporary union of two individuals in which interchange of nuclear
material occurs. The two individual separates later. In syngamy, complete fusion of the gametes nuclear material occurs
which results to the production of a zygote.
BIO 030.1 – Microbiology and Parasitology Laboratory
Exercise 7B - Protozoans

Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Section: ______ Group #: _______ Date of Submission: __________________________

Draw the different the parasite seen in the microscope. Label the following: Plasma membrane (PM), Cytoplasm
(C), Nuclei (N)

Scientific name: Entamoeba histolytica

Stage (cyst or trophozoite): Stage (cyst or trophozoite):
Body habitat: Locomotory organ:

Scientific name: Entamoeba coli

Stage (cyst or trophozoite): Stage (cyst or trophozoite):
Body habitat: Locomotory organ:

Scientific name:
Stage (cyst or trophozoite): Stage (cyst or trophozoite):
Body habitat: Locomotory organ:
Scientific name:
Stage (cyst or trophozoite): Stage (cyst or trophozoite):
Body habitat: Locomotory organ:

Scientific name:
Stage (cyst or trophozoite): Stage (cyst or trophozoite):
Body habitat: Locomotory organ:

Scientific name:
Stage (cyst or trophozoite): Stage (cyst or trophozoite):
Body habitat: Locomotory organ:

Scientific name:
Stage (cyst or trophozoite): Stage (cyst or trophozoite):
Body habitat: Locomotory organ:

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