Reading Comprehension

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Reading for Information - Can be read quickly (e.g newspaper). Most of newspaper sentences
are no more than 15 words, paragraphs consist of no more than 3 sentences.
Reading for Ideas- reading for ideas are somewhat slow. Ideas require careful thought in order
to be understood. Students may need to re-read the materials, take down notes, spend time
thinking what was written, define words, research background content or discuss the material
with the teacher or peer in order to understand complex ideas.
Reading to Escape - Most people need reading materials to escape. What is sometimes called as
genre fiction or pulp fiction includes inexpensive and mass produced works of entertainment that
people read to while away their time or ease their stress. There is nothing wrong with this kind of
reading but this is not useful to academic world.
Reading to Engage - Literature is meant engage the reader in lived experience. It tickles the
imagination of the readers. According to Hall, great literature, if we read it well, opens up to the
world and makes us more sensitive to it, as if we acquired eyes that could see through and ears
that could hear smaller sounds.
Kinds of Reading - According to Purpose and Manner of Comprehending
Extensive Reading - reading for pleasure any topic of interest. Its main purpose is to relax and
enjoy. Ex. comics, humorous stories, short articles in the newspapers & magazines, jokes and
other forms of light reading materials.
Intensive Reading - a careful and in-depth reading for details and extract information on a
particular topic. The kind of reading you do when you study, prepare term paper or an oral
Exploratory Reading - aims to get fairly accurate picture of whole presentation of ideas; how
the whole selection is presented. It allows more time for reading. Ex, long articles in magazines,
short stories and descriptive texts.
Study Reading - The readers must get a maximum understanding of the main ideas and their
relationships. Ex. SQ3R, SQ4R
Critical Reading - questions, analyzes and evaluates the texts. Uses critical thinking skills to:
differentiate between facts and opinions, recognize author's purpose in writing, make inference
about purposes & characters, recognize the author's tone in writing, recognize persuasive
techniques or propaganda designed to sway or to believe.
Analytical Reading - careful attention to each and its importance in relation to other words in
the sentence or the paragraph. Ex. reading mathematical problems, scientific formulas & certain
definitive statement of key ideas that require questioning or inquisitive mind.
Developmental Reading - When a reader is under a comprehensive reading program that lets
him go through stages and monitoring closely like SRA, ARC.

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