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Maintenance Engineering and Maintainability: An Introduction

Chapter · August 2008

DOI: 10.1007/978-1-84800-131-2_46


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1 author:

Krishna B. Misra
RAMS Consultants


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Maintenance Engineering and Maintainability: An Introduction

Krishna B. Misra
RAMS Consultants, Jaipur, India

Abstract: Maintenance is another important aspect of system performance after reliability. There are
several facets of the the maintenace management and in this introductory chapter, we would like to have
these surveyed. Broadly speaking, maintenance is the process of maintaining equipment in its operational
state either by preventing its transition to a failed state or by restoring it to an operational state following a
failure. This leads to various types of maintenace activities that can be planned to realize the objective of
maitenance, such as preventive, predictive or corrective. Recent developments in the maintenace
engineering and management are also discussed in this chapter.

46.1 Introduction functioning of equipment or a system by not

allowing it to deteriorate in condition.
The Oxford dictionary meaning of “to maintain” is There is an interesting philosophical paper by Rao
to “cause something to continue” or “to keep [25], who postulates 14 laws for the subject of
something in existence at the same level”. universal theory of failures. But more interesting
Therefore, maintenance does extend the useful life and of concern to maintenance engineers is the
of a product or system. Also the necessity of section on anatomy of failures in this article, which
“upkeep” arises to oppose the forces of makes it an interesting reading, particularly in
degradation. The degradation can be due to relation to fault and failure and the warning time to
deterioration caused by environment to which the failures as catastrophic failures do not occur
equipment is exposed or due to deterioration of instantaneously without a warning time. This
equipment arising from its actual use. From British allows us to take proactive measures to avoid them.
Standard BS4778-3.1:1991 or BS 3811:1993 (or
MIL-STD-721B), one settles for the definition of 46.1.1 Maintenance System
maintenance as: “Maintenance is the process of
maintaining an item in an operational state by An effective maintenance system involves three
either preventing a transition to a failed state or by separate entities of work, viz., maintenance,
restoring it to an operational state following inspection and verification, which can be done by
failure”. Therefore, the primary aim of different groups in the same company or different
maintenance system is to prolong the state of companies specifically subcontracted for the
748 Krishna B. Misra

Maintenance Task: Maintenance tasks [12,13,15] parameter to verify if the maintenance was up to
are generally of two types, viz., planned and the standard is to determine availability of the
unplanned. The planned maintenance can be system since the maintenance is result dependent
preventive or corrective (including deferred and the test lies in effectiveness than efficiency.
maintenance) whereas the unplanned maintenance
is mainly corrective, which includes any
emergency maintenance. Again the preventive 46.1.2 Maintenance Philosophy
maintenance can be scheduled maintenance and the
other can be based on condition of the equipment- Based on the timing and the work contents
known as condition-based maintenance. Therefore, involved in the maintenance task, different
the form of the maintenance can be: maintenance philosophies [13, 15] can be put in the
1. Pre-planned maintenance: This includes following categories. viz.,
early maintenance tasks such as cleaning, 1. Timing known, Content known: Preplanned
greasing, lubricating, zero-setting and Maintenance (PPM), Planned Shut downs,
recording key measurements. This is often Routine Inspections, Schedules Change-outs
conducted by non-maintenance staff and fall in this category.
observed equipment deterioration that cannot 2. Timing known, Content unknown: Statutory
be corrected will be reported to regular Surveys, Third Party Inspections, Condition-
maintenance staff. This is also called First- based maintenance
line maintenance. 3. Timing unknown, Content known:
2. Planned maintenance: This is also known as Anticipated Maintenance work, Contingency
scheduled maintenance and its timing and work awaiting shutdown, Run to destruction
scope are both known in advance. 4. Timing unknown, Content unknown:
3. Shutdown maintenance: It is a planned Breakdown maintenance, immediate Repairs
maintenance but is carried out when arising from inspection, Run to failure.
production or plant is shut down. From the point of view of work management,
4. Breakdown maintenance: This is carried out activities falling in category 1 are most welcome
when equipment fails to meet its desired and in category 4 are least welcome. It is always
function. This may involve repairs, advantageous to shift work to a more manageable
replacements or adjustments as considered category. By using effective maintenance regime,
necessary. the intention should be to keep category 4 as empty
5. Emergency maintenance: This is carried out as possible. it is worthwhile to observe that in “run
only when either inspection or breakdown to failure”, in which equipment is run till it fails
maintenance has identified its necessity. and repairs are carried out but work content is
Inspection: All plant machines, equipment and unknown. However, in “run to destruct” category,
structures are subjected to regular inspection in which equipment is run till it fails and is
scheduled to detect performance or safety problems discarded, a replacement is required thus work
and to ensure that all items receive necessary content is known. Also by careful evaluation of
maintenance. maintenance histories and shutdown programmes
the timing uncertainty in category 3 can be
Verification: Verification is a process, not a minimized. Such work followed by full job
measurement, and it has two primary objectives: preparation can provide a fast response when
• To check that the maintenance work is being situation finally requires it. Also the requirements
done in category 2 can be anticipated with care once
• To confirm that maintenance standards have operations are routinely established.
not been compromised. Out of all maintenance work preplanned
Verification is usually done or supplemented by (in maintenance (category 1) is most widely used but it
addition to in-house verification) a third party (to is often argued that this method requires work to be
be completely impartial or fair). One of the key
Maintenance Engineering and Maintainability: An Introduction 749

done that is not necessary since it is done on the This is resulting in change in the concept of
basis of calendar irrespective of machine condition. maintenance organization and responsibilities.
Run to destruct (category 3) the equipment is There is a tremendous increase in the number, size
usually used until it fails and is discarded or and variety of physical assets (plants, equipment
replaced. The works requires switching off the and buildings), which have be maintained.
machinery or isolate it, remove or replace the old There is a rapidly growing awareness of product
unit and connect the new unit. Work management quality affecting maintenance activities and of the
is straight forward as materials technical content is extent to which equipment failure can affect safety
all known. and the environment, coupled with the requirement
Breakdown maintenance (category 4) is simple of achieving high plant availability at reduced
and can be applied quickly with limited resources costs. With the increase in complexity and
and information but work arising from unexpected sophistication, coupled with organizational changes
breakdown is difficult to manage and may involve have resulted in changes the maintenance work is
high costs. Breakdown maintenance is not safe and carried out today. These changes are testing
may sometimes involve danger to life. attitudes and skills in all sectors of industry to their
limits. Management and engineers [7,11] are
46.1.3 Maintenance Scope Changed with Time beginning to adopt completely new ways of
thinking and strategies towards maintenance, so
Over the past several decades starting from the pre- that they can evaluate them sensibly and apply
World War II period, the concept and scope of those likely to be useful to them and their
maintenance has changed considerably, more than companies. In fact, the changes that have taken
any other management discipline. These changes place during this period are well documented by
can basically be attributed to the advent of more Moubray [14], who split this period into three
complex designs of systems requiring new distinct periods (which Moubray [14] calls as
maintenance techniques. generations I, II and III) and are summarized in
Table 46.1.

Table 46.1: Changing Maintenance Requirement over Time

Characterized Period
by From 1930 to 1950 From 1950 to 1975 From 1975 to present

Expectations of -Failure-based -Higher Plant Availability -Higher Plant Availability and

Maintenance Maintenance -Longer equipment Life reliability
-Lower Costs -Greater Safety and Better Quality
-Environmental friendly
-Longer Life
-Greater Cost Effectiveness
Pattern of Old Age Failures Infant Mortality and old Age Various Patterns of Hazard Rates
Maintenance -Reactive -Calendar-Based - Condition Monitoring
Techniques Maintenance Maintenance -Design for reliability and
-Fix it when it broke -Scheduled Overhauls maintainability
-Systems for planning and -Hazard Studies
controlling work -Small but fast computers
- Big but slow computers -Expert Systems
-Multi-skilling and teamwork
750 Krishna B. Misra

increasing operating costs and interfering with

During the period 1930 to 1950 (first generation), customer service and by 1970's, this was further
industry was not so mechanized, so downtime did aggravated by the worldwide move towards just-in-
not matter much to them. The maintenance was time systems, where reduced stocks of work-in-
conducted only when equipment actually failed. progress meant that quite small breakdowns could
The work was more “fix it” than maintenance. stop the whole plant. Instead of waiting for a
Moreover, most equipment was simple and was machine to fail before working on it, or performing
usually over-designed, which made it reliable and maintenance on a machine regardless of its
easy to repair. This meant that the prevention of condition (PM), the idea of performing
equipment failure was not considered their priority maintenance on equipment only when it indicates
by the management. Therefore, there was no need impending faults – Predictive Maintenance (PdM)
for systematic maintenance [2,14] of any sort – took hold and the idea of using PdM to perform
beyond occasional cleaning, servicing and maintenance on machines only when they exhibit
lubrication. Obviously, the skill requirement was signs of mechanical failure had come to be known
also lower than it is today. as Condition Based Maintenance (CBM). This
But things did change dramatically during and process of maintenance has become more proactive
after the World War II. Wartime pressure than reactive in their maintenance tasking.
accelerated mechanization and by 1950's, machines However in recent times with extensive
became more complex and numerous. As the automation, reliability, availability and safety of
industry became more and more dependent on production processes have become serious issues
them, the concern for the uptime of these machines as the failures can affect our ability to sustain
became the priority of the industry and the satisfactory quality standards and may have severe
management considered it advantageous and in environmental consequences. This necessitates the
their interest to prevent equipment failures. This integrity of our physical assets - one which goes
became the rallying point for the concept of beyond cost and becomes a matter of survival for
preventive maintenance with the realization that the organization. Today, as the dependence on
performing regular maintenance and refurbishment physical assets is growing, to secure maximum
could keep equipment operating longer between return on their investment, they must be kept in
failures. This came to be known as Periodic efficiently working condition for as long as we can.
Maintenance, or Calendar Based Maintenance or Moreover, the cost of maintenance is also rising,
Preventive Maintenance (PM). The goal was to in absolute terms and as a proportion of total
have most of the equipment be able to operate most expenditure. In some industries, it is the highest or
of the time until the next scheduled maintenance the second highest element of operating costs.
outage. This approach provided more control over Consequently, in last thirty years it has moved
the maintenance schedule; however, the system from almost nowhere to the top of the cost control
was still susceptible to failure between priority. Also it is becoming apparent that there is
maintenance cycles. less and less connection between the operating age
However, even by 1960's, this concern was of the assets and how likely they are to fail.
mainly confined to the overhauls of equipment In recent times, there has been tremendous
done at fixed intervals. But as the cost of growth in the maintenance concepts and
maintenance increased the necessity of techniques. The change in emphasis includes:
maintenance planning and control systems was felt. • Decision support tools, such as hazard
In fact, the amount of capital tied up in fixed assets studies, failure modes and effects analyses
increased enormously and the necessity of and expert systems
maximizing the life of these assets was felt more • New maintenance techniques, such as
acutely. condition monitoring or CMMS
As the downtime reduced output, it affected the • Designing equipment with emphasis on
productive capability of physical assets by reliability and maintainability
Maintenance Engineering and Maintainability: An Introduction 751

• A major shift in organizational thinking efficient and cost-effective operation over the life
towards participation, team-working and of a product.
flexibility. Maintenance has been categorized based on the
A major challenge facing maintenance people nature and purpose of the maintenance work and its
nowadays is not only to learn what these frequency. Generally, there are four types of
techniques are, but to decide which are worthwhile maintenances in use, viz., preventative, corrective,
and which are not in their own organizations. If we predictive and fault-finding.
make the right choices, it is possible to improve Maintenance can also be classified according to
asset performance and at the same time contain and the degree the maintenance work is carried out to
even reduce the cost of maintenance. If we make restore the equipment in relation to its original
the wrong choices, new problems are created while state. This leads to the following categorization:
existing problems only get worse. Perfect Maintenance: is one which restores the
In fact RCM provides a framework which enables equipment to as good as new condition.
users to respond to these challenges, quickly and Minimal Maintenance: results in equipment having
easily. Since every physical asset is put into service the same failure rate as it had before the
because someone wants it to do something, they maintenance action was initiated. This is called- as
expect it to fulfill a specific function or functions. bad as old state.
When an asset is maintained, obviously the state Imperfect Maintenance: is one in which the
we wish to preserve is the one in which it continues equipment is not restored to as good as new but
to do whatever its users want it to do. relatively younger (a state in between as good as
Of recent, emphasis is being placed on core new and as bad as old).
business by several major companies of the world Worse Maintenance: This type of maintenance
and under this thinking; companies are transferring results (unintentionally) in an increase of
previously in-house functions to external specialist equipment’s failure rate or actual age but does not
companies. Use of experts or specialists and result in break down.
reasons for choosing in-house teams on-site Worst Maintenance: This type of maintenance
accommodated teams or manned-up technicians results (unintentionally) results in equipment’s
brought from outside for the completion of a job, is breakdown.
becoming routinely common these days. In the foregoing classification maintenance can be
Subcontracting for maintenance job is also preventive (PM) or corrective (CM) and
becoming quite common in the globalizing world accordingly the PM or CM would be belong to one
of trade these days and the number and size of of the above categories. The have been discussed in
companies engaged in maintenance work is nicely in several texts [20, 22, 24].
growing very fast. In this handbook, we have included Chapter 47
and Chapter 48 on some aspects of maintenance
modelling and optimization as well as on the trends
46.2 Approaches to Maintenance on maintenance technology and management.

There are several approaches to maintenance, and 46.2.1 Preventive Maintenance

different approaches are applicable based on the
expected use and maintenance schedule of an item. Preventative maintenance, as the name itself
Economic considerations are tightly related to indicates, is a schedule of planned maintenance
maintenance and system lifecycle; it is clear that aimed to prevent future breakdowns and failures of
failure to consider design's effects on maintenance, a system that is functioning properly. In fact,
and vice versa, can have adverse affects on profit. preventive maintenance is performed to prevent
Therefore, design and maintenance must be equipment failure before it actually occurs and to
simultaneously planned in order to ensure an keep the equipment working and/or extend the life
of the equipment. Usually, it is performed on
752 Krishna B. Misra

equipment on a regular basis based on the expected It is important to make it explicitly clear that if a
life of the equipment and the frequency of the component has a constant failure rate (i.e. defined
maintenance is generally constant. Preventive by an exponential distribution), then preventive
maintenance is a schedule of planned maintenance maintenance of the component will have no effect
actions aimed at the prevention of breakdowns and on the component's failure occurrences.
failures since the primary objective of preventive In fact, the objective of a good preventive
maintenance is to prevent the failure of equipment maintenance program is to either minimize the
before it actually occurs. For example, lubrication overall costs (or downtime, etc.) or meet a
of mechanical systems is done after a certain reliability/ availability goals. In order to achieve
number of operating hours or replacement of this, an appropriate interval of time must be
lightning arresters in jet engines after a certain determined for the scheduled maintenance. One
number of lightning strikes. It is designed to way to do that is to use the optimum age
enhance the equipment reliability by replacing replacement model, where the model satisfies the
worn components before they actually fail. conditions mentioned previously, viz.,
Preventive maintenance activities include • The unit is exhibiting behavior associated
equipment checks, partial or complete overhauls at with a wear-out mode. That is, the failure rate
specified periods, oil changes, lubrication and so of the unit is increasing with time.
on. In addition, workers can record equipment • The cost for planned replacements is
deterioration so they know which worn out parts to significantly less than the cost for unplanned
replace or repair before they can cause system replacements.
failure. The technological advances in tools for Long-term benefits of preventive maintenance
inspection and diagnosis have enabled even more include:
accurate and effective equipment maintenance. The • Improved system reliability.
ideal preventive maintenance program would
• Decreased cost of replacement.
prevent all equipment failure before it occurs.
• Decreased system downtime.
Preventive maintenance [17] is a logical alternative
of choice if the following two conditions are • Better spares inventory management.
satisfied: Thus long-term effects and cost comparisons
usually favor preventive maintenance over
• The equipment in question has an increasing
performing maintenance actions only when the
hazard rate. In other words, the hazard rate of
system fails.
the equipment increases with time, implying
a wear-out situation Preventive maintenance Maintenance Policies
of a component that is assumed to have an
The literature is full of numerous maintenance
exponential distribution (which implies a
models [22] that have been presented by
constant failure rate) does not make sense!
researchers using various assumptions and cost
• The overall cost of the preventive
structures but all of them can be broadly
maintenance action must be less than the
categorized under certain maintenance policies.
overall cost of a corrective action. The
These policies, however, are with regard to single
overall cost for a corrective action includes
ancillary tangible and/or intangible costs,
Age-dependent PM Policy: Under this policy, PM
such as downtime costs, loss of production
is carried out at some predetermined age or
costs, lawsuits over the failure of a safety-
repaired (CM) upon failure. PM or CM can be
critical item, loss of goodwill, etc.)
perfect, minimal or imperfect.
As stated earlier, if the unit has an increasing
Periodic PM Policy: Under this policy,
failure rate, then a carefully designed preventive
equipment’s PM is carried out at fixed time
maintenance program may improve system
intervals regardless its failure history.
availability. Otherwise, the costs of preventive
Failure Limit Policy: Under this policy the PM is
maintenance might actually outweigh the benefits.
performed only when the failure rate (or some
Maintenance Engineering and Maintainability: An Introduction 753

index of performance) reaches a predetermined inspection, all failed equipment are replaced with
level and the intervening failures are repaired when new ones and all functioning equipment are
they occur. serviced so that they become as good as new.
Sequential PM Policy: Under this policy, Opportunistic Maintenance Policies: Under this
equipment’s PM is carried out at unequal time policy in multi-component system, it is possible to
intervals, which go on becoming shorter with the do PM of non-failed equipment at a reduced
age. additional cost while failed equipment is being
Repair Limit Policy: Under this policy, two cases repaired. There are many variations the in strategy
arise, viz., repair cost limit policy and the other is under this category.
repair time limit policy. Under the former, the Warranty Models: Maintenance needs to be
repair cost is assessed when the equipment fails incorporated in the warranty models so that if
and repair is performed only if the repair cost is warranted equipment fails, the failed components
less than a predetermined limit, otherwise the that caused the equipment failure will be replaced
equipment is replaced, whereas under the repair and in addition PM can be carried out to reduce the
time limit policy, the limit is set on the repair time chances of failure in future. Therefore, warranty
instead of cost. policies [23] with integrated PM should be
Repair Number Counting Policy: Under this preferable.
policy, the equipment is replaced at kth failure and It can easily be shown that the corrective
the first (k-1) failures are removed by minimal replacement costs increase as the replacement
repair. Upon replacement the process repeats. interval increases. In other words, the less often we
As said before, the foregoing maintenance perform PM, the higher will be the corrective costs.
policies were applicable to single equipment with Obviously, the longer we let a equipment operate,
increasing failure rate. Recently, there has been its failure rate increases to a point where it is more
increasing interest in multi-equipment maintenance likely to fail, thus requiring corrective actions.
models. In fact maintenance of a multi-equipment However, just the opposite is true for the
system differs from that of single equipment in that preventive replacement costs. The longer we wait
there exists economic or failure dependence. Due to perform PM, less shall be the costs. On the
to former, the PM non-failed subsystems can be other hand, if we do PM too frequently, the costs
performed at reduced cost while the failed would go up. If we combine both costs, it is easy to
subsystems are being repaired. In case of failure realize that there is an optimum point that
dependence or correlated failures, failure of one of minimizes the costs. In other words, one must
the subsystem may affect the functioning of other strike a balance between the risk (costs) associated
subsystems. In case of a system with number of with a failure while maximizing the PM interval
subsystems or equipment, the following analysis.
maintenance policies are applicable: Generally, preventive maintenance (PM) is
Group Maintenance Policy: Under this policy considered beneficial but it must be mentioned that
there are three different cases: there are risks of equipment failure and human
T-Age group Replacement Policy: The units or errors committed while performing PM, just as in
equipment are replaced when the system is of age any other maintenance operation. This logic
m-Failure group policy: this calls for a system dictates that it would cost more for regularly
inspection after m- failures have occurred scheduled downtime and maintenance than it
m-Failure and T-Age Policy: This policy combines would normally cost to operate equipment until
the advantages of m-failure and T-age policy and repair is absolutely necessary. This may be true for
calls for a group replacement when the system is of some components; however, one should compare
age T or when m-failures have occurred, whichever not only the costs but the long-term benefits and
comes first. This policy requires inspection at savings associated with preventive maintenance.
either the fixed age T or the time when m-failures Without preventive maintenance, for example,
have occurred, whichever comes first. At costs for lost production time from unscheduled
754 Krishna B. Misra

equipment breakdown will be incurred. Also, inspections are performed while equipment is in
preventive maintenance results in savings due to an service, thereby minimizing disruption of normal
increase of effective system service life. system operations. This type of maintenance is
There are several excellent references available generally carried out on mechanical systems where
for preventive maintenance modelling and analysis historical data is available for validating the
but the books by Nakagawa [20], Wang and Pham performance and maintenance models for the
[22] and Jardine and Tsang [24] stand out systems and the failure modes are known.
distinctly. The book by Jardine and Tsang [24] Predictive maintenance (PdM) helps determine the
presents different optimal replacement policies and condition of in-service equipment in order to
models, spare parts provisioning besides discussing predict when maintenance should be performed.
optimal inspection policies under various The predictive component of the term predictive
conditions. Besides capital equipment replacement maintenance comes from the goal of predicting the
decisions and maintenance resource requirements future trend of the equipment's condition. This
are also presented. Nakagawa and Wang and Pham approach uses principles of statistical process
[20,22] describes perfect and imperfect preventive control to determine at what point in the future
maintenance models and several optimum maintenance activities will be appropriate.
preventive maintenance policies. Inspection models In fact, for condition monitoring or predictive
with different types of units such as standby, technique any relevant means is acceptable to
storage and different types of failures such as determine equipment condition, and to predict
extended failures (catastrophic, partial or degraded) potential failure, which may even include the use
and intermittent failures. Faults revealed or of the human senses (appearance, sound, feel,
unrevealed are also considered. In fact both these smell etc.), machine performance monitoring, and
books present an up-to-date status of various statistical process control techniques. But the other
models that have been available so far. sophisticated technologies used in monitoring
In this handbook, we have included Chapter 49 include:
by Nakagawa on Replacement and Preventive • Vibration Measurement and Analysis
Maintenance models. • Acoustic Emission (Ultrasonics)
• Oil Analysis
46.2.2 Predictive Maintenance • Infrared Thermography
• Motor Current Analysis
Predictive maintenance (PdM) or condition based These will be explained in some details in the
maintenance (CBM) is carried out only after following paragraphs.
collecting and evaluating enough physical data on
performance or condition of equipment such as Vibration Measurement and Analysis
temperature, vibration or particulate matter in oil This technology owes its popularity to Fast Fourier
etc. by performing periodic or continuous (on-line) Transform (FFT) technique developed in 1964,
equipment monitoring. Analysis is then performed when spectrum analyzers became available that
on the collected data to prepare an appropriate could be used with special transducers to measure
maintenance plan. PdM technologies used to machine vibrations. When portable FFT-based data
collect information of equipment condition can collectors became available around 1980, the use
include infrared, acoustic (partial discharge and vibration as a tool for machinery fault diagnosis
airborne ultrasonic), corona detection, vibration went a sea change and found its applications in the
analysis, sound level measurements, oil analysis petrochemical, electrical power, paper and other
and other specific online tests. process industries. Today, On-line Vibration
The basic aim in PdM [18] is to perform Analysis System (rather than portable analyzers) is
maintenance at a scheduled point in time when the widely used for monitoring vibrations with
maintenance activity is most cost effective but piezoelectric accelerometers as vibration probes
before the equipment fails in service. Most PdM and computer-based specialized data acquisition
Maintenance Engineering and Maintainability: An Introduction 755

systems for collecting, storing and archiving FFT Lubricating oil contains a good deal of
data. The on-line dynamic vibration monitoring information about the envelope in which it
system enables mechanical fault detection at the circulates. Wear of metallic parts, for example,
earliest detectable time. But the system installation produces a lot of minute particles, which are
costs are usually high because of the capital cost of carried by the lubricant. Wear means the loss of
the hardware as well as the installation labour. solid material due to the effects of friction of
However, vibration analysis is the most appropriate contacting surfaces. These small metal particles
solution on high speed rotating machines and can can give information about the machine parts that
be the most expensive part of a PdM program. It are wearing, and can be detected by various
still remains the most widely used method for methods, such as atomic emission spectrometry.
detecting rubbing in rotating machines such as Determination of larger particles can be done using
electrical power generating turbines through optical or electronic microscopy, or ferrography.
changes in amplitude and phase of the 1X (rotating The acidity of oil can indicate whether the oil has
frequency) vibration component. been oxidized as a result of operation at high
temperature, if there is a high percentage of Acoustic Emission
moisture, or due to oil having been in service for
Acoustic emission (AE), particularly, for bearing long.
diagnosis is becoming quite indispensable. The viscosity of the oil is also an important
Sometimes acoustical analysis may also be done at parameter and must be in conformity with the
sonic or ultrasonic levels. Sonic technology is requirements of the machine. The alkalinity or the
useful for mechanical equipment whereas loss of alkalinity of the oil proves that the oil is in
ultrasonic equipment is useful for detecting contact with some inorganic acids such as
electrical problems. Ultrasonic testing is a sulphuric or nitric acid. Oil undergoes destructive
relatively new predictive technology. It is capable changes in property when it is subjected to oxygen,
of detecting sounds that lie outside the human combustion gasses and high temperatures.
hearing range, and are indicators of failing Viscosity change, as well as additive depletion and
mechanical conditions. As a result, ultrasonic oxidation occur to degrade the oil.
testing has become an essential part of predictive Several methods are used to analyze oil
maintenance program. Ultrasonic inspections can condition and contamination. These analyses may
help detect leaking gases or fluids in heat include spectrometry, viscosity analysis, dilution
exchangers, compressors, and valves. This analysis, water detection, acid number assessment,
technique not only locates leaks in steam traps and base number assessment, particle counting, and
valves, but can also be helpful in detecting certain microscopy. Oil and wear particle analysis is a
electrical faults, such as arching and corona. combination of spectrometric, ferrographic, and
filter analysis. Oil and wear particle analysis can Oil Analysis
detect abnormal wear modes particularly in
Oil analysis in relevant cases can be more reliable aviation systems, long before the wear can cause
technique in predictive maintenance. The early use any serious damage.
of oil analysis dates back to the early 1940s by the The oil data modelling and analysis can be of
railway companies in the Western United States, great help in fault detection procedure and we have
where the technicians used simple spectrographic included Chapter 50 in this handbook on this
equipment and physical tests to monitor aspect.
locomotive engines. When diesel locomotives Infrared (IR) Thermography
came in use, oil analysis practices by railways
became very frequent. By the 1980s oil analysis Infrared (IR) thermography is used to detect
formed the basis of condition-based maintenance temperature changes in bearings and shafts. The IR
(CBM) in most railways in North America. thermographic analysis detects abnormal
temperatures that may signify corrosion, damaged
756 Krishna B. Misra

wiring, loose connections, and/or insulation a continuous basis, such as fluids processes in
breakdown and hot spots. Infrared monitoring and chemical industries, motor generator systems,
analysis help reduce unexpected electrical and serial trunk conveyor systems, and general line
mechanical equipment (from high to low speed production in manufacturing industries.
equipment) failures. This vital information can Motor Current Signature Analysis (MCSA) is a
alert in advance of the catastrophic failures and is technique used to determine the operating
considered cost-effective technique of monitoring. condition of AC induction motors without
interrupting production. MCSA techniques can be Motor Current Analysis
used in conjunction with vibration and thermal
Motor Diagnostic technologies have become more analysis to confirm key machinery diagnostic
prevalent through the 1990’s in recent time. The decisions.
technologies include: Motor Circuit Analysis MCSA works on the principle that induction
(MCA) and Motor Current Signature Analysis motor circuits can actually be viewed as a
(MCSA) applied to both energized and de- transducer. By clamping a Hall Effect current
energized electric motor systems. Motor current sensor on either the primary or the secondary
analysis techniques are non-intrusive methods of circuit, fluctuations in motor current can be
detecting mechanical and electrical problems in observed. It has been observed that if a high
motor driven rotating equipment. Motor Current resistance exists, (for example due to broken rotor
Monitor (MCM) uses the electric motor of the bars) harmonic fluxes are produced in the air gap.
equipment as a sensor and the information about These fluxes induce current components in the
the equipment is extracted from the line current of stator winding that can cause modulation of the
the motor. The MCM first learns the motor-based supply current at ± the number of motor poles
system for a certain period of time and acquires times slip. Available signal processing techniques
and processes the motor data. These data are stored can help extract the modulating frequency and
in the internal database and a reference model, represent the amplitude relationship of modulating
which consists of parameters and their means and frequency to line frequency. This relationship
standard deviations, is established. Now, during allows one to estimate the presence and severity of
actual monitoring the data being acquired is the defect.
compared with the results stored in the internal Problems in Condition Monitoring
database. If the acquired data is significantly
different from the reference model, it indicates a Although many organizations use sophisticated
fault level that is determined by the magnitude and techniques for condition monitoring these days,
the time duration of the difference. This approach there are still many problems that remain
is used for diagnostics of electrical equipment, unresolved. For example, it is known that the main
especially with rotating components. The main determinant of frequency of condition monitoring
advantages lie in its being a noninvasive is the lead time to failure (or PF interval), which is
methodology for diagnosing health and operations the time at which an incipient failure can first be
of motor-actuated valves, generators, electric detected, until functional failure occurs. For
motors, and other types of electric equipment. example, in case of a bearing, PF interval is the
With new, inexpensive RF components and time interval from when overall bearing vibration
integration techniques, along with advances in levels reach an alarming limit, until the bearing
microprocessor technology, it is possible to seizes completely. In order to be sure that the
provide an economic solution for wirelessly failure is detected prior to the functional failure;
monitoring motor operating parameters - such as the bearing must be monitored at a frequency less
temperature, vibration, current, etc. - for all classes than the PF Interval. But PF interval can hardly be
of motors. The generic technology will find determined accurately. For instance, in case of a
applications in areas where motors, pumps, bearing, the PF Interval may vary depending on the
gearboxes or drive chains need to be monitored on type of bearing installed, the severity of its
Maintenance Engineering and Maintainability: An Introduction 757

operating cycle, the type of lubrication applied, • Increasingly sophisticated condition

ambient temperature conditions, the type of failure monitoring software, with rapidly developing
detected and many other factors. expert diagnosis capabilities
Even today, the PF Interval can only be • Increasing integration, and acceptance for
approximately estimated. Any error tends to be on interfacing condition monitoring software
the conservative (i.e., too frequent) side. However with CMMS and Process Control software
there are cases of bearing failures that have • More focus on the applications of condition
occurred undetected, despite these bearings being monitoring technologies to improve
monitored at these conservative frequencies. equipment reliability and performance, rather
However, the situation is not that bad as smart than just to predict component failure.
sensor technology will greatly reduce the • A reduction in the cost of applying condition
complexity of linking the outputs of these sensors monitoring technologies.
to current process control systems thereby more In any case, adoption of PdM in the maintenance of
and more equipment can be monitored equipment can result in substantial cost savings
continuously, on-line, and the control room and higher system reliability. This approach offers
operators will be able to assess quickly and easily, cost savings over routine or time-based preventive
the current condition of the bearings or alignment maintenance because tasks are performed only
or balance or gears on a particular machine. when considered necessary, in contrast to time
Several expert systems for fault diagnosis are and/or operation count based maintenance where a
available today. However, at present, these expert piece of equipment gets maintained whether it
systems are still essentially rule-based systems, and needs it or not. Time based maintenance is labor
like all rule-based systems, the results are only as intensive, ineffective in identifying problems that
good as the rules that have been established within develop between scheduled inspections and is not
the system. cost effective.
Several articles have been published on the
performance monitoring of steam turbines, using 46.2.3 Failure-Finding Maintenance
measurements of temperature, pressure, power
output and other techniques to determine the Failure-finding maintenance involves checking a
turbine condition, and the specific faults that may (quiescent) part of a system to see if it is still
require attention. In future, it is likely that this type working. This is often performed on subsystems of
of monitoring will be used on large Diesel engines, a system dedicated to safety -- protective devices.
pumps and other sophisticated equipment. It is This is an important type of maintenance check
expected that sophisticated techniques such as because failures in safety systems can have more
ultrasonic flow measurement will be used to assist catastrophic effects, if other parts of the system
with the cost-effective application of performance fail. Inspections are usually carried out in order to
monitoring techniques to a wider range of uncover hidden failures (also called dormant
equipment. failures). In general, no maintenance action is
The major trends, one may expect to see in performed on the component during an inspection
future are: unless the component is found failed, in which case
• The development of smart sensors, and other a corrective maintenance action can be initiated.
low-cost on-line monitoring systems that will
permit the cost-effective continuous 46.2.4 Corrective Maintenance
monitoring of important equipment
• The increasing provision of built-in vibration Corrective maintenance consists of the actions
sensors as standard features in large motors, taken to restore a failed equipment or system to
pumps, turbines and other large equipment operational state. This maintenance usually
items involves replacing or repairing the component that
caused the failure of the overall system. Corrective
758 Krishna B. Misra

maintenance is performed at unpredictable restored to operable state within a specified active

intervals because a component's failure time is not repair time, depends on the training and skill of the
known a priori. The equipment becomes repair crew as well as on the design of the
operational after corrective maintenance or repairs equipment. For example, the ease of accessibility
have been performed. Corrective maintenance is of components in equipment has a direct effect on
actually carried out in three steps: the active repair time. However, the human factors
Diagnosis of the fault: The repairmen must take (covered in chapter 40 of this handbook) to a large
time to locate the fault or failed parts or otherwise extent govern the duration of active repair time.
satisfactorily assess the cause of the equipment or Maintainability
system failure.
Repair or replacement of faulty components: Once In contrast with the repairability [4,13,19],
the cause of equipment failure has been maintainability is defined as the probability that
established, action is taken to remove the cause, the equipment or a unit will be restored to operable
usually by replacing or repairing the components state within a specified downtime and depends on
that caused the equipment to fail. all the elements of downtime, viz., administrative,
Verification of the repair action: After the faulty logistic and active repair times. The downtime is a
components have been repaired or replaced, the random variable and has its own distribution called
repair crew must verify that the system is again as repair distribution. If the repair distribution is
successfully operating. exponentially distributed and we denote
The total time taken to repair the equipment is maintainability by M(t), it will be given by:
called down time, as during this period the
equipment is not available or operating. By the
same logic, the uptime of an equipment or system where μ is the repair rate and t denotes the time to
is the time during which it is available or operating. repair or rather down time. One can also compute
Further, a cycle time is the sum of uptime and the mean of the repair distribution ( MTTR) as:
downtime. In fact a repairable or maintainable MTTR = 1/ µ
equipment or system undergoes several such cycles If we change the repair distribution to Lognormal,
of operating state and down state during its entire Weibull or Gamma etc, the expression for
life time before it is discarded or decommissioned. maintainability and mean time to repair would also
Actually downtime is the sum of the change. One can find a discussion of repair time
administrative time, logistic time and the actual distributions in texts like [4,8,9,10].
repair time. The administrative time is the time From the point of view of assessing the
spent in organizing repairs and is the time lost performance of such a repairable equipment which
between the occurrence of a fault and the instant undergoes several cycle of uptimes and downtimes,
repairmen initiate repair action. This should a question that naturally arises is how much
exclude the logistic time, which is the portion of percentage of time on an average (over its entire
down time during which the repair activity is life), the equipment is available or operating. Thus
suspended or delayed on account of non- averaging over a long period of time, one can
availability of spare parts or replacements. assess the performance of a repairable or
The actual repair time or active repair time is maintained equipment or system and this average
the time during which the repairmen are working characteristic is called steady state availability or
on the equipment to affect the repairs. This time in inherent availability or just mean uptime ratio.
fact is the sum of the time to locate the fault or Availability
faults and for identification of the fault, fault
correction time, and finally the time taken for Statistically speaking the uptimes and downtimes
testing and recommissioning the equipment. It is are random variables and will have their
apparent that the repairability, which is the distributions. Based on these distributions, one can
probability that the equipment or system will be compute mean uptime and mean downtime.
Actually mean uptime reflects how good the
Maintenance Engineering and Maintainability: An Introduction 759

inherent design or built-in reliability is and mean • Failure and repair data: Failure modes, failure
downtime reflects how good the maintainability is? and repair distributions.
If the steady state availability (SSA) is to be kept • Repair strategy: number of repair crews,
high, one should try to design for high value of independent repair facilities inspection or
mean uptime (MUT) and mean down time (MDT) overhaul schedules etc.
to be as low as possible since SSA is the ratio of Once the above information is available, one can
mean uptime to mean cycle time which is the sum proceed using any of the following techniques:
of mean uptime and mean downtime. There can be • State Space Approach or Markov Method
several combinations of MUT and MDT which can • Block Diagram Approach
offer the same value of availability. Thus • Conditional Probability Approach
availability is dependent on reliability and • Monte Carlo Approach
maintainability and by clever manipulation one can The detailed information on these approaches can
get the desired value of availability. But the life be found in references quoted above or in [4].
cycle costs must not be lost sight of while However Markov method appears to be more
designing maintained equipment or system. popular technique to analyze maintained systems
There are other measures of performance of the although it suffers the disadvantage of the
maintained equipment such as point availability dimensionality of the formulation even for
and interval availability. moderately sized system. But with the fast
Point availability is defined as the probability computing facilities having large memories
that the equipment or system is available at a given available, this should not be considered as a
point of time and the interval availability is defined disadvantage any more. In any case, one can
as the expected fraction of an interval of specified always decompose a large problem into
length that the equipment or system is in an up manageable sized problems and also use a
state. Naturally if the interval becomes very large, combination of solution techniques rather than
the interval availability would approach steady using just one technique.
state availability. There are other measures such as
frequency of failures and mean duration of failure Availability Trade-offs
of interest in case of maintained systems. The
frequency of failures can also be further classified In designing repairable systems, it is generally
as interval frequency and steady state frequency. desired to optimize system availability subject to
The interval frequency of failure is defined as the some cost constraints. Alternatively, a designer
expected number of times a failure state may be specified a value of availability to achieve
encountered in a specified interval; whereas the and determine the optimal pair of mean time
steady state frequency of failure or simply the between failures (MTBF) and the mean time to
frequency of failure is defined as the expected repair (MTTR) while minimizing the cost of the
number of times a failure state is encountered over system. These formulations are discussed in
a long period of time. Chapter 32 of this handbook and the several
models are discussed in texts like [1, 8]. However, Assessment Techniques it is necessary to have some relationship between
For quantitative analysis of performance measures the variables MTBF and cost and MTTR versus
like reliability, availability or any other measures cost before any tradeoff can take place. Also the
mentioned in earlier section, it is necessary to have lower and upper limits on MTBF and MTTR
the following information about the equipment or should be established from practical considerations
system: as well as the state-of-the-art of the available
• System configuration: such as number of technology. This will help establish the feasibility
units, identical or non-identical, series, pairs for MTBF and MTTR.
parallel, standby, nature of redundancy such
as warm, cold or active etc.
760 Krishna B. Misra

46.3 Reliability Centered the onset of appropriate failure modes based

Maintenance on cost-effective options.
The following process is pursued to RCM:
1. The objectives of maintenance with respect to
Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) is an
approach that helps in deciding what maintenance a particular asset are defined by the functions
tasks must be performed at any given point of time. of the asset and its associated desired
RCM methodology [3,5,6,16,21] was initially used performance standards.
2. Functional failures are identified.
in the aviation industry during 1960s to reduce
3. Failure modes, which are likely to cause loss
maintenance costs and to increase the safety and
of each function, are also identified.
reliability. Today it is used in a variety of
industries, and has benefits applicable to 4. Failure effects are assessed.
dependable embedded systems. In fact RCM 5. Failure consequences are quantified to identify
the criticality of failure in terms of the
covers a wide range of steps, starting from the
following categories: Hidden failure; Safety
product design phase to the deployment and
and environmental; operational and non-
maintenance of a system. The first step in applying
RCM techniques is to establish the user's operational.
expectations about various characteristics of the 6. Functions, functional failures, failure modes
system on which RCM will be performed. Then, all and criticality are analyzed to identify
opportunities for improving performance
the modes that the system can fail in must be
and/or safety.
identified, and an FMEA or FMECA is performed
7. Preventive tasks are established. These may
to identify root causes of these failure modes. From
that information, an appropriate combination of be one of three main types: scheduled on-
types of maintenance is selected, and an condition tasks, which employ condition-
appropriate schedule of those maintenance actions based or predictive maintenance; scheduled
restoration; and scheduled discard tasks.
is planned. The maintenance plan is then
Although the main aim of using RCM is to reduce
implemented, and data is collected to refine and
the total costs associated with system failure and
improve the maintenance schedule.
The RCM is a systematic process of preserving downtime, evaluating the returns from an RCM
a system's or asset’s function by selecting and program solely by measuring its impact on costs
applying effective preventive maintenance (PM) may hide many other less tangible benefits such as:
tasks. However, it differs from PM in focusing on • Improving the system availability
function rather than equipment. RCM governs the • Optimizing spare parts inventory
maintenance policy at the level of plant or • Identifying component failure significance
equipment type. In general, the concept of RCM is and hidden failure modes and previously
applicable to large and complex systems such as unknown, failure scenarios
large passenger aircraft, chemical plants, oil • Providing training opportunities for system
refineries and electrical power stations etc. engineers and operations personnel
The main features of RCM are: • Identifying areas for potential design
• The focus is on the preservation of system enhancement
function; • Providing detailed review and improvement
• Identification of specific failure modes to where necessary
define loss of this function; The RCM implementation generally involves high
• Prioritizating the failure modes, as not all initial costs and quite often results in successful
functions or functional failures have the same investment but there have been some cases of
importance; and unsuccessful implementations, which makes a prior
• Identification of effective and applicable PM economic evaluation of RCM an important step
tasks that will prevent, and discover or detect before it is adopted. In fact, RCM should not be
undertaken if the financial benefits cannot be
Maintenance Engineering and Maintainability: An Introduction 761

demonstrated to outweigh the involved costs. nor production, but involve only the direct
However, the financial benefits and costs cost of repair.
associated with RCM are difficult to assess due to
the fact that areas of savings are vague as there are
no clear cause and effect relationships in the 46.4 Total Productive Maintenance
evaluation process. Costs can easily be identified
than benefits. Costs include initial outlays It is a well-known fact that in many factories, the
primarily for training, and ongoing costs, including operating time is less than 50% of the gross
maintenance and support personnel, and available hours per year; it is obviously shows that
expenditures associated with the maintenance the assets are not being used to the fullest extent.
introduced as a result of RCM findings. Benefits This is partly due to scheduled downtime, which
can also be identified through a series of steps. includes holidays, no production planned due to
Firstly, one can start by identifying the current limited load, spare capacity to cope with volume
problems that can be resolved through RCM. flexibility etc. The other part is caused by the fact
Secondly, by estimating how much improvement that the production is not wholly efficient. The
would result through the adoption of RCM for the reasons for this can be categorized into losses,
identified problems. Lastly, one should quantify which can be influenced during development and
each of the improvements in the larger sense of production phase. The total productive
company’s performance (profits, plant availability, maintenance is a proactive equipment maintenance
personnel cost, etc.). When that quantification is strategy designed to improve overall equipment
done, then the economic benefits of RCM can be effectiveness .It actually breaks the barrier between
evaluated to see if its adoption is justified or not. maintenance department and production
The value of RCM lies in the fact that it department of a company.
recognizes that the consequences of failures are far Total Productive Maintenance: It is an approach to
more important than their technical characteristics. optimize the effectiveness of production means in a
In fact, it recognizes that the only reason for doing structured manner.
any kind of proactive maintenance is not to avoid TPM focuses on improving the planned loading
failures per se, but to avoid or at least minimize the time. The gap (losses) between 100% and actual
consequences of failures. In fact, the RCM process efficiency can be categorized into three categories:
classifies these consequences into the following Availability, Performance and Yield (Quality
four groups: Rate).
• Hidden failure consequences: Hidden failures Availability losses: These include breakdowns and
have no direct impact, but they may lead to changeovers situations when the line is not running
multiple failures with often catastrophic while it should be.
consequences. (Often these failures are Performance losses: These are basically due to
associated with protective devices which are speed losses and small stops/idling/empty positions
not fail-safe.) when the line is running, but is not providing the
• Safety and environmental consequences: A quantity it should.
failure has safety consequences if it has Yield losses: These occur when the line producing
potential to injure or kill someone. It has products, but there are losses due to rejects and
environmental consequences if it breaches start-up quality losses.
any environmental standard. These losses lead to the Overall Equipment
• Operational consequences: A failure has Effectiveness (OEE) indicator, which tells you how
operational consequences if it affects efficiently the planned production process is. TPM
production, product quality, customer service helps to improve the OEE by providing a structure
or operating costs or cost of repairs. to quantify these losses, and by subsequently
giving priority to the most important ones. TPM
• Non-operational consequences: Failures
provides concepts and tools to achieve both short
belonging to this category nether affect safety
and long term improvements.
762 Krishna B. Misra

Total Productive Maintenance is not the same as a is to maximize plant and equipment effectiveness
maintenance department that repairs breakdowns to achieve the optimum life cycle cost of
(breakdown maintenance). TPM is a critical production equipment.
adjunct to lean manufacturing. If machine uptime Nippondenso of Japan was first to implement
is not predictable and if process capability is not TPM. It had already had quality circles which
sustained, we cannot produce at the velocity of involved the employees in changes. Therefore, all
sales. One way to think of TPM is deterioration employees took part in implementing Productive
prevention and maintenance reduction, not fixing maintenance. Based on these developments
machines. For this reason many people refer to Nippondenso was awarded the distinguished plant
TPM as Total Productive Manufacturing or Total prize for developing and implementing TPM, by
Process Management. TPM is a proactive approach the Japanese Institute of Plant Engineers (JIPE).
that essentially aims to prevent any kind of slack Thus Nippondenso of Toyota group became the
before occurrence. Its motto is "zero error, zero first company to obtain the TPM certification.
work-related accident, and zero loss." TPM has TPM identifies 16 types of wastes (Muda) and
five goals: then works systematically to eliminate them by
1. Maximize equipment effectiveness. making improvements (Kaizen). TPM has 8 pillars
2. Develop a system of productive maintenance of activity, each being set to achieve a “zero”
for the life of the equipment, target. These pillars are:
3. Involve all departments that plan, design, use, 1. Focused improvement (Kobetsu-Kaizen): for
or maintain equipment in implementing eliminating waste.
TPM. 2. Autonomous maintenance (Jishu-Hozen): in
4. Actively involve all employees. autonomous maintenance, the operator is the
5. Promote TPM through motivational key player. It involves daily maintenance
management. activities carried out by the operators
For this concept to function properly, the machines themselves that prevent the deterioration of
must be ready when we need them and they must the equipment.
be shut down in such a fashion as to be ready the 3. Planned maintenance: for achieving zero
next time. Key measures include efficiency while breakdowns.
running and quality. Overall Equipment 4. Education and training: for increasing
Effectiveness (or OEE) tells us how TPM is productivity.
working, not just the typical measures of uptime 5. Early equipment/product management: to
and throughput. OEE is actually the product of reduce waste occurring during the
availability, performance efficiency and the quality implementation of a new machine or the
rate. Operators know what maintenance tasks are production of a new product.
theirs; they also know what tasks are appropriate 6. Quality maintenance (Hinshitsu-Hozen): This
for the skilled trades’ maintenance crew. TPM is a is actually “maintenance for quality”. It
philosophy that helps create ownership of the includes the most effective quality tool of
manufacturing process among all employees. TPM: “poka-yoke”, which aims to achieve
Teamwork is vital to the long-term success of zero loss by taking necessary measures to
TPM. The maintenance group performs equipment prevent loss.
modification that would improve its reliability. 7. Safety, hygiene, and environment: for
These modifications are then incorporated into new achieving zero work-related accidents and for
equipment. The work of the maintenance group is protecting the environment.
then to make changes that will lead to maintenance 8. Office TPM: for involvement of all parties to
prevention. Thus preventive maintenance along TPM since office processes can be improved
with Maintenance prevention and Maintainability in a similar manner as well.
Improvement are grouped as Productive
Maintenance. The aim of productive maintenance
Maintenance Engineering and Maintainability: An Introduction 763

46.5 Computerized Maintenance • Preventive maintenance (PM): Keeps track of

Management System PM inspections and jobs, including step-by-
step instructions or check-lists, lists of
Computerized Maintenance Management System materials required, and other pertinent
(CMMS) is also known as Enterprise Asset details. Typically, the CMMS schedules PM
Management (EAM). A CMMS is a stand alone jobs automatically. Different software
computer program to manage maintenance work, packages offer different techniques for
labour and inventory in a company, whereas EAM reporting when a job should be performed.
not only does all the above functions what a • Asset management: Recording data about
CMMS does but also integrates with the company equipment and property including
financial, human resource, material management specifications, warranty information, service
and other ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) contracts, spare parts, purchase date,
applications. In the past, stand alone CMMS had an expected lifetime, etc that might be of help to
advantage over EAM in terms of features, ease of management or maintenance workers.
use and functionality. . • Inventory control: Management of spare
A CMMS maintains a computer database of an parts, tools, and other materials including the
organization’s complete maintenance operations. specification of materials required for
This database is intended to help maintenance staff particular jobs, records of where materials are
do their jobs more effectively (for example, stored, determining when more materials
determining which storerooms contain the spare should be purchased, tracking shipment
parts they may need) and to help management receipts, and taking inventory.
make informed decisions such as calculating the CMMS can produce status reports and documents
cost of maintenance for each piece of equipment giving details or summaries of maintenance
used by the organization and in allocation of activities. The more sophisticated the package is,
resources judiciously. This information can also be the more analysis facilities are possible. Many
helpful in dealing with third parties. For instance, if CMMS packages can also be hosted by the
the organization is involved in a liability suit, the company selling the product on an outside server,
database information available with the CMMS can or LAN based, meaning that the company buying
be used as an evidence to support that proper safety the software hosts the product on their own server.
maintenance was performed. CMMS can be used CMMS packages are closely related to Facility
by any organization that must perform maintenance Management System packages (also called Facility
on equipment and property. Some CMMS products Management Software).
focus on particular industry sectors (e.g., the By adding some powerful reliability
maintenance of vehicle fleets or health care management tools, one can manage the information
facilities etc). Other products aim to be more around maintenance, reliability and ultimately -
general. To identify CMMS vendors, search for physical asset management (PAM). In fact it can
CMMS using any Internet search engine can be begin with the selection, implementation, data
made. accuracy, failure coding, asset hierarchy, work
Different CMMS packages offer a wide range order history, user adoption, training, enforcement,
of capabilities. A typical package may have the reporting, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs),
following features: dashboards, budgeting, planning, scheduling,
• Work orders: Scheduling jobs, assigning mobile options, material management and many
personnel, reserving materials, recording more factors will determine the result one can get
costs, and tracking relevant information such with CMMS or EAM
as the cause of the problem, record of Last but not the least, one must realize that these
downtime, and suggestions for further action software systems are simply automating the
required underlying maintenance process - so if one is
764 Krishna B. Misra

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