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Note: To be executed in the presence of a Public Notary / Gazetted Officer

[To be submitted in non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate value]

No-Objection Certificate from the Legal Heir(s)

Format of NOC from other Legal Heir(s) for Transmission of Securities in favour of the
Claimant(s) wherein the Sole Holder is deceased and NO NOMINATION has been registered

(Date) (Deceased) (Deceased)

Sole/First Holder:
(Name of the First Holder as updated in Demat account)
Second Holder:
(Name of the Second Holder as updated in Demat account)

Third Holder:
(Name of the Third Holder as updated in Demat account)


I/We, the legal heir(s) of late Mr./Ms _____________________________________________________ declare as follows –

(Deceased Name)

(i) That the above named deceased holder was holding the following securities in his / her name as single holder:

ISIN Name of the Company No. of securities held

(ISIN Details) (Annexure to be attached in case of more than 4 ISIN)

(ii) That the deceased had died intestate on D D / M M / Y Y Y Y and without registering any nominee.
(iii) That the following Claimant(s) has/have applied for the transmission of the aforesaid securities:

Name of the Claimant(s) Address and contact details Age Relationship with the deceased
(Claimants Details)

(iv) That I / We are the legal heir(s) of the deceased holder, apart from the Claimant(s)who has/ have applied for
transmission of the aforesaid securities and our details are as follows:

Name of the Legal Heir(s) Address and contact details Age Relation with the Deceased
(NOC giver details)




(v) I/we hereby declare that, I / we do not desire to make any claim in respect of the title to the aforesaid securities held
by the deceased and I / we hereby wilfully relinquish & renounce all my /our rights in respect of the aforesaid
securities and shall have no legal claim upon said securities in future.

(vi) Accordingly, I / we declare that I / we have NO OBJECTION WHATSOEVER in ______________________________

(Name of the DP - ICICI Bank)
transmitting the aforesaid securities in favour of the Claimant(s) Mr. / Ms. ___________________________ under DP Id
(Claimants Name)
_____________________ Client Id __________________.
(Target) (Target)
(vii) I / we hereby state that whatever is stated herein above are true to the best of my/our knowledge and nothing has
been concealed therein.

Name(s) and Signature(s) of Legal Heir(s) who are Non – Claimant(s):
(NOC giver)
1. _______________________________________________________
V-June 2022

2. _______________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________

(to be given by legal heir(s) when nomination has not been made)
I hereby solemnly affirm and say that what is stated herein above are true to my knowledge and nothing has been concealed therein
and that I am competent to contract and entitled to rights and benefits of the above securities.

Solemnly affirmed at on the day of of

(Place) (Date)

Full Name :

Address of
Applicant/Deponent Signature
(Magistrate Person Name
Magistrate/ signed in the presence of
(Signature of Claimant)
Notary :
Pincode (Pincode of Magistrate)

Regd. No.
(Signature of Magistrate /Notary)
(Notary Signature)

Use space below to affix :

(Magistrate Person Name Magastrate / Notary inside box Pincode of Magistrate)

1. This affidavit is to be executed in the presence of a first class or stipendiary Magistrate/Public notary / Judicial.
2. This affidavit should be signed by each deponent separately.

*No- Objection certificate should be of Rs. 100 Non-Judicial stamp paper irrespective of any states.

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