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Roll number:37
Agenda:The Russia Ukraine conflict
Committee:United Nations GeneralL Assembly

It has been 11 months and 6 days since Russia annexed

Ukraine by challenging International law.The Russia's annexation led to 14 million to
flee their homes,6.2 million internally displaced,7.7 million refugees, the lives and
wellbeing of 7.5 million children at risk.The UN Charter is clear which states that any
annexation of a states territory by another state resulting from threat or use of force is
a violation of the principles of un charter.Switzerland supports Ukraine in a path which
lead towards sustainable development and peace by building an inclusive society
where all men and women can contribute to and benefit equally from integrity in public
life and sustainable growth.Switzerland supports ukraine not in the aspect of armed
conflict or defending Russia by participating in war but in the name of peace and
neutrality.In 2014,when crimean peninsula was annexed by Russia,Switzerland applied
the neutrality policy.It adopted measures to ensure that Swiss territory was not
misused to circumvent international sanctions against Russia. At the end of February
2022,Russia massively violated elementary norms of international law even then
neutrality remained applicable.Based on the comprehensive assessment of
interests,the Federal Council adopted the EU sanctions against Russia.
Switzerland took into account the law of neutrality,neutral
policy, foreign policy and foreign economic aspects.Switzerland's neutrality is
permanent and armed neutrality which means Switzerland remains neutral in any
armed conflict between other states and whenever,wherever a war breaks out.
Switzerland never took neutrality to be a rigid statute of foreign and security policy,but
neutrality is used as a flexible instrument to safeguard the independence,welfare and
security of the country.The law of neutrality obliges a neutral state not to be part of any
international conflict and a neutral state may not favor any warring parties,whether with
troops,armaments,or by making its own territory available.This doesn't mean
Switzerland remains away from the conflict but it remain neutral only when it comes to
armed conflict.On the other hand Switzerland actively takes part in promoting
peace,security and contribute to humanitarian aid as well.Switzerland accords its
neutrality as a peace related and humanitarian oriented.It places its neutrality and
foreign policy at the service of international security,solidarity and peace and neutrality
helps to shape peace in Europe and the world.Switzerland though is part of
international organizations like the UN and OSCE,Swiss neutrality is compatible.
SInce the early 1990’s,Switzerland has been carrying out
international cooperation work in Ukraine.A cooperation office id opened in Kyiv by
Switzerland in 1999.The work includes improving people's standard of living,make
public services more efficient and promote sustainable economic growth.Switzerland's
current activities are based on the 2022-23 cooperation programme with some
adjustments made despite Russian military aggression.The Swiss Agency for
Development and Cooperation included a strong humanitarian component and the war
continues to drive increasing humanitarian needs.The Federal Council on 11 march
2022 decided to increase humanitarian aid in ukraine by sanctioning CHF 80
million.Three quarters of new funds are embarked to help remaining ukrainians and
other quarter to help ukrainian refugees in the neighboring countries,especially in
Moldova.In addition to this the SDC(Swiss Agency for Development and
Cooperation),has sent supplies from switzerland to provide healthcare,water,sanitation
nd shelter and has purchased,distributed food in the ukrainian market.The Swiss
Humanitarian Aid experts also have been deployed to ukraine since 24 february 2022.
Switzerland have number of key partners in ukraine which include:Ukrainian authorities
at national,regional and municipal and also international organizations such as the
German Agency for International Cooperation(GIZ) ,International Finance
Corporation(IFC),European Bank for Reconstruction and
development(EBRD),International Monetary Fund(IMF),Organization for Security and
Cooperation in Europe(OSCE),Council of Europe,International Committee of the Red
Cross (ICRC),The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR),World Health Organization
(WHO).Swiss NGOs and centers of expertise:Skat,Innovabridge,Swiss
TPH,Swisscontact.The Swiss Red Cross in collaboration with the Ukrainian Red
Cross,in expectation of winter aim to improve living conditions in collective centers and
host community facilities and provide accommodation solutions for Internal Displaced.
In coordination with the Swiss Red Cross and Red Cross,they
Were able to upgrade 25 shelters to improve living conditions for IDP(Internally Displaced).
They were also given Voucher/Multipurpose cash CVA support to immediate relief to
3125 people in transit o temporary staying at collective shelters and services provided by
44 URCS nurses to 269 elderly peopleSwitzerland is also trying to focus on three core
Areas:better energy management,integrated urban development and sustainable mobility.
In the sector of health,the essential goal is to improve the health of ukrainian population
and in order to achieve this,efforts are made to improve health governance,to raise the
quality of primary care while keeping costs minimum.Health outcomes in Ukraine can only
be improved if the health reforms are implemented in all levels.In order to achieve this it is
crucial to monitor and accommodate the medical needs of all ukrainian citizens,recruiting
physicians,workers from reputable international health organizations and investigating
all deaths in detention by the international committees like the International Committee
of the Red Cross.By initiating this kind of health care,would ensure less burden on the
poor and the vulnerable population in ukraine.
(n.d.). United Nations | Peace, dignity and equality on a healthy planet. Retrieved January 29, 2023, from

(n.d.). Ukraine. Retrieved January 29, 2023, from


(n.d.). Neutrality. Retrieved January 29, 2023, from


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