Aspinall2011 - Reproductive Female Anatomy

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Reproductive system of the dog and cat Part 1 –

the female system
Victoria Aspinall BVSc MRCVS
Bridgwater College, Bath Road, Bridgwater, Somerset TA6 4PZ. UK
Published online: 21 Nov 2014.

To cite this article: Victoria Aspinall BVSc MRCVS (2011) Reproductive system of the dog and cat Part 1 – the female
system, Veterinary Nursing Journal, 26:2, 43-45, DOI: 10.1111/j.2045-0648.2010.00013.x

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Reproductive system
of the dog and cat
Part 1 -the female system
Victoria Aspinall. Bvsc MRcvs
Bridgwater College, Bath Road, Bridgwater, Somerset TA6 4PZ. UK
ABSTRACT: The female reproductive system has evolved to produce ova from
the ovaries wh1ch are released and pass down the reproductive tract where they
may be fert1l1sed by sperm from the male an1mal. The parts of the tract prov1de
a receptacle 1n wh1ch the resultmg embryos and, later, foetuses can rece1ve
nutnt10n, develop and grow. and a channel along wh1ch the foetuses can pass
during partunt1on.
Victoria Aspinall BVSc MRCVS The process of reproduct1on depends on an 1nterrelationsh1p between the
hormones, oestrogen and progesterone and these are secreted by the ovaries.
Victona qual1fied from Bnstol The anatomy of the b1tch and queen are s1milar and any s1gn1ficant d1fferences
Un1versity vet school and went are h1ghllghted.
Downloaded by [University of Exeter] at 01:03 12 August 2015

mto small an1mal practice. After

raising her four ch1ldren she went Introduction Functions
1nto teachmg at Hartpury College.
where she started the veterinary The female dog (Canis familiaris) is The functions of the female reproductive
nursmg department. From there called a bitch and the female cat (fells tract are to:
she founded Abbeydale Vetlmk catus) is called a queen. The reproductive release ova to be fertilised by the
Veterinary Training which IS a tracts of both spectes are very ~imilar and spermatozoa of the male
VNAC 1n the west of England and vary mainly in size. Both species are provide a receptacle for the
also runs a wide range of litter-bearing or multiparous, so the tract development of the foetuses
vetermary-related courses. is designed to carry many foetuses in a secrete the hormones oestrogen,
mcludmg vet nurse train1ng. single pregnancy. from the developing follicles and
progesterone, from the corpus luteum.
Victona is now an associate The ~hape of the uterus is bicornuate - These, by differing mechanisms,
lecturer 1n vetennary nursing at with two long horns and a small body ensure the correct environment for
Bndgwater College, Somerset. (Figure I) The fertilised ova implant at the production of ova, for the survival
She has wntten and edited many equal distances along the horns allowing of sperm and ova and for the
books for vet nurses, including the maximum amount of space for development of the fertilised ova into
The Complete Textbook of development - it is rare for a foetus to viable foetuses.
Vetennary Nursmg. develop within the uterine body.
In the non-pregnant female, most of the
tract lies within the abdominal cavity,
D Figure 1: Dorsal view of the reproductive although the cervix, vagina and vestibule
system of the bitch. [Reproduced with lie in the pelvic cavity. During pregnancy
permission from Aspinall, V. and Capello. the weight of the foetuses pulls the cervix
M.l2009] p128.]
over the pelvic brim into the abdomen.
Ovary and o'od•Jct on
thE' o1anan oursa --~
Reproductive tract

There is a pair of ovaries - one lying
on either side of the midline, caudal to
each kidney - in the dorsal abdominal
cavity. Each ovary is held close to the
kidney by the ovarian ligament, which
contains smooth muscle fibres allowing
it to stretch in response to the weight of
the pregnant uterus.
To cite this article use either
DOl: 10.1111/j.2045-0648.2010.00013.x or Each ovary is suspended from the
Veterinary Nursing Journal Vol 26 pp43-45
abdominal wall by the mesovarium ~

© 2011 Btackwell PubllsiHng Ltd Vetermal)' Nursmg Journal• VOL 26 • Februaly 2D11 • Page 43
which is part of the visceral peritoneum. spermatozoa as they pass upwards. the narrow cervical canal. The canal is
Part of the mesovarium forms a pocket- Fertilisation occurs in the uterine tube. usually closed but it relaxes to allow the
like ovarian bursa in which there is a passage of sperm or foetuses. During
small opening - this is the only means of Uterus pregnancy, the canal is blocked by a
entry into the peritoneal cavity. The uterus is a central Y-shaped structure mucoid plug which protects the
consisting of two long uterine horns and conceptuses from infection.
The ovarian tissue consists of a network a small uterine body (Figure l). Its
of connective tissue and blood capillaries, function is to provide a receptacle and the Vagina
derived from the ovarian artery. Within correct environment for the development This structure is a dilatable tube which
this are germ cells that eventually develop of the fertilised embryos into foetuses, extends from the cervix to the external
into follicles, each containing an ovum. and also to provide the means for the urethral orifice (Figure l). It lies within
development of a placenta which supplies the pelvic cavity and is surrounded by
The function of the ovary is to produce nutrients to the developing conceptus. connective tissue. Internally it consists of
ova and to secrete oestrogen and longitudinal folds which dilate to allow
progesterone. The uterus is held in position within the the foetuses out during parturition.
abdominal cavity by the broad ligament
Uterine tube or the mesometrium, which is continuous The vagina is lined with stratified
This is also called the oviduct (or the with the mesovarium and mesosalpinx. squamous epithelium, which changes in
Fallopian tube) and its function is to Running within the mesometrium are the response to the hormones of the oestrous
conduct the ova from the ovary to the uterine and ovarian arteries and veins cycle. In the bitch, daily vaginal smears
uterine horn. Each tube is a narrow that supply the tract with blood - the may be examined to monitor the progress
Downloaded by [University of Exeter] at 01:03 12 August 2015

structure lying close to - and running uterine artery runs close to the cervix of the cycle prior to mating - this is
over - the ovary and leading into the and is ligated during a bitch spay. known as exfoliative vaginal cytology.
uterine horn. During pro-oestrus, the blood-stained
The wall of the uterus consists of three discharge comes from the vaginal lining,
The open end, close to the ovary, is a layers: not from the uterus, as occurs in man.
funnel-shaped infundibulum which is l. endometrium - columnar epithelium,
fringed with finger-like fimbriae. The glandular tissue and blood capillaries. Vestibule
infundibulum is able to move over the This layer enlarges during pregnancy The vestibule is a continuation of the
surface of the ovary to capture an ovum to enable implantation of the placenta. vagina (Figure 1) running from the
as it ovulates from its follicle. The tube is 2. myometrium - smooth muscle fibres external urethral orifice - the point at
suspended by the mesosalpinx which is which contract strongly during which the urethra leading from the
continuous with the mesovarium. parturition to expel the foetuses. bladder joins the tract - to the outside at
3. mesometrium - part of the visceral the vulva. Its function is to convey
Internally the tube is lined with ciliated peritoneum. foetuses out of the body and sperm into
columnar epithelium. The hair-like cilia the vagina from the male penis and also
assist in the movement of the ova down Cervix to convey urine from the bladder and
the tube and the lining membrane The cervix connects the uterine body urethra out of the body. Its structure is
secretes nutrients which aid the survival with the vagina and is a thick-walled similar to that of the vagina, but the walls
of the ova as they pass down and of the muscular sphincter through which runs are not ridged by longitudinal folds.

The vulva marks the external opening
''The process of reproduction depends on an interrelationship between the hormones, of the tract and lies in the perineum,
ventral to the anus, below the tail. It
oestrogen and progesterone and these are secreted by the ovaries'' consists of two verticallabiae joined

Page 44 • VOL 16 • February 1011 • Vetennary Nursmg Journal © 1011 Blackwell Pubilshmg Ltd
dorsally and ventrally with the vulval through a network of sinuses that
cleft between them. Just inside the ventral eventually narrow to form teat canals. These multiple choice questions
part of the cleft is the clitoris made of Each teat canal leads to a teat orifice on are based on the above text.
cavernous erectile tissue. This is the the surface of the teat - there are many Answers appear on page 55.
equivalent of the male penis. orifices on one teat so the milk sprays out
1. The ovary is responsible for secreting which
into the neonate's mouth.
two hormones?
Normally the labiae are held tightly a.oestrogen and prolactin
together to prevent the entry of infection, Lactation is influenced by three b.progesterone and oxytocin
but in the bitch, during pro-oestrus reproductive hormones: c. oestrogen and progesterone
and oestrus, the vulva enlarges and is • progesterone - secreted by the d.prolactin and oxytocin
slightly relaxed. This does not happen corpus luteum within the ovary and
2. In which structure would you find the ovarian
in the queen. causes the mammary glands to enlarge bursa?
during the oestrous cycle and during a. ovarian ligament
Mammary glands pregnancy. b. mesometrium
• prolactin - secreted by the anterior c. mesosalpinx
The dog and the cat are members of pituitary glands and causes the glands
the class Mammalia and the defining to secrete milk during the last third 3. Which type of epithelium lines the uterine tube?
characteristic of this group is the of pregnancy, but at this stage it is a.pseudo·stratified
presence of mammary glands, which not released. b.ciliated columnar
secrete milk on which the young are fed. • oxytocin - secreted by the posterior c. transitional
d.stratified squamous
Mammary glands are theoretically part pituitary gland during the few hours
Downloaded by [University of Exeter] at 01:03 12 August 2015

of the integument - as opposed to the around parturition. As the neonate 4. The arterial supply to the cervix is by means
reproductive tract itself - as they are begins to suckle the sensation starts of which artery?
modified skin glands. a reflex arc which releases oxytocin a.uterine
which in turn causes contraction of b. cervical
c. Fallopian
In the bitch and the queen, they lie the smooth muscle around the
d. testicular
externally on the ventral abdominal and mammary glands and the milk is
thoracic body walls, just below the skin released. II 5. The passage of each ovum from its release from
on either side of the midline. The bitch the folUcle in the ovary is:
has five pairs, while the queen has four Bibliography a. uterine tube, uterus, uterine horn
b.uterus, uterine horn, cervix
pairs. Mammary glands are present in ASPINALL. V and CAPELLO, M. l2009llntroduction
c. uterus, cervix, uterine tube
both sexes. to Veterinary Anatomy and Physrology 2nd ed. d.uterine tube, uterine horn, uterus
Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford.
Each mammary gland consists of OYCE. K. M . SACK. W 0. and WENSING, C. J. G. 6. The myometrium of the uterus is made of:
glandular tissue embedded in connective 120021 Textbook of Veterinary Anatomy 3rd ed.
a.smooth muscle
b.stratified epithelium
tissue and lined by a secretory epithelium Saunders, Philadelphia.
c. striated muscle
(Figure 2). The milk, produced during a EVANS, H. E. 119931 Miller"s Anatomy of the Dog d. glandular tissue and blood capillaries
process known as lactation, drains 3rd ed. Saunders. Philadelphia.
7. The cranial boundary of the vestibule is marked
by the:
C Figure 2: Section through a mammary gland. [Reproduced with perm1ss1on from
a. vulvallabiae
Aspinall. V. and Capello. M.l2009] p131.]
b. cervical canal
c. clitoris
d.external urethral orifice

B. How many pairs of mammary glands are there

in the queen?
Mammary gland
·Secretory tissue 9. Which hormone is responsible for the formation
of milk in the mammary glands?
·Gland sinus
c. prolactin
·Teat sinus
10. The term used to describe Utter-bearing
species is:
·Teat a.polyparous
b. multiparous
c. uniparous
-Teat canal d.nulliparous
-1eat onficres

© 2011 Blackwell Publrshmg ltd Vete11nary Nursmg Journal • VOL 26 • february 2011 • Page 45
~ Figure 2: Breedmg from a mare 1s un1quely sat1sfy1ng. espec1ally when there 1s a
successful outcome
Veterinary licensed
Vomend is a new veterinary licensed
metoclopramide from Eurovet that can
be used to treat vomiting and reduced
gastro-intestinal motility in dogs and
cats, including puppies and kittens.
The company claims the product
is also a pro-kinetic upper Gl tract
stimulant, indicated for use in chronic
nephritis, pyloric spasm and drug-
induced digestive intolerance.

More information is available on

01223 257933.
Downloaded by [University of Exeter] at 01:03 12 August 2015

Timing of insemination for AI becomes and veterinary involvement must all be

more crucial depending on the type of considered. It is a process that is fraught
semen used. Ovulation should occur with potential disappointments at every
within 48 hours using fresh semen, 24 stage, but is also uniquely satisfying,
hours using chilled material and within especially when there is a successful
12 hours using frozen semen. As the outcome (Figure 2). Ci!l
timing of between insemination and
ovulation decreases, the number of
examinations performed by the vet : The mare is
increase, in an effort to forecast
ovulation more accurately. regarded as a'long-

day, seasonally
Pregnancy diagnosis
polyoestrous breeder'.
Pregnancy diagnosis can be perli.Jrmed
by ultrasound examination in as little That means that
as 14 days after ovulation. At this stage,
during the spring,
the foetus is too small to visualise, but
the pregnancy sac is approximately summer and early
12 to 18mm in size. The foetus and its
heart beat can be visualised at approx autumn months,
22 to 25 days.
normal non-pregnant
From then, the foetus continues to grow mares show repeated
to about IOmm at day 32. Foetal sexing is
possible at day 62 to 67, and again at oestrous cycles
around 120 days, but requires a good
lasting approximately
quality ultrasound scanner and a lot of
practice to become accurate. 21 days


There are several decisions and

considerations to be made when
attempting to breed from a mare.
The health of the mare, type of cover -
natural versus controlled versus AI -

© 2011 Blackwell Publishing ltd Vetennary Nutsmg Joumal • VOL 26 • february 2011 • Page 55

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