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Fuel 367 (2024) 131350

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Full Length Article

Experimental and numerical study of combustion characteristics of

ammonia/ethanol mixture under high temperature and pressure
Hongen Yang , Jiangping Tian *, Zechuan Cui , Mingyuan Ye , Xiaolei Zhang , Qingxing Zhou ,
Kaile Wei , Jianbang Wang
Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China


Keywords: Ammonia, as a carbon free fuel, is expected to play a key role in carbon neutrality and social energy shortages.
CVCC However, the flame propagation speed of ammonia is low. Blending ammonia with ethanol is one of the methods
Ammonia to increase laminar burning velocity of ammonia, but the existing research on the combustion characteristics of
ammonia/ethanol focuses on low temperature and pressure. This paper investigated the effect of ethanol
Laminar burning velocity
Markstein length
addition on ammonia combustion characteristics under high temperature and pressure. The initial conditions for
Sensitivity analysis this work include initial temperature (400, 450, and 500 K), initial pressure (0.5, 1.0, 1.5 MPa), equivalence ratio
(0.8–1.3), and ethanol energy fraction (0 %, 20 %, 40 %, 60 %, 80 %). The results illustrate that the laminar
burning velocity has a positive correlation with the ethanol energy fraction and the initial temperature, but is
negative correlation with initial pressure. And the laminar burning velocity and the adiabatic flame temperature
appear to be maximum when the equivalence ratio is between1.0 and 1.1. The strongest hydrodynamic insta­
bility occurs within the equivalence ratio range from 1.0 to 1.1. In addition, initial pressure increased flame
hydrodynamic instability and initial temperature has little effect on it. The changes in initial pressure and
temperature have little effect on thermal diffusion instability. When the ethanol energy fraction is less than or
equal to 20 %, ammonia has a significant impact on the Markstein length, but ethanol dominates the Markstein
length with a proportion of ethanol energy over 40 %. Under current experimental conditions, the existing
ammonia/ethanol mixing mechanisms cannot comprehensively and accurately predict laminar combustion ve­
locity. The CEU mechanism is relatively accurate, especially under lean combustion and high pressure. The three
most sensitive reactions to laminar burning velocity are H + O2<=>O + OH, H + O2(+M)<=>HO2(+M), and
NH2 + NO<=>NNH + OH. When adding 40 % ethanol compared to 20 % ethanol, the molar fraction of OH and
O free radicals is higher, and the peak value of NO total ROP is higher.

1. Introduction reduce carbon emissions. Ammonia and hydrogen, as carbon-free fuels,

are more desirable alternative energy sources. Hydrogen has the ad­
As global energy demand continues to rise and greenhouse gas vantages of low ignition energy requirements, wide flammability limits,
emissions become increasingly critical, there is a pressing need for a and fast flame propagation, but the explosive nature and storage chal­
transition in the sources of internal combustion engine fuels from lenges prevent it from becoming a main fuel for internal combustion
carbon-containing fuels to low-carbon or carbon-free alternatives. Over engines [1,2]. At present, ammonia is widely used in various fields
the years, many scholars have long been looking for alternative fuels to including the chemical industry and agriculture, and has accumulated

Abbreviations: A, Spherical flame surface area; B, Weight coefficient; CVCC, constant volume combustion chamber; K, Flame stretch rate; Leeff, Effective Lewis
number; LeE, Lewis number of adequacy reactant components; LeD, Lewis number of deficient reactant components; Lf, Laminar flame thickness; Lb, Markstein length;
LHV, Lower heating value; p, Initial pressure; ROP, Rate of production; R, Radius of the flame; S, Flame projection area; Ss, Unstretched flame propagation velocity of
burned gas; Sl, Stretched flame velocity; Su, Laminar burning velocity; T, Initial temperature; Ze, Zel’dovich number; Φ, Premixed gas fuel− air equivalence ratio; ρb,
Burned gas density; ρu, Unburned gas density; σ , The ratio of burned gas density to unburned gas density; α, thermal diffusion coefficient; β, Ethanol energy fraction;
Ψ, Excess to insufficient reactant ratio.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: tianjp@dlut.edu.cn (J. Tian).

Received 5 December 2023; Received in revised form 24 February 2024; Accepted 26 February 2024
Available online 18 March 2024
0016-2361/© 2024 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H. Yang et al. Fuel 367 (2024) 131350

mature experience and become a system in production, storage, and distribution were also carried out.
transportation [3,4]. In terms of production, renewable energy sources
such as solar energy, wind energy, and hydropower can now be utilized 2. Experimental setup and data processing
to produce green ammonia [5,6]. Ammonia has a saturated vapor
pressure of approximately 1.03 MPa at 25 ◦ C, making it easy to liquefy 2.1. Test bench
for storage and transport. In addition, compared to other highly active
fuels such as hydrogen, ammonia exhibits a higher autoignition tem­ Fig. 1 demonstrates the schematic diagram of this experimental
perature, ensuring enhanced safety during transportation and utiliza­ setup, based on prior studies [34,35]. The experimental device mainly
tion. Furthermore, ammonia has a higher-octane number compared to consists of a Constant Volume Combustion Chamber (CVCC), a gas dis­
gasoline, which makes it less easy to explosion and safer. However, tribution system, a control and data acquisition system, and a shadow
ammonia’s high ignition temperature, narrow flammability range, and visualization testing system. The structure of the CVCC is shown in
slow flame propagation speed present challenges for its application in Fig. 2, with an internal volume of approximately 1500 ml and a
internal combustion engines [7,8]. Many researchers investigate maximum explosion pressure of 10 MPa. Quartz glass is installed on
experimentally the laminar burning velocity of ammonia/air mixtures. both sides of the CVCC to observe the flame propagation, with a visi­
Hayakawa et al. [9] research that the maximum unstretched laminar bility range of 100 mm. The CVCC adopts the external encompassing
burning velocity of ammonia is less than 7 cm/s at an initial pressure of heater, and the internal temperature of the combustion chamber can
0.5 MPa and an initial temperature of 298 K, which is lower than that of reach up to 900 K after heating. This heating method ensures that the
hydrocarbon flames. Previous research indicates that under oxygen-rich internal temperature of the CVCC was maintained uniformly, and the
conditions, the propagation of flames can be accelerated, and the target temperature varies within ± 5 K in all experiments. The experi­
laminar burning velocity of ammonia increases with an increment in ment uses an electrode discharge for ignition. The positive electrode of
oxygen content [10,11]. Furthermore, Wang et al. [11] observe that the the spark plug is positioned at the top of the CVCC, while the ground
laminar burning velocity for ammonia/oxygen mixtures can reach a electrode is placed at the bottom of the inner chamber. The gap between
maximum value of 125.05 cm/s under pure oxygen, low temperature, the positive and negative electrodes is approximately 1 mm. The light
and atmospheric pressure. The initial temperature has an effect on path system for the shadowing method includes a point light source, a
ammonia/air combustion, and Kagoshima et al. [12] observe that slit, two concave mirrors, and a high-speed camera.
increasing the initial temperature increases the ammonia/air laminar In all experiments, ammonia (purity 99.99 %) and compressed air
burning velocity. In response to the high minimum ignition energy (22 % O2, 78 % N2) were manually injected directly into the combustion
required for pure ammonia, its low combustion rate, and narrow flam­ chamber, while ethanol (purity 99.99 %) was injected into the com­
mability limits, researchers conduct experimental studies on the com­ bustion chamber by GDI injectors. The shadow image of the flame was
bustion of ammonia blended with other active fuels such as ethanol recorded by a high-speed camera at a frame rate of 20,000 fps. The
[13,14], hydrogen [8,15–19], methane [20–26], methanol [13,27–29], pressure and temperature in the CVCC were indicated by a digital
and dimethyl ether [30–32]. Previous studies show that blending pressure gauge and a K-type thermocouple respectively. When the
ammonia with alcohol can improve the combustion characteristics of pressure and temperature reach the required condition for the experi­
ammonia. Compared to methanol, ethanol has a high energy density and ment, the spark plug ignition and camera shooting are triggered
no toxicity. Ethanol has certain prospects for promoting the combustion simultaneously.
characteristics of ammonia. Studying the laminar combustion charac­
teristics of ammonia ethanol can understand the combustion flame
2.2. Experimental parameters
behavior and improve the effectiveness of kinetic mechanisms. Wang
et al. [13]and Ronan et al. [14] experimentally study the laminar
In this experimental study, premixed gas compositions are prepared
burning speed of ammonia/ethanol mixtures and shows that ethanol
using the partial pressure method. Additionally, the ethanol energy
promotes the combustion characteristics of ammonia. Chen et al. [33]
fraction in the blended fuel is calculated by Eq. (1):
numerically study the laminar combustion characteristics of ammonia/
ethanol mixtures, and the research results show that adding ethanol can β=
improve the combustion intensity of ammonia. Previous research mainly XC2 H5 OH LHVC2 H5 OH + XNH3 LHVNH3
focuses on the combustion characteristics of ammonia/ethanol mixtures
under low initial temperatures and pressures, while there is relatively In Eq. (1), β is the ethanol energy fraction, LHV is the lower heating
little simulation and experimental research on combustion characteris­ value, and XC2 H5 OH and XNH3 represent the molar fractions of ethanol and
tics at higher initial temperatures and pressures. Due to the closer ammonia, respectively. The conditions of this experiment are shown in
relationship between combustion under high temperature and pressure Table 1.
and practical engineering applications, a deeper understanding of the To avoid the influence of experimental variability, each experi­
combustion characteristics of ammonia/ethanol mixtures under high mental condition was repeated at least three times. Fig. 3 shows the
temperature and pressure can provide an important foundation for trend of the flame radius with time after ignition for three experiments
optimizing the combustion process, improving energy utilization effi­ at a pressure of 0.5 MPa, initial temperature of 450 K, ethanol energy
ciency, reducing environmental pollution, and improving engineering fraction of 40 %, and an equivalence ratio of 1.1. It is observed from the
applications. And it can be used to verify and adjust existing ammonia/ figure that there is almost no difference in flame radius at the same
ethanol combustion mechanism models, providing a basis for further moment of flame propagation, indicating that the experiment has rela­
improving the combustion mechanism. tively stable results.
Therefore, this paper investigated the combustion characteristics of
ammonia/ethanol mixtures at higher initial temperatures and pressures. 2.3. Data processing
The relevant laminar combustion characteristics of ammonia/ethanol
mixtures were studied, including laminar flame velocity, Markstein After the premixed gas is ignited in the center of the CVCC, the flame
length, flame thickness, etc. The existing ammonia/ethanol mixing propagates continuously from the center of the electrode in a spherical
mechanism was verified, and the sensitivity of laminar burning velocity state in all directions. The propagation of a spherical expanding flame in
and nitrogen-containing reaction pathways were simulated and a CVCC can be classified into three stages: ignition phase, quasi-steady
analyzed using CHEMKIN-PRO software. Simulation analyses of mixed state flame propagation phase, and volume confinement phase. During
fuel premixed flame sensitivity species and NOx concentration the ignition stage, the initial flame is driven by heat conduction, causing

H. Yang et al. Fuel 367 (2024) 131350

Fig. 1. Experimental setup.

Fig. 2. Structure of constant volume combustion chamber.

Table 1
Experimental parameters. Fig. 3. Flame radius versus time curve (p = 0.5 MPa, β = 40 %, Ф=1.1, T =
Ethanol energy fraction T (K) P (MPa) Equivalence ratio
450 K).

0–80 % 400 0.5 1.1

0–80 % 450 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3
0–80 % 500 0.5 1.1

a rapid increase in its propagation velocity. Subsequently, the flame

speed rapidly decreases, and the flame begin to propagate in a quasi-
steady state with a gradually increasing propagation velocity. As the
flame propagates to a certain extent, it becomes restricted by the vol­
ume, and the speed gradually decreased. Therefore, only the data from Fig. 4. Diagram of the principle of equivalent flame radius calculation.
the quasi-steady state propagation stage is suitable for calculating the
velocity of spherical flame.
flame propagation can be avoided [36,37], and the lower limit of the
In this paper, the equivalent area method was used to obtain the
flame radius is selected as 10 mm for this paper. Due to the limitation of
radius of the spherical expansion flame. Fig. 4 shows a schematic dia­
the container wall in the later stage of flame propagation, the upper limit
gram of the principle of calculating the radius of the spherical expansion
of the flame radius is chosen as about 40 % of the inner diameter of the
flame. Through image processing, the projected area (S) of the frontal
combustion chamber [38,39]. In this study, the optical range is 100 mm,
surface of the spherical flame was obtained, and then the radius (R) of
so the upper limit of the flame radius is selected as 20 mm. Therefore,
the spherical flame was calculated from S = πR2 . Research indicates that
the flame radius range selected in this study was 10–20 mm. From Fig. 3,
when the flame radius exceeds 6 mm, the effect of ignition energy on
it can also be observed that there is no unstable trend within the selected

H. Yang et al. Fuel 367 (2024) 131350

flame radius range. Therefore, the results are considered to avoid the
Tad − T0
limitation of the container wall and the influence of ignition energy. Lf = (5)
max(|∂T/∂x| )
After processing the flame shadow image, the variation of the flame
radius with time after the ignition is obtained. The flame propagation Where Tad is the adiabatic flame temperature, T0 is the initial temper­
speed of the burned gas under stretching is calculated by Eq (2): ature and max(|∂T/∂x| ) is the maximum value of the temperature
dR gradient [45].
Sl = (2) Lewis number is an important parameter to measure the thermal
diffusion instability. In order to better describe the percentage of under-
Where Sl is the flame stretching speed of the burned gas, R is the tran­ reactants to over-reactants in the range of equivalence ratios, Bechtold
sient flame radius under stretching, and t is the time after the spark plug et al. [46] propose the effective Lewis number Leeff . In this paper, the
discharge. Since the flame in the quasi-steady state development phase effective Lewis number is used to measure thermal diffusive instability,
is influenced by the surface stretching effect, the flame stretch rate (Κ) of which is calculated by Eq. (6):
a spherical flame is defined as the rate of change of unit area against
(LeE − 1) + (LeD − 1)B
time, and the flame stretch rate is calculated by Eq. (3): Leeff = 1 + (6)
1− B
1 dA 1 d4πR 2
K= = = Sl (3) Where LeD is the Lewis number of insufficient reactants, LeE is the
A dt 4πR2 dt R Lewis number of excess reactants, and B is the weight coefficient. The
Where A represents the spherical flame surface area, Κ is the flame weight coefficient is calculated by Eq. (7):
stretch rate. To eliminate the impact of stretch, the stretch rate must be B = 1 + Ze(Ψ − 1) (7)
extrapolated to zero to obtain the unstretched flame propagation speed
(Ss ) of the burned gas. Several current correlation extrapolation methods Where Ze is the Zel’dovich number, Ψ is the excess to insufficient
for stretching flame speed and stretch rate include the linear stretch reactant ratio, Ψ = 1/Φ under lean burn conditions, and Ψ = Φ under
model (LS) [40], the linear curvature model LC [41], and the nonlinear rich burn conditions. In addition, Φ is premixed gas fuel–air equivalence
quasi-steady model (NQ) [42,43]. The corresponding equations are ratio.
shown in Table 2.
Where Lb is the Markstein length, and Ss is the unstretched flame 2.4. Uncertainty analysis
speed of the burned gas. Fig. 5 shows the comparison between the three
extrapolation methods at an initial pressure of 1.5 MPa, an initial tem­ There are many uncertain factors that affect the experimental results,
perature of 450 K, and a 20 % ethanol energy fraction. such as the uncertainty of experimental equipment and the influence of
From Fig. 5, it is found that the data fitted using the three extrapo­ radiation on laminar burning velocity. This paper focuses on the influ­
lation methods are consistent basically with the present experimental ence of initial conditions and radiation on laminar burning velocity. The
data. Under high equivalence ratio, the data fitted by NQ is closer to the uncertainty analysis of experimental results in this paper adopts the
experimental values. Therefore, the NQ nonlinear fitting is chosen for method proposed by Moffat [47], which is calculated by Eq. (8):
the calculation in this paper. Finally, since the flame propagates from √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
σ Sl 2
the burned zone to the unburned zone, the gas density should be ξSl = (DSl )2 + (t√̅̅̅̅ ̅) (8)
considered, so the unstretched flame velocity of the unstretched gas, also M
known as the laminar flame velocity (Su), is calculated by Eq. (4):
Where ξSl is the overall error that affects laminar burning velocity, DSl is
ρ the systematic error that affects laminar burning velocity. t √̅̅̅ is a
1 σ Sl
Su = b Ss = • Ss (4) M
ρu σ
random error. And t is a t-test coefficient with a confidence space of 95 %
for M− 1, where M is the number of experimental replicates. In this
Where σ is the thermal expansion coefficient, ρu is the density of the
paper, the experiment was repeated three times. σ Sl represents the
unburned gas, ρb is the density of the burned gas. The density is calcu­
standard deviation of laminar combustion velocity measurement. DSl is
lated by CHEMKIN-PRO using the mechanism of Wang [13] for phase
equilibrium. calculated by Eq. (9):
Flame thickness is one of the important parameters for measuring √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
∑ n
ui ∂Sl (xi ) 2
hydrodynamic instability, which can be defined as the thermal diffusion DSl = ( ) (9)
flame thickness and the temperature gradient flame thickness. The i=1

thermal diffusion flame thickness is calculated by Ld = α/Su , where α is

Where xi is a factor that affects the measurement of laminar combustion
the thermal diffusion coefficient, and Su is the laminar flame velocity. In
velocity, ui is the error of the influencing factor xi . Radiation heat loss
practical applications, the thickness of thermal diffusion flames is usu­
similarly affects the measurement of laminar burning velocity of
ally smaller than the actual flame thickness and is not commonly used
spherical propagating flames. The error caused by radiation heat loss
for practical calculations [44]. Therefore, this paper used the commonly
can be evaluated using the Eq. (10) proposed by Yu et al. [48].
used temperature gradient flame thickness to characterize flame thick­
ness, and the calculation formula is shown in (5): Sl,EXP − T p
Sl0 RCFS − SlEXP = 0.82Sl,EXP ( ) 1.44
( )( )− 0.2
S0 T0 p0

Where S0l RCFS is the laminar burning velocity considering the effect of
Table 2 radiation, SlEXP is the experimentally measured laminar burning veloc­
Three extrapolation methods.
ity, and S0 is the reference velocity, with a value of 1 cm/s. T0 is the
Extrapolation method Formula reference initial temperature, p0 is the reference initial pressure, taken
LS [40] Sl = Ss − Lb K asT0 = 298 K, p0 =0.1 MPa, respectively.
LC [41]
Sl = Ss − Lb Ss
K In the CVCC experiment, pressure and temperature are measured by
Sl a digital pressure gauge and a K-type thermocouple, respectively. The
( )2 ( )2
NQ [42,43] Sl Sl K
ln = − 2Lb accuracy of initial temperature and pressure is controlled within the
Ss Ss Ss
range of ± 5 K and ± 0.005 MPa, respectively. The uncertainty of

H. Yang et al. Fuel 367 (2024) 131350

Fig. 5. Comparison of three extrapolation methods.

equivalence ratio comes from the partial pressure method, which has an when the flame propagates to the same flame radius, the equivalent ratio
accuracy ranging from ± 0.01 to ± 0.02. The influence of nonlinear at 1.1 took the shortest time and the flame propagation speed is the
stretching behavior and extrapolation methods is also considered within fastest. It is also observed that there are almost no obvious cracks or
the overall uncertainty. Three repeated experiments were conducted for cellular structures in the combustion flame, whether it is lean combus­
each initial condition to estimate the random uncertainty. The total tion or rich combustion.
uncertainty of the experiment is estimated to be between 0.68 % and Fig. 7 shows the combustion images under different ethanol energy
5.36 % by Eq. (8). fractions with an equivalence ratio of 1.0, an initial temperature of 450
K, and an initial pressure of 1.0 MPa. The flame radius (R) was within the
3. Results and discussion range of 5–25 mm and was accompanied by a time note. From Fig. 7, it is
observed that as the ethanol energy fraction increased, the time required
3.1. Spherical expansion flame morphology for flame propagation to the same radius gradually decreases. The
higher the ethanol energy fraction, the faster the flame propagation. And
Fig. 6 shows the flame images of ammonia/ethanol mixtures com­ it is found that the larger the ethanol energy fraction, the more severe
bustion under different equivalence ratios at a temperature of 450 K, a the cracks or cellular structures in the later stage of flame propagation.
pressure of 0.5 MPa, and ethanol energy fraction of 20 %. It is found that Previous research indicates that the dense and uniform cellular struc­
tures generate on the flame surface result from hydrodynamic in­
stabilities [49,50], indicating that an increase in the ethanol energy

Fig. 6. Flame combustion images under different equivalence ratios (p = 0.5 Fig. 7. Flame combustion images under different initial ethanol energy frac­
MPa, T = 450 K, β = 20 %). tions (p = 1.0 MPa, T = 450 K, Φ = 1.0).

H. Yang et al. Fuel 367 (2024) 131350

fraction can strengthen the hydrodynamic instability. that as the ethanol energy fraction increases, the laminar burning ve­
Fig. 8 shows the flame propagation images under different initial locity exhibits a nonlinear growth trend. This is the same as the analysis
pressures with ethanol energy fraction of 80 % and equivalence ratio of results in Fig. 7. Keeping other initial conditions constant, the laminar
1.0. As the initial pressure gradually increases, the longer it takes for the flame velocity decreases with the increase of initial pressure and
flame to reach the same radius, indicating that the flame propagation increased with the increase of initial temperature. The analysis results
speed is gradually slow. And it is evident that as the initial pressure are consistent with the analysis of Fig. 8 and Fig. 9.
increases, the more severe the cellular structure of the flame becomes,
indicating an increase in hydrodynamic instability. 3.3. Adiabatic flame temperature
Fig. 9 presents combustion images obtained at various initial tem­
peratures, maintaining an equivalence ratio of 1.1 and an ethanol energy Adiabatic flame temperature refers to the final state temperature
fraction of 20 %. It is evident that increasing the initial temperature reached by the combustion system when a combustible mixture ap­
leads to an increase in flame radius, signifying accelerates flame prop­ proaches chemical equilibrium through an isobaric adiabatic process
agation. When the initial temperature increases, the flame front prop­ under specific initial temperature and pressure condition. The adiabatic
agation is basically the same, without resulting in the appearance of flame temperature reveals the heat release characteristics of the mixture
cellular structures on the flame surface. This means that the influence of and has a significant impact on the flame propagation speed [54,55], so
temperature on hydrodynamic instability is not significant. This phe­ it is necessary to study the adiabatic flame temperature. The adiabatic
nomenon is similar to the research results of Gárzon Lama [51], Li [52], flame temperature was calculated by CHEMKIN-PRO using the mecha­
and Zhang [53]. The following will further analyze the hydrodynamic nism of Wang [13] for phase equilibrium. Fig. 13 presents the variation
instability based on flame thickness and thermal expansion coefficient. of adiabatic flame temperature with equivalence ratio for different
initial conditions. As shown in Fig. 13 (a), when the initial temperature
is constant and the ethanol energy fraction is 20 %, the effect of initial
3.2. Laminar burning velocity pressure on the adiabatic flame temperature is not significant, especially
in lean and rich combustion, which is inconsistent with the trend of
Fig. 10 shows the variation curve of laminar flame velocity to laminar burning velocity changing with initial pressure. Similar phe­
equivalence ratio at an initial temperature of 450 K, different initial nomena have also been observed in the studies of Ma [56], Mao [55],
pressures, and different ethanol energy fractions. The laminar burning and Yang [57]. Yang believed that under lean and rich combustion, the
velocity increases and then decreases with the increase of the equiva­ adiabatic flame temperature does not change significantly with the in­
lence ratio, and is positively related to the ethanol energy fraction. The crease of initial pressure due to the increase in balance between the total
maximum value of laminar burning velocity occurs when the equiva­ heat releases from combustion and the system mass [57]. From Fig. 13
lence is between 1.0 and 1.1. And as the initial pressure increases, the (b) and Fig. 13 (c), it can be observed that increasing the ethanol energy
laminar flame velocity decreases. fraction and initial temperature both increase the adiabatic flame tem­
Fig. 11 shows the percentage of laminar burning velocity enhance­ perature, which is very consistent with the trend of laminar burning
ment relative to pure ammonia at different initial pressures when adding velocity changing with the ethanol energy fraction and initial temper­
20 % ethanol. It can be noted that, at an equivalence ratio of 1.0, the ature. In Fig. 13, the adiabatic flame temperature increases and then
maximum enhancement ratio is approximately 38.65 % when the initial decreases with the increase of the equivalence ratio. And the adiabatic
pressure is 0.5 MPa. However, as the initial pressure increases to 1.5 flame temperature reaches its maximum value within the equivalence
MPa, the enhancement ratio decreases to 23.65 %. An increase in ratio range from 1.0 to 1.1.
pressure results in a diminished enhancement ratio, signifying a weak­
ened promoting effect of ethanol on ammonia combustion as pressure 3.4. Analysis of hydrodynamic instability
rose. At an initial pressure of 1.0 MPa and an equivalence ratio of 1.3,
the enhancement ratio is only 5.36 %. Similarly, at an initial pressure of Flame hydrodynamic instability is caused by changes in the density
1.5 MPa and an equivalence ratio of 1.3, the enhancement ratio is of the flame front and can be characterized using the flame thickness and
merely 4.07 %. These indicate that the addition of a small amount of coefficient of thermal expansion. Law et al. [58] find that thinner flame
ethanol have limited influence on the laminar burning velocity of thicknesses and larger coefficients of thermal expansion result in
ammonia at high equivalence ratios. increased hydrodynamic instability. Fig. 14 shows the trend of flame
Fig. 12 illustrates the variation of laminar burning velocity with thickness with equivalence ratio under different initial conditions. It is
ethanol energy fraction under different initial conditions. It is observed evident that the flame thickness decreases first and then increased with
the increase of the equivalence ratio. And the flame thickness is nega­
tively correlated with the ethanol energy fraction. From Fig. 14(b) and
Fig. 14(c), it is observed that increasing the initial pressure and the
initial temperature both result in a reduction in flame thickness, and the
initial pressure has a greater impact on flame thickness. The equivalence
ratio corresponding to the minimum flame thickness is approximately
Fig. 15 shows the variation curve of thermal expansion coefficient
with equivalence ratio under different initial conditions. It is evident
that the thermal expansion coefficient initially increases and then de­
creases with the equivalence ratio, with a maximum in the equivalence
ratio between 1.0 and 1.1. As the ethanol energy fraction increases, the
thermal expansion coefficient also increases. With higher initial tem­
peratures, it decreases, while the initial pressure has a relatively small
impact on the thermal expansion coefficient. The analysis of Fig. 14, in
combination with these findings, indicates that the hydrodynamic
instability of the flame strengthened with the increasing proportion of
Fig. 8. Flame combustion images under different initial pressures (p = 0.5 ethanol energy fraction, followed by an initial strengthening and sub­
MPa, 1.0 MPa, 1.5 MPa, T = 450 K, Φ = 1.0, β = 80 %). sequent weakening trend with an increasing equivalence ratio. And the

H. Yang et al. Fuel 367 (2024) 131350

Fig. 9. Flame propagation images under different initial temperatures (p = 0.5 MPa, T = 400 K, 450 K, 500 K, Φ = 1.1, β = 20 %).

Fig. 10. Laminar burning velocity versus equivalence ratio curves for different initial pressures and various ethanol energy fractions (p = 0.5 MPa, 1.0 MPa, 1.5 MPa,
T = 450 K).

mixtures [51], 2-methyl-1-butanol air mixtures [52], and hydrogen/

ethanol mixtures [53]. Additionally, the strongest hydrodynamic
instability occurs within the equivalence ratio range of 1.0 to 1.1.
The correlation between initial condition parameters and the ther­
mal expansion coefficient was analyzed based on experimental datasets.
Fig. 16 shows the correlation coefficients based on the experimental
dataset. The thermal expansion coefficient is negatively correlated with
the initial temperature, with an absolute value of 0.74, and its correla­
tion with initial pressure is − 0.094. In addition, the thermal expansion
coefficient shows similar correlations with ethanol energy fraction and
equivalence ratio, with correlation coefficients ranging between 0.3 and
0.4. Overall, the initial temperature is the main factor affecting the
thermal expansion coefficient, while the ethanol energy fraction and
equivalence ratio have a relatively small impact on the coefficient of
thermal expansion, and initial pressure has almost no effect on the
thermal expansion coefficient.

3.5. Analysis of thermal diffusion instability

Fig. 11. Percentage of ethanol to ammonia laminar burning velocity Thermal diffusion instability is caused by the mass diffusion rate near
enhancement (p = 0.5 MPa, 1.0 MPa, 1.5 MPa, T = 450 K, β = 20 %).
the flame surface being greater than the thermal diffusion rate. When
the mass diffusion rate near the flame surface is greater than the thermal
initial pressure causes the flame hydrodynamic instability to be diffusion rate, it will lead to an increase in the combustion intensity
strengthened, which is consistent with the analysis results in Fig. 8. The difference on the local flame surface, resulting in flame instability. The
increase in initial temperature leads to a decrease in flame thickness and Lewis number is an important parameter for measuring thermal diffu­
thermodynamic expansion coefficient. The stabilizing effect of smaller sion instability. When the Lewis number is greater than one, thermal
thermal expansion coefficient values on hydrodynamic instability diffusion will reduce the difference in combustion intensity on the flame
partially offsets the instability effect of thinner flame thickness. Com­ surface, making the flame front tend to stabilize; When the Lewis
bined with the analysis of Fig. 9, the overall effect of temperature on number is less than one, mass diffusion will further enhance the differ­
hydrodynamic instability is not significant. This is similar to the study of ence in combustion intensity on the flame surface, leading to instability
temperature effects on fluid dynamics instability in aqueous ethanol/air of the flame front. In order to better describe the percentage of under-

H. Yang et al. Fuel 367 (2024) 131350

Fig. 12. Variation curves of laminar flame velocity with ethanol energy fraction of energy for different initial conditions.

Fig. 13. Adiabatic flame temperature variation curve with equivalence ratio for different initial conditions.

reactants to over-reactants in the range of equivalence ratios, Bechtold addition, as the initial pressure increases, the effective Lewis number
et al. [46] proposed the effective Lewis number Leeff . changes less, indicating that the change in initial pressure has little ef­
Fig. 17 shows the variation curve of effective Lewis number with fect on thermal diffusion instability. As the initial temperature increases,
equivalence ratio under different initial conditions. It can be seen that the effective Lewis number slightly increases, but the change is small,
when the ethanol energy fraction is 20 %, the effective Lewis number indicating that an increase in the initial temperature slightly weakens
changes very little with the increase of equivalence ratio, indicating that the thermal diffusion instability.
the thermal diffusion instability is almost not affected by the change of
equivalence ratio when the ethanol energy fraction is low. When the 3.6. Markstein length
energy fraction of ethanol exceeds 20 %, the effective Lewis number
decreases with an increase in equivalence ratio. This phenomenon is The Markstein length reflects the impact of stretch rate on flame
similar to the trend of the effective Lewis number of ethanol/air mix­ propagation velocity. Many researchers study the Markstein length of
tures with changing equivalence ratio [51,59]. This indicates that when ammonia [9,12], ethanol [60–64], Ammonia/Methane [23,25,26], and
the energy fraction of ethanol is high, the thermal diffusion instability Ammonia/n-butanol [56]. Previous studies have shown that as the
under lean combustion is weaker than under rich combustion. In equivalence ratio increases, the Markstein length of ammonia

H. Yang et al. Fuel 367 (2024) 131350

Fig. 14. Variation curve of flame thickness with equivalent for different initial conditions.

combustion increases, but that of ethanol combustion decreases. Fig. 18 ammonia as their main reactants, but these mechanisms have detailed
(a) presents the variation curves of Markstein length with equivalence reaction schemes and it is difficult to find other mechanisms that
ratio for different ethanol energy fractions at an initial temperature of included both ethanol and Ammonia. Therefore, these mechanisms that
450 K and an initial pressure of 0.5 MPa. In Fig. 18(a), it is observed that included a mixture of ammonia/ethanol are compared, validated, and
the Markstein length increases with increasing equivalence ratio when analyzed.
the ethanol energy fraction is less than or equal to 20 %. This observa­ Fig. 19 shows the comparison between experimental values of
tion aligns with previous findings about Markstein length in pure laminar burning velocity of ammonia/ethanol mixtures and simulated
ammonia combustion [9,12], as well as in blends of pure ammonia with values of different mechanisms. It is observed that most simulated values
a small amount of methane [23,25,26]. When the ethanol energy frac­ overestimate the current experimental values. The laminar burning ve­
tion is higher than or equal to 40 %, the Markstein length decreases with locity simulated through the CEU mechanism is closer to the experi­
increasing equivalence ratio and ethanol energy fraction. This indicates mental values compared to other mechanisms, especially under lean
that both an increase in equivalence ratio and ethanol energy fraction combustion. In addition, it is found that as the initial pressure increased,
tends to destabilize the flame front bulge. This observation is consistent the simulated values through the CEU mechanism are closer to the
with the findings of previous studies on the Markstein length of ethanol experimental values. The above description indicates that under current
[60–64] and ammonia/iso-butanol [56]. Fig. 18(b) shows the variation experimental conditions, none of these seven mechanisms can compre­
curves of Markstein length with equivalence ratio at different initial hensively and accurately predict laminar burning velocity, which means
pressures with the initial temperature at 450 K and ethanol energy that the current ammonia/ethanol mixing mechanism needed further
fraction at 80 %. From Fig. 16(b), it is found that increasing the initial improvement.
pressure decreases Markstein length, indicating that increasing the
initial pressure tends to destabilize the bulge part of the flame front 3.8. Reaction pathways and sensitivity analyses
As previously mentioned, the CEU mechanism under high-pressure
3.7. Mechanical verification conditions can more accurately predict the value of laminar burning
velocity and its trend with initial conditions compared to other mech­
Numerical simulations were carried out using ANSYS CHEMKIN anisms. Therefore, this mechanism was selected for chemical kinetics
PRO. This paper used literature mechanisms from Glarborg [65], analysis. To analyze the impact of ethanol energy fraction on NO gen­
Shrestha [18], Li [21], Capriolo [66], San Diego [67] mechanism eration, it is essential to analyze reaction pathways involving nitrogen-
(updated for hydrocarbons on 2016.12.14 and for nitrogen chemistry on containing species. Fig. 20 illustrates the reaction paths of nitrogen-
2018.07.23), Song [68] and Wang [13]. There is less research literature containing elements with different ethanol energy fraction at an initial
on ammonia/ethanol mixing mechanisms. Apart from the kinetic temperature of 450 K, an initial pressure of 1.0 MPa, and an equivalence
mechanism proposed by Wang et al. [13], referred to as the CEU ratio of 1.0. In this paper, the moment of maximum NO production rate
mechanism, which primarily involves ammonia and ethanol as re­ was selected for reaction path analysis. The percentage values in the
actants, other selected mechanisms do not focus on ethanol and figure are based on the relative rate of production (ROP) of each species,

H. Yang et al. Fuel 367 (2024) 131350

Fig. 15. Variation curve of thermal expansion coefficient with equivalence ratio for different initial conditions.

Fig. 16. Correlation coefficient based on experimental dataset.

with species having ROP values less than 2 % not shown in the figure. As involves the reaction between NH radicals and O radicals, reacting as
shown in Fig. 20, ammonia reacts with OH radicals, O radicals, and H R362. The addition of ethanol is found to generate CH3 radicals and
radicals in an oxidative reaction to produce NH2 radicals, where reac­ promote the formation of NO from HNO through the reaction of R406.
tion with OH radicals is the main reaction path. NO generation primarily NO is primarily consumed through reactions R318, R298, R323, R319,
occurred through three reaction pathways. The first pathway involves R299, and R329, leading to the production of N2O, N2, and NNH rad­
the oxidation of HNO radicals by OH, H, M, and CH3 radicals, including icals. The ROP of the HNO + H <=>NO + H2 reaction increases to 18.4
reactions R357, R358, R363, and R406. The second reaction path is the % with the addition of 40 % ethanol, while the ROP of the rest of the NO-
oxidation reaction of N radicals with O2 and OH radicals to produce NO generating reaction decreases or remains almost unchanged.
and contains the R324 and R361 reactions. The third reaction pathway

H. Yang et al. Fuel 367 (2024) 131350

Fig. 17. Variation curve of effective Lewis number with equivalence ratio for different initial conditions.

Fig. 18. Variation curve of Markstein length with equivalence ratio.

NH2 + NO<=>N2 + H2O R298 HNO + CH3<=>NO + CH4 R406

NH2 + NO<=>NNH + OH R299
NO + NH<=>N2O + H R318 To quantify the primary radicals affecting NO production and con­
NH + NO<=>N2 + OH R319 sumption, Fig. 21 shows eight ROP analyses on the main reactions of NO
N + NO<=>N2 + O R323 at different ethanol energy fractions. It can be observed that HNO and N
N + O2<=>NO + O R324 radicals are important components for the generation of NO. NH2 and
NNH + O<=>NH + NO R329 NH radicals are vital constituents in the consumption of NO. Addition­
HNO + H<=>NO + H2 R357 ally, it is also noted that the peak of the total ROP of NO is higher for a
HNO + OH<=>NO + H2O R358 40 % ethanol energy fraction compared to a 20 % ethanol energy
N + OH<=>NO + H R361 fraction.
NO + H<=>NH + O R362 Fig. 22 presents the sensitivity analysis of laminar burning velocity
HNO + M<=>NO + H + M R363 for ammonia/ethanol mixtures at different ethanol energy fractions.

H. Yang et al. Fuel 367 (2024) 131350

Fig. 19. Comparison between the experimental values of the laminar velocity of ammonia/ethanol mixtures and the simulations calculated by different mechanisms
(p = 0.5 MPa, 1.0 MPa, 1.5 MPa, T = 450 K, β = 60 %).

Fig. 20. Chemical reaction pathways of N-containing elements at different ethanol energy fractions (T = 450 K, P = 1.0 MPa, Ф= 1.0, β = 20 %, 40 %).

Fig. 21. ROP analysis of NO for different ethanol energy fractions (T = 450 K, p = 1.0 MPa, Ф= 1.0, β = 20 %, 40 %).

H. Yang et al. Fuel 367 (2024) 131350

Fig. 22. Laminar flame velocity sensitivity analysis (T = 450 K, p = 1.0 MPa, Ф= 1.0, β = 20 %, 40 %).

From the figure, the reactions that dominated the laminar burning ve­ noticed that the OH and O radical molar fractions increases with the
locity are all chain transfer, branching, and recombination reactions increase in ethanol energy fraction, which contributes to the decom­
between small molecules. The three reactions with the highest sensi­ position of NH3 and the production of NO. It can also be observed from
tivity are the chain branching reactions R1, R9, and the decomposition Fig. 21 that the ROP of NO is larger with the addition of 40 % ethanol
reaction R299 of NH2. Based on the sensitivity analysis results in Fig. 22, than with the addition of 20 % ethanol.
it is observed that for a 20 % ethanol energy fraction, reactions R298,
R316, R363, and R366 become sensitivity. However, as the ethanol 4. Conclusions
energy fraction increased to 40 %, the impact of these reactions on the
laminar burning velocity diminishes. The addition of ethanol decreased In this paper, the combustion characteristics of ammonia/ethanol/
the R1 and R299 reaction sensitivity coefficients and the O and OH air mixtures with different ethanol additions at different initial pressures
radicals are affected. were compared, and the flame stability was analyzed for various initial
pressures and ethanol energy fractions. Laminar burning velocity and
H + O2<=>O + OH R1 Markstein length were studied and the accuracy of certain reaction
H + O2(+M)<=>HO2(+M) R9 mechanisms was verified. The sensitivity of laminar burning velocity
NH + O2<=>HNO + O R316 and the reaction paths of nitrogen-containing elements were simulated
N2O(+M)<=>N2 + O(+M) R366 and analyzed using CHEMKIN-PRO software. The following conclusions
can be drawn from the experiments:
From Fig. 20, it is observed that O, OH, and H radicals were key to
the NH3 decomposition reaction and these radicals are mainly involved 1) Laminar burning velocity is positively correlated with the initial
in NO oxidation (e.g., R357, R358, R632). To observe the influence of temperature and ethanol energy fraction, and negatively correlated
ethanol addition on O, OH, and H radicals, the molar fractions of these with the initial pressure. The laminar burning velocity reaches its
three radicals were analyzed. Fig. 23 demonstrates the trend of OH, O, maximum when the equivalence ratio is between 1.0 and 1.1. At an
and H radical molar fractions at different ethanol energy fractions. It is initial pressure of 0.5 MPa, the promotional effect of ethanol addition

Fig. 23. Changes in free radicals for different ethanol energy ratios (T = 450 K, p = 1.0 MPa, Ф= 1.0, β = 20 %, 40 %).

H. Yang et al. Fuel 367 (2024) 131350

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