Written Report 1

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The role of information and communication technology (ICT)in the emergence and progression of trends
is characterized through improving Media innovation to similarly enhance records dissemination, Thus,
styles and conduct may be communicated to a much broader audience, which they afterward can
assimilate for them selves.

Information and communication technology allows the more than a few types of communication that
we enjoy these days For instance, The Internet, which paved the way for social network such as
Facebook, Twitter and hyperlink in.

According to the (UNESCO) or the united nations education scientific and culture organization, ICT is the
collective term that refers to the equipment and the processes to access, retrieve, store, organize,
manipulate, produce, stop and alternate data via digital and different automatic means. These consist of
hardware, software and telecommunication in the types of private computers, scanner, digital cameras,
phones, faxes, modems and DVD player and recorders,digitted video, radio and TV programmers,
database programmers and multimedia programmers.

Simply put, ICT’s are mechanisms that assist us in transmitting, receiving, storing, having access to and
processing records via digital media.

The various effect of ICT Supply and demand include citizen participation, economic performance,
education, employment and poverty alleviation, health, individuals and communities, innovation and
research, and privacy and security, which in one way or another also affect the economic system the
environment, and the society.


ICT has become a very potent tool in increasing Citizen participation in the affairs of a country. One
cannot expect citizens to react and participate in issues concerning their countries if they are not
informed about what is happening around them. Through technology such as computers, mobile
phones, and the internet, information has never become more accessible to citizens who have access to
these technology.


The application of ICT has introduced vast monetary benefit to many nations today, in an generation
while an get entry to data is of paramount importance’s numerous aforementioned effect area’s of
ICT,which advantages from the usage of ICT gadget and infrastructure make contributions to the boom
of the financial system of a given country. In this lights,ICT has an effect, both at once or not directly on
a nation’s financial performance.


In discipline of education,ICT has supplied avenues that decorate verbal exchange of information and
centers the gaining knowledge of process.ICT additionally affects latest improvement in cutting-edge
method to practice in addition to accomplishing inquiries, correspondence, and transaction among the
college and present day and potential students, alumni, mother and father and benefactors amongst
others.however,ICT additionally brings sure drawback specially with inside the mind-set that student
increase having such smooth get admission to records there’s a danger that student might not have the
ability to distinguish among reliable and doubtful information’s when accomplishing studies for
homeworks,time period papers or report.


The emergence And spread of ICT have difinitive effort on employment because of the job that has
created. On the other hands, the business generated from the applications of ICT such as online retail
stores BPO and KPO firms, and ICT distributions center,among others,in different parts of the world also
required thousands of skilled workers years in and years out.However development in ICT have also
spawned a number of crimes such as piracy copyright infringement, child pornography,cybersex,and
theft, among others,which are considered as services of employment by some.


Apart from bringing enormous benefits in health research,ICT has also been of great value through
practical health related applications, keeping and access to patient medical record have also been
revolutionized by ICT.Noneless there are also health risk related to the use of ICT.Excessive playing of
both offline and online games have resulted in a number of illnesses including visual
impairment,problem on posture,and gaming addiction, among others.pornography consumption also
has adverse psychological effects.


The positive and negative impact of ICT are very glaring on people and groups in phrases of connectivity
buddies and households are capable of speak over lengthy distance thru cell phones,email,video calls,
and social networking paying application payments and doing financial institution transactions at the
moment are without problems finished on line looking for clothes, books gadgets, and home equipment
may be additionally done via on line keep that human beings are capping a position to perform flow
matters in much less time which saves time power and cash which could in flip be spent on different
matters including bonding with own circle of relatives amongst others .


The areas discussed here the ones on which perhaps ict has the most effect would be innovation and
research innovation is characterized by introducing something new which the result of improving that
on to it the innovation is introduced. A currently development is in ict would not trust prosper without
the application of innovation in the field of ict itself. Innovation would not be possible without a certain
degree of research ict. Ict has already had its effect on innovation and research, and vice versa. Ict is
perceived as an important innovation, in itself. It does not only improve the processes done in the field
of, for instance, business, education health, and security, but more importantly, facilitates the efficient
conducting of research by people involved areas in relation to the effective performance of their


In phrases of privacy and security the application of ict has had its fair share of positive and negative
effect on the other hand as regards the negative effect ict has also made it relatively easier to invade
privacy or subvert security and many ways. Regards to positive installation of surveillance camera on the
street and inside homes and businesses establishment has increased the security of citizen that helps
law enforcer in many instant to capture those who violates the law.increasing reliance of the globalized
world in ict has put many of our resources at risk because of the every present possibility that ict
equipment and infrastructure make fail to function anytime.

The supply and demand of ICT are influenced by a variety of factors, and their impact is felt across
several areas, including citizen participation, economic performance, education, employment and
poverty alleviation, health, individual and community innovation and research, and privacy and security.
On the supply side, factors such as access to technology, skilled labor, and government policies can
affect the availability of ICT products and services. On the demand side, income levels, population
demographics, and cultural attitudes towards technology can all influence the demand for ICT.The
impact of the supply and demand of ICT on citizen participation can be significant, as ICT can facilitate
access to information and communication, enabling citizens to engage more fully in civic life. Economic
performance can also be positively affected by the supply and demand of ICT, as it can increase
productivity, create new jobs, and promote innovation. Education is another area where the impact of
ICT is significant, as it can facilitate access to educational resources and improve learning outcomes.
Employment and poverty alleviation can also be positively impacted by the supply and demand of ICT, as
it can create new job opportunities and support economic growth. In the area of health, ICT can improve
access to healthcare services and support disease prevention and management. Individual and
community innovation and research can also benefit from the supply and demand of ICT, as it can
support the development of new products and services. Privacy and security are critical areas that can
be impacted by the supply and demand of ICT. As the use of ICT increases, it is important to ensure that
privacy and security concerns are adequately addressed to protect individuals and organizations from
cyber threats. In summary, the supply and demand of ICT are complex and multifaceted, with impacts
felt across various areas of society. It is crucial to understand the factors that influence the supply and
demand of ICT and their impact to support the development and adoption of ICT in a way that
maximizes its benefits while minimizing any potential negative consequences.

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