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Political and Public International Law &

Labor Law and Social Legislation

POLxLAB Pre-Week Notes

Compiled by RGL | USC

POLxLAB PRE-WEEK NOTES For WEEK 1 of the 2020_21 #BestBarEver

TABLE OF CONTENTS Labor Standards 146 B. Parts of a Constitution

POLITICAL AND PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW Post-Employment 164 1) Constitution of Liberty — consists of a series of prescriptions
setting forth the fundamental civil and political rights of the
The 1987 Constitution 2 Labor Relations 182 citizens and imposing limitations on the powers of government
as a means of securing the enjoyment of those rights;
Basic Concepts 3 Management Prerogative 192
2) Constitution of Government — series of provisions outlining
National Territory 13 Social Legislation 194 the organization of the government, enumerating its powers,
laying down certain rules relative to its administration, and
Citizenship 14 Jurisdiction and Remedies 206 de ining the electorate; and
3) Constitution of Sovereignty — consists of the provisions
Legislative Department 17
I. THE 1987 CONSTITUTION pointing out the mode or procedure in accordance with which
Executive Department 27 formal changes in the fundamental law may be brought about.
A. Nature and Concept of a Constitution
Judicial Department 37 C. Amendments and Revisions
B. Parts of a Constitution
Article XVII. Section 1. Any amendment to, or revision of, this
Constitutional Commissions 41 C. Amendments and Revisions Constitution may be proposed by:

Bill of Rights 43 D. Methods of Interpreting the Constitution 1. The Congress, upon a vote of three-fourths of all its
Members; or
Law on Public Of icers 73 2. A constitutional convention.
A. Nature and Concept of a Constitution
Administrative Law 85 Section 2. Amendments to this Constitution may likewise be directly
A constitution is a system of fundamental laws for the
proposed by the people through initiative upon a petition of
Election Law 96 governance and administration of a nation. It is supreme,
imperious, absolute and unalterable except by the authority a. at least twelve per centum of the total number of
Local Governments 109 from which it emanates. registered voters,

It has been de ined as the fundamental and paramount law of the b. of which every legislative district must be represented by at
National Economy and Patrimony 120
nation. least three per centum of the registered voters therein.
Social Justice and Human Rights 123 Manila Prince Hotel v. GSIS No amendment shall be authorized within ive years following the
rati ication of this Constitution nor oftener than once every ive years
Education, Science, Technology, Arts, Culture & Sports 124 Under the doctrine of constitutional supremacy, if a law or
contract violates any norm of the constitution that law or contract thereafter.

Public International Law 125 whether promulgated by the legislative or by the executive branch or Section 3. The Congress may,
entered into by private persons for private purposes is null and void
a. by a vote of two-thirds of all its Members, call a
LABOR LAW AND SOCIAL LEGISLATION and without any force and effect. Thus, since the Constitution is the
fundamental, paramount and supreme law of the nation, it is constitutional convention, OR
Fundamental Principles 141 deemed written in every statute and contract. b. by a majority vote of all its Members, submit to the
electorate the question of calling such a convention.
Recruitment and Placement 142

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Section 4. Any amendment to, or revision of, this Constitution shall be D. Methods of Interpreting the Constitution These principles in Article II are not intended to be self-executing
valid when rati ied by a majority of the votes cast in a principles ready for enforcement through the courts. They are used
1) The Constitution should be interpreted in such a way as to give
plebiscite which shall be held not earlier than sixty days nor later by the judiciary as aids or as guides in the exercise of its power of
effect to the intendment of the framers. judicial review, and by the legislature in its enactment of laws.
than ninety days
2) In case of doubt, the constitution should be considered
a. after the approval of such amendment or revision; (Constituent Reiterated in Espina v. Zamora
a) self-executing rather than non self-executing;
Assembly or Constitutional Convention) OR
b) mandatory rather than directory; and While Section 19, Article II of the 1987 Constitution requires the
b. after the certi ication by the Comelec of the suf iciency of
development of a self-reliant and independent national economy
the petition. (People’s Initiative) c) prospective rather than retrospective. effectively controlled by Filipino entrepreneurs, it does not impose
a policy of Filipino monopoly of the economic environment. The
Lambino v. Comelec Manila Prince Hotel v. GSIS objective is simply to prohibit foreign powers or interests from
The Initiative Petition Does Not Comply with Section 2, Article A provision which lays down a general principle, such as those maneuvering our economic policies and ensure that Filipinos are
XVII of the Constitution on Direct Proposal by the People found in Art. II of the 1987 Constitution, is usually not given preference in all areas of development.
The framers of the Constitution intended that the "draft of the II. BASIC CONCEPTS
proposed constitutional amendment" should be "ready and But a provision which is complete in itself and becomes operative
shown" to the people "before" they sign such proposal. without the aid of supplementary or enabling legislation, or that A. Declaration of Principles and State Policies
which supplies suf icient rule by means of which the right it grants
The Initiative Violates Section 2, Article XVII Disallowing B. Sovereignty
may be enjoyed or protected, is self-executing. Thus, a
Revision through Initiatives
constitutional provision is self-executing C. State Immunity
A people's initiative to change the Constitution applies ONLY to an 1. if the nature and extent of the right conferred and
amendment of the Constitution and NOT to its revision. D. Separation of Powers
2. the liability imposed are ixed by the constitution itself,
Revision broadly implies a change that E. Checks and Balances
3. so that they can be determined by an examination and
a. alters a basic principle in the constitution, like altering construction of its terms, and F. Delegation of Powers
the principle of separation of powers or the system of
4. there is no language indicating that the subject is referred to G. Fundamental Powers of the State
the legislature for action.
There is also revision if the change Police Power
Unless it is expressly provided that a legislative act is necessary to
b. alters the substantial entirety of the constitution, as enforce a constitutional mandate, the presumption now is that all Eminent Domain
when the change affects substantial provisions of the provisions of the constitution are self-executing. Taxation
A constitutional provision may be self-executing in
A two-part test is thus used: the quantitative test and the qualitative one part and non-self-executing in another.
test. The quantitative test examines only the number of A. Declaration of Principles and State Policies
provisions affected and does not consider the degree of the change. Sec 10, second par., Art. XII of the 1987 Constitution is a
mandatory, positive command which is complete in itself and The State as Parens Patriae
The qualitative test inquires into the qualitative effects of the which needs no further guidelines or implementing laws or rules for
proposed change in the constitution. The main inquiry is whether the its enforcement. It is per se judicially enforceable. Where there is a Maynilad v. SENR 2019 En Banc
change will "accomplish such far reaching changes in the nature of right there is a remedy. Ubi jus ibi remedium. Hand-in-hand with police power in the promotion of general welfare
our basic governmental plan as to amount to a revision.".
is the doctrine of parens patriae.
Compare with Tanada v. Angara
Under the doctrine, the state has the sovereign power of guardianship

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over persons of disability, and in the execution of the doctrine the The fact that international law has been made part of the law of the and the ICCPR.
legislature is possessed of inherent power to provide protection to land does not by any means imply the primacy of international law
The principle of non-discrimination requires that laws of general
persons non sui juris and to make and enforce rules and regulations over national law in the municipal sphere. Under the doctrine of
application relating to elections be applied equally to all persons,
as it deems proper for the management of their property. incorporation as applied in most countries, rules of international regardless of sexual orientation. Although sexual orientation is not
Parens patriae means "father of his country", and refers to the State law are given a standing equal, not superior, to national legislative speci ically enumerated as a status or ratio for discrimination in
as a last-ditch provider of protection to those unable to care and enactments. Article 26 of the ICCPR, the ICCPR Human Rights Committee has
fend for themselves. opined that the reference to "sex" in Article 26 should be construed to
Tanada v. Angara include "sexual orientation."
While the Regalian doctrine is state ownership over natural
resources, police power is state regulation through legislation, and In its Declaration of Principles and State Policies, the Constitution The Yogyakarta Principles, consisting of a declaration formulated by
parens patriae is the default state responsibility to look after the “adopts the generally accepted principles of international law various international law professors, are — at best - de lege ferenda
defenseless, there remains a limbo on a lexible state policy bringing as part of the law of the land, and adheres to the policy of peace, — and do not constitute binding obligations on the Philippines.
these doctrines into a cohesive whole. We ill this void through the equality, justice, freedom, cooperation and amity, with all
Public Trust Doctrine. nations." By the doctrine of incorporation, the country is bound by Compare Doctrine of Transformation in US v. Purganan
In this framework, a relationship is formed — the state is the generally accepted principles of international law, which are
considered to be automatically part of our own laws. One of the The US-RP Extradition Treaty in particular, undoubtedly affects not
trustee, which manages speci ic natural resources and the trust only state organs but also private individuals as well. It is said that,
principal — for the trust principal for the bene it of the current oldest and most fundamental rules in international law is pacta
in treaties of this nature, it should behoove the state to undertake or
and future generations — the bene iciaries. sunt servanda — international agreements must be performed in adopt the necessary steps to make the treaty binding upon said
good faith. subjects either by incorporation or transformation.
The public is regarded as the bene icial owner of trust resources, and
courts can enforce the public trust doctrine even against the Existing legislation contrary to the provisions of the treaty becomes
government itself. SOJ v. Lantion
invalid, but legislation is necessary to put the treaty into effect. The
The doctrine of incorporation is applied whenever municipal constitutional requirement that the treaty be concurred in by no less
DepEd v. Rizal Teachers Kilusang Bayan for Credit 2019 tribunals are confronted with situations in which there appears to be than two-thirds of all members of the Senate is, for legal intent and
a con lict between a rule of international law and the provisions of purposes, an equivalent to the required transformation of
May the DepEd be compelled by writ of mandamus to collect, by treaty law into municipal law.
the constitution or statute of the local state. Efforts should irst be
salary deductions, the loan payments of public school teachers and
exerted to harmonize them, so as to give effect to both. In preserving harmony between treaty law and municipal law, it is
remit them to the RTKBCI?
In a situation, however, where the con lict is irreconcilable and a submitted —
RTKBCI has no clear legal right to demand that DepEd act as its
choice has to be made between a rule of international law and 1) That treaty law has the effect of amending, or even repealing
collecting and remitting agent. This is not one of DepEd's power,
municipal law, jurisprudence dictates that municipal law should be an inconsistent municipal statute, a later enactment being
duties, and functions.
upheld by the municipal courts. controlling,
Teachers have no one else to turn to for protection of their welfare
In the absence of a law or principle of law, we must apply the rules
except the State itself. For its part, the State is duty bound to render 2) but that an inconsistent municipal statute subsequently
such protection in observance of its duty under the doctrine of of fair play. An application of the basic twin due process rights of
passed cannot modify treaty law, without the concurrence of
parens patriae. In implementing the payroll deduction system, notice and hearing will not go against the treaty or the implementing
the other state party thereto, following the generally
DepEd performed a function only secondarily to favor RTKBCI as a law. Neither the Treaty nor the Extradition Law precludes these rights
accepted principle of pacta sunt servanda.
private lending institution and primarily to protect and promote the from a prospective extraditee.
welfare of teachers and institutions of basic education. Proceed to Relationship between International
Ang Ladlad v. Comelec 2010 En Banc and Philippine Domestic Law
Adherence to International Law
We explicitly recognize the principle of non-discrimination as it
Philip Morris v. CA Separation of Church and State
relates to the right to electoral participation, enunciated in the UDHR
Section 6. The separation of Church and State shall be inviolable.

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Aglipay v. Ruiz right" of citizens to "a balanced and healthful ecology which, for same.
the irst time in our nation's constitutional history, is solemnly
What is guaranteed by our Constitution is religious liberty, not mere Right of Indigenous Cultural Communities
incorporated in the fundamental law." Their personality to sue in
religious toleration. Religious freedom, however, as a constitutional
behalf of the succeeding generations can only be based on the
mandate is not inhibition of profound reverence for religion and is ⭐Tawahig v. Lapinid 2019 Leonen, J
concept of intergenerational responsibility insofar as the
not a denial of its in luence in human affairs. In fact, certain general
concessions are indiscriminately accorded to religious sects and right to a balanced and healthful ecology is concerned. The Philippine legal system's framework for the protection of
denominations. indigenous peoples was never intended and will not operate to
When in doubt, cases must be resolved in favor of the constitutional
deprive courts of jurisdiction over criminal offenses. Individuals
Here, the stamps were not issued and sold for the bene it of the right to a balanced and healthful ecology. Parenthetically, judicial
belonging to indigenous cultural communities who are charged with
Roman Catholic Church. Nor were money derived from the sale of the adjudication is one of the strongest fora in which the precautionary
criminal offenses cannot invoke the Indigenous Peoples' Rights Act
stamps given to that church. On the contrary, it appears that the only principle may ind applicability.
of 1997, to evade prosecution and liability under courts of law.
purpose in issuing and selling the stamps was "to advertise the
Philippines and attract more tourists to this country." Mosqueda v. Pilipino Banana Growers & Exporters Association With respect to dispensing justice, resolving con licts, and
peace-building, the application of customary laws and practices
2016 En Banc
is permissible only to the extent that it is in harmony with the
Right to life of the unborn The constitutional right to health and maintaining environmental national legal system. A set of customary laws and practices is
Imbong v. Ochoa 2014 En Banc integrity are privileges that do not only advance the interests of a effective only within the con ines of the speci ic indigenous cultural
group of individuals. The bene its of protecting human health and community that adopted and adheres to it.
The Philippine national population program has always been the environment transcend geographical locations and even
grounded two cornerstone principles: “principle of no-abortion” generations. This is the essence of Sections 15 and 16, Article II of Family as social institution
and the “principle of non-coercion.” the Constitution. In Oposa v. Factoran, Jr. we declared that the right ⭐Falcis III v. Civil Registrar General 2019 Leonen En Banc
to a balanced and healthful ecology under Section 16 is an issue of
The Court agrees with ALFI that the authors of the RH-IRR gravely transcendental importance with intergenerational The Constitution does not de ine or restrict marriage on the basis of
abused their of ice when they rede ined the meaning of abortifacient. implications. It is under this milieu that the questioned ordinance sex, gender, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression.
It allows “contraceptives” and recognizes as “abortifacient” only should be appreciated.
those that primarily induce abortion. Lacking a manifestly restrictive textual de inition of marriage, the
Constitution is capable of accommodating a contemporaneous
Evidently, the addition of the word “primarily,” in the RH-IRR is Resident Marine Mammals v. Reyes 2015 En Banc understanding of sexual orientation, gender identity and expression,
indeed ultra vires. With such quali ication in the RH-IRR, it appears and sex characteristics (SOGIESC). The plain text and meaning of
to insinuate that a contraceptive will only be considered as an The need to give the Resident Marine Mammals legal standing has
our constitutional provisions do not prohibit SOGIESC.
“abortifacient” if its sole known effect is abortion or, as pertinent been eliminated by our Rules, which allow any Filipino citizen, as a
here, the prevention of the implantation of the fertilized ovum. steward of nature, to bring a suit to enforce our environmental laws. To continue to ground the family as a social institution on the
It is worth noting here that the Stewards are joined as real parties in concept of the complementarity of the sexes is to perpetuate the
Thus, the word “primarily” in Section 3.01(a) and (j) of the the Petition and not just in representation of the named cetacean discrimination faced by couples, whether opposite-sex or same-sex,
RH-IRR should be declared void. species. who do not it into that mold.
Right to balanced and healthful ecology Right to Quality Education B. Sovereignty
International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-Biotech ⭐Council of Teachers and Staff of Colleges and Universities of the
Applications v. Greenpeace Southeast Asia 2015 En Banc Concurring Opinion of Justice Mendoza in Estrada v. Arroyo, supra
Philippines v. Secretary of Education 2018 En Banc
Greenpeace, et al alleged that the Bt talong ield trials violate their While Art. II, §1 of the Constitution says that "sovereignty resides
While the Constitution indeed mandates the State to provide quality
constitutional right to health and a balanced ecology. in the people and all government authority emanates from
education, the determination of what constitutes quality
them," it also says that "the Philippines is a democratic and
Oposa v. Factoran, Jr. signaled an even more liberalized policy on education is best left with the political departments who have
republican state."
locus standi in public suits. In said case, we recognized the "public the necessary knowledge, expertise, and resources to determine the

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public interest as a predicate to good governance and a Consent

This means that ours is a representative democracy — as working democracy.
distinguished from a direct democracy — in which the sovereign 1) Where a suit is iled NOT against the government itself or its
will of the people is expressed through the ballot, whether in an In our jurisdiction, it is also the rule that the exercise of the right of
suffrage should be an enlightened one, hence, based on relevant of icials but against one of its entities, it must be ascertained
election, referendum, initiative, recall or plebiscite. Any exercise of
facts, data and information. whether or not the State has given its consent to be sued.
the powers of sovereignty in any other way is unconstitutional.
2) This ascertainment will depend in the irst instance on WON
Indeed, the right to revolt cannot be recognized as a constitutional C. State Immunity the agency impleaded is incorporated or unincorporated.
principle. A constitution to provide for the right of the people to
revolt will carry with it the seeds of its own destruction. Rather, the Section 3 Art XVI. The State may not be sued without its consent. 3) An incorporated agency has a charter of its own that invests it
right to revolt is af irmed as a natural right. Even then, it must be with a separate juridical personality. The test of suability lies
exercised only for weighty and serious reasons. Suit against State in its charter — It is suable if its charter says so; regardless of
What took place at EDSA from January 16 to 20, 2001 was not a Arigo v. Swift 2014 En Banc the nature of the functions it is performing.
revolution but the peaceful expression of popular will. The operative 4) Unincorporated agencies have no separate juridical
fact which enabled VP Arroyo to assume the presidency was the fact While the doctrine appears to prohibit only suits against the state
personality as they are merged in the general machinery of the
that there was a crisis, nay a vacuum, in the executive leadership without its consent, it is also applicable to complaints iled against
which made the government rife for seizure by lawless elements. The of icials of the state for acts allegedly performed by them in the government.
presidency was up for grabs, and it was imperative that the rule of discharge of their duties. a. A suit against it is necessarily against the State.
succession in the Constitution be enforced. The rule is that if the judgment against such of icials will require the b. Suability then depends on the nature of the function it
state itself to perform an af irmative act to satisfy the same, such as is performing either governmental or proprietary.
Dissenting Opinion of Justice Puno in Tolentino, et al. v Comelec the appropriation of the amount needed to pay the damages awarded
against them, the suit must be regarded as against the state itself 5) Suability vs. Liability. — Waiver of immunity by the State
The people can directly exercise their sovereign authority through the
although it has not been formally impleaded. does not mean concession of its liability.
following modes, namely:
This traditional rule has evolved into a restrictive doctrine which a. Suability is the result of the express or implied
1) Elections. — the people choose the representatives to
distinguishes consent of the State to be sued.
whom they will entrust the exercise of powers of
government. a) sovereign and governmental acts (jure imperii) from
b. Liability is determined after hearing on the basis of
2) Plebiscite. — the people ratify any amendment to or b) private, commercial and proprietary acts (jure gestionis). relevant laws and established facts.
revision of the Constitution and may introduce amendments Under the restrictive rule of state immunity, state immunity
Philippine Textile Research Institute v. CA 2019
to the constitution. extends only to acts jure imperii. The restrictive application of
3) Initiative. — legal process whereby the registered voters of State immunity is proper only when the proceedings arise out of PTRI, et al. are not immune from suit. Being an unincorporated
an LGU may directly propose, enact, or amend any ordinance commercial transactions of the foreign sovereign, its commercial government agency that exercises a governmental function,
through an election called for the purpose. activities or economic affairs. ordinarily, the PTRI enjoys immunity from suit.
4) Recall. — a method of removing a local of icial from of ice The doctrine of immunity from suit will not apply and may not be The State may be sued with its consent. The State's consent to be
before the expiration of his term because of loss of invoked where the public of icial is being sued in his private and sued may be given either expressly or impliedly. Express consent
con idence. personal capacity as an ordinary citizen. may be made through a general law or a special law. The general law
5) Referendum. — the people can approve or reject a law or In this case, the US respondents were sued in their of icial capacity as waiving the immunity of the state from suit is found in Act No. 3083,
an issue of national importance. commanding of icers of the US Navy. The suit is deemed to be one where the Philippine government 'consents and submits to be sued
against the US itself. The principle of State immunity thus applies. upon any money claim involving liability arising from contract,
The 1987 Constitution not only enlarged the democratic space with express or implied, which could serve as a basis of civil action
provisions on the electorate’s direct exercise of sovereignty, but also between private parties.
highlighted the right of the people to information on matters of
PTRI entered into a Contract of Works with B.A. Ramirez. PTRI is

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executed, carried out, or implemented by the delegate; and

being sued upon a claim involving liability arising from a contract. reality of one overarching Constitution that governs one
Hence, the general law on the waiver of immunity from suit government and one nation for whose bene it all the three b) ixes a standard — the limits of which are suf iciently
inds application. separate branches must act with unity.
determinate and determinable — to which the delegate must
Furthermore, there is implied consent on the part of the State to be A lesser known but no less important aspect of the principle of conform in the performance of his functions.
subjected to suit when the State enters into a contract. However, separation of powers is the principle of comity or the practice of
A suf icient standard is one which de ines legislative policy, marks
distinction must still be made between one which is executed in the voluntarily observing inter-departmental courtesy in undertaking
its limits, maps out its boundaries and speci ies the public agency to
exercise of its sovereign functions and another which is done in its their assigned constitutional duties for the harmonious working of
apply it. It indicates the circumstances under which the legislative
proprietary capacity. government.
command is to be effected.
D. Separation of Powers E. Checks and Balances ⭐Provincial Bus Operators Association of the Philippines v. DOLE
2018 En Banc Leonen, J
The separation of powers is a fundamental principle in our system
Separate Opinion, Justice Puno, Macalintal v. Comelec, et al.
of government. It obtains not through express provision but by Our governmental structure rests on the principle of separation of
actual division in our Constitution. For its part, this Court checks the exercise of power of the other powers. In reality, however, the powers are not as strictly con ined or
branches of government through judicial review. Since then, the Court delineated to each branch. The growing complexity of modern life,
Separate Opinion, Justice Puno, Macalintal v. Comelec, et al. the multiplication of the subjects of governmental regulation, and the
has used its expanded power to check acts of the House of
Representatives, the President, and even of independent bodies such increased dif iculty of administering the laws require the
The principle of separation of powers prevents the concentration
as the Electoral Tribunal, the Comelec, and the CSC. delegation of powers traditionally belonging to the legislative to
of legislative, executive, and judicial powers to a single branch of
administrative agencies.
government by deftly allocating their exercise to the three branches of Congress checks the other branches of government primarily
government. through its law making powers. Congress can create administrative ⭐Kilusang Mayo Uno v. Aquino III 2019 En Banc Leonen, J
It is now beyond debate that the principle of separation of powers agencies, de ine their powers and duties, ix the terms of of icers and
their compensation. It can also create courts, de ine their jurisdiction All that is required for the valid exercise of this power of subordinate
1) allows the “blending” of some of the executive, legislative, and reorganize the judiciary so long as it does not undermine the legislation is that
or judicial powers in one body; security of tenure of its members. Concomitant with its principal 1) the regulation must be germane to the objects and purposes
2) does not prevent one branch of government from inquiring power to legislate is the auxiliary power to ensure that the laws it of the law; and
into the affairs of the other branches to maintain the balance enacts are faithfully executed.
2) that the regulation be not in contradiction to, but in
of power; conformity with, the standards prescribed by the law.
3) but ensures that there is no encroachment on matters within F. Delegation of Powers
The Social Security Act has validly delegated the power to ix the
the exclusive jurisdiction of the other branches. The rule is that what has been delegated, cannot be delegated or as contribution rate and the minimum and maximum amounts for the
expressed in a Latin maxim—potestas delegata non delegari potest. monthly salary credits. It is within the scope of the Social Security
In Re Production of Court Records re Independence of the Judiciary The recognized exceptions to the rule are delegation: Commission's power to ix them, as clearly laid out in the law.
The doctrine of separation of powers inures not by express 1) Of tariff powers to the President under Sec 28(2) Art VI;
provision of the Constitution, but as an underlying principle that
G. Fundamental Powers of the State
2) Of emergency powers to the President under Sec 23(2) Art VI;
constitutes the bedrock of our system of checks and balances in Brie ly
government. It divides the government into three branches, each with 3) To the people at large;
1) Police Power regulates liberty and property for the promotion
well-de ined powers. In its most basic concept, the doctrine declares 4) To local governments; and
that the legislature enacts the law, the executive implements it, and of the general welfare.
the judiciary interprets it. 5) To administrative bodies. 2) Eminent Domain enables the State to forcibly acquire
Each branch is considered separate, co-equal, coordinate and In every case of permissible delegation, there must be a showing that property, upon payment of just compensation, for some
supreme within its own sphere, under the legal and political the delegation itself is valid. It is valid only if the law intended public use.
a) is complete in itself, setting forth therein the policy to be

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3) Taxation is the ability to demand from the members of society 2. In a positive sense, it is the power to prescribe regulations to 4. Municipal governments exercise quasi-legislative powers
their proportionate share or contribution in the maintenance of promote the health, morals, peace, education, good order or under the general welfare clause, Sec 16, Local Government
the government. safety, and general welfare of the people. Code.
In negative terms, it is that inherent and plenary power in the State 5. No mandamus is available to coerce the exercise of police
which enables it to prohibit all things hurtful to the comfort, safety power.
1) Inherent in the State and may be exercised without express and welfare of society. (Agustin v. Edu) 6. The question of validity of legislation as determined by the
constitutional grant. 3. The most essential, insistent and the least limitable of criterion of their conformity to the Constitution is justiciable.
2) Not only necessary but indispensable. The State cannot powers, extending as it does “to all the great public needs.”
Evasco, Jr. v. Montañez 2018
continue or be effective unless it is able to exercise them. 4. May not be bargained away through the medium of contract or
even a treaty. The impairment clause must yield to the police Ordinance No. 092-2000, which regulates the construction and
3) Methods by which the State interferes with private rights.
power whenever the contract deals with a subject affecting the installation of building and other structures such as billboards
4) Presuppose an equivalent compensation for the private rights public welfare. within Davao City, is an exercise of police power. This direct and
interfered with. 5. May sometimes use the taxing power as an implement for speci ic grant takes precedence over requirements set forth in
the attainment of a legitimate police objective. another law of general application, in this case the National Building
5) Exercised primarily by the legislature.
a. In Lutz v. Araneta, the SC sustained as a legitimate exercise
of the police power the imposition of a special tax on sugar Even if the National Building Code imposes minimum requirements
Police Power Eminent Domain Taxation
producers for the purpose of creating a special fund to be as to the construction and regulation of billboards, the city
used for the rehabilitation of the sugar industry. government may impose stricter limitations because its police
Regulates Both liberty Only property rights power to do so originates from its charter and not from the
and property b. In Gerochi v. DOE, the Universal Charge was considered as
an exaction in the exercise of the State’s police power, National Building Code.
Exercised by Government Government and Government imposed to ensure the viability of the country’s electric
private entities power industry. City of Cagayan De Oro v. Cagayan Electric Power & Light 2018
6. Power of eminent domain could also be used as an implement.
The purpose of an imposition will determine its nature as either a tax
Property taken Destroyed Intended for public use or 7. When the conditions so demand as determined by the or a fee. If the purpose is primarily revenue, or if revenue is at least
because it is purpose and is therefore legislature, property rights must bow to the primacy of one of the real and substantial purposes, then the exaction is properly
noxious wholesome police power because property rights, though sheltered by due classi ied as an exercise of the power to tax. On the other hand, if the
process, must yield to general welfare. (Carlos Superdrug v. purpose is primarily to regulate, then it is deemed an exercise of
Compensation Intangible A full and fair equivalent of the
DSWD) police power in the form of a fee, even though revenue is
altruistic property expropriated or
Exercise incidentally generated. In other words, if generation of revenue is
feeling that he protection and public
the primary purpose, the imposition is a tax but, if regulation is
has improvements for the taxes paid 1. Lodged primarily in the national legislature. the primary purpose, the imposition is properly categorized as
contributed to
2. By virtue of valid delegation, may be exercised by: a regulatory fee.
the general
welfare a. The President;
b. Administrative boards;
1) Rational Basis Test. —
Police Power c. Lawmaking bodies on all municipal levels, including the
barangay. a) Applied mainly in analysis of equal protection
1. Power of promoting the public welfare by restraining and challenges;
3. Quasi-legislative power — authority delegated by the
regulating the use of liberty and property. lawmaking body to the administrative body to adopt rules and b) Laws and ordinances are upheld if they rationally further
regulations intended to carry out the provisions of the law and a legitimate governmental interest. Under intermediate
implement legislative policy.

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review, governmental interest is extensively examined and 7. In Department of Education v. San Diego, a regulation indiscriminate slaughter was not satisfactorily met by the
the availability of less restrictive measures is considered. disqualifying any person who has failed the NMAT three times means employed.
from taking it again was reinstated by the SC as the measure b. A law limiting the capacity of common carriers, or of
c) Two requisites must concur:
was intended to protect the patients. theaters as in the case of People v. Chan, is valid as this
i) The interests of the public generally, as would be a reasonable method for promoting the comfort,
8. In Sangalang v. IAC, the SC sustained the opening of two
distinguished from those of a particular class, require convenience and safety of the customers.
erstwhile private roads due to the demands of the common
its exercise; and
good, namely, traf ic decongestion and public convenience. c. In City Government of QC v. Ericta, in invalidating an
ii) The means employed are reasonably necessary for ordinance, the SC said “there is no reasonable relation
9. In Del Rosario v. Bengzon, the Generics Act was sustained to
the accomplishment of the purpose and not unduly between the setting aside of at least 6% of the total area of
“promote and require the use of generic drug products
oppressive upon individuals. private cemeteries for charity burial grounds of deceased
that are therapeutically equivalent to their brand-name
2) Strict Scrutiny Test. — Focus is on the presence of counterparts.” paupers and the promotion of health, morals, good order,
compelling, rather than substantial, government interest and safety, or the general welfare of the people. The ordinance
10. In Telecommunications and Broadcast Attorneys of the is actually a taking without just compensation.”
on the absence of less restrictive means for achieving that
Philippines v. COMELEC, Sec 92 of BP Blg 881 requiring radio
interest. d. In OSG v. Ayala Land, Inc., the SC rejected petitioner’s
and television stations to give free airtime to respondent for
contention that malls, inasmuch as they are required by
Lawful Subject broadcasting information regarding the candidates in the 1998
the National Building Code to provide parking spaces for
elections was validated.
1. Subject of the measure is within the scope of police power, i.e. their customers, should provide such for free.
the activity or property sought to be regulated affects the 11. In Social Justice Society v. Atienza, a zoning ordinance of the 3. The SC has invariably applied certain standards for judicial
public welfare. City of Manila reclassifying “certain areas of the city from review:
industrial to commercial” was upheld by the SC citing its
2. In Taxicab Operators of Metro Manila v. Board of
implementation for the protection and bene it of the Laws dealing with the freedom of the mind
Transportation, an administrative regulation phasing out Strict scrutiny
residents. or restricting the political process.
taxicabs more than six years old was held a valid police
measure to protect the riding public and promote their 12. In Ople v. Torres, an administrative order establishing the
comfort and convenience. National Computerized Identi ication Reference System for the Rational basis
Review of economic legislation
expressed purpose of facilitating transactions with the standard
3. In Velasco v. Villegas, an ordinance prohibiting barber shop
government, particularly those providing basic services and
operators from rendering massage services in a separate room
social security bene its was struck down as an invasion of Heightened or Evaluating classi ications based on gender
was likewise sustained, to prevent immorality and enable the
people’s privacy. immediate scrutiny and legitimacy
authorities to properly assess license fees.
13. However, in Kilusang Mayo Uno v. Director General, NEDA, the
4. In Bautista v. Junio, to conserve energy, prohibition of heavy
Court upheld EO 420 prescribing for all government agencies Overbreadth A statute needlessly restrains even
and extra-heavy vehicles from using public streets on
and GOCCs a “uniform data collection and format for their doctrine constitutionally guaranteed rights
weekends and legal holidays was sustained.
existing ID systems” for their respective employees.
5. In Tio v. Videogram Regulatory Board, the creation of the VRB Void-for-vagueness A penal statute encroaches upon the freedom
Lawful Means
was sustained “to answer the need for regulating the video
doctrine of speech.
industry, particularly because of the rampant ilm piracy, the 1. Both ends and means must be legitimate. Otherwise, the
lagrant violation of intellectual property rights, and the police measure shall be struck down as an arbitrary intrusion 4. In ine, the means employed for the accomplishment of the
proliferation of pornographic video tapes.” into private rights. police objective must pass the test of reasonableness and,
6. In the landmark case of Lozano v. Martinez, the SC upheld the 2. There should be reasonable relation between the means speci ically, conform to the safeguards embodied in the Bill of
validity of BP 22 as it preserves the integrity of the banking and the end. Rights for the protection of private rights.
system by preventing worthless checks from looding the a. In Ynot v. IAC, an EO prohibiting the transport of carabaos
system. Eminent Domain
and carabeef across provincial boundaries without
government clearance, was invalidated as the purpose of

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De inition, Nature and Function a. In Republic v. PLDT, the SC upheld the right of the Bureau of
Sec 19 of the LGC states that the exercise of such delegated power
Also called the power of expropriation, it is described as “the Telecommunications to demand the interconnection
should be pursuant to the Constitution and pertinent laws. R.A. No.
highest and most exact idea of property remaining in the between the Government Telephone System and PLDT, so
7279 is such pertinent law in this case as it governs the local
government” that may be acquired for some public purpose through that the former could make use of the lines and facilities of
expropriation of properties for purposes of urban land reform
a method “in the nature of a compulsory sale to the State.” PLDT.
and housing.
Sec 9 Art III of the Constitution, providing that “private property b. Similarly, in PLDT v. NTC, the petitioner was required to
The case of Estate or Heirs of the Late Ex-Justice Jose B.L. Reyes v.
shall not be taken for public use without just compensation”, serves interconnect with a private telecommunications company.
City of Manila emphatically ruled that the provisions are strict
as a limitation, not a grant, of such power. It should be strictly limitations on the exercise of the power of eminent domain by local PNOC Alternative Fuels v. NGCP 2019
interpreted against the expropriator and liberally in favor of the government units, especially with respect to: Republic v. East Silverlane Realty Development Corp. held that
property owner.
1) the order of priority in acquiring land for socialized when the subject property is classi ied by the government as an
Essential requisites for the exercise by an LGU housing; and industrial zone, the subject property therein had been declared
1) Enactment of an ordinance, not just a resolution; 2) the resort to expropriation proceedings as a means of patrimonial. Further, it is apparent from R.A. No. 10516 and its IRR
acquiring it. that the industrial estate is being owned, managed, and operated by
2) Must be for a public use, purpose or welfare, or for the bene it
the State, not in its sovereign capacity, but rather in its private
of the poor and the landless; Compliance with these conditions is mandatory. capacity. It is apparent from P.D. No. 949, as amended by R.A. No.
3) Payment of just compensation; and 10516, that the Petrochemical Industrial Park is intended and
Necessity of Exercise
4) Exercise must be preceded by a valid and de inite offer made accordingly devoted by law as a commercial and business venture.
to the owner, who rejects the same. 1. Essentially political in nature when exercised by the
Thus, NGCP has the authority under Section 4 of R.A. No. 9511
Conditions precedent to the issuance of a writ of possession to expropriate the subject property.
1) Complaint for expropriation suf icient in form and substance is 2. In cases of delegated authority, the judiciary has assumed the
iled in the proper court; and power to inquire whether the authority conferred has been Taking
correctly or properly exercised. This involves looking into the 1. May include trespass without actual eviction of the owner,
2) Deposit with said court at least 15% of the property’s fair
necessity of the expropriation. material impairment of the value of the property or prevention
market value based on its current tax declaration.
Stages of the ordinary uses for which the property was intended.
City of Manila v. Prieto 2019
1) Determination of the validity of the expropriation. Necessity of a. In Ayala de Roxas v. City of Manila, the imposition of an
The SC adopted the ruling of the CA wherein the latter found the
an expropriation is a justiciable question. easement over a 3-meter strip of the plaintiff’s property
following circumstances to invalidate the expropriation done by
could not be legally done without payment of just
petitioner: 2) Determination of just compensation. compensation.
1. The records lack any evidence to support petitioner's claim Private Property
that an on-site development program is the most b. In People v. Fajardo, a municipal ordinance prohibiting
practicable and advantageous for the bene iciaries, to justify 1. Anything that can come under the dominion of man, including: construction of any building that would destroy the view
the non-applicability of the list of priorities in land (1) real and personal, (2) tangible and intangible properties. of the plaza from the highway was considered a taking
acquisition under Section 9 of R.A. No. 7279. Except money and choses in action. under the power of eminent domain.
2. Petitioner failed to exhaust other modes of acquisition 2. Property already devoted to public use is still subject to c. The right-of-way easement, resulting in the restriction or
before it resorted to expropriation in violation of Section 10 expropriation, provided this is done (1) directly by the limitation on property rights over the land traversed by
of R.A. No. 7279. Failure to renegotiate the offer to legislature, or (2) under a speci ic grant of authority to the transmission lines is also an exercise of expropriation, as
purchase the property before iling the expropriation case delegate. in NPC v. Aguirre-Paderanga.
warrants the dismissal of the complaint for expropriation. 3. In NHA v. DARAB, land, whether tenanted or not, acquired by d. In NPC v. Ileto, the prohibition imposed by the
3. The intended bene iciaries of petitioner's socialized housing the NHA for its housing and resettlement programs are exempt transmission lines, i.e. construction of any improvements
program are not "underprivileged and homeless," in from land reform under PD 1472. or planting of any trees that exceed 3 meters within the
violation of Section 8. 4. Services are considered embraced in the concept of property.

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aerial right of way, clearly interferes with the

property, they are entitled to the payment of a just compensation. ⭐LBP v. Manzano 2018 Leonen, J
landowners’ right to possess and enjoy their properties.
2. Not every taking is compensable, as it may be justi ied Public use The Special Agrarian Court must ensure that the amount determined
under the police power. 1. Any use directly available to the general public as a matter of at the end of the proceedings is equivalent to the fair market value
right and not merely of forbearance or accommodation. of the property at the time of the taking, and not based on a
a. Thus, losses sustained are in the nature of damnum
strict adherence to a particular set or series of rules imposed
absque injuria. 2. There will also be public use involved even if the expropriated by agricultural reform laws or administrative orders. While
b. This rule is only valid as long as the prejudice suffered by property is not actually acquired by the government but is Section 17 requires due consideration of the formula prescribed by
an individual is shared in common with the rest as was merely devoted to public services administered by DAR, the determination of just compensation is still subject to the
illustrated in Richards v. Washington Terminal. privately-owned public utilities such as telephone or light inal decision of the proper court.
3. Compensable taking includes destruction, restriction, How determined
diminution, or interruption of the rights of ownership or of the 3. Important thing is that any member of the general public can
common and necessary use and enjoyment of the property in a demand, for free or for a fee, the right to use the converted 1. To ascertain just compensation, the court should determine
lawful manner, lessening or destroying its value. property for his direct and personal convenience. irst the actual or basic value of the property.
4. Requisites of Taking in Eminent Domain (according to 4. Broadened to include those that will redound to the indirect If Consequential Damages > Consequential Bene its
Republic v. Castellvi) advantage or bene it of the public.
J .C. = Actual V alue + (Damages − B enef its )
a. The expropriator must enter a private property; MCIAA v. Lozada, et al. 2010 En Banc
b. The entry must be for more than a momentary period; We now expressly hold that the taking of private property, Otherwise: J ust Compensation = Actual V alue
c. The entry must be under warrant or color of legal consequent to the Government's exercise of its power of eminent 2. The basic or market value of the property is the price that
authority; domain, is always subject to the condition that the property be may be agreed upon by parties willing but not compelled to
devoted to the speci ic public purpose for which it was taken. enter into a contract of sale.
d. The property must be devoted to public use or otherwise Corollarily, if this particular purpose or intent is not initiated or
informally appropriated or injuriously affected; not at all pursued, and is peremptorily abandoned, then the 3. Among the factors to be considered in arriving at the fair
former owners, if they so desire, may seek the reversion of the market value:
e. The utilization of the property for public use must be in
such a way as to oust the owner and deprive him of property, subject to the return of the amount of just compensation a. Cost of acquisition;
bene icial enjoyment of the property. received. In such a case, the exercise of the power of eminent domain
has become improper for lack of the required factual b. Current value of like properties at the time of taking;
National Transmission Corp. v. Sps Taglao 2020 justi ication. c. Actual or potential uses;
True, an easement of a right of way transmits no rights except the Just compensation d. In case of land, their size, shape or location and the tax
easement itself, and the respondents would retain full ownership of declarations thereon.
the property taken. Nonetheless, the acquisition of such easement is 1. The determination of just compensation is a judicial function
which cannot be curtailed or limited by legislation, much less 4. The measure is not the taker's gain, but the owner's loss.
not gratis. The limitations on the use of the property taken for an
inde inite period would deprive its owner of the normal use thereof. by an administrative rule. (LBP v. Manzano 2018 Leonen, J)
City Government of Valenzuela v. Sps Abacan 2019
2. According to De Knecht v. CA, owner refers to all those who
NPC v. Sps Aoque citing NPC v. Tiangco held that if the easement is
have lawful interest in the property to be condemned, including In Meralco v. Pineda, the Court held that where the issue is
intended to perpetually or inde initely deprive the owner of his
a mortgagee, a lessee, and a vendee in possession under an determining the amount of just compensation in an expropriation
proprietary rights, then the owner should be compensated for the
executory contract. suit, a trial before the commissioners is indispensable. However,
monetary equivalent of the land.
3. However, in LBP v. AMS Farming Corporation, SC rejected while the appointment of commissioners is mandatory in resolving
In this case, considering that the installation of the power lines respondent’s claim for just compensation as it was a mere the issue of just compensation, courts are not bound by their
would de initely deprive Spouses Taglao of the normal use of their lessee. indings. Courts may substitute their estimate of the value, as long

Based on the Books of Cruz, Bernas, Largo, Gujilde, Sarmiento, Kato, Azucena By RGL 11 of 216
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time from the time the land is taken from the owner. (Apo property. His only remedy is an action for payment of just
as it is supported by the evidence on record.
Fruits v. LBP 2010 En Banc) compensation and may not sue for ejectment.
Damages and interest as part of just compensation 10. Neither laches nor prescription may bar a claim for just 2. Amount to be Deposited
1. Consequential Damages consist of injuries directly caused compensation for property taken for public use. a. Rule 67 — an amount equivalent to the full assessed
on the residue of the private property taken through 11. Title to the property shall not be transferred until after value of the property in order for the court to issue a writ
expropriation. actual payment of just compensation. of possession;
b. If the expropriator is an LGU, the amount to be deposited is
2. In Republic v. BPI, SC clari ied that no actual taking of the LBP v. Rivera 2010
only 15% of the assessed value of the property.
building is necessary to grant consequential damages.
The formula outlined in DAR Administrative Order No. 5, series of c. In RA 8974, if the purpose of the expropriation is to
3. In Heirs of Banaag v. AMS Farming Corporation, it was 1998 should be applied in computing just compensation, thus: implement a national government infrastructure project,
stressed that just compensation for the crops and what needs to be done is not a deposit but payment of
improvements is inseparable from the valuation of the raw LV = (CNI x 0.6) + (CS x 0.3) + (MV x 0.1)
BIR Zonal valuation of the property. This amount
lands as the former are part and parcel of the latter. These must Where: deposited or paid is NOT the just compensation.
be awarded to the landowner irrespective of the nature of LV = Land Value
ownership of said crops. 3. In NPC v. Pobre, the expropriator is not allowed to unilaterally
CNI = Capitalized Net Income
withdraw because damages may have already been caused to
4. Where entry preceded the iling of the complaint for CS = Comparable Sales
the property.
expropriation, the assessment should be made at the time MV = Market Value per Tax Declaration
of the entry. NTC v. Bermuda Development 2019
Republic v. Dela Cruz 2019
5. As a general rule, Rule 67 Sec 4 provides that just A case iled by a landowner for recovery of possession or
compensation is computed at the time of taking of the Interest in eminent domain cases "runs as a matter of law and ejectment against a public utility corporation, which has occupied
property or at the time the complaint is iled, whichever follows as a matter of course from the right of the landowner to be the land belonging to the former without prior acquisition of title
comes irst. placed in as good a position as money can accomplish, as of the thereto by negotiated purchase or expropriation proceedings, will not
6. In Republic v. Castellvi, property was deemed taken only when date of taking." prosper.
expropriation proceedings were commenced in 1959, not as of The proper recourse is for the ejectment court:
the time of commencement of the lease in 1947. Thus, just Rental
1) to dismiss the case without prejudice to the landowner iling
compensation was ascertained in 1959. Export Processing Zone Authority v. Estate of Jimenez 2011 the proper action for recovery of just compensation and
7. In City of Cebu v. Dedamo, the iling of the complaint preceded consequential damages; or
The Court has held that compensation cannot be just to the owner
the taking of the property but SC said that the valuation should 2) to dismiss the case and direct the public utility corporation
in the case of property that is immediately taken unless there is
be computed at the time of taking not necessarily at the time of to institute the proper expropriation or condemnation
prompt payment, considering that the owner thereby immediately
the iling of complaint which was done earlier the reason for proceedings and to pay the just compensation and
suffers not only the loss of his property but also the loss of its fruits
that is there is a provision under Section 19 of RA 7160 consequential damages assessed therein; or
or income. Thus, in addition, the owner is entitled to legal interest
which provides in essence that the valuation taken by the LGU
from the time of the taking of the property until the actual 3) to continue with the case as if it were an expropriation
should be reckoned as of the date of actual possession.
payment in order to place the owner in a position as good as, but not case and determine the just compensation and
8. Value of the land and its character at the time it was better than, the position he was in before the taking occurred. consequential damages pursuant to Rule 67, if the ejectment
taken by the government are the criteria for determining just court has jurisdiction over the value of the subject land.
compensation. Remedy of Dispossessed Owner
1. Owner’s failure to question for a long period of time the Distinguished from police power
9. The owner is entitled to payment of interest from the time
of the taking until just compensation is actually paid to him. government’s failure to institute expropriation proceedings Agan, Jr. v. PIATCO
To be just, the compensation must not only be the correct constitutes a waiver of his right to regain possession of his
amount to be paid; it must also be paid within a reasonable Sec 17 Art XII pertains to the right of the State in times of national

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emergency, and in the exercise of its police power, to temporarily take deprivation. Purposes
over the operation of any business affected with public interest. 1) Revenue — The purpose of taxation is to provide funds or
The term "national emergency" was de ined to include threat Drugstore Association v. National Council on Disability Affairs property with which the State promotes the general welfare and
from external aggression, calamities or national disasters, but 2016 protection of its citizens. Raising the revenues is the principal
not strikes "unless it is of such proportion that would paralyze object of taxation.
government service." The temporary takeover by the government The PWD mandatory discount on the purchase of medicine is
2) Non-Revenue. —
extends only to the operation of the business and not to the supported by a valid objective or purpose. It has a valid subject
considering that the concept of public use is no longer con ined to the a) Regulation;
ownership thereof. As such the government is not required to
compensate the private entity-owner of the said business as there traditional notion of use by the public, but held synonymous with b) Promotion of General Welfare;
is no transfer of ownership. The private entity-owner affected public interest, public bene it, public welfare, and public
c) Reduction of Social Inequality;
cannot, likewise, claim just compensation as the temporary takeover convenience. As in the case of senior citizens, the discount privilege
to which the PWDs are entitled is actually a bene it enjoyed by the d) Promote Economic Growth;
by the government is in exercise of its police power and not of its
power of eminent domain. general public to which these citizens belong. The means employed e) Protectionism.
in invoking the active participation of the private sector, in order to Characteristics
Thus, requiring the government to pay reasonable achieve the purpose or objective of the law, is reasonably and directly
compensation for the reasonable use of the property pursuant related. Also, the means employed to provide a fair, just and quality 1) Inherent — the power to tax, an inherent prerogative, has to be
to the operation of the business contravenes the Constitution. health care to PWDs are reasonably related to its accomplishment, availed of to assure the performance of vital state functions.
and are not oppressive, considering that as a form of reimbursement, 2) Legislative — taxing power is peculiarly and exclusively
Manila Memorial Park v. Secretary of the DSWD 2013 En Banc the discount extended to PWDs in the purchase of medicine can be legislative in character and remains undiminished in the
claimed by the establishments as allowable tax deductions. legislative in character.
In the exercise of police power, xxxx examples of these regulations See also Eminent domain under Local Governments 3) Constitutionally limited — the power to tax is an attribute of
are sovereignty. It is the strongest of all the powers of the
1) property condemned for being noxious or intended for government. The Constitution sets forth such limits.
noxious purposes;
2) zoning ordinances prohibiting the use of property for 1. Taxes are the enforced proportional contributions from
purposes injurious to the health, morals or safety of the persons and property, levied by the State by virtue of its 1. Inherent in the State, primarily vested in the Legislature.
community. sovereignty, for the support of government and for all public 2. May be delegated to the President pursuant to Sec 28(2) Art VI
needs. Obligation to pay taxes is not based on contract. of the Constitution — tariff rates, import and export quotas,
On the other hand, in the exercise of the power of eminent domain,
it is a settled rule that the acquisition of title or total destruction of 2. Except only in the case of poll taxes, nonpayment of a tax may tonnage and wharfage dues, and other duties or imposts.
the property is not essential for “taking” under the power of eminent be the subject of criminal prosecution and punishment.
3. Pursuant to direct authority conferred by Sec 5 Art X of the
domain to be present. Examples of these include 3. Taxes are the nation’s lifeblood through which government Constitution, local legislative bodies may also exercise the
1) establishment of easements such as where the landowner is agencies continue to operate and with which the State power of taxation.
perpetually deprived of his proprietary rights because of the discharges its functions for the welfare of its constituents.
4. There must be a law granting an LGU to lawfully impose a tax.
hazards posed by electric transmission lines constructed 4. Taxes = levied to raise revenues; Licenses = imposed for
above his property or regulatory purpose. Public Purpose
2) the compelled interconnection of the telephone system 5. In Angeles University Foundation v. City of Angeles, SC held that 1. Revenues received from the imposition of taxes or levies
between the government and a private company. the payment of building permit fee is a regulatory imposition, cannot be used for purely private purposes or for the exclusive
and not a charge on property, and is therefore not an imposition bene it of private persons.
People v. Fajardo from which petitioner is exempt.
2. In Planters Products Inc v. Fertiphil Corporation, the Court
A regulation which substantially deprives an owner of all declared that a tax levy on the sale of fertilizers for purposes of
bene icial use of his property is con iscation and is a bene iting a private corporation, Philippine Planters Inc., is

Based on the Books of Cruz, Bernas, Largo, Gujilde, Sarmiento, Kato, Azucena By RGL 13 of 216
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residence in this country. House of Representatives

Unlike those with dual allegiance, who must, therefore, be subject to
strict process with respect to the termination of their status, for District representatives
Tabasa v. CA candidates with dual citizenship, it should suf ice if, upon the
Party-list system
iling of their certi icates of candidacy, they elect Philippine
The only persons entitled to repatriation under RA 8171 are the
citizenship to terminate their status as persons with dual C. Legislative privileges, inhibitions, and disquali ications
D. Quorum and voting majorities
1. Filipino women who lost their Philippine citizenship by
By electing Philippine citizenship, such candidates at the same
marriage to aliens; and E. Discipline of members
time forswear allegiance to the other country of which they are
2. Natural-born Filipinos including their minor children who also citizens and thereby terminate their status as dual citizens. F. Process of law-making
lost their Philippine citizenship on account of political or
economic necessity. G. Electoral Tribunals and the Commission on Appointments
RA No 9225 or the Citizenship Retention
Petitioner was no longer a minor at the time of his "repatriation". The and Re-acquisition Act of 2003 H. Powers of Congress
privilege under RA 8171 belongs to children who are of minor age I. Initiative and Referendum
at the time of the iling of the petition for repatriation. Nicolas-Lewis v. Comelec

Neither can petitioner be a natural-born Filipino who left the country There is no provision in the dual citizenship law — R.A. 9225 —
due to political or economic necessity. Clearly, he lost his requiring "duals" to actually establish residence and physically stay A. Legislative power
Philippine citizenship by operation of law and not due to political in the Philippines irst before they can exercise their right to vote. Legislative power has been de ined not only as the power to
or economic exigencies. Thus, petitioner is not quali ied to avail pass laws but also the power to alter or modify them. It also covers
himself of repatriation under RA 8171. However, he can possibly Calilung v. Datumanong the amendment of existing legislations and that would still be
reacquire Philippine citizenship by availing of the Citizenship encompassed as legislative power.
Retention and Re-acquisition Act of 2003 by simply taking an What RA No. 9225 does is allow dual citizenship to natural-born
oath of allegiance to the Republic of the Philippines. Filipino citizens who have lost Philippine citizenship by reason General Plenary Powers. — The legislative power shall be vested
of their naturalization as citizens of a foreign country. in the Congress of the Philippines which shall consist of a Senate
and a House of Representatives, except to the extent reserved to the
F. Dual Citizenship and Dual Allegiance On its face, it does not recognize dual allegiance. By swearing to the people by the provision on initiative and referendum. (Sec 1 Art
Section 5. Dual allegiance of citizens is inimical to the national interest supreme authority of the Republic, the person implicitly renounces VI)
and shall be dealt with by law. his foreign citizenship. Plainly, from Section 3, RA No. 9225 stayed
clear out of the problem of dual allegiance and shifted the burden of Express Limitations
Mercado v. Manzano confronting the issue of whether or not there is dual allegiance to the
1. Sec 26. Every bill passed by the Congress shall embrace only
concerned foreign country.
Dual citizenship is different from dual allegiance. The former one subject which shall be expressed in the title thereof.
arises when, as a result of the concurrent application of the different Section 5, Article IV of the Constitution is a declaration of a policy
laws of two or more states, a person is simultaneously considered a and it is not a self-executing provision. The legislature still has to 2. Sec 28(4). No law granting any tax exemption shall be passed
national by the said states. enact a law on dual allegiance. without the concurrence of a majority of all the Members of the
Dual allegiance, on the other hand, refers to the situation in which a
person simultaneously owes, by some positive act, loyalty to two 3. Sec 30. No law shall be passed increasing the appellate
or more states. While dual citizenship is involuntary, dual allegiance
V. LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT jurisdiction of the Supreme Court as provided in this
is the result of an individual's volition. Constitution without its advice and concurrence.
A. Legislative power
With respect to dual allegiance, Article IV, §5 of the Constitution 4. Sec 31. No law granting a title of royalty or nobility shall be
provides: "Dual allegiance of citizens is inimical to the national B. Chambers of Congress enacted.
interest and shall be dealt with by law."

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Fabian v. Desierto
The title of the bill is not required to be an index to the body of the
act, or to be as comprehensive as to cover every single detail of the 1) The Senate shall be composed of 24 Senators who shall be
Section 27 of Republic Act No. 6770 cannot validly authorize an
measure. It has been held that if the title fairly indicates the general elected at large by the quali ied voters.
appeal to this Court from decisions of the Of ice of the Ombudsman
subject, and reasonably covers all the provisions of the act, and is not
in administrative disciplinary cases. It consequently violates the 2) The term of of ice of the Senators shall be 6 years. No Senator
calculated to mislead the legislature or the people, there is suf icient
proscription in Section 30, Article VI of the Constitution against a law shall serve for more than two consecutive terms.
compliance with the constitutional requirement.
which increases the Appellate jurisdiction of this Court.
House of Representatives
Prohibition on passage of irrepealable laws Principle of non-delegability 3) The Members of the House of Representatives shall be elected
City of Davao v. RTC Br XII - Davao City ⭐Two tests of valid delegation in for a term of 3 years xxx. No Member of the House of
Acosta v. Ochoa 2019 En Banc Leonen, J Representatives shall serve for more than 3 consecutive
It is a basic precept that among the implied substantive limitations
on the legislative powers is the prohibition against the passage of terms. xxxx
As an exception to the non-delegation of legislative power,
irrepealable laws. Irrepealable laws deprive succeeding legislatures Congress has historically delegated to the chief of the police force the District representatives and questions of apportionment
of the fundamental best senses carte blanche in crafting laws power to approve or disapprove applications for license to possess
appropriate to the operative milieu. or deal with irearms. Aquino III v. Comelec 2010 En Banc

The completeness test requires that the law to be implemented be There is no speci ic provision in the Constitution that ixes a 250,000
Kida v. Senate of the Philippines 2011 En Banc complete and should set forth therein the policy to be executed, minimum population that must compose a legislative district. While
Does the requirement of a supermajority vote for amendments or carried out or implemented by the delegate. On the other hand, the a province is entitled to at least a representative, with nothing
revisions to RA No. 9054 violate Secs 1 and 16(2), Art VI and the suf icient standard test requires that the law to be implemented mentioned about population, a city must irst meet a population
corollary doctrine on irrepealable laws? contain adequate guidelines to map out the boundaries of the minimum of 250,000 in order to be similarly entitled.
delegate's authority. To be suf icient, the standard must specify the
YES. While a supermajority is not a total ban against a repeal, it is a limits of the delegate's authority, announce the legislative policy, and Plainly read, Section 5(3) requires a 250,000 minimum population
limitation in excess of what the Constitution requires on the identify the conditions under which it is to be implemented. only for a city to be entitled to a representative, but not so for a
passage of bills and is constitutionally obnoxious because it province.
signi icantly constricts the future legislators' room for action and RA No. 10591 sets forth a suf icient standard found in Section 2. It
lexibility. lays down the State policy to "maintain peace and order and Population is not the only factor but is just one of several other
protect the people against violence" by providing "a factors in the composition of the additional district.
Procedural Limitations comprehensive law regulating the ownership, possession, carrying,
manufacture, dealing in and importation of irearms, ammunition, or
Phil Judges Association v. Prado Aldaba v. Comelec 2010 En Banc Resolution
parts thereof."
The purposes of the one subject – one title rule are: The constitutionality of a legislative apportionment act is a judicial
B. Chambers of Congress question, and not a political one.
1) to prevent hodge-podge or "log-rolling" legislation;
2) to prevent surprise or fraud upon the legislature by means Sema v. Comelec Aside from failing to comply with Section 5(3), Article VI on the
of provisions in bills of which the title gives no intimation, population requirement, the creation by RA 9591 of a legislative
The of ice of a legislative district representative to Congress is a
and which might therefore be overlooked and carelessly and district for Malolos City, carving the city from the former 1st
unintentionally adopted; and national of ice, and its occupant, a Member of the House of
District, leaves the town of Bulacan isolated from the rest of the
Representatives, is a national of icial. It would be incongruous
3) to fairly apprise the people, through such publication of geographic mass of that district. This contravenes the requirement
for a regional legislative body like the ARMM Regional Assembly to
legislative proceedings as is usually made, of the subject of in Section 5(3), Article VI that each legislative district shall
create a national of ice when its legislative powers extend only to its
legislation that is being considered, in order that they may "comprise, as far as practicable, contiguous, compact, and
regional territory.
have the opportunity of being heard thereon, by petition or
adjacent territory."
otherwise, if they shall so desire.

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e. It violates or fails to comply with laws, rules or regulations one party-list seat for every four existing legislative A political party that ields candidates in legislative district
relating to elections; districts. elections can participate in party-list elections only through its
f. It declares untruthful statements in its petition; 2. Garnering two percent of the total votes cast in the sectoral wing that can separately register under the party-list
party-list elections guarantees a party-list organization system. The sectoral wing is by itself an independent
g. It has ceased to exist for at least one (1) year; or
one seat. sectoral party, and is linked to a political party through a
h. It fails to participate in the last two (2) preceding elections 3. The additional seats shall be distributed to the party-list coalition.
or fails to obtain at least two percentum (2%) of the votes organizations including those that received less than two 3. Sectoral parties or organizations may either be
cast under the party-list system in the two (2) preceding percent of the total votes. a. “marginalized and underrepresented” — labor,
elections for the constituency in which it has registered.
The continued operation of the two percent threshold as it peasants, isherfolk, urban poor, indigenous cultural
3. The party or organization must NOT be an adjunct of, or a
applies to the allocation of the additional seats is now communities, handicapped, veterans, and overseas
project organized or an entity funded or assisted by, the unconstitutional. workers; or
The additional seats shall be distributed to the parties in a b. lacking in “well-de ined political constituencies.” —
4. The party must not only comply with the requirements of the
second round of seat allocation until all available professionals, the elderly, women, and the youth.
law; its nominees must likewise do so.
seats are completely distributed. 4. A majority of the members of sectoral parties must belong
5. Not only the candidate party or organization must represent
4. The three-seat cap is constitutional. to the “marginalized and underrepresented” sector they
marginalized and underrepresented sectors; so also must its represent. Same rule applies to sectors that lack “well-de ined
nominees. political constituencies.”
Phil Guardians Brotherhood v. Comelec 2010 En Banc
6. While lacking a well-de ined political constituency, the nominee The nominees of sectoral parties or organizations either
must likewise be able to contribute to the formulation and The COMELEC may motu proprio or upon veri ied complaint of any
interested party, remove or cancel, after due notice and hearing, the a. must belong to their respective sectors, or
enactment of appropriate legislation that will bene it the nation
as a whole. registration of any national, regional or sectoral party, organization or b. must have a track record of advocacy for their
coalition if it: respective sectors.
BANAT v. Comelec 2009 En Banc Decision and Resolution a) fails to participate in the last two (2) preceding elections; or The nominees of national and regional parties or organizations
There is no need for legislation to create an additional party-list seat b) fails to qualify for a seat in the two preceding elections must be bona- ide members of such parties or organizations.
whenever four additional legislative districts are created by law. for the constituency in which it registered.
Section 5(2), Article VI of the 1987 Constitution automatically C. Legislative privileges, inhibitions,
creates such additional party-list seats.
Atong Paglaum v. Comelec 2013 En Banc and disqualifications
The illing-up of all available party-list seats is not mandatory.
Actual occupancy of the party-list seats depends on the number of 1. National parties or organizations and regional parties or Privileges
participants in the party-list election. organizations do not need to organize along sectoral lines and Freedom from Arrest
do not need to represent any “marginalized and
There are four parameters in a Philippine-style party-list election Sect 11. A Senator or Member of the House of Representatives
underrepresented” sector.
system: shall, in all offenses punishable by not more than six years
1. Twenty percent of the total number of the membership of 2. Political parties can participate in party-list elections provided
imprisonment, be privileged from arrest while the Congress is in
the House is the maximum number of seats available to they register under the party-list system and do not ield session.
party-list organizations, such that there is automatically candidates in legislative district elections.

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No Member shall be questioned nor be held liable in any other unable to discharge the powers and duties of his of ice, the
Restrictions and Prohibitions Vice-President shall act as President; otherwise, the President
place for any speech or debate in the Congress or in any committee
thereof. 1) No Senator or Member of the House of Representatives may shall continue exercising the powers and duties of his of ice.
hold any other of ice or employment in the Government, or any 2. Sec 9. Whenever there is a vacancy in the Of ice of the
Trillanes IV v. Castillo-Marigomen 2018 subdivision, agency, or instrumentality thereof, including Vice-President during the term for which he was elected, the
The questioned statements in this case were admittedly made in GOCCs or their subsidiaries, during his term without forfeiting President shall nominate a Vice-President from among the
response to queries from the media during gaps in the Senate's his seat. (Incompatible of ice) Members of the Senate and the House of Representatives who
plenary and committee hearings, thus, beyond the purview of 2) Neither shall he be appointed to any of ice which may have shall assume of ice upon con irmation by a majority vote of
privileged speech or debate under Section 11, Article VI. been created or the emoluments thereof increased during the ALL the Members of both Houses of the Congress, voting
Petitioner cannot successfully invoke parliamentary term for which he was elected. (Forbidden of ice) separately.
nonaccountability to insulate his statements, uttered outside the Voting jointly
"sphere of legislative activity," from judicial review. Liban v. Gordon
1. Art VII Sec 18. xxxx The Congress, voting jointly, by a vote of
Privilege of Speech and Debate Not being a government of icial or employee, the PNRC Chairman, as at least a majority of ALL its Members in regular or special
such, does not hold a government of ice or employment. We hold that
session, may revoke such proclamation or suspension, which
Trillanes IV v. Pimentel, Sr. the of ice of the PNRC Chairman is not a government of ice or an
of ice in a GOCC for purposes of the prohibition in Section 13, Article revocation shall not be set aside by the President. xxxx
The performance of legitimate and even essential duties by public VI of the 1987 Constitution.
of icers has never been an excuse to free a person validly in prison.
E. Discipline of members
The duties imposed by the "mandate of the people" are multifarious. 1. Sec 16(3). Each House may xxxx punish its Members for
Appearance as counsel
Never has the call of a particular duty lifted a prisoner into a
different classi ication from those others who are validly disorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence of two-thirds
Puyat v. de Guzman of ALL its Members, suspend or expel a Member. A penalty of
restrained by law.
Ordinarily, by virtue of the Motion for Intervention, Assemblyman suspension, when imposed, shall not exceed sixty days.
Pobre v. Santiago Fernandez cannot be said to be appearing as counsel. Ostensibly, he
is not appearing on behalf of another, although he is joining the cause Santiago v. Sandiganbayan
Courts do not interfere with the legislature or its members in of the private respondents.
The authority of the Sandiganbayan to order the preventive
the manner they perform their functions in the legislative loor
We are constrained to ind that there has been an indirect "appearance suspension of an incumbent public of icial charged with violation of
or in committee rooms. Any claim of an unworthy purpose or of the
as counsel before x x x an administrative body" and, in our opinion, the provisions of RA No. 3019 has both legal and jurisprudential
falsity and mala ides of the statement uttered by the member of the
that is a circumvention of the Constitutional prohibition. That which support.
Congress does not destroy the privilege. The disciplinary authority of
the assembly and the voters, not the courts, can properly discourage the Constitution directly prohibits may not be done by
RA No. 3019 does not exclude from its coverage the members of
or correct such abuses committed in the name of parliamentary indirection or by a general legislative act which is intended to
Congress and that, therefore, the Sandiganbayan did not err in thus
immunity. accomplish the objects speci ically or impliedly prohibited.
decreeing the assailed preventive suspension order.
For the above reasons, the plea of Senator Santiago for the dismissal D. Quorum and voting majorities F. Process of law-making
of the complaint for disbarment or disciplinary action is well taken.
Indeed, her privilege speech is not actionable criminally or in a Voting separately
disciplinary proceeding under the Rules of Court. Subject and Title
1. Sec 11(4). If the Congress, within ten days after receipt of the
last written declaration, or, if not in session, within twelve days De la Cruz v. Paras
after it is required to assemble, determines by a two-thirds The title was not in any way altered. It was not changed one whit. The
vote of both Houses, voting separately, that the President is exact wording was followed. The power granted remains that of

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regulation, not prohibition. There is thus support for the view It is not the law – but the revenue bill – which is required by the general appropriations law for their respective of ices.
advanced by petitioners that to construe Republic Act No. 938 as Constitution to "originate exclusively" in the House of
To comply with the irst requisite, the GAAs should expressly
allowing the prohibition of the operation of night clubs would give Representatives.
authorize the transfer of funds. Savings should be actual.
rise to a constitutional question. The Constitution mandates: "Every
Nor does the Constitution prohibit the iling in the Senate of a
bill shall embrace only one subject which shall be expressed in the The power to augment was to be used only when the purpose for
substitute bill in anticipation of its receipt of the bill from the
title thereof." Since there is no dispute as the title limits the power to which the funds had been allocated were already satis ied, or
House, so long as action by the Senate as a body is withheld pending
regulating, not prohibiting, it would result in the statute being invalid the need for such funds had ceased to exist, for only then could
receipt of the House bill.
if, as was done by the Municipality of Bocaue, the operation of a night savings be properly realized.
club was prohibited.
Demetria v. Alba According to Philconsa v. Enriquez, impoundment refers to a
As to specific laws refusal by the President, for whatever reason, to spend funds made
The purpose and conditions for which funds may be transferred were available by Congress. It is the failure to spend or obligate budget
1. Art VII Sec 22. The President shall submit to the Congress, speci ied, i.e. authority of any type.
within thirty days from the opening of every regular session as 1. transfer may be allowed for the purpose of augmenting It is the President who proposes the budget but it is Congress that has
the basis of the general appropriations bill, a budget of an item and the inal say on matters of appropriations. For this purpose,
expenditures and sources of inancing, including receipts appropriation involves two governing principles, namely:
2. such transfer may be made only if there are savings from
from existing and proposed revenue measures.
another item in the appropriation of the government branch 1) a Principle of the Public Fisc, asserting that all monies
2. Art VI Sec 24. All appropriation, revenue or tariff bills, bills or constitutional body. received from whatever source by any part of the
authorizing increase of the public debt, bills of local government are public funds; and
application, and private bills, shall originate exclusively in Abakada Guro v. Ermita 2) a Principle of Appropriations Control, prohibiting
the House of Representatives, but the Senate may propose or expenditure of any public money without legislative
Since there is no question that the revenue bill exclusively originated
concur with amendments. authorization.
in the House, the Senate was acting within its constitutional power to
3. Sec 25. The Congress may not increase the appropriations introduce amendments to the House bill when it included provisions On Cross-border augmentations
recommended by the President for the operation of the in Senate Bill No. 1950 amending corporate income taxes, percentage,
Section 25(5) has delineated borders between their of ices, such that
Government as speci ied in the budget. excise and franchise taxes. The sections introduced by the Senate are
funds appropriated for one of ice are prohibited from crossing over
germane to the subject matter and purposes of the house bills, which
4. No provision or enactment shall be embraced in the general to another of ice even in the guise of augmentation of a de icient item
is to supplement our country’s iscal de icit, among others. Thus, the
appropriations bill unless it relates speci ically to some or items. Cross-border transfers, whether as augmentation, or as aid,
Senate acted within its power to propose those amendments.
were prohibited under Section 25(5).
particular appropriation therein. Any such provision or
enactment shall be limited in its operation to the appropriation Araullo v. Aquino III 2014 En Banc Pork barrel system
to which it relates.
The transfer of appropriated funds, to be valid under Section Belgica v. Ochoa 2013 En Banc
5. No law shall be passed authorizing any transfer of 25(5) must be made upon a concurrence of the following
appropriations; however, the President, the President of the The Legislative branch of government, much more any of its
requisites, namely:
members, should not cross over the ield of implementing the
Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Chief
1) There is a law authorizing the President, the President of the national budget since, as earlier stated, the same is properly the
Justice of the Supreme Court, and the heads of Constitutional Senate, the Speaker, the Chief Justice, and the heads of the domain of the Executive. Upon approval and passage of the GAA,
Commissions may, by law, be authorized to augment any item Constitutional Commissions to transfer funds within their Congress‘ law-making role necessarily comes to an end and from
in the general appropriations law for their respective of ices respective of ices; there the Executive‘s role of implementing the national budget
from savings in other items of their respective appropriations. 2) The funds to be transferred are savings generated from the begins.
appropriations for their respective of ices; and The foregoing cardinal postulates were de initively enunciated in
Tolentino v. SOF
3) The purpose of the transfer is to augment an item in the Abakada where the Court held that from the moment the law

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becomes effective, any provision of law that empowers Congress 1. The Senate may not elect, as members of the Senate Electoral Once a winning candidate has been proclaimed, taken his oath,
or any of its members to play any role in the implementation or Tribunal, those Senators who have not been nominated by and assumed of ice as a Member of the House of Representatives,
enforcement of the law violates the principle of separation of the political parties speci ied in the Constitution; the jurisdiction of the HRET begins over election contests relating
powers and is thus unconstitutional. to his election, returns, and quali ications, and mere allegation as
2. The party having the largest number of votes in the Senate to the invalidity of her proclamation does not divest the
The Court must therefore abandon its ruling in Philconsa which may nominate not more than three (3) members; Electoral Tribunal of its jurisdiction.
sanctioned the conduct of legislator identi ication on the guise
3. The party having the second largest number of votes in the
that the same is merely recommendatory and, as such,
Senate has the exclusive right to nominate the other three (3) Reyes v. Comelec 2013 En Banc
respondents‘ reliance on the same falters altogether.
Procedure for passage of bills 4. Neither these three (3) Senators, nor any of them, may be Contrary to petitioner’s claim the COMELEC retains jurisdiction for
nominated by a person or party other than the one having the following reasons:
Tolentino v. SOF the second largest number of votes in the Senate or its First, the HRET does not acquire jurisdiction over the issue of
The presidential certi ication dispensed with the requirement not representative therein; petitioner’s quali ications, as well as over the assailed COMELEC
only of printing but also that of reading the bill on separate days. The 5. The Committee on Rules for the Senate has no standing to Resolutions, unless a petition is duly iled with said tribunal.
phrase "except when the President certi ies to the necessity of its validly make such nomination.
Second, the jurisdiction of the HRET begins only after the candidate
immediate enactment, etc." in Art VI, §26(2) quali ies the two stated is considered a Member of the House.
conditions before a bill can become a law: Powers
In Vinzons-Chato v. COMELEC, citing Aggabao v. COMELEC and
1) the bill has passed three readings on separate days and Dueñas, Jr. v. HRET
Guerrero v. COMELEC, the Court ruled that once a winning candidate
2) it has been printed in its inal form and distributed three So long as the Constitution grants the HRET the power to be the sole has been proclaimed, taken his oath, and assumed of ice as a
days before it is inally approved. judge of all contests relating to the election, returns and Member of the House of Representatives, the COMELEC’s jurisdiction
quali ications of members of the House of Representatives, any inal over election contests relating to his election, returns, and
Art VI §26(2) must, therefore, be construed as referring only to bills quali ications ends, and the HRET’s own jurisdiction begins.
action taken by the HRET on a matter within its jurisdiction shall, as
introduced for the irst time in either house of Congress, NOT to
a rule, not be reviewed by this Court. To be considered a Member of the House, there must be a
the conference committee report.
It is hornbook doctrine that jurisdiction, once acquired, is not lost at concurrence of the following requisites:
G. Electoral Tribunals and the Commission on the instance of the parties but continues until the case is terminated. 1) a valid proclamation,
Appointments Thus, in Robles v. HRET, the Court ruled that the mere iling of the
2) a proper oath, and
motion to withdraw protest on the remaining uncontested precincts,
Nature of Electoral Tribunals without any action on the part of respondent tribunal, does not by 3) assumption of of ice.
1. Sole Judge. Not subject to appeal. May only be questioned via itself divest the tribunal of its jurisdiction over the case. Here, the petitioner cannot be considered a Member of the House of
Certiorari petition to the SC. Its exercise of power is intended to Representatives because, primarily, she has not yet assumed of ice.
be its own — full, complete and unimpaired. Barbers v. Comelec
Before there is a valid or of icial taking of the oath it must be made
2. Contests. May only be iled by one who seeks to replace the In Pangilinan v. Comelec, we ruled that “where the candidate has 1) before the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and
protestee. already been proclaimed winner in the congressional elections, the
2) in open session.
3. Members. Electoral tribunal acquires jurisdiction upon taking remedy of petitioner is to ile an electoral protest with the Electoral
Tribunal of the House of Representatives.” Here, although she made the oath before Speaker Belmonte, there is
of oath and assumption of of ice of the proclaimed winner.
no indication that it was made during plenary or in open session and,
Prior to assumption, COMELEC has jurisdiction. Certiorari and prohibition will not lie in this case considering that
thus, it remains unclear whether the required oath of of ice was
there is an available and adequate remedy in the ordinary course of
Composition indeed complied with.
law to annul the COMELEC’s assailed proceedings.
Tanada v. Cuenco
Limkaichong v. Comelec

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concerns suffused in a broad daylight of discussion.” (Separate

2) The communication must be authored or "solicited and implementation of legislation it has enacted. Clearly, oversight
concerns post-enactment measures undertaken by Congress. Opinion, Justice Puno, Macalintal v. Comelec, et al.)
received" by a close advisor of the President or the President
himself. The judicial test is that an advisor must be in The power of oversight has been held to be intrinsic in the grant of Power of impeachment
"operational proximity" with the President. legislative power itself and integral to the checks and balances Who may be impeached
3) The presidential communications privilege remains a inherent in a democratic system of government.
1. The President,
quali ied privilege that may be overcome by a showing of Categories of congressional oversight functions
adequate need, such that the information sought "likely a. Scrutiny. — Its primary purpose is to determine economy 2. the Vice-President,
contains important evidence" and by the unavailability of
and ef iciency of the operation of government activities. It is 3. the Members of the Supreme Court,
the information elsewhere by an appropriate investigating
based primarily on the power of appropriation of Congress.
authority. 4. the Members of the Constitutional Commissions, and
Under the Constitution, the “power of the purse” belongs to
United States v. Nixon held that a claim of executive privilege is Congress. 5. the Ombudsman.
subject to balancing against other interest. In other words, Likewise, Congress exercises legislative scrutiny thru its
con identiality in executive privilege is not absolutely protected by power of con irmation. Through the power of con irmation, In re Gonzales
the Constitution. Congress shares in the appointing power of the executive.
A public of icer who under the Constitution is required to be a
b. Investigation. — Congressional investigation involves a more Member of the Philippine Bar as a quali ication for the of ice held by
Standard Chartered Bank v. Senate Committee on Banks intense digging of facts. As now contained in the 1987 him and who may be removed from of ice only by impeachment,
Central to the Court’s ruling in Bengzon was the Court’s Constitution, the power of Congress to investigate is cannot be charged with disbarment during the incumbency of
determination that the intended inquiry was not in aid of circumscribed by three limitations, namely: such public of icer.
legislation. a) it must be in aid of its legislative functions, A Member of the Supreme Court must irst be removed from of ice
Indeed, the mere iling of a criminal or an administrative complaint b) it must be conducted in accordance with duly published via the constitutional route of impeachment. Should the tenure of the
before a court or a quasi-judicial body should not automatically bar rules of procedure, and Supreme Court Justice be thus terminated by impeachment, he may
the conduct of legislative investigation. then be held to answer either criminally or administratively.
c) the persons appearing therein are afforded their
constitutional rights. Grounds
Romero II v. Estrada c. Supervision. — This connotes a continuing and informed for, and conviction of,
awareness on the part of a congressional committee regarding
Suf ice it to state that when the Committee issued invitations and 1. culpable violation of the Constitution,
executive operations in a given administrative area. While both
subpoenas to petitioners to appear before it in connection with its
congressional scrutiny and investigation involve inquiry into 2. treason,
investigation of the aforementioned investments, it did so pursuant
past executive branch actions in order to in luence future
to its authority to conduct inquiries in aid of legislation. And the 3. bribery,
executive branch performance, congressional supervision allows
Court has no authority to prohibit a Senate committee from requiring
Congress to scrutinize the exercise of delegated law-making 4. graft and corruption,
persons to appear and testify before it in connection with an inquiry
authority, and permits Congress to retain part of that delegated
in aid of legislation in accordance with its duly published rules of 5. other high crimes, or
6. betrayal of public trust.
Oversight Non-legislative
Separate Opinion, Justice Puno, Macalintal v. Comelec, et al. Informing function
Gutierrez v. The House of Representatives Committee on Justice
The legislature’s informing function should be preferred to its
Concept and bases of congressional oversight 2011 En Banc Decision
legislative function. He emphasized that “even more important
The power of oversight embraces all activities undertaken by The determination of suf iciency of form and substance of an
than legislation is the instruction and guidance in political affairs
Congress to enhance its understanding of and in luence over the impeachment complaint is an exponent of the express constitutional
which the people might receive from a body which kept all national

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grant of rule-making powers of the House of Representatives which Ombudsman in carrying out her mandate. What is true for the 2. "Indirect initiative" is the exercise of initiative by the people
committed such determinative function to public respondent. Ombudsman must be equally and necessarily true for her through a proposition sent to Congress or the local legislative
Deputies who act as agents of the Ombudsman in the body for action.
A determination of what constitutes an impeachable offense is a
performance of their duties.
purely political question which the Constitution has left to the 3. "Referendum" is the power of the electorate to approve or
sound discretion of the legislature. Effect reject a legislation through an election called for the purpose. It
It is not for this Court to tell a co-equal branch of government how to Art XI Sec 3[7]. Judgment in cases of impeachment shall not may be of two classes, namely:
promulgate when the Constitution itself has not prescribed a speci ic extend further than removal from of ice and disquali ication to a. Referendum on statutes which refers to a petition to
method of promulgation. The Court is in no position to dictate a hold any of ice under the Republic of the Philippines, but the
mode of promulgation beyond the dictates of the Constitution. approve or reject an act or law, or part thereof, passed
party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to by Congress; and
It bears stressing that, unlike the process of inquiry in aid of prosecution, trial, and punishment, according to law.
legislation where the rights of witnesses are involved, impeachment b. Referendum on local law which refers to a petition to
is primarily for the protection of the people as a body politic, Barcenas v. House of Representatives approve or reject a law, resolution or ordinance
and not for the punishment of the offender. enacted by regional assemblies and local legislative
Section 3 (1) of Art XI speaks of initiating "cases of impeachment"
The one-year bar rule bodies.
while Section 3 (5) pertains to the initiation of "impeachment
proceedings." "Cases," no doubt, refers to those iled before the 4. "Proposition" is the measure proposed by the voters.
Article XI, Section 3, paragraph (5) of the Constitution reads: "No
impeachment proceedings shall be initiated against the same Senate. Its use and its sense are consistent throughout Section 3. 5. "Plebiscite" is the electoral process by which an initiative on
of icial more than once within a period of one year." Thus, Section 3(6) states, “The Senate shall have the sole power to
the Constitution is approved or rejected by the people.
decide all cases [not "proceedings"] of impeachment." Section 3(7)
Francisco states that the term "initiate" refers to the iling of the provides, "Judgment in cases [not "proceedings"] of impeachment 6. To exercise the power of initiative or referendum,
impeachment complaint coupled with Congress' taking initial action shall not extend further than removal from of ice and disquali ication
of said complaint. The initial action taken by the House on the a. at least ten per centum (10%) of the total number of
to hold any of ice...."
complaint is the referral of the complaint to the Committee on the registered voters,
Justice. I. Initiative and Referendum b. of which every legislative district is represented by at
Referring the complaint to the proper committee ignites the least three per centum (3%) of the registered voters
impeachment proceeding. With a simultaneous referral of multiple RA No. 6735 or the The Initiative and Referendum Act.
complaints iled, more than one lighted matchsticks light the candle 1. "Initiative" is the power of the people to propose c. shall sign a petition for the purpose and register the
at the same time. What is important is that there should only be
amendments to the Constitution or to propose and enact same with the Comelec.
ONE CANDLE that is kindled in a year, such that once the candle
starts burning, subsequent matchsticks can no longer rekindle legislations through an election called for the purpose.
7. A petition for an initiative on the 1987 Constitution must have
the candle. There are three (3) systems of initiative, namely:
a. at least twelve per centum (12%) of the total
Indubitably, an impeachment is not a judicial proceeding, but rather a a. Initiative on the Constitution which refers to a number of registered voters as signatories,
political exercise. (Resolution) petition proposing amendments to the Constitution;
b. of which every legislative district must be represented
b. Initiative on statutes which refers to a petition by at least three per centum (3%) of the registered
Gonzales III v. Of ice of the President 2014 En Banc
proposing to enact a national legislation; and voters therein.
Section 8(2) of RA No. 6770 vesting disciplinary authority in the c. Initiative on local legislation which refers to a
President over the Deputy Ombudsman violates the independence of Garcia v. Comelec
petition proposing to enact a regional, provincial, city,
the Of ice of the Ombudsman and is thus unconstitutional.
municipal, or barangay law, resolution or ordinance. The Constitution clearly includes not only ordinances but
The Of ice of the Ombudsman, by express constitutional mandate, resolutions as appropriate subjects of a local initiative.
includes its key of icials, all of them tasked to support the

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Sec 4. The President and the Vice-President shall be elected by

direct vote of the people for a term of 6 years xxx. The President 2. Another variety is the informer's privilege, or the privilege
A. Quali ications, election, and term of the President and shall not be eligible for any re-election. of the Government not to disclose the identity of persons
No person who has succeeded as President and has served as such who furnish information of violations of law to of icers
charged with the enforcement of that law.
for more than 4 years shall be quali ied for election to the same
B. Privileges, inhibitions, and disquali ications 3. Finally, a generic privilege for internal deliberations.
of ice at any time.
C. Powers of the President Executive privilege, whether asserted against Congress, the
No Vice-President shall serve for more than 2 successive terms.
General executive and administrative powers courts, or the public, is recognized only in relation to certain types
B. Privileges, inhibitions, and disqualifications of information of a sensitive character. While executive privilege
Power of appointment is a constitutional concept, a claim thereof may be valid or not
Presidential immunity
Power of control and supervision depending on the ground invoked to justify it and the context in
⭐De Lima v. Duterte 2019 En Banc which it is made. Indeed, the extraordinary character of the
Emergency powers exemptions indicates that the presumption inclines heavily
The concept of presidential immunity under our governmental and against executive secrecy and in favor of disclosure.
Commander-in-chief powers constitutional system does not distinguish whether or not the suit
pertains to an of icial act of the President. Neither does immunity Section 2(b) of E.O. 464 virtually states that executive privilege
Executive clemency
hinge on the nature of the suit. The lack of distinctions prevents us actually covers persons. Such is a misuse of the doctrine.
Diplomatic power from making any distinctions. Executive privilege is properly invoked in relation to speci ic
categories of information and not to categories of persons.
Powers relative to appropriation measures Separate concurring of Leonen, J
A claim of privilege, being a claim of exemption from an
Delegated powers Presidential immunity from suit only extends to civil, criminal, and obligation to disclose information, must, therefore, be clearly
administrative liability. A proceeding for the issuance of a writ of asserted.
Residual powers
habeas data, as in this case, does not determine any such liability.
Veto powers In light of this highly exceptional nature of the privilege, the Court
However, the proper respondent in a habeas data case for inds it essential to limit to the President the power to invoke the
D. Rules of Succession pronouncements made by the President in his of icial capacity is the privilege. The privilege being an extraordinary power, it must be
Executive Secretary, following the ruling in Aguinaldo v. Aquino wielded only by the highest of icial in the executive hierarchy.
III. This is in accord with the doctrine that the president should
not be impleaded in any suit during his or her incumbency, as
A. Qualifications, election, and term of the recently reiterated in Kilusang Mayo Uno v. Aquino III. ⭐Neri v. Executive Secretary
President and Vice-President There are two (2) kinds of executive privilege
Presidential privilege
Sec 2. No person may be elected President unless he is a) presidential communications privilege — pertains to
⭐Senate of the Philippines v. Ermita communications, documents or other materials that re lect
1. a natural-born citizen of the Philippines,
presidential decision-making and deliberations and that the
Executive privilege is de ined as "the power of the Government President believes should remain con idential.
2. a registered voter,
to withhold information from the public, the courts, and the
3. able to read and write, Congress." It is "the right of the President and high-level b) deliberative process privilege. — includes advisory
executive branch of icers to withhold information from opinions, recommendations and deliberations comprising
4. at least 40 years of age on the day of the election, and part of a process by which governmental decisions and
Congress, the courts, and ultimately the public."
5. a resident of the Philippines for at least 10 years policies are formulated.
1. One variety of the privilege is the state secrets privilege
immediately preceding such election. on the ground that the information is of such nature that its Congressional or judicial negation of the presidential
disclosure would subvert crucial military or diplomatic communications privilege is always subject to greater scrutiny

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than denial of the deliberative process privilege. family is all-embracing and covers both public and private agency under the Executive Department. Thus, the actions of the
of ice or employment. PCGG Chairman are subject to the review of the CPLC.
The right of Congress or any of its Committees to obtain information
in aid of legislation cannot be equated with the people's right to Section 7, Article IX-B is meant to lay down the general rule The strict prohibition under Section 13, Article VII of the 1987
public information. The former cannot claim that every legislative applicable to all elective and appointive public of icials and Constitution is not applicable to the PCGG Chairman nor to the
inquiry is an exercise of the people's right to information. employees, while Section 13, Article VII is meant to be the exception CPLC. However, Elma remains covered by the general prohibition
applicable only to the President, the Vice-President, Members of the under Section 7, Article IX-B.
The Claim of Executive Privilege is Properly Invoked
Cabinet, their deputies and assistants. The phrase "unless otherwise
Elma's concurrent appointments as PCGG Chairman and CPLC are
Jurisprudence teaches that for the claim to be properly invoked, provided in this Constitution" must be given a literal interpretation to
unconstitutional, for being incompatible of ices. This ruling does not
there must be a formal claim of privilege, lodged by the head of refer only to those particular instances cited in the Constitution itself,
render both appointments void. Following the common-law rule on
the department which has control over the matter. A formal and to wit:
incompatibility of of ices, Elma had, in effect, vacated his irst
proper claim of executive privilege requires a "precise and certain 1. the Vice-President being appointed as a member of the of ice as PCGG Chairman when he accepted the second of ice as
reason" for preserving their con identiality. Cabinet under Section 3, par(2), Article VII; or acting as CPLC.
President in those instances provided under Section 7, pars.
Prohibitions (2) and (3), Article VII; and,
Funa v. Executive Secretary 2010 En Banc
Sec 13. The President, Vice-President, the Members of the Cabinet, 2. the Secretary of Justice being an ex-of icio member of the
Judicial and Bar Council by virtue of Section 8(1), Article Respondent Bautista being then the appointed Undersecretary of
and their deputies or assistants shall not, unless otherwise DOTC, she was thus covered by the stricter prohibition under Section
provided in this Constitution, hold ANY other of ice or 13, Article VII and consequently she cannot invoke the exception
employment during their tenure. If the functions required to be performed are merely incidental, provided in Section 7, paragraph 2, Article IX-B where holding
remotely related, inconsistent, incompatible, or otherwise alien another of ice is allowed by law or the primary functions of the
They shall not, during said tenure, directly or indirectly, to the primary function of a cabinet of icial, such additional position. Neither was she designated OIC of MARINA in an ex-of icio
a) practice any other profession, functions would fall under the purview of "any other of ice" capacity, which is the exception recognized in Civil Liberties Union.
prohibited by the Constitution.
b) participate in any business, or
In order that such additional duties or functions may not transgress C. Powers of the President
c) be inancially interested in any contract with, or in any the prohibition embodied in Section 13, Article VII of the 1987
franchise, or special privilege granted by the Government
General executive and administrative powers
or any subdivision, agency, or instrumentality thereof, Section 1. THE executive power shall be vested in the President of
1. such additional duties or functions must be required by the
including GOCCs or their subsidiaries. primary functions of the of icial concerned, the Philippines.
2. who is to perform the same in an ex-of icio capacity as Marcos v. Manglapus Decision and Resolution
The spouse and relatives by consanguinity or af inity within the
provided by law,
fourth civil degree of the President shall not, during his tenure, be The powers of the President cannot be said to be limited only to the
appointed as 3. without receiving any additional compensation therefor. speci ic powers enumerated in the Constitution. In other words,
executive power is more than the sum of speci ic powers so
a) Members of the Constitutional Commissions, or
Public Interest Center v. Elma Decision and Resolution enumerated.
b) the Of ice of the Ombudsman, or
The crucial test in determining whether incompatibility exists This is so, notwithstanding the avowed intent of the members of the
c) as Secretaries, Undersecretaries, chairmen or heads of between two of ices was laid out in People v. Green — whether one Constitutional Commission of 1986—to limit the powers of the
bureaus or of ices, including GOCCs and their subsidiaries. of ice is subordinate to the other, in the sense that one of ice has the President, for the result was a limitation of speci ic powers of the
right to interfere with the other. President, particularly those relating to the commander-in-chief
Civil Liberties Union v. Executive Secretary clause, but not a diminution of the general grant of executive
In this case, an incompatibility exists between the positions of the power.
The prohibition imposed on the President and his of icial PCGG Chairman and the CPLC. The PCGG is, without question, an

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a) Members of the Constitutional Commissions, or

Vinuya v. Romulo 2010 En Banc Ru ino v. Endriga
b) the Of ice of the Ombudsman, or
The Executive Department has determined that taking up petitioners' The President appoints the irst group of of icers with the consent
cause would be inimical to our country's foreign policy interests, and of the CA. The President appoints the second and third groups of c) as Secretaries, Undersecretaries, chairmen or heads of
could disrupt our relations with Japan, thereby creating serious of icers without the consent of the CA. The President appoints the bureaus or of ices, including GOCCs and their subsidiaries.
implications for stability in this region. For us to overturn the third group of of icers if the law is silent on who is the appointing
Executive Department's determination would mean an assessment of power, or if the law authorizing the head of a department, agency, Sec 15. Two months immediately before the next presidential
the foreign policy judgments by a coordinate political branch to commission, or board to appoint is declared unconstitutional. Thus, elections and up to the end of his term, a President or Acting
which authority to make that judgment has been constitutionally if Section 6(b) and (c) of PD 15 is found unconstitutional, the President shall not make appointments, except
committed. President shall appoint the trustees of the CCP Board because the
trustees fall under the third group of of icers. a) temporary appointments
Power of appointment b) to executive positions
The CCP must fall under the Executive branch. Under the Revised
In general Administrative Code of 1987, any agency "not placed by law or order c) when continued vacancies therein will prejudice public
creating them under any speci ic department" falls "under the Of ice service or endanger public safety.
Gov of Phil Islands v. Springer
of the President."
Appointment to of ice is intrinsically an executive act involving Section 6(b) and (c) of PD 15 makes the CCP a self-perpetuating De Castro v. JBC 2010 En Banc
the exercise of discretion. entity, virtually outside the control of the President. Such a public
Prohibition under Section 15, Article VII does not apply to
of ice or board cannot legally exist under the 1987
With Concurrence of CA appointments to ill a vacancy in the Supreme Court or to other
appointments to the Judiciary.
Art VII Sec 16. The President shall nominate and, WITH the
consent of the Commission on Appointments, appoint Upon recommendation of JBC Given the background and rationale for the prohibition in Section 15,
a) Members of SC and all other courts. — Art VIII Sec 9. The Article VII, we have no doubt that the Constitutional Commission
a) the heads of the executive departments, con ined the prohibition to appointments made in the
Members of the Supreme Court and judges of lower courts shall
b) ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, or Executive Department. The framers did not need to extend the
be appointed by the President from a list of at least three prohibition to appointments in the Judiciary, because their
c) of icers of the armed forces from the rank of colonel or nominees preferred by the Judicial and Bar Council for every establishment of the JBC ensured that there would no longer be
naval captain, and vacancy. Such appointments need no con irmation. midnight appointments to the Judiciary.
d) other of icers whose appointments are vested in him in b) Ombudsman and deputies. — Art XI Sec 9. The
Types of appointment
this Constitution. Ombudsman and his Deputies shall be appointed by the
President from a list of at least six nominees prepared by the Interim or recess appointments
i) The regular members of the JBC shall be appointed by
the President for a term of four years with the consent JBC, and from a list of three nominees for every vacancy Art VII Sec 16(2). The President shall have the power to make
of the CA. (Art VIII Sec 8[2]) thereafter. Such appointments shall require no appointments during the recess of the Congress, whether voluntary
con irmation. All vacancies shall be illed within three or compulsory, but such appointments shall be effective only until
He shall also appoint
months after they occur. disapproved by the Commission on Appointments or until the next
a) all other of icers of the Government whose appointments adjournment of the Congress.
are not otherwise provided for by law, and
Prohibition against Nepotism and Midnight Appointments Guevara v. Inocentes
b) those whom he may be authorized by law to appoint.
Sec 13[2]. The spouse and relatives by consanguinity or It is the clear intent of the framers of our Constitution to make a
The Congress may, by law, vest the appointment of other of icers recess appointment effective only
af inity within the fourth civil degree of the President shall not,
lower in rank in the President alone, in the courts, or in the heads
during his tenure, be appointed as a) until disapproval by the Commission on Appointments, or
of departments, agencies, commissions, or boards.

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b) until the next adjournment of Congress, and never a day President is free to renew the ad interim appointment of a
a. However, Members of the Supreme Court may be
longer regardless of the nature of the session adjourned. by-passed appointee.
removed after impeachment proceedings initiated
It is well settled in this jurisdiction that the President can by Congress (Sec 2 Art XI),
De Rama v. CA renew the ad interim appointments of by-passed appointees.
b. while judges of lower courts may be removed only
There is no law that prohibits local elective of icials from making The phrase “without reappointment” applies only to one who by the Supreme Court (Secs 6 and 11, Art VIII).
appointments during the last days of his or her tenure. 1. has been appointed by the President and 2. The Chairpersons and Commissioners of the Constitutional
The constitutional prohibition on so-called "midnight appointments," 2. con irmed by the CA, whether or not such person completes Commissions shall likewise be appointed by the President,
applies only to the President or Acting President. his term of of ice. but they may be removed only by impeachment (Sec 2 Art
There must be a con irmation by the CA of the previous appointment
Matibag v. Benipayo before the prohibition on reappointment can apply. 3. The Ombudsman himself shall be appointed by the
President (Sec 9 Art XI) but may also be removed only by
An ad interim appointment is a permanent appointment because it Temporary designations impeachment (Sec 2 Art XI).
takes effect immediately and can no longer be withdrawn by the
President once the appointee has quali ied into of ice. The fact that it Administrative Code of 1987, Book III, SECTION 17. Power to Issue In giving the President the power to remove a Deputy Ombudsman
is subject to con irmation by the CA does not alter its permanent Temporary Designation. — and Special Prosecutor, Congress simply laid down in express terms
character. The Constitution itself makes an ad interim appointment an authority that is already implied from the President's
permanent in character by making it effective until disapproved by 1) The President may temporarily designate an of icer already in constitutional authority to appoint the aforesaid of icials in the Of ice
the CA or until the next adjournment of Congress. the government service or any other competent person to of the Ombudsman.
perform the functions of an of ice in the executive branch,
A distinction is thus made between the exercise of such presidential Power of control and supervision
appointment to which is vested in him by law, when:
prerogative requiring con irmation by the CA when Congress is in
session and when it is in recess. Section 17. The President shall have control of all the executive
a) the of icer regularly appointed to the of ice is unable
to perform his duties by reason of illness, absence or departments, bureaus, and of ices. He shall ensure that the laws be
In the former, the President nominates, and only upon the consent of
the CA may the person thus named assume of ice. It is not so with any other cause; or faithfully executed.
reference to ad interim appointments. It takes effect at once. Thus,
b) there exists a vacancy; ⭐PIDS v. COA 2019 En Banc Leonen, J
the term “ad interim appointment”, as used in letters of
appointment signed by the President, means a permanent 2) In no case shall a temporary designation exceed one (1) There is no absolute or categorical rule stating that a Senior Deputy
appointment made by the President in the meantime that year. Executive Secretary has no power to act on his own or in default of
Congress is in recess.
Power to remove the Executive Secretary by authority of the President generally or
The Constitutionality of Renewals of Appointments speci ically.
Gonzales III v. OP 2012 En Banc
There is no dispute that an ad interim appointee disapproved by the While this may be true, the authority to issue the exemption must
CA can no longer be extended a new appointment. The disapproval is Under the doctrine of implication, the power to appoint carries with nonetheless be done upon the express designation and
a inal decision on the merits by the CA in the exercise of its checking it the power to remove. As a general rule, therefore, all of icers delegation by the president through a presidential or executive
power on the appointing authority of the President. Since the appointed by the President are also removable by him. issuance.
Constitution does not provide for any appeal from such decision, the
The exception to this is when the law expressly provides otherwise. Furthermore, it must be stressed that the Administrative Code
disapproval is inal and binding on the appointee as well as on
The Constitution expressly separates the power to remove from the explicitly grants the power to sign papers by authority of the
the appointing power.
President's power to appoint. president to the executive secretary. It grants no similar authority
A by-passed appointment is one that has not been inally acted to a senior deputy executive secretary.
1. Under Sec 9 Art VIII, the Members of the Supreme Court and
upon on the merits by the CA at the close of the session of Congress.
judges of lower courts shall be appointed by the President. There are powers vested in the President by the Constitution which
There is no inal decision by the CA. Absent such decision, the

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may not be delegated to or exercised by an agent or alter ego of the was about to be or had been committed; and Code? NO. Section 31 contemplates "reorganization" as limited by
President. c) the superior failed to take the necessary and reasonable the following functional and structural lines:
1. The declaration of martial law, measures to prevent the criminal acts or punish the 1) restructuring the internal organization of the Of ice of the
2. the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus, and perpetrators thereof. President Proper by abolishing, consolidating or merging
In this case, since Aquino is considered a superior of the AFP but not units thereof or transferring functions from one unit to
3. the exercise of the pardoning power,
the PNP which is the agency involved in this case, the irst element is another;
The list is by no means exclusive, but there must be a showing that not satis ied. 2) transferring any function; or
the executive power in question is of similar gravitas and exceptional
import. 3) transferring any agency, under the Of ice of the President
Doctrine of qualified political agency
to any other Department or Agency or vice versa;
In this case, then Executive Secretary Ermita, as the President's alter DENR v. DENR Employees
ego, had the authority to let petitioner continue implementing its The creation of an of ice is nowhere mentioned, much less
annual medical checkup program through enrollment with health It is apropos to reiterate the elementary doctrine of quali ied envisioned in said provision.
maintenance organizations. Consequently, the exemption granted by political agency. This doctrine is corollary to the control While the power to create a truth commission cannot pass muster on
Executive Secretary Ermita, as the President's alter ego, is valid. It power of the President as provided for under Article VII, Section 17. the basis of P.D. No. 1416 as amended by P.D. No. 1772, the creation
will remain so, unless disapproved or reprobated by the President. of the PTC inds justi ication under Section 17, Article VII of
In the case at bar, the DENR Secretary can validly reorganize the
DENR by ordering the transfer of the DENR XII Regional Of ices from the Constitution, imposing upon the President the duty to ensure that
Nacino v. Of ice of the Ombudsman 2019 En Banc Cotabato City to Koronadal, South Cotabato. The exercise of this the laws are faithfully executed. (Faithful Execution Clause)
authority by the DENR Secretary, as an alter ego, is presumed to be One of the recognized powers of the President granted pursuant to
Aquino’s actuations do not constitute a participation in the planning
the acts of the President for the latter had not expressly repudiated this constitutionally-mandated duty is the power to create ad hoc
and implementation of Oplan Exodus since, as President of the
the same. committees. This lows from the obvious need to ascertain facts and
Republic, he does not exercise direct control over the PNP under
the doctrine of quali ied political agency. In Chiongbian v. Orbos, this Court stressed the rule that the power determine if laws have been faithfully executed. Thus, in DOH v.
of the President to reorganize the administrative regions carries with Camposano, the authority of the President to create an investigative
The President of the Republic of the Philippines is NOT part of committee to look into the administrative charges iled against the
it the power to determine the regional centers.
the chain of command of the PNP. Under Section 26 of RA No. employees of the DOH for the anomalous purchase of medicines was
6975, the command and direction of the PNP is vested in the Chief of upheld.
the PNP. ⭐PIDS v. COA 2019 En Banc Leonen, J
Local government units
The President's power over the PNP is subsumed in his general The Court in Berdin v. Mascariñas expanded the application of
power of control and supervision over the executive department of the doctrine of quali ied political agency. In that case, the doctrine Art X Sec 4. The President of the Philippines shall exercise
the government. In fact, Carpio v. Executive Secretary held that "the was extended to cover the Assistant Regional Director as an alter ego general supervision over local governments. xxx.
national police force does not fall under the Commander-in-Chief of the Finance Secretary.
power of the President. As a civilian agency of the government, it is Section 16. The President shall exercise general supervision
While this Court has at times expanded the application of the doctrine
only subject to the exercise by the President of the power of over autonomous regions to ensure that laws are faithfully
of quali ied political agency, the doctrine remains limited to the
executive control." executed.
President's executive secretary and other Cabinet secretaries. It does
Command responsibility has a technical meaning. In Saez, We not extend to deputy executive secretaries or assistant deputy Ganzon v. CA
ruled that to hold someone liable under the doctrine of command secretaries.
responsibility, the following elements must obtain: 1. Local autonomy, under the Constitution, involves a mere
Executive departments and offices decentralization of administration, not of power, in
a) the existence of a superior-subordinate relationship
between the accused as superior and the perpetrator of the Biraogo v. Philippine Truth Commission 2010 En Banc which local of icials remain accountable to the central
crime as his subordinate; government in the manner the law may provide;
Does the creation of the PTC fall within the ambit of the power to 2. The new Constitution does not prescribe federalism;
b) the superior knew or had reason to know that the crime reorganize as expressed in Section 31 of the Revised Administrative

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a limited period and subject to such restrictions as it may

3. The change in constitutional language with respect to the in Congress even in times of crisis.
prescribe, to exercise powers necessary and proper to carry out a
supervision clause was meant but to deny legislative control declared national policy. Unless sooner withdrawn by resolution Here, PP 1017 does not authorize the President during the
over local governments; it did not exempt the latter from of the Congress, such powers shall cease upon the next adjournment emergency to temporarily take over or direct the operation of
legislative regulation provided regulation is consistent with thereof. any privately owned public utility or business affected with
the fundamental premise of autonomy; public interest without authority from Congress.
4. Since local governments remain accountable to the national Ampatuan v. Puno 2011 En Banc re Maguindanao Massacre
authority, the latter may, by law, and in the manner set forth The President did not proclaim a national emergency invoking Sec Agan v. PIATCO
therein, impose disciplinary action against local of icials; 23(2) of Art VI, only a state of emergency in the three places
The temporary takeover by the government extends only to the
5. "Supervision" and "investigation" are not inconsistent mentioned. The calling out of the armed forces to prevent or
operation of the business and not to the ownership thereof. As such
terms: "investigation" does not signify "control" which the suppress lawless violence in such places is a power that the
the government is not required to compensate the private
President does not have. Constitution directly vests in the President. She did not need a
entity-owner of the said business as there is no transfer of
congressional authority to exercise the same.
ownership, whether permanent or temporary. The State in effecting
Dadole v. COA the temporary takeover is exercising its police power.
On declaring a state of national emergency in David v. Arroyo
Whether LBC 55 of the DBM is void for going beyond the
A distinction must be drawn between the President's authority to Commander-in-chief powers
supervisory powers of the President
declare "a state of national emergency" and to exercise
In administrative law, supervision means overseeing or the power Graduated powers
emergency powers. To the irst, Section 18, Article VII grants the
or authority of an of icer to see that subordinate of icers perform President such power, hence, no legitimate constitutional objection Sec 18 grants the President, as Commander-in-Chief, a “sequence” of
their duties. Control, on the other hand, means the power of an can be raised. But to the second, manifold constitutional issues arise. “graduated powers.” From the most to the least benign, these are:
of icer to alter or modify or nullify or set aside what a subordinate
President Arroyo could validly declare the existence of a state of 1. The calling out power. — The only criterion is that
of icer has done in the performance of his duties and to substitute the
judgment of the former for that of the latter. national emergency even in the absence of a Congressional ‘whenever it becomes necessary,’ the President may call the
enactment. armed forces ‘to prevent or suppress lawless violence, invasion
By constitutional iat, heads of political subdivisions are subject to or rebellion.’
the President’s supervision only, not control, so long as their acts But the exercise of emergency powers, such as the taking over of
privately owned public utility or business affected with public 2. The power to suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas
are exercised within the sphere of their legitimate powers.
interest requires a delegation from Congress. corpus. — It is only the privilege that is suspended, not the
Any directive therefore by the President or any of his or her alter egos writ itself. Thus, when a person is detained for an offense
seeking to alter the wisdom of a law-conforming judgment on local Generally, Congress is the repository of emergency powers. related to rebellion or invasion, the Judge need not inquire into
affairs of an LGU is a patent nullity. Certainly, a body cannot delegate a power not reposed upon it. the legality of his detention.
The Framers of our Constitution deemed it wise to allow Congress to
Does LBC 55 go beyond the law it seeks to implement? YES. grant emergency powers to the President, subject to certain 3. The power to declare martial law. — For the latter two
conditions, thus: powers, the Constitution requires 2 requisites to concur:
LBC 55 provides that the additional monthly allowances to be given
by an LGU should not exceed P1K in provinces and cities and P700 1) An actual invasion or rebellion; AND
1) There must be a war or other emergency.
in municipalities. Section 458, par. (a)(1)(xi), of RA 7160, the law 2) That public safety requires it.
2) The delegation must be for a limited period only.
that supposedly serves as the legal basis of LBC 55, allows the grant
On declaring a state of rebellion
of additional allowances to judges “when the inances of the city 3) The delegation must be subject to such restrictions as the
government allow.” The said provision does not authorize setting a Congress may prescribe. Section 18, Article VII does not expressly prohibit the President
de inite maximum limit. from declaring a state of rebellion. The President’s authority to
4) The emergency powers must be exercised to carry out a
declare a state of rebellion springs in the main from her powers as
national policy declared by Congress.
Emergency powers chief executive and, at the same time, draws strength from her
In Araneta v. Dinglasan, this Court emphasized that legislative Commander-in-Chief powers.
Sec 23(2) Art VI provides that in times of war or other national power, through which extraordinary measures are exercised, remains In calling out the armed forces, a declaration of a state of
emergency, the Congress may, by law, authorize the President, for

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rebellion is an utter super luity. At most, it only gives notice to and the process of his decision-making.
the nation that such a state exists. Sanlakas v. Reyes inds that d. The Congress, voting jointly, may revoke or af irm 7. The parameters for determining the suf iciency of factual
such a declaration is devoid of any legal signi icance. For all legal the President’s proclamation or suspension, allow basis are as follows:
intents, the declaration is deemed not written. their limited effectivity to lapse, or extend the same
a. actual rebellion or invasion;
During a state of rebellion, Lacson v. Perez tells us that authorities if Congress deems warranted.
may only resort to warrantless arrests of persons suspected of b. public safety requires it; the irst two requirements
2. The constitutional validity of the President’s proclamation of
rebellion. They should not be based on the declaration of a "state of must concur; and
martial law or suspension of the writ of habeas corpus is irst
rebellion." a political question in the hands of Congress before it c. there is probable cause for the President to believe
Calling out powers becomes a justiciable one in the hands of the Court. that there is actual rebellion or invasion.
3. Lansang held that the factual basis of the declaration of 8. Public safety "involves the prevention of and protection from
IBP v. Zamora
martial law and the suspension of the privilege of the writ of events that could endanger the safety of the general public from
When the President calls the armed forces to prevent or suppress habeas corpus is not a political question and is within the signi icant danger, injury/harm, or damage, such as crimes or
lawless violence, invasion or rebellion, he necessarily exercises a ambit of judicial review. disasters."
discretionary power solely vested in his wisdom. The Court, thus, On extending martial law
4. The phrase "in an appropriate proceeding" appearing on the
cannot be called upon to overrule the President’s wisdom or
third paragraph of Section 18, Article VII refers to any action 9. The only limitations to the exercise of congressional authority
substitute its own.
initiated by a citizen for the purpose of questioning the to extend such proclamation or suspension are that:
However, this does not prevent an examination of whether such suf iciency of the factual basis of the exercise of the Chief
a. the extension should be upon the President's
power was exercised within permissible constitutional limits or Executive's emergency powers. It could be denominated as a
whether it was exercised in a manner constituting grave abuse of complaint, a petition, or a matter to be resolved by the Court.
discretion. It is incumbent upon the petitioner to show that the b. it should be grounded on the persistence of the
5. In Lagman v. Medialdea 2017 En Banc, the Court had the
President’s decision is totally bereft of factual basis. invasion or rebellion and the demands of public
occasion to reexamine Fortun and clarify that the Court can
safety; and
Congress may revoke the proclamation of martial law or suspension simultaneously exercise its power of review with, and
independently from, the power to revoke by Congress. In other c. it is subject to the Court's review of the suf iciency of
of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus and the Court may
words, the judicial power to review is not dependent on its factual basis upon the petition of any citizen.
review the suf iciency of the factual basis thereof. However, there is
whether Congress exercised its own power to review the act of (Lagman v. Medialdea 2019 En Banc)
no such equivalent provision dealing with the revocation or
review of the President’s action to call out the armed forces. the President. 10. The Court is not barred by the doctrine of conclusiveness
6. Lagman established the suf iciency of factual basis test as of judgment from examining the persistence of rebellion. The
Declaration of martial law and suspension of the being the only test for judicial review of the President's power manner in which Congress deliberated on the President's
privilege of the writ of habeas corpus; extension to declare martial law and suspend the privilege of the writ of request for extension is not subject to judicial review.
habeas corpus under Section 18, Article VII. (Lagman v. Pimentel III 2018 En Banc)
1. Fortun v. Arroyo 2012 En Banc af irms that although Sec 18
a. It must be based only on facts or information 11. Checks and balances on the exercise of martial law and
Art VII vests in the President the power to proclaim martial
known by or available to the President at the time suspension powers. —
law or suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, he
shares such power with Congress. Thus: he made the declaration or suspension; a. The President may declare martial law or suspend of
b. The Court should look into the full complement or the privilege or the writ of the privilege of habeas
a. The President’s proclamation or suspension is
totality of the factual basis, and not piecemeal or corpus only when there is an invasion or rebellion
temporary, good for only 60 days;
individually. and public safety requires such declaration or
b. He must, within 48 hours of the proclamation or suspension.
suspension, report his action in person or in writing c. Neither should the Court expect absolute
correctness of the facts stated in the proclamation b. The President's proclamation or suspension shall be
to Congress;
and in the written Report. for a period not exceeding 60 days.
c. Both houses of Congress, if not in session must jointly
d. To require precision in the President's appreciation of c. Within 48 hours from the proclamation or
convene within 24 hours of the proclamation or
facts would unduly burden him and therefore impede suspension, the President must submit a Report in
suspension for the purpose of reviewing its validity;

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person or in writing to Congress. Executive clemency 1. Pardon is a private act which must be pleaded and proved
d. The Congress, voting jointly and by a vote of at by the person pardoned, because the courts take no notice
Nature and limitations
least a majority of all its Members, can revoke the thereof; while amnesty is a public act of which the courts
proclamation or suspension. Sec 19. Except in cases of impeachment, or as otherwise provided should take judicial notice.
e. The President cannot set aside the Congress' in this Constitution, the President may grant reprieves, 2. Pardon is granted to one after conviction; while amnesty
revocation of his proclamation or suspension. commutations, and pardons, and remit ines and forfeitures, after is granted to classes of persons or communities who may be
f. The President cannot, by himself, extend his conviction by inal judgment. guilty of political offenses, generally before or after the
proclamation or suspension. He should ask the institution of the criminal prosecution and sometimes after
He shall also have the power to grant amnesty with the
Congress' approval. conviction.
concurrence of a majority of ALL the Members of the Congress.
g. Upon such initiative or request from the President, the 3. Pardon looks forward; while amnesty looks backward
Art IX-C Sec 5. No pardon, amnesty, parole, or suspension of and abolishes and puts into oblivion the offense with which
Congress, voting jointly and by a vote of at least a
majority of all its Members, can extend the sentence for violation of election laws, rules, and regulations shall he is charged that the person released by amnesty stands
proclamation or suspension. be granted by the President without the favorable recommendation before the law precisely as though he had committed no
of the Comelec. offense.
h. The extension shall only be approved when the
invasion or rebellion persists and public safety Forms of executive clemency
requires it. Vera v. People
Pardon distinguished from probation
i. The SC may review the suf iciency of the factual Whether or not a person invoking the bene it of amnesty should
basis of the proclamation or suspension or the People v. Vera irst admit having committed the crime of which they were
extension thereof, in an appropriate proceeding iled accused.
The power to suspend sentence was always a part of the judicial
by any citizen.
power; the power to grant reprieves and pardons was always a part of It is rank inconsistency for appellant to justify an act, or seek
j. The SC must promulgate its decision within 30 days the executive power. The suspension of the sentence simply forgiveness for an act which, according to him, he has not committed.
from the iling of the appropriate proceeding. postpones the judgment of the court temporarily or inde initely, but (superseding Barrioquinto)
k. Martial law does not suspend the operation of the the conviction and liability following it, and all civil disabilities,
Constitution. remain and become operative when judgment is rendered. Effect of Pardon
l. Martial law does not supplant the functioning of the A pardon reaches both the punishment prescribed for the offense Monsanto v. Factoran
civil courts or legislative assemblies, nor authorize and the guilt of the offender. It releases the punishment, and blots out
the conferment of jurisdiction on military courts and of existence the guilt, so that in the eye of the law, the offender is as The pardon granted to petitioner has resulted in removing her
agencies over civilians where civil courts are able to innocent as if he had never committed the offense. It removes the disquali ication from holding public employment but it cannot go
function. penalties and disabilities, and restores him to his civil rights. It beyond that. To regain her former post as assistant city treasurer, she
makes him, as it were, a new man, and gives him a new credit and must reapply and undergo the usual procedure required for a new
m. The suspension of the privilege of the writ applies
capacity. appointment.
only to persons judicially charged for rebellion or
offenses inherent in or directly connected with
invasion. Pardon distinguished from parole Risos-Vidal v. COMELEC 2015 En Banc
n. Finally, during the suspension of the privilege of the Torres v. Gonzales Former President Estrada was granted an absolute pardon that fully
writ, any person thus arrested or detained should be restored all his civil and political rights, which naturally includes the
The grant of pardon and the determination of the terms and
judicially charged within three days, otherwise he right to seek public elective of ice, the focal point of this controversy.
conditions of a conditional pardon are purely executive acts which
should be released. The only instances in which the President may not extend pardon
are not subject to judicial scrutiny.
remain to be in:
Pardon distinguished from amnesty 1) impeachment cases;
Barrioquinto v. Fernandez

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2) cases that have not yet resulted in a inal conviction; and c) recognized as a treaty by the other contracting state. the Constitution. The LGC speci ies further that the release shall be
made directly to the LGU concerned within ive (5) days after every
3) cases involving violations of election laws, rules and The phrase "recognized as a treaty" means that the other quarter of the year and “shall not be subject to any lien or holdback
regulations in which there was no favorable contracting party accepts or acknowledges the agreement as a that may be imposed by the national government for whatever
recommendation coming from the COMELEC. treaty. purpose.” As a rule, the term “SHALL” is a word of command that
Therefore, it can be argued that any act of Congress by way of statute Moreover, it is inconsequential whether the United States treats the must be given a compulsory meaning. The provision is, therefore,
cannot operate to delimit the pardoning power of the President. The VFA only as an executive agreement because, under international IMPERATIVE.
foregoing pronouncements solidify the thesis that Articles 36 and law, an executive agreement is as binding as a treaty. To be sure, as
41 of the RPC cannot, in any way, serve to abridge or diminish long as the VFA possesses the elements of an agreement under
Delegated powers
the exclusive power and prerogative of the President to pardon international law, the said agreement is to be taken equally as a treaty. 1) Tariff powers under Section 28(2) of Article VI;
persons convicted of violating penal statutes.
In our jurisdiction, the power to ratify is vested in the 2) Emergency powers under Section 23(2) of Article VI;
Who may avail of amnesty President and not, as commonly believed, in the legislature. Residual powers
The role of the Senate is limited only to giving or withholding
Macaga-an v. People its consent, or concurrence, to the rati ication. Marcos v. Manglapus Decision and Resolution
The crimes to be amnestied must have been for violations of The power involved is the President's residual power to protect
subversion laws or those de ined and proscribed under crimes Pimentel v. Executive Secretary the general welfare of the people. It is founded on the duty of the
against public order under the RPC. President, as steward of the people. It is a power borne by the
The usual steps in the treaty-making process are: negotiation,
signature, rati ication, and exchange of the instruments of President's duty to preserve and defend the Constitution. It also may
Diplomatic power be viewed as a power implicit in the President's duty to take care that
rati ication. The treaty may then be submitted for registration and
Sec 21. No treaty or international agreement shall be valid and publication under the U.N. Charter, although this step is not essential the laws are faithfully executed.
effective unless concurred in by at least 2/3 of all the Members to the validity of the agreement as between the parties.
Veto powers
of the Senate. The signature is primarily intended as a means of authenticating the
instrument and as a symbol of the good faith of the parties. It is 1) General veto power. — veto of entire bill.
Bayan v. Zamora re VFA
usually performed by the state's authorized representative in the 2) Item-veto. — The President shall have the power to veto any
Section 21, Article VII deals with treatise or international diplomatic mission. Rati ication, on the other hand, is the formal particular item or items in an Appropriation, Revenue, or
agreements in general. This provision lays down the general rule act by which a state con irms and accepts the provisions of a treaty
Tariff bill, but the veto shall not affect the item or items to
on treatise or international agreements. All treaties or concluded by its representative. It is generally held to be an
which he does not object.
international agreements entered into by the Philippines, regardless executive act, undertaken by the head of the state or of the
of subject matter, coverage, or particular designation or appellation, government. Bolinao Electronics v. Valencia
requires the concurrence of the Senate to be valid and effective.
Although the refusal of a state to ratify a treaty which has been signed
When a provision of an appropriation bill affects one or more items
In contrast, Section 25, Article XVIII is a special provision that in its behalf is a serious step that should not be taken lightly, such
of the same, the President cannot veto the provision without at the
applies to treaties which involve the presence of foreign military decision is within the competence of the President alone, which
same time vetoing the particular item or items to which it relates.
bases, troops or facilities in the Philippines. It disallows foreign cannot be encroached by this Court via a writ of mandamus.
military bases, troops, or facilities in the country, unless the Whether the President may legally veto a condition attached to
following conditions are suf iciently met, viz: Powers relative to appropriation measures an appropriation or item in the appropriation bill. NO.
a) it must be under a treaty; Pimentel, Jr. v. Aguirre If the veto is unconstitutional, it follows that the same produced no
b) the treaty must be duly concurred in by the Senate and, effect whatsoever, and the restriction imposed by the
Section 4 of AO 372 cannot be upheld. A basic feature of local
when so required by congress, rati ied by a majority of the appropriation bill, therefore, remains.
iscal autonomy is the automatic release of the shares of LGUs
votes cast by the people in a national referendum; and in the National internal revenue. This is mandated by no less than
Gonzales v. Macaraig

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The power given the executive to disapprove any item or items in an b) During the term
Any provision blocking an administrative action in implementing a
Appropriations Bill does not grant the authority to veto a part of an
law or requiring legislative approval of executive acts must be 4. In case of death, permanent disability, removal from of ice,
item and to approve the remaining portion of the same item.
incorporated in a separate and substantive bill. or resignation of the President, the VP shall BECOME the
The terms item and provision in budgetary legislation and practice President to serve the unexpired term.
Furthermore, Special Provision No. 3, prohibiting the use of the
are concededly different. An item in a bill refers to the particulars,
Modernization Fund for payment of the trainer planes and armored 5. In case these happen to both the President and VP, the Senate
the details, the distinct and severable parts x x x of the bill. It is an
personnel carriers, which have been contracted for by the AFP, is
indivisible sum of money dedicated to a stated purpose. President or, in case of his inability, the Speaker, shall then
violative of the Constitutional prohibition on the passage of laws that
Explicit is the requirement that a provision in the Appropriations impair the obligation of contracts (Art III Sec 10), more so, contracts ACT as President until the President or VP shall have been
Bill should relate speci ically to some "particular entered into by the Government itself. elected and quali ied.
appropriation" therein. The challenged "provisions" fall short of
Veto of provision on use of savings to augment AFP pension c) Temporary Disability
this requirement. Consequently, Section 55 (FY '89) and Section 16
funds. — VALID
(FY ‘90), although labelled as "provisions," are actually 6. Whenever the President transmits to the Senate President and
inappropriate provisions that should be treated as items for the The Special Provision, which allows the Chief of Staff to use savings the Speaker his written declaration that he is unable to
purpose of the President's veto power. to augment the pension fund for the AFP being managed by the
discharge the powers and duties of his of ice, and until he
AFP-RSBS is violative of Secs 25(5) and 29(1) of the Art VI.
transmits to them a written declaration to the contrary, such
PHILCONSA v. Enriquez Condition on the deactivation of the CAFGU — VOID
powers and duties shall be discharged by the VP as Acting
Veto of Provision on Debt Ceiling — VOID Such intention must be embodied and manifested in another law President.
considering that it abrades the powers of the Commander-in-Chief
Also to be included in the category of "inappropriate 7. The above also applies whenever a majority of all the
and there are existing laws on the creation of the CAFGU to be
provisions" are unconstitutional provisions and provisions which amended. Again we state: a provision in an appropriations act Members of the Cabinet transmit the same.
are intended to amend other laws, because clearly these kinds of laws cannot be used to repeal or amend other laws, in this case, P.D.
have no place in an appropriations bill. 8. Thereafter, when the President transmits his written
No. 1597 and R.A. No. 6758.
declaration that no inability exists, he shall reassume the
These provisos are germane to and have a direct connection with the
D. Rules of Succession powers and duties of his of ice.
item on debt service. Inherent in the power of appropriation is
the power to specify how the money shall be spent. The said a) At the beginning of the term 9. Meanwhile, should a majority of all the Members of the Cabinet
provisos, being appropriate provisions, cannot be vetoed transmit within ive days their written declaration that the
separately. Hence, the item veto of said provisions is void. 1. If the President-elect fails to qualify or shall not have been
President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his
Veto of provision on ratio for road maintenance — VOID chosen, the VP-elect shall ACT as President until the
of ice, the Congress shall decide the issue. For that purpose,
President-elect shall have been chosen and quali ied.
It is not alien to the appropriation for road maintenance, and on the the Congress shall convene, if it is not in session, within
other hand, it speci ies how the said item shall be expended — 70% 2. If at the beginning of the term of the President, the forty-eight hours, in accordance with its rules and without need
by administrative and 30% by contract. President-elect shall have died or shall have become of call.
Veto of provision on purchase of medicines by AFP — VOID permanently disabled, the VP-elect shall BECOME President.
10. If the Congress, within ten days after receipt of the last written
Being directly related to and inseparable from the appropriation item 3. Where no President and VP shall have been chosen or shall declaration, or, if not in session, within twelve days after it is
on purchases of medicines by the AFP, the special provision cannot have quali ied, or where both shall have died or become required to assemble, determines by a two-thirds vote of
be vetoed by the President without also vetoing the said item permanently disabled, the Senate President or, in case of his
following Bolinao Electronics.
both Houses, voting separately, that the President is
inability, the Speaker, shall ACT as President until a President
unable to discharge the powers and duties of his of ice, the VP
Veto of provision on prior approval of Congress for purchase of or a VP shall have been chosen and quali ied.
shall ACT as President; otherwise, the President shall continue
military equipment — VALID
exercising the powers and duties of his of ice.

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accomplished or performed by either branch before a court may

VII. JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT come into the picture."
paramount public interest that is capable of repetition yet
evading review.
A. Concepts Kilusang Mayo Uno v. Aquino III 2019 En Banc Leonen, J
Most important in this list of requisites is the existence of an Locus Standi
Judicial power
⭐actual case or controversy. In every exercise of judicial or legal standing has been de ined as a personal and substantial
Judicial review power, whether in the traditional or expanded sense, this is an interest in the case such that the party has sustained or will
B. Judicial independence and autonomy absolute necessity. sustain direct injury as a result of the governmental act that
is being challenged.
C. Appointments to the judiciary There is an actual case or controversy if there is a "con lict of legal
right, an opposite legal claims susceptible to judicial Taxpayers, voters, concerned citizens, and legislators may be
Judicial and Bar Council resolution." A petitioner bringing a case before this Court must accorded standing to sue, provided that the following requirements
establish that there is a legally demandable and enforceable are met:
D. The Supreme Court
right under the Constitution. There must be
1) cases involve constitutional issues;
1. a real and substantial controversy,
2) for taxpayers, there must be a claim of illegal
A. Concepts 2. with de inite and concrete issues involving the legal disbursement of public funds or that the tax measure is
Judicial power relations of the parties, and unconstitutional;
3. admitting of speci ic relief that courts can grant. 3) for voters, there must be a showing of obvious interest in
The judicial power shall be vested in one Supreme Court and in
such lower courts as may be established by law. Moreover, an actual case or controversy requires that the right must the validity of the election law in question;
be enforceable and legally demandable. A case is ripe for 4) for concerned citizens, there must be a showing that
Judicial power includes the duty of the courts of justice to settle
adjudication when the challenged governmental act is a completed the issues raised are of transcendental importance
actual controversies involving rights which are legally
action such that there is a direct, concrete, and adverse effect on the which must be settled early; and
demandable and enforceable xxx. petitioner. In connection with acts of administrative agencies, 5) for legislators, there must be a claim that the of icial
Judicial review ripeness is ensured under the doctrine of exhaustion of
action complained of infringes upon their prerogatives as
administrative remedies. One other concept pertaining to judicial
and to determine whether or not there has been a grave abuse legislators.
review is intrinsically connected to it: the concept of a case being
of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on the moot and academic. ⭐Provincial Bus Operators Association of the Philippines v. DOLE
part of any branch or instrumentality of the Government.
As for mootness, Courts cannot render judgment after the issue has 2018 En Banc Leonen, J
Requisites already been resolved by or through external developments.
Another exception is the concept of third-party standing. Under
However, Courts will decide cases, otherwise moot and academic, if:
1. Ripeness. — An actual case or controversy calling for this concept, actions may be brought on behalf of third parties
the exercise of judicial power; 1. there is a grave violation of the Constitution; provided the following criteria are met:
2. Locus standi. — The person challenging the act must have 2. the exceptional character of the situation and the 1. irst, the party bringing suit must have suffered an
"standing" to challenge; paramount public interest is involved; 'injury-in-fact,' thus giving him or her a suf iciently
3. when constitutional issue raised requires formulation of concrete interest' in the outcome of the issue in dispute;
3. The question of constitutionality must be raised at the earliest
possible opportunity; and controlling principles to guide the bench, the bar, and the 2. second, the party must have a close relation to the third
public; and party; and
4. The issue of constitutionality must be the very lis mota of the
case. 4. the case is capable of repetition yet evading review. 3. third, there must exist some hindrance to the third party's
ability to protect his or her own interests.
Ripeness Three (3) circumstances must be present before this Court may rule
on a moot issue. There must be an issue raising a grave violation In some circumstances similar to those in White Light, the third
Tan v. Macapagal held that for a case to be considered ripe for of the Constitution, involving an exceptional situation of parties represented by the petitioner would have special and
adjudication, "it is a prerequisite that something had by then been

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legitimate reasons why they may not bring the action themselves. The term “political question” refers to "those questions which, certain provisions in the 1987 Constitution. The issues likewise call
Understandably, the cost to patrons in the White Light case to under the Constitution, are to be decided by the people in their for a ruling on the scope of presidential immunity from suit. They
bring the action themselves—i.e., the amount they would pay sovereign capacity, or in regard to which full discretionary authority also involve the correct calibration of the right of petitioner against
for the lease of the motels—will be too small compared with has been delegated to the Legislature or executive branch of the prejudicial publicity.
the cost of the suit. This is the free rider problem in economics. It Government." It is concerned with issues dependent upon the
is a negative externality which operates as a disincentive to sue and wisdom, not legality, of a particular measure. B. Judicial independence and autonomy
assert a transcendental right.
Judicial power is not only a power; it is also a DUTY, a duty To maintain the independence of the judiciary, the following safeguards
As to actual controversy. have been embodied in the Constitution:
which cannot be abdicated by the mere specter of this creature called
Only constitutional rights shared by many and requiring a the political question doctrine. 1) The Supreme Court is a constitutional body. It cannot be
grounded level of urgency can be transcendent. This Court is not a
forum to appeal political and policy choices made by the Executive, There are two species of political questions: abolished nor may its membership or the manner of its
Legislative, and other constitutional agencies and organs. 1) "truly political questions" and meetings be changed by mere legislation.
2) those which "are not truly political questions." 2) The members of the SC may not be removed except by
Lis Mota
Truly political questions are beyond judicial review, the reason impeachment.
It is a well-settled maxim of adjudication that an issue assailing the for respect of the doctrine of separation of powers to be maintained. 3) The SC may not be deprived of its minimum original and
constitutionality of a governmental act should be avoided whenever On the other hand, by virtue of Sec 1 Art VIII, courts can review
possible. Courts will not touch the issue of constitutionality unless appellate jurisdiction.
questions which are not truly political in nature.
it is truly unavoidable and is the very lis mota or crux of the 4) The appellate jurisdiction of the SC may not be increased by
controversy. In our jurisdiction, the determination of a truly political question
law without its advice and concurrence.
from a non-justiciable political question lies in the answer to the
Operative fact doctrine 5) Appointees to the judiciary are now nominated by the JBC and
question of whether there are constitutionally imposed limits on
League of Cities v. Comelec 2010 En Banc Resolution powers or functions conferred upon political bodies. If there are, no longer subject to con irmation by the CA.
then our courts are duty-bound to examine whether the branch or
Under the operative fact doctrine, the law is recognized as 6) The SC now has administrative supervision over all lower
instrumentality of the government properly acted within such limits.
unconstitutional but the effects of the unconstitutional law, prior to courts and their personnel.
its declaration of nullity, may be left undisturbed as a matter of 7) The SC has exclusive power to discipline judges of lower
Estrada v. Arroyo
equity and fair play. In fact, the invocation of the operative fact
doctrine is an admission that the law is unconstitutional. EDSA I involves the exercise of the people power of revolution
which overthrew the whole government. EDSA II is an exercise of 8) The members of the SC and all lower courts have security of
In Planters Products, Inc. v. Fertiphil Corporation, the Court
people power of freedom of speech and freedom of assembly to tenure, which cannot be undermined by a law reorganizing the
petition the government for redress of grievances which only judiciary.
The general rule is that an unconstitutional law is void. It affected the of ice of the President.
produces no rights, imposes no duties and affords no protection. It 9) They shall not be designated to any agency performing
EDSA I is extra constitutional and the legitimacy of the new quasi-judicial or administrative functions.
has no legal effect. It is, in legal contemplation, inoperative as if it has
government that resulted from it cannot be the subject of judicial
not been passed. The doctrine of operative fact, as an exception to 10) The salaries of judges may not be reduced during their
review, but EDSA II is intra constitutional and the resignation of
the general rule, only applies as a matter of equity and fair play.
the sitting President that it caused and the succession of the Vice continuance in of ice.
The doctrine is applicable when a declaration of unconstitutionality President as President are subject to judicial review.
11) The judiciary shall enjoy iscal autonomy. — Fiscal autonomy
will impose an undue burden on those who have relied on the EDSA I presented political question; EDSA II involves legal means freedom from outside control. (Bengzon v. Drilon)
invalid law. questions.
Any law which provides for an exemption from said fees would
Political question doctrine The cases at bar pose LEGAL and not political questions. The be constitutionally in irm for it impairs the Court’s guaranteed
principal issues for resolution require the proper interpretation of
⭐Francisco v. House of Representatives

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iscal autonomy and erodes its independence. (AM 12-2-03-0 1. the Chief Justice as ex of icio Chairman, newly appointed members by controlling the date and order of
2012 En Banc) issuance of said members' appointment or commission papers. By
2. the Secretary of Justice, and
12) The SC alone may initiate rules of court. already designating the numerical order of the vacancies, the JBC
3. a representative of the Congress as ex of icio Members, would be establishing the seniority or order of preference of the new
13) Only the SC may order the temporary detail of judges.
4. a representative of the Integrated Bar, Sandiganbayan Associate Justices even before their appointment by
14) The SC can appoint all of icials and employees of the judiciary. the President and, thus, unduly arrogating unto itself a vital part of
5. a professor of law, the President's power of appointment.
In re NPC and Re GSIS 2010 En Banc
6. a retired Member of the Supreme Court, and
Since the payment of legal fees is a vital component of the rules D. The Supreme Court
7. a representative of the private sector.
promulgated by this Court concerning pleading, practice and Composition
procedure, it cannot be validly annulled, changed or modi ied by The regular members of the Council shall be appointed by the
Congress. President for a term of 4 years with the consent of the Sec 4. The Supreme Court shall be composed of a Chief Justice and
Commission on Appointments. fourteen Associate Justices. It may sit en banc or in its discretion,
C. Appointments to the judiciary in division of three, ive, or seven Members. Any vacancy shall be
Sec 9. The Members of the Supreme Court and judges of lower illed within 90 days from the occurrence thereof. xxxx
courts shall be appointed by the President from a list of at least De Castro v. JBC 2010 En Banc
Powers and functions
three nominees preferred by the Judicial and Bar Council for every Does mandamus lie to compel the submission of the shortlist of
1. Exercise original jurisdiction over cases affecting ambassadors,
vacancy. Such appointments need no con irmation. nominees by the JBC?
other public ministers and consuls, and over petitions for
For the lower courts, the President shall issue the appointment NO. The 90-day period is directed at the President, not at the certiorari, prohibition, mandamus, quo warranto, and habeas
within 90 days from the submission of the list. JBC. Thus, the JBC should start the process of selecting the candidates
to ill the vacancy in the Supreme Court before the occurrence of the
Qualifications of members of the judiciary vacancy. 2. Review, revise, reverse, modify, or af irm on appeal or
Sec 7. No person shall be appointed Member of the Supreme certiorari, as the law or the Rules of Court may provide, inal
The duty of the JBC to submit a list of nominees before the start of the
Court or any lower collegiate court unless he is a natural-born President's mandatory 90-day period to appoint is ministerial, but judgments and orders of lower courts in:
citizen of the Philippines. A Member of the Supreme Court must be its selection of the candidates whose names will be in the list to be a. All cases in which the constitutionality or validity of any
1. at least 40 years of age, and submitted to the President lies within the discretion of the JBC. For treaty, international or executive agreement, law, presidential
mandamus to lie against the JBC, therefore, there should be an
decree, proclamation, order, instruction, ordinance, or
2. must have been for 15 years or more, a judge of a lower unexplained delay on its part in recommending nominees to the
regulation is in question.
court or engaged in the practice of law in the Philippines. Judiciary, that is, in submitting the list to the President.
b. All cases involving the legality of any tax, impost, assessment,
The Congress shall prescribe the quali ications of judges of lower
Aguinaldo v. Aquino III 2017 En Banc re or toll, or any penalty imposed in relation thereto.
courts, but no person may be appointed judge thereof unless he is a
citizen of the Philippines and a member of the Philippine Bar. clustering of nominees by the JBC c. All cases in which the jurisdiction of any lower court is in
The clustering of nominees for the six vacancies in the issue.
A Member of the Judiciary must be a person of proven
competence, integrity, probity, and independence. Sandiganbayan by the JBC impaired the President's power to d. All criminal cases in which the penalty imposed is reclusion
appoint members of the Judiciary and to determine the seniority of perpetua or higher.
Judicial and Bar Council the newly-appointed Sandiganbayan Associate Justices.
e. All cases in which only an error or question of law is involved.
Composition It also bears to point out that part of the President's power to appoint
members of a collegiate court, such as the Sandiganbayan, is the 3. Assign temporarily judges of lower courts to other stations as
Sec 8. A Judicial and Bar Council is hereby created under the
power to determine the seniority or order of preference of such public interest may require. Such temporary assignment shall not
supervision of the Supreme Court composed of
exceed six months without the consent of the judge concerned.

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4. Order a change of venue or place of trial to avoid a miscarriage of D. Composition and quali ications of members
In determining whether a rule prescribed by the Supreme Court, for
justice. E. Prohibited of ices and interests
the practice and procedure of the lower courts, abridges, enlarges, or
5. Promulgate rules concerning the protection and enforcement of modi ies any substantive right, the test is whether the rule really
constitutional rights, pleading, practice, and procedure in all courts, regulates procedure, that is, the judicial process for enforcing
the admission to the practice of law, the integrated bar, and legal rights and duties recognized by substantive law and for justly A. Common provisions
assistance to the under-privileged. administering remedy and redress for a disregard or infraction of
them. If the rule takes away a vested right, it is not procedural. Sec 1. The Constitutional Commissions, which shall be
6. Appoint all of icials and employees of the Judiciary in If the rule creates a right such as the right to appeal, it may be independent, are
accordance with the Civil Service Law. classi ied as a substantive matter; but if it operates as a means of
a) the Civil Service Commission,
implementing an existing right then the rule deals merely with
People v. Mateo re intermediate review of the CA of cases requiring procedure. b) the Commission on Elections, and
automatic review by the SC Section 23 of Republic Act No. 9165 is declared unconstitutional for c) the Commission on Audit.
While the Fundamental Law requires a mandatory review by the being contrary to the rule-making authority of the Supreme Court
Sec 5. The Commission shall enjoy iscal autonomy. Their
Supreme Court of cases where the penalty imposed is reclusion under Section 5(5), Article VIII.
approved annual appropriations shall be automatically and
perpetua, life imprisonment, or death, nowhere, however, has it
regularly released.
proscribed an intermediate review. If only to ensure utmost Maceda v. Vasquez re supervision of lower courts and personnel
circumspection before the penalty of death, reclusion perpetua or life Sec 7. Each Commission shall decide by a majority vote of all its
imprisonment is imposed, the Court now deems it wise and Article VIII, Section 6 exclusively vests in the Supreme Court Members, any case or matter brought before it within 60 days from
compelling to provide in these cases a review by the Court of Appeals administrative supervision over all courts and court personnel. By
the date of its submission for decision or resolution.
before the case is elevated to the Supreme Court. virtue of this power, it is only the Supreme Court that can oversee the
judges' and court personnel's compliance with all laws, and take the Additional Commonalities
proper administrative action against them if they commit any
Estipona, Jr. v. Lobrigo 2017 En Banc re Plea-bargaining 1) How appointed and term of of ice. — All chairpersons and
violation thereof.
commissioners are appointed by the President with the
The SC has rejected previous attempts on the part of the Congress, in Thus, the Ombudsman should irst refer the matter of consent of the Commission on Appointments for a term of 7
the exercise of its legislative power, to amend the Rules of Court, to petitioner's certi icates of service to this Court for determination
wit: years without reappointment.
of whether said certi icates re lected the true status of his pending
1. Fabian v. Desierto — Appeal from the decision of the Of ice case load, as the Court has the necessary records to make such a 2) Staggering of terms. — Of those irst appointed, the
of the Ombudsman in an administrative disciplinary case determination. Chairman shall hold of ice for seven years, a Commissioner for
should be taken to the CA under the provisions of Rule 43 of ive years (2 for Comelec), and another Commissioner for three
Where a criminal complaint against a judge or other court
the Rules instead of appeal by certiorari under Rule 45 as years (the remaining 4 for Comelec), without reappointment.
employee arises from their administrative duties, the
provided in Section 27 of R.A. No. 6770.
Ombudsman must defer action on said complaint and refer the 3) Appointment to any vacancy shall be only for the unexpired
2. Cathay Metal v. Laguna West Multi-Purpose same to this Court for determination whether said judge or term of the predecessor.
Cooperative, Inc. — The Cooperative Code provisions on court employee had acted within the scope of their
notices cannot replace the rules on summons under Rule 14 administrative duties. 4) In no case shall any Member be appointed or designated in a
of the Rules. temporary or acting capacity.
3. Carpio-Morales v. CA 2015 En Banc — The irst paragraph VIII. CONSTITUTIONAL COMMISSIONS 5) Common quali ications. — All members must be
of Section 14 of R.A. No. 6770, which prohibits courts except
the Supreme Court from issuing temporary restraining order A. Common provisions a) Natural-born citizens;
and/or writ of preliminary injunction to enjoin an b) at least 35 years old at the time of appointment and
investigation conducted by the Ombudsman, Is B. Institutional independence safeguards
unconstitutional as it contravenes Rule 58 of the Rules. C. Powers and functions

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c) must not have been candidates for any elective public accountability. D. Composition and qualifications of members
position in the elections immediately preceding their
appointment. Comelec 1. Enforce and administer all laws and regulations CSC Comelec COA
relative to the conduct of an election, plebiscite,
B. Institutional independence safeguards initiative, referendum, and recall.
1 Chair + 2 1 Chair + 6
1 Chair + 2 Comms
2. Exercise exclusive original jurisdiction over all Comms Comms
1) These bodies may not be abolished by statute.
contests relating to the elections, returns, and
2) Each of them is expressly described as independent. Term 7 years without reappointment
quali ications of all elective regional, provincial,
3) Each of them is conferred certain powers and functions which and city of icials, and appellate jurisdiction over all
CPAs with not less
cannot be withdrawn or reduced by statute. contests involving elective municipal of icials
a majority than 10 years of
decided by trial courts of general jurisdiction, or
4) The chairmen and members may not be removed from of ice thereof, auditing
involving elective barangay of icials decided by
except by impeachment. including the experience, OR
trial courts of limited jurisdiction.
Chair, shall be members of the
5) The chairmen and members are given a fairly long term of 3. Decisions, inal orders, or rulings on election with proven members of Philippine Bar who
seven years. contests involving elective municipal and barangay Special capacity for the Philippine have been engaged
of ices shall be inal, executory, and not appealable. quali ication public Bar who have in the practice of
6) The terms of of ice are staggered in such a manner as to lessen
4. Decide, except those involving the right to vote, all administration been engaged law for at least 10
the opportunity for appointment of the majority of the body by years.
questions affecting elections, including in the practice
the same President. determination of the number and location of of law for at At no time shall all
7) The chairmen and members may not be reappointed or polling places, appointment of election of icials least 10 Members belong to
appointed in an acting capacity. and inspectors, and registration of voters. years. the same
among others profession.
8) The salaries may not be decreased during their continuance in
of ice.
COA Shall have the power, authority, and duty to examine, Funa v. Villar 2012 En Banc
9) The Commissions enjoy iscal autonomy. audit, and settle all accounts pertaining to the revenue
and receipts of, and expenditures or uses of funds and The Court restates its ruling on Sec. 1(2), Art. IX(D) of the
10) Each Commission may promulgate its own rules. Constitution, viz:
property, owned or held in trust by, or pertaining to, the
11) The chairmen and members are subject to certain Government, or any of its subdivisions, agencies, or 1. The appointment of members of any of the three
disquali ications and inhibitions calculated to strengthen their instrumentalities, including GOCCs with original constitutional commissions, after the expiration of the
integrity. charters, and on a post-audit basis: uneven terms of of ice of the irst set of commissioners,
1. constitutional bodies, commissions and of ices shall always be for a ixed term of seven (7) years; an
12) They are allowed to appoint their own of icials and employees.
that have been granted iscal autonomy under this appointment for a lesser period is void and unconstitutional.
C. Powers and functions Constitution; 2. Appointments to vacancies resulting from certain causes
2. autonomous state colleges and universities; shall only be for the unexpired portion of the term of the
CSC As the central personnel agency of the Government, 3. other GOCCs and their subsidiaries; and predecessor, but such appointments cannot be less than
shall establish a career service. It shall the unexpired portion as this will likewise disrupt the
4. such non-governmental entities receiving subsidy
staggering of terms.
1. strengthen the merit and rewards system, or equity, directly or indirectly, from or through the
Government, which are required by law or the 3. Members who were appointed for a full term of seven years
2. integrate all human resources development and who served the entire period, are barred from
programs for all levels and ranks, and granting institution to submit to such audit as a
condition of subsidy or equity. reappointment to any position in the Commission.
3. institutionalize a management climate conducive to 4. A commissioner who resigns after serving in the

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Commission for less than seven years is eligible for an K. Adequate Legal Assistance and Free Access to Courts Privacy and autonomy
appointment to the position of Chairman for the unexpired
L. Right Against Self-incrimination Ople v. Torres
portion of the term of the departing chairman.
Such appointment is not covered by the ban on M. Rights of Persons Under Custodial Investigation The essence of privacy is the "right to be let alone."
reappointment, provided that the vacancy in the position of Speci ic guarantees in the Bill of Rights have penumbras formed by
Chairman resulted from death, resignation, disability or N. Rights of the Accused
emanations from these guarantees that help give them life and
removal by impeachment.
O. Right to the Speedy Disposition of Cases substance. Various guarantees create zones of privacy.
5. Any member of the Commission cannot be appointed or
designated in a temporary or acting capacity. The right to privacy as such is accorded recognition
P. Right Against Excessive Fines and Cruel, Degrading, and
independently of its identi ication with liberty; in itself, it is fully
E. Prohibited o ces and interests Inhuman Punishments deserving of constitutional protection.

Sec 2. No member shall, during his tenure, Q. Non-imprisonment for Debts The right to privacy is a fundamental right guaranteed by the
Constitution, hence, it is the burden of government to show that A.O.
a) hold any other of ice or employment; R. Right Against Double Jeopardy No. 308 is justi ied by some compelling state interest and that it is
b) engage in the practice of any profession or narrowly drawn. The possibilities of abuse and misuse of the PRN,
S. Right Against Involuntary Servitude biometrics and computer technology are accentuated when we
c) in the active management or control of any business, consider that the individual lacks control over what can be read or
T. Ex post facto laws and Bills of Attainder placed on his ID, much less verify the correctness of the data
d) be inancially interested, directly or indirectly, in any
encoded. They threaten the very abuses that the Bill of Rights seeks
contract with, or in any franchise or privilege granted by
to prevent.
the Government, any of its subdivisions, agencies, or
A. Concept of Bill of Rights
instrumentalities, including GOCCs or their subsidiaries.
Vivares v. STC 2014
Nature of provisions
The three strands of the right to privacy, viz:
IX. BILL OF RIGHTS Manila Prince Hotel v GSIS
1) locational or situational privacy — refers to the privacy
A. Concept of Bill of Rights Thus, we have treated as self-executing the provisions in the Bill of that is felt in physical space, such as that which may be
Rights on arrests, searches and seizures, the rights of a person under violated by trespass and unwarranted search and seizure;
B. Due Process of Law custodial investigation, the rights of an accused, and the privilege 2) informational privacy — usually de ined as the right of
against self-incrimination. It is recognized that legislation is individuals to control information about themselves; and
C. Equal Protection of Laws unnecessary to enable courts to effectuate constitutional provisions
guaranteeing the fundamental rights of life, liberty and the 3) decisional privacy — usually de ined as the right of
D. Right Against Unreasonable Searches and Seizures individuals to make certain kinds of fundamental choices
protection of property. The same treatment is accorded to
constitutional provisions forbidding the taking or damaging of with respect to their personal and reproductive autonomy.
E. Privacy of Communications and Correspondence
property for public use without just compensation.
Relation to human rights
F. Freedom of Speech and Expression
Against whom enforceable Republic v. Sandiganbayan
G. Freedom of Religion
People v. Domasian The Bill of Rights under the 1973 Constitution was not operative
H. Liberty of Abode and Freedom of Movement during the interregnum. However, the protection accorded to
The Bill of Rights cannot be invoked against acts of private
individuals, being directed only against the government and its individuals under the Covenant and the Declaration remained
I. Eminent Domain in effect during the interregnum.
law-enforcement agencies as a limitation on of icial action.
J. Non-impairment of Contracts During the interregnum, a person could not invoke any

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exclusionary right under a Bill of Rights because there was c) to widen the reach of one’s capabilities, right to due process in requiring a license for the possession of
neither a constitution nor a Bill of Rights during the interregnum. d) to enhance those moral and spiritual values that can make irearms. Article III, Section 1 of the Constitution is clear that only
Under Article 17(1) of the ICCPR, the revolutionary government had
life, liberty, or property is protected by the due process
one’s life more meaningful and rewarding.
the duty to insure that "no one shall be subjected to arbitrary or clause. True property rights arise from legitimate claims of
unlawful interference with his privacy, family, home or 3. According to Imbong v. Ochoa, life commences upon entitlement de ined by existing rules or understanding that stem from
correspondence." Although the signatories to the Declaration did not “conception, that is, upon fertilization.” an independent source, such as law.
intend it as a legally binding document, being only a declaration, the 4. Liberty is the freedom to do right and never wrong; it is ever Assuming, for the sake of argument, that the right to possess a
Court has interpreted the Declaration as part of the generally irearm was considered a property right, it is doctrine that
accepted principles of international law and binding on the guided by reason and the upright honorable conscience of the
property rights are always subject to the State's police power.
State. Thus, the revolutionary government was also obligated under individual.
international law to observe the rights of individuals under the Kinds of due process
Declaration. Agcaoili, Jr. v. Fariñas 2018 En Banc
Palacios v. People 2019
In Secretary of National Defense et al. v. Manalo et al., the Court
explained the concept of right to life in this wise: Due process is comprised of two (2) components —
B. Due Process of Law
While the right to life under Article III, Section 1 guarantees a) substantive due process which requires the intrinsic
essentially the right to be alive—upon which the enjoyment of all validity of the law in interfering with the rights of the person
Section 1. No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property to his life, liberty, or property, and
other rights is preconditioned—the right to security of
without due process of law, xxxx.
person is a guarantee of the secure quality of this life. In a broad b) procedural due process which consists of the two basic
sense, the right to security of person "emanates in a person's rights of notice and hearing, as well as the guarantee of
legal and uninterrupted enjoyment of his life, his limbs, his body, being heard by an impartial and competent tribunal.
1. Due process is a guaranty against any arbitrariness on the part his health, and his reputation. It includes the right to exist, and
the right to enjoyment of life while existing, and it is invaded not Substantive
of the government.
only by a deprivation of life but also of those things which are 1. Requires the intrinsic validity of the law in interfering with the
2. Protects all persons, natural as well as juridical, citizen or
necessary to the enjoyment of life according to the nature, rights of the person to his life, liberty or property.
alien. temperament, and lawful desires of the individual."
2. Inquiry is whether it is a proper exercise of legislative power.
3. Juridical persons are also covered but only insofar as their The right to liberty, on the other hand, was de ined in the City of
property is concerned. Manila, et al. v. Hon. Laguio, Jr., in this manner: 3. The law must have a valid governmental objective.

4. To deprive is to “take away forcibly, to prevent from Liberty as guaranteed by the Constitution was de ined to include 4. This objective must be pursued in a lawful manner. In other words,
possessing, enjoying or using something.” "the right to exist and the right to be free from arbitrary the means employed must be reasonably related to the
restraint or servitude. accomplishment of the purpose and not unduly oppressive.
5. Deprivation is denial of the right to life, liberty or property. It
is per se not unconstitutional. What is prohibited is deprivation ⭐Acosta v. Ochoa 2019 En Banc Leonen, J 5. In Kwong Sing v. City of Manila, an ordinance requiring all laundry
without due process of law. establishments to issue their receipts in English or Spanish was
There is no constitutional right to bear arms. Neither is the
ownership or possession of a irearm a property right. Persons sustained by the Court to protect the public from deceptions and
Concept of right to life, liberty and property
intending to use a irearm can only either accept or decline the misunderstandings that might arise with the receipts in Chinese
1. Life is the integrity of the physical person. government's terms for its use. The grant of license, however, is characters that most don’t understand.
2. Included therein is the without prejudice to the inviolability of the home.
6. However, in Yu Cong Eng v. Trinidad, a law prohibiting the keeping
a) right to give full rein to one’s all natural attributes, With the bearing of arms being a mere privilege granted by the of account books in any language other than English, Spanish, or
State, there could not have been a deprivation of petitioners'
any other local dialect was invalidated.
b) to expand the horizons of one’s mind,

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The right to preliminary investigation is substantive, not Administrative speech, gender, or race, interest and on the absence
merely formal or technical. As such, to deny petitioner's motion for Requisites other fundamental of less restrictive means for
reinvestigation on the basis of the provisions of A.M. No. 11-6-10-SC rights such as suffrage, achieving that interest.
would be to deprive him of the full measure of his right to due 1) The right to a hearing, which includes the right to present judicial access,
process on purely procedural grounds. one’s case and submit evidence in support thereof. interstate travel

Procedural 2) The tribunal must consider the evidence presented. In terms of judicial Determines the quality and
Our SC has held that “the twin requirements of notice and hearing 3) The decision must have something to support itself. review of statutes or the amount of governmental
constitute the essential elements of due process and neither of these ordinances: interest brought to justify
4) The evidence must be substantial. the regulation of
elements can be eliminated without running afoul of the
fundamental freedoms.
constitutional guaranty.” 5) The decision must be rendered on the evidence presented
at the hearing. Rational Review for economic Rationally further a
6) The tribunal or body or any of its judges must act on its or his Basis legislation; equal legitimate governmental
Requirements are as follows
Standard protection challenges interest
1) There must be an impartial court or tribunal clothed with own independent consideration of the law and facts of the
judicial power to hear and determine the matter before it. controversy and not simply accept the views of a subordinate Heightened Classi ication based on Governmental interest is
in arriving at a decision. or gender and legitimacy extensively examined and
2) Jurisdiction must be lawfully acquired over the person of the
Immediate the availability of less
defendant and over the property which is the subject matter of 7) The board or body should, in all controversial questions,
Scrutiny restrictive measures
the proceeding. render its decision in such a manner that the parties to the considered.
proceeding can know the various issues involved, and the
3) The defendant must be given an opportunity to be heard.
reason for the decision rendered. C. Equal Protection of Laws
4) Judgment must be rendered upon lawful hearing.
Ang v. Belaro, Jr. 2019
In re Abellana v. Paredes 2019 Section 1. xxx nor shall any person be denied the equal protection
The right to be heard is the most basic principle of due process.
of the laws.
Jurisprudence has recognized that the writ of habeas corpus may also There is only denial of due process when there is total absence or
be availed of as a post-conviction remedy when, as a consequence lack of opportunity to be heard or to have one's day in court. Concept
sentence as to circumstance of a judicial proceeding, any of the
Technical rules of procedure are not strictly applied in administrative 1. Requires that all persons or things similarly situated should be
following exceptional circumstances is attendant:
proceedings and administrative due process cannot be fully treated alike, both as to rights conferred and responsibilities
1) there has been a deprivation of a constitutional right equated with due process in its strict judicial sense. The essence of
resulting in the restraint of a person; due process is simply to be heard, or as applied to administrative
2) the court had no jurisdiction to impose the sentence; or proceedings, an opportunity to explain one's side, or an 2. Substantive equality is not enough. The law must also be
opportunity to seek a reconsideration of the action or ruling enforced and applied equally.
3) the imposed penalty has been excessive, thus voiding the complained of.
sentence as such excess. 3. In People v. Vera, the old Probation Law provided that the
Even if it were true that petitioner or his counsel were not noti ied of Levels of Scrutiny probation system shall be applicable “only in those provinces
the scheduled hearing, it is still not enough to warrant a inding of in which the respective provincial boards have provided for the
denial of due process. For in the application of the principle of due Test Deals with How?
salary of a probation of icer.” On its face, it is a sound law. But
process, what is sought to be safeguarded is not lack of previous
Strict Freedom of the mind; Focus is on the presence of when applied, it discriminates against persons in one
notice but the denial of the opportunity to be heard.
Scrutiny restricting the political compelling, rather than province that may not be able to provide for the salary of a
process; regulation of substantial governmental probation of icer. Thus, they are denied probation.

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4. Signi icantly, in Yrasuegui v. PAL, the dismissal of an local-hire and foreign teachers, in light of the long honored convicted in regular courts in terms of their rights as accused,
overweight light attendant was upheld as the equal protection legal truism, “equal pay for equal work.” as held in Garcia v. Executive Secretary.
clause erects no shield against private conduct, however 6. In DECS v. San Diego, the three- lunk rule in NMAT was upheld 13. EO No 1 of President Benigno Aquino III on his “Truth
discriminatory or wrongful. In another case of International and not violative of equal protection as there was a substantial Commission” was invalidated as it zeroed-in on the past
School Alliance of Educators v. Quisumbing, however, the equal distinction between medical students and other students who administration of Arroyo.
protection clause was applied on a private entity. are not subjected to the NMAT and the three- lunk rule. 14. Also considered by the SC as discriminatory was Sec 5.24 of
Requisites for valid classification 7. There also exists between presidential appointees occupying the IRR of the Reproductive Health Law. It nulli ied said
The grouping of persons or things similar to each other in certain upper-level positions in government from non-presidential law in Imbong v. Ochoa, saying that the conscientious
particulars and different from all others in these same particulars. appointees and those that occupy the lower positions in objection clause should be equally protective of the religious
1) Based upon substantial distinctions. government. belief of public health of icers. There is no perceptible
8. Goldenway Merchandising Corporation v. Equitable PCI Bank distinction why they should not be considered exempt from the
2) Germane to the purpose of the law.
upheld Sec 47 RA 8791 that shortens the period of mandates of the law. The protection accorded to other
3) Not be limited to existing conditions only. conscientious objectors should equally apply to all medical
redemption for juridical persons whose properties were
4) Apply equally to all members of the same class. foreclosed and sold in accordance with Act No 3135. There is practitioners without distinction whether they belong to the
substantial difference based on the nature of the properties private or public sector.
Substantial Distinctions
foreclosed, residence for natural persons, as compared to 15. In granting the petition in Ang Ladlad LGBT Party v. COMELEC,
1. Certain physical differences of persons can in some instance be
industrial or commercial purposes for juridical persons which the Court further invoked the principle of non-discrimination,
the basis of a valid classi ication, i.e. strength, height and
necessitates a shorter redemption period to reduce the period as provided for also under the ICCPR and the UDHR.
weight, health condition, age.
of uncertainty in the ownership of said properties and enable Philippine Plastics Industry Association v. San Pedro 2018
2. In Ceniza v. COMELEC, a law classifying cities as highly mortgagee-banks to dispose sooner of their acquired assets. Resolution
urbanized if they had an annual revenue of at least P40 million
9. Garcia v. Drilon validated RA 9262 or the VAWC Law as there
and all others as component cities was upheld since it would The subject Ordinance did not violate the equal protection clause
is a need to employ protection upon women as they are more of the Constitution, as there is substantial distinction between the
show whether a city is capable of existence and development
likely to be victims of abuses. primary and secondary plastic packaging materials, or even between
independent from the province where it is geographically plastic packaging materials and plastic cutlery.
located. Being so, they are exempt from voting for provincial 10. In Tatad v. Secretary of Energy, the law deregulating the oil
of icials. industry was declared unconstitutional on the ground inter alia Relevance to Purpose of Law
that it discriminated against the new players, insofar as it 16. Classi ication will still be invalid if not relevant or germane to
3. There is also a substantial distinction between barangay
placed them at a competitive disadvantage vis-a-vis the
of icials and other elected public of icials, in terms of the purpose of the law.
established oil companies by requiring them to meet certain
term-limit and length of term. Duration
conditions already being observed by the latter.
4. RA 6770 which authorizes the Ombudsman to impose a 17. Classi ication must be enforced not only for the present but as
11. Serrano v. Gallant Maritime Services, Inc. declared that there
six-month preventive suspension, instead of the civil service long as the problem sought to be corrected continues to exist.
was suspect classi ication against overseas workers with an
provisions of the Admin Code, which limits such suspension to 18. In People v. Cayat, the law prohibited members of the
unexpired portion of one year or more in their contracts which
not exceeding 90 days, does not violate equal protection.
burdens them with a peculiar disadvantage. non-Christian tribes from drinking foreign liquor as they have
5. In International School Alliance of Educators v. Quisumbing, it low tolerance of such drink.
12. There is no substantial distinction between those tried and
was ruled that there exists no substantial distinction between
convicted by a military court vis-a-vis those tried and

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19. In Ormoc Sugar Co., Inc. v. Treasurer of Ormoc City, an DPWH Region IV-A v. COA 2019 En Banc on Selective Prosecution mortgaged properties are more often used for residential purposes. A
ordinance imposing 1% tax per export sale to the US of said shorter period of redemption is given to juridical persons whose
In People v. Dela Piedra, the Court declared that an erroneous
company was invalidated as it is restricted to the current properties are more often used for commercial purposes. Goldenway
performance of statutory duty — such as an apparent selective
Merchandising explains that the shorter period is aimed to ensure
condition that only one sugar mill exists in Ormoc. Should enforcement of the statute — could not be considered a
the solvency and liquidity of banks.
there be another sugar mill, it will not be imposed with such violation of the equal protection clause, unless the element of
tax as the ordinance speci ically mentioned the petitioner. intentional or purposeful discrimination is shown.

Theory of Relative Constitutionality Levels of scrutiny D. Right Against Unreasonable Searches and
20. The constitutionality of a statute cannot, in every instance, be
⭐Zomer Development v. CA 2020 En Banc Leonen, J
determined by a mere comparison of its provisions with
In Samahan ng Progresibong Kabataan v. Quezon City, this Court Sec 2. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses,
applicable provisions of the Constitution, since the statute may summarized the three (3) tests to determine the reasonableness papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures of
be constitutionally valid as applied to one set of facts and of a classi ication: whatever nature and for any purpose shall be inviolable, and no
invalid in its application to another.
The strict scrutiny test applies when a classi ication either search warrant or warrant of arrest shall issue except
21. A statute valid at one time may become void at another time 1. upon probable cause
1. interferes with the exercise of fundamental rights,
because of altered circumstances. including the basic liberties guaranteed under the 2. to be determined personally by the judge
22. Thus, if a statute in its practical operation becomes arbitrary or Constitution, or
3. after examination under oath or af irmation of the
con iscatory, its validity, even though af irmed by a former 2. burdens suspect classes.
complainant and the witnesses he may produce, and
adjudication, is open to inquiry and investigation in the
The intermediate scrutiny test applies when a classi ication 4. particularly describing the place to be searched and the
light of changed conditions. does not involve suspect classes or fundamental rights, but requires
persons or things to be seized.
Applicability to All heightened scrutiny, such as in classi ications based on gender and
legitimacy. Concept of privacy
23. Substantive similarity will suf ice; and as long as this is
achieved, all those covered by the classi ication are to be Lastly, the rational basis test applies to all other subjects not 1. The rights against unreasonable searches and seizures and to
covered by the irst two tests. the privacy of communication and correspondence are
treated equally.
A "suspect class" is "a class saddled with such disabilities, or available to all persons.
24. In Villegas v. Hiu Chong Tsai Pao Ho, an ordinance imposing a
subjected to such a history of purposeful unequal treatment, or 2. Such right is personal and may only be invoked by the person
work permit fee of P50.00 upon all aliens desirous of obtaining relegated to such a position of political powerlessness as to
employment in Manila was struck down noting that the same command extraordinary protection from the majoritarian political entitled to it.
amount is being collected whether the alien is casual or process. " 3. The “right to be left alone” extends not only to the privacy of
permanent, part time or full-time, or whether he is a lowly Juridical entities cannot be considered a "suspect class." one’s home but also to his of ice, including the papers and
employee or a highly paid executive. effects that may be found there.
The rational basis test may be applied to determine the
25. In Tatad v. Secretary of Energy, the SC struck down a law constitutionality of Republic Act No. 8971, Section 47. The rational 4. The right applies as a distraint directed only against the
deregulating the downstream oil industry for violation of the basis test requires only that government and its agencies tasked with the enforcement of
equal protection clause as it favored the oligopoly of the 3 big a) there be a legitimate government interest and that the law.
players to the prejudice of prospective investors that would be b) there is a reasonable connection between it and the means Concept of a search
saddled with requirements already complied with by the three employed to achieve it.
oil giants. 1. What constitutes a reasonable or unreasonable search and
A longer period of redemption is given to natural persons whose
seizure in any particular case is purely a judicial question,

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determinable from a consideration of the circumstances 2. Thus, in Soliven v. Makasiar, the judge shall: the search of the of ice and the seizure of documents,
involved. paraphernalia, properties and other implements of any
a. Personally evaluate the report and the supporting
Requisites of a valid warrant unlicensed recruiter for overseas employment, was declared
documents submitted by the iscal regarding the
1) Existence of Probable Cause existence of probable cause and on the basis thereof,
People v. Gabiosa, Sr. 2020
1. Probable cause has been de ined as referring to “such facts issue a warrant of arrest, or
and circumstances antecedent to the issuance of the warrant b. If on the basis thereof he inds no probable cause, he There is no need to examine both the applicant and the witnesses if
either one of them is suf icient to establish probable cause.
that in themselves are suf icient to induce a cautious man to may disregard the iscal’s report and require the
rely on them and act in pursuance thereof.” submission of supporting af idavits of witnesses to The searching questions propounded to the applicant and the
aid him in arriving at a conclusion as to the existence witnesses depend largely on the discretion of the judge. It is
2. A inding of probable cause need not be based on clear and axiomatic that
of probable cause.
convincing evidence, or on evidence beyond reasonable doubt.
1) the examination must be probing and exhaustive, not
But, it must be more than mere suspicion. 4. In other words, as was held in Enrile v. Salazar, the judge
merely routinary, general, peripheral, perfunctory or
3. The warrant must refer to only one speci ic offense, provided need not personally determine the existence of probable cause pro-forma;
by examining under oath or af irmation the complainant and 2) the judge must not simply rehash the contents of the
in Sec 3 Rule 126 of the Rules of Court.
his witnesses, it being suf icient that he follows established af idavit but must make his own inquiry on the intent and
Estrada v. Of ice of the Ombudsman 2015 En Banc justi ication of the application;
procedure by personally evaluating the report and
Probable cause can be established with hearsay evidence, as supporting documents submitted by the prosecutor. 3) the questions should not merely be repetitious of the
long as there is substantial basis for crediting the hearsay. averments stated in the af idavits or depositions of the
5. In People v. Desmond, MeTC or MTC, and MTCC judges are no
Hearsay evidence is admissible in determining probable cause in a applicant and the witnesses.
preliminary investigation because such investigation is merely longer authorized to conduct preliminary investigations as
preliminary, and does not inally adjudicate rights and obligations of per AM No. 05-8-26-SC, 30 August 2005.
Fenix v. CA 2016
parties. 6. In Ho v. People, the objectives of the prosecutor and the judge
We uphold the power of judges to dismiss a criminal case when the
in determining probable cause were distinguished: evidence on record clearly fails to establish probable cause for the
People v. Ramon 2019
Prosecutor Judge issuance of a warrant of arrest.
The quantum of proof to establish probable cause and a prima
First, judges have no capacity to review the prosecutor's
facie case for purposes of issuance of an arrest warrant and for Whether there is reasonable If a warrant of arrest should be determination of probable cause. That falls under the of ice of the
preliminary investigation are one and the same. ground to believe that the issued to place the accused in DOJ Secretary.
If the evidence on record does not clearly establish probable cause accused is guilty and should be immediate custody so as not to
held for trial. frustrate the ends of justice. Second, once a complaint or an Information has been iled, the
then the imperative is for the prosecutor or the judge to relieve the
disposition of the case is addressed to the sound discretion of the
accused from the pain of going through trial. Conversely, if the inding
Conducts preliminary Conducts preliminary inquiry/ court, subject only to the quali ication that its action must not impair
by the prosecutor or the judge is that the evidence on record
investigation proper examination the substantial rights of the accused or the right of the People to due
suf iciently establishes a prima facie case or probable cause against
process of law.
the accused, the accused should be indicted and held for trial.
Executive: for the purpose of Judicial: to ascertain whether a Third, the judge's determination of probable cause has a different
iling a criminal information in warrant of arrest should be objective than that of the prosecutor.
2) Personal Determination by the Judge court issued.
1. Such issuance is not a ministerial function of the judge who had The judge is not compelled to follow the prosecutor's certi ication of
the existence of probable cause. As stated in People v. Inting, "it is
the right to determine for himself the existence of probable 7. In Salazar v. Achacoso, Art 38(c) of the Labor Code which the report, the af idavits, the transcripts of stenographic notes, and all
cause. He is not bound by the indings of the prosecutor. empowers the SOLE to cause the arrest and detention and order

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other supporting documents behind the prosecutor's certi ication 9. A search warrant is severable. Those items which are not
4) Particularity of Description
which are material in assisting the judge to make his determination." particularly described may simply be cut off without
1. The Constitution requires that the place to be searched or the destroying the whole warrant. (Microsoft Corporation v.
The panel's act of resolving the complaint against petitioners and
Ong primarily on the basis of Doble's evidence, and in spite of the persons or things to be seized be described with such Maxicorp, Inc.)
timely submission of the counter-af idavits, was clearly committed particularity as to enable the person serving the warrant to
10. The fact that the of icers, after making a legal search and
with grave abuse of discretion. identify them. Otherwise, it is considered as a general
seizure under the warrant, illegally made a search and seizure
warrant which is proscribed.
of other property not within the warrant does not invalidate the
3) Examination of Applicant 2. Tests for speci icity: irst search and seizure.
1. Evidence must be based on the personal knowledge of those a) When the description therein is as speci ic as the 11. The Constitution requires search warrants to particularly
who offered same and not on mere information or belief. circumstances will ordinarily allow; describe not only the place to be searched, but also the persons
Hearsay is not allowed.
b) When the description expresses a conclusion of fact to be searched.
2. In Alvarez v. CFI, a search warrant was annulled as it was
— not of law — by which the warrant of icer may be 12. In People v. Tiu Won Chua, the validity of the search warrant
issued of an af idavit based on “reliable information” only. guided; was upheld despite the mistake in the name of the persons to
3. In the Burgos case, the application for search warrants iled by c) When the things described are limited to those which be searched, because the authorities conducted surveillance
two military of icers on the basis of “the evidence gathered and bear direct relation to the offense for which the and a test-buy operation before obtaining the search warrant
collected by our unit” was rejected. warrant is being issued. and subsequently implementing it.
4. By contrast, the search warrant was sustained in Yee Sue Koy v. 4. A search warrant need not identify with particularity the Dimal v. People 2018
Almeda, where it was shown that the complainant and his person against whom it is directed; it suf ices that the place to A description of a place to be searched is suf icient if the of icer with
witnesses, of their own personal knowledge obtained from the be searched and the things to be seized are described. the warrant can ascertain and identify with reasonable effort the
personal investigations conducted by them, both declared place intended, and distinguish it from other places in the
5. While a John Doe warrant is generally held invalid, it is enough
under oath that the petitioner was engaged in usurious community. A designation that points out the place to be searched to
if there is some descriptio personae that will enable the
activities. the exclusion of all others, and on inquiry unerringly leads the peace
of icer to identify the accused. of icers to it, satis ies the constitutional requirement of de initeness.
5. The cases of Mata v. Bayona and Tabujara v. People
6. A warrant would be valid: In Vallejo v. CA, the Court clari ied that technical precision of
invalidated the search warrant and warrant of arrest,
a) When it enables the police of icers to readily identify description is not required. It is only necessary that there be
respectively, as they were based solely on the statement of
reasonable particularity and certainty as to the identity of the
witnesses whom the judge did not personally examine in the properties to be seized;
property to be searched for and seized, so that the warrant shall not
writing and under oath. b) It leaves them with no discretion regarding the be a mere roving commission.
6. A challenge against the participation of a private person in a articles to be seized; An otherwise overbroad warrant will comply with the particularity
search warrant proceeding was rejected in PLDT v. HPS c) When the things described are limited to those that requirement when the af idavit iled in support of the warrant is
Software and Communication Corporation, for as long as physically attached to it, and the warrant expressly refers to the
bear a direct relation to the offense charged.
the private party is in collaboration with the NBI or such af idavit and incorporates it with suitable words of reference.
8. Only the articles particularly described in the warrant can be
government agency. The party may ile an opposition to a Warrantless searches
seized, and no other property can be taken thereunder unless it
motion to quash the search warrant issued by the court, or
is prohibited by law. 1) Consented searches
a motion for reconsideration of the court order granting such
motion to quash.

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1. It is not to be lightly inferred and must be shown by clear and implied acquiescence, which amounts to no consent at all. The 8. Antiquera v. People, in acquitting the accused, declared, citing
convincing evidence. validity of a supposedly consented warrantless search is contingent People v. Martinez, that a waiver of an illegal warrantless
on the totality of the attendant circumstances. arrest does not carry with it a waiver of the inadmissibility of
2. It must be voluntary in order to validate an otherwise illegal
search; that is, the consent must be Here, Sison, who was then unarmed, was prodded by the arresting evidence seized during the illegal warrantless arrest.
of icers to open the pickup's hood. His beguiling conformity is easily
a) unequivocal, 9. May only be made within the permissible area of search, or the
accounted by how he was then surrounded by police of icers who
had speci ically lagged him and his companions down. He was place within the immediate control of the person being arrested
b) speci ic,
under the coercive force of armed law enforcers. His consent, if as per Espano v. CA.
c) intelligently given and at all, was clearly vitiated. 10. It has later been ruled that a search substantially
d) uncontaminated by any duress or coercion. contemporaneous with an arrest can precede the arrest if the
2) Incident to a lawful arrest
3. It must be shown that police have probable cause to make the arrest at the outset of
1. The individual being arrested may be frisked for concealed the search.
a) The right exists;
weapons that may be used against the arresting of icer and all ⭐Manibog v. People 2019 Leonen, J
b) That the person involved had knowledge. Either actual unlawful articles found in his person or within his
or constructive, of the existence of such right; and immediate control may be seized. For a "stop and frisk" search to be valid, the totality of suspicious
circumstances, as personally observed by the arresting of icer, must
c) The said person had an actual intention to relinquish 2. People v. Figueroa stressed that evidence obtained during a lead to a genuine reason to suspect that a person is committing an
the right. warrantless search made before, and not after, a warrantless illicit act.
4. The following characteristics of person giving consent and the arrest would be inadmissible. Two (2) of the exceptions to a search warrant—a warrantless search
environment in which consent is given may be of help: 3. While buy-bust operations have been recognized as valid, it incidental to a lawful arrest and "stop and frisk"—are often confused
with each other. Malacat v. CA explained that they "differ in terms of
1) Age of defendant; must be distinguished from instigation, when a person who is
the requisite quantum of proof before they may be validly effected
otherwise not predisposed to commit the crime is enticed or and in their allowable scope."
2) Public or secluded place;
lured or talked into committing the crime.
3) Objected or passively looked on; The lawful arrest generally precedes, or is substantially
4. Decoy solicitation or the act of soliciting drugs during a contemporaneous, with the search. In direct contrast with
4) Education and intelligence; buy-bust operation has been ruled as valid. warrantless searches incidental to a lawful arrest, stop and frisk
searches are conducted to deter crime.
5) Presence of coercive police procedures; 5. Prior surveillance is not necessary for as long as the buy-bust
team is accompanied to the target area by the informant. For a valid stop and frisk search, the arresting of icer must have had
6) Belief that no incriminating evidence will be found;
personal knowledge of facts, which would engender a reasonable
7) Nature of police questioning; 6. Warrantless arrests made on the basis alone of “tips” or degree of suspicion of an illicit act.
“reliable information” is not suf icient. It is further required To sustain the validity of a stop and frisk search, the arresting
8) Environment where questioning took place; and
that the accused performed some overt act that would indicate of icer should have personally observed two (2) or more
9) Possibly vulnerable subjective state of the person that he has committed, is actually committing, or is attempting suspicious circumstances, the totality of which would then create a
consenting. to commit an offense. reasonable inference of criminal activity to compel the arresting
of icer to investigate further.
⭐People v. Yanson 2019 Leonen, J 7. The warrantless arrests of the accused which were based solely
It cannot be said that Sison, the driver, consented to the search on a “report from a civilian asset” or mere “information” were 3) Of vessels and aircraft for violation of immigration, customs,
made by the arresting of icers. Jurisprudence has settled that mere likewise invalidated in People v. Tudtud and People v. and drug laws
passive conformity or silence to the warrantless search is only an Nuevas.

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1. In People v. Aminnudin, where the accused was searched and intrusive to motorists. Routine inspections may be had:
minimal intrusiveness, the gravity of the safety interests involved,
arrested upon disembarkation from a passenger vessel, the a) where the of icer merely draws aside the curtain of a and the reduced privacy expectations associated with airline
Court held that there was no urgency to effect a warrantless vacant vehicle which is parked on the public travel.
search. The Philippine Constabulary had at least two days fairgrounds;
within which they could have obtained a warrant to search and b) simply looks into a vehicle; Dela Cruz v. People 2016 Leonen, J
arrest the accused. Yet, they did nothing; no effort was made to Here, petitioner presented his bag for scanning in the x-ray machine.
c) lashes a light therein without opening the car's doors;
comply with the law. When his bag went through the x-ray machine and the irearms were
d) where the occupants are not subjected to a physical or detected, he voluntarily submitted his bag for inspection to the port
2. Search made pursuant to routine airport security procedure
body search; authorities.
which is allowed under Sec 9 of RA 6235 was applied in
e) where the inspection of the vehicles is limited to a Customs searches are allowed when persons exercising police
People v. Johnson and People v. Canton, such that
visual search or visual inspection; and authority under the customs law effect search and seizure in the
announcements place passengers on notice that ordinary
f) where the routine check is conducted in a ixed area. enforcement of customs laws.
constitutional protections against warrantless searches and
seizures do not apply to routine airport procedures. 2. In the cases of Caballes v. CA and People v. Libnao, a Hence, to be a valid customs search, the requirements are:
checkpoint search may either be a mere routine inspection, 1) the person/s conducting the search was/were exercising
3. The scope of a search pursuant to airport security procedures
police authority under customs law;
is not con ined only to search for weapons. or it may involve an extensive search.
2) the search was for the enforcement of customs law; and
4) Of moving vehicles 3. For a mere routine inspection, the search is normally
3) the place searched is not a dwelling place or house.
permissible when it is:
1. In People v. Dequina, the SC considered dried marijuana Here, the facts reveal that the search was part of routine port security
leaves in traveling bags being carried or transported by the a. limited to a mere visual search, measures. The search was not conducted by persons authorized
accused in a taxi cab as admissible in evidence against them. b. where the occupants are not subjected to a physical or under customs law. It was also not motivated by the provisions of the
Since a crime was actually then being committed by the Tariff and Customs Code or other customs laws. Although customs
body search.
searches usually occur within ports or terminals, it is important that
accused, their warrantless arrest was legally justi ied, as well 4. On the other hand, when the vehicle is stopped and subjected to the search must be for the enforcement of customs laws.
as the ensuing search.
an extensive search, it would be constitutionally permissible
2. A warrantless search and seizure involving an accused which only if 6) Where the prohibited articles are in ‘plain view’
was caught in lagrante delicto transporting marijuana using a a. the of icers conducting the search had reasonable or 1. The following requisites must concur:
bicycle was upheld in People v. Pena lorida.
probable cause to believe, before the search, that either a) Prior justi ication for an intrusion or is in a position
3. It has been clari ied though that the exception from securing a the motorist is a law offender or from which he can view a particular area;
search warrant when it comes to moving vehicles does not give b. they will ind the instrumentality or evidence
b) Inadvertent discovery;
the police authorities unbridled discretion to conduct a pertaining to a crime in the vehicle to be searched.
warrantless search of an automobile. Probable cause must c) Immediately apparent to the of icer that the item he
People v. Johnson
exist. observes may be evidence of a crime, contraband or
Persons may lose the protection of the search and seizure clause by otherwise subject to seizure;
5) Of automobiles at borders or constructive borders exposure of their persons or property to the public in a manner
1. One such form of search of moving vehicles is the re lecting a lack of subjective expectation of privacy, which d) Justi ied mere seizure of evidence without further
"stop-and-search" for as long as it is warranted by the expectation society is prepared to recognize as reasonable. Such search.
recognition is implicit in airport security procedures. There is
exigencies of public order and conducted in a way least
little question that such searches are reasonable, given their

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2. If the package proclaims its contents, whether by its (a) eyes were moving fast. There was no reasonable ground to
searches and indiscriminate seizures nor to extend a general
distinctive con iguration, its (b) transparency, or its (c) exploratory search made solely to ind evidence of defendant's guilt. believe that the petitioner was armed with a deadly weapon.
contents are obvious to the observer, then the contents are in In the case at hand, while it can be said that the presence of the police 4. There must be a con luence of several suspicious
plain view. of icers was legitimate as they were patrolling the area and that circumstances. A solitary tip hardly suf ices as probable
discovery of the plastic sachet was inadvertent, it should be cause; items seized during warrantless searches based on
3. The element of inadvertence would not be present if the
emphasized that, as to the third requisite, it was clearly not solitary tips are inadmissible as evidence. (People v. Yanson)
police of icers intentionally entered the house with no prior apparent that such plastic sachet is an evidence of a crime, a
surveillance or investigation before they discovered the contraband, or otherwise subject to seizure. People v. Cristobal 2019
accused with the subject items.
7) Of buildings and premises to enforce ire, sanitary, and The CA overlooked the fact that the seized items were con iscated
4. The “immediately apparent” test does not require an unduly
from Cristobal as he was being issued a traf ic violation ticket.
high degree of certainty as to the incriminating character of building regulations. — This is basically an exercise of the police
power of the State, and would not require a search warrant. These The police of icers' act of proceeding to search Cristobal's body,
evidence; that a nexus exists between the viewed object and
despite their own admission that they were unable to ind any
criminal activity. are routine inspections which, however, must be conducted during
weapon on him, constitutes an invalid and unconstitutional search.
reasonable hours.
5. In People v. Bolasa, acting on an anonymous tip, the
warrantless arrest and search of the suspects were invalidated 8) Stop and frisk or “Terry searches” 9) Under exigent and emergency circumstances
as the objects seized were not in plain view as it was shown 1. In People v. de Gracia, the raid of, and the consequent seizure
In Manalili v. CA, the policemen chanced upon the accused who had
that the police of icers had to peep to see them. They ought to of irearms and ammunition in, the Eurocar Sales Of ice was
reddish eyes, walking in a swaying manner, and who appeared to be
have conducted prior surveillance and obtained a search held valid, considering the exigent and emergency situation
high on drugs; thus, the search.
warrant. obtaining. The military operatives had reasonable grounds to
6. In People v. Figueroa, where, while serving a warrant of 1. The apprehending police of icer must have a genuine reason, believe that a crime was being committed, and they had no
arrest, police of icers searched the house and found a pistol, a in accordance with the police of icer’s experience and the opportunity to apply for a search warrant from the courts
magazine and seven rounds of ammunition, the seizure of the surrounding conditions, to warrant the belief that the person to because the latter were closed.
irearm and ammunition was held lawful, because the objects be held has weapons or contraband concealed about him. It
10) At military checkpoints
seized were in plain view of the of icer who had the right to be should, therefore, be emphasized that a search and seizure
in the place where he was. should precede the arrest for the principle to apply. In People v. Malmstedt, a passenger bus was stopped at a military
7. In People v. Salanguit, the peace of icers entered the dwelling 2. In People v. Solayao, the Supreme Court found justi iable checkpoint for inspection. One of the soldiers noticed a bulge on the
armed with a search warrant for the seizure of shabu and drug reason to apply the “stop-and-frisk” rule, because of the waist of the accused which turned out to be a pouch containing
paraphernalia. In the course of the search, they found the shabu drunken actuations of the accused and his companions, and hashish. Further search revealed more hashish concealed in several
irst, and then came upon an article wrapped in newspaper because of the fact that his companions led when they saw the teddy bears he was carrying in his bag.
which turned out to be marijuana. Once the valid portion of the policemen, and inally, because the peace of icers were
search warrant has been executed, the “plain view” doctrine can precisely on an intelligence mission to verify reports that Saluday v. People 2018 En Banc on Bus Searches and Inspections
no longer provide any basis for admitting the other items armed persons were roaming the vicinity. In the conduct of bus searches, the Court lays down the following
subsequently found. 3. The rule was not applied in Malacat v. CA, where the Supreme guidelines.

Dominguez y Argana v. People 2019 Court said that there was no valid search because there was Prior to entry, passengers and their bags and luggages can be
nothing in the behavior or conduct of the petitioner which subjected to a routine inspection akin to airport and seaport
The "plain view" doctrine may not be used to launch unbridled could have elicited even mere suspicion other than that his security protocol. In this regard,

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1. metal detectors and x-ray scanning machines can be search, courts must be convinced that precautionary committed and the peace of icer or private person's perception or
installed at bus terminals; measures were in place to ensure that no evidence was observation of the accused's presence at the incident or immediate
planted against the accused. vicinity.
2. passengers can also be frisked;
Aside from public transport buses, any moving vehicle that The rule only requires that the accused perform some overt act that
3. in lieu of electronic scanners, passengers can be required
similarly accepts passengers at the terminal and along its route would indicate that he has committed, is actually committing, or is
instead to open their bags and luggages for inspection, which
is likewise covered by these guidelines. However, the guidelines attempting to commit an offense. Therefore, it does not matter that
inspection must be made in the passenger's presence;
do not apply to accused-appellant was previously identi ied only from a CCTV
4. should the passenger object, he or she can validly be refused footage supposedly covering his previous criminal conduct because
a) privately-owned cars; and
entry into the terminal. he was seen by PO2 Intud and PO2 Monilar performing an overt act of
b) moving vehicles dedicated for private or personal use, drawing a gun as he was about to enter LBC.
While in transit, a bus can still be searched by government agents or as in the case of taxis.
the security personnel of the bus owner in the following three
instances. People v. Gardon-Mentoy 2019
⭐Vaporoso v. People 2019
1. First, upon receipt of information that a passenger carries
Inspections at checkpoints are con ined to visual searches. An
contraband or illegal articles, the bus where the passenger is The irst search made on petitioners, i.e., the cursory body search extensive search of the vehicle is permissible only when the of icer
aboard can be stopped en route to allow for an inspection of which, however, did not yield any drugs but only personal belongings conducting the search had probable cause to believe prior to the
the person and his or her effects. of petitioners, may be considered as a search incidental to a lawful search that he will ind inside the vehicle to be searched the
2. Second, whenever a bus picks passengers en route, the arrest as it was done contemporaneous to their arrest and at the place instrumentality or evidence pertaining to the commission of a crime.
prospective passenger can be frisked and his or her bag or of apprehension. On the other hand, the same cannot be said of the
luggage be subjected to the same routine inspection by second search which yielded the drugs subject of this case, Under Section 5(a), the of icer himself witnesses the commission of
government agents or private security personnel as though considering that a substantial amount of time had already elapsed the crime; under Section 5(b), the of icer actually knows that a crime
the person boarded the bus at the terminal. from the time of the arrest to the time of the second search, not to has just been committed.
mention the fact that the second search was conducted at a venue The arrest of the accused did not justify the search because the
3. Third, a bus can be lagged down at designated military or
other than the place of actual arrest, i.e., the Panabo Police Station. arrest did not precede the search.
police checkpoints where State agents can board the vehicle
for a routine inspection of the passengers and their bags or Warrantless arrests and detention
luggages. Porteria v. People 2019
There are three (3) instances when warrantless arrests may be lawfully
In both situations, the inspection of passengers and their effects prior effected. These are: The prosecution failed to establish any overt act which could lead to
to entry at the bus terminal and the search of the bus while in transit Marvin's in lagrante delicto arrest. There was also no evidence that
must also satisfy the following conditions to qualify as a valid a) an arrest of a suspect in lagrante delicto;
the arresting of icers, or SPO4 Pequiras in particular, knew of an
reasonable search. b) Hot pursuit. — an arrest of a suspect where, based on offense that was just committed and that Marvin was the perpetrator
1. First, as to the manner of the search, it must be the least personal knowledge of the arresting of icer, there is probable of the offense.
intrusive and must uphold the dignity of the person or cause that said suspect was the perpetrator of a crime which
had just been committed; and In the same manner, the present circumstances do not suf ice to
persons being searched, minimizing, if not altogether
ful ill the requirements for a hot pursuit arrest. The prosecution did
eradicating, any cause for public embarrassment, c) an arrest of a prisoner who has escaped.
not allege and prove that SPO4 Pequiras and the arresting of icers had
humiliation or ridicule.
People v. Olarte 2019 personal knowledge of facts that Marvin had just committed an
2. Second, neither can the search result from any offense. Neither does the anonymous report of a suspicious person
discriminatory motive such as insidious pro iling, Here, the offense had already been consummated but not in the operate to vest personal knowledge on the police of icers about the
stereotyping and other similar motives. presence of the peace of icer or private person who, nevertheless, commission of an offense.
3. Third, as to the purpose of the search, it must be continued should have personal knowledge of facts or circumstances that the
to ensure public safety. person to be arrested had committed it. More importantly, there is
4. Fourth, as to the evidence seized from the reasonable durational immediacy between the offense that had just been

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Exclusionary rule 1) File a motion to quash the search warrant and motion to
suppress evidence illegally obtained if a search warrant is
1. “Fruit of the poisonous tree” doctrine, non-exclusionary 1. whether a person has exhibited a reasonable expectation
issued and the same is invalid.
rule originally enunciated in Stonehill v. Diokno and later of privacy and, if so,
2) File a petition for certiorari on the ground of grave abuse of
constitutionally af irmed in Sec 3(2) Art III. 2. whether that expectation has been violated by unreasonable
discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on the government intrusion.
2. Evidence illegally obtained however may nonetheless be used
part of the judge who issued the search warrant.
in the judicial or administrative action that may be iled against Petitioners were invited in the Senate's public hearing to deliberate
3) Interpose a timely objection when the prosecution is on Senate Res. No. 455. The inquiry focused on petitioners' acts
the of icer responsible for its illegal seizure.
formally offered the evidence during the trial for the committed in the discharge of their duties as of icers and directors of
3. Such objection should be made before arraignment as per the said corporations. Consequently, they have no reasonable
inadmissibility of the evidence. The failure to object to the
People v. Zaspa. Otherwise, waiver sets in. expectation of privacy over matters involving their of ices in a
illegality of the arrest does not include the waiver to object to corporation where the government has interest.
4. The constitutional guaranty against unreasonable searches and the inadmissibility of the objects con iscated.
This goes to show that the right to privacy is not absolute where
seizure is applicable only against government authorities and

4) File a criminal case for violation of domicile or illegal there is an overriding compelling state interest. In Valmonte v.
NOT to private individuals such as the barangay tanod. procurement of search warrant. Belmonte, the Court remarked that as public igures, the Members of
5. In Del Castillo v. People, however, having been established the former Batasang Pambansa enjoy a more limited right to
5) Ask for the return of the objects con iscated when the same is
privacy as compared to ordinary individuals, and their actions are
that the assistance of the barangay tanods were sought by the not illegal. However, this can only be asked during the subject to closer scrutiny.
police authorities who effected the search warrant, the same termination of the case.
barangay tanods therefore acted as agents of persons in
Effects of illegal detention Vivares v. STC 2014
authority. Thus, the constitutional proscription applied to
them. The conspicuous illegality of the arrest cannot affect the Without an actionable entitlement in the irst place to the right to
jurisdiction of the trial court, because even in instances not allowed informational privacy, a habeas data petition will not prosper. Is
6. The complaint for warrantless searches charges no criminal there a right to informational privacy in OSN activities of its
offense. The remedy is civil under Article 32, in relation to by law, a warrantless arrest is not a jurisdictional defect, and any
Article 2219(6) and (10) of the Civil Code. objection thereto is waived when the person arrested submits to
The right to informational privacy on Facebook
arraignment without any objection.
Polangcos v. People 2019 Before one can have an expectation of privacy in his or her OSN
activity, it is irst necessary that said user, in this case the children
Polangcos' violations were punishable only by a city ordinance that E. Privacy of Communications and Correspondence of petitioners, manifest the intention to keep certain posts
prescribes as penalty certain ines. SPO2 Juntanilla thus conducted an private, through the employment of measures to prevent
illegal search when he frisked Polangcos for the foregoing violations Section 3. The privacy of communication and correspondence access thereto or to limit its visibility. And this intention can
which were punishable only by ine. shall be inviolable except materialize in cyberspace through the utilization of the OSN’s privacy
Ultimately, Polangcos must be acquitted, as the corpus delicti of the tools. In other words, utilization of these privacy tools is the
a) upon lawful order of the court, or
crime, i.e. the seized drug, is excluded evidence, inadmissible in any manifestation, in cyber world, of the user’s invocation of his or her
proceeding, including this one, against him. This is in accordance b) when public safety or order requires otherwise, as right to informational privacy.
with the exclusionary rule in Section 3(2), Article III. prescribed by law.
Intrusion, when and how allowed
Concept of communications, correspondence
Effects of unreasonable searches and seizures Pollo v. David 2011 En Banc
In re Sabio
Remedies against unlawful searches The existence of privacy right under prior decisions involved a
In evaluating a claim for violation of the right to privacy, a court must two-fold requirement:

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may monitor the use of the computer resources using both automated
irst, that a person has exhibited an actual (subjective) The form of expression is just as important as the information
or human means. This implies that on-the-spot inspections may be
expectation of privacy; and conveyed that it forms part of the expression. The present case is in
done to ensure that the computer resources were used only for such

point. Large tarpaulins, therefore, are not analogous to time and
second, that the expectation be one that society is prepared to legitimate business purposes.
place. They are fundamentally part of expression protected under
recognize as reasonable (objective).
Exclusionary rule Art III, Section 4.
In Mancusi v. DeForte, the US Supreme Court held that a union
Any evidence obtained in violation of this xxxx section shall be Free speech must be protected under the safety valve theory. This
employee had Fourth Amendment rights with regard to an of ice at
union headquarters that he shared with other union of icials. provides that “nonviolent manifestations of dissent reduce the
inadmissible for any purpose in any proceeding.
likelihood of violence.” This court has held free speech and other
In O'Connor the Court recognized that "special needs" authorize intellectual freedoms as “highly ranked in our scheme of
warrantless searches involving public employees for work-related F. Freedom of Speech and Expression constitutional values.” These rights enjoy precedence and
reasons. The Court thus laid down a balancing test under which primacy.
government interests are weighed against the employee's reasonable
Sec 4. No law shall be passed abridging the freedom of speech, of This primordial right calls for utmost respect, more so “when
expectation of privacy.
expression, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to what may be curtailed is the dissemination of information to make
This Court, in Social Justice Society (SJS) v. DDB has also assemble and petition the government for redress of grievances. more meaningful the equally vital right of suffrage.”
recognized the fact that there may be such legitimate intrusion of
privacy in the workplace. The employees' privacy interest in an Sec 18. No person shall be detained solely by reason of his Balance between unbridled expression and liberty
of ice is to a large extent circumscribed by
political beliefs and aspirations. xxxx Restrictions on speech may be resorted to by the state for reasons
1) the company's work policies,
of public order, national security,and other situations which impel
2) the CBA, if any, entered into by management and the Sec 8. The right of the people, including those employed in the
the government to repress the freedom of speech.
bargaining unit, and public and private sectors, to form unions, associations, or
societies for purposes not contrary to law shall not be abridged. Types of regulation
3) the inherent right of the employer to maintain discipline and
ef iciency in the workplace. Concept Prior restraint and subsequent punishment
Their privacy expectation in a regulated of ice environment is, in ine, ⭐The Diocese of Bacolod v. Comelec 2015 En Banc Leonen, J Tordesillas v. Puno 2018
reduced; and a degree of impingement upon such privacy has been
upheld. COMELEC does not have the authority to regulate the enjoyment of WON the Advisory issued by the respondents is not content-neutral
the preferred right to freedom of expression exercised by a and thus constitutes prior restraint, censorship, and is
Here, the relevant surrounding circumstances to consider include content-restrictive, which resulted to a "chilling effect" in violation of
non-candidate in this case.
1) the employee's relationship to the item seized; the freedom of the press.
Continuum of thought, speech, expression, and speech acts
2) whether the item was in the immediate control of the Our jurisprudence has recognized four aspects of freedom of
employee when it was seized; and The right to freedom of expression applies to the entire the press, to wit:
3) whether the employee took actions to maintain his privacy continuum of speech from utterances made to conduct enacted, and
even to inaction itself as a symbolic manner of communication. 1) freedom from prior restraint;
in the item.
Ebralinag v. The Division Superintendent of Schools of Cebu 2) freedom from punishment subsequent to publication;
Thus, where the employee used a password on his computer, did not declares that:
share his of ice with co-workers and kept the same locked, he had a 3) freedom of access to information; and
legitimate expectation of privacy and any search of that space and Freedom of speech includes the right to be silent. The salute 4) freedom of circulation.
items located therein must comply with the Fourth Amendment. is a symbolic manner of communication that conveys its
message as clearly as the written or spoken word. As a valid Prior restraint refers to of icial governmental restrictions on the
The CSC in this case had implemented a policy that put its employees form of expression, it cannot be compelled any more than it can press or other forms of expression in advance of actual publication or
on notice that they have no expectation of privacy in anything they be prohibited in the face of valid religious objections like those dissemination. Freedom from prior restraint precludes
create, store, send or receive on the of ice computers, and that the CSC raised in this petition. governmental acts that required

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can be had of respondents' pronouncements except that for being a freedom of expression. The restriction in the present case does not
a) approval of a proposal to publish;
reminder of prevailing provisions of the law and jurisprudence, pass even the lower test of intermediate scrutiny for content-neutral
b) licensing or permits as prerequisites to publication applicable to all and not only to media personalities, that resistance regulations.
including the payment of license taxes for the privilege to or disobedience to lawful orders of authorities may result to
publish; and criminal, and even administrative, liabilities. Incitement and advocacy
c) even injunctions against publication. There are two categories of speech, the latter of which is a more
Content based and content neutral
Any law or of icial that requires some form of permission to be had speci ic type of the former which is directed to produce imminent
before publication can be made, commits an infringement of the ⭐The Diocese of Bacolod v. Comelec 2015 En Banc Leonen, J lawless action and which is likely to incite or produce such action.
constitutional right, and remedy can be had at the courts. Content-based regulations can either be based on the viewpoint of Specificity of regulation and overbreadth doctrine
1. In Chavez, the Court struck down the statements made by the speaker or the subject of the expression. Content-based restraint
Under this doctrine, the statute must be carefully drawn or be
then SOJ Gonzales and the NTC warning the media on airing or censorship refers to restrictions “based on the subject matter of
the alleged wiretapped telephone conversations of then the utterance or speech.” In contrast, content-neutral regulation authoritatively construed to punish only unprotected speech and
President Arroyo, as constituting unconstitutional prior includes controls merely on the incidents of the speech such as time, not be susceptible to application to protected expression.
restraint on the exercise of free speech and of the press. place, or manner of the speech.
Southern Hemisphere Engagement Network v. Anti-Terrorism
2. In Primicias, the City Mayor of Manila's refusal to issue Content-based regulation bears a heavy presumption of
Council 2010 En Banc on Facial Challenge
permit for a public assembly was held to have violated the invalidity, and this court has used the clear and present danger
freedom of expression. rule as measure. A facial invalidation of a statute is allowed only in free speech
3. In ABS-CBN v. COMELEC, the Court held that the COMELEC cases, wherein certain rules of constitutional litigation are rightly
Even with the clear and present danger test, there is no reason for the excepted.
resolution totally prohibiting the conduct of exit polls is an
state to minimize the right of non-candidate petitioners to post the
absolute infringement of the constitutionally guaranteed The doctrine of vagueness and the doctrine of overbreadth do
tarpaulin in their private property. The size of the tarpaulin does not
rights of the media and the electorate. NOT operate on the same plane. — A statute or act suffers from
affect anyone else’s constitutional rights.
4. In Sanidad v. COMELEC, a provision in a COMELEC the defect of vagueness when it lacks comprehensible standards. It
resolution prohibiting the media to allow the use of a If we apply the test for content-neutral regulation, the questioned
is repugnant to the Constitution in two respects:
column or radio or television time to campaign for or acts of COMELEC will not pass the three requirements for evaluating
against the plebiscite issues as regards the rati ication of the such restraints on freedom of speech. “When the speech restraints 1) it violates due process; and
act establishing the CAR, was declared null and void and take the form of a content-neutral regulation, only a substantial 2) it leaves law enforcers unbridled discretion in carrying out
unconstitutional by the Court as the same restricts, without governmental interest is required for its validity,” and it is subject its provisions and becomes an arbitrary lexing of the
justi iable reason, the choice of forum where one may only to the intermediate approach. Government muscle.
express his view, tantamount to a restriction of the freedom A content-neutral government regulation is suf iciently The overbreadth doctrine, meanwhile, decrees that a
of expression. justi ied: governmental purpose to control or prevent activities
5. In David, the Court declared as unconstitutional the constitutionally subject to state regulations may not be achieved by
1. if it is within the constitutional power of the Government;
warrantless search of the Daily Tribune of ices, the seizure means which sweep unnecessarily broadly and thereby invade the
of materials for publication therein, the stationing of 2. if it furthers an important or substantial governmental
area of protected freedoms. As distinguished from the vagueness
policemen in the vicinity, and the arrogant warning of interest;
doctrine, the overbreadth doctrine assumes that individuals will
government of icials to media, among others, pursuant to 3. if the governmental interest is unrelated to the suppression understand what a statute prohibits and will accordingly refrain
President Arroyo's PP No. 1017 and GO No. 5, as the said of free expression; and from that behavior, even though some of it is protected.
acts constitute plain censorship.
4. if the incident restriction is no greater than is essential to the A "facial" challenge is likewise different from an "as-applied"
There is prior restraint when the government totally prohibits and/or furtherance of that interest.
challenge. — Distinguished from an as-applied challenge which
in some way, restricts the expression of one's view or the manner of
In this case, limiting the maximum size of the tarpaulin would render considers only extant facts affecting real litigants, a facial
expressing oneself. There is none in this case. No other interpretation
ineffective petitioners’ message and violate their right to exercise invalidation is an examination of the entire law, pinpointing its

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laws and defects, not only on the basis of its actual operation to the one's opinion of his or her quali ications, activities abroad during the 30-day overseas voting period.
parties, but also on the assumption or prediction that its very 3) if it cuts off the low of media reporting, and The allowance of a review of a law or statute on its face in free speech
existence may cause others not before the court to refrain from
4) if the regulatory measure bears no clear and reasonable cases is justi ied by the aim to avert the "chilling effect" on protected
constitutionally protected speech or activities.
nexus with the constitutionally sanctioned objective. speech, the exercise of which should not at all times be abridged.
The vagueness and overbreadth doctrines, as grounds for a facial
Here, the posting of decals and stickers in mobile places like cars and Restraints on freedom of expression are also evaluated by either or a
challenge, are not applicable to penal laws. The allowance of a
other moving vehicles does not endanger any substantial government combination of the following theoretical tests, to wit:
facial challenge in free speech cases is justi ied by the aim to avert
the "chilling effect" on protected speech, the exercise of which interest. There is no clear public interest threatened by such activity a) the dangerous tendency doctrine;
should not at all times be abridged. This rationale is inapplicable to so as to justify the curtailment of the cherished citizen's right of free
speech and expression. b) the clear and present danger rule; and
plain penal statutes that generally bear an "in terrorem effect" in
deterring socially harmful conduct. c) the balancing of interests test.
The right to property may be subject to a greater degree of
By its nature, the overbreadth doctrine has to necessarily apply a regulation but when this right is joined by a "liberty" interest, When the speech restraints take the form of a content-neutral
facial type of invalidation. The most distinctive feature of the the burden of justi ication on the part of the Government must regulation, only a substantial governmental interest is required
overbreadth technique is that it marks an exception to some of the be exceptionally convincing and irrefutable. The burden is not for its validity. They are not subject to the strictest form of judicial
usual rules of constitutional litigation. met in this case. scrutiny but an intermediate approach — somewhere between
the mere rationality that is required of any other law and the
Ordinarily, a particular litigant claims that a statute is Speech regulation in relation to media compelling interest standard applied to content-based restrictions.
unconstitutional as applied to him or her; if the litigant prevails, the
David v. Arroyo As explained in Chavez,
courts carve away the unconstitutional aspects of the law by
invalidating its improper applications on a case to case basis. The search and seizure of materials for publication, the stationing of 1) a content-based regulation is evaluated using the clear
Moreover, challengers to a law are not permitted to raise the rights of policemen in the vicinity of the The Daily Tribune of ices, and the and present danger rule,
third parties and can only assert their own interests. In overbreadth arrogant warning of government of icials to media, are plain
2) while courts will subject content-neutral restraints to
analysis, those rules give way. censorship. It is that of icious functionary of the repressive
intermediate scrutiny.
In this jurisdiction, the void-for-vagueness doctrine asserted under government who tells the citizen that he may speak only if allowed to
do so, and no more and no less than what he is permitted to say on By banning partisan political activities or campaigning even during
the due process clause has been utilized in examining the
pain of punishment should he be so rash as to disobey. It is the duty the campaign period within embassies, consulates, and other foreign
constitutionality of criminal statutes.
of the courts to be watchful for the constitutional rights of the citizen, service establishments, regardless of whether it applies only to
Speech regulation in relation to election and against any stealthy encroachments thereon. The motto should candidates or whether the prohibition extends to private persons, it
always be obsta principiis. goes beyond the objective of maintaining order during the voting
Adiong v. Comelec period and ensuring a credible election.
Judicial analysis, presumptions and levels and types of
The COMELEC's prohibition on posting of decals and stickers on Section 36.8 of R.A. No. 9189 should be struck down for being
"mobile" places whether public or private except in designated areas scrutiny overbroad as it does not provide for well-de ined standards,
provided for by the COMELEC itself is null and void on constitutional Gonzales v. Katigbak resulting to the ambiguity of its application, which produces a
grounds. chilling effect on the exercise of free speech and expression, and
The power to exercise prior restraint is not to be presumed, rather ultimately, resulting to the unnecessary invasion of the area of
National Press Club v. Comelec ruled that regulation of election
the presumption is against its validity. protected freedoms.
activity has its limits. We examine the limits of regulation and not the
limits of free speech. Regulation of election campaign activity may
Nicolas-Lewis v. Comelec 2019 En Banc
Special topics in free expression cases
NOT pass the test of validity
Hate speech
1) if it is too general in its terms or not limited in time and At issue are Section 36.8 of R.A. 9189, as amended by R.A. 10590 and
scope in its application, Section 74(II)(8) of the COMELEC Resolution No. 10035, which De ined as speech intended to degrade, intimidate, or incite
2) if it restricts one's expression of belief in a candidate or prohibit the engagement of any person in partisan political violence or prejudicial action against certain social groupings.

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Laws against hate speech can be divided into warrant from a judge, if an obscenity rap is in order;
The law, however, frowns on obscenity. In the applicable law, EO No.
1) Those intended to preserve public order; and 876, reference was made to respondent Board "applying 2. The authorities must convince the court that the materials
contemporary Filipino cultural values as standard," words sought to be seized are "obscene”, and pose a clear and
2) Those intended to protect human dignity.
which can be construed in an analogous manner. present danger of an evil substantive enough to warrant
Defamation and libel State interference and action;
The ruling is to be limited to the concept of obscenity
⭐Belo-Henares v. Guevarra 2018 applicable to motion pictures. Where television is concerned, a 3. The judge must determine whether or not the same are
less liberal approach calls for observance. This is so because unlike indeed "obscene" upon His Honor's sound discretion.
The freedom of speech and of expression, like all constitutional
motion pictures where the patrons have to pay their way, television 4. If, in the opinion of the court, probable cause exists, it may
freedoms, is not absolute. As such, the constitutional right of
reaches every home where there is a set. Children then will likely be issue the search warrant prayed for;
freedom of expression may not be availed of to broadcast lies or
among the avid viewers of the programs therein shown. It cannot be 5. The proper suit is then brought in the court under Article
half-truths, insult others, destroy their name or reputation or
denied though that the State as parens patriae is called upon to 201 of the RPC;
bring them into disrepute.
manifest an attitude of caring for the welfare of the young.
6. Any conviction is subject to appeal. The appellate court may
Sedition and speech in relation to rebellion assess whether or not the properties seized are indeed
⭐Pita v. CA "obscene".
When a ictitious suicide photo and letter were published in
newspapers of general circulation expressing disappointment in the When does a publication have a corrupting tendency, or when can it
Roxas administration and instructing a ictitious wife to teach their be said to be offensive to human sensibilities? ⭐Madrilejos v. Gatdula 2019 En Banc
children to burn photos of the President, the Court held that such It was People v. Padan y Alova that introduced to Philippine SC dismissed the petition on the ground that Ordinance No. 7780, an
act constitutes inciting to sedition. jurisprudence the "redeeming" element that should accompany anti-obscenity law, cannot be facially attacked on the ground of
Such utterance suggests or incites rebellious conspiracies or riots the work, to save it from a valid prosecution. overbreadth because obscenity is unprotected speech.
and tends to turn the people against the constituted authorities, or Kalaw-Katigbak represented a marked departure from Kottinger in The overbreadth and vagueness doctrines have special application
to provoke violence from opposition groups who may seek to the sense that it measured obscenity in terms of the "dominant only to free speech cases. They are inapt for testing the validity of
silence the writer, which is the sum and substance of the offense theme" of the work, rather than isolated passages, which were penal statutes. The doctrines of strict scrutiny, overbreadth, and
under consideration. (Espuelas v. People) central to Kottinger. Kalaw-Katigbak undertook moreover to make vagueness are analytical tools developed for testing "on their faces"
the determination of obscenity essentially a judicial question and as statutes in free speech cases.
Obscenity/pornography a consequence, to temper the wide discretion Kottinger had given
It has been established in this jurisdiction that unprotected
Gonzales v. Katigbak unto law enforcers.
speech or low-value expression refers to
The test is whether to the average person, applying Miller v. California, which expressly abandoned Massachusetts,
1) libelous statements,
contemporary community standards, the dominant theme of established "basic guidelines," to wit:
2) obscenity or pornography,
the material taken as a whole appeals to prurient interest. To a) whether 'the average person, applying contemporary
avoid an unconstitutional taint on its creation, the power of standards' would ind the work, taken as a whole, appeals to 3) false or misleading advertisement,
respondent Board is limited to the classi ication of ilms. It can, to the prurient interest; 4) insulting or " ighting words," i.e., those which by their very
safeguard other constitutional objections, determine what motion b) whether the work depicts or describes, in a patently utterance in lict injury or tend to incite an immediate breach
pictures are for general patronage and what may require either offensive way, sexual conduct speci ically de ined by the of peace and
parental guidance or be limited to adults only. That is to abide by the applicable state law; and 5) expression endangering national security.
principle that freedom of expression is the rule and restrictions
c) whether the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, A litigant who stands charged under a law that regulates unprotected
the exemption.
artistic, political, or scienti ic value. speech can still mount a challenge that a statute is unconstitutional
The test, to repeat, to determine whether freedom of expression may as it is applied to him or her. If the litigant prevails, the courts carve
We make this resume.
be limited is the clear and present danger of an evil of a away the unconstitutional aspects of the law by invalidating its
substantive character that the State has a right to prevent. 1. The authorities must apply for the issuance of a search

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improper applications on a case to case basis. Although the Constitution vests in public school teachers the right to substantive evil that Congress has a right to prevent. In other words,
organize, to assemble peaceably and to petition the like other rights embraced in the freedom of expression, the right to
Commercial speech government for a redress of grievances, there is no like express assemble is not subject to previous restraint or censorship. It
⭐The Diocese of Bacolod v. Comelec 2015 En Banc Leonen, J provision granting them the right to strike. Rather, the may not be conditioned upon the prior issuance of a permit or
constitutional grant of the right to strike is restrained by the proviso authorization from the government authorities except, of course, if
Not all speech is treated the same. In Chavez v. Gonzales, this that its exercise shall be done in accordance with law. the assembly is intended to be held in a public place, a permit for the
court discussed that some types of speech may be subject to use of such place, and not for the assembly itself, may be validly
EO 180 “enjoins under pain of administrative sanctions, all
regulation: required.
government of icers and employees from staging strikes,
In the United States, false or deceptive commercial speech is demonstrations, mass leaves, walkouts and other forms of mass The Court considers the dispersal and arrest of the members of KMU
categorized as unprotected expression that may be subject to action which will result in temporary stoppage or disruption of et al. unwarranted. Their dispersal was done merely on the basis of
prior restraint. public service.” It is also settled in jurisprudence that, in general, Malacañ ang's directive canceling all permits previously issued by
workers in the public sector do not enjoy the right to strike. local government units. This is arbitrary. Tolerance is the rule and
We distinguish between political and commercial speech. Political
limitation is the exception.
speech refers to speech “both intended and received as a
contribution to public deliberation about some issue,” “fostering BM Employees v. PBM Moreover, under BP 880, the authority to regulate assemblies
informed and civic-minded deliberation.” On the other hand, and rallies is lodged with the LGUs.
Property and property rights can be lost thru prescription; but
commercial speech has been de ined as speech that does “no more
human rights are imprescriptible.
than propose a commercial transaction.” Bayan v. Ermita on the Public Assembly Act or BP 880
In the hierarchy of civil liberties, the rights of free expression and of
The expression resulting from the content of the tarpaulin is,
however, de initely political speech.
assembly occupy a preferred position as they are essential to the Freedom of assembly connotes the right of the people to meet
preservation and vitality of our civil and political institutions. peaceably for consultation and discussion of matters of public
National emergencies The superiority of these freedoms over property rights is concern.

The government may impose certain restrictions to protect itself underscored by the fact that a mere reasonable or rational B.P. No. 880 is not an absolute ban of public assemblies but a
relation between the means employed by the law and its object restriction that simply regulates the time, place and manner of the
against utterances intended to weaken its power of self defense.
or purpose — that the law is neither arbitrary nor discriminatory assemblies. This was adverted to in Osmeña v. Comelec, where the
Speech of public officers nor oppressive — would suf ice to validate a law which restricts or Court referred to it as a "content-neutral" regulation of the time,
impairs property rights. On the other hand, a constitutional or valid place, and manner of holding public assemblies.
Vasquez v. CA
infringement of human rights requires a more stringent criterion,
Even if the defamatory statement is false, no liability can attach if it namely the existence of a grave and immediate danger of a
IBP v. Atienza 2010
relates to of icial conduct, unless the public of icial concerned substantive evil which the State has the right to prevent.
proves that the statement was made with actual malice — that is, The demonstration held by petitioners was purely and completely an In modifying the permit outright, respondent gravely abused his
with knowledge that it was false or with reckless disregard of exercise of their freedom of expression in general and of their right discretion when he did not immediately inform the IBP who should
whether it was false or not. of assembly and of petition for redress of grievances in have been heard irst on the matter of his perceived imminent and
This is the gist of the ruling in the landmark case of New York Times particular before the appropriate governmental agency, the Chief grave danger of a substantive evil that may warrant the changing of
v. Sullivan, which this Court has cited with approval in several of its Executive, against the police of icers of the municipality of Pasig. the venue. The opportunity to be heard precedes the action on
own decisions. This is the rule of “actual malice.” the permit, since the applicant may directly go to court after an
unfavorable action on the permit.
David v. Arroyo
Cognate rights While prudence requires that there be a realistic appraisal not of what
"Assembly" means a right on the part of the citizens to meet may possibly occur but of what may probably occur, given all the
Freedom of assembly
peaceably for consultation in respect to public affairs. As in the case relevant circumstances, still the assumption - especially so where the
Jacinto v. CA of freedom of expression, this right is not to be limited, much less assembly is scheduled for a speci ic public place - is that the permit
denied, except on a showing of a clear and present danger of a must be for the assembly being held there.

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documents, and papers pertaining to of icial acts, transactions, or

Freedom of association peace agenda, as a corollary to the constitutional right to information
decisions, as well as to government research data used as basis for and disclosure.
Art IX-B Sec 2(5). The right to self-organization shall not be policy development, shall be afforded the citizen, subject to such
denied to government employees. limitations as may be provided by law. Initiatives for Dialogue and Empowerment through Alternative
The right to information is subject to certain recognized Legal Services v. PSALM 2012 En Banc
Art XIII Sec 3 par 2. It shall guarantee the rights of all workers to
self-organization, collective bargaining and negotiations, and restrictions: Unlike the disclosure of information which is mandatory under the
peaceful concerted activities, including the right to strike in 1) National security matters and intelligence information; Constitution, the other aspect of the people’s right to know requires a
accordance with law. xxxx demand or request for one to gain access to documents and paper of
2) Trade secrets and banking transactions; the particular agency. Moreover, the duty to disclose covers only
Ang Ladlad LGBT Party v. Comelec 3) Criminal matters; and transactions involving public interest, while the duty to allow
access has a broader scope of information which embraces not only
Under our system of laws, every group has the right to promote its 4) Other con idential information. transactions involving public interest, but any matter contained in
agenda and attempt to persuade society of the validity of its position of icial communications and public documents of the government
Adiong v. Comelec
through normal democratic means. Absent any compelling state agency.
interest, it is not for the COMELEC or this Court to impose its views Freedom to distribute information to every citizen wherever he
on the populace. Otherwise stated, the COMELEC is certainly not free desires to receive it is so clearly vital to the preservation of a free Belgica v. Executive Secretary 2013 En Banc
to interfere with speech for no better reason than promoting an society that, putting aside reasonable police and health regulations of
approved message or discouraging a disfavored one. Case law instructs that the proper remedy to invoke the right to
time and manner of distribution, it must be fully preserved. The
information is to ile a petition for mandamus.
To the extent, therefore, that the petitioner has been precluded, danger of distribution can so easily be controlled by traditional legal
because of COMELEC's action, from publicly expressing its views as methods leaving to each householder the full right to decide whether Privatization and Management Of ice v. Strategic Development
a political party and participating on an equal basis in the political he will receive strangers as visitors, that stringent prohibition can
process with other equally-quali ied party-list candidates, we ind serve no purpose but that forbidden by the constitution, the naked
that there has, indeed, been a transgression of petitioner's restriction of the dissemination of ideas. The right to information allows the public to hold public of icials
fundamental rights. accountable to the people and aids them in engaging in public
The Province of North Cotabato v. GRP discussions leading to the formulation of government policies and
their effective implementation. By itself, it does not extend to causing
In Re Marcial Edillon Matters of public concern covered by the right to information include the award of the sale of government assets in failed public biddings.
To compel a lawyer to be a member of the Integrated Bar is not steps and negotiations leading to the consummation of the contract. Thus, assuming that Dong-A Consortium may access the records for
violative of his constitutional freedom to associate. Integration The right to information "contemplates inclusion of negotiations the purpose of validating the indicative price under the right to
does not make a lawyer a member of any group of which he is not leading to the consummation of the transaction." Certainly, a information, it does not follow that respondent is entitled to the
already a member. He became a member of the Bar when he passed consummated contract is not a requirement for the exercise of the award.
the Bar examinations. right to information.
Sereno v. Committee on Trade and Related Matters of NEDA 2016
Bar integration does not compel the lawyer to associate with Intended as a "splendid symmetry" to the right to information under
anyone. He is free to attend or not attend the meetings of his the Bill of Rights is the policy of public disclosure under Section 28, The constitutional guarantee to information does not open every
Integrated Bar Chapter or vote or refuse to vote in its elections as he Article II of the Constitution. The right to information guarantees the door to any and all information, but is rather con ined to matters of
chooses. The only compulsion to which he is subjected is the right of the people to demand information, while Section 28 public concern. It is subject to such limitations as may be provided
payment of annual dues. recognizes the duty of of icialdom to give information even if nobody by law. The State's policy of full public disclosure is restricted to
demands. Respondents cannot thus point to the absence of an transactions involving public interest, and is tempered by reasonable
Freedom of information implementing legislation as an excuse in not effecting such conditions prescribed by law.
Sec 7. The right of the people to information on matters of public Two requisites must concur before the right to information may be
concern shall be recognized. Access to of icial records, and to In ine, E.O. No. 3 establishes petitioners' right to be consulted on the compelled by writ of mandamus.

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of agency opinions before the agency establishes inal policy; that it covers the mere existence or pendency of disciplinary
Firstly, the information sought must be in relation to matters of
and actions.
public concern or public interest.
third, it protects the integrity of an agency's decision; the public
And, secondly, it must not be exempt by law from the operation should not judge of icials based on information they considered Vitangcol III v. Comelec 2016 En Banc Separate Opinion of Leonen, J
of the constitutional guarantee. prior to issuing their inal decisions.
When the subject of the petition for mandamus relates to a public
The constitutional guarantee of the people's right to information does Rights cannot be waived if it is contrary to law, public order, public right such as the right to information on matters of public concern,
NOT cover national security matters and intelligence policy, morals, or good customs, or prejudicial to a third person with and when the object of the petition is to compel the performance of a
information, trade secrets and banking transactions and a right recognized by law. There is a public policy involved in a claim public duty, the petitioner need not show that its interest on the
criminal matters. Equally excluded from coverage of the of deliberative process privilege — "the policy of open, frank result is exclusive. It may be shared by the public in general.
constitutional guarantee are diplomatic correspondence, discussion between subordinate and chief concerning administrative
closed-door Cabinet meeting and executive sessions of either Without a doubt, information on the conduct of elections is a matter
action." Thus, the deliberative process privilege cannot be
house of Congress, as well as the internal deliberations of the of public concern as it directly affects the lives of the People. The
Supreme Court. Commission on Elections may be compelled, through mandamus, to
As a quali ied privilege, the burden falls upon the government make an inventory of and disclose the MAC and IP addresses and
Every claim of exemption, being a limitation on a right agency asserting the deliberative process privilege to prove that the IMSI and IMEI numbers of all electronic devices used during
constitutionally granted to the people, is liberally construed in favor information in question satis ies both requirements — predecisional elections to the public. It is mandated to enforce and administer all
of disclosure and strictly against the claim of con identiality. and deliberative. laws and regulations relative to the conduct of an election.
However, the claim of privilege as a cause for exemption from the
obligation to disclose information must be clearly asserted by
specifying the grounds for the exemption. Records of Police Drug Operations Almora v. Dela Rosa 2018 En Banc I-Popefrancis v. DBM 2016

The Court is mandated to protect and enforce the people's right to It is not disputed that PDAF disbursements and the recipients of the
DFA v. BCA International 2016 information. The undeniable fact that thousands of ordinary citizens same constitute a matter of public concern or public interest, which
have been killed, and continue to be killed, during police drug are not exempt from the operation of the constitutional guarantee of
This case is one of irst impression involving the production of operations certainly is a matter of grave public concern. the right to information. Nevertheless, it is not proper to issue a writ
evidence in an arbitration case where the deliberative process of mandamus in the present case.
privilege is invoked. Contrary to the claim of the Solicitor General, the requested
information and documents do not obviously involve state secrets Here, petitioners fail to establish that respondent actually neglected
Deliberative process privilege is one kind of privileged affecting national security. or refused to provide the information they requested. While
information, which is within the exceptions of the constitutional respondent has the duty to give the public access to the information,
right to information. U.S. courts have established two fundamental it has the discretion to ascertain the best way to disseminate, publish,
requirements for the deliberative process privilege to be invoked. Right to Information and Con identiality of Disbarment Proceedings in
or otherwise make available the said information.
Roque, Jr. v. AFP Chief of Staff 2017 Leonen, J
1. First, the communication must be predecisional, i.e., The information petitioners seek are already posted on its website.
"antecedent to the adoption of an agency policy." Disbarment proceedings are covered by what is known as the There is also no clear legal mandate for respondents to identify
2. Second, the communication must be deliberative, i.e., "a con identiality rule. The con identiality rule is intended, in part, to familial relations and/or determine nepotism or political
direct part of the deliberative process in that it makes prevent the use of disbarment proceedings as a tool to damage a dynasties among the recipients of the PDAF disbursements. In
recommendations or expresses opinions on legal or policy lawyer's reputation in the public sphere. fact, as of yet, there is even no law that particularly de ines and
matters." As a general rule, disciplinary proceedings are con idential in nature governs political dynasty.
until their inal resolution and the inal decision of this Court. The

The deliberative process privilege can also be invoked in arbitration
proceedings under RA 9285. It contains three policy bases: con identiality rule requires only that "proceedings against G. Freedom of Religion
attorneys" be kept private and con idential. It is the proceedings
irst, the privilege protects candid discussions within an agency; against attorneys that must be kept private and con idential. This Sec 5. No law shall be made respecting an establishment of
second, it prevents public confusion from premature disclosure would necessarily prohibit the distribution of actual disbarment religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. The free exercise
complaints to the press. However, the rule does not extend so far
and enjoyment of religious profession and worship, without

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F. Monopolies, restraint of trade, and unfair competition corporations involving technical or inancial assistance. persons and entities partake of two natures:
Examining the IPRA, there is nothing in the law that grants to the a) a permit; and
ICCs/IPs ownership over the natural resources within their b) a contract.
A. Exploration, development, and utilization of ancestral domains. The right of ICCs/IPs in their ancestral domains
natural resources includes ownership, but this "ownership" is expressly de ined and
Consistent with the Regalian Doctrine, all unexplored or
unextracted mineral resources belong to every. Issues regarding the
limited in Section 7 (a).
Cruz v. SENR re Constitutionality of IPRA and its IRR exploration, extraction and utilization of mineral resources are
The Small-Scale Utilization of Natural Resources Is Allowed imbued with public interest. This striking constitutional
Ancestral Domains and Ancestral Lands are the Private realization justi ies a strict interpretation in favor of preserving
Under Paragraph 3, Section 2 of Article XII
Property of Indigenous Peoples and Do Not Constitute Part of the possession of mineral resources in favor of the State and in
the Land of the Public Domain. Ownership over the natural resources in the ancestral domains trust for its citizens pending controversies regarding their
remains with the State and the ICCs/IPs are merely granted the right exploration, extraction, transportation or exportation.
The private character of ancestral lands and domains as laid down in
to Thus, the CA is correct in declaring that the RTC erred in enjoining the
the IPRA is further strengthened by the option given to individual
ICCs/IPs over their individually-owned ancestral lands. 1. "manage and conserve" them for future generations, DENR-MGB in suspending petitioner's mining operations as well as
withholding the issuance of its OTPs and MOEPs.
Section 3 of Article XII on National Economy and Patrimony of the 2. "bene it and share" the pro its from their allocation and
1987 Constitution classi ies lands of the public domain into four utilization, and B. Franchises, authorities, and certificates for public
categories: (a) agricultural, (b) forest or timber, (c) mineral lands, 3. "negotiate the terms and conditions for their exploration" for utilities
and (d) national parks. Section 5 mentions ancestral lands and the purpose of "ensuring ecological and environmental Section 11. No franchise, certi icate, or any other form of
ancestral domains but it does not classify them under any of the said protection and conservation measures." authorization for the operation of a public utility shall be granted
four categories. To classify them as public lands under any one
Simply stated, the ICCs/IPs' rights over the natural resources except
of the four classes will render the entire IPRA law a nullity.
take the form of management or stewardship. a) to citizens of the Philippines or
Sections 7 (a), 7 (b) and 57 of the IPRA Do Not Violate the
The Large-Scale Utilization of Natural Resources Is Allowed b) to corporations or associations organized under the laws
Regalian Doctrine Enshrined in Section 2, Article XII
Under Paragraphs 1 and 4, Section 2, Article XII of the Philippines, at least 60% of whose capital is owned
The Constitution provides that in the exploration, development by such citizens;
and utilization of natural resources, the State exercises full Interpreting Section 2, Article XII of the 1987 Constitution in relation
to Section 57 of IPRA, the State, as owner of these natural resources, nor shall such franchise, certi icate, or authorization be exclusive in
control and supervision, and may undertake the same in four (4)
may directly undertake the development and exploitation of the character or for a longer period than 50 years.
natural resources by itself, or in the alternative, it may recognize the The State shall encourage equity participation in public utilities
1. The State may directly undertake such activities; or priority rights of the ICCs/IPs as owners of the land on which the by the general public.
2. The State may enter into co-production, joint venture or natural resources are found by entering into a co-production, joint
Section 17. In times of national emergency, when the public
production-sharing agreements with Filipino citizens or venture, or production-sharing agreement with them.
interest so requires, the State may, during the emergency and under
quali ied corporations;
reasonable terms prescribed by it, temporarily take over or
3. Congress may, by law, allow small-scale utilization of Shuley Mine v. DENR 2019 direct the operation of any privately-owned public utility or
natural resources by Filipino citizens; The Regalian Doctrine espouses that all lands of the public domain business affected with public interest.
4. For the large-scale exploration, development and belong to the State, and that, as a consequence thereof, any asserted Section 18. The State may, in the interest of national welfare or
utilization of minerals, petroleum and other mineral oils, right of ownership over land necessarily traces back to the State.
defense, establish and operate vital industries and, upon payment
the President may enter into agreements with foreign-owned The mineral agreements entered into by the State with private

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of just compensation, transfer to public ownership utilities and

be served in allowing plaintiffs-appellants to recover the land as it is AGRIX.
other private enterprises to be operated by the Government. already in the hands of quali ied persons.
Also, the means employed to rehabilitate AGRIX fall far short of the
Albano v. Reyes requirement that they shall not be unduly oppressive. The right to
Ramírez v. Vda de Ramirez property in all mortgages, liens, interests, penalties and charges
Art. XII, Sec. 11 does not necessarily imply that only Congress has owing to the creditors of AGRIX is arbitrarily destroyed. There is
the power to grant such authorization. Our statute books are The Constitutional provision which enables aliens to acquire
discrimination as well. In extinguishing the mortgage and other liens,
replete with laws granting speci ied agencies in the Executive Branch private lands does not extend to testamentary succession.
the decree lumps the secured creditors with the unsecured creditors
the power to issue such authorization for certain classes of public and places them on the same level in the prosecution of their
utilities. Matthews v. Taylor respective claims. In this respect, all of them are considered
In the instant case, the PPA, in the exercise of the option granted it by unsecured creditors violative of the equal protection clause.
Benjamin has no right to nullify the Agreement of Lease
P.D. No. 857, chose to contract out the operation and management of between Joselyn and petitioner. Benjamin, being an alien, is On top of all this, New Agrix, Inc. was created by special decree
the MICP to a private corporation. This is clearly within its power to absolutely prohibited from acquiring private and public lands notwithstanding the provision of Article XIV, Section 4 of the 1973
do. The contract between the PPA and ICTSI, coupled with the in the Philippines. This is true even if we sustain Benjamin's claim Constitution proscribing the formation, organization, or regulation of
President's written approval, constitute the necessary authorization that he provided the funds for such acquisition. private corporations by the government.
for ICTSI's operation and management of the MICP.
The decree also impairs the obligation of the contract between
D. Practice of professions AGRIX and the private respondent without justi ication. While it is
Republic v. PLDT
true that the police power is superior to the impairment clause, the
Section 14. The sustained development of a reservoir of national
There is no reason why the State may not require a public utility to principle will apply only where the contract is so related to the
talents consisting of Filipino scientists, entrepreneurs, public welfare that it will be considered congenitally susceptible to
render services in the general interest, provided just compensation is
professionals, managers, high-level technical manpower and skilled change by the legislature in the interest of the greater number.
paid therefor. Ultimately, the bene iciary of the interconnecting
service would be the users of both telephone systems, so that the workers and craftsmen in all ields shall be promoted by the State.
condemnation would be for public use. The State shall encourage appropriate technology and regulate Liban v. Gordon 2011 En Banc
its transfer for the national bene it. The practice of all
C. Acquisition, ownership, and transfer of public and professions in the Philippines shall be limited to Filipino citizens, The structure of the PNRC is sui generis, being neither strictly private
nor public in nature. R.A. No. 95 remains valid and constitutional in
private lands save in cases prescribed by law.
its entirety.
Godinez v. Pak Luen E. Organization and regulation of private and public
corporations F. Monopolies, restraint of trade, and unfair
The vendor or his heirs cannot rely on an argument based on competition
imprescriptibility because the land sold in 1941 is now in the Section 16. The Congress shall not, except by general law, provide
hands of a Filipino citizen against whom the constitutional for the formation, organization, or regulation of private Section 19. The State shall regulate or prohibit monopolies when
prescription was never intended to apply. Fong Pak Luen, the corporations. GOCCs may be created or established by special the public interest so requires. No combinations in restraint of
disquali ied alien vendee later sold the same property to Trinidad S. charters in the interest of the common good and subject to the trade or unfair competition shall be allowed.
Navata, a Filipino citizen quali ied to acquire real property.
test of economic viability.
Lagman v. Torres Decision and Resolution
Tejido v. Zamacoma NADECO v. PVB A monopoly is a privilege or peculiar advantage vested in one or
The litigated property is now in the hands of Filipino citizens. The interests of the public are not suf iciently involved to warrant the more persons or companies, consisting in the exclusive right or
Zamacoma, who owns the bigger portions of subject properties, interference of the government with the private contracts of AGRIX. It power to carry on a particular business or trade, manufacture a
became a Filipino citizen as of 1936. The other defendants are all would appear that the decree was issued only to favor a special group particular article, or control the sale or the whole supply of a
Filipino citizens. Therefore, there would be no more public policy to of investors who have been preferred to the legitimate creditors of particular commodity.

Based on the Books of Cruz, Bernas, Largo, Gujilde, Sarmiento, Kato, Azucena By RGL 122 of 216
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and remove cultural inequities by equitably diffusing wealth and

On the other hand, a combination in restraint of trade is an Time and again, we have ruled that the social justice provisions of the
political power for the common good. Constitution are not self-executing principles ready for
agreement or understanding between two or more persons, in the
form of a contract, trust, pool, holding company, or other form of Sec 2. The promotion of social justice shall include the enforcement through the courts. They are merely statements of
association, for the purpose of unduly restricting competition, commitment to create economic opportunities based on freedom of principles and policies. To give them effect, legislative enactment is

monopolizing trade and commerce in a certain commodity, initiative and self-reliance.
controlling its production, distribution and price, or otherwise
Sec 10 Art II. The State shall promote social justice in all phases B. Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights
interfering with freedom of trade without statutory authority.
Combination in restraint of trade refers to the means while of national development.
Economic, social, and cultural rights include the human right to
monopoly refers to the end. The aims of the policy to promote social justice are: work, the right to an adequate standard of living, including food,
Competition is the underlying principle of Section 19, Article 1) To protect and enhance the right of all the people to human clothing, and housing, the right to physical and mental health, the
XII of our Constitution which cannot be violated by R.A. No. 8180. dignity; right to social security, the right to a healthy environment, and the
The offending provisions of R.A. No. 8180 so permeate its essence right to education.
2) To reduce social, economic, and political inequalities; and
that the entire law has to be struck down. The provisions on tariff International School Alliance of Educators v. Quisumbing
differential, inventory and predatory pricing are among the 3) To remove cultural inequities.
principal props of R.A. No. 8180. Congress could not have The Constitution speci ically provides that labor is entitled to
deregulated the downstream oil industry without these provisions. Calalang v. Williams "humane conditions of work." These conditions are not restricted to
the physical workplace - the factory, the of ice or the ield - but
R.A. No. 8180 is declared unconstitutional and E.O. No. 372 Social justice is "neither communism, nor despotism, nor include as well the manner by which employers treat their
void. atomism, nor anarchy," but the humanization of laws and the employees.
equalization of social and economic forces by the State so that
To recapitulate, the Decision declared R.A. No. 8180 unconstitutional The Constitution also directs the State to promote "equality of
justice in its rational and objectively secular conception may at least
for three reasons: employment opportunities for all." It would be an affront to both the
be approximated. Social justice means the promotion of the welfare of
1) it gave more power to an already powerful oil oligopoly; all the people, the adoption by the Government of measures spirit and letter of these provisions if the State, in spite of its
2) it blocked the entry of effective competitors; and calculated to insure economic stability of all the competent elements primordial obligation to promote and ensure equal employment
of society, through the maintenance of a proper economic and social opportunities, closes its eyes to unequal and discriminatory terms
3) it will sire an even more powerful oligopoly whose and conditions of employment.
equilibrium in the interrelations of the members of the community,
unchecked power will prejudice the interest of the
constitutionally, through the adoption of measures legally justi iable, Article 7 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and
consumers and compromise the general welfare.
or extra-constitutionally, through the exercise of powers underlying Cultural Rights impregnably institutionalized in this jurisdiction the
the existence of all governments on the time-honored principle of long honored legal truism of "equal pay for equal work." Persons who
XV. SOCIAL JUSTICE AND HUMAN RIGHTS salus populi est suprema lex. work with substantially equal quali ications, skill, effort and
responsibility, under similar conditions, should be paid similar
A. Concept of Social Justice Dalton-Reyes v. CA salaries.

B. Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights Under the policy of social justice, the law bends over backward to
C. Commission on Human Rights
accommodate the interests of the working class on the humane
C. Commission on Human Rights justi ication that those with less privilege in life should have more in Powers
law; more so in the case of one who pursues her case even without
1. Investigate, on its own or on complaint by any party, all forms
the assistance of counsel. Social justice would be a meaningless term
of human rights violations involving civil and political rights;
A. Concept of Social Justice if an element of rigidity would be af ixed to the procedural precepts.
2. Adopt its operational guidelines and rules of procedure, and
Sec 1. The Congress shall give highest priority to the enactment of
BFAR Employees Union v. COA cite for contempt for violations thereof in accordance with
measures that protect and enhance the right of all the people to
the Rules of Court;
human dignity, reduce social, economic, and political inequalities,

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G. Nationality and Statelessness

1. who may teach; Likewise, in imposing that only those with a basic degree in law may
2. what may be taught, be admitted to graduate programs in law encroaches upon the law H. General Principles of Treaty Law

school's right to determine who may be admitted.
3. how it shall be taught and I. Doctrine of State Responsibility
3. Minimum quali ications of faculty members
4. who to admit,
As worded, the assailed clauses of Section 7(c) and 7(e) insofar as J. Refugees
being part of their academic freedom. The State, in the exercise of
they give LEB the power to prescribe the minimum quali ications of
its reasonable supervision and regulation over education, can only K. Treatment of aliens
faculty members are in tune with the reasonable supervision and
impose minimum regulations. The right to receive education is not
regulation clause and do not infringe upon the academic L. International Human Rights Law
and should not be taken to mean as a right to be admitted to
freedom of law schools. University of the East v. Pepanio held that
educational institutions.
the requirement of a masteral degree, albeit for tertiary education M. International Humanitarian Law
By case law, the Court already upheld the validity of administering an teachers, is not unreasonable.
aptitude test as a reasonable police power measure in the Categories of armed con licts
However, it is the manner by which the LEB had exercised this
context of admission standards into institutions of higher learning.
power through its various issuances that prove to be Core international obligations of States
Pursuant to its power under Section 7(e), the Court af irms the LEB's
unreasonable. The LEB-imposed period of compliance is
authority to initiate and administer an aptitude test, such as the
unreasonable given the logistical and inancial obstacles. Principles of international humanitarian law
PhiLSAT, as a minimum standard for law admission. Thus, the
PhiLSAT, insofar as it functions as an aptitude exam that 4. Legal apprenticeship and legal internship
Law on neutrality
measures the academic potential of the examinee to pursue
The provisions unduly interfere with the discretion of a law school
the study of law to the end that the quality of legal education is N. Law of the Sea
regarding its curriculum, particularly its apprenticeship program.
improved, is not per se unconstitutional.
Plainly, these issuances are beyond mere supervision and regulation.
However, there are certain provisions of the PhiLSAT that render its Baselines
operation exclusionary, restrictive, and qualifying which is contrary
to its design as an aptitude exam.
LEB's Powers vis-a-vis Institutional Academic Freedom and the Internal waters
A. Concepts
Right to Education
Territorial sea
1. PhiLSAT B. Relationship between International and Philippine
Contiguous zone
The Court takes a calibrated approach and partially nulli ies LEBMO domestic law
No. 7-2016 insofar as it absolutely prescribes the passing of the Exclusive economic zone
PhiLSAT and the taking thereof within two years as a prerequisite for C. Sources of international law
admission to any law school which, on its face, run directly counter Continental shelf
D. Subjects of international law
to institutional academic freedom.
International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
2. Other LEB issuances on law admission E. Jurisdiction of States

The requirement that an applicant obtain a speci ic number of units O. International Environmental Law
Basis of Jurisdiction
in English, Mathematics, and Social Science subjects affects a law
Principle 21 of Stockholm Declaration
school's admission policies leaving the latter totally without Exemptions from Jurisdiction
discretion to admit applicants who are de icient in these subjects or Precautionary principle
to allow such applicant to complete these requirements at a later Act of State doctrine
F. Diplomatic and Consular Law

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d. subject to the provisions of Article 59, judicial decisions and The important elements to consider in this case are:
A. Concepts the teachings of the most highly quali ied publicists of the
1. Public International Law is the system of law that regulates a. The objection by the dissenter must have been done
various nations, as subsidiary means for the determination of
the interrelationship of sovereign states and duties with regard before the norm has ripened to CIL or at the outset.
rules of law.
to one another. b. The objection must be consistent.
This provision shall not prejudice the power of the Court to decide a
2. Comitas gentium. — or international comity, refers to rules case ex aequo et bono, if the parties agree thereto. c. The objection must be categorical, clear and
of politeness, convenience and goodwill observed by States in equivocal dissent must be shown.
their mutual intercourse without being legally bound by them. 7. What is the value of the POD? Since it is a CIL, all states must
1. There are 2 instances where equity may be applied:
3. Hard law refers to binding international legal norms or those comply because all states are bound by it. However, when the
which have coercive character. a. Ex Aequo et Bono — there is the requirement of state quali ies as a persistent objector, it may not be compelled
agreement by the parties by permitting the ICJ to to follow the CIL.
Soft law refers to norms that are non-binding in character but
resolve the case on the basis of equity instead of the
still have legal relevance. 8. There is no stare decisis on ICJ decisions because Art 59
applicable rules of international law.
provides that decisions of ICJ shall apply only between the
B. Relationship between International and Philippine b. Non liquet. — “it is not clear,” refers to a situation parties and only in a particular case.
domestic law where there is no applicable law and the parties have
9. Obligations Erga Omnes. — Obligations of a state to the
not agreed to have their case decided ex aequo et bono.
Government of Hong Kong SAR v. Olalia, Jr. international community. Obligations for which all states have
2. Equity can perform three functions a legal interest in the ful illment by reason of the importance of
The modern trend in public international law is the primacy
a. Equity infra legem — to adapt to the facts of their subject matter to the international community. Whether
placed on the worth of the individual person and the sanctity of
human rights. Slowly, the recognition that the individual person individual cases; such duty addresses a jus cogens norm in order to protect,
may properly be a subject of international law is now taking b. Equity praeter legem — to ill gaps in the law; promote and preserve a jus cogens norm.
root. The vulnerable doctrine that the subjects of international 10. Unilateral Declaration of State Doctrine. — A unilateral
c. Equity contra legem — as a reason for refusing to
law are limited only to states was dramatically eroded towards the declaration binds the state internationally when:
apply unjust laws.
second half of the past century.
3. How is PIL formed? a. Publicly made and manifesting will to be bound;
Please refer to Adherence to International Law for more cases. b. Made by an authority vested with the power to do so;
a. Through state practice — 2 elements:
C. Sources of international law i. objective element (general state practice); c. Made orally or in writing;
Article 38, International Court of Justice Statute ii. subjective element (opinio juris sive d. Addressed to the international community or to
The Court, whose function is to decide in accordance with international necessitatis) speci ic state or entity;
law such disputes as are submitted to it, shall apply: e. Stated in clear and speci ic terms;
b. Through agreement by the states — Through
a. international conventions, whether general or particular, conventions or treaties. f. Consistent with jus cogens;
establishing rules expressly recognized by the contesting g. Will not bind third states who do not accept it;
4. Lotus Doctrine. — A state is barred to do an act only when it is
so prohibited under a treaty or CIL because restriction to state h. Not validly revoked.
b. international custom, as evidence of a general practice sovereignty is not presumed.
accepted as law; Bayan Muna v. Romulo 2011 En Banc re Executive Agreements
5. Relevant State Practice Doctrine. — Practice of those states
c. the general principles of law recognized by civilized nations; whose interests are specially affected. International agreements may be in the form of
6. What is the Persistent Objector Doctrine (POD)? 1) treaties that require legislative concurrence after executive

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General Principles of Law Council alone has the power to make decisions which Member
rati ication; or
States are obligated under the Charter to carry out.
2) executive agreements that are similar to treaties, except 13. Are those which are recognized by civilized nations to be so

that they do not require legislative concurrence and are fundamental that they are a basic tenet in virtually every major Effect of actions of organs of international organizations
usually less formal and deal with a narrower range of subject legal system. They are derived from domestic law. They ind created by treaty
matters than treaties.
relevance in illing gaps left by treaties and CIL. 20. Art 2(a) of the 2011 Draft Articles on the Responsibility of
Under international law, there is no difference between treaties 14. In the Corfu Channel Case, the ICJ held that the obligation of International Organizations, an “international organization”
and executive agreements in terms of their binding effects.
Albania to notify the UK of the existence of mine ield in its is one established by a treaty or other instrument governed by
territory is based on certain general and well-recognized international law and possessing its own international legal
Saguisag v. Executive Secretary 2016 En Banc re EDCA
principles of IL: personality. International organizations may include as
Executive agreements may dispense with the requirement of Senate a. Elementary considerations of humanity, even more members, in addition to States, other entities.
concurrence because of the legal mandate with which they are exacting in peace than in war; 21. Every internationally wrongful act of an international
concluded. They merely involve arrangements on the
b. Principle of freedom of maritime communication; and organization entails the international responsibility of that
implementation of existing policies, rules, laws, or agreements. They
are concluded organization.
c. Every State has an obligation not to allow knowingly
1) to adjust the details of a treaty; its territory to be used for acts contrary to the rights of 22. There is an internationally wrongful act of an international
2) pursuant to or upon con irmation by an act of the other States. organization when conduct consisting of an action or omission:
Legislature; 15. The Aramco Arbitration Case declared the principle of respect a) is attributable to that organization under IL; and
3) in the exercise of the President's independent powers under for acquired rights as one of the fundamental principles of b) constitutes a breach of an international obligation.
the Constitution. both PIL and of the municipal law of most civilized States.
23. The conduct of an organ or agent of an international
The raison d'etre of executive agreements hinges on prior 16. The principle of estoppel is also considered a general
constitutional or legislative authorizations. organization in the performance of functions of that organ or
principle of law as applied in the Case Concerning the Temple agent shall be considered an act of that organization under
of Preah Vihear. international law, whatever position the organ or agent
Customary International Law
17. Our own SC in Kuroda v. Jalandoni has declared that the rules holds in respect of the organization.
11. CIL consists of rules of law derived from the consistent and regulations of the Hague Conventions are generally 24. The conduct of an organ of a State or an organ or agent of an
conduct of States acting out of the belief that the law required accepted principles of law. Therefore, they form part of our international organization that is placed at the disposal of
them to act that way. laws even if the Philippines was not a signatory to the another international organization shall be considered under
12. The elements of customary norms are: conventions. international law an act of the latter organization if the
a. Duration or long State practice; Effect of UN Declarations, Security Council Resolutions organization exercises effective control over that conduct.
b. Consistency of the State practice or the widespread 18. Resolutions of the UN General Assembly are mere D. Subjects of international law
repetition by States of similar international acts over recommendations on questions or matters within the scope
1. A subject of IL is one to whom the rules of IL are immediately
time; of the present UN Charter.
c. Generality of the State practice or that the acts are The resolutions, however, may constitute evidence of the
taken by a signi icant number of States and not On the other hand, an object is a person or entity for which
existence of international customs.
rejected by a signi icant number of States; and the subjects of IL hold rights and obligations in the
19. Under Art 25 of the UN Charter, all members agree to accept and international legal order.
d. Opinio Juris Sive Necessitatis or the requirement carry out the decisions of the Security Council. While other
that the acts must occur out of a sense of obligation. organs of the UN make recommendations to Governments, the

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b. Actual or impending emergencies due to calamities; b. Worker has died, in which case, paid to heirs without need 3. Discharging him from employment; or
c. Employer provides free transportation back and forth; and of intestate proceedings, only af idavit of heirship. 4. Discriminate against him in any manner. (Art
d. Other analogous circumstance, provided Time and Frequency 118)

Time spent collecting wages is considered compensable GR: At least every 2 weeks or twice a month at intervals not iv) False reporting (Art 119)
hours worked. exceeding 16 days. c) Non-interference in the disposal of wages. — Art 112. No
e. Prohibited places: bar, club, drinking establishment, EXC: Force majeure. employer is allowed to limit or otherwise interfere with how
similar places where games are played with stakes of an employee should dispose or make use of the latter’s wages.
5. Prohibitions Regarding Wages
money, except if employee employed in such He shall not in any manner force, compel, or oblige his
establishment. a) From the Civil Code employees to purchase merchandise, commodities or any other
Payment thru Banks allowed (RA 6727) provided i) Art 1705. The laborer's wages shall be paid in legal property.
a. With written permission of majority of employees; Wage Deduction
ii) Art 1706. Withholding of the wages, except for a debt
b. In all private establishments of at least 25 EEs; GR: No employer, in his own behalf or in behalf of any person,
due, shall not be made by the employer.
shall make any deduction from the wages of his
c. Located within 1KM radius to a bank;
iii) Art 1707. The laborer's wages shall be a lien on the employees.
d. Within the period of payment of wages ixed by the LC. goods manufactured or the work done.
Payment thru ATM allowed provided: iv) Art 1708. The laborer's wages shall NOT be subject
a) Facilities;
a. With written consent of employees concerned; to execution or attachment, except for debts
incurred for food, shelter, clothing and medical b) Amount paid by ER as premiums on insurance,
b. Given reasonable time to withdraw during working hours consented to by EE;
and is considered compensable;
v) Art 1709. The employer shall neither seize nor retain c) For union dues, where the right of EE or his union to
c. Within period of payment of wages ixed by LC; checkoff has been recognized by the ER or authorized in
any tool or other articles belonging to the laborer.
d. There is a bank or ATM within 1KM radius; writing by the EE concerned;
b) Other prohibitions
e. Payslip be provided, upon request; d) Where ER is authorized by law or regulations issued by
i) Kickbacks — induce a worker to give up any part of SOLE;
f. No additional expenses and diminution of bene its
his wages by force, stealth, intimidation, threat;
resulting from the scheme; e) For loss or damage under Art 114 LC; DOLE LA 11-14,
ii) Deduction to ensure employment (Art 117); Private Security Agencies:
g. Employer shall assume responsibility in case the wage
protection provisions of law and regulations are not iii) Retaliate against an employee who has i) Following must be observed:
complied with under the arrangement. 1) Filed any complaint, or 1) EE is clearly responsible for the loss or damage;
Payee 2) Instituted proceedings, or 2) He is given reasonable opportunity to show cause
GR: Direct to Employee; 3) Has testi ied or is about to testify in said why deductions should not be made;
proceedings; 3) Deduction is fair and reasonable and should not
by: exceed the actual loss or damage; and
a. Force majeure, in which case worker may be paid through
1. Refusing to pay the wages; or 4) Does not exceed 20% of EE’s wages in a week.
another person under written authority for such purpose;
or 2. Reducing such wages; or

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ii) Cash Deposit — must not exceed one month's basic l) Under the PH Cooperative Act of 2008. RA 9520 - A b) New business enterprises (NBEs) — refers to
salary of EE. May be deducted from wages in an member of a cooperative may execute an instrument in establishments, including non-pro it institutions,
amount not to exceed 20% of EE’s wages in a week. favor of the cooperative authorizing his employer to established within two (2) years from effectivity of
iii) Refund — within 10 days from separation from deduct from his wages and remit such to the cooperative to the Wage Order based on the latest registration with
service. satisfy any incurred debt or other demands. the appropriate government agency such as SEC, DTI,
m) DO No. 195, S. 2018, Amending Sec. 10, Rule VIII, Book CDA and Mayor's Of ice.
Jardin v. NLRC
III, IRR. c) Retail/Service establishments employing not
With regard to the amount deducted daily by private respondent from more than ten (10) workers.
⭐SECTION 10. Wages deduction. — Deductions from the

petitioners for washing of the taxi units, we view the same as not
wages of the employees may be made by the employer in any i) Retail establishment refers to an entity
illegal in the context of the law.
of the following cases: principally engaged in the sale of goods to
Niña Jewelry Manufacturing of Metal Arts v. Montecillo 2011 (b) When the deductions are with the written authorization of end users for personal or household use. A
the employees for payment to the EMPLOYER or a third person retail establishment that regularly engages in
Employers should irst establish that the making of deductions from wholesale activities loses its retail character.
the salaries is authorized by law, or regulations. Further, the posting and the employer agrees to do so; Provided, That the latter does
not receive any pecuniary bene it, directly or indirectly, from ii) Service Establishment refers to an entity
of cash bonds should be proven as a recognized practice in the
jewelry manufacturing business, or alternatively, the employer the transaction. principally engaged in the sale of services to
should seek for the determination by the SOLE that the policy the individuals for their own or household use
6. Wage Determination
former seeks to implement is necessary or desirable in the conduct and is generally recognized as such.
Two Methods of Determining Wages
of business. d) Establishments adversely affected by natural
a. Floor Wage Method which involves the ixing of a calamities.
f) For Agency Fees from non-union members who accept the determinate amount to be added to the prevailing statutory
i) The establishment must be located in an area
bene its under the CBA negotiated by the bargaining union. minimum wage rates.
declared by a competent authority as
Does not need authorization from concerned member;
b. Salary Ceiling Method wherein the wage adjustment was under a state of calamity.
g) Premiums for SSS, PhilHealth, employee’s compensation to be applied to employees receiving a certain
ii) The natural calamities, such as earthquakes,
and Pag-IBIG; denominated salary ceiling. Used in RA 6727.
lahar low, typhoons, volcanic eruptions, ire,
h) Withholding tax; See Employers Confederation of PH v. NWPC loods and similar occurrences, must have
i) Where EE is indebted to ER that has become due and occurred within 6 months prior to the
a. Wage Order
demandable (Art 1706 CC); effectivity of the Order. However, if based
1) See 2020 DOLE Handbook on Workers’ Statutory on the assessment by a competent authority,
j) Pursuant to a court judgment where wages may be the
Monetary Bene its. the damage to properties is at least 50%
subject of attachment or execution but only for debts
2) In Pag-asa Steel Works v. CA, there is no right to a wage and the period of recovery will exceed 1
incurred for
increase from a wage order if the employees have been year, the 6-month period may be extended to
i) food, 1 year. (As amended by NWPC Resolution No
receiving salaries above the minimum wage.
ii) clothing, 01-14)
3) Exemptions from Wage Orders as provided in NWPC
iii) shelter and Guidelines 02-07, aab NWPC Resolution No. 1, S. 2014. iii) Losses suffered by the establishment as a
Categories of Exemptible Establishments: result of the calamity that exceed the
iv) medical attendance;
insurance coverage should amount to 20% or
k) Ordered by the court. a) Distressed establishments;
more of the stockholders' equity.

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Wage distortion presupposes an increase in the compensation of the 5) In Bankard Employees Union v. NLRC, the unilateral 2) The seven-day parental leave shall be non-cumulative.
lower ranks in an of ice hierarchy without a corresponding raise for adoption by an employer of an upgraded salary scale that 3) In the event that the parental leave is not availed of,

higher-tiered employees in the same region of the country, resulting increased the hiring rates of new employees without said leave shall not be convertible to cash unless
in the elimination or the severe diminution of the distinction increasing the salary rates of old employees DOES NOT
between the two groups. speci ically agreed upon previously.
RESULT in wage distortion within the contemplation of
Such distortion does not arise when a wage order gives employees in Article 124 of the Labor Code, as the increase in the b. Expanded maternity leave. — See 105-Day
one branch of a bank higher compensation than that given to their wages and salaries of the newly-hired was not due to a Expanded Maternity Leave Law
counterparts in other regions occupying the same pay scale, who are prescribed law or wage order. 1) Increased maternity leave with full pay;
not covered by said wage order. In short, the implementation of wage
orders in one region but not in others does not in itself necessarily C. Leaves a) 105 days for natural or cesarean delivery;
result in wage distortion. b) 60 days for miscarriage or emergency
1. Labor Code
3) Wage Distortion Resolution termination of pregnancy.
a. Service incentive leave. — Every employee who has
2) Option to extend maternity leave for additional
rendered at least one (1) year of service is entitled to
thirty (30) days without pay;
Service Incentive Leave (SIL) of ive (5) days with
pay. Notify ER at least 45 days before end of maternity
leave to avail of extension.
The phrase “one year of service” of the employee means
service within twelve (12) months, whether continuous 3) Additional ifteen (15) days with full pay for solo
or broken, reckoned from the date the employee started parents;
working. The period includes authorized absences, 4) Combinations of prenatal and postnatal leave;
unworked weekly rest days, and paid regular holidays.
Compulsory postnatal at least 60 days.
Tan v. Lagrama
5) Maternity leave regardless of frequency;
If a piece worker is supervised, there is an employer-employee
6) Allocation of maternity leave credits;
relationship. However, such an employee is not entitled to service
incentive leave pay since, as pointed out in Makati Haberdashery v. a) allocate up to seven (7) days of said bene its to
NLRC and Mark Roche International v. NLRC, he is paid a ixed the child's father, whether or not the same is
amount for work done, regardless of the time he spent in married to the female worker.
accomplishing such work. b) alternate caregiver who may be a relative within
the fourth degree of consanguinity or the current
2. Special laws
partner of the female worker sharing the same
a. Parental leave for solo parents. — See RA 8972. household.
4) Possible causes Solo Parent Welfare Act and its IRR. c) In the event the bene iciary female worker dies or
a) Government decreed increase through WOs; 1) In addition to leave privileges under existing laws, is permanently incapacitated, the balance of her
b) Merger of establishments; parental leave of not more than seven (7) working maternity leave bene its shall accrue to the father
days every year shall be granted to any solo parent of the child or to a quali ied caregiver.
c) Increase granted by employers;
employee who has rendered service of at least one (1) 7) Maternity leave after termination of service;
d) Passage of RA 6727. year.

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a) occurs not more than ifteen (15) calendar 2) In the event that an extended leave is necessary, the in the employment if the employer or head of of ice is
days after the termination of an employee's female employee may use her earned leave credits; informed of such acts by the offended party and no immediate
service, as her right thereto has already accrued. and action is taken.

b) such period is not applicable when the 3) This special leave shall be non-cumulative and non- 3. Applicable laws

employment of the pregnant woman worker has convertible to cash. a. Sexual Harassment Act. — Sexual harassment is
been terminated without just cause. e. Battered woman leave. — See RA 9262 or the committed when:
8) Voluntary working arrangement during the maternity Anti-VAWC Law. The quali ied victim-employee shall be 1) The sexual favor is made as a condition
leave period. entitled to a leave of up to ten (10) days with full pay, a) in the hiring or in the employment,
c. Paternity leave. — RA 8187. Is granted to all married consisting of basic salary and mandatory allowances ixed re-employment or continued employment of said
male employees in the private sector, regardless of their by RTWPB. individual, or
employment status. Requirement. — To be entitled to the leave bene it, the b) in granting said individual favorable
Government employees are also entitled to the paternity only requirement is for the victim-employee to present to compensation, terms of conditions, promotions,
leave bene it. her employer a certi ication from the or privileges; or
Entitled to full pay, consisting of basic salary, for the 7 1) barangay chairman or the refusal to grant the sexual favor results
days of paternity leave, for up to the irst four (4) 2) barangay councilor or c) in limiting, segregating or classifying the
3) prosecutor or employee which in any way would discriminate,
1) A married male employee; deprive or diminish employment opportunities or
4) the Clerk of Court, as the case may be,
2) Cohabiting with spouse; otherwise adversely affect said employee;
3) Has applied for PL; that an action relative to the matter is pending.
2) The above acts would impair the employee's rights
4) Legitimate spouse gave birth or had a miscarriage. D. Sexual harassment in the work environment or privileges under existing labor laws; or
In the event that the paternity leave is not availed of, it 3) The above acts would result in an intimidating,
1. De inition. — Under the Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995, it
shall not be convertible to cash and shall not be hostile, or offensive environment for the employee.
is committed by an employer, employee, manager, supervisor,
agent of the employer, xxx, or any other person who, having b. Safe Spaces Act. — The crime of gender-based sexual
d. Gynecological leave. — Any female employee in the authority, in luence or moral ascendancy over another in a harassment in the workplace includes the following:
public and private sector regardless of age and civil status work environment, demands, requests or otherwise requires
1) An act or series of acts involving
shall be entitled to a special leave of two (2) months any sexual favor from the other, regardless of whether the
with full pay based on her gross monthly compensation demand, request or requirement for submission is accepted by a) any unwelcome sexual advances, requests or
subject to existing laws, rules and regulations due to the object of said act. demand for sexual favors or
surgery caused by gynecological disorders under such 2. Duties and liabilities of employers. — Employers or other b) any act of sexual nature, whether done verbally,
terms and conditions: persons of authority, in luence or moral ascendancy in a physically or through the use of technology,
1) She has rendered at least six (6) months continuous workplace shall have the duty to prevent, deter, or punish the that has or could have a detrimental effect on the
aggregate employment service for the last twelve (12) performance of acts of gender-based sexual harassment in the conditions of an individual's employment or
months prior to surgery; workplace. education, job performance or opportunities;
The employer or head of of ice shall be solidarily liable for 2) A conduct of sexual nature and other conduct-based on
damages arising from the acts of sexual harassment committed sex affecting the dignity of a person, which is

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disability and the seafarer is still unable to resume The phrase “death of seafarer during the term of his contract” in b) An investigation or hearing shall be conducted
his regular seafaring duties (Sec 2[b], Rule VII Section 20(A)(1) of the 1996 POEA-SEC should not be strictly and that must be duly documented and entered into
AREC; Kestrel Shipping Co., Inc. v. Munar 2013, literally construed to mean that the seafarer’s death should have the ship’s logbook.
Alpha Ship Management Corporation v. Calo occurred during the term of his employment; it is enough that the c) Should a penalty be justi ied, the Master shall
2013). work-related injury or illness which eventually caused his issue a written notice of penalty and its reason
death occurred during the term of his employment. to the seafarer.
6) Need for De inite Assessment within 120/240 days.
9) Seafarer’s Protection; RA No 10706 or the Seafarers d) Dismissal without notice may be justi ied if there
Belchem Philippines, Inc. v. Zafra 2015
Protection Act declares ambulance chasing a criminal is clear and existing danger to the ship and
Failure to do so and the seafarer’s condition remain unresolved, offense. Elements are: crew.
the latter shall be deemed totally and permanently disabled. a) A person or his agent solicits from a seafarer or Maersk-Filipinas Crewing, et al. v. Avestruz 2015
his heirs, the pursuit of a claim against the
7) Third-doctor Referral A chief cook and the vessel’s captain had a heated argument. On the
employer of the seafarer;
same day, the cook was dismissed from service. Two days later, he
Carcedo v. Maine Marine Philippines, Inc. 2015 b) Such claim is for the purpose of recovery of disembarked to return to the PH.
monetary award or bene its arising from accident,
The cook was not afforded procedural due process for not observing
illness or death, including interest; and
the two notice rule.
c) The pursuit is in exchange of an amount or fee
which shall be retained or deducted from the 13) Employment-at-will (EAW) may be valid in Overseas
awarded or granted bene it. Employment. EAW is a contract of employment that may
10) Invalid Side Agreement. An agreement that diminishes be terminated with or without cause. This is binding if
the employee’s pay and bene its is VOID, unless such freely and expressly stipulated in writing between the
subsequent agreement is approved by the POEA. (Chavez v. foreign employer and the OFW. Termination should be in
Bonto-Perez, Rayala, et al) good faith. (GBMLT Manpower Services v. Malinao 2015)
Despite the binding effect of the third doctor's assessment, 14) EAW NOT valid in Local Employment. In local
11) Period to File OFW Claims. Art 291 of the Labor Code
a dissatis ied party may institute a complaint with the LA employment, the governing law is the security of tenure
to contest the same on the ground of provides for 3 years from the date of the seafarer’s return
principle inscribed in the Constitution and in the Labor
to the point of hire.
a) evident partiality, Code. One’s job is property and no employee can be
12) Sec 17 of POEA-SEC. Disciplinary procedures. The dismissed without valid cause allowed by law.
b) corruption of the third doctor,
following shall be complied by the Master against an
c) fraud, other undue means, 15) Pre-termination of Employment; Relief. Sec 10 RA No
erring seafarer:
8042 entitled the employee to:
d) lack of basis to support the assessment, or a) There shall be a written notice containing the
a) Full reimbursement of his placement fee with
e) being contrary to law or settled jurisprudence. following:
12% interest per annum;
(Sunit v. OSM Maritime Services 2017) i) Grounds for the charges;
b) His salaries for the unexpired portion of his
8) Seafarer’s Death Bene it: Death Need Not Have ii) Date, time and place for a formal employment contract xxxx.
Occurred During Term of Employment investigation.
C.F. Sharp Crew Management, Inc. v. Heirs of Repiso 2016

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leave with pay least 1 year already cash if not used. Summary of Special Benefits (30) days without uninterrupted pay.
service; enjoying pay manner, not
bene it; VL Bene iciaries, exceeding one Adoptive parents, if the
Part time with pay of Provision How to avail Exemptions and hundred ive (105) adoptee is below 7 years
workers may at least 5 Exclusions days old as of date he is placed
bene it. days; less in Pre-Adoptive
than 10 13th month pay [PD 851 as amended] Placement Authority
Equivalent to Worked for at least 1. Rank-and- ile Retirement Pay
Holiday Pay 1/12 of the total 1 month during a employees;
basic salary calendar year 2. Domestic helpers; 1. All employees in
Jan 1, Maundy earned within a 3. Piece-rate employees; private sector;
Thursday, Good calendar year, to 4. Government; 2. Part-timers;
Art 82 + One-half month Generally
■ 100% of Friday, Eidul Fitr, be paid not later 5. Already paying 13th 3. Employees of service
May be availed those of salary for every 1. Optional Age:
regular pay Eidul Adha, Apr than Dec 24. month pay or its and other job
of regardless retail and year of service that 60; Compulsory:
even if 9, May 1, Jun 12, equivalent; contractors;
of whether service includes: 65
unworked; National Heroes 6. In the personal 4. Kasambahays or
worked or with less 1.15 days latest 2. 5 year
■ 200% if Day, Nov 1, Nov service of another; persons in the personal
unworked. than 10 salary rate; and minimum
worked 30, Dec 25, Dec 7. Commission- based, service of another;
EEs if entitled to service;
30, Dec 31, boundary or task 5. Underground mine
2. Cash equivalent 3. Eligible for
Election Day basis, paid by result. workers;
of service retirement;
incentive leave 6. Employees in GOCCs
Night- shift Differential Paternity Leave [RA 8187. Paternity Leave Act of 1996 and its IRR] organized under Corp
= 5 days; Surface Mine
3.1/12 of the Code.
Art 82 + Entitled to full pay, 1. An employee; Married male employee, Workers
13th month pay 7. National Gov, LGCs,
Employees those of consisting of basic 2. Cohabiting with provided he is, during Optional: 50;
= 2.5 days; GOCCs under Civil
working retail and Not waivable, salary, for the 7 spouse; delivery or miscarriage: Compulsory: 60.
Service Law;
■ 110% of BHR between 10 service of founded on days of paternity 3. Has applied for 8. Retail, service, agri
1/2MS = Racehorse
PM - 6 AM of NOT more public policy leave, for up to the PL; establishments
irst four (4) 4. Legitimate 15+5+2.5 = 22.5 Jockeys
the next day than 5 regularly employ not
EEs. deliveries. spouse gave days Compulsory: 55.
more than 10.
birth or had a 9. Dismissed from work
Service Charges miscarriage. due to just cause.

Employees Maternity Leave [RA 11210. 105-Day Expanded Maternity Leave Parental Leave [RA 8972. Solo Parent Welfare Act and its IRR]
working in Service charges Law and its IRR]
establishments are not in the Parental leave of 1. Has rendered Solo parent, or other
collecting nature of pro it one hundred ive Cannot be deferred Female employee; not more than 7 service for at person who solely
■ 100% (105) days but should be in case the worker
service Art 82 share and, days every year. least 1 year; provides parental care
rank-and- ile maternity leave availed of either quali ies as a solo parent
charges, i.e. therefore, cannot 2. Noti ied and support to a child or
hotels, clubs, be deducted with full pay and before or after the the worker shall be Flexible work employer; children.
bars, casinos, from wage. an option to actual period of granted an additional schedule; 3. Presented a Solo
restaurants extend for an delivery in a ifteen (15) days Parent ID.
additional thirty continuous and maternity leave with full

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Protection from Termination by Employer Economic Reality or the Two-Tiered Test

work Requisites for validity This test is used when there is no existing employment
Substantive due process contract.
Battered Woman’s Leave 1) The putative employer’s power to control the
Just causes
employee with respect to the manner and methods by
10 days of paid Certi ication from Victims of abuse under Authorized causes which the work is to be accomplished; and
leave, which is Punong brgy, VAWC
extendible. Prosecutor or Procedural due process 2) The underlying economic realities of the activity or
Clerk of Court. Preventive suspension relationship, i.e. employee’s economic dependence
on the employer.
Gynecological Leave [RA 9710. Magna Carta of Women] Illegal dismissal
Depends upon the circumstances of the whole economic
Termination by Employee activity:
Special leave of 2 Continuous Female employee
months with full aggregate service undergoing gynecological Retirement 1) The broad extent to which the services performed are
pay based on of at least 6 surgery.
an integral part of the employer’s business.
gross monthly months for the A. Employer-employee relationship
compensation. last 12 months. 2) The limited extent of the worker’s investment in the
It is in personam and involves the rendition of personal service by
equipment and facilities.
the employee, and partakes of master and servant relationship.
IV. POST-EMPLOYMENT Its existence is a question of law and fact. In the 2016 Century
3) The nature and high degree of control by the employer;

Properties case, SC said that the employment status of a person is 4) The worker’s limited opportunities for pro it and
Employer-employee relationship
de ined and prescribed by law and not by what the parties say it growth;
Tests to determine existence
should be. It can not be negated by expressly repudiating it in a 5) The small amount of initiative, skill, judgment or
The Four-Fold Test contract. foresight required for the success of the claimed
Economic Reality or the Two-Tiered Test In the 2011 Tongko case, SC aptly described the primary and independent enterprise;
controlling test in determining the existence of an ER-EE 6) The high degree of permanency and duration of
Legitimate subcontracting vs labor-only contracting
relationship as the control over the performance of the task of relationship;
Kinds of employment the one providing the service.
7) The degree of dependency of the worker upon the
Regular 1. Tests to determine existence employer for his continued employment.
Casual The Four-Fold Test Lu v. Enopia 2017
Contractual 1) Selection and Engagement of employees; The fact that petitioner had registered the respondents with SSS is
Project proof that they were indeed his employees. The coverage of the Social
2) Payment of Wages;
Security Law is predicated on the existence of an EER.
Seasonal 3) Power of Dismissal;
It was established that petitioner exercised control over respondents.
Fixed-term 4) ⭐ Power of Control over employee’s conduct and The control test merely calls for the existence of the right to
Probationary over the means, manner and method by which the control, and not necessarily the exercise thereof.
work is to be accomplished. The payment of respondents' wages based on the percentage share of
Private school teachers
the ish catch would not be suf icient to negate the EER existing

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between them. a) an arrangement where

no employer-employee relationship exists.
Petitioner wielded the power of dismissal over respondents when he i) The contractor or subcontractor does not
dismissed them after they refused to sign the joint ishing venture Fernandez v. Kalookan Slaughterhouse 2019 have substantial capital, OR
WON Fernandez was an employee of Kalookan Slaughterhouse. ii) The contractor or subcontractor does not
Reyes v. Doctolero 2017 have investments in the form of tools,
YES. The Court in Masonic Contractor, Inc. v. Madjos ruled that the
fact that the company provided identi ication cards and equipment, machineries, supervision, work
In Mamaril v. The Boy Scout of the Philippines, there was no EER premises, among others, AND
between BSP and the security guards assigned to it by an agency uniforms and the vague af idavit of the purported employer were
pursuant to a Guard Service Contract. In the absence of such suf icient evidence to prove the existence of EER. iii) The contractor's or subcontractor's
relationship, vicarious liability under Article 2180 of the Civil Code Kalookan Slaughterhouse, through Tablit, was the one who engaged employees recruited and placed are
cannot apply as against BSP. Similarly, we ind no EER between MCS petitioner, paid for his salaries, and in effect had the power to performing activities which are directly
and respondent guards. The guards were merely assigned by dismiss him. Further, Kalookan Slaughterhouse exercised control related to the main business operation of
Grandeur to secure MCS' premises pursuant to their Contract of Guard over petitioner's conduct through De Guzman. To the mind of the the principal; OR
Services. Thus, MCS cannot be held vicariously liable for damages Court, Kalookan Slaughterhouse was petitioner's employer and it
caused by these guards' acts or omissions. exercised its rights as an employer through Tablit and De Guzman, b) The contractor or subcontractor does not exercise
who were its employees. the right to control over the performance of the work
Loreche-Amit v. Cagayan De Oro Medical Center 2019
of the employee.
American Power Conversion Corp v. Lim 2018 re Quasi-Contract
ECONOMIC REALITY TEST. The benchmark of economic reality is 3) "Substantial capital" — refers to paid-up capital
the economic dependence of the worker on his employer. We have this unique situation where respondent was hired directly stock/shares at least P5M in the case of corporations,
WON Loreche-Amit was an employee of CDMC. by APCC of the USA, but was being paid his remuneration by a
separate entity — APCP BV of the Philippines, and is supervised and partnerships and cooperatives; in the case of single
NO. CDMC does not exercise the power of control over petitioner. controlled by APCS from Singapore and APC Japan - all in furtherance proprietorship, a net worth of at least P5M.
of APCC's objective of doing business here unfettered by government
Petitioner was working for two other hospitals aside from CDMC, not 4) Contracting or subcontracting shall only be ALLOWED if
regulation. For all legal purposes, APCC is respondent's employer.
to mention those other hospitals which she caters to when her all the following circumstances concur:
services are needed. Such fact evinces that petitioner controls her
working hours. On this note, relevant is the economic reality test.
2. Legitimate subcontracting vs labor-only contracting a) The contractor or subcontractor is engaged in a
see DO No. 174 s. 2017 distinct and independent business and undertakes
Thus, the fact that petitioner continued to work for other hospitals
strengthens the proposition that petitioner was not wholly dependent to perform the job or work on its own responsibility,
a. Elements
on CDMC. according to its own manner and method;
1) There is "labor-only" contracting where the person
Petitioner likewise admitted that she receives in full her 4% share in b) The contractor or subcontractor has substantial
supplying workers to an employer
the Clinical Section of the hospital regardless of the number of hours capital to carry out the job farmed out by the principal
she worked therein. The rule is that a) does not have substantial capital or investment in
on his account, manner and method, investment in the
a. where a person who works for another the form of tools, equipment, machineries, work
form of tools, equipment, machinery and supervision;
premises, among others, and
b. performs his job more or less at his own pleasure, c) In performing the work farmed out, the contractor or
c. in the manner he sees it, b) the workers recruited and placed by such person are
subcontractor is free from the control and/or
performing activities which are directly related to
d. not subject to de inite hours or conditions of work, and direction of the principal in all matters connected
the principal business of such employer.
e. is compensated according to the result of his efforts and not with the performance of the work except as to the
the amount thereof, 2) Labor-only contracting, which is totally prohibited,
result thereto; and
refers to:

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d) The Service Agreement ensures compliance with

Thus, the foregoing circumstances show that ODSI was not a labor Sunpower does not control the manner by which the petitioners
all the rights and bene its for all the employees of the
only contractor of NPI. accomplished their work.
contractor or subcontractor under the labor laws.
Valencia v. Classique Vinyl Products Corp 2017 The fact that the petitioners were working within the premises of
b. Trilateral relationship. — In legitimate contracting, there Sunpower, by itself, does not negate Jobcrest's control over the
exists a trilateral relationship under which there is a contract WON Valencia is an employee of CMS and not Classique Vinyl. means, method, and result of the petitioners' work. The petitioners,
for a speci ic job, work or service between the principal and the despite working in Sunpower's plant for most of the time, admit that
YES. Valencia's selection and engagement was undertaken by CMS whenever they ile their leave application, or whenever required by
contractor or subcontractor, and a contract of employment and conversely, this negates the existence of such element insofar as their supervisors in Jobcrest, they report to the Jobcrest of ice.
between the contractor or subcontractor and its workers. Classique Vinyl is concerned. Designated on-site supervisors from Jobcrest were the ones who
Hence, there are three parties involved in these arrangements,
Here, Classique Vinyl presented the CMS’s Certi icate of Registration oversaw the performance of the employees' work within the
1) the principal which decides to farm out a job or service to with the DTI and license as a private recruitment and placement premises of Sunpower.
a contractor or subcontractor, agency from the DOLE. Indeed, these documents are not conclusive
evidence of the status of CMS as a contractor. However, such fact of Abuda et al. v. L. Natividad Poultry Farms 2018 Leonen, J
2) the contractor or subcontractor which has the capacity registration of CMS prevented the legal presumption of it being a WON the maintenance personnel in L. Natividad Poultry Farms can
to independently undertake the performance of the job, mere labor-only contractor from arising. be considered as its regular employees.
work or service, and
The facts failed to establish that there is any circumvention of labor
YES. San Mateo and petitioner Del Remedios were not independent
3) the contractual workers engaged by the contractor or laws as to call for the creation by the statute of an EER between
contractors but labor-only contractors since they did not have
subcontractor to accomplish the job work or service. Classique Vinyl and Valencia.
substantial investment in the form of tools, equipment, or work
c. Liabilities. — Effects of Labor-only Contracting Mago et al. v. Sunpower Manufacturing Ltd. 2018 premises. As labor-only contractors, they were considered to be
agents of L. Natividad.
i. Principal is deemed direct employer of A contractor is presumed to be a labor-only contractor, unless the
contractor’s employees; contractor is able to discharge the burden of overcoming this Phil. Pizza Inc. v. Porras 2018
ii. Contractor will be treated as agent of principal; Although not a conclusive proof of legitimacy, the certi ication by the
WON Jobcrest is a legitimate and independent contractor. DOLE nonetheless prevents the presumption of labor-only
iii. Principal’s liability is comprehensive — all contracting from arising. It gives rise to a disputable presumption
liabilities under labor laws, not only to unpaid wages. YES. Since the petitioners do not dispute that Jobcrest was a that the contractor's operations are legitimate.
duly-registered contractor under Section 11 of DOLE DO No.
Nestle Philippines Inc. v. Puedan, Jr 2017 18-02, there is no operative presumption that Jobcrest is a labor-only CBMI is a legitimate job contractor, and consequently, the
contractor. employer of respondents. CBMI retained control over
WON ODSI is a labor-only contractor of NPI, and consequently, NPI is
respondents, as shown by the deployment of at least one (1) CBMI
respondents' true employer and, thus, deemed jointly and severally Conversely, the fact of registration with DOLE does not necessarily supervisor in each Pizza Hut branch to regularly oversee, monitor,
liable with ODSI for respondents' monetary claims. create a presumption that Jobcrest is a legitimate and independent and supervise the employees' attendance and performance.
contractor. The petitioners must overcome the presumption of Respondents applied for work with CBMI and were consequently
NO. A closer examination of the Distributorship Agreement reveals
regularity accorded to the of icial act of DOLE. selected and hired by the latter.
that the relationship of NPI and ODSI is not that of a principal and a
contractor, but that of a seller and a buyer/re-seller. Jobcrest has substantial capital.
Lingnam Restaurant v. Skills & Talent Employment 2018
The stipulations in the Distributorship Agreement do not operate to Jobcrest had substantial capital to perform the business process
control or ix the methodology on how ODSI should do its business services it provided Sunpower. It has its own of ice, to which the The legitimate job contractor provides services, while the labor-only
as a distributor of NPI products, but merely provide rules of conduct petitioners admittedly reported to, possessed numerous assets for contractor provides only manpower. The legitimate job contractor
or guidelines towards the achievement of a mutually desired result the conduct of its business, and even continuously earned pro it as a undertakes to perform a speci ic job for the principal employer,
— which in this case is the sale of NPI products to the end consumer. result. while the labor-only contractor merely provides the personnel to
work for the principal employer.

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been determined at the time of the engagement of the 6) Exceptions to regular employment
WON STEP is engaged in labor-only contracting.
employee or a) Project;
YES. STEP merely acted as a placement agency providing manpower
b) where the work or service to be performed is seasonal in b) Seasonal; and
to Lingnam Restaurant. The service rendered by STEP in favor of
Lingnam Restaurant was not the performance of a speci ic job, but the nature and the employment is for the duration of the season.
c) Fixed Term.
supply of personnel.
An employment shall be deemed to be casual if it is not covered by
Lu v. Enopia 2017
Lingat v. Coca-Cola Bottlers Phils, Inc. 2018 the preceding paragraph:
The primary standard for determining regular employment is the
To determine whether one is an independent contractor, the Provided, That any employee who has rendered at least one year of
reasonable connection between the particular activity performed by
possession of substantial capital is only one element. It is necessary service, whether such service is continuous or broken, shall be the employee in relation to the usual trade or business of the
to prove not only substantial capital or investment in tools, considered a regular employee with respect to the activity in which employer. Respondents' jobs as ishermen-crew members of F/B MG
equipment, work premises, among others, but ALSO that the work of he is employed and his employment shall continue while such 28 were directly related and necessary to petitioner's deep-sea
the employee is directly related to the work that contractor is activity exists. ishing business and they had been performing their job for more
required to perform for the principal. than one year.
WON petitioners were regular employees of CCBPI. a. Regular UST v. Samahang Manggagawa ng UST 2017
YES. Petitioners' duties were reasonably connected to the very 1) Employment is regular where the employee has been
business of CCBPI. They were indispensable to such business WON the CA correctly ruled that Pontesor, et al. are regular
engaged to perform activities which are usually necessary employees and, consequently, were illegally dismissed by petitioner.
because without them the products of CCBPI would not reach its
or desirable in the usual business or trade of the
customers. YES. Petitioner repeatedly rehired respondents for various positions
In Pacquing v. Coca-Cola Philippines, Inc., the Court ruled that the in the nature of maintenance workers, for various periods spanning
2) A regular employee may either be: the years 1990-1999. Pontesor, et al. fall under the second
sales route helpers of CCBPI were its regular employees. In this case,
petitioners had similarly undertook to bring CCBPI's products to its a) Permanent. One who has an inde inite employment, category of regular employees. Accordingly, they should be deemed
customers at their delivery points. as regular employees but only with respect to the activities for which
whether passing the probationary stage or not; or
they were hired and for as long as such activities exist.
WON MDTC is an independent contractor and employers of b) Probationary.
petitioners. Pontesor, et al. were not project employees of petitioner. The
3) Two kinds of regular employees speci ic undertakings or projects for which they were employed were
NO. CCBPI's contention that MDTC was a legitimate labor contractor not clearly delineated. This is evidenced by the vagueness of the
and was the actual employer of petitioners does not hold water. a) By the nature of their work. Usually necessary or
project descriptions set forth in their respective CEAs, which states
desirable in the usual trade or business of an that they were tasked "to assist" in various carpentry, electrical, and
3. Kinds of employment employer. masonry work.
ARTICLE 295. Regular and Casual Employment. — The provisions b) By the length of service. Have rendered at least 1
Expedition Construction Corp. v. Africa 2017
of written agreement to the contrary notwithstanding and regardless year of service whether continuous or not.
of the oral agreement of the parties, an employment shall be deemed 4) TEST of regularity. Reasonable connection between the First, respondents were engaged/hired by Expedition as garbage truck
drivers. Second, respondents received compensation from Expedition
to be regular where the employee has been engaged to perform particular activity performed by the employee in relation
for the services that they rendered to the latter. The fact that
activities which are usually necessary or desirable in the usual to the employer. respondents were paid on a per trip basis is irrelevant in determining
business or trade of the employer, except the existence of an employer-employee relationship because this was
5) Repeated rehiring of a job for a ixed period and the
merely the method of computing the proper compensation due to
a) where the employment has been ixed for a speci ic project continuing need for an employee’s service are suf icient
respondents. Third, Expedition's power to dismiss was apparent
or undertaking the completion or termination of which has evidence of the necessity and indispensability of an EE’s when work was withheld from respondents as a result of the
service to the ER’s trade or business.

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speci ic duration of time until the completion of the

termination of the contracts with LGUs. Finally, Expedition has the regular status from the time of engagement.
power of control over respondents in the performance of their work. project.

Therefore, respondents should be accorded the presumption of

c. Contractual 3) When project EE deemed regular?
regular employment. Millares v. NLRC clarifying that seafarers are contractual EEs a) When there is continuous rehiring even after
Gerardo v. Bill Sender Corp. 2018 Seafarers are considered contractual employees. They can not be cessation of a project;
considered as regular employees under Article 280 of the Labor Code. b) When the tasks performed by the alleged project EE
WON Geraldo was a regular employee of respondent. Their employment is governed by the contracts they sign everytime
are vital, necessary and indispensable to the usual
YES. Geraldo was performing activities necessary or desirable in its they are rehired and their employment is terminated when the
contract expires. business or trade of ER.
usual business or trade for without his services, its fundamental
purpose of delivering bills cannot be accomplished. He has been It is an accepted maritime industry practice that employment of 4) While there was repeated re-hiring, the hiring was NOT,
delivering mail matters for the company for more than fourteen (14) seafarers are for a ixed period only. Constrained by the nature of however, continuous, as in fact there was a lapse of 33
years. their employment which is quite peculiar and unique in itself, it is months after the next project, the employee is a project
In Gamboa, Jr. v. Villegas, We held that the payment on a piece-rate for the mutual interest of both the seafarer and the employer why the
and not regular. (Alcatel PH v. Relos)
basis does not negate regular employment. Payment by the piece is employment status must be contractual only or for a certain period
of time. 5) However, if the employee is successively re-engaged to
just a method of compensation and does not de ine the essence
of the relations. perform the same kind of work not intermittently, but
Unica v. ANSCOR Swire Ship Management 2014
continuously, contract after contract, month after
b. Casual It is a settled rule that seafarers are considered contractual month involving the same task indicates the necessity and
employees. desirability of the work in the usual business of the
1) An employee is considered casual if:
However, petitioner is entitled to be paid his wages after the company. (Manalo v. TNS Phil. 2014)
a) Employed to perform work merely incidental to the
expiration of his contract until the vessel's arrival at a convenient
trade or business of employer; E. Ganzon Inc. v. Ando, Jr. 2017 Special En Banc
port. Section 19 of the Standard Terms and Conditions Governing the
b) Employment is for a de inite period; Employment of Filipino Seafarers On-Board Ocean-Going Vessels is The decisive determinant in project employment is the activity
clear on this. that the employee is called upon to perform. Prior notice of
c) Employment status was made known at the time of
termination is not part of procedural due process if the termination is
engagement. d. Project brought about by the completion of the contract or phase thereof for
2) If employed for a continuous or broken period of at which the project employee was engaged.
1) Where employment has been ixed for a speci ic project
least 1 year, he is deemed regular but only with respect or undertaking, the completion of which has been WON Ando was a regular employee and was thereby illegally
to the activity he is employed and as long as such activity determined at the time of engagement of EE. Elements are dismissed by EGI.
exists. The status of being regular casual is coterminous as follows: NO. The activities of project employees may or may not be usually
to the existence of the activity. necessary or desirable in the usual business or trade of the employer.
a) employment has been ixed for a speci ic project or
3) There is no security of tenure for casual employees. undertaking; AND In ALU-TUCP v. NLRC, two (2) categories of project employees were
Paragele v. GMA 2020 Leonen, J b) the completion or termination of which has been
Firstly, a project could refer to a particular job or undertaking
determined at the time of engagement of EE.
Only casual employees performing work that is neither necessary that is within the regular or usual business of the employer
nor desirable to the usual business and trade of the employer are 2) Speci ic project or undertaking is an activity which is company, but which is distinct and separate, and identi iable as
required to render at least one (1) year of service to attain regular NOT commonly or habitually performed or such type of such, from the other undertakings of the company. Such job or
status. Employees who perform functions which are necessary and work which is not done on a daily basis, but only for a undertaking begins and ends at determined or determinable
desirable to the usual business and trade of the employer attain times. The typical example of this irst type of project is a

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particular construction job or project of a construction company. served for at least one year, shall be considered a regular employee, d) Their employment is never terminated but merely
relates only to casual employees and not to project employees. suspended.
Secondly, a particular job or undertaking that is not within the
regular business of the corporation. Such a job or undertaking Innodata Knowledge Services v. Inting 2017 2) Requisites for SEASONAL undertaking
must also be identi iably separate and distinct from the ordinary
a) Dependent on climatic or natural causes.
or regular business operations of the employer. In order to safeguard the rights of workers against the arbitrary use of
the word "project" which prevents them from attaining regular status, Operations must be limited to a regular, annual, or
In this case, the three project employment contracts signed by Ando recurring part/s of each year and regularly closes
employers claiming that their workers are project employees have
explicitly stipulated the agreement "to engage his services as a Project during the remainder of the year.
the burden of showing that:
a) the duration and scope of the employment was speci ied at b) Activity is agricultural where the crops are available
The fact that Ando was required to render services necessary or the time they were engaged; and only at certain times of the year.
desirable in the operation of EGI's business for more than a year does
not in any way impair the validity of his project employment b) there was indeed a project. 3) Deep sea ishing business is not a seasonal undertaking.
contracts. The rehiring of construction workers on a WON respondent employees, as mere project employees, were validly Catching ish is not seasonal especially where the boat
project-to-project basis does not confer upon them regular placed on loating status and, therefore, were validly dismissed. crew, although employed on a per trip basis, has been
employment status as it is only dictated by the practical
NO. While IKSI was able to show the presence of a speci ic project, working for 12 years. (Poseidon Fishing v. NLRC)
consideration that experienced construction workers are more
preferred. the ACT Project, in the contract and the alleged duration of the same, Universal Robina Sugar Milling Corp v. Nagkahiusang Mamumuo
it failed to prove, however, that respondents were in reality made to
sa Ursumco-NFL 2018
Herma Shipyard Inc. v. Oliveros 2017 work only for that speci ic project indicated in their employment
documents and that it adequately informed them of the duration and Notwithstanding the stipulations in an employment contract or a
The principal test in determining whether particular employees were scope of said project at the time their services were engaged. duly negotiated CBA, the employment status of an employee is
engaged as project-based employees, as distinguished from regular ultimately determined by law.
employees, is whether they were assigned to carry out a speci ic The fact is IKSI actually hired respondents to work, not only on the
project or undertaking, the duration and scope of which was speci ied ACT Project, but on other similar projects such as the Bloomberg. WON URSUMCO's regular seasonal employees are regular employees.
at, and made known to them, at the time of their engagement. When respondents were required to work on the Bloomberg project,
without signing a new contract for that purpose, it was already YES. Seasonal employment becomes regular seasonal employment
Repeated rehiring of project employees to different projects outside of the scope of the particular undertaking for which they when the employees are called to work from time to time. On the
does NOT ipso facto make them regular employees. were hired; it was beyond the scope of their employment contracts. other hand, those who are employed only for a single season remain
This act by IKSI indubitably brought respondents outside the realm as seasonal employees. As a consequence of regular seasonal
WON respondents are regular employees of petitioner and not
of the project employees category. employment, the employees are not considered separated from
project employees.
service during the off-milling season, but are only temporarily laid
NO. Here, for each and every project respondents were hired, they e. Seasonal off or on leave until re-employed. Nonetheless, in both regular
were adequately informed of their employment status as seasonal employment and seasonal employment, the employee
project-based employees at least at the time they signed their 1) Employment is for the duration of a certain season. performs no work during the off-milling season.
employment contract. While the tasks assigned to the respondents a) They are considered regular EEs if called to work from Here, the concerned URSUMCO employees are performing work for
were indeed necessary and desirable in the usual business of Herma time to time, during off-season and are merely URSUMCO even during the off-milling season as they are repeatedly
Shipyard, the same were distinct, separate, and identi iable from
considered as on leave of absence without pay until engaged to conduct repairs on the machineries and equipment.
the other projects or contract services.
they are reemployed.
The rule that employees initially hired on a temporary basis may f. Fixed-term
b) If EE has worked only for 1 season, he is not regular.
become permanent employees by reason of their length of service is
1) EE performing work that is usually necessary and
not applicable to project-based employees. c) Enjoys security of tenure within the duration of the
desirable in the business of ER wherein the employment
In Mercado Sr. v. NLRC, this court ruled that the proviso in the season.
contract stipulates the duration or term of employment.
second paragraph of Article 280, providing that an employee who has

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2) Not permanent, but EE still enjoys security of tenure whether or not he is quali ied for a permanent position not required. The true test of compliance is one of
during the pre-determined term. (Pasamba v. NLRC) reasonableness. As long as he is given a reasonable time
and opportunity to be made fully aware of what is expected
3) Term employment should not circumvent security of 2) One who is placed in a trial period whose performance is
of him during the early phases of the period, the law is
tenure. This is shown by the criteria laid by the BRENT assessed whether satisfactory or not. Duration is generally
met. (Enchanted Kingdom v. Verzo 2015)
DOCTRINE: 6 months except
7) When probation may exceed 6 months. — When the
a) Must not be entered merely to circumvent the EE’s a) Covered by an apprenticeship agreement stipulating
right to security of tenure; parties agree otherwise, such as when the same is
a longer period;
established by company policy or when the same is
b) The ixed period was knowingly and voluntarily
b) Manual of regulations of private schools which required by the nature of work as where one must learn a
agreed upon without any force, duress or improper
provide for a longer period. particular kind of work such as selling, or when the job
pressure and absent any other circumstances vitiating
requires certain quali ications, skills, experience or
consent; i) Elementary and Secondary. Not more than 3
c) Must satisfactorily appear that the ER and EE dealt years of satisfactory service;
Where the extension of employee’s probation was ex
with each other on more or less equal terms with no
ii) Tertiary. Not more than 6 semesters or 9 gratia, an act of liberality on the part of his employer to
moral dominance exercised by the former to the latter.
trimesters of satisfactory service. afford the employee a second chance to make good after
4) Why allow ixed term employment? It is an essential and
3) If the employee is not apprised of the STANDARDS that he having initially failed to prove his worth as an employee.
natural appurtenance recognized by SC. i.e.
must meet in order to hurdle probation, then he is deemed (Mariwasa v. Leogardo, Jr.)
a) Overseas workers;
regular after 6 months. Umali v. Hobbywing Solutions Inc. 2018
b) College Deans and Department Heads.
4) When probationary EE considered regular?
The general rule remains that an employee who was suffered to work
5) What determines term employment? The decisive for more than the legal period of six (6) months of probationary
a) Allowed to continue work beyond probationary
determinant should not be the activities the EE is called employment or less shall, by operation of law, become a regular
upon to perform, but the day certain agreed upon for the employee.
commencement and termination of the employment b) NO evaluation conducted and no basis for termination;
WON Umali was terminated without cause when she was informed
relationship. presumed to have been satisfactorily complied; that the period of her probationary employment had already ended
c) Proby NOT informed of the standards required to and her services were no longer needed.
E. Ganzon Inc. v. Ando, Jr. 2017 Special En Banc
qualify as regular EE; YES. Petitioner commenced working for the respondent on June 19,
Project employment should not be confused and interchanged with
d) EE successfully passes the period of probation. 2012 until February 18, 2013. By that time, however, she has already
ixed-term employment: While the former requires a project as
become a regular employee.
restrictively de ined above, the duration of a ixed-term employment 5) The adequate performance of such duties and
agreed upon by the parties may be any day certain, which is 8) RA 10869 (JobStart Trainee). — A JobStart trainee shall
responsibilities constitute the inherent and implied
understood to be "that which must necessarily come although it may
standard for regularization. (Abbott Laboratories v. no longer be required to undergo a probationary period
not be known when."
Alcaraz 2014 En Banc) at the end of the internship phase should the trainee be
g. Probationary 6) When probationer informed of required standards. —
hired in the same establishment upon completion of the
program. Three (3) Phases
1) A probationary employee is one, who, for a given period Ideally, employers should immediately inform a
of time, is being observed and evaluated to determine probationary employee of the standards for his a) JobStart Life Skills Training. 10 days with one life
regularization from day one. However strict compliance is skill taught each day;

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b) JobStart Technical Training. Up to 3 months and is 5) Absent one requirement, considered PART TIME. Only a 1) Serious Misconduct. — Misconduct is improper or
optional. FULL TIME teacher can acquire REGULAR status. wrong conduct. It is a transgression of some established and
c) JobStart Internship. Up to 3 months or 600 hours. Son v. UST 2018 de inite rule of action, a forbidden act, a dereliction of duty,
willful in character and implies wrongful intent and not merely
9) RA 10917 amending RA 9547, 7323 or SPES Act. — In University of the East v. Pepanio, the requirement of a masteral error in judgment. It must be in connection with the EE’s
Period of employment shall be from twenty (20) to degree for tertiary education teachers was held to be not work to constitute just cause for his separation.
seventy-eight (78) working days only, except that during unreasonable but rather in accord with the public interest.
a) There must be misconduct;
Christmas vacation, employment shall be from ten (10) to Petitioners cannot insist on being employed by UST since they still
ifteen (15) days which may be counted as part of the do not possess the required master's degrees; the fact that UST b) The misconduct must be of such grave and
students’ probationary period should they apply in continues to hire and maintain professors without the necessary aggravated character;
the same company or agency after graduation. master's degrees is not a ground for claiming illegal dismissal, or
even reinstatement. c) It must relate to the performance of the employee's
h. Private school teachers duties; AND
1) CHED MC 40-2008 or the Manual of Regulations for B. Termination by Employer d) There must be showing that the employee becomes
Private Higher Education of 2008; 1. Requisites for validity un it to continue working for the employer.
2) DepEd Order 88-2010 or the 2010 Revised Manual of 2) Willful Disobedience or Insubordination. —
a. Substantive due process
Regulations for Private Schools in Basic Education.
i. Just causes a) There must be disobedience or insubordination;
3) Legal REQUISITES for a Teacher to be Permanent
b) The disobedience or insubordination must be willful
a) Full time; ARTICLE 297. Termination by Employer. — An employer may
or intentional characterized by a wrongful and
terminate an employment for any of the following causes:
b) Must have rendered 3 consecutive years of service; perverse attitude;
a) Serious misconduct or willful disobedience by the c) The order violated must be reasonable, lawful, and
c) Such service must be satisfactory.
employee of the lawful orders of his employer or made known to the employee; and
4) A FULL TIME academic personnel or technology teacher representative in connection with his work;
meets ALL the following: d) The order must pertain to the duties which he has
b) Gross and habitual neglect by the employee of his
been engaged to discharge.
a) Possesses at least the minimum academic duties;
quali ications; 3) Gross and Habitual Neglect of Duty. —
c) Fraud or willful breach by the employee of the trust
b) Paid monthly or hourly, based on regular teaching a) Gross Neglect refers to the absence of that diligence
reposed in him by his employer or duly authorized
loads; representative; that an ordinary prudent man would use in his/her
own affairs.
c) Total working day of not more than 8 hours a day is d) Commission of a crime or offense by the employee
devoted to the school; against the person of his employer or any immediate b) Habitual Neglect refers to repeated failure to perform
member of his family or his duly authorized representatives; one's duties over a period of time, depending upon the
d) No other remunerative occupation elsewhere requiring
and circumstances.
regular hours of work that will con lict with the
working hours in the school; e) Other causes analogous to the foregoing. GR: Neglect of duty must be BOTH Gross and
e) Not teaching full-time in other educational

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EXC: Even if NOT habitual, but there is ii) The act, omission or concealment justi ies the b) Sexual Harassment. — The gravamen of the offense
SUBSTANTIAL DAMAGE or injury to the ER. loss of trust and con idence of the employer to the is not the mere violation of one’s sexuality, but the
4) Fraud or Willful Breach of Trust. — employee; abuse of power by the employer who has a duty to
iii) The employee concerned must be holding a protect his employee against over-sex.
a) There are two (2) classes of positions of trust.
position of trust and con idence; c) Gross Inef iciency or poor performance. —
i) The irst class consists of managerial i) Employer has set standards of performance;
iv) The loss of trust and con idence should not be
employees, or those vested with the power to lay ii) Standards are reasonable and in connection with
down management policies; and simulated;
employee’s work; AND
ii) The second class consists of cashiers, auditors, v) It should not be used as a subterfuge for causes
iii) Proof that EE failed to meet the standards despite
property custodians or those who, in the normal which are improper, illegal, or unjusti ied; and
given reasonable opportunity to meet the same.
and routine exercise of their functions, regularly vi) It must be genuine and not a mere afterthought to
d) Drug use or abuse. — the law speci ies that the
handle signi icant amounts of money or justify an earlier action taken in bad faith.
procedure shall employ two testing methods, i.e., the
5) Commission of a Crime. — By the employee against the screening test and the con irmatory test. (Nacague v.
b) Requisites of Fraud
person of his employer or his immediate family or authorized Sulpicio Lines 2010)
i) There must be an act, omission, or representatives. e) Attitude Problem. — An employee who cannot get
a) There must be an act or omission along with his co-employees is detrimental to the
ii) The act, omission or concealment involves a punishable/prohibited by law; and company for he can upset and strain the working
breach of legal duty, trust, or con idence justly environment. It is a situation analogous to loss of
b) The act or omission was committed by the employee
against the person of trust and con idence that must be duly proved by the
iii) It must be committed against the employer or employer. (Heavylift Manila v. CA)
his/her representative; and i) employer,
f) Enforcement of union security clause. —
iv) It must be in connection with the employees' ii) any immediate member of his/her family, or
i) The union security clause is applicable;
work. iii) his/her duly authorized representative.
c) Requisites of Breach of Trust ii) The bargaining union is requesting for the
6) Analogous Causes. — No act or omission shall be
termination of employment due to enforcement of
i) The employee holds a position of trust and considered as analogous cause unless expressly speci ied in
the clause in the CBA; AND
con idence; the company rules and regulations or policies.
iii) There is suf icient evidence to support the union’s
ii) There exists an act justifying the loss of trust and a) Abandonment is the deliberate and unjusti ied
decision to expel the employee from the union.
con idence; refusal of an employee to resume his employment.
(Slord Development v. Noya 2019)
iii) The employee’s breach must be willful; Two factors should be present:
g) Commission of prohibited acts during strike. —
i) the failure to report for work or absence without
iv) The act must be in relation to his work which
valid or justi iable reason; and i) A worker merely participating in an illegal strike
would render him un it to continue. may not be terminated from employment. It is
ii) a clear intention to sever EER — manifested by
d) Requisites of Loss of Con idence only when he commits illegal acts during a
overt acts from which it may be deduced that the strike that he may be declared to have lost
i) There must be an act, omission or concealment;
employees have no more intention to work. employment status. (Solidbank v. Gamier 2010)

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ii) A union of icer who knowingly participates in an e-mail betrays a truly sinister purpose which AMC had a right to
To amount to a valid dismissal, an erring seafarer must be handed a
illegal strike is deemed to have lost his guard against.
written notice of the charge against him and must be given the
employment status, but a union member who is opportunity to explain himself — unless, of course, there is a clear Bravo v. Urios College 2017 Leonen, J
merely instigated or induced to participate in the and existing danger against the safety of the crew or the vessel in
illegal strike is more benignly treated. (Escario v. which case notice may be dispensed with. WON Bravo was properly dismissed for a just cause.
NLRC 2010)
Mamaril v. Red System Company 2018 YES. Petitioner's act in assigning to himself a higher salary rate
Sterling Paper Products Enterprises v. KMM-Katipunan 2017 without proper authorization is a clear breach of the trust and
WON Mamaril was illegally dismissed by Red System, and is con idence reposed in him. In addition, there was no reason for the
The utterance of obscene, insulting or offensive words against a consequently entitled to reinstatement and full backwages; and Comptroller's Of ice to undertake the preparation of its own
superior is not only destructive of the morale of his co-employees
NO. Mamaril was validly dismissed on account of his willful summary table because this was a function that exclusively pertained
and a violation of the company rules and regulations, but also
disobedience of the lawful orders of Red System. to the Human Resources Department.
constitutes gross misconduct.
WON Esponga was validly dismissed for serious misconduct. Red System was not remiss in reminding its drivers of the Panaligan v. Phyvita Enterprises 2017
importance of abiding by their safety regulations. Notably, Mamaril
YES. In de La Cruz v. NLRC, the dismissed employee shouted, violated Red System's safety rules twice, and caused damage WON there exists just and valid cause for the termination of
"Sayang ang pagka-professional mo!" and "Putang ina mo" at the amounting to over Php 40,000.00. To make matters worse, he even PANALIGAN, et al.'s, employment by PHYVITA.
company physician when the latter refused to give him a referral slip. deliberately and willfully concealed his transgressions. NO. No direct evidence was presented to link PANALIGAN, et al., to
Likewise, in Autobus Workers' Union (AWU) v. NLRC, the the theft that they allegedly committed.
dismissed employee told his supervisor "Gago ka" and taunted the Alaska Milk v. Ponce 2017
latter by saying, "Bakit anong gusto mo, tang ina mo." Taking into consideration the fact that the DOLE-NCR conducted an
WON Ponce was guilty of gross and habitual neglect of duties. inspection of the respondent's premises on as a result of the labor
Moreover, in Asian Design and Manufacturing Corporation v. complaint iled by PANALIGAN, et al., and they were implicated in the
Deputy Minister of Labor, the dismissed employee made false and NO. Fault cannot rest upon Ponce's shoulders alone, inasmuch as
satisfactory completion of the assigned tasks was subject to an alleged theft incident only thereafter, a reasonable inference can be
malicious statements against the foreman (his superior). made that PANALIGAN, et al.'s, termination of employment may have
interplay of factors beyond his sole control. The fact that Ponce
In Reynolds Philippines Corporation v. Eslava, the dismissed admitted to having been delayed in some of the tasks assigned to him been indeed a retaliatory measure designed to coerce them into
employee circulated several letters to the members of the company's does not establish gross and habitual neglect of duties. withdrawing their complaint for underpayment of wages and
board of directors calling the executive vice-president and general nonpayment of other labor standard bene its. Such an act is
manager a "big fool," "anti-Filipino". WON Ponce can be terminated for loss of trust and con idence. proscribed by Article 118 of the Labor Code.
Hence, it is well-settled that accusatory and in lammatory YES. As regards a managerial employee, the mere existence of a basis
Aluag v. BIR Multi-Purpose Cooperative 2017
language used by an employee towards his employer or for believing that such employee has breached the trust of his
superior can be a ground for dismissal or termination. employer would suf ice for his dismissal. WON BIRMPC had just cause to terminate Aluag's employment.
Transglobal Maritime Agency v. Chua 2017 Ponce held the position of Director for Engineering Services and that YES. One of the infractions that BIRMPC cited in justifying Aluag's
he was in charge of managing AMC's Engineering Department. Hence, dismissal is her failure to deposit checks on due dates, pursuant to a
There must be reasonable proportionality between, on the one hand, he belongs to the irst class of employees who occupy a position of member/debtor's request. The task of depositing checks on due dates
the willful disobedience by the employee and, on the other hand, the trust and con idence. de initely falls within Aluag's scope of responsibilities.
penalty imposed therefor.
The Court rules that his dismissal from employment is justi ied. BIRMPC had ample reason to lose the trust and con idence it
WON Chua was validly dismissed for insubordination. First, The opening sentence of Ponce's R/A e-mail readily exposes the reposed upon her and thereby, terminate her employment.
attendant willfulness in his act. Second, the act of soliciting receipts
NO. By virtue of the POEA-SEC, Chua is indeed bound to obey the
from colleagues constitutes dishonesty, inimical to AMC's interests, Gaite v. Filipino Society of Composers 2018
lawful commands of the captain of the ship, but only as long as these
for the simple reason that Ponce would be collecting receipted
pertain to his duties.There is no relevance to the order to sign the WON Gaite was validly dismissed due to loss of trust and
allowance from expenses he did not actually incur. Third, the R/A
documents in Chua's performance of his duty as a seaman.

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con idence. clear to him that he was never terminated from service at that time in 4. the closing or cessation of operation of the
spite of his poor performance.
YES. Gaite's actuations constitute serious misconduct. First, not establishment or undertaking
only is the amount involved herein a staggering amount of P17.7M, WON Alcuizar abandoned his employment.
the alleged reallocation violated an express provision of the unless the closing is for the purpose of circumventing the provisions
YES. Respondent's non-compliance with the directive in the Return to
company's Distribution Rules. Second, Gaite committed said transfer of this Title, by serving a written notice on the workers and the DOLE
Work to Our mind, signi ies his intention to sever the employment
in the performance of her duties as General Manager of FILSCAP. at least one (1) month before the intended date thereof.
relation with petitioner, and gives credence to the latter's claim that it
Third, because of this grave infraction causing the depletion of the
was respondent who abandoned his job. In case of termination due to the installation of labor-saving
company's Special Accounts held in trust for the rightful copyright
owners, Gaite's ability to duly perform and accomplish her duties It can be gathered that respondent's departure was merely a precursor devices or redundancy, the worker affected thereby shall be entitled
and responsibilities as General Manager has been seriously put into to his scheme to turn the table against petitioner. Realizing that his to a separation pay equivalent to at least his one (1) month pay or to
question. employment was at serious risk due to his habitual neglect of his at least one (1) month pay for every year of service, whichever is
duties, respondent jumped the gun on petitioner by lodging a higher.
On the second ground for termination, the Court inds that FILSCAP
baseless complaint for illegal dismissal even though it was he who
validly terminated Gaite's employment on the ground of loss of trust In case of retrenchment to prevent losses and in cases of closures or
abandoned his employment.
and con idence.
cessation of operations of establishment or undertaking not due to
Maria De Leon Transportation Inc., et al. v. Macuray 2018 serious business losses or inancial reverses, the separation pay
Claudia’s Kitchen Inc. v. Tanguin 2017
An employee can not be said to have abandoned his employment shall be equivalent to one (1) month pay or at least one-half (1/2)
In abandonment, absence must be accompanied by overt acts month pay for every year of service, whichever is higher.
when he merely availed of a company practice of taking sabbaticals
unerringly pointing to the fact that the employee simply does not
in order to afford them the opportunity to recover from the stresses A fraction of at least six (6) months shall be considered one (1)
want to work anymore. Mere absence or failure to report for work,
of driving the same long and monotonous bus routes by accepting
even after a notice to return to work has been served, is not enough to whole year.
jobs elsewhere.
amount to an abandonment of employment.
WON there was just cause for dismissing Macuray due to Common Requisites
Here, there was no abandonment on the part of respondent. Records
are bereft of any indication that Tanguin's failure to report for work
a) Good faith;
was with a clear intent to sever her employment relationship with the NO. Macuray was not dismissed from work and he did not abandon
petitioners. Moreover, Tanguin's act of iling a complaint for illegal his employment. b) Termination is matter of last resort;
dismissal with prayer for reinstatement negates any intention to
Even assuming that respondent was indeed told by respondent's bus c) Two (2) Separate notices served on the affected EE and
abandon her employment.
dispatcher Roger Pasion that he was AWOL, this was not tantamount DOLE ONE MONTH prior to intended date of termination;
Mehitabel Inc v. Alcuizar 2017 to dismissal, actual or constructive. An ordinary bus dispatcher
has no power to dismiss an employee. d) Separation pay;
The iling of a complaint for illegal dismissal does not ipso facto i) Installation of labor saving Device or Redundancy — 1
foreclose the possibility of abandonment. It is not the sole indicator ii. Authorized causes
month pay or at least 1 month pay for every year of
in determining whether or not there was desertion. Other
circumstances surrounding the case must be taken into account in ARTICLE 298. Closure of Establishment and Reduction of Personnel. service whichever is higher;
resolving the issue of whether or not there was abandonment. — The employer may also terminate the employment of any ii) Retrenchment or closure not due to serious losses —
WON Alcuizar was dismissed by Mehitabel. employee due to 1 month pay or at least 1/2 month pay for every year
NO. The publications were made through sheer inadvertence, and 1. the installation of labor-saving devices, of service whichever is higher;
that the vacancy is actually for the position of Purchasing Of icer, iii) Closure due to serious losses — NONE.
rather than Purchasing Manager.
2. redundancy,
iv) CBA provision shall prevail.
Alcuizar was informed of the error committed, and that it was made 3. retrenchment to prevent losses or
e) Fair and reasonable criteria.

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1) Installation of labor-saving devices. — refers to the depression or seasonal luctuations or during lulls over c) There must be certi ication by a competent public
shortage of materials. health authority that the disease is incurable
reduction of the number of workers in any workplace made
necessary by the introduction of labor-saving machinery or a) The retrenchment must be reasonably necessary and within a period of six (6) months even with proper
devices. likely to prevent business losses; medical treatment.
a) There must be introduction of machinery, equipment b) The losses, if already incurred, are not merely de d) As to procedural due process. — The employer must
or other devices; minimis, but substantial, serious, actual and real, or, furnish the employee two written notices in
b) The introduction must be done in good faith; if only expected, are reasonably imminent; terminations due to disease, namely:

c) The purpose for such introduction must be valid such c) The expected or actual losses must be proved by i) the notice to apprise the employee of the
as to save on cost, enhance ef iciency and other suf icient and convincing evidence; ground for which his dismissal is sought; and
justi iable economic reasons; d) The retrenchment must be in good faith for the ii) the notice informing the employee of his
d) There is no other option available to the employer advancement of its interest and not to defeat or dismissal, to be issued after the employee has
than the introduction of machinery, equipment or circumvent the employees' right to security of tenure; been given reasonable opportunity to answer
device and the consequent termination of employment and and to be heard on his defense.
of those affected thereby; and e) There must be fair and reasonable criteria in Manggagawa ng Komunikasyon sa Pilipinas v. PLDT 2017 Leonen
e) There must be fair and reasonable criteria in selecting ascertaining who would be dismissed and who would
An order of reinstatement is different from a return-to-work order.
employees to be terminated. be retained among the employees, such as status,
1. The award of reinstatement, including backwages, is
ef iciency, seniority, physical itness, age, and
2) Redundancy. — exists when "the services of an employee awarded by a Labor Arbiter to an illegally dismissed
inancial hardship for certain workers. employee pursuant to Article 294.
are in excess of what is reasonably demanded by the actual
requirements of the enterprise." 4) Closing or cessation of operation. — Refers to the 2. On the other hand, a return-to-work order is issued by the
complete or partial cessation of the operations and/or SOLE when he or she assumes jurisdiction over a labor
a) written notice served on both the employees and the
shut-down of the establishment of the employer. dispute in an industry that is considered indispensable to
DOLE at least one month prior to the intended date the national interest.
of retrenchment; a) There must be a decision to close or cease operation
WON the 2002 redundancy program of PLDT was valid.
of the enterprise by the management;
b) payment of separation pay equivalent to at least one
YES. To establish good faith, the company must provide substantial
month pay or at least one month pay for every year of b) The decision was made in good faith; and
proof that the services of the employees are in excess of what is
service, whichever is higher; c) There is no other option available to the employer required of the company, and that fair and reasonable criteria were
c) good faith in abolishing the redundant positions; and except to close or cease operations. used to determine the redundant positions.

d) fair and reasonable criteria in ascertaining what 5) Disease. — To be a valid ground for termination, the PLDT's declaration of redundancy was backed by substantial
evidence showing a consistent decline for operator-assisted calls for
positions are to be declared redundant and accordingly following must be present:
both local and international calls because of cheaper alternatives.
abolished. a) The employee must be suffering from any disease; Aquino v. NLRC differentiated between separation pay and retirement
3) Retrenchment. — or downsizing is a mode of terminating b) The continued employment of the employee is bene its:
employment initiated by the employer through no fault of the prohibited by law or prejudicial to his/her health 1. Separation pay is required in the cases enumerated in
employee and without prejudice to the latter, resorted to by as well as to the health of his/her co-employees; Articles 283 and 284. We have held that it is a statutory right
management during periods of business recession, industrial designed to provide the employee with the wherewithal
during the period that he is looking for another employment.

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inancial statements may not be necessary to establish that the inform her that her contract would no longer be renewed, and when
2. Retirement bene its, where not mandated by law, may be
employer is suffering from severe inancial losses. she did not agree, her salary was withheld. Thus, the Court of Appeals
granted by agreement of the employees and their employer
correctly upheld the inding of the NLRC that for failure of Fuji to
or as a voluntary act on the part of the employer. Retirement La Consolacion College of Manila, et al. v. Pascua 2018 Leonen, J comply with due process, Arlene was illegally dismissed.
bene its are intended to help the employee enjoy the
remaining years of his life. When termination of employment is occasioned by retrenchment to
prevent losses, an employer must declare a reasonable cause or
b. Procedural due process
Acosta v. Matiere SAS 2019 Leonen, J criterion for retrenching an employee. Retrenchment that Termination of Employment Based on Just Causes. As de ined in
disregards an employee's record and length of service is an Article 297, the requirement of two written notices served on the
In redundancy, an employer must show that it applied fair and
illegal termination of employment.
reasonable criteria in determining what positions have to be declared employee shall observe the following:
redundant. Otherwise, it will be held liable for illegally dismissing WON Pascua's retrenchment was valid based on the criteria that she
a) The irst written notice should contain:
the employee affected by the redundancy. had the highest rate of pay.
NO. Jurisprudence requires that the necessity of retrenchment to 1. The speci ic causes or grounds for termination;
WON Acosta was validly dismissed from employment on the ground
of redundancy. stave off genuine and signi icant business losses or reverses be 2. Detailed narration of the facts and circumstances that will
demonstrated by an employer's independently audited
NO. Respondents' only basis for declaring petitioner's position serve as basis for the charge against the employee. A
redundant was that his function, which was to monitor the delivery
inancial statements. Documents that have not been the subject
general description of the charge will not suf ice; and
of supplies, became unnecessary upon completion of the shipments. of an independent audit may very well be self-serving.
However, there was no mention of monitoring shipments as part of 3. A directive that the employee is given opportunity to
The records indicate that La Consolacion suffered serious business
petitioner's tasks. If his work pertains mainly to the delivery of reverses or an aberrant drop in its revenue and income, thus, submit a written explanation within a reasonable period.
supplies, it should have been speci ically stated in his job compelling it to retrench employees. "Reasonable period" should be construed as a period of at
description. There was, hence no basis for respondents to consider
his position irrelevant when the shipments had been completed. La Consolacion's failure was non-compliance with using fair and least ive (5) calendar days from receipt of the notice.
reasonable criteria that considered the status and seniority of the
Likewise, respondents failed to show that they used fair and b) After serving the irst notice, the employer should afford the
retrenched employee.
reasonable criteria in determining what positions should be employee ample opportunity to be heard and to
declared redundant. La Consolacion's disregard of respondent's seniority and preferred
status relative to a part-time employee indicates its resort to an defend himself with the assistance of his representative if he
In Panlilio v. NLRC, this Court held that fair and reasonable criteria unfair and unreasonable criterion for retrenchment. so desires.
may take into account the preferred status, ef iciency, and
Employees who have earned their keep by demonstrating exemplary "Ample opportunity to be heard" means any meaningful
seniority of employees to be dismissed due to redundancy.
performance and securing roles in their respective organizations opportunity given to the employee to answer the charges
Read-Rite Phils v. Francisco, et al. 2017 cannot be summarily disregarded by nakedly pecuniary against him and submit evidence in support of his defense,
Given the diametrical nature of an involuntary and a voluntary whether in a hearing, conference or some other fair, just and
separation from service, one necessarily excludes the other. For sure, Fuji Television v. Espiritu 2014 Leonen, J reasonable way. A formal hearing or conference becomes
an employee's termination from service cannot be voluntary mandatory only
and involuntary at the same time. There is no evidence showing that Arlene was accorded due process.
After informing her employer of her lung cancer, she was not given 1. when requested by the employee in writing or
Flight Attendants and Stewards Association of the Phils. v. PAL the chance to present medical certi icates. Fuji immediately 2. substantial evidentiary disputes exist or a company
2018 En Banc concluded that Arlene could no longer perform her duties because of
rule or
chemotherapy. It did not ask her how her condition would affect her
In determining the validity of a retrenchment, judicial notice may be work. Neither did it suggest for her to take a leave, even though she 3. practice requires it, or
taken of the inancial losses incurred by an employer undergoing was entitled to sick leaves. Worse, it did not present any certi icate
corporate rehabilitation. In such a case, the presentation of audited from a competent public health authority. What Fuji did was to 4. when similar circumstances justify it.

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c) After determining that termination of employment is justi ied,

Here, it cannot be said that petitioner posed a danger on the lives of In Merin v. NLRC, this Court expounded on the principle of totality of
the employer shall serve the employee a written notice of the of icers or employees of respondent or their properties. Being infractions as follows:
termination indicating that: one of the Operation Staff, which was a rank and ile position, he
The totality of infractions or the number of violations committed
could not and would not be able to sabotage the operations of
i) all circumstances involving the charge against the during the period of employment shall be considered in
employee have been considered; and determining the penalty to be imposed upon an erring employee.
Mamaril v. Red System Company 2018 The offenses committed by petitioner should not be taken singly
ii) the grounds have been established to justify the and separately.
severance of their employment. WON Red System was guilty of imposing a double penalty against
Here, respondent cannot invoke the principle of totality of infractions
The foregoing notices shall be served personally to the considering that petitioner's alleged previous acts of misconduct
employee or to the employee's last known address. NO. Mamaril's preventive suspension and subsequent dismissal were not established in accordance with the requirements of
from the service do not partake of a double penalty; neither may his procedural due process.
2. Preventive suspension dismissal be regarded as harsh and excessive.
Distribution & Control Products Inc. v. Santos 2017
1) May be de ined as the temporary removal of an EE charged Mamaril's initial suspension was a preventive suspension that was
for violation of company rules from his present status or necessary to protect Red System's equipment and personnel. Mamaril WON Santos was validly dismissed for just cause.
was placed under preventive suspension considering that during the NO. Termination without a just or authorized cause renders the
position. It is not a disciplinary measure and should not be
pendency of the administrative hearings, he was noticed to have dismissal invalid, and entitles the employee to reinstatement
confused with suspension imposed as a penalty. It shall several near-accident misses and he had exhibited a lack of concern without loss of seniority rights and other privileges and full
not last longer than thirty (30) days. for his work. His inattentiveness posed a serious threat to the safety backwages, inclusive of allowances, and other bene its or their
2) This may be imposed while an investigation is ongoing. of the company equipment and personnel. monetary equivalent computed from the time the compensation was
not paid up to the time of actual reinstatement.
3) The notice of preventive suspension cannot be 3. Illegal dismissal
An employee's removal for just or authorized cause but without
considered as adequate notice to explain. (Tanala v.
a. No just or authorized cause complying with the proper procedure, on the other hand, does not
NLRC) invalidate the dismissal. It obligates the erring employer to pay
Maula v. Ximex Delivery Express 2017 nominal damages to the employee, as penalty for not complying
4) Reassignment or transfer as remedial measure. —
The purpose of reassignments is no different from that of Dismissal from employment has two facets: irst, the legality of the with the procedural requirements of due process.
preventive suspension which management could validly act of dismissal, which constitutes substantive due process; and, It is true that respondent may indeed be considered as one who
impose as a disciplinary measure for the protection of the second, the legality of the manner of dismissal, which constitutes occupies a position of trust and con idence. However, petitioners
procedural due process. failed to present substantial evidence to support their allegations that
company's property pending investigation of any alleged
respondent had, in any way, participated in the theft of the company's
malfeasance or misfeasance committed by the employee. ON SERIOUS MISCONDUCT
stolen items and that after his preventive suspension he no longer
(Ruiz v. Wendel Osaka Realty 2012) While this Court held in past decisions that accusatory and reported for work.
Maula v. Ximex Delivery Express 2017 in lammatory language used by an employee to the employer or
superior can be a ground for dismissal or termination, the Evic Human Resource Management Inc. v. Panahon 2017
Preventive suspension may be legally imposed against an employee circumstances peculiar to this case ind the previous rulings
whose alleged violation is the subject of an investigation. Preventive WON there was just cause in dismissing Panahon.
inapplicable. The admittedly insulting and unbecoming language
suspension is justi ied where the employee's continued employment uttered by petitioner to the HR Manager should be viewed with NO. The Court inds the Crew Behavior Report sorely inadequate in
poses a serious and imminent threat to the life or property of the reasonable leniency in light of the fact that it was committed under meeting the required quantum of proof to discharge petitioners'
employer or of the employee's co-workers. Without this kind of an emotionally charged state. Indeed, there was only lapse in burden. For one, the statements contained therein were
threat, preventive suspension is not proper. judgment rather than a premeditated de iance of authority. uncorroborated and self-serving. No other evidence was presented to
support the statements of the Captain. In Skippers United Paci ic,

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Inc. v. NLRC, the Court did not give weight and credence to the was also petitioner Nepomuceno's irst infraction in his nine (9)
NO. Respondent was excluded from important HR decisions which
uncorroborated Chief Engineer's Report which purportedly speci ied years of service with respondents. None of these circumstances
she was expected not only to be privy to, but also to have a say in, by
the causes for the seafarer's dismissal. In Maersk-Filipinas constitutes a willful breach of trust on his part. The penalty of
virtue of her position in the company.
Crewing, Inc. v. Avestruz, the Court likewise disregarded the dismissal, thus, was too severe for this kind of infraction.
uncorroborated and self-serving electronic mails of the ship captain Palit-Ang's failure to immediately give the money to Gamboa was not There is constructive dismissal when an employee's functions,
as proof of the seafarer's supposed neglect of duty and perverse and the result of a perverse mental attitude but was merely because she which were originally supervisory in nature, were reduced; and such
wrongful attitude. was busy at the time. Neither did she pro it from her failure to reduction is not grounded on valid grounds such as genuine business
immediately give the cash advance for the car tune-up nor did necessity.
Here, while the report was signed by four (4) crew members, the
statements contained therein were, as correctly observed by the CA, respondents suffer inancial damage by her failure to comply. The The reduction in respondent's duties and responsibilities as HR
based on acts witnessed only by Captain Buton. severe penalty of dismissal was not commensurate to her infraction. Manager amounted to a demotion that was tantamount to
constructive dismissal.
Incompetence or inef iciency, as a ground for dismissal, is b. Constructive dismissal
understood to mean the failure to attain work goals or work quotas, The above-cited circumstances indubitably present a hostile and
either by failing to complete the same within the allotted reasonable 1) Occurs when an employee quits because continued employment is unbearable working environment that reasonably compelled
period, or by producing unsatisfactory results. rendered impossible, unreasonable or unlikely as in the case of respondent to leave her employment. Respondent, therefore, was
an offer of demotion in rank and a diminution in pay. constructively dismissed.
Petitioners failed to show that respondent willfully or deliberately
caused the alleged accident during the mooring operations or that 2) The TEST of constructive dismissal is whether a reasonable a) Burden of proof
respondent repeatedly committed mistakes or repeatedly failed to
person in the position of the EE would have felt compelled to give 1. In illegal dismissal cases, the fundamental rule is that
perform his duties. As regards the charge of intoxication, Section
33(6) of the POEA SEC provides that drunkenness must be up his position under the circumstances. It is an act amounting to when an employer interposes the defense of resignation,
committed while on duty to merit dismissal from employment. dismissal but made to appear it is not. It is therefore a dismissal in the burden to prove that the employee indeed voluntarily
Here, respondent was admittedly off duty when he was allegedly disguise. resigned necessarily rests upon the employer.
caught by the master drinking on board.
3) Constructive dismissal is distinguished from illegal dismissal in 2. The employer bears the burden of proof to prove that the
Malcaba et al. v. Prohealth Pharma Phils. 2018 Leonen, J that in the latter, intent to dismiss is clearly expressed by the ER. termination was for a valid or authorized cause.
In the former however, ER NEVER indicates that he is terminating a. Failure to discharge this burden means that the
While this Court recognizes the inherent right of employers to
discipline their employees, the penalties imposed must be the EE. dismissal is illegal.
commensurate with the infractions committed. Dismissal of 4) The unilateral and arbitrary reduction of the work day scheme that b. But before the employer must bear the burden of
employees for minor and negligible offenses may be considered as
signi icantly reduced employees’ salaries is a form of constructive proving that the dismissal was legal, the employees
illegal dismissal.
dismissal. (Intec Cebu v. CA 2016) must irst establish by substantial evidence that
WON Nepomuceno and Palit-Ang were illegally dismissed.
5) A college professor that was later appointed as a laboratory indeed they were dismissed.
YES. For an act to be considered a loss of trust and con idence, it
must be irst, work-related, and second, founded on clearly custodian, divesting him of his teaching load, was constructively c. If there is no dismissal, then there can be no question
established facts. dismissed. (Divine Word College of Laoag v. Mina 2016) as to the legality or illegality thereof.
The breach of trust must likewise be willful. Nepomuceno alleges Diwa Asia Publishing et al. v. De Leon 2018 3. The burden of proving compliance with the requirements
that he was illegally dismissed merely for his failure to inform his of notice and hearing prior to respondent's dismissal from
superiors of the actual dates of his vacation leave. WON the issuance of communications to reprimand and/or correct employment falls on the employer.
an erring employee forms part of the employer's management
Nepomuceno turned over all of his pending work to a reliever before
prerogatives and is not tantamount to harassment, let alone illegal b) Liability of officers
he left for Malaysia. He was able to reach his sales quota and surpass
his sales target even before taking his vacation leave. Respondents GR: Of icers of a corporation are not liable for their of icial acts
did not suffer any inancial damage as a result of his absence. This unless it is shown they have exceeded their authority.

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EXC: Where the incorporators and directors belong to a single g. strained relations between the employer and was no longer feasible. Fuji did not allege that it ceased operations or
family. employee that Arlene’s position was no longer available. Nothing in the records
c) Reliefs from illegal dismissal 3. Award When Reinstatement not Viable shows that Arlene’s reinstatement would cause an atmosphere of
antagonism in the workplace.
1. Effect or Consequences of Dismissal. — An employee a. Backwages from date of dismissal until inality of
decision; Moral Damages
who is unjustly dismissed from work shall be entitled to
b. Separation pay from date of employment until Quitclaims in labor cases do not bar illegally dismissed employees
a. reinstatement without loss of seniority rights
inality of decision (not date of dismissal); from iling labor complaints and money claims.
and other privileges and to his
c. 10% attorney’s fees based on the awards Moral damages are awarded “when the dismissal is attended by bad
b. full backwages, inclusive of allowances, and to
computed; and faith or fraud or constitutes an act oppressive to labor, or is done in a
manner contrary to good morals, good customs or public policy.” On
c. other bene its or their monetary equivalent d. Interest on the awards computed from date of
the other hand, exemplary damages may be awarded when the
inality of decision until they are paid, these
computed from the time his compensation was withheld dismissal was effected “in a wanton, oppressive or malevolent
monetary claims being equivalent to a forbearance
from him up to the time of his actual reinstatement. manner.”
of credit (Javellana, Jr v. Belen 2010)
GR: When an EE is validly dismissed, NO Apart from Arlene’s illegal dismissal, the manner of her dismissal
4. Backwages in general are granted on grounds of equity for
separation pay is given. was effected in an oppressive approach with her salary and other
earnings which a worker or employee has lost due to his
bene its being withheld, when she had no other choice but to sign the
EXC: Such cause does not constitute serious illegal dismissal. It is not private compensation or
non-renewal contract.
misconduct nor re lect on the EE’s moral damages but is awarded in furtherance and effectuation of
character, separation pay MAY be validly the public objective of the Labor Code. Attorney’s Fees
awarded. This is the DISCERNING 5. The rule in Bustamante is controlling that the dismissed Article 111 of the Labor Code states that “in cases of unlawful
COMPASSION doctrine. employee is to be paid backwages for the entire period that withholding of wages, the culpable party may be assessed attorney’s
2. Reinstatement. — Separation pay is made an alternative he was without work, without deduction and without fees equivalent to ten percent of the amount of wages recovered.”
relief in lieu of reinstatement in certain circumstances, quali ication Likewise, this court has recognized that “in actions for recovery of
like: wages or where an employee was forced to litigate and, thus, incur
6. The base igure is the wage rate at time of dismissal
expenses to protect his rights and interest, the award of attorney’s
a. when reinstatement can no longer be effected in inclusive of “allowances”, excluding salary increases.
fees is legally and morally justi iable.” Due to her illegal dismissal,
view of the passage of a long period of time or Salary increases are not akin to allowances or
Arlene was forced to litigate.
because of the realities of the situation; bene its, and cannot be confused with either. (Equitable
b. reinstatement is inimical to the employer’s Banking v. Sadac)
5. When not deemed dismissed; employee on floating
interest; 4. Money claims arising from EER status
c. reinstatement is no longer feasible; Ibon v. Genghis Khan Security Services Inc. 2017
Fuji Television v. Espiritu 2014 Leonen, J
d. reinstatement does not serve the best interests of
Well-entrenched is the rule that an illegally dismissed employee is An employer must assign the security guard to another posting
the parties involved; within six (6) months from his last deployment, otherwise, he would
entitled to reinstatement as a matter of right. The doctrine of
e. the employer is prejudiced by the workers’ be considered constructively dismissed; and the security guard must
“strained relations” should be strictly applied so as not to deprive an
continued employment; be assigned to a speci ic or particular client. A general
illegally dismissed employee of his right to reinstatement. return-to-work order does not suf ice.
f. facts that make execution unjust or inequitable Here, no evidence was presented by Fuji to prove that reinstatement
have supervened; or Superior Maintenance Services v. Bermeo 2018

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character, conduct and ability separate and independent of each i. Discretionary Justice. — Where a penalty less punitive would
Article 301 of the Labor Code was applied only by analogy to prevent
the loating status of employees hired by agencies from becoming other. (Alvarez v. Golden Tri Bloc 2013) suf ice, whatever missteps may be committed by labor ought
inde inite. This temporary off-detail of employees is not a result of c. Hobson Doctrine. — All that the private respondents were not to be visited with a consequence so severe. It must be
suspension of business operations but is merely a consequence of
offered was a choice on the means or method of terminating commensurate with the act, conduct or omission imputed
lack of available posts with the agency's subsisting clients.
their services but never as to the status of their employment. In to the employee (RCPI v. NLRC), and must consider the
WON Bermeo was constructively dismissed from work. short, they were never asked if they still wanted to work for employee’s length of service in the company, and his previous
NO. In Salvaloza v. NLRC, temporary off-detail or loating status was petitioner. Hobson's Choice means no choice at all; a choice infractions (Bonotan v. NLRC), if any.
de ined as that "period of time when security guards are in between between accepting what is offered or having nothing at all.
j. Theory of Automatic Assumption. — BPI is deemed to have
assignments or when they are made to wait after being relieved from
d. Past Infraction Rule. — The number of same nature of assumed the employment contracts of FEBTC employees upon
a previous post until they are transferred to a new one."
violations committed shall be considered in determining the effectivity of the merger without break in the continuity of their
Here, when Bermeo iled his complaint for constructive dismissal on
penalty to be imposed. employment even without express stipulation in the Articles of
September 5, 2008, it was only a week after his unsuccessful
assignment in French Baker on August 28, 2008. Even if the e. Wenphil Doctrine. — Where the employer had a valid reason Merger. (BPI v. BPI Employees Union 2011 En Banc)
reckoning date would be his last assignment at Trinoma Mall, which to dismiss an employee but did not follow the due process
ended on March 30, 2008, it is still less than the six-month period C. Termination by Employee
requirement, the dismissal may be upheld but the employer
allowed by Article 301 for employees to be placed on loating status.
will be penalized to pay an indemnity to the employee. 1. With notice to the employer
Thus, the iling of his complaint for constructive dismissal is
premature. Besides, it is unrebutted that the petitioners contacted f. Bona Fide Occupational Quali ication Rule. — Employment ARTICLE 300. Termination by Employee. — (a) An employee may
Bermeo for a new assignment even after the latter has iled a in particular jobs may not be limited to persons of a particular terminate without just cause the employee-employer relationship by
complaint for constructive dismissal. serving a written notice on the employer at least one (1) month in
sex, religion, or national origin unless the employer can show
IMPORTANT DOCTRINES that sex, religion, or national origin is an actual quali ication advance. The employer upon whom no such notice was served may
for performing the job. hold the employee liable for damages.
a. Doctrine of Strained Relations. — The payment of separation
pay is considered an acceptable alternative to reinstatement g. Successor Employer Doctrine. — The successor-employer is
a) Resignation is the VOLUNTARY act of an employee
when the latter option is no longer desirable or viable. deemed to have absorbed the employees and is held liable for
dissociating from his employment in the belief that
the transgression of his predecessor when such change is made
Strained relations must be demonstrated as a fact, however, to personal reason cannot be sacri iced in favor of the
in bad faith or used to defeat the rights of labor.
be adequately supported by evidence — substantial evidence to exigency of the service. Personal reasons may be due to
show that the relationship between the employer and the h. Doctrine of Discerning Compassion or Compassionate health concerns.
employee is indeed strained as a necessary consequence of the Justice. — Separation pay shall be allowed as a measure of b) The law requires the EE to submit an advance notice to the
judicial controversy. social justice only in those instances where the employee is
validly dismissed for causes other than serious
b. Totality of Infractions/Conduct. — The totality of infractions i) It is to be given at least 1 month before effectivity
misconduct or those re lecting on his moral character.
or number of violations committed during the period of date of resignation.
Where the reason for the valid dismissal is, for example,
employment shall be considered in determining the penalty to
habitual intoxication or an offense involving moral turpitude, ii) The notice is for the bene it of the ER.
be imposed on the erring employee. The offenses committed
like theft or illicit sexual relations with a fellow worker, the iii) ER has discretion to shorten the period.
by him should not be taken singly and separately but in their
employer may not be required to give the dismissed employee
totality. Fitness for continued employment cannot be iv) Failure to ile notice will hold EE liable for
separation pay, or inancial assistance, or whatever other name
compartmentalized into tight little cubicles of aspects of damages for losses.
it is called, on the ground of social justice. (San Miguel v. Lao)

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c) Acceptance of resignation is not necessary. Resignation the plan, with legal interest on the backwages and separation
Constructive dismissal is de ined as quitting or cessation of
pay reckoned from the inality of the decision. (Laya, Jr v. CA
may however be withdrawn even if EE called it work because continued employment is rendered impossible,
unreasonable or unlikely. There is involuntary resignation due to 2018 En Banc)
irrevocable. If the ER has accepted and approved the
tendered resignation, withdrawal thereafter requires the the harsh, hostile, and unfavorable conditions set by the employer. 4) However, where the employee has been informed and had
ER’s consent. On the other hand, resignation is the voluntary act of an employee consented, as when in accepting the employment offer, he has
who is in a situation where one believes that personal reasons cannot assented to all existing rules, regulations and policy of the

d) Generally, an EE who voluntarily resigns is NOT entitled
be sacri iced in favor of the exigency of the service, and one has no employer in the employment contract, and furthermore, he did
to separation pay. There are however two exceptions: other choice but to dissociate oneself from employment. It is a not object to the compulsory age of retirement in the
i) When stipulated in CBA; formal pronouncement or relinquishment of an of ice, with the Retirement Plan, he is deemed bound thereto. (Banco de Oro
intention of relinquishing the of ice accompanied by the act of Unibank v. Sagaysay 2015)
ii) Sanctioned by established ER practice or policy. relinquishment.
5) Jurisprudence is replete with cases discussing the employer's
Del Rio v. DPO Phils. 2018
D. Retirement prerogative to lower the compulsory retirement age subject to
WON the CA is correct in deleting the award of separation pay in the consent of its employees.
favor of petitioner. GR: Employees dismissed for just cause are generally entitled
6) In Pantranco North Express, Inc. v. NLRC, the Court upheld
due to vested rights
YES. There was no employment contract, much less a CBA, which the retirement of the private respondent therein pursuant to a
contained the stipulation that would grant separation pay to resigning EXC: Where just cause termination proscribes the claim of
CBA allowing the employer to compulsorily retire employees
employees. Neither was there a company practice or policy that was retirement pay as cited in the retirement plan. upon completing 25 years of service to the company.
proven to exist in the instant case.
1) Retirement has been de ined as a withdrawal from of ice, 7) In Progressive Development Corporation v. NLRC, the
2. Without notice to the employer public station, business, occupation, or public duty. It is the retirement plan, which allowed the employer to retire
result of a bilateral act of the parties, a voluntary agreement employees who had rendered more than 20 years of service,
ARTICLE 300. Termination by Employee. — xxx
between the employer and the employee whereby the latter, was declared valid and enforceable even though it was not
(b) An employee may put an end to the relationship without serving embodied in a CBA. In that case, the Court concluded that the
after reaching a certain age, agrees and/or consents to sever his
any notice on the employer for any of the following just causes: employees, who were hired before the execution of the
employment with the former.
employer's retirement plan, were bound by it because the
1. Serious insult by the employer or his representative on the
2) Under the Labor Code, only unjustly dismissed employees are retirement plan was expressly made known and accepted
honor and person of the employee; entitled to retirement bene its and other privileges including by them.
2. Inhuman and unbearable treatment accorded the reinstatement and backwages. Since petitioner’s dismissal was
8) In contrast, the case of Jaculbe v. Silliman University did not
employee by the employer or his representative; for a just cause, he is not entitled to any retirement bene it. (Sy
allow the application of a lower retirement age. The petitioner
3. Commission of a crime or offense by the employer or his v. Metrobank)
in the said case was employed sometime in 1958 while the
representative against the person of the employee or any of 3) ⭐An employee in the private sector who did not expressly retirement plan, which automatically retired its members upon
the immediate members of his family; and agree to the terms of an early retirement plan cannot be reaching the age of 65 or after 35 years of uninterrupted service
4. Other causes analogous to any of the foregoing. separated from the service before he reaches the age of 65 to the university, came into being in 1970. The said retirement
years. The employer who retires the employee plan was not applied to the petitioner because there was no
prematurely is guilty of illegal dismissal, and is liable to agreement to which the latter assented.
3. Distinguish voluntary resignation and constructive
pay his back wages and to reinstate him without loss of
dismissal 9) Similarly, the case of Cercado v. UNIPROM Inc., involved a
seniority and other bene its, unless the employee has
non-contributory retirement plan which provided that any
Doble, Jr. v. ABB Inc. 2017 meanwhile reached the mandatory retirement age, in which
employee with twenty (20) years of service, regardless of age,
case he is entitled to separation pay pursuant to the terms of

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may be retired at his option or at the option of the company. Bar Rules
supervening event that would reveal that she has already voluntarily

The said plan was adopted while the petitioner therein was and freely signi ied her consent to the retirement policy despite her
employed earlier. There was no voluntary acquiescence to Rights of labor organizations
initial opposition to it.
UNIPROM's early retirement age option on her part. Check off, assessment, agency fees
PAL v. Hassaram 2017
10) On the other hand, in Obusan v. PNB, the petitioner, who was Collective bargaining
hired by PNB in 1979, was deemed covered by its retirement The determining factor in choosing which retirement scheme to
Unfair labor practices
plan adopted in 2000. Considering that on February 21, 2001, apply is still superiority in terms of bene its provided.
PNB had informed all of its of icers and employees about the Peaceful concerted activities
Barroga v. Quezon Colleges of the North 2018
said retirement plan, the said plan was then registered with the By labor organization
BIR and was later recognized by the Philnabank Employees While retirement from service is similar to termination of
Association in its CBA. Despite the proper dissemination of employment insofar as they are common modes of ending Strike
information, no one questioned the retirement plan. Hence, employment, they are mutually exclusive, with varying juridical Picket
the Court deemed it valid and effective as due notice of the bases and resulting bene its. Retirement from service is
contractual, while termination of employment is statutory. By employer
employer's decision to retire an employee was adequately
provided. WON the CA correctly ruled that petitioner was not illegally Lockout
dismissed by respondents, but rather, retired from his employment
11) ⭐Retirement of Part-time Faculty. Under the rule of Assumption of jurisdiction by SOLE
with the latter.
statutory construction of expressio unius est exclusio alterius,
Bernardo's claim for retirement bene its cannot be denied on YES. The Court is inclined to hold that petitioner retired from A. Right to self-organization
service, but nonetheless, pursued the iling of the instant illegal
the ground that he was a part-time employee as part-time
dismissal case in order to recover the proper bene its due to him. In ARTICLE 253. Coverage and Employees' Right to Self-Organization.
employees are not among those speci ically exempted fact, it is telling that he never asked to be reinstated as he only — All persons employed in commercial, industrial and agricultural
under RA No. 7641 or its Implementing Rules. (Dela Salle sought the payment of his retirement bene its. In view of the
enterprises and in religious, charitable, medical, or educational
Araneta U v. Bernardo 2017) foregoing, respondents must duly pay petitioner not only his
institutions, whether operating for pro it or not, shall have the right
Catotocan v. Lourdes School of Quezon City 2017 retirement bene its, but also his other monetary claims.
to self-organization and to form, join, or assist labor organizations of
On this note, case law instructs that in labor cases where the their own choosing for purposes of collective bargaining.
RETIREMENT PLAN. Acceptance by the employees of an early
concerned employee is entitled to the wages/bene its prayed for, said
retirement age option must be explicit, voluntary, free, and Ambulant, intermittent and itinerant workers, self-employed people,
employee is also entitled to attorney's fees amounting to ten
percent (10%) of the total monetary award due him. rural workers and those without any de inite employers may form
WON Catotocan's receipt of her retirement bene its will not stop her labor organizations for their mutual aid and protection.
from pursuing an illegal dismissal complaint against LSQC.
NO. LSQC did not illegally dismiss Catotocan from service. While it
may be true that Catotocan was initially opposed to the idea of her ARTICLE 254. Right of Employees in the Public Service. —
Right to self-organization
retirement at an age below 60 years, it must be stressed that Employees of government corporations established under the
Catotocan's subsequent actions after her "retirement" are actually Bargaining unit Corporation Code shall have the right to organize and to bargain
tantamount to her consent to the addendum to the LSQC's retirement Bargaining representative collectively with their respective employers. All other employees in
policy of retiring her from service upon serving the school for at the civil service shall have the right to form associations for
least thirty (30) continuous years. Catotocan performed all the acts to Determination of representation status
purposes not contrary to law.
ratify her retirement in accordance with LSQC's retirement policy. Request for SEBA Certi ication
Catotocan's repeated application and availment of the re-hiring 1. Who may or may not exercise the right
Certi ication election
program of LSQC for quali ied retirees for 3 consecutive years is a

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Quali ied Disquali ied a) assist or act in a con idential capacity in 3. Rights and conditions of membership
1) POLITICAL Rights — 5 YEAR term for of icers.
✔ Those employed in ✘ EEs of GOCCs under Special b) to persons who formulate, determine, and
2) Right to INFORMATION;
commercial, industrial and charters; effectuate management policies, speci ically
agricultural enterprises; in the ield of labor relations. 3) Deliberative and Decision-Making Right;
✘ Managerial EEs;
2) For the disquali ication to apply
✔ EEs of GOCCs WITHOUT ★ They are those who are 4) Rights over MONEY matters;
original charters (Corpo Code); a) He must be in a iduciary relationship with Non-abridgment of right to self-organization
vested with powers or
another to whom he reports or whom he
✔ EEs of religious, charitable, prerogatives to lay down and
GR: The right of any person to join an organization also
medical or educational execute management includes the right to leave that organization and join
policies and/or hire, b) The latter possesses labor-management
institutions, for pro it or not; another one.
transfer, suspend, lay-off, relations information; and
✔ Alien EEs recall, discharge, assign or c) He has access to that information by reason
EXC: The right to refrain from joining labor organizations is,
however, limited. It is withdrawn by operation of law,
1. Working in the country; discipline employees. of his position.
where the parties have agreed on a closed shop.
2. With valid working permits ★ Supervisory EEs are 3) The disquali ication will NOT apply if
issued by DOLE; RELATIVELY prohibited in a) The information is business information; and
that they are not allowed to a) Members of the religious sect which prohibit
3. Nationals of countries b) The information may be labor-management
join unions of rank and ile af iliation of their members in such labor organization
granting same rights to relations in nature but the employee’s access
by virtue of separation of (1974 Basa);
Filipinoworkers thereto is accidental only.
unions doctrine. b) Employees who are already members of another union
(RECIPROCITY rule); and 2. Commingling or mixture of membership
✘ Con idential EEs at the time of the signing of the CBA (Art 248 [e]);
4. Country of origin has rati ied 1) Mixed-membership is NOT a ground for the
c) Con idential employees who are excluded from the
ILO 87 and 98 as certi ied by ✘ Members of a Cooperative; cancellation of a union’s certi icate of registration. The
DFA. grounds are limited to the following: bargaining unit (2010 Bank of Phil Islands);
★ Owners cannot bargain with
d) Employees excluded by express terms of the
✔ All other workers FOR mutual themselves. a) Fraud in the rati ication of Constitution and
Bylaws; agreement.
aid and protection and NOT for
✘ Members of International a. Nature of relationship
collective bargaining; b) Fraud in election of of icers;
✔ Security guards; c) Voluntary dissolution i. Member-Labor union. — Principal-Client
★ By doctrine of Relationship. — Thus, a union cannot waive the
✔ Workers in EPZs. incorporation, they are i) By ⅔ of members;
personal rights of a member.
immune from suit. ii) In a meeting called for the purpose; ii. Labor union federation. — Principal-Client
a. Doctrine of necessary implication iii) An application to cancel submitted Relationship. — Thus, a federation cannot sequester
by the board attested to by the the assets of a local to punish it.
1) Con idential employees, by Doctrine of Necessary
president; a) Disaf iliation. — Two scenarios when union
Implication, are also disquali ied for union
membership. They are those who iv) Filed in the RO which issued the disaf iliates from a federation. If union created
Certi icate of Registration. through:

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i) charter certi icate — union loses a) the will of the employees (Globe Doctrine); b) certi ication under oath by the president of the
personality; b) af inity and unity of the employees' interest, such as requesting union or local that all documents
ii) independent registration — maintains substantial similarity of work and duties, or similarity submitted are true and correct.
personality. of compensation and working conditions (Substantial If the requesting union or local fails to complete the
b) Substitutionary doctrine in Benguet Mutual Interests Rule); requirements for SEBA certi ication during the
Consolidated v. BCI Employees & W c) prior collective bargaining history; and conference, the request for SEBA certi ication shall be
Union-PAFLU d) similarity of employment status. referred to the election of icer for the conduct of

This principle merely states that even during the effectivity of a 3) The basic test of an asserted bargaining unit's acceptability is
collective bargaining agreement executed between employer and whether or not it is fundamentally the combination which will Action On The Submission. — RD shall issue during the
employees thru their agent, the employees can change said agent but conference a certi ication as SEBA.
best assure to all employees the exercise of their collective
the contract continues to bind them up to its expiration date. They
may bargain however for the shortening of said expiration date. bargaining rights. (ISAE v. Quisumbing) Effect Of Certi ication. — Upon the issuance of the
The “substitutionary” doctrine only provides that the employees C. Bargaining representative certi ication as SEBA, the certi ied union or local shall
cannot revoke the validly executed collective bargaining enjoy all the rights and privileges of an exclusive
contract with their employer by the simple expedient of Exclusive bargaining agent. — Refers to any legitimate labor
bargaining agent of all the employees in the covered
changing their bargaining agent. organization duly recognized or certi ied as the sole and exclusive
bargaining unit
The “substitutionary” doctrine, therefore, cannot be invoked to bargaining agent of all the employees in a bargaining unit.
3) In an unorganized establishment with > 1 LLO. — RD
support the contention that a newly certi ied collective bargaining 1. Determination of representation status
agent automatically assumes all the personal undertakings — like the shall refer the same to the election of icer for the conduct
no-strike stipulation here — in the collective bargaining agreement Four (4) ways of determining a bargaining agent: of certi ication election.
made by the deposed union. When BBWU bound itself and its of icers a) Request for SEBA certi ication; 4) In an organized establishment. — RD shall refer the
not to strike, it could not have validly bound also all the other rival
unions existing in the bargaining units in question. BBWU was the b) Certi ication election; same to the mediator-arbiter for the determination of the
agent of the employees, not of the other unions which possess propriety of conducting a certi ication election.
c) Run-off election; OR
distinct personalities. To consider UNION contractually bound to the
no-strike stipulation would therefore violate the legal maxim that res d) Consent election.
b. Certification election
inter alios acta alios nec prodest nec nocet. 1) Who may ile?
a. Request for SEBA Certification
a) LLO. —
B. Bargaining unit 1) See DO 40-I-2015 on SEBA Certi ication
i) Independent union;
1) A "bargaining unit" has been de ined as a group of 2) In an unorganized establishment with 1 LLO. — the
employees of a given employer, comprised of all or less than ii) National union or federation;
RD shall call a conference within ive (5) work days for the
all of the entire body of employees, which the collective submission of the following: iii) Local chapter.
interest of all the employees, consistent with equity to the
a) the names of employees in the covered bargaining unit b) Employer, when requested to bargain collectively, and
employer, indicate to be the best suited to serve the reciprocal
who signify their support for the certi ication, the majority status of the requesting party is in doubt.
rights and duties of the parties under the collective bargaining
provisions of the law. (UP v. Ferrer-Calleja) provided that said employees comprise at least c) If in an organized establishment, the signature of at
2) The factors in determining the appropriate collective
majority of the covered BU; and least 25% of all employees in the bargaining unit is
bargaining unit are required.

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its members are managerial employees and for this reason, its 2) The certi ied agent attained at least a majority of all valid f) when the CBA was entered into prior to the 60-day
registration is thus a patent nullity for being an absolute violation of votes cast. freedom period;

Article 245 of the Labor Code which declares that managerial
g. Failure of election g) when there is a schism in the union resulting in an
employees are ineligible to join any labor organization — is, in a
sense, an accusation that respondent is guilty of misrepresentation industrial dispute wherein the CBA can no longer
1) Where the number of votes cast is less than the majority
for registering under the claim that its members are not managerial foster industrial peace.
of the number of eligible voters and there are no
material challenged votes. 2) Deadlock Bar rule. — neither may a representation
c. Run-off election question be entertained if:
2) It shall not bar the iling of a motion for the immediate
1) Refers to an election between the labor unions receiving holding of another certi ication or consent election a) before the iling of a petition for certi ication election,
the two (2) highest number of votes when a certi ication within six (6) months from date of declaration of failure the duly recognized or certi ied union has
election which provides for three (3) or more choices of election. commenced negotiations with the employer within
results in no choice receiving a majority of the valid votes the one-year period; or
3) A re-run election is then called.
cast; provided, that the total number of votes for all b) a bargaining deadlock had been submitted to
contending unions is at least ifty percent (50%) of the h. Re-run election conciliation or arbitration or had become the subject
number of votes cast. Refers to an election conducted of valid notice of strike or lockout.
d. Consent election 1) to break a tie between contending unions, including 3) Certi ication Year Bar rule. — A certi ication election
between "no union" and one of the unions. petition may not be iled within one (1) year:
1) Refers to the election voluntarily agreed upon by the
parties, with or without the intervention of the DOLE, to 2) after a failure of election has been declared by the election a) from the date of a valid certi ication, consent or
determine the issue of majority representation of all the of icer and/or af irmed by the mediator-arbiter. run-off election; or
workers in the appropriate collective bargaining unit. 3) When the certi ication election is nulli ied. b) from the date of SEBA certi ication.

e. Valid election i. Bar Rules D. Rights of labor organizations

1) The union should be legitimate; 1) Contract Bar rule. — BLR shall not entertain any petition 1. Check off, assessment, agency fees
2) In case of organized establishments, the petition is iled for certi ication election or any other action which may
ARTICLE 113. Wage Deduction. — No employer, in his own behalf
DURING the 60-day freedom period of a duly registered disturb the administration of duly registered existing
or in behalf of any person, shall make any deduction from the wages
CBA; collective bargaining agreements affecting the parties. The
of his employees, except:
exceptions are as follows:
3) In case of organized establishments, the written support xxxx
of at least 25% of the members of the bargaining unit; a) during the 60-day freedom period; (b) For union dues, in cases where the right of the worker or his
b) when the CBA is not registered with the BLR or union to check-off has been recognized by the employer or
4) None of the bar rules is violated.
DOLE Regional Of ices; authorized in writing by the individual worker concerned;
f. Double Majority Rule
c) when the CBA, although registered, contains
1) There should be at least a majority of all eligible voters in 1) There may be some SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS:
provisions lower than the standards ixed by law;
the appropriate bargaining unit who have cast their votes; a) Authorized by a written resolution of majority of all
d) when the documents supporting its registration are
AND members; AND
falsi ied, fraudulent or tainted with misrepresentation;
b) Purpose is stated.
e) when the CBA is not complete;

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2) Union Dues vs. Agency Fees. — Assessment of agency 2. Collective bargaining b. Collective Bargaining Agreement
fees from non-union employees and deduction thereof
ARTICLE 261. Procedure in Collective Bargaining. — The following A collective bargaining agreement or CBA is the
from the employees’ salaries (Art. 248 [e]) even in the
procedures shall be observed in collective bargaining: negotiated contract between a legitimate labor organization
absence of individual written authorization if the
and the employer concerning wages, hours of work and all
non-union employees accept the bene its under the CBA. a. When a party desires to negotiate an agreement, it shall other terms and conditions of employment in a bargaining
3) The union’s right to agency fees is neither contractual nor serve a written notice upon the other party with a unit.
statement of its proposals.
statutory but quasi-contractual. Thus, where the CBA is clear and unambiguous, it becomes
4) Requisites for validity of union dues and special The other party shall make a reply thereto not later than ten the law between the parties and compliance therewith is
assessments (10) calendar days from receipt of such notice; mandated by the express policy of the law.

a) Authorization by a written resolution of the majority b. Should differences arise, either party may request for a
ARTICLE 264. Duty to Bargain Collectively When There Exists a
of all the members at a general membership meeting conference which shall begin not later than ten (10)
CBA. — When there is a CBA, the duty to bargain collectively shall
duly called for the purpose; calendar days from the date of request.
also mean that neither party shall terminate nor modify such
b) Secretary’s record of the minutes of said meeting; c. If the dispute is not settled, the Board shall intervene and agreement during its lifetime.
immediately call the parties to conciliation meetings;
c) Individual written authorization (IWA) for check-off Freedom period. — However, either party can serve a written notice
d. xxx and
duly signed by the employees concerned. to terminate or modify the agreement at least sixty (60) days
e. The Board shall exert all efforts to settle disputes amicably prior to its expiration date. It shall be the duty of both parties
5) When not to require IWA
and encourage the parties to submit their case to a to keep the status quo and to continue in full force and effect the
a) Assessment from non-members of SEBA of agency voluntary arbitrator. terms and conditions of the existing agreement during the 60-day
fees; period and/or until a new agreement is reached by the parties.
b) Deductions for fees from mandatory activities such a. Duty to bargain collectively
as labor relations seminars; i. Mandatory provisions in a CBA
ARTICLE 263. Meaning of Duty to Bargain Collectively. — The duty
c) Withholding tax; to bargain collectively means 1) Grievance Procedure. — They shall establish a machinery for
d) EE’s debt to ER which is already due and demandable; the adjustment and resolution of grievances arising from
1. the performance of a mutual obligation to meet and convene
e) Judgment against the worker where wages may be promptly and expeditiously in good faith a) the interpretation or implementation of their CBA and
subject of attachment or execution but only for debts 2. for the purpose of negotiating an agreement with respect to b) the interpretation or enforcement of company personnel
incurred for food, clothing, shelter, and medical wages, hours of work and all other terms and conditions of policies.
attendance. employment including proposals for adjusting any
2) Voluntary Arbitration. — All grievances submitted to the
f) Via court order; grievances or questions arising under such agreement and
grievance machinery which are not settled within seven (7)
3. executing a contract incorporating such agreements if calendar days from the date of its submission shall
g) Authorized by law such as premiums for SSS,
requested by either party but such duty does not compel any automatically be referred to voluntary arbitration prescribed
PhilHealth, Pag-ibig.
party to agree to a proposal or to make any concession. in the CBA.
3) “No Strike, No Lockout” Clause. — No strike or lockout shall
occur during the effectivity of the CBA. However, this only
applies if the ground relied upon is economic in nature. The “No

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Strike, No Lockout” clause is inapplicable to prevent a strike or Hongkong Bank Independent Labor Union v. HSBC 2018
lockout which is grounded on ULP. Since the subject CBA provision is an insurance contract, the rights
WON HSBC could validly enforce the credit-checking requirement and obligations of the parties must be determined in accordance with
4) Provision on wage increases. under its BSP-approved Plan in processing the salary loan the general principles of insurance law. Being in the nature of a
applications of covered employees even when the said requirement is non-life insurance contract and essentially a contract of indemnity,
5) Other provisions. — A “union security clause” is a
not recognized under the CBA. the CBA provision obligates MMPC to indemnify the covered
stipulation in the CBA whereby the management recognizes that employees’ medical expenses incurred by their dependents but only
the membership of employees in the union which negotiated NO. The Plan was never made part of the CBA. Tolerating HSBC's
up to the extent of the expenses actually incurred. This is consistent
conduct would be tantamount to allowing a blatant circumvention of
said agreement should be maintained and continued as a with the principle of indemnity which proscribes the insured from
Article 253. It would contravene the express prohibition against the
condition for employment or retention of employment. recovering greater than the loss.
unilateral modi ication of a CBA during its subsistence and even
6) What are the remedies in case of CBA deadlock? In case of a thereafter until a new agreement is reached.
E. Unfair labor practices
deadlock in the negotiation or renegotiation of the collective HSBC's enforcement of credit checking on salary loans under the CBA
bargaining agreement, the parties may exercise the following invalidly modi ied the latter's provisions thereon through the 1. Nature, aspects
imposition of additional requirements which cannot be found
rights under the Labor Code: ARTICLE 258. Concept of Unfair Labor Practice and Procedure for
anywhere in the CBA.
a) Conciliation and mediation by the NCMB, DOLE. Prosecution Thereof. — Unfair labor practices violate the
Societe Internationale De Telecommunications v. Huliganga 2018 constitutional right of workers and employees to
b) Declaration of a strike or lockout, as the case may be.
Managerial employees are not eligible to join, assist or form any self-organization, are inimical to the legitimate interests of both
c) Referral of case to compulsory or voluntary arbitration. labor organization. An exception to this prohibition is when the labor and management, including their right to bargain collectively
employer extends the CBA bene its to the managerial employee as a and otherwise deal with each other in an atmosphere of freedom and
ARTICLE 265. Terms of a Collective Bargaining Agreement. — Any matter of policy or established practice. mutual respect, disrupt industrial peace and hinder the promotion of
CBA that the parties may enter into shall, insofar as the WON Huliganga, as a managerial employee, is entitled to the same healthy and stable labor-management relations.
representation aspect is concerned, be for a term of ive (5) years. retirement bene its as those of rank-and- ile employees. Consequently, unfair labor practices are not only violations of the
No petition questioning the majority status of the incumbent NO. Complainant failed to present evidence to justify his claim. He civil rights of both labor and management but are also criminal
bargaining agent shall be entertained and no certi ication election failed to suf iciently establish that there is an established company offenses against the State.
shall be conducted by the DOLE outside of the sixty (60) day period practice of extending the CBA concessions to managerial employees. Subject to the exercise by the President or by the SOLE of the powers
To be considered as a company practice, the act of extending the
immediately before the date of expiry of such ive-year term of the vested in them by Articles 263 and 264 of this Code, the civil
bene its of the CBA to managerial employees must have been
CBA. practiced for a long period of time and must be shown to be aspects of all cases involving unfair labor practices, which may
consistent and deliberate. include claims for actual, moral, exemplary and other forms of
All other provisions of the CBA shall be renegotiated not later
damages, attorney's fees and other af irmative relief, shall be
than three (3) years after its execution. Mitsubishi Motors Phils Salaried Employees Union v. Mitsubishi under the jurisdiction of the Labor Arbiters.
Any agreement on such other provisions of the CBA entered into Motors Phils Corp. 2013
The Labor Arbiters shall resolve such cases within thirty (30)
within six (6) months from the date of expiry of the term of such WON member-employees are entitled to full reimbursement of calendar days from the time they are submitted for decision.
other provisions as ixed in such CBA, shall retroact to the day medical expenses incurred by their dependents regardless of any
immediately following such date. Recovery of civil liability in the administrative proceedings
amounts paid by the latter’s health insurance provider.
shall bar recovery under the Civil Code.
If any such agreement is entered into beyond six months, the parties NO. The conditions set forth in the CBA provision indicate an
intention to limit MMPC’s liability only to actual expenses incurred No criminal prosecution may be instituted without a inal
shall agree on the duration of retroactivity thereof. In case of a
by the employees’ dependents, that is, excluding the amounts paid by judgment inding that an unfair labor practice was committed,
deadlock in the renegotiation of the CBA, the parties may exercise
dependents’ other health insurance providers. having been irst obtained. The inal judgment in the administrative
their rights under this Code.

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violation is gross and lagrant; otherwise, it is not

proceedings shall not be binding in the criminal case nor be 3. By labor organizations
considered as evidence of guilt but merely as proof of compliance
1) To restrain or coerce employees in the exercise of their
of the requirements therein set forth. b) As to jurisdiction
right to self-organization. However, a labor organization
i) LA → NLRC → CA. — gross and lagrant violation shall have the right to prescribe its own rules with respect
2. By employers of an economic provision, a ULP; to the acquisition or retention of membership;
1) To interfere with, restrain or coerce employees in the ii) Grievance Machinery → VA → CA. — violation of 2) To cause or attempt to cause an employer to
exercise of their right to self-organization; 1. a political provision; or discriminate against an employee, including
2) Yellow Dog Contract. To require as a condition of discrimination against an employee with respect to whom
2. an economic provision that is NOT gross and
employment that a person or an employee shall not join a membership in such organization has been denied or to
labor organization or shall withdraw from one to which he terminate an employee on any ground other than the usual
c) Totality of Conduct Doctrine. — Expressions of terms and conditions under which membership or
opinion by an employer which, though innocent in continuation of membership is made available to other
3) To contract out services or functions being performed by themselves, frequently were held to be culpable members;
union members when such will interfere with, restrain or because of the circumstances under which they were
coerce employees in the exercise of their right to 3) To violate the duty, or refuse to bargain collectively with
uttered, the history of the particular employer's labor
self-organization; the employer, provided it is the representative of the
relations or anti-union bias or because of their
4) To initiate, dominate, assist or otherwise interfere connection with an established collateral plan of
with the formation or administration of any labor coercion or interference. 4) Featherbedding. To cause or attempt to cause an
organization, including the giving of inancial or other employer to pay or deliver or agree to pay or deliver any
d) An employer who refuses to bargain with the union
support to it or its organizers or supporters; money or other things of value, in the nature of an
and tries to restrict its bargaining power is guilty of
exaction, for services which are not performed or not to be
5) To discriminate in regard to wages, hours of work and unfair labor practice. In determining whether an
performed, including the demand for fee for union
other terms and conditions of employment in order to employer has not bargained in good faith, the totality
encourage or discourage membership in any labor of all the acts of the employer at the time of
organization. negotiations must be taken into account. (SONEDCO v. 5) To ask for or accept negotiation or attorney's fees from
Universal Robina 2016 Leonen, J) employers as part of the settlement of any issue in
6) To dismiss, discharge or otherwise prejudice or
collective bargaining or any other dispute; or
discriminate against an employee for having given or e) Petitioner's dismissal, which was brought about by his
personal acts, does not constitute unfair labor practice 6) To violate a collective bargaining agreement.
being about to give testimony under this Code;
as provided under the Labor Code. Dismissing him
7) To violate the duty to bargain collectively; Examples of ULPs
was not meant to violate the right of the university
8) To pay negotiation or attorney's fees to the union or its employees to self-organize. Neither was it meant to 1) Surface bargaining. — De ined as “going through the motions
of icers or agents as part of the settlement of any issue in interfere with the Union's activities. Likewise, of negotiating” without any legal intent to reach an agreement.
collective bargaining or any other dispute; or petitioner failed to prove that the proceedings were It involves the question of whether an employer’s conduct
9) To violate a collective bargaining agreement. done with haste and bias. Finally, petitioner cannot
demonstrates an unwillingness to bargain in good faith or is
raise the defense that he was the Union's president;
10) NOTES merely hard bargaining.
this does not make him immune from liability for his
a) As to violation of CBA. — It is ULP if what is violated acts of misconduct. (Adamson Univ Faculty and 2) Blue sky bargaining. — Making exaggerated or unreasonable
is an ECONOMIC provision of the CBA and that the Employees Union v. Adamson Univ 2020 Leonen, J) proposals.
3) Featherbedding. — see above.

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4) Yellow dog contract. — An agreement which exacts from WON Pinuela was illegally dismissed as the charges of 4) Who may ile? Any certi ied bargaining agent;
workers as a condition of employment, that they shall not join misappropriation against him were unsubstantiated. If none, any LLO on the ground of ULP only.
or belong to a labor organization, or attempt to organize one, YES. Respondent's expulsion from PORFA is grounded on the union's
during their period of employment or that they shall withdraw Constitution. However, these provisions refer to impeachment and i. Valid strikes as distinguished from illegal strikes
therefrom, in case they are already members of a labor recall of union of icers, and not expulsion from union 1) Requisites of a Valid Strike
organization. membership. In short, any of icer found guilty of violating these
provisions shall simply be removed, impeached or recalled, from a) Based on a valid and factual ground;
5) Runaway shop. — Is an industrial plant that is moved by its of ice, but not expelled or stripped of union membership. b) A notice of strike iled with the NCMB;

owners from one location to another to escape union labor
It was therefore an error on the part of PORFA and petitioners to c) Notice of strike vote to the NCMB, at least 24
regulations or state laws. It may also be a relocation motivated terminate respondent's employment based on said provision of the
by anti-union animus rather than for business reasons. union's Constitution. Such a ground does not constitute just cause for hours before such vote;
6) Contracting out. — It is only when the contracting out of a termination. d) Strike vote wherein at least a majority of the
job, work or service being performed by union members will A review of the PORFA Constitution itself reveals that the only members of the union approve the holding of
interfere with, restrain or coerce employees in the exercise of provision authorizing removal from the union is found in Article X, strike through secret balloting in a meeting called
their right to self-organization that it shall be unlawful and Section 6, that is, on the ground of failure to pay union dues,
for the purpose;
special assessments, ines, and other mandatory charges.
shall constitute ULP.
The matter of respondent's alleged failure to return petitioners' e) Strike vote report submitted at least 7 days
7) Company Union. — To initiate, dominate, assist or otherwise before intended date of strike;
P300K which was lent to PORFA is immaterial as well. It may not be
interfere with the formation or administration of any labor used as a ground to terminate respondent's employment; under the f) Cooling off period.
organization, including the giving of inancial or other support Labor Code, such a contribution by petitioners to PORFA is illegal
to it or its organizers or supporters. and constitutes unfair labor practice. i) Union busting = NONE;
8) Boulwarism. — the tactic of making a "take-it-or-leave-it" offer - ii) ULP = 15 days;
in a negotiation, with no further concessions or discussion.
F. Peaceful concerted activities
iii) CBD = 30 days;
Reliefs against ULP 1. By labor organization
From date of notice of strike is iled.
1) Cease and Desist Order. From such ULP. a. Strike
g) 7 day waiting period or strike ban after
1) "Strike" refers to any temporary stoppage of work by submission of strike vote report.
2) Af irmative Order. Order to reinstate employee with backpay
the concerted action of employees as a result of a
from date of discrimination. 2) "Preventive Mediation Cases" refer to labor disputes
labor or industrial dispute. Elements:
3) Order to Bargain; Mandated CBA. which are the subject of a formal or informal request
a) Temporary stoppage of work; for conciliation and mediation assistance sought by
4) Disestablishment. Directing the employer to withdraw all either or both parties or upon the initiative of the
b) Concerted activity;
recognition from the dominated labor union and to disestablish Board.
the same. c) Labor dispute.
3) When a strike is ILLEGAL
2) There are only TWO strikeable grounds:
5) Labor and Criminal Complaints for ULP. A criminal
a) Doesn’t comply with procedural requirements;
complaint can not be iled unless there is a inal judgment of a) Collective bargaining deadlock; AND
ULP. b) For an unlawful purpose;
b) ULP.
United Polyresins, Inc. v. Pinuela 2017 c) Based on non-strikeable grounds;
3) Where to ile? Regional branch of the NCMB having
jurisdiction over the workplace. d) Didn’t bargain collectively irst;

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e) Violated the no strike no lockout clause; 2. By employer

When at least a majority of the union members vote to accept the
f) Failure to submit issues to grievance procedure improved offer the striking workers shall immediately return to work a. Lockout
and exhaust the steps therein; and the employer shall thereupon readmit them upon the signing of
1) refers to the temporary refusal of an employer to
g) While C-M is ongoing at NCMB; the agreement.
furnish work as a result of a labor or industrial
In case of a lockout, the DOLE shall also conduct a referendum by
h) Based on issues already brought to arbitration; dispute.
secret balloting on the reduced offer of the union on or before the
i) Pending case involving same ground in the notice 30th day of the lockout. 3. Assumption of jurisdiction by SOLE
of strike;
When at least a majority of the board of directors or trustees or the When, in his opinion, there exists a labor dispute causing or likely to
j) In de iance of an assumption or certi ication or partners holding the controlling interest in the case of a partnership cause a strike or lockout in an industry indispensable to the national
return-to-work order; vote to accept the reduced offer, the workers shall immediately return interest, the SOLE may
k) In violation of a TRO or an injunction order; to work and the employer shall thereupon readmit them upon the
1. assume jurisdiction over the dispute and decide it or
signing of the agreement.
l) After notice of strike converted to preventive 2. certify the same to the NLRC for compulsory arbitration.
mediation case;
Prohibition against arrest and detention of union
In labor disputes adversely affecting the continued operation of such
m) Against prohibition by law; members
hospitals, clinics or medical institutions, it shall be the duty of the
n) By a minority union; ARTICLE 281. Requirement for Arrest and Detention. — Except on striking union or locking-out employer to provide and maintain an
o) By an illegitimate union; grounds of national security and public peace or in case of effective skeletal workforce for the duration of the strike or lockout.
commission of a crime, no union members or union organizers may The President of the Philippines shall not be precluded from
p) By dismissed EEs;
be arrested or detained for union activities without previous determining the industries that, in his opinion, are indispensable to
q) In violation of company code of conduct; consultations with the Secretary of Labor. the national interest, and from intervening at any time and
r) As protest rallies in front of government of ices; assuming jurisdiction over any such labor dispute in order to settle
Anti-Injunction Ban or terminate the same.
s) As welga ng bayan.
GR: No injunction order growing out of labor disputes.
Liabilities in Illegal Strike a. Industry indispensable to the national interest. — Sec
Knowingly Committed Illegal 16, Rule XXII, Book V, as created by DOLE Department
Participated Acts 1. Commission of prohibited activities; Order No. 040-H-13
2. Prospect of irreparable damage; i. hospital sector;
3. National interest case. ii. electric power industry;
Union Member — DISMISSED
b. Picket iii. water supply services, to exclude small water supply
Improved offer and reduced offer balloting services such as bottling and re illing stations;
1) Marching to-and-fro with placards that make known
the issues between the establishment and the workers. iv. air traf ic control; and
ARTICLE 280. Improved Offer Balloting. — In an effort to settle a
strike, the DOLE shall conduct a referendum by secret balloting on 2) Picketing is limited to harmless marching by v. such other industries as may be recommended by the
the improved offer of the employer on or before the 30th day of employees who carry placards or use speech to attract National Tripartite Industrial Peace Council (TIPC).
the strike. the public to their cause. b. Effects of assumption of jurisdiction.

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i. On intended or impending strike or lockout — Bona ide occupational quali ications b) Must not inconvenient the welfare of the EE;
automatically enjoined even if a Motion for Post-employment restrictions c) Not prejudicial to the EE;
Reconsideration is iled.
Marriage between employees of competitor-employers
ii. On actual strike or lockout — strikers or locked out d) Not involve a demotion of rank or status;
employees should immediately return to work and A. Discipline e) Not be motivated by discrimination;
employer should readmit them back. 1) The right or prerogative to discipline covers the following f) Not made in bad faith;
iii. On cases iled or may be iled — All shall be rights to:
g) Not be effected as a form of punishment without
subsumed/absorbed by the assumed or certi ied case a) Discipline;
suf icient cause.
except when the order speci ied otherwise. The parties
b) Dismiss;
to the case should inform the DOLE Secretary of 4) Failure to observe these requisites, the transfer is deemed
pendency thereof. c) Determine who to punish; CONSTRUCTIVE DISMISSAL. Same reliefs as that of illegal
Manggagawa ng Komunikasyon sa Pilipinas v. PLDT 2017 Leonen d) Promulgate rules and regulations; demotion.
e) Impose penalty (proportionality rule) 5) An EE who refuses to be transferred when such is valid, is
WON the return-to-work order of the SOLE was rendered moot when
the NLRC upheld the validity of the redundancy program. f) Choose which penalty to impose; AND guilty of insubordination or willful disobedience of a lawful
YES. When petitioner iled its Motion for Execution on pursuant to order of an ER under Art 297[282] of the LC.
g) Impose heavier penalties than what the company rules
this Court's ruling there was no longer any existing basis for the
prescribe. 6) Refusal to be transferred is VALID in the following cases
return-to-work order. This was because the SOLE's return-to-work
order had been superseded by the NLRC's Resolution. Hence, the 2) The proportionality rule means that the penalty to be a) Overseas assignment;
SOLE did not err in dismissing the motion for execution on the imposed must be commensurate with the offense committed.
ground of mootness. b) Consequent to promotion;
Garcia v. Philippine Airlines upholds the prevailing doctrine that B. Transfer or employees This is a scalar transfer. The EE may refuse as this
even if a Labor Arbiter's order of reinstatement is reversed on appeal, entails additional responsibilities.
1) The lateral movement from one position to another of
the employer is obligated "to reinstate and pay the wages of the
dismissed employee during the period of appeal until reversal by the equivalent rank, level or salary. Could be a movement: c) To avoid con lict of interest;
higher court." a) From one position to another; or d) Occasioned by the abolition of the position.
There is no order of reinstatement from a Labor Arbiter in the case at
bar, instead, what is at issue is the return-to-work order from the b) From one of ice to another within the same business 7) Refusal is INVALID
SOLE. establishment.
a) Due to parental obligations;
2) This is an inherent right to control or manage by the ER.
VI. MANAGEMENT PREROGATIVE Consent of EE NOT required. b) Additional expenses;

Discipline 3) This is exercised by the ER in the best interest of the company c) Inconvenience;

Transfer or employees to see where a particular EE can be best maximized. For a d) Hardship and anguish.
transfer to be valid, the following REQUISITES must be
Productivity standards Peckson v. Robinsons Supermarket 2013
Bonus Concerning the transfer of employees, these are the following
a) Must be reasonable or have a sound purpose; jurisprudential guidelines:
Change of working hours

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a) a transfer is a movement from one position to another of An employer is entitled to impose productivity standards for its contemplated by Article 100 are those which are capable of being
equivalent rank, level or salary without break in the service workers, and in fact, non-compliance may be visited with a penalty measured in terms of money.
or a lateral movement from one position to another of even more severe than demotion.
CCBPI withdrew the Saturday work itself, pursuant, as already held,
equivalent rank or salary; Failure to observe prescribed standards of work, or to ful ill to its management prerogative. In fact, this management
b) the employer has the inherent right to transfer or reassign an reasonable work assignments due to inef iciency may constitute just prerogative highlights the fact that the scheduling of the Saturday
employee for legitimate business purposes; cause for dismissal. Such inef iciency is understood to mean failure work was actually made subject to a condition, i.e., the prerogative to
to attain work goals or work quotas, either by failing to complete the provide the company's employees with Saturday work based on the
c) a transfer becomes unlawful where it is motivated by
same within the allotted reasonable period, or by producing existence of operational necessity.
discrimination or bad faith or is effected as a form of
unsatisfactory results. This management prerogative of
punishment or is a demotion without suf icient cause; In the case at bar, CCBPI's employees were not illegally prevented
requiring standards may be availed of so long as they are
d) the employer must be able to show that the transfer is not from working on Saturdays. The company was simply exercising
exercised in good faith for the advancement of the employer's
unreasonable, inconvenient, or prejudicial to the employee its option not to schedule work pursuant to the CBA provision
which gave it the prerogative to do so. It therefore follows that the
Chateau Royale Sports & Country Club v. Balba, et al. 2017 principle of "no work, no pay" inds application in the instant case.
D. Bonus
The burden of proof lies in the employer to prove that the transfer Mega Magazine Publications v. Defensor 2014 F. Bona fide occupational qualifications
of the employee from one area of operation to another was for a valid
and legitimate ground, like genuine business necessity. The grant of a bonus or special incentive, being a management 1) To be considered a bona ide occupational quali ication, the
prerogative, is not a demandable and enforceable obligation, except policy must
The right of the employee to security of tenure does not give her a
when the bonus or special incentive
vested right to her position as to deprive management of its authority a) Serve a legitimate business purpose;
to transfer or re-assign her where she will be most useful. 1. is made part of the wage, salary or compensation of the
b) Be speci ic to the occupation at issue; and
employee, or
WON the transfer of respondents to petitioner's Manila of ice was a
c) Re lect an inherent quality that would reasonably
valid exercise of management prerogative. 2. is promised by the employer and expressly agreed upon by
the parties. guarantee work ef iciency.
YES. The transfer could not be validly assailed as a form of
constructive dismissal, for, as held in Benguet Electric Cooperative Bonus is a gratuity or act of liberality of the giver, and cannot be 2) Employment may not be limited to persons of a particular sex,
v. Fianza, management had the prerogative to determine the place considered part of an employee’s wages if it is paid only when pro its religion, or national origin unless the employer cas show that
where the employee is best quali ied to serve the interests of the are realized or a certain amount of productivity is achieved. If the such quali ications are necessary in the performance of the job
business given the quali ications, training and performance of the desired goal of production or actual work is not accomplished, the involved. Exceptions to BFOQ:
affected employee. bonus does not accrue.
a) Employment quali ication is reasonably related to
According to Abbot Laboratories (Phils.), Inc. v. NLRC, the
employee who has consented to the company's policy of hiring sales E. Change of working hours the essential operation of the job involved; and
staff willing to be assigned anywhere in the Philippines as demanded CCBPI v. Iloilo Coca-Cola Plant Employees Union 2018 b) There is a factual basis for believing that all or
by the employer's business has no reason to disobey the transfer substantially all persons meeting the quali ication
order of management. Verily, the right of the employee to security of WON scheduling Saturday work has ripened into a company
would be unable to properly perform the duties of the
tenure does not give her a vested right to her position as to deprive practice, the removal of which constituted a diminution of bene its.
management of its authority to transfer or re-assign her where she job.
NO. In Royal Plant Workers Union v. Coca-Cola Bottlers Philippines,
will be most useful.
Inc.-Cebu Plant, the Court had the occasion to rule that the term G. Post-employment restrictions
"bene its" mentioned in the non-diminution rule refers to
C. Productivity standards monetary bene its or privileges given to the employee with
1) An EE is prohibited after separation from joining a competitor.
monetary equivalents. Stated otherwise, the employee bene its VALID, subject to limitations as to duration and place.
Aliling v. Feliciano 2012

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2) Restrictive covenant clauses. — In determining whether the companies in the highly competitive pharmaceutical industry. c) Actors and actresses, directors, scriptwriters and
contract is reasonable or not, the following factors should be news correspondents who do not fall within the
considered: Coca-Cola Bottlers Phils Inc. v. CCBPI Sta Rosa Plant Employees de inition of the term “employee” in Sec 8 (d) of this
Union 2019 Act;
a) whether the covenant protects a legitimate business
interest of the employer; The employer does not have the prerogative to impose other d) Professional athletes, coaches, trainers and jockeys;
conditions on the amount of loan to be taken which does not and
b) whether the covenant creates an undue burden on involve its duty to collect and remit amortizations.
the employee; e) Individual farmers and ishermen.
In carrying out the 50% cap policy, petitioner effectively limits its
c) whether the covenant is injurious to the public employees on the utilization of their salaries when it is apparent that 2) OFWs, sea-based or land-based, are compulsory members
welfare; as long as the employee is quali ied to avail the same, he/she may as provided for under Sec 9-B.
apply for an SSS loan. This is in contravention with the
d) whether the time and territorial limitations contained prohibition on interfering with the disposal of wages under
2. Dependents and beneficiaries
in the covenant are reasonable; and Article 112 of the Labor Code. 1) The dependents shall be the following:
e) whether the restraint is reasonable from the a) The legal spouse entitled by law to receive support
standpoint of public policy. VII. SOCIAL LEGISLATION from the member;

H. Marriage between employees of b) The legitimate, legitimated or legally adopted, and
Social Security System Law
illegitimate child who is unmarried, not gainfully
competitor-employers Government Service Insurance System Law employed, and has not reached twenty-one (21) years
1) A policy prohibiting spouses from being employed in the same Limited Portability Law of age, or if over twenty-one (21) years of age, he is
company. There must be compelling business necessity for congenitally or while still a minor has been
Disability and Death bene its
which no alternative exists other than the discriminatory permanently incapacitated and incapable of
practice for it to be VALID. Solo Parents self-support, physically or mentally; and
Kasambahay c) The parent who is receiving regular support from the
2) Theories on Employment Discrimination
Agrarian Relations member.
a) Disparate Treatment — Plaintiff must prove that an
2) Primary Bene iciaries
employment policy is discriminating on its face; Universal Health Care
a) The dependent spouse until he or she remarries;
b) Disparate Impact — Plaintiff must prove that a A. Social Security System Law
b) the dependent legitimate, legitimated or legally
facially neutral policy has a disproportionate effect on
1. Coverage and exclusions adopted, and illegitimate children, In their absence,
a part of the class.
1) The SS Law mandates that all employees including 3) Secondary Bene iciaries
Duncan Assoc. of Detailman-PTGWO v. Glaxo Wellcome Phils.
kasambahays or domestic workers not over sixty (60) a) the dependent parents;
No reversible error can be ascribed to the Court of Appeals when it years of age shall be members of the SSS (Sec 9). The law
ruled that Glaxo’s policy prohibiting an employee from having a b) In the absence of all the foregoing, any other person
also mandates compulsory coverage of the Self-Employed
relationship with an employee of a competitor company is a valid designated by the member as his/her secondary
as stated in Sec 9-A which provides that self-employed
exercise of management prerogative. bene iciary.
includes, but not limited to, the following:
Glaxo has a right to guard its trade secrets, manufacturing formulas, a) All self-employed professionals;
marketing strategies and other con idential programs and
information from competitors, especially so that it and Astra are rival b) Partners and single proprietors of businesses;

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b) not exceeding one and one-half percent (1.5%) for and raises issues supported by documentary proofs which
were not considered in the course of inspection. It is obvious from the complaint that the plaintiffs have not alleged
self-earning, professional practitioners, and migrant
any unfair labor practice. Theirs is a simple action for damages for
workers. d. Under Art 233[227] of LC. — Enforcement of
tortious acts allegedly committed by the defendants. Such being the
compromise agreements when there is non-compliance case, the governing statute is the Civil Code and not the Labor Code.
by any of the parties thereto.
VIII. JURISDICTION AND REMEDIES Century Properties v. Babiano 2016
e. Under Art 276[262-A] of LC. — Issuance of writ of
Labor Arbiter The CA erred in limiting the "Con identiality of Documents and
execution to enforce decisions of VA or panel of VAs, in
Non-Compete Clause" only to acts done after the cessation of the
National Labor Relations Commission case of their absence or incapacity. employer-employee relationship or to the "post-employment"
Court of Appeals f. Under Sec 10 of RA 8042. — Money claims of OFWs relations of the parties. As clearly stipulated, the parties wanted to
arising out of EER by virtue of any law or contract, apply said clause during the pendency of Babiano's employment, and
Supreme Court CPI correctly invoked the same before the labor tribunals.
including claims of death and disability bene its and for
Bureau of Labor Relations damages. PAL v. ALPAP 2018
National Conciliation and Mediation Board g. Other cases as may be provided by law. PAL's cause of action is not grounded on mere acts of quasi-delict.
The claimed damages arose from the illegal strike and acts
DOLE Regional Directors
committed during the same which were in turn closely related and
Pepsi-Cola v. Gal-lang
DOLE Secretary intertwined with the respondents' allegations of unfair labor
The case involves a complaint for damages for malicious practices against PAL.
Voluntary Arbitrator prosecution which was iled with the RTC by the employees of the
The question of damages becomes a labor controversy and is
Prescription of Actions defendant company. It does not appear that there is a
therefore an employment relationship dispute.
"reasonable causal connection" between the complaint and the
A. Labor Arbiter relations of the parties as employer and employees. The Perpetual Help Credit Coop v. Faburada
complaint did not arise from such relations and in fact could have There is no evidence that private respondents are members of
1. Jurisdiction of the Labor Arbiter as distinguished arisen independently of an employment relationship between the petitioner PHCCI and even if they are, the dispute is about
from the Regional Director parties. This is a matter which the labor arbiter has no payment of wages, overtime pay, rest day and termination of
competence to resolve as the applicable law is not the Labor employment. Under Art. 217 of the Labor Code, these disputes are
a. Under Art 224[217] of LC Code but the Revised Penal Code. within the original and exclusive jurisdiction of the Labor
i. Unfair labor practice cases; San Miguel v. Etcuban Arbiter.
ii. Illegal dismissal; In the present case, while respondents insist that their action is for Austria v. NLRC
iii. Money claims > P5K; the declaration of nullity of their "contract of termination," what is The grounds invoked for petitioner's dismissal, namely:
inescapable is the fact that it is, in reality, an action for damages misappropriation of denominational funds, willful breach of
iv. Claims for damages arising from ER-EE relations; emanating from employer-employee relations. trust, serious misconduct, gross and habitual neglect of duties
and and commission of an offense against the person of his
Respondents' claim for damages is intertwined with their having
v. Legality of strikes and lockouts. employer's duly authorized representative, are all based on
been separated from their employment without just cause and,
Article 282 of the Labor Code which enumerates the just causes
b. Under Art 124 of LC. — Disputes involving legislated consequently, has a reasonable causal connection with their
for termination of employment. By this alone, it is palpable that
employer-employee relations with SMC. Accordingly, it cannot be
wage increases and wage distortion in unorganized the reason for petitioner's dismissal from the service is not religious
denied that respondents' claim falls under the jurisdiction of the
establishments not voluntarily settled. in nature.
labor arbiter as provided in paragraph 4 of Article 217.
c. Under Art 128(b) of LC. — Where the ER contests the The SDA cannot hide behind the mantle of protection of the doctrine
Indophil Textile Mills v. Adviento 2014 of separation of church and state to avoid its responsibilities as an
indings of the labor employment and enforcement of icer

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employer under the Labor Code.

Action by employer to recover unpaid loans of employees who were Conformably with Section 25 of the Corporation Code, a position
Silva v. NLRC dismissed. HSBC Ltd. Staff Retirement Plan v. Sps Broqueza 2010 must be expressly mentioned in the By-Laws in order to be
For a ULP case to be cognizable by the Labor Arbiter, and the NLRC considered as a corporate of ice. Thus, the creation of an of ice
The enforcement of a loan agreement involves "debtor-creditor
to exercise its appellate jurisdiction, the allegations in the complaint pursuant to or under a By-Law enabling provision is not enough to
relations founded on contract and does not in any way concern
should show prima facie the concurrence of two things, namely: make a position a corporate of ice.
employee relations. As such it should be enforced through a separate
1) gross violation of the CBA; AND civil action in the regular courts and not before the Labor Arbiter." Whoever are the corporate of icers enumerated in the by-laws are the
2) the violation pertains to the economic provisions of the exclusive Of icers of the corporation and the Board has no power to
Action for declaratory relief iled by female light attendants to
CBA. create other Of ices without amending irst the corporate By-laws.
question the constitutionality of their compulsory age of retirement
Sim v. NLRC at 55 compared to male workers. Halaguena v. PAL Real v. Sangu Phil 2011
Section 62 of the Omnibus Rules and Regulations provides that the Here, the petitioners' primary relief is the annulment of Section 144, The better policy to be followed in determining jurisdiction over a
Labor Arbiters of the NLRC shall have the original and exclusive Part A of the PAL-FASAP CBA, which allegedly discriminates against case should be to consider concurrent factors such as the status or
jurisdiction to hear and decide all claims arising out of EER or them for being female light attendants. The subject of litigation is relationship of the parties or the nature of the question that is subject
by virtue of any law or contract involving Filipino workers for incapable of pecuniary estimation, exclusively cognizable by of their controversy. In the absence of any one of these factors, the
overseas deployment including claims for actual, moral, exemplary the RTC. Being an ordinary civil action, the same is beyond the SEC (RTC) will not have jurisdiction.
and other forms of damages, subject to the rules and procedures of jurisdiction of labor tribunals.
the NLRC. When petitioner sought for reinstatement, he wanted to
The said issue cannot be resolved solely by applying the recover his position as Manager, a position which has been
International Management Services v. Logarta 2012 declared to be not a corporate position. The case is thus a
Labor Code. Rather, it requires the application of the Constitution,
In the case at bar, despite the fact that respondent was employed by labor statutes, law on contracts and the CEDAW, and the power to termination dispute and, consequently, falls under the jurisdiction
Petrocon as an OFW in Saudi Arabia, still both he and his employer apply and interpret the constitution and CEDAW is within the of the Labor Arbiter pursuant to Section 217 of the Labor Code.
are subject to the provisions of the Labor Code when applicable. The jurisdiction of trial courts, a court of general jurisdiction. Cacho v. Balagtas 2018
basic policy in this jurisdiction is that all Filipino workers, whether
employed locally or overseas, enjoy the protective mantle of Intracorporate vs Labor Dispute. Okol v. Slimmers World Under the nature of the controversy test, the disagreement must
Philippine labor and social legislations. Section 25 of the Corporation Code enumerates corporate of icers as not only be rooted in the existence of an intra-corporate relationship,
Action for damages by employer against employee who resigned the president, secretary, treasurer and such other of icers as may be but must as well pertain to the enforcement of the parties' correlative
short of 30 day prior notice. Eviota v. CA provided for in the by-laws. In Tabang v. NLRC, we held that an rights and obligations under the Corporation Code and the internal
"of ice" is created by the charter of the corporation and the of icer is and intra-corporate regulatory rules of the corporation.
Petitioner does not ask for any relief under the Labor Code of the
elected by the directors or stockholders. On the other hand, an It is clear that the termination complained of is intimately and
Philippines. It seeks to recover damages agreed upon in the contract
"employee" usually occupies no of ice and generally is employed inevitably linked to Balagtas's role as North Star's EVP. Balagtas's
as redress for private respondent’s breach of his contractual
not by action of the directors or stockholders but by the managing dismissal is an intra-corporate controversy, not a mere labor
obligation to its "damage and prejudice". Such cause of action is
of icer of the corporation who also determines the compensation to dispute.
within the realm of Civil Law, and jurisdiction over the controversy
be paid to such employee.
belongs to the regular courts. More so when we consider that the Ellao v. BATELEC 2018
stipulation refers to the post-employment relations of the parties. Here, petitioner was a director and of icer of Slimmers World. The
charges of illegal suspension, illegal dismissal, unpaid commissions, Here, the position of General Manager is expressly provided for under
Replevin case by ER against EE in Smart v. Astorga Article VI, Section 10 of BATELEC I's By-laws. It is therefore beyond
reinstatement and back wages imputed by petitioner against
SMART’s demand for payment of the market value of the car or, in the respondents fall squarely within the ambit of intra-corporate cavil that Ellao's position as General Manager is a cooperative of ice.
alternative, the surrender of the car, is not a labor, but a civil dispute. disputes. Accordingly, his complaint for illegal dismissal partakes of the nature
It involves the relationship of debtor and creditor rather than of an intra-cooperative controversy.
Corporate Of icers. Matling Industrial and Commercial Corp v.
employee-employer relations. As such, the dispute falls within the
Coros 2010
jurisdiction of the regular courts.

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2. Requirements to perfect appeal to NLRC d) In 3 legibly typewritten or printed copies; and The mere iling of a motion to reduce bond without
accompanied by: complying with the requisites in the preceding paragraphs
1) Decisions, awards or order of LA shall be F&E unless
i) Proof of payment of the required appeal fee shall not stop the running of the period to perfect an
appealed to NLRC within 10 cal days from receipt thereof.
and legal research fee; appeal.
2) In case of decisions or resolutions of RD pursuant to Art
ii) Posting of a cash or surety bond as 10) Prohibited appeals:
129, within 5 cal days.
provided in Sec 6; and a) Appeal from any interlocutory order of the LA
3) If last day falls on a weekend or holiday, move to the next
iii) Proof of service upon the other parties denying a motion:
working day.
9) Appeal from Decision involving monetary award may be i) To dismiss;
4) No motion or request for extension shall be allowed.
perfected only upon the posting of a bond (Sec 6) which ii) To inhibit;
5) Grounds for appeal:
shall either be in the form of iii) For issuance of writ or execution, or
a) Prima facie evidence of abuse of discretion on the a) Cash deposit; or iv) To quash writ of execution;
part of LA or RD;
b) Surety bond b) Appeal from the issuance of a certi icate of inality
b) Decision, award or order secured through fraud or
Equivalent in amount to the monetary award exclusive of of decision by LA;
coercion, including graft and corruption;
damages and attorney’s fees. c) Appeal from orders issued by LA in the course of
c) If made purely on questions of law; and/or
In case of surety bond, the same shall be issued by a execution proceedings.
d) If serious errors in the indings of facts are raised
reputable bonding company duly accredited by the
which may cause grave and irreparable damage or 3. Reinstatement and/or execution pending appeal
Commission, and shall be accompanied by original or
injury to appellant. certi ied true copies of the following: 1) Sec 12 Rule XI, supra. — In case the decision includes an
6) To be iled with the Regional Arbitration Branch of the order of reinstatement, and the employer disobeys the
a) a joint declaration under oath by the employer,
Regional Of ice where the case was heard and decided. directive under the second paragraph of Section 19 of Rule
his/her counsel, and the bonding company, attesting
V or refuses to reinstate the dismissed employee, the Labor
7) No appeal from interlocutory order shall be entertained. that the bond posted is genuine, and shall be effective
Arbiter shall immediately issue writ of execution, even
(Sec 10 Rule VI, supra). until inal disposition of the case;
pending appeal, directing the employer
8) REQUISITES (Sec 4): b) an indemnity agreement between the
a) to immediately reinstate the dismissed employee
a) Filed within the reglementary period; employer-appellant and bonding company;
either physically or in the payroll, and
b) Veri ied by the appellant in accordance to Sec 4 Rule 7 c) proof of security deposit or collateral securing the
b) to pay the accrued salaries as a consequence of such
of RoC; bond: provided, that a check shall not be considered as
non-reinstatement in the amount speci ied in the
an acceptable security; and,
c) In the form of a memorandum of appeal which shall decision.
d) notarized board resolution or secretary’s
i) State the grounds relied upon and 2) The Labor Arbiter shall motu proprio issue a
certi icate from the bonding company showing its
corresponding writ to satisfy the reinstatement wages as
ii) The arguments in support thereof, authorized signatories and their specimen signatures.
they accrue until actual reinstatement or reversal of the
iii) The relief prayed for, and NO motion to reduce bond shall be entertained order of reinstatement. (En Banc Resolution No. 11-12,
iv) With a statement of the date the appellant except on meritorious grounds, and only upon the posting Series of 2012)
received the appealed decision, award or of a bond in a reasonable amount in relation to the
3) The Sheriff shall serve the writ of execution upon the
order; monetary award.
employer or any other person required by law to obey the

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same. If he/she disobeys the writ, such employer or disputes involving both local and overseas workers through Turks Shawarma Company v. Pajaron, et al. 2017
person may be cited for contempt in accordance with Rule compulsory arbitration and alternative modes of dispute re Reduction of Appeal Bond
IX. resolution.
The liberal interpretation of the rules applies only to justi iable
4) Sec 19(2) Rule V. In case the decision of the Labor Arbiter 4) Extraordinary Remedies. —
causes and meritorious circumstances.
includes an order of reinstatement, it shall likewise a) Petition to annul or modify order or resolution, with the The posting of cash or surety bond is mandatory and
contain: following grounds: jurisdictional; failure to comply with this requirement renders the
a) a statement that the reinstatement aspect is i) Prima facie evidence of abuse of discretion; decision of the Labor Arbiter inal and executory.
immediately executory; and WON CA erred in af irming the NLRC's dismissal of petitioners'
ii) Serious errors in the indings of facts;
b) a directive for the employer to submit a report of appeal.
iii) A party, by fraud, accident, mistake or excusable NO. It is clear from both the Labor Code and the NLRC Rules of
compliance within ten (10) calendar days from receipt
of the said decision. negligence has been prevented from taking an Procedure that there is legislative and administrative intent to strictly
appeal; apply the appeal bond requirement, and the Court should give utmost
Malcaba et al. v. Prohealth Pharma Phils. 2018 Leonen, J regard to this intention. However, the Court, in special and justi ied
iv) Purely on Questions of law; or
circumstances, has relaxed the requirement of posting a supersedeas
Before any labor tribunal takes cognizance of termination disputes, it
v) Order or resolution will cause injustice if not bond.
must irst have jurisdiction over the action. The Labor Arbiter and the
NLRC only exercise jurisdiction over termination disputes between recti ied. The reduction of the appeal bond is allowed, subject to the
an employer and an employee. They do not exercise jurisdiction over ★ Not later than 10 cal days from receipt of order of LA, following conditions:
termination disputes between a corporation and a corporate of icer. aggrieved party may ile the petition before the NLRC, 1. the motion to reduce the bond shall be based on meritorious
furnishing a copy to the adverse party. grounds; and
B. National Labor Relations Commission 2. a reasonable amount in relation to the monetary award is
b) Injunctive relief — writ of preliminary injunction;
1) Original and Exclusive Jurisdiction (OEJ) posted by the appellant.
c) Temporary restraining order.
a) Petition for Injunction in ordinary labor disputes Here, petitioners' motion to reduce bond was not predicated on
C.I.C.M Mission Seminaries School of Theology Inc. v. Perez 2017 meritorious and reasonable grounds and the amount tendered is not
b) Petition for Injunction on strikes or lockouts (Art 279) reasonable in relation to the award.
In the event the aspect of reinstatement is disputed, backwages,
c) Certi ied cases which refer to labor disputes causing or In the case of McBurnie v. Ganzon, the Court has set a provisional
including separation pay, shall be computed from the time of
likely to cause a strike or lockout in an industry dismissal until the inality of the decision ordering the separation percentage of 10% of the monetary award (exclusive of
indispensable to the national interest, certi ied to it by pay. damages and attorney's fees) as reasonable amount of bond that an
the SOLE for compulsory arbitration pursuant to Art appellant should post pending resolution by the NLRC of a motion for
278(g). The rule is, if the LA's decision, which granted separation pay in lieu a bond's reduction. Only after the posting of this required percentage
of reinstatement, is appealed by any party, the employer-employee shall an appellant's period to perfect an appeal be suspended.
d) Petition to annul or modify the order or resolution of the relationship subsists and until such time when decision becomes
LA. inal and executory, the employee is entitled to all the monetary Dutch Movers Inc. v. Lequin, et al. 2017
2) Exclusive Appellate Jurisdiction (EAJ) awards awarded by the LA.
WON petitioners are personally liable to pay the judgment awards in
It has been settled that no essential change is made by a favor of respondents.
a) All cases decided by the LA;
recomputation as this step is a necessary consequence that
b) Cases decided by DOLE RD or hearing of icers involving lows from the nature of the illegality of dismissal declared in YES. Valderrama v. NLRC, and David v. Court of Appeals are
small money claims under Art 129 that decision. By the nature of an illegal dismissal case, the applicable here. In said cases, the Court held that the principle of
reliefs continue to add on until full satisfaction thereof. immutability of judgment, or the rule that once a judgment has
3) The NLRC is a quasi-judicial body tasked to promote and become inal and executory, the same can no longer be altered or
maintain industrial peace by resolving labor and management modi ied and the court's duty is only to order its execution, is not

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absolute. One of its exceptions is when there is a supervening Pacios et al., v. Tahanang Walang Hagdanan 2018 Leonen, J
3. reliance on a notice of judgment that failed to state that a
event occurring after the judgment becomes inal and executory, bond must irst be iled in order to appeal. In authorizing execution pending appeal of the reinstatement
which renders the decision unenforceable.
Rosewood Processing v. NLRC likewise enumerated other instances aspect of a decision of the Labor Arbiter reinstating a dismissed or
Doble, Jr. v. ABB Inc. 2017 where there would be a liberal application of the procedural rules: separated employee, the law itself has laid down a compassionate
Some of these cases include:
The provision states that either a legible duplicate original or WON the Court of Appeals erred in af irming the suspension of the
certi ied true copy thereof shall be submitted. If what is submitted is 1. counsel's reliance on the footnote of the notice of the
execution proceedings.
a copy, then it is required that the same is certi ied by the proper decision of the labor arbiter that the aggrieved party may
of icer of the court, tribunal, agency or of ice involved or his appeal within ten (10) working days; YES. The more relevant rule in this case is Rule XI, Section 3 of the
duly-authorized representative. The purpose for this requirement is NLRC Rules, which provides:
2. fundamental consideration of substantial justice;
not dif icult to see. It is to assure that such copy is a faithful Section 3. Effect of Perfection of Appeal on Execution. —
3. prevention of miscarriage of justice or of unjust enrichment;
reproduction of the judgment, order, resolution or ruling subject of The perfection of an appeal shall stay the execution of the
the petition. decision of the Labor Arbiter except execution for
4. special circumstances of the case combined with its legal reinstatement pending appeal.
Genpact Services Inc. v. Santos-Falceso 2017 merits or the amount and the issue involved.
Execution may be authorized even pending appeal. This Court
Despite their failure to collect on the appeal bond, petitioners do not inds that the principles allowing execution pending appeal invoked
The 2011 NLRC Rules of Procedure, as amended, provides, among
deny that they were eventually able to garnish the amount from in Aris are equally applicable here as petitioners are poor employees,
others, that the remedy of iling a motion for reconsideration may be
respondents' bank deposits. Respondents are considered to have deprived of their only source of livelihood for years and reduced to
availed of once by EACH party.
substantially complied with the requirements on the posting of an begging on the streets. In view of their dire straits and since the NLRC
Malcaba et al. v. Prohealth Pharma Phils. 2018 Leonen, J appeal bond. has already ruled twice on the case in a way that supports the release
of the supersedeas bond, it is proper to continue with execution
In appeals of illegal dismissal cases, employers are strictly mandated Consolidated Distillers of Far East v. Zaragoza 2018
proceedings in this case despite a pending motion for
to ile an appeal bond to perfect their appeals. Substantial reconsideration.
When there is a supervening event that renders reinstatement
compliance, however, may merit liberality in its application.
impossible, backwages is computed from the time of dismissal until
WON CA should have dismissed outright the Petition for Certiorari the inality of the decision ordering separation pay. C. Court of Appeals
since respondents failed to post a genuine appeal bond before the
WON Court of Appeals committed reversible error in reckoning the Bugaoisan v. Owi Group et al. 2018
period of back wages and separation pay until inality of the decision
NO. In labor cases, an appeal by an employer is perfected only by of this case and not until the time, the supervening event and legal The CA is only tasked to determine whether or not the NLRC
iling a bond equivalent to the monetary award. impossibility to reinstate arose in this case. committed grave abuse of discretion in its appreciation of factual
issues presented before it by any parties. The CA is not given
Procedural rules require that the appeal bond iled be "genuine." An NO. The Court agrees with the CA that Condis is liable for backwages
unbridled discretion to modify factual indings of the NLRC and LA,
appeal bond determined by the NLRC to be "irregular or not genuine" and separation pay until the inality of the decision awarding
especially when such matters have not been assigned as errors nor
shall cause the immediate dismissal of the appeal. separation pay as ruled in Bani.
raised in the pleadings.
In Quiambao v. NLRC, this Court held that the mandatory and Here, the award of separation pay in lieu of reinstatement was made
jurisdictional requirement of the iling of an appeal bond could be subsequent to the inality of the Decision in the Illegal Dismissal
relaxed if there was substantial compliance. Quiambao proceeded Case. Condis cannot therefore evade its liability to Rogel for
to outline situations that could be considered as substantial backwages and separation pay computed until the inality of this
compliance, such as Decision which af irms the order granting separation pay.
1. late payment, For Olympia Housing v. Lapastora to apply, the employer must
2. failure of the LA to state the exact amount of money prove the closure of its business in full and complete compliance
judgment due, and with all statutory requirements prior to the date of the inality of the
award of backwages and separation pay.

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be the subject of grievance procedure and/or voluntary

D. Supreme Court arbitration.
2) The Bureau shall have ifteen (15) working days to act on
labor cases before it, subject to extension by agreement of the
3) ARTICLE 245. Cancellation of Registration. — The
certi icate of registration of any legitimate labor organization,
whether national or local, may be cancelled by the Bureau.
4) The BLR and the labor relations divisions in the regional
of ices have original and exclusive authority to act motu
proprio or upon request on:
a) Inter-union disputes or representation disputes
— refer to cases involving petition for certi ication
election iled by a duly registered labor org which
seeks to be the sole and exclusive bargaining agent in
an establishment.
b) Intra-union disputes or internal union disputes —
disputes or grievances arising from any violation of or
disagreement over any provision of the constitution
and by-laws of the union, including violations on
conditions of union membership as per LC.
c) All disputes, grievances arising from or affecting
labor-management relations; except those arising
from interpretation or implementation of CBA which
are subject to grievance procedure and/or
E. Bureau of Labor Relations voluntary arbitration.

1) ARTICLE 232. The Bureau of Labor Relations and the Labor F. National Conciliation and Mediation Board
Relations Divisions in the regional of ices of the Department of
1. Jurisdiction
Labor shall have original and exclusive authority to act, at
their own initiative or upon request of either or both parties, 1) The agency attached to DOLE principally in-charge of the
on all inter-union and intra-union con licts, and all settlement of labor disputes through conciliation,
disputes, grievances or problems arising from or mediation, and promotion of voluntary approaches to
labor dispute prevention and settlement.
affecting labor-management relations in all
workplaces, whether agricultural or non-agricultural, 2) Salient Points of RA 10396

except those arising from the implementation or a) LA or the appropriate DOLE Agency that has
interpretation of collective bargaining agreements which shall jurisdiction over the dispute shall only entertain only

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endorsed or referred cases by the duly authorized 6) Cognizance over referred RFAs — LA or appropriate authorized representative of a legitimate labor
of icer. DOLE agency. organization in the establishment on grounds of
b) Any or both parties to the dispute may pre-terminate unfair labor practice.
7) For enforcement of settlement agreements through
the C-M and request referral to the appropriate DOLE c) The employer or any authorized representative in
DOLE RO, the requesting party may request for the
Agency, or if both agree, refer the unresolved issue issuance of a writ of execution or the conduct of cases of bargaining deadlocks and unfair labor
for VA. compliance visit. practices.
3) Salient Provisions of SEnA IRR or DOLE DO No 151-16 3) Where to ile. — A request for preventive mediation,
2. Conciliation as distinguished from mediation
a) All issues arising from labor and employment shall be notice of strike or lockout shall be iled through personal
1) Conciliation — is a mild form of intervention by a neutral service or by registered mail/private couriers with the
subject to the 30-day mandatory conciliation-
third party, the Conciliator-Mediator, who relying on his Regional Branch having jurisdiction over the workplace of
mediation. EXC:
persuasive expertise, takes an active role in assisting the union members.
i) Notices of strike/lockout or preventive parties by trying to keep disputants talking, facilitating
4) Conversion of Notice Strike/Lockout to Preventive
mediation cases with the National Conciliation other procedural niceties, carrying messages back and
Mediation — in converting a notice of strike or lockout to
and Mediation Board (NCMB); forth between the parties, and generally being a good
a preventive mediation case, the guidelines shall be
ii) Issues arising from the interpretation or fellow who tries to keep things calm and forward-looking
implementation of the collective bargaining in a tense situation.
agreement and those arising from 2) Mediation — is a mild intervention by a neutral third G. DOLE Regional Directors
interpretation or enforcement of company party, the Conciliator-Mediator, who advises the parties or 1. Jurisdiction
personnel policies which should be processed offers solutions or alternatives to the problems with the
through the grievance machinery. end in view of assisting them towards voluntarily reaching Of ice Basis Jurisdiction
iii) Applications for exemption from Wage Orders their own mutually acceptable settlement of the dispute.
DOLE Art Recovery of wages, simple money claims and
with the National Wages and Productivity 3. Preventive mediation RD 129 other bene its
Commission (NWPC)
1) Preventive Mediation Cases refer to labor disputes VA Art All unresolved grievances arising from the
iv) Violations of POEA Rules and Regulations
which are the subject of a formal or informal request for 261 interpretation and implementation of the CBA
4) Co-conciliation-mediation. — Coordinated C-M by two or conciliation and mediation assistance sought by either or except those gross in character;
more SEADs shall be observed if the RFA is iled with the both parties or upon the initiative of the Board. Cases arising from interpretation or enforcement
SEAD most convenient to the requesting party but outside of company personnel policies
2) Who may ile a request for Preventive Mediation,
the region where the employer principally operates, the
Notice of Strike or Lockout. — the following may ile a Art All other labor disputes including ULP and
SEADO shall entertain the same and co-conciliate-mediate
request for preventive mediation, notice of strike or 262 bargaining deadlocks, upon agreement of the
with the SEAD of the region where the employer parties
principally operates.
a) The president or any authorized representative of SOLE Art Within 24 hours from knowledge of an occurrence
5) Consolidation of RFA. — Where two or more RFAs
a certi ied or duly recognized bargaining 263(g) of a labor dispute causing or likely to cause a
involving the same responding party and issues are
representative in cases of bargaining deadlocks strike or lockout in an industry indispensable to
iled before different SEADs within the same the national interest, SOLE may assume
and unfair labor practices.
region/of ice/unit, the RFAs shall be consolidated before jurisdiction, decide on the dispute or certify the
the irst SEAD taking cognizance of the RFAs, when b) In the absence of a certi ied or duly recognized
same to NLRC for compulsory arbitration.
practicable. bargaining representative, the president or any

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Police power - Inspection and Quasi-judicial - Adjudication 8. ER may appeal with the NLRC within 5 calendar days from
1) Art 129. The RD or any of the duly authorized hearing
issuance of orders to compel through summary proceedings receipt of decision. Appeal must be with cash or security bond.
of icers of DOLE have jurisdiction over claims for
recovery of wages, simple money claims and other 9. ER may the ile MR from an adverse decision of the NLRC;
bene its, provided that: Enforcement of labor legislation Monetary claims which only 10. Petition for Certiorari under Rule 65 to the CA not later than 60
a) Claim arises from ER-EE Relationship; in general involve labor standards law days from notice;
b) Claimant does not seek reinstatement; Offshoots of inspections done by Sworn complaints by interested 11. Appeal by certiorari under Rule 45 to the SC within 15 days
labor of icers or safety engineers party from notice on pure questions of law.
c) Aggregate money claim of each <=P5K.
2) ARTICLE 268. Representation Issue in Organized Involves employees still in Present or past employees at the Enforcement Power on Health and Safety of Workers
Establishments. — In organized establishments, when a service time of complaint provided there 1. An inspection is made via Art 128;
veri ied petition questioning the majority status of is no demand for reinstatement
2. Non-compliance was discovered that poses grave and
the incumbent bargaining agent is iled, the
No maximum monetary amount Claim per claimant not to exceed imminent danger to the health and safety of workers in
Med-Arbiter shall automatically order an election by P5K the workplace.
secret ballot.
Exercised by SOLE or any of his RD or any duly authorized 3. SOLE may order stoppage of work or suspension of operations
3) ARTICLE 269. Petitions in Unorganized
duly authorized representatives, hearing of icer of DOLE of unit or department concerned;
Establishments. — In any establishment where there is
i.e. the RD 4. Within 24 hours, a hearing shall be conducted to determine
no certi ied bargaining agent, a CERTIFICATION
ELECTION shall automatically be conducted by the whether said stoppage order shall be lifted or not.
Appealable to SOLE, then to CA Appealable to NLRC
Med-Arbiter. a. If violation is attributable to ER, he shall pay the
4) Appeal to NLRC within 5 cal days from receipt of copy of
Recovery of Wages and Simple Money Claims wages of EEs during the period of stoppage or
decision. 1. Requisites: suspension of operations.

5) NLRC to resolve within 10 cal days from submission of a. Claimant is an employee or domestic worker; b. Suspension should not exceed 6 months.
last pleading. b. Claim does not exceed P5K; 5. see RA 11058, Strengthening Compliance with
6) Grounds for appeal (Art 229) Occupational Safety & Health Standards;
c. No claim of reinstatement;
a) Prima facie evidence of abuse of discretion; 6. SEC. 23. Payment of Workers During Work Stoppage Due to
d. Claim arose from ER-EE relationship.
Imminent Danger. — If stoppage of work due to imminent
b) Decision, order or award secured through fraud or 2. Employee iles a pro-forma complaint with the RD; danger occurs as a result of the employer's violation or
coercion, including graft and corruption; fault, the employer shall pay the workers concerned their
3. RD dockets the complaint as simple money claim;
c) Made purely on questions of law; wages during the period of such stoppage of work or
4. RD issues summons served upon employer as respondent,
d) Serious errors in the indings of facts. suspension of operations.
together with the copy of complaint;
7. In National Mines and Allied Workers Union v. Marcopper
2. Recovery and adjudicatory power 5. ER is given 5 calendar days to answer;
Mining, if the suspension of operations was ordered by a
Visitorial and Enforcement 6. After receiving the answer, RD calls for a summary hearing; government agency other than the DOLE, the general "no work,
Simple Money Claim
Power no pay" rule should prevail with respect to employees' wages
7. RD decides within 30 calendar days from date of iling of the
complaint; during the suspension period, subject to existing CBA terms on
Art 128 Art 129
leave credits and similar bene its of employees.

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8. DOLE D.O. No. 198, S. 2018, distinguished from Bona ide Commission or the voluntary arbitrator shall be inal and executory 11) Should employer be able to validly contest NIR, the
suspension of operations (Art 301). ten (10) calendar days after receipt thereof by the parties. proceeding becomes adversarial:

Closure of Business under RA 9231 a) RD will endorse the case to RAB of NLRC;
2. Visitorial and enforcement powers b) Endorsed to LA;
DOLE DC 03-09
1) There is a report on non-compliance of employer; c) May be appealed to NLRC within 10 days from receipt
SOLE or RD may order closure of business found to have violated
any provisions of RA 9231 more than 3 times. 2) Upon receipt by SOLE or RD, there will be an ORDER OF of Decision; MR allowed within 10 days;
INSPECTION; d) Petition for Certiorari under Rule 65 to the CA not later
GR: Prior notice and hearing is required before issuance of
such Closure Order, unless: 3) The inspection will be implemented by a Labor and than 60 days from notice;
Employment Of icer who will then visit the employer’s e) Appeal by certiorari under Rule 45 to the SC within 15
premises and conduct inspection. days from notice on pure questions of law.
a. Violation resulted to death, insanity, or serious physical
4) Inspector will make an INSPECTION REPORT should 12) see DOLE D.O. No. 183, S. 2017
injury to a child employed;
there be violation or non-compliance.
b. Prostitution or obscene or lewd shows; or 13) In People’s Broadcasting Service v. SOLE 2012 En Banc,
a) Embodied in a NOTICE OF INSPECTION RESULTS; the issue was WON the SOLE, in exercising his visitorial
c. There is imminent danger in the life and limb of a child.
b) All violations will be enumerated therein. power, can determine the existence of ER-EE relationship.
Under any such circumstance, SOLE or RD must, within 5 working YES.
5) Employer is then informed of the results of the inspection;
days from receipt of complaint, order immediate closure.
14) In Balladares v. Peak Ventures, the worker need not
6) Employer is given the opportunity to comply within 7
A close-now-hear-later process is to be adhered to, which shall be litigate to get what legally belongs to him, for the whole
days; OR
summary in nature. enforcement machinery of the DOLE exists to insure its
7) Employer may contest the NIR and raise issues which expeditious delivery to him free of charge.
H. DOLE Secretary cannot be resolved without considering DOCUMENTARY
15) Exception clause of Art 128. — In Meteoro v. Creative
1. Jurisdiction PROOFS that are not veri iable in the normal course of the
Creatures, respondent contested the indings of the labor
ARTICLE 278. Strikes, Picketing, and Lockouts. xxxx inspector during and after the inspection and raised issues
8) Should the employer fail to contest, as well as fails to the resolution of which necessitated the examination of
(g) When, in his opinion, there exists a labor dispute causing or comply to the NIR, RD will then issue an ORDER OF evidentiary matters not veri iable in the normal course of
likely to cause a strike or lockout in an industry indispensable COMPLIANCE; inspection. Hence, the Regional Director was divested of
to the national interest, the SOLE may assume jurisdiction over
9) Employer has the following remedies from said order: jurisdiction and should have endorsed the case to the
the dispute and decide it or certify the same to the Commission for appropriate Arbitration Branch of the NLRC.
compulsory arbitration. xxxx a) Appeal to SOLE within 10 calendar days, with bond;
b) Motion for reconsideration with the RD within 7 3. Power to suspend effects of termination
(h) Before or at any stage of the compulsory arbitration process, the
parties may opt to submit their dispute to voluntary arbitration. calendar days; ARTICLE 292. Miscellaneous Provisions. — xxxx
c) If beyond 7 but not beyond 10 days, considered an (b) xxxx The Secretary of the Department of Labor and Employment
(i) The SOLE, the Commission or the voluntary arbitrator or panel of
appeal from RD to SOLE. may suspend the effects of the termination pending resolution of
voluntary arbitrators shall decide or resolve the dispute within
thirty (30) calendar days from the date of the assumption of 10) Failure to ile MR within reglementary period will make the dispute in the event of a prima facie inding by the appropriate
jurisdiction or the certi ication or submission of the dispute, as order FINAL AND EXECUTORY. of icial of the DOLE before whom such dispute is pending that the
the case may be. The decision of the President, the SOLE, the termination

Based on the Books of Cruz, Bernas, Largo, Gujilde, Sarmiento, Kato, Azucena By RGL 214 of 216
POLxLAB PRE-WEEK NOTES For WEEK 1 of the 2020_21 #BestBarEver

Appeal to NLRC, who merely reviews for errors of fact or law. b) those arising from the interpretation or
1. may cause a serious labor dispute or
enforcement of company personnel policies
2. is in implementation of a mass lay-off.
1. Jurisdiction c) wage distortion issues arising from the application
of any wage orders in organized establishments,
4. Remedies ARTICLE 274. Jurisdiction of Voluntary Arbitrators and Panel of
Voluntary Arbitrators. — The Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of d) unresolved grievances arising from the interpretation
1) The indings of the DOLE, may still be questioned and implementation of the productivity incentive
Voluntary Arbitrators shall have original and exclusive
through a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of the programs under R.A. 6971
jurisdiction to hear and decide
Rules of Court. NOT to the NLRC, but to the CA.
2) Concurrent. — All other labor disputes including ULP and
1. all unresolved grievances arising from the
I. Voluntary Arbitrator bargaining deadlocks, upon agreement of the parties.
interpretation or implementation of the CBA and
Before or at any stage of compulsory arbitration, parties
Compulsory Voluntary 2. those arising from the interpretation or enforcement of may opt to submit to VA instead.
company personnel policies.
De inition The law declares the Contractual proceeding 3) Voluntary arbitration. — a mode of settling labor
dispute subject to wherein the parties, to obtain a Accordingly, violations of a CBA, except those which are gross in management disputes by which the parties select a
arbitration, speedy and inexpensive inal competent, trained and impartial person who shall decide
character, shall no longer be treated as unfair labor practice and shall
regardless of consent disposition of the matter,
be resolved as grievances under the CBA. on the merits of the case and whose decision is inal,
select a judge of their own
of the parties. executory and binding.
choice and by consent, submit For purposes of this article, gross violations of CBA shall mean
their controversy to him. lagrant and/or malicious refusal to comply with the economic 4) Grievance handling
provisions of such agreement. a) An employee shall present this grievance or complaint
Done by Labor Arbiter, Voluntary Arbitrator, an
clothed with original impartial 3rd person named by The Commission, its Regional Of ices and the Regional Directors of orally or in writing to the shop steward.
and exclusive both parties the DOLE shall not entertain disputes, grievances or matters under b) If the grievance is valid, the shop steward shall
jurisdiction (Art the exclusive and original jurisdiction of the Voluntary Arbitrator or
immediately bring the complaint to the employee's
217) panel of Voluntary Arbitrators and shall immediately dispose and
immediate supervisor.
refer the same to the Grievance Machinery or Voluntary Arbitration
Nature Adversarial; initiated May be done prior to or during c) If no settlement is reached, the grievance shall be
provided in the CBA.
by a complaint. compulsory arbitration; referred to the grievance committee which shall have
ten (10) days to decide the case.
Settlement of labor
disputes by a Private judicial system; ARTICLE 275. Jurisdiction over Other Labor Disputes. — The 5) Grievance; Concept and Scope. — Refers to any question
government Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary Arbitrators, upon by either the employer or the union regarding
agency. Non-litigious, not governed by agreement of the parties, shall also hear and decide all other labor
a) the interpretation or implementation of any provision
technical ROC, but still disputes including unfair labor practices and bargaining deadlocks.
observes due process. of the collective bargaining agreement or
1) Exclusive and original. — b) interpretation or enforcement of company personnel
Initiated Complaint; to be a) Submission agreement;
a) all unresolved grievances arising from the policies or
by answered by other b) Demand or Notice,
party. invoking a CBA clause; implementation or interpretation of the collective c) any claim by either party that the other party is
c) Or both bargaining agreements and violating any provision of the CBA or company
personnel policies.

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POLxLAB PRE-WEEK NOTES For WEEK 1 of the 2020_21 #BestBarEver

6) Grievance machinery; Unresolved grievances. — Refers The 10-day period stated in Article 276 should be understood as the
to the internal rules of procedures established by the period within which the party adversely affected by the ruling of the
parties in their CBA with voluntary arbitration as the Voluntary Arbitrators or Panel of Arbitrators may ile a motion for
terminal step, which are intended to resolve all issues reconsideration. Only after the resolution of the motion for
arising from the implementation and interpretation of their reconsideration may the aggrieved party appeal to the CA by iling the
petition for review under Rule 43 of the Rules of Court within 15
collective agreement and the company personnel policies
days from notice pursuant to Section 4 of Rule 43.
or company rules and regulations.
7) Company Personnel Policies. — are guiding principles J. Prescription of Actions
stated in broad, long-range terms that express the
1. Illegal dismissal — In illegal dismissal cases, the EE is given
philosophy or beliefs of an organization’s top authority
a period of FOUR (4) YEARS from the time of his illegal
regarding personnel matters. They deal with matters
dismissal within which to institute the complaint (Art 1146,
a) Affecting ef iciency and well-being of employees and NCC);
b) Include the procedures in the administration of 2. Money claims — THREE (3) YEARS from the time the action
i) Wages, accrued;
ii) Bene its, 3. Unfair Labor Practice — ONE (1) YEAR from accrual;
iii) Promotions, 4. Penal provisions under LC — THREE (3) YEARS;
iv) Transfer and other personnel movement. 5. Illegal Recruitment. — FIVE (5) years:
Which are not spelled out in the CBA.
If involving economic sabotage shall prescribe in twenty
8) Nature of proceedings. — The proceedings before a
(20) years.
voluntary arbitrator are non-litigious in nature. They are
not governed by technical rules applicable to court or 6. Execution of Judgment — FIVE (5) YEARS.
judicial proceedings, but they must, at all times, comply 7. For complaint of illegal dismissal with money claims, the
with the requirements of due process. action for money claim shall still prescribe in 3 years, although
9) Decision of voluntary arbitrator, and prohibited it is only an accessory to the principal complaint of illegal
motion. — THE decision of THE voluntary arbitrator dismissal which prescribes in 4 years.
SHALL BE inal and executory after ten (10) calendar
8. Backwages as a relief for illegal dismissal is
days from receipt of the copy of the decision by the
9. Separation pay and retirement bene its is akin to money
2. Remedies
1) The petition for review shall be iled within 15 days
pursuant to Section 4, Rules 43 of the Rules of Court;
2) Rule 45, procedure before the SC.
Guagua National Colleges v. CA 2018 En Banc

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CIVxTAX PRE-WEEK NOTES For the 2020/21 #BestBarEver

b. In quasi-delicts Quick Survey of Latest Jurisprudence d. Sps Batalla v. Prudential Bank 2019
e. Sps Mañas v. Nicolasora 2020 Leonen, J re Tacita
Actual damages include all the natural and probable consequences 1. Persons and Family Relations reconduccion vis-a-vis Right of First Refusal
of the act or omission complained of.
a. Nullada v. Civil Registrar of Manila 2019 f. International Exchange Bank v. Sps Briones 2017
The contributory negligence of the plaintiff shall reduce the
b. Arreza v. Toyo 2019 Leonen, J Leonen, J
damages that he may recover.
c. Go-Yu v. Yu 2019 6. Credit Transactions
c. In contracts and quasi-contracts
d. Tan-Andal v. Andal 2021 En Banc Leonen, J a. Sps Yulo v. BPI 2019 Leonen, J
The damages for which the obligor who acted in good faith is liable
shall be those that are the natural and probable consequences of the e. De Guzman y Jumaquio v. People 2019 Leonen, J b. Sps Batolinio v. Yap-Rosas 2019
breach of the obligation, and which the parties have foreseen or f. Simundac-Keppel v. Keppel 2019 c. Pineda v. Vda De Vega 2019 supra
could have reasonably foreseen at the time the obligation was
constituted. g. Santos v. Santos 2019 d. Chavez v. Maybank PH 2019

In case of fraud, bad faith, malice or wanton attitude, the obligor h. Heirs of Fabillar v. Paller 2019 e. Sps Bernardo v. Union Bank 2019
shall be responsible for all damages which may be reasonably i. In re Adoption of Bulayo 2019 7. Torts and Damages
attributed to the non-performance of the obligation. (Art 2201)
2. Property a. VDM Trading v. Carungcong 2019
In contracts, quasi-contracts, and quasi-delicts, the court may
equitably mitigate the damages under circumstances other than the a. Eversley Childs Sanitarium v. Sps Barbarona 2018 b. Heirs of Asis, Jr. v. G.G. Sportswear Manufacturing
case referred to in the preceding article, as in the following Leonen, J 2019
instances: b. Republic v. Sps Llamas 2017 Leonen, J c. BNL Management v. Uy 2019 Leonen, J
1) That the plaintiff himself has contravened the terms of the 3. Succession d. Guy v. Tulfo 2019 Leonen, J
a. Sps Salitico v. Heirs of Felix 2019 e. Meralco v. Nordec PH 2018 Leonen, J
2) That the plaintiff has derived some bene it as a result of
the contract; b. In re Probate of Will of Santiago Garcia 2020 References and Sources:
3) In cases where exemplary damages are to be awarded, that 4. Obligations and Contracts
1. Law on Sales Outline by Dean Villanueva, 2017-18;
the defendant acted upon the advice of counsel; a. Pineda v. Vda De Vega 2019
2. Agency & Trusts, Partnerships & Joint Ventures Outline by
4) That the loss would have resulted in any event; b. San Miguel Foods v. Magtuto 2019
Dean Villanueva, et al, 2018;
5) That since the iling of the action, the defendant has done c. Arco Pulp and Paper v. Lim 2014 Leonen, J
his best to lessen the plaintiff's loss or injury. 3. Notes and Case Updates in Land Titles and Deeds by Atty.
d. Domestic Petroleum Retailer v. MIAA 2019 Gimarino, 2017-18;
d. Liquidated damages e. Camp John Hay Development v. Charter Chemical
and Coating 2019 Leonen, J 4. Torts and Damages by Aquino, 2013;
Liquidated damages, whether intended as an indemnity or a penalty,
shall be equitably reduced if they are iniquitous or unconscionable. f. Henson, Jr v. UCPB General Insurance 2019 En banc 5. Civil Code Annotated Vol 1-5 by Paras, 2016.
e. Compromise 5. Sales and Lease END OF CIVIL LAW
A release or compromise for personal injury sustained by a. Uy v. Heirs of Uy-Renales 2019 TAXATION LAW
negligence was held a bar to an action for the recovery of further
b. Sps Orozco v. Lozano, Sr 2019
damages. General Principles
c. Sps Manlan v. Sps Beltran 2019

Based on the Books of Rabuya, Paras, De Leon, Ingles, Mamalateo, Dimaampao By RGL 178 of 269
CIVxTAX PRE-WEEK NOTES For the 2020/21 #BestBarEver

NIRC, as amended by TRAIN 1) Taxes can be imposed even in the absence of a constitutional 2) Promotion of General Welfare — as an implement of police
provision. power for the purpose of promoting general welfare.
2) The state can select the object and subject matter of taxation. 3) Reduction of Social Inequalities — progressive system
B. INHERENT POWERS DISTINGUISHED Thus, unlimited. based on one’s ability to pay.
C. THEORY AND BASIS OF TAXATION 3) No injunction in the collection of taxes. 4) Encourage Economic Growth — exemptions and incentives
EXC: There is a pending case iled in the CTA to enjoin the to entice investments.
collection of tax. 3. Distinguish: tax and other forms of exactions
4) Taxation is not subject to set-off.
If they are not considered taxes, the requirements for a valid tax
EXC: When both debts are due and demandable and have (PUJ-DL) need not be complied with.
TAXATION been fully liquidated.
1) License is in the nature of a special privilege, or authority to
G. STAGES OR ASPECTS OF TAXATION TN: There can be no compensation as the Government and do what is within its terms. It makes lawful an act which would
the people are not principal debtors and creditors of otherwise be unlawful. A license granted by the State is always
H. REQUISITES OF A VALID TAX each other. revocable. Primary purpose test (To be considered a license
a. must relate to an occupation or activity that so
J. GENERAL CONCEPTS IN TAXATION GR: The power to tax is essentially a legislative function and
engages the public interest in health, morals,
which the central legislative body cannot delegate to other
K. CONSTRUCTION AND INTERPRETATION OF TAX LAWS, development and safety, as to require regulation for
RULES AND REGULATIONS the protection and promotion of such public interest.
EXC: Permissive delegation of the power to tax b. must bear a reasonable relation to the probable
expenses of regulation, taking into account not only
A. CONCEPT AND PURPOSE OF TAXATION 1) Local governments in respect to matters of local concern;
the costs of direct regulation but also its incidental
2) The President with respect to tariff rates, import and export consequences as well.
1. Definition
quotas, lexible tariff clause, etc;
2) Toll is a sum of money for the use of something, generally
Taxation is the
3) Administrative regulations (Assessment and Collection). applied to the consideration which is paid for the use of a road,
a) inherent power of the State exercised by the legislature bridge or the like, of a public nature.
2. Purpose
b) to demand enforced contributions from the people to raise 3) Compromise penalty is the amount collected by the BIR in
revenue lieu of criminal prosecution for violations committed by
A. Revenue; taxpayers.
c) in order to defray the necessary expenses of the
Secondary 4) Special assessment is a charge imposed on lands
B. Redistribution; especially bene ited by public works or improvements
inanced by the government. It is not a personal liability of the
person assessed. His liability is limited only to the land
Such inherent power of the State anchors on its "social contract” with its D. Representation. involved. It is based wholly on bene its and not necessity.
citizens which obliges it to promote public interest and common good. Non-Revenue Raising — Sumptuary Purpose
Manifestations 1) Regulation — to curtail or improve a particular industry.

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5) Revenue refers to all funds or income derived by the C. THEORY AND BASIS OF TAXATION in determining the taxability of non-resident aliens is the income's
government, whether from tax or from whatever source and "source."
whatever manner. 1. Lifeblood theory
The important factor which determines the source of income of
6) Customs Duties is a tax levied on imports (and, sometimes, Taxes are the lifeblood of the government and their prompt and personal services is the place where the services were actually
on exports) by the customs authorities of a country to raise certain availability is an imperious need. Without taxes, the rendered. "Source of income" relates to the property, activity or
state revenue, and/or to protect domestic industries from more government would be paralyzed for lack of motive power to service that produced the income.
ef icient or predatory competitors from abroad. activate and operate it.
CIR v. American Express
7) Tariff is a tax imposed on imported goods and services. 2. Necessity theory
Tariffs are used to restrict trade, as they increase the price of As a general rule, the VAT system uses the destination principle.
The existence of a government is a necessity. No sovereign State can However, our VAT law itself provides for a clear exception, under
imported goods and services, making them more expensive to
continue to exist without the means to pay its expenses, and for which the supply of service shall be zero-rated when the following
consumers. They are one of several tools available to shape
those means, it has the right to compel all citizens and property requirements are met:
trade policy.
within its limit to contribute.
1) the service is performed in the Philippines;
3. Benefits-received theory 2) the service falls under any of the categories provided in
Police Eminent Section 102(b) of the Tax Code; and
As to TAXATION The basis of taxation, and is founded on the reciprocal duties of
Power Domain
protection and support between the State and its inhabitants. 3) it is paid for in acceptable foreign currency that is
Promote General Public accounted for in accordance with the regulations of the BSP.
Welfare convenience
Limited to cost
Amount UNLIMITED No exaction 1) Fiscal adequacy — revenues generated should be suf icient to
of regulation 1) Comprehensive;
meet the demands of public expenditure.
Non- 2) Unlimited — in force and so searching in extent, that the
Inferior to NIC Superior to NIC Superior to NIC
impairment courts scarcely venture to declare that it is subject to any 2) Theoretical justice or equity ⭐ — Similarly situated
restrictions whatever, except such as rest at the discretion of taxpayers should pay equal taxes, while those who have more
Property and
Scope Property Rights Property Rights the authority which exercises it. should pay more.
Liberty Rights
3) Plenary — the legislative body has the power to impose taxes 3) Administrative feasibility — can be easily implemented.
Altruistic feeling as they may deem expedient
Enjoyment of Just
Bene its
govt services
of contributing to
compensation 4) Economic ef iciency/elasticity — cost of collecting taxes
society‘s welfare 4) Supreme. should not be higher than the bene its derived from it.
Property Generally,
Taken money
WON respondent's sales commission income is taxable in the
State and Philippines. INHERENT LIMITATIONS
State and LGU State and LGU quasi-public
entities YES. Non-resident aliens, whether or not engaged in trade or 1) Public Purpose. — has now evolved to include social
business, are subject to Philippine income taxation on their income
received from all sources within the Philippines. Thus, the keyword

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CIVxTAX PRE-WEEK NOTES For the 2020/21 #BestBarEver

Determination that the tax is for public purpose Refers only to real property tax.
1) Delegation of tariff powers to the President under Section 28
a. Used for the support of the government, speci ically GR: Agencies and instrumentalities of the government (2) of Article VI of the Constitution;
on its governmental functions; performing governmental functions are tax exempt. If 2) Delegation of emergency powers to the President under
b. For any of the recognized objects of the government; performing proprietary functions, taxable. Section 23 (2) of Article VI of the Constitution;
EXC: Even if performing proprietary functions, if the 3) Delegation to the people at large;
c. Promotes the welfare of the community.
franchise or law creating them exempts them — tax 4) Delegation to local governments; and
d. Public purpose is determined at the time of the
exempt. 5) Delegation to administrative bodies.
enactment of the tax law and not at the time of its
If taxing authority is LGU
implementation. The case before the Court is not a delegation of legislative power. It is
a. TAX EXEMPT — GOCCs with original charter; attached simply a delegation of ascertainment of facts upon which
Planters Products, Inc. v. Fertiphil to the government; unincorporated; enforcement and administration of the increase rate under the law is
Public purpose is the heart of a tax law. When a tax law is only a Exempt from Income Tax
mask to exact funds from the public when its true intent is to give 1. GSIS It is the ministerial duty of the President to immediately impose the
undue bene it and advantage to a private enterprise, that law will not 12% rate upon the existence of any of the conditions speci ied by
satisfy the requirement of “public purpose.” 2. SSS Congress. This is a duty which cannot be evaded by the President.
3. PHIC There is no undue delegation of legislative power but only of the
The purpose of a law is evident from its text or inferable from other discretion as to the execution of a law. This is constitutionally
secondary sources. Here, the levy imposed under LOI No. 1465 was 4. PCSO permissible.
not for a public purpose.
5. PAGCOR (but not exempted from business
Delegation to LGU
Requisites of a Valid Taxpayer’s Suit tax)
Only provinces and cities are allowed to impose a tax on the
1. The tax money is being extracted and spent in violation of b. TAXABLE — GOCCs with special charter; personality
transfer of ownership of real property.
speci ic constitutional protection against abuses of distinct from the government; incorporated
legislative power; 3) Non-delegation NPC v. City of Cabanatuan
2. Public money is being de lected to any improper purpose; Matters which cannot be delegated The power to tax is no longer vested exclusively on Congress; local
3. Petitioner seeks to restrain wastage of public funds 1. Nature of taxation; legislative bodies are now given direct authority to levy taxes,
through enforcement of an invalid law. fees and other charges pursuant to Art X Sec 5 of the 1987
2. Object and purpose; Constitution.
Important Concepts Regarding Taxpayer’s Suit
3. Subject or coverage; To determine whether the petitioner is covered by the franchise tax
1. The public funds must be derived from taxation;
4. Amount or rate of tax; in question, the following requisites should concur:
2. Does not apply to donations and contributions made by
public individuals or private entities; 5. Manner, means and agencies of collection; 1) that petitioner has a “franchise” in the sense of a secondary
or special franchise; and
3. Taxpayer is not relieved from the obligation to pay tax just 6. Situs.
2) that it is exercising its rights or privileges under this
because of his belief that it is being misappropriated;
Abakada Guro Party List v. Ermita franchise within the territory of the respondent city
4. A taxpayer has no legal standing to question acts government.
which do not involve the use of public funds. The general rule barring delegation of legislative powers is subject to
the following recognized limitations or exceptions: Ful illing both requisites, petitioner is, and ought to be, subject of the
2) Exemption from taxation of Government entities franchise tax in question. To stress, a franchise tax is imposed

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CIVxTAX PRE-WEEK NOTES For the 2020/21 #BestBarEver

understanding that the former does not intend to degrade b. These are germane to the purpose of the legislation
based not on the ownership but on the exercise by the
corporation of a privilege to do business. its dignity by placing itself under the jurisdiction of or ordinance;
Delegation to the President c. Applies, not only to present conditions, but, also, to
5) Situs future conditions substantially identical to those of
The authority of the President, upon the recommendation of NEDA,
GR: Taxation may be exercised only within the territorial the present;
to ix tariff rates, import and export quotas, tonnage and wharfage
jurisdiction of the taxing authority. d. Applies equally to all those who belong to the same
dues, and other duties or imposts. [Sec 28(2) Art VI, 1987
Constitution] EXC: Where privity of relationship exists. class.

Delegation to Administrative Bodies 4. Progressive system of taxation

1. Power to value property for purposes of taxation; Abakada Guro Party List v. Ermita
2. Power to assess and collect taxes; 1. Revenue bill must originate exclusively in the House of
Representatives but the Senate may propose Uniformity in taxation means that all taxable articles or kinds of
3. Power to perform an innumerable details of computation, amendments. (Sec 24(4) Art VI) property of the same class shall be taxed at the same rate. Different
appraisal and adjustment. articles may be taxed at different amounts provided that the rate is
It is not the statute that must originate in the HREP but the bill. uniform on the same class everywhere with all people at all times.
Southern Cross Cement Corporation v. CMAP
Abakada Guro Party List v. Ermita In this case, the tax law is uniform as it provides a standard rate of
The Court recognizes that the authority delegated to the President 0% or 10% (or 12%) on all goods and services. The rule of uniform
under Section 28(2), Article VI may be exercised, in accordance Article VI, Section 24 of the Constitution does not contain any taxation does not deprive Congress of the power to classify
with legislative sanction, by the alter egos of the President, such prohibition or limitation on the extent of the amendments that may subjects of taxation, and only demands uniformity within the
as department secretaries. be introduced by the Senate to the House revenue bill. particular class.

There is only one viable ground for challenging the legality of the Likewise, the Court inds the sections referring to other percentage Taxation is progressive when its rate goes up depending on the
limitations and restrictions imposed by Congress under Section and excise taxes germane to the reforms to the VAT system, as resources of the person affected. The VAT is an antithesis of
28(2) Article VI, and that is such limitations and restrictions are these sections would cushion the effects of VAT on consumers. progressive taxation. By its very nature, it is regressive.
themselves violative of the Constitution. Thus, no matter how
2. Concurrence of a majority of all the members of Congress Nevertheless, the Constitution does not really prohibit the imposition
distasteful or noxious these limitations and restrictions may seem,
the Court has no choice but to uphold their validity unless their for the passage of a law granting tax exemption (Sec 28(4) of indirect taxes, like the VAT. What it simply provides is that
constitutional in irmity can be demonstrated. Art VI) Congress shall "evolve a progressive system of taxation."
Votes required 5. Exemption of religious, charitable and educational
4) International Comity
a. For the GRANT of tax exemption — absolute majority entities, nonpro it cemeteries, and churches from
1. Doctrine of sovereign equality among states — as property taxation (Sec 28(3) Art VI)
of the members of Congress (50+1 of all the members
between equals, there is no sovereign. One state cannot voting separately) Important Principles
exercise its sovereign powers over another.
b. For WITHDRAWAL of tax exemption — relative a. The tax exemption of religious, charitable and
2. Non-suability of States — under international law, a
majority or majority of the quorum. educational institutions covers real property tax
foreign government may not be sued without its consent.
3. Rule of uniformity and equity in taxation only.
Hence, it is useless to impose a tax which could not be
collected. Valid Classi ication b. The test is usage and not ownership. — Actual,
3. Usage among states — when a foreign sovereign enters a. It is based upon substantial distinctions which direct, and exclusive use for religious, charitable and
the territorial jurisdiction of another, there is an implied make real differences; educational purposes.

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c. The exemption extends to facilities which are otherwise, it will be subject to the 30% corporate income tax are tax-exempt.
incidental to or reasonably necessary for the rate.
accomplishment of said purpose. 7. Non-imprisonment for non-payment of a poll tax (Sec 20
The 10% preferential tax rate does not apply to the following:
Art III)
Scope of exemption. Real property taxes on facilities which a. The passive income derived by the educational
are: Poll tax is a tax of a ixed amount ixed on persons residing
institution, which is subject to inal income tax, i.e.
a. Actual; within a speci ied territory, whether resident or not, without
rent income or interest in income;
regard to their property or the occupation of business in which
b. Incidental; b. Engaged in unrelated trade or business or other they may be engaged.
c. Reasonably necessary for the accomplishment of said activity where the gross income from such exceeds
50% of the total gross income. 8. Non-impairment of the jurisdiction of the SC in tax cases
(Sec 5(2) Art VIII)
6. Exemption of non-stock, non-pro it educational
When a non-stock, non-pro it educational institution proves that it The Supreme Court shall have the following powers: (2)
institutions from taxation
uses its revenues actually, directly, and exclusively for educational Review, revise, modify or af irm on appeal or certiorari, as the
a. Covers income, property, and donor‘s taxes, custom purposes, it shall be exempted from income tax, VAT, and LBT. On laws or the Rules of Court may provide, inal judgments and
duties, and other taxes imposed by either or both the the other hand, when it also shows that it uses its assets in the form orders of lower courts in xxx (b) all cases involving the
national government or political subdivisions on ALL of real property for educational purposes, it shall be exempted from legality of any tax, impost, assessment or toll or any
revenues, assets, property or donations, used actually, RPT. penalty imposed in relation thereto.
directly and exclusively for educational purposes.
The crucial point of inquiry then is on the use of the assets or on the 9. Prohibition on the use of special fund (Sec 29(3) Art VI)
b. Does not cover revenues derived from, or assets used use of the revenues. So long as the assets or revenues are used
in, unrelated activities or enterprise. All money collected on any tax levied for a special purpose
actually, directly and exclusively for educational purposes, they are
shall be treated as a special fund and paid out for such purpose
c. Lands, buildings, and improvements actually, directly exempt from duties and taxes.
only. If the purpose for which a special fund was created has
and exclusively used for educational purposes are The tax exemption granted by the Constitution to non-stock, been ful illed or abandoned, the balance, if any, shall be
exempt from property tax (Sec 28 (3) Art VI), whether non-pro it educational institutions, unlike the exemption that transferred to the general funds of the Government.
the educational institution is proprietary or non-pro it. may be availed of by proprietary educational institutions, is not
d. The test is usage and not ownership. subject to limitations imposed by law. (CIR v. DLSU 2016) PKSMMN, et al. v. Executive Secretary, et al. 2012 En Banc

e. Similar tax exemptions may be extended to proprietary Coco-levy funds are not only affected with public interest; they are,
Summary for Charitable, Religious and Educational Entities
educational institutions by law subject to such in fact, prima facie public funds. They were raised with the use of
limitations as it may provide, including restrictions Non-Stock, Non-Pro it the police and taxing powers of the State for the bene it of the coconut
Charitable or Religious
on dividends and provisions for reinvestment. Educational industry and its farmers in general.
Requisites for the application of the 10% preferential rate:
Real E.O. 313 runs counter to the constitutional provision which directs
Exempt from RPT If used ADE for intended purpose.
1. It must be private; Property
that all money collected on any tax levied for a special purpose shall
2. It has permit to operate as an educational institution; be treated as a special fund and paid out for such purpose only.
Income Exempt from Income Tax
3. It is non-pro it; AND Assisting other agriculturally-related programs is way off the
Income from properties Revenues from properties coco-fund’s objective of promoting the general interests of the
4. Its gross income from unrelated trade or business Income
or activities conducted or activities conducted coconut industry and its farmers.
must not exceed 50% of its total gross income from from
FOR pro it are taxable FOR pro it that are ADE
all sources, regardless of disposition for educational purposes

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10. Power of the President to veto any particular items in a 1. Compelling State Interest Test – State balances the We believe that the provisions of City of Manila Ordinance No.
revenue or tariff bill public interest against religious freedom. The need to 2529, as amended, cannot be applied to appellant, for in doing
advance the constitution and public interest. In case so it would impair its free exercise and enjoyment of its religious
GR: The President has to approve or disapprove a bill in its profession and worship as well as its rights of dissemination of
there are less restrictive means to advance a right
entirety. religious beliefs.
under the constitution.
EXC where partial or item veto is allowed 2. Rational Basis Test – The classi ication is valid if it With respect to Ordinance No. 3000, as amended, which requires the
a. Appropriation bill; is rationally related to a constitutionally permissible obtention of the Mayor's permit before any person can engage in
state interest. e.g. Senior Citizens Act any of the businesses, trades or occupations enumerated therein, We
b. Revenue bill; do not ind that it imposes any charge upon the enjoyment of a right
3. Quasi-Suspect Case – Available if needed. Based on granted by the Constitution, nor tax the exercise of religious practices.
c. Tariff bill. gender/legitimacy. It points out a speci ic
constitutionally granted state interest such as 5) No appropriation for religious purposes
CIR v. CTA, Manila Golf & Country Club protection of women where there is a valid GR: No appropriation is allowed in favor of any sect,
classi ication between men and women. church, or any priest, minister, etc.
An “item” in a revenue bill does NOT refer to an entire
3) Non-impairment of the obligations of contracts EXC: When such priest is assigned to the armed forces,
section imposing a particular kind of tax, but rather to the subject of
the tax and the tax rate. In the portion of a revenue bill which actually a. If the exemption was granted for a valuable penal institution or government orphanage or
imposes a tax, a section identi ies the tax and enumerates the persons consideration on the basis of a contract – it cannot be leprosarium.
liable therefor with the corresponding tax rate. revoked by passing another law. The non-impairment 6) Non-infringement of the freedom of the press
To construe the word “item” as referring to the whole section would clause applies.
There is curtailment of press freedom and freedom of thought
tie the President’s hand in choosing either to approve the whole b. If the exemption is granted by virtue of a contract between and expression if a tax is levied in order to suppress this basic
section at the expense of also approving a provision therein which he a private corporation and the government – it cannot be right and impose prior restraint.
deems unacceptable or veto the entire section at the expense of revoked unilaterally by the government. The
foregoing the collection of the kind of tax altogether. non-impairment clause applies. CREBA v. Romulo 2010 En Banc
c. If the basis of the tax exemption is a mere franchise
Certainly, an income tax is arbitrary and con iscatory if it taxes
INDIRECT CONSTITUTIONAL LIMITATIONS granted by Congress – it can be unilaterally revoked by the capital because capital is not income. In other words, it is income,
government. NIC does not apply. not capital, which is subject to income tax. However, the MCIT is not
1) Due process of law a tax on capital.
4) Non-infringement of religious freedom
a. The validity of a statute must be contested only by one
The free exercise of religion clause, however, does not prohibit The MCIT is imposed on gross income which is arrived at by
who sustained or stands to sustain direct injury in
imposing a generally applicable sales tax on the sale of deducting the capital spent by a corporation in the sale of its goods,
consequence of its performance EXC: Transcendental i.e., the cost of goods and other direct expenses from gross sales.
religious materials by religious organizations. The sale of
importance, taxpayer‘s suit. Clearly, the capital is not being taxed.
religious articles can be subject to VAT, what cannot be taxed is
2) Equal protection of the laws the exercise of religious worship or activity. The income of the No violation of Equal Protection
a. All persons, businesses, and properties should be taxed at priest from the exercise of a religious activity cannot also be
the same rate, so long as they belong to the same taxed. (Tolentino v. SOF) The taxing power has the authority to make reasonable
classi ication. Equality among equals. classi ications for purposes of taxation. Inequalities which result
American Bible Society v. City of Manila from a singling out of one particular class for taxation, or exemption,
b. Does not require territorial uniformity of laws. (Tiu v CA) infringe no constitutional limitation. The real estate industry is, by
TESTS TO DETERMINE VALID CLASSIFICATION itself, a class and can be validly treated differently from other

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business enterprises. 4) The assessment and collection must be in consonance with the a. General, Fiscal or Revenue – tax levied for the general or
Due process clause; ordinary purposes of the government, i.e. raise revenue for
G. STAGES OR ASPECTS OF TAXATION governmental and public needs. These funds can be used for
5) The tax must not infringe the inherent and constitutional
whatever purpose. e.g. Income tax, VAT, and almost all taxes.
1) Levy - enactment of a law by Congress. Limitations of the power of taxation.
b. Special or Regulatory – tax levied for special purposes, i.e. to
2) Assessment - determination of how much tax is due. I. KINDS OF TAXES achieve some social or economic ends, irrespective of whether
3) Collection - implementing the tax laws. AS TO SUBJECT MATTER OR OBJECT revenue is actually raised or not. TN: These funds can be used
only for the speci ic purpose which the law creating it
Other aspects of taxation: a. Personal, Poll, or Capitation – tax imposed on persons
1) Payment – involves the act of compliance by the taxpayer of residing within a speci ied territory, whether citizens or not,
without regard to their property or the occupation or business AS TO SCOPE OR AUTHORITY IMPOSING THE TAX
his tax obligation, as when he actually pays his taxes;
in which they may be engaged. e.g. Community tax a. National – taxes imposed by the national government e.g. NIR
2) Refund – Taxes paid will be returned to the taxpayers as when
b. Property – tax levied on property, real or personal, in taxes, customs duties, national taxes imposed by laws
there is an erroneous or illegal collection of taxes.
proportional to its value or in accordance with some rule of b. Municipal or Local – taxes provided in the LGC and imposed
H. REQUISITES OF A VALID TAX apportionment. e.g. Real estate tax by local governments. e.g. Business taxes imposed under the
ESSENTIAL CHARACTERISTICS AND ATTRIBUTES OF TAXES c. Excise – tax imposed upon the performance of an act, the LGC
enjoyment of a privilege, or the engagement in an occupation or AS TO GRADUATION
1) Enforced contribution - independent of the will of taxpayer;
business. E.g. Income tax, donor‘s tax, estate tax
a. Proportion – based on a ixed percentage of the amount of the
2) Generally payable in money;
AS TO BURDEN OR INCIDENCE property receipts or other basis to be taxed. e.g. Real estate tax,
EXC: corporate tax ( ixed at 30% regardless of how much income
a. Direct – tax demanded from the very person who, as intended
1. Tax credit certi icate or back pay certi icate; should pay the tax which he cannot shift to another. e.g. Income the corporation earns)
2. Tax liens. tax, estate tax, donor‘s tax, community tax b. Progressive – rate of which increases as the tax base or
b. Indirect – tax demanded in the irst instance from one person bracket increases. e.g. Income tax
3) Proportionate in character — ability to pay.
with the expectation that he can shift the burden to someone Digressive - started as progressive but becomes stagnant at
4) Levied on persons, property, exercise of a right or
else, not as taxes, but as part of the purchase price. e.g. VAT, some point.
privilege, act or transactions;
percentage tax, excise tax, customs duties
c. Regressive – tax rate decreases as the tax base or bracket
5) Levied by the State which has jurisdiction over the
AS TO TAX RATE increases. e.g. VAT (regressive as to its effect)
subject or object of taxation;
a. Speci ic – tax imposed by the head or number, or by some J. GENERAL CONCEPTS IN TAXATION
6) Levied by the lawmaking body of the State;
standard of weight or measurement. e.g. Wines, fermented
7) For public purpose. liquors, etc. 1. Prospectivity of tax laws
Requisites for a Valid Tax (PUJ-DL) b. Ad valorem – tax of a ixed proportion of the value of the APPLICATION OF TAX LAWS
It must be for a Public purpose; property with respect to which the tax is assessed. e.g. Income
1) GR: Tax laws are prospective in operation because the nature and
tax, real estate tax, excise tax on automobiles
2) The rule on taxation should be Uniform; amount of the tax could not be foreseen and understood by the
c. Mixed – Basis of the tax is the value of the article and weight. taxpayer at the time the transactions which the law seeks to tax
3) Subject taxed must be within the Jurisdiction of the taxing e.g. Customs duties were completed.

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EXC: While it is not favored, a statute may nevertheless operate 1. Domiciliary Theory – the residence of the taxpayer is the
Poll Residence
retroactively provided it is expressly declared or is clearly the basis of the tax.
legislative intent. 2. Nationality Theory – the citizenship of the taxpayer is the 4. Double taxation
EXC to the EXC: basis of the tax. 1. Strict Sense — DIRECT
A tax law should not be given retroactive application when it 3. Source Theory – the source of the income of the taxpayer is Requisites
would be so harsh and oppressive, for in such case, the the basis of the tax.
a. Same subject/object taxed twice;
constitutional limitation of due process would be violated. Summary of Rules
b. For the same purpose;
Non-retroactivity of repeal of regulations or rulings
Kind of Tax Situs c. By the same taxing authority;
GR: No retroactivity if the repeal, revocation, modi ication or
reversal of regulations or rulings is prejudicial to the taxpayer. Property Real Property Location d. Within the same jurisdiction;

EXC: e. During the same period; AND

Tangible Location
1. Where the taxpayer deliberately misstates or omits material Personal Property f. Of the same kind or character.
facts from his return or in any document required of him by the 2. Broad Sense — INDIRECT
Intangibles e.g. GR: Domicile of owner
BIR; if any of the elements for direct duplicate taxation is absent.
credits, bills, Mobilia sequuntur
2. Where the facts subsequently gathered by the BIR are stocks, personam Not prohibited.
materially different from the facts on which the ruling is promissory notes EXC:
based; 1. Acquired business situs CIR v. Solidbank
3. Where the taxpayer acted in bad faith. 2. The law provides so. Double taxation means taxing the same property twice when it
should be taxed only once; that is, "taxing the same person twice by
2. Imprescriptibility Excise Excise Where act performed or occupation the same jurisdiction for the same thing."
As a rule, taxes are imprescriptible as they are the lifeblood of the pursued
First, the taxes herein are imposed on two different subject
government. However, tax laws may provide for statute of
Income Source, nationality or residence of matters. The subject matter of the FWT is the passive income
limitations. earner generated in the form of interest on deposits and yield on deposit
3. Situs of taxation substitutes, while the subject matter of the GRT is the privilege of
Donor’s Location, nationality or residence of engaging in the business of banking.
FACTORS taxpayer
Estate Second, the taxing periods they affect are different. The FWT is
1. Nature of the tax;
deducted and withheld as soon as the income is earned, and is paid
2. Subject matter of the tax (person, property, act or activity); VAT Where transaction is made. after every calendar quarter in which it is earned. On the other hand,
Cross-border Doctrine or the GRT is neither deducted nor withheld, but is paid only after every
3. Possible protection and bene it that may accrue both to the
Destination Principle - where taxable quarter in which it is earned.
government and the taxpayer; consumed.
4. Citizenship of the taxpayer; Third, these two taxes are of different kinds or characters. The
Others Franchise Grantee State FWT is an income tax subject to withholding, while the GRT is a
5. Residence of the taxpayer; percentage tax not subject to withholding.
6. Source of income. Sales Where consummated
Domestic double taxation — arises when the taxes are imposed by
Factors in the Philippines for Purposes of Situs of Income Tax Business Place of business the local or the national government.

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International double taxation — imposition of comparable taxes in b. Backward shifting – The transfer of the burden of tax
taxation in two different jurisdictions. More precisely, the tax
two or more states on the same taxpayer with respect to the same conventions are drafted with a view towards the elimination of from the consumer back to the units of distribution to
subject matter and for an identical period. international juridical double taxation, which is de ined as the the units of production.
HOW TO ELIMINATE? imposition of comparable taxes in two or more states on the same
c. Onward shifting – When the tax is shifted two or
taxpayer in respect of the same subject matter and for identical
1. Allowing reciprocal exemption either by law or by treaty periods. more times either forward or backward. More than one
2. Allowance of tax credit for foreign taxes paid shift.
There are two methods of relief — the exemption method and the
Tax Credit – deduction from tax payable. It reduces the amount 2) CAPITALIZATION
credit method.
payable directly. It is a full deduction of the amount paid a. The reduction in the price of the taxed object equal to the
abroad. This is the best option. In the exemption method, the income or capital which is capitalized value of future taxes which the purchaser expects to
taxable in the state of source or situs is exempted in the state of
3. Allowance of deduction for foreign taxes paid be called upon to pay. It occurs when the tax falls on an
residence, although in some instances it may be taken into
income-producing property, i.e. commercial building.
Tax Credit – deduction from taxable income. The amount of account in determining the rate of tax applicable to the taxpayer's
taxes paid abroad is used to reduce tax payable in the remaining income or capital. b. Special kind of backward shift.
Philippines. Here, the amount paid abroad is multiplied by the On the other hand, in the credit method, although the income 3) AVOIDANCE
tax rate in the Philippines. or capital which is taxed in the state of source is still taxable in Exploitation by the taxpayer of legally permissible alternative tax
4. Reduction of Philippine tax rate the state of residence, the tax paid in the former is credited rates or methods of assessing taxable property or income in order
against the tax levied in the latter.
MOST FAVORED NATION CLAUSE to avoid or reduce tax liability. e.g. estate planning.

★ A method of establishing equality of trading opportunity The basic difference between the two methods is that in the 4) EVASION
exemption method, the focus is on the income or capital itself,
among states by guaranteeing that if one country is given better Elements of Tax Evasion (How to Establish Tax Evasion)
whereas the credit method focuses upon the tax.
trade terms by another, then all other states must get the same
a. The end to be achieved is to lessen payment of taxes Example:
terms. 5. Escape from taxation the payment of less than that known by the taxpayer to be
★ The iling of a tax treaty relief application is not a condition legally due, or in paying no tax when such is due.
precedent to the availment of a preferential tax rate. The denial
a. Tax burden is transferred from the statutory taxpayer to another b. An accompanying state of mind described as being “evil”, “in
of the availment of tax relief for the failure of a taxpayer to
without violation of law. bad faith”, “willful” or “deliberate and not accidental”
apply within the prescribed period under the administrative
issuance would impair the value of the tax treaty. At most, the b. Statutory taxpayer. the original taxpayer required under the c. A course of action (or failure of action) which is unlawful. (CIR
application for a tax treaty relief from the BIR should merely law to pay the tax. v. Estate of Toda)
operate to con irm the entitlement of the taxpayer to the relief. Indicia of Fraud
c. Impact of taxation. The point on which a tax is originally
(Deutsche Bank)
imposed. a. Failure to declare true and actual income derived from
Tax Treaties as Relief from Double Taxation business for 2 consecutive years; OR
d. Incidence of taxation. That point on which the tax burden
CIR v. S.C. Johnson and Son
inally rests or settles down. b. Substantial under-declaration of ITR for 4 consecutive years
The RP-US Tax Treaty is just one of a number of bilateral treaties 3 Kinds: coupled with intentional overstatement of deductions.
which the Philippines has entered into for the avoidance of double 5) ASSUMPTION
a. Forward shifting – the transfer of the burden of tax
taxation. The purpose of these international agreements is to
reconcile the national iscal legislations of the contracting from the units of production to the units of To "assume" means to take on, become bound as another is bound,
parties in order to help the taxpayer avoid simultaneous distribution to the consumer. E.g. VAT, percentage tax or put oneself in place of another as to an obligation or liability.”

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This means that the obligation or liability remains, although b. It may be based on some ground of public policy. The c. When the exemption is granted under special circumstances to
the same is merely passed on to a different person. In this exemption is provided in the law itself or the constitution. special classes of persons.
light, the concept of an assumption is therefore different from an
TN: To encourage new industries or to foster charitable d. If there is an express mention or if the taxpayer falls within
exemption, the latter being the freedom from a duty, liability or
other requirement or a privilege given to a judgment debtor by law, institutions. Here, the government need not receive any the purview of the exemption by clear legislative intent, the
allowing the debtor to retain a certain property without liability. consideration in return for the tax exemption rule on strict construction does not apply.
Thus, the constitutional provisions on tax exemptions would not c. It may be created in a treaty on grounds of reciprocity or to e. If exemption refers to public property (in case of public
apply. (Mitsubishi Corporation v. CIR) lessen the rigors of international or multiple taxation. property, the general rule is exemption and taxation is the
TN: Recognition of international comity. exception)
6. Exemption from taxation
Broad Sense – Tax not applied on a particular property. Tax on
particular property or object within the same jurisdiction but not GR: Tax exemption statutes are construed strictly against the RESTRICTIONS ON REVOCATION OF TAX EXEMPTION
taxed by the taxing authority. e.g. Tax on property used by the taxpayer and liberally in favor of the government. a. Non-impairment clause – Applies in contractual tax
Government when the other properties in the same area are subject a. In the construction of tax statutes, in case of doubt, exemptions exemptions or those agreed to by the taxing authority in
to tax. contracts, such as those contained in government bonds or
are not favored and are construed strictissimi juris against the
Narrow Sense – Exemption of a particular class. An entire class of taxpayer. debentures, lawfully entered into by them under enabling laws
the same conditions are exempted from taxes supposedly imposed in which the government, acting in its private capacity, sheds
b. The fundamental theory is that all taxable property should bear
on a bigger class. its cloak of authority and waives its governmental immunity.
its share in the cost and expenses of the government.
Important principles b. Adherence to form – If the exemption is granted by the
c. Taxation is the rule and exemption the exception, and
Constitution, it can only be revoked through a Constitutional
a. It is an immunity or privilege that is personal in nature; therefore, he who claims exemption must be able to justify his amendment. It cannot be revoked by mere passage of a law.
b. It is freedom from a inancial charge or burden to which others claim or right thereto, by a grant expressed in terms ― too plain
c. Tax-exempting grant is in the form of a special law – where
are subjected; to be mistaken and too categorical to be misinterpreted.
the grant is given through a special law and not by a general
c. Allowed only when there is a clear provision of the law; d. Claims for an exemption must be able to point out some
law, even if the terms of the general act are broad enough to
provision of law creating the right, and cannot be allowed to include the intent to repeal or alter the special law, there would
d. Strictly construed against the taxpayer;
exist upon a mere vague implication or inference. still be no revocation.
e. It is not necessarily discriminatory as long as there is a
e. Refunds are in the nature of exemption, and must be
reasonable foundation or rational basis. CIR v. The Philippine American Accident Insurance Company
construed strictly against the grantee/taxpayer.
DOUBLE NEXUS RULE. Person claiming exemption must prove:
EXC: The rule that tax exemptions should be construed strictly against the
1. The law granting the exemption; AND taxpayer presupposes that the taxpayer is clearly subject to the tax
a. When the law itself expressly provides for a liberal
2. That he falls within the law or is quali ied in the exemption. being levied against him. Unless a statute imposes a tax clearly,
construction, that is, in case of doubt, it shall be resolved in
expressly and unambiguously, what applies is the equally
GROUNDS FOR TAX EXEMPTION favor of exemption.
well-settled rule that the imposition of a tax cannot be presumed.
a. It may be based on contract. When the charter provides for b. When the exemption is in favor of the government itself or Where there is doubt, tax laws must be construed strictly against the
its agencies, or of religious, charitable, and educational government and in favor of the taxpayer.
such exemption.
institutions because the general rule is that they are exempt
TN: In such a case, the public which is represented by the In this case, petitioner does not dispute that respondents are in the
from tax. insurance business. Petitioner merely alleges that the de inition of
government is supposed to receive a full equivalent therefor.
lending investors under CA 466 is broad enough to encompass

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insurance companies. The question is whether the lending activities Under Section 12 of R.A. No. 7227, it is only the Subic SEZ which was In South African Airways v. CIR, South African Airways claimed for
of insurance companies make them lending investors for purposes of granted by Congress with tax exemption, investment incentives and refund of its erroneously paid 2 1/2% taxes on its gross Philippine
taxation. We agree with the CTA and Court of Appeals that it does not. the like. There is no express extension of the aforesaid bene its to billings. This court did not immediately grant South African's claim
other SEZs still to be created at the time via presidential for refund. This is because although this court found that South
PAGCOR v. BIR 2011 En Banc proclamation. African Airways was not subject to the 2 1/2% tax on its gross
Philippine billings, this court also found that it was subject to 32%
WON PAGCOR is still exempt from corporate income tax and VAT with Smart Communications v. The City of Davao tax on its taxable income.
the enactment of R.A. No. 9337. NO. Petitioner is no longer exempt
from corporate income tax as it has been effectively omitted from WON Smart is liable to pay the franchise tax imposed by the City of SMI-ED Philippines Technology v. CIR 2014 Leonen, J
the list of GOCCs that are exempt from it. Davao.
In an action for the refund of taxes allegedly erroneously paid, the
In Manila Electric Company v. Province of Laguna, the Court held YES. The uncertainty in the "in lieu of all taxes" clause in R.A. No. Court of Tax Appeals may determine whether there are taxes that
that a franchise partakes the nature of a grant, which is beyond the 7294 on whether Smart is exempted from both local and national should have been paid in lieu of the taxes paid. Determining the
purview of the non-impairment clause of the Constitution. franchise tax must be construed strictly against Smart which proper category of tax that should have been paid is not an
claims the exemption. assessment. It is incidental to determining whether there should be a
Anent the validity of RR No. 16-2005, the Court holds that the refund.
provision subjecting PAGCOR to 10% VAT is invalid for being In this case, the doubt must be resolved in favor of the City of Davao. A PEZA-registered corporation that has never commenced
contrary to R.A. No. 9337. Nowhere in R.A. No. 9337 is it provided The "in lieu of all taxes" clause applies only to national internal operations may not avail the tax incentives and preferential
that petitioner can be subjected to VAT. revenue taxes and NOT to local taxes. rates given to PEZA-registered enterprises. Such corporation is
subject to ordinary tax rates.
Lung Center of the Philippines v. Quezon City 7. Equitable recoupment The amount of the taxpayer’s liability should be computed and
Where the refund of a tax illegally or erroneously collected from or deducted from the refundable amount. Any liability in excess of the
Portions of the land leased to private entities as well as those parts of
overpaid by a taxpayer is barred by prescription, a tax presently being refundable amount, however, may not be collected in a case involving
the hospital leased to private individuals are NOT exempt from such
taxes. On the other hand, the portions of the land occupied by the assessed against a taxpayer may be recouped or set-off. solely the issue of the taxpayer’s entitlement to refund.
hospital and portions of the hospital used for its patients, whether NB: INAPPLICABLE.
paying or non-paying, are exempt from real property taxes. 9. Compromise
8. Prohibition on compensation and set-off
In order to be entitled to the exemption, the petitioner is burdened to Kepco Philippines v. CIR 2020
GR: Taxation is not subject to set-off.
prove, by clear and unequivocal proof, that The CIR may compromise an assessment when a reasonable doubt
EXC: When both debts are due and demandable and have been as to the validity of the claim against the taxpayer exists, or the
a) it is a charitable institution; and fully liquidated, and the amount due the taxpayer has inancial position of the taxpayer demonstrates a clear inability to
b) its real properties are ACTUALLY, DIRECTLY and already been appropriated by law, compensation follows pay the tax.
EXCLUSIVELY used for charitable purposes. by operation of law.
The general rule is that the authority of the CIR to compromise
What is meant by actual, direct and exclusive use of the property for TN: There can be no compensation as the Government and the is purely discretionary and the courts cannot interfere with his
charitable purposes is the direct and immediate and actual people are not principal debtors and creditors of each exercise of discretionary functions, absent grave abuse of discretion.
application of the property itself to the purposes for which the other. Here, no grave abuse of discretion exists. Kepco complied with the
charitable institution is organized. It is not the use of the income procedures prescribed under the BIR rules on the application and
from the real property that is determinative of whether the property Air Canada v. CIR 2016 Leonen, J
approval of compromise settlement on the ground of doubtful
is used for tax-exempt purposes. The issue of petitioner's claim for tax refund is intertwined with the validity.
issue of the proper taxes that are due from petitioner. A claim for tax
John Hay People’s Alternative Coalition, et al. v. Lim, et al. refund carries the assumption that the tax returns iled were correct.

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A. TAXING AUTHORITY i) A decedent, to determine his gross estate;
a. Promulgation: Secretary of Finance;
1. Jurisdiction, Power, and Functions of the CIR ii) Any taxpayer who has iled an application for
compromise based on inancial incapacity; or b. Recommendation: CIR;
1) The BIR shall be under the supervision and control of the DOF c. Administrative Rulings: CIR.
iii) Pursuant to an international convention or tax
and its powers and duties shall comprehend
a) the assessment and collection of all national internal
e) To delegate power, except GR: Revenue regulations are general interpretations of the BIR
revenue taxes, fees, and charges, and
issued by the CIR or by its delegate.
i) to recommend the promulgation of rules and
b) the enforcement of all forfeitures, penalties, and ines EXC: When it tramples novel issues or is intended to revoke or
regulations by the SOF;
connected therewith,
amend or modify a previous ruling.
ii) to issue rulings of irst impression or to reverse,
c) including the execution of judgments in all cases decided REQUISITES FOR VALIDITY & EFFECTIVITY OF REGULATIONS
revoke or modify any existing ruling of the BIR;
in its favor by the CTA and the ordinary courts.
a. It must be issued under authority of law;
iii) to compromise or abate any tax liability, except
2) Powers of the CIR include:
b. It must be within the scope and purview of the law; not
1) For tax liabilities P500K or less and
a) to interpret the provisions of the NIRC and other tax laws, contrary to law and the Constitution;
subject to review by the SOF; (Sec 4) 2) minor criminal violations — which c. It must be published in the OG or newspaper of general
may be compromised by a Regional circulation;
b) to obtain information, and to summon, examine, and take
Evaluation Board.
testimony of persons; (Sec 5) d. Where the regulations impose penal sanctions, the law itself
iv) to assign or reassign internal revenue of icers to must declare as punishable the violation of the administrative
i) Examine any document which may be relevant or
establishments where articles subject to excise tax are rule or regulation and should ix or de ine the penalty thereof.
material to an inquiry;
produced or kept.
ii) Obtain information from a third party in relation to an Kinds of Administrative Issuances
investigation or audit of a taxpayer; 2. Rule-making Authority of the Secretary of Finance 1. Legislative rules — rules in the nature of subordinate
Directory provisions — those designed merely for the information legislation designed to implement a primary legislation by
iii) Summon the taxpayer or any person holding records of
or direction of of icers or to secure methodical and systematic providing the details thereof. Before it is adopted, there must be
the taxpayer to appear and produce the documents;
modes of proceedings. e.g. Revenue memorandum circulars issued a hearing under the AC of 1987.
Correlate with Sec 266 for Failure to Obey Summons by BIR to guide personnel on matters of regulation. 2. Interpretative rules — are rules and regulations construing
which is penal in nature, subject to the following
Mandatory provisions — those intended for the security of the or interpreting the provisions of a statute to be enforced and are
citizens or which are designed to ensure equality of taxation or binding on all concerned until they are changed.
1. A person is duly summoned to appear to testify, or to certainty as to the nature and amount of each person‘s tax. e.g. RMC 20-86 was issued to govern the drafting, issuance and
appear and produce books of accounts, records, Remedies under the tax code (security); tax rate (equality) implementation of revenue tax issuances, including:
memoranda or other papers, or to furnish information;
The determination of the validity of these issuances clearly falls 1. Revenue regulations;
within the exclusive appellate jurisdiction of the CTA under Section
2. The person neglected to do so. 2. Revenue audit memorandum orders;
7 (1) of RA No. 1125, as amended, subject to prior review by the
c) to make assessments, prescribe additional requirements Secretary of Finance, as required under the NIRC. (Steel 3. Revenue memorandum circulars (external) and orders
for tax administration and enforcement; (Sec 6) Corporation of the Philippines v. BOC and BIR 2018) (internal).

d) to examine bank deposits, in the following cases

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B. INCOME TAX a. RC, NRC, RA Feature Individual Corporate

➔ RR 08-18. Revenue Regulation Implementing the Income Tax Schedular Global
Provisions of TRAIN Act c. NRA-NETB 1) It classi ies income; 1) Generally provides
2) Provides for for uniform rules;
➔ RR 11-18. Revenue Regulation Implementing the Withholding of d. Special Aliens Tax
different tax rules; 2) Generally imposes
Income Tax Provisions of TRAIN Act e. Individual taxpayers exempt from income tax 3) Imposes different uniform tax rate;
tax rates. 3) Does not generally
➔ RMC 50-18. 6. Income Tax on Corporations classify income.
1. De inition, Nature, and General Principles
a. Domestic corporations
1) RC; 1) DC;
2. Concept of Income
b. Resident foreign corporations Net Income 2) NRC; 2) RFC.
a. De inition Taxation 3) RA;
c. Non-resident foreign corporations (NRFC) 4) NRA-ETB.
b. When income is taxable
d. Corporations exempt from income tax
Gross Income NRA-NETB NRFC
c. Tests in determining whether income is earned for tax
e. Tax on other business entities Taxation
7. Filing of Returns and Payment 1) Residence — RA, 1) Residence — RFC;
d. Methods of accounting RC; 2) Place — NRFC;
8. Withholding Tax Situs
e. Situs of Income 2) Place — NRA, NRC; 3) Nationality — DC.
3) Citizenship — RC.
3. Gross Income
1. Definition, Nature, and General Principles
Common Features
a. De inition
INCOME TAX is a direct tax on all yearly pro its arising from property, 1) Pay as you ile system. —
b. Distinguish: gross, net, and taxable income professions, trades or of ices or a tax on a person's income,
emoluments, pro its, and the like. a) Individuals — upon iling of ITRs;
c. Sources of income subject to tax
a. Income Tax Systems b) Corporations — upon iling of quarterly corporate
d. Exclusions ITRs and inal adjustment corporate returns;
a) Schedular — The items are classi ied based on kind or
4. Deductions category of income and this is subject to different tax rates 2) Creditable Withholding Tax System
a. General Rule — Deductions based on the income classi ication. a) Withholding agent — withholds tax and remits to the
b) Global — lump all items of income and a single/ BIR;
b. Concept of Return of Capital
proportional/uniform income tax rate is imposed.
b) Tax withheld — creditable against income tax due.
c. Distinguish: Itemized Deductions and OSD c) Mixed (applicable in PH) — it is schedular in the sense that
3) Final Withholding Tax System
d. Requirements for deductible items we lump different items of income per type or category and it
is global in the sense that we subject all the items in this lump a) Withholding agent — withholds tax and remits to the
e. Items not deductible to one tax rate. BIR;
5. Income Tax on Individuals b. Features of the Philippine Income tax law

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b) Tax withheld — inal settlement of the tax liability on e) A domestic corporation is taxable on all income derived from RESIDENT CITIZEN
the income covered. sources within and without the Philippines; and
1) Those who are citizens of the Philippines at the time of the
c. Criteria in imposing Philippine income tax f) A foreign corporation, whether engaged or not in trade or adoption of this Constitution;
business in the Philippines, is taxable only on income derived
1. Citizenship or Nationality Principle — a citizen of the 2) Those whose fathers or mothers are citizens of the Philippines;
from sources within the Philippines. (Sec 23)
Philippines is subject to Philippine income tax 3) Those born before January 17, 1973, of Filipino mothers, who
a. On his worldwide income, if he resides in the Philippines, elect Philippine citizenship upon reaching the age of majority;
are taxable on income derived from ALL sources. All others are only
or and
taxable on income derived from sources within PH.
b. Only on his Philippine-source income, if he quali ies as a 4) Those who are naturalized in accordance with law.
e. Types of Philippine income taxes
non-resident citizen; hence, his foreign-source income A Resident Citizen is a Filipino citizen who stayed permanently in the
shall be exempt. 1. Personal Income Tax on Individuals (Secs 24-25);
Philippines or stayed outside the Philippines for less than 183 days
2. Residence or Domicile Principle — an alien is subject to 2. Regular Corporate Income Tax (Sec 27[A]); during the taxable year.
income tax because of his residence in the Philippines. 3. Minimum Corporate Income Tax (Sec 27[E]);
3. Source of Income Principle — an alien is subject to NON-RESIDENT CITIZEN
4. Capital Gains Tax;
Philippine income tax because he derives income from sources 1) A citizen of the Philippines who establishes to the satisfaction
5. Tax on passive investment income;
within the Philippines. of the Commissioner the fact of his physical presence abroad
6. Fringe Bene its Tax (Sec 33);
d. General principles of income taxation with a de inite intention to reside therein.
7. Branch Pro it Remittance Tax (Sec 27);
a) A citizen of the Philippines residing therein is taxable on all 2) A citizen of the Philippines who leaves the Philippines during
income derived from sources within and without the 8. Improperly Accumulated Earnings Tax (Sec 29); and the taxable year to reside abroad, either as an immigrant or for
Philippines; 9. Final Withholding Income Tax. employment on a permanent basis.
b) A nonresident citizen is taxable only on income derived from 3) A citizen of the Philippines who works and derives income
f. Kinds of taxpayers
sources within the Philippines; from abroad and whose employment thereat requires him to be
physically present abroad most of the time during the
c) An individual citizen of the Philippines who is working and
taxable year.
deriving income from abroad as an overseas contract worker is
taxable only on income derived from sources within the - At least 183 days.
Philippines: - Temporary employment
Provided, That a seaman who is a citizen of the Philippines and 4) Hybrid. — A citizen who has been previously considered as
who receives compensation for services rendered abroad as a non-resident citizen and who arrives in the Philippines at any
member of the complement of a vessel engaged exclusively in time during the taxable year to reside permanently in the
international trade shall be treated as an overseas contract Philippines shall likewise be treated as a non-resident citizen
worker; for the taxable year in which he arrives in the Philippines with
d) An alien individual, whether a resident or not of the respect to his income derived from sources abroad until the
Philippines, is taxable only on income derived from sources date of his arrival in the Philippines.
within the Philippines; Within and Without Within Final Tax Rate of 25% within 5) Receives compensation for services rendered abroad as a

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a. He is a member of the complement of a vessel received or at a regular income tax rate (0%-35%) based on the
d) association, or
net taxable compensation income if his gross annual taxable
b. The vessel is engaged exclusively in international e) insurance companies,
compensation is at least P975,000 (whether or not actually
trade. received). but does not include
RESIDENT ALIEN TN: 15% preferential tax rate vetoed
a) general professional partnerships and
A resident alien is one who has a residence in the Philippines ESTATES AND TRUSTS
b) a joint venture or consortium formed for the purpose of
although he is not a Filipino citizen. He has no de inite period of
An ESTATE is composed of all properties, rights and obligations undertaking construction projects or engaging in
stay in the Philippines.
including those properties, earnings or obligations that have petroleum, coal, geothermal and other energy operations
He is not a mere transient or sojourner. His de inite purpose for accrued thereto since the opening of the succession. The estate is to pursuant to an operating consortium agreement under a
staying requires an extended stay and to that end, he makes his be transferred from the decedent to his successors. Its status is the service contract with the Government.
home temporarily in the Philippines. same as that of the decedent prior to his death.
'General professional partnerships' are partnerships formed by
NON-RESIDENT ALIEN It will only be taxable when it is under administration or persons for the sole purpose of exercising their common
settlement. profession, no part of the income of which is derived from engaging
The test to classify NRA is the length of stay in the Philippines, whether in any trade or business.
GR: An estate under judicial settlement is subject to income
he stays for more than 180 days or, 180 days or less.
tax. Domestic corporations are those created or organized in the
EXC: The distribution to the heirs during the taxable year of Philippines or under its laws. Otherwise, foreign corporations.
a. More than 180 days estate income is deductible from the taxable income of the g. Taxable period
b. 0-35% tax on net income estate. Such will form part of the taxable income of the
NRA-NETB heirs. 1) 'Taxable year' means the calendar year, or the iscal year
ending during such calendar year, upon the basis of which the
a. 180 days or less A TRUST is an obligation imposed or a right to administer over a
net income is computed.
b. 25% inal tax on gross income property given to a person for the bene it of another.
1. Where the income is accumulated or held for future 2. Concept of Income
distribution by the trustee; a. Definition
Special employees are alien individuals or Filipino citizens who are 2. Where it is up to the iduciary whether there will be In the broad sense, INCOME refers to all wealth which lows into
subject to 15% tax based on their gross compensation income when: distribution or not; the taxpayer other than those that are mere return of capital. It is
1. They are employed occupying managerial and/or technical 3. Where the income is collected by a guardian of an infant return on capital or return above the capital as opposed to return of
positions with regional or area headquarters of which is to be held or distributed as the court may direct. capital.
a. multinational corporations, CAPITAL denotes the original investment or fund used in order to
CORPORATIONS generate earnings which is called income. It is the fund or property
b. petroleum service contractors and subcontractors, or
existing at one point in time.
c. offshore banking units. The term 'corporation' shall include
REVENUE refers to the amount received by the business from
2. If the special taxpayer is an alien, all of his gross a) partnerships, no matter how created or organized, selling main goods or services to its customers during the period.
compensation income received is subject to 15% inal tax.
b) joint-stock companies, b. When income is taxable
3. If the taxpayer is a Filipino citizen, he has the option to be
taxed at 15% inal tax based on his gross compensation income c) joint accounts (cuentas en participación), 1. There is gain or pro it;

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2. Gain or pro it is realized or received (actually or term "reasonable accuracy" implies something less than an exact or
iii. Economic benefit test or doctrine of proprietary interest
constructively); Constructive receipt: completely accurate amount.
Anything that bene its a person materially or economically. Note
a. Matured interest coupons; ii. Special method: installment, deferred payment, percentage
however that there must irst be actual realization, such as through
b. Interest on savings bank deposit; of completion (in long-term contracts)
sale or disposition.
c. Dividends applied to indebtedness of a shareholder; 1) 'Long-term contracts' means
Mere increase in the value of property is not income.
d. Share in the pro its of a partner in GPP. a) building, installation or construction contracts
iv. Severance test
3. Such gain or pro it is NOT exempted by any treaty or law. b) covering a period in excess of one (1) year.
Income is recognized when there is separation of something which
c. Tests in determining whether income is of exchangeable value. Persons whose gross income is derived in whole or in part
is earned for tax purposes from such contracts shall report such income upon the basis of
d. Methods of accounting
1) Flow of Wealth - whether any gain was derived from the percentage of completion.
transaction. An accounting method is a "set of rules for determining when and
how to report income and deductions." The return should be accompanied by a return certi icate of
2) Realization - Revenue is realized when architects or engineers showing the percentage of completion
i. Distinguish: cash and accrual method during the taxable year of the entire work performed under
a) The earning process is complete; AND
The accrual method relies upon the taxpayer’s right to receive contract.
b) An exchange has taken place.
amounts or its obligation to pay them, in opposition to actual 2) Installment Basis. —
3) Economic-Bene it - taxable to the extent the taxpayer is
receipt or payment, which characterizes the cash method of
economically bene ited. a) Sales of Dealers in Personal Property. — a person who
4) Net Effect - substance of whole transaction. regularly sells or otherwise disposes of personal property
For a taxpayer using the accrual method, the determinative question on the installment plan may return as income therefrom in
5) Claim of Right - if there is control over the fund. is, when do the facts present themselves in such a manner that the any taxable year that proportion of the installment
6) Recovery of Capital Doctrine. taxpayer must recognize income or expense? payments actually received in that year, which the gross
7) All-events - right to collect income the amount of which is The accrual of income and expense is permitted when the pro it realized or to be realized when payment is
completed, bears to the total contract price.
liquidated or certain. all-events test has been met. This test requires:
b) Sales of Realty and Casual Sales of Personality. — In
i. Realization test 1) ixing of a right to income or liability to pay; and
the case
Income is recognized when both conditions are met: 2) the availability of the reasonable accurate determination of
i) of a casual sale or other casual disposition of
such income or liability.
a) The earning is complete or virtually complete; AND personal property, for a price exceeding P1K, or
The all-events test is satis ied
b) An exchange has taken place. ii) of a sale or other disposition of real property,
a) where computation remains uncertain, if its basis is
ii. Claim of right doctrine or doctrine of ownership, command or if in either case the initial payments do not exceed 25%
control of the selling price, the income may be returned on the
b) where a computation may be unknown, but is not as much basis and in the manner above prescribed.
If the taxpayer receives earnings under a claim of right and without
as unknowable, within the taxable year.
restriction as to its disposition. 'Initial payments' means the payments received during
The amount of liability does not have to be determined exactly; it the taxable period in which the sale or other disposition is
must be determined with "reasonable accuracy." Accordingly, the made.

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c) Sales of Real Property Considered as Capital Asset by 2. From Foreign Corp - if income derived from PH: c. Sources of income subject to tax
Individuals. — An individual who sells or disposes of a. > 85% = purely within; CG2IR2DAP3
real property, considered as capital asset, and is otherwise b. <50% = purely without;
1) Compensation for services in whatever form paid, including,
quali ied to report the gain therefrom under (B) may pay c. 50%-85% = allocation.
but not limited to fees, salaries, wages, commissions, and
the capital gains tax in installments.
Place of contract similar items;
d) Change from Accrual to Installment Basis. — If a 2) Gross income derived from the conduct of trade or business or
taxpayer entitled to the bene its of (A) elects for any Prizes Either where services rendered or where given. the exercise of a profession;
taxable year to report his taxable income on the
installment basis, then in computing his income for the 3) Gains derived from dealings in property;
Pension Where given on account of services rendered.
year of change or any subsequent year, amounts actually 4) Interests;
received during any such year on account of sales or other Professional
5) Rents;
dispositions of property made in any prior year shall not income of Exercise of profession
be excluded. partners 6) Royalties;
7) Dividends;
e. Situs of Income 3. Gross Income
8) Annuities;
Source Situs a. Definition
9) Prizes and winnings;
Compensation Where service rendered In a narrow sense, gross income means all income derived from
10) Pensions; and
whatever source, including but not limited to CG2IR 2DAP3.
Merchandising, Farming, Mining 11) Partner's distributive share from the net income of the
- Where business undertaken. In a broad sense, it means all items of income less exclusions. It is general professional partnership.
Manufacturing the total income from all sources before deductions, exemptions or
other tax reductions. i. Compensation income
goods manufactured and sold
Business It refers to all remuneration for services rendered by an employee
a. Within PH - Purely within; b. Distinguish: gross income, net income, and taxable
b. Outside - Purely without; for his employer, unless speci ically excluded under the Tax Code.
c. Place of manufacture and selling different First Lepanto v. CIR 2013
- Proportionate. a) GROSS INCOME TAXATION — This is a system based on gross
The imposition of withholding tax on compensation hinges upon
income, which doesn‘t allow deductions but allows exclusions.
the nature of work performed by such individuals in the company.
From sale or 1. Personal - Place of sale; Applicable to passive income.
exchange of 2. Sale of transport documents - place where sold; In Kind:
property 3. Real - Location. GROSS IN COM E = Income – Exclusions a. Stock Options. Stock options are taxable as compensation
income taxed only if there is a bene it to the employee such
Interest Residence of debtor b) NET INCOME TAXATION — Certain deductions are allowed
as when he can buy the share at a more favorable price than the
and subtracted from the aggregate of incomes not subject to
Rent Property located inal tax, and the tax computed based on the resulting net
income. The tax will be on the amount of the difference between the
Royalties Where intangible is used book value or the FMV of the stock, whichever is higher, and
N ET IN COM E = Gross Income – Deductions the exercise price. It is imposed whether or not the stock
Dividend 1. From Domestic Corp - income purely within; option is exercised.

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b. Promissory Notes. Equivalent to the face value of the Conditions for FB to be taxable ii. In the name of ER; and
promissory note, unless it is discounted. For a discounted a. Given to managerial or supervisory employees; iii. Do not partake the nature of a personal expense;
promissory note, the cash discounted value.
b. Good, service furnished or granted in cash or in kind; b. Expenses paid for by EE, but reimbursed by ER are taxable,
c. Cancellation of Debt. Considered an income when you render
c. Must NOT be for the bene it or convenience of the employer. except when (same as a);
services and in exchange, your debt is forgiven.
HOUSING c. Personal expenses of EE paid for or reimbursed by ER are
d. Tax Liability. When the employer shoulders your tax on
taxable, regardless if they are receipted or not in the name of
compensation instead of you getting less than your gross ER;
Case Annual Value Monthly MV
monthly salary.
d. RATA are NOT taxable fringe bene its, but are taxable
COURAGE v. CIR 2018 En Banc 50% x Monthly
ER leases house for use of EE NA compensation income:
Withholding tax on compensation applies to the Government of the i. Fixed in amounts;
Philippines, including its agencies, instrumentalities, and political 50% x Monthly
5% of FMV, or ii. Regularly received by EE;
subdivisions. Value
ER owns house, assigns use Zonal Value,
iii. Part of Monthly compensation income.
Withholding shall be made by the of icer or employee having control to EE whichever is
Monthly Value =
of the payments or by any of icer or employee duly designated for higher
such purpose.
ER purchases house on 5% of Case Monetary Value
ii. Fringe benefits 50% x Monthly
installment, assigns use to acquisition cost,
Any good, service or other bene it furnished or granted in cash or in EE exc interest Purchases vehicle in the name of Acquisition Cost
kind by an employer to an individual employee (except rank and ile EE
ER purchases then transfers Acquisition cost
employees) HEVHIMEHEL NA
ownership to EE or FMV Provides EE with cash for Cash received by EE
1. Housing purchase
ER purchases then transfers Zonal Value or
2. Expense Account ownership to EE at a lower NA Assessed Value, Shoulders a portion of the Amount shouldered
price minus cost of EE purchase price
3. Vehicle of any kind
Exceptions (Not taxable): Purchases car on installment in Acquisition cost (excl interest) /
4. Household Personnel the name of EE 5 years.
1. AFP, Navy, Air Force;
5. Interest on loan
2. Housing unit inside or within a maximum of 50 meters from Owns a leet of vehicles for the Acquisition cost of all motor
6. Membership Fees perimeter of business; use of EEs vehicles not normally used in
business / 5 years x 50%
7. Expense for Foreign Travel 3. Temporary housing = 3 months or less;
4. Granted to rank and ile. Leases and maintains leet of Amount of rent x 50%
8. Holiday and Vacation Expense
9. Educational Assistance
a. In general, expenses incurred by EE but are paid by his ER are Use of yacht Depreciation at 20 years of
10. Life or Health Insurance useful life.
taxable, except when:
TN: This list is NOT exclusive.
i. They are duly receipted;

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HOUSEHOLD EXPENSES 2. There is a written contract to the effect that EE is obliged

Bene it Monthly Annual
to remain in the employ of ER for a mutually agreed period.
For household personnel, such as salaries of household help, personal To the Dependent of EE: Monetized unused VL not exceeding 10 days NA NA
driver of the employee, or other similar personal expenses.
GR: Taxable; Monetized value of VL and SL credits of Public NA NA
INTEREST ON LOAN at less than Market Rate employees
EXC: Assistance provided through a competitive scheme.

Market rate is at 12%. LIFE OR HEALTH INSURANCE Medical cash allowance 250 3,000

MEMBERSHIP FEES GR: Taxable; Rice subsidy 2,000 24,000

a. Should not be pursuant to the nature of the business of ER; Uniform and Clothing 500 6,000
a) Pursuant to existing law, i.e. SSS, GSIS; AND
b. Should not be necessary for the position. Actual medical assistance 10,000
b) Cost of premiums borne by ER for the group insurance of
EEs. Laundry 300 3,600
a. Reasonable business expenses for the purpose of attending Bene iciary
business meetings or conventions are NOT taxable FBs. Awards 10,000
i. Heir — income of EE;
Inland travel expenses must not exceed 300 USD, not including Gifts during Christmas, etc 5,000
ii. If EE managerial or supervisory — FB subject to tax;
lodging cost.
iii. Company — NOT FB; Daily Meal Allowance for OT, night-shift < 25% of MW
b. Economy and business class NOT taxable. 30% of cost of First
class ticket taxable. iv. For Group of EEs — NOT FB.
By virtue of CBA, productivity incentive 10,000
c. There should be documentary evidence proving the travel was scheme
Exemption from FBT
in connection with a meeting or convention. Otherwise, taxable Threshold of P90,000
FB. 1) Authorized and exempted under the NIRC or special laws; The list of de minimis bene its is exclusive. The threshold now
d. If for the family members of EE, paid by ER, taxable. 2) For EE’s retirement, insurance and hospitalization (GROUP under the TRAIN Law is P90,000. The amount in excess of P90,000
HOLIDAY AND VACATION EXPENSES INSURANCE); will be subject to the normal income tax rate or fringe bene it tax, as
3) Given to Rank and File; the case may be.
Everything is considered as fringe bene it since it is not pursuant to the
purpose of the business of the employer. 4) Required by the nature of, or necessary to the trade, business iii. Professional income
or profession of ER; Professionals. — refer to persons who derive their income from
5) For the convenience of ER; the practice of their profession.
To the EE: 6) De minimis bene its iv. Income from business
GR: Taxable; DE MINIMIS 1) Self-employment income consists of the earnings derived by
EXC: the individual from the practice of profession or conduct of
Are of relatively small value and are offered or furnished merely as a
1. Directly connected with ER’s trade, business or profession; trade or business carried on by him as a sole proprietor or by a
means of promoting goodwill, contentment or ef iciency of his
AND partnership by which he is a member.

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2) Business is any activity that entails the time, attention and a. Income from dealings in shares of stocks or domestic 50% — asset was held for more than
effort of an individual or group of individuals for livelihood or corporation WON through the stock exchange; 12 months
pro it. b. Income from dealings in real property located in PH;
CIR v. Ocier 2018
v. Income from dealings in property c. Income from dealings in other capital assets.
The taxpayer is liable to pay capital gains taxes for the sale, barter,
a) Distinguish ordinary asset and capital asset 2) ORDINARY GAINS
exchange or other disposition of shares of stock in a domestic
The term 'capital assets' means property held by the taxpayer Gains or income from the sale or exchange of properties which corporation except if the sale or disposition is through the stock
(whether or not connected with his trade or business), but does are not capital assets. exchange. For this purpose, the term disposition includes any act of
disposing, transferring or parting with, or alienation of, or giving up
not include (ordinary assets) a. Business income; of property to another.
1. stock in trade of the taxpayer; b. Compensation income;
Republic v. Sps Bunsay 2019
2. other property of a kind which would properly be included c. Passive income;
in the inventory of the taxpayer if on hand at the close of CGT, being a tax on passive income, is imposed by the NIRC on
d. Others.
the taxable year; the seller as a consequence of the latter's presumed income
c) Special rules pertaining to income or loss from dealings in from the sale or exchange of real property.
3. property held by the taxpayer primarily for sale to
capital asset In case of transfer by expropriation, the expropriating authority
customers in the ordinary course of his trade or business;
shall shoulder the CGT, other taxes and fees as part of the just
4. property used in the trade or business, of a character Rule Applies to compensation due to the affected owner of the property.
which is subject to the allowance for depreciation
Loss Capital losses are allowed only to the Individuals
provided in Subsection (F) of Section 34; or d) Tax-free exchanges
limitation extent of capital gains. and
5. real property used in trade or business of the taxpayer. a) Ordinary loss deductible from corporations GR: Upon the sale or exchange or property, the entire amount of the
For speci ic guidelines in determining WON real property is a ordinary gain; except trust gain or loss, as the case may be, shall be recognized.
capital or ordinary asset, please see RR 7-2003. b) Capital loss deductible from companies EXC: No gain or loss shall be recognized if in pursuance of a plan of
capital gain; and banks. merger or consolidation —
Main takeaway — a taxpayer habitually engaged in the real
c) Capital loss NOT deductible from
estate business is someone: 1. A corporation, which is a party to a merger or consolidation,
ordinary gain;
a. Registered with the HLURB or HUDCC as as a real estate d) Ordinary loss deductible from exchanges property solely for stock in a corporation, which is
dealer or developer; or capital gain. a party to the merger or consolidation; or
2. A shareholder exchanges stock in a corporation, which is a
b. If not registered with the above, having consummated
Loss Shall be treated in the succeeding Individuals party to the merger or consolidation, solely for the stock of
during the preceding year of at least six (6) taxable real
carry-over taxable year as loss from the sale or another corporation also a party to the merger or
estate sale transactions, regardless of amount; or exchange of capital asset held for not consolidation; or
c. Registered as habitually engaged in real estate business more than 12 months.
3. A security holder of a corporation, which is a party to the
with the LGU or BIR. Loss must be in an amount not in
merger or consolidation, exchanges his securities in such
excess of the net income of such year.
b) Types of gains corporation, solely for stock or securities in such corporation,
1) CAPITAL GAINS Holding 100% — asset was held for NOT Individuals a party to the merger or consolidation.
period more than 12 months; Also
Gains or income from the sale or exchange of capital assets,

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4. If property is transferred to a corporation by a person in GR: NOT taxable since they are considered unrealized gain.
There is nothing in Section 40(C)(2) of the NIRC which requires the
exchange for stock or unit of participation in such a taxpayer to irst secure a prior con irmatory ruling before the EXC:
corporation of which as a result of such exchange said person, transaction may be considered as a tax-free exchange.
a) Change in the stockholder’s equity, right or interest in
alone or together with others, not exceeding four (4) persons,
gains control of said corporation. (Sec 40[c]) vi. Passive investment income the net assets of the corporation;

CIR v. Filinvest 2011 En Banc re Tax-free Exchange 1. It is an income subject to FWT. b) Recipient is other than the shareholder. Stock dividend
is taxable to the usufructuary.
The requisites for the non-recognition of gain or loss are as 2. The recipient is not required to include the income in his gross
follows: income nor in his taxable income. c) Cancellation or redemption of shares of stock;

3. Taxpayer is not required to ile ITR if his income consists solely of d) Distribution of treasury stocks;
a) the transferee is a corporation;
b) the transferee exchanges its shares of stock for property/ies income subject to inal tax. Examples of passive investment income: e) Dividends declared in the guise of treasury stock
of the transferor; a) Interest income from bank deposit; dividend to avoid income taxation;
c) the transfer is made by a person, acting alone or together f) Different classes of stocks were issued.
with others, not exceeding four persons; and, b) Royalties;
d) as a result of the exchange the transferor, alone or together c) Dividend received from DC by an individual or NRFC; 4) Liquidating dividend — one resulting from the
with others, not exceeding four, gains control of the distribution by a corporation of all its property or assets in
transferee. d) Prizes of > Php 10K; complete liquidation or dissolution.
e) Winnings except sweepstakes and lotto; Generally a return of capital, and hence, NOT income.
The exchange of property for stocks between FDC, FAI and FLI clearly
quali ies as a tax-free transaction. f) Partner’s share from the net income after tax of business However, it is taxable income with respect to the excess
partnership, joint account, joint venture or consortium. of amount received over cost of the share surrendered.
Bearing in mind the meaning of "gross income", it cannot be gainsaid,
even then, that a mere increase or appreciation in the value of a) Interest CIR v. Premium Leisure Corp 2019
said shares cannot be considered income for taxation purposes. The distribution of liquidating dividends on account of the
Amount of compensation paid for the use of money or forbearance
It "constitutes and can be treated merely as an increase of dissolution of a corporation is not to be treated as a sale for purposes
from such use. However, interest income which are already subject
capital." Hence, the CIR has no factual and legal basis in assessing of the imposition of capital gains tax. Under Section 73 (A) of the
to inal tax need not be included in the computation for a taxpayer’s
income tax on the increase in the value of FDC's shareholdings in FAC 1997 NIRC, receipt by a stockholder, whether corporate or individual,
until the same is actually sold at a pro it. annual ITR. of liquidating dividends is subject to ordinary income tax on the
b) Dividend part of the individual stockholder.
CIR v. Lucio Co 2020 further clarifying Filinvest
Any distribution made by a corporation to its shareholders out of
As regards the element of control, the Court, in Filinvest, clari ied its earnings or pro its and payable to its shareholders, whether in Giver Recipient Tax Rate
that it is not necessary that, after the exchange, each of the transferors
money or in other property. (Sec 73)
individually gains control of the transferee corporation. Domestic DC, RFC Exempt
It also does not prohibit instances when the transferor gains further 1) Cash dividend — paid in given sum of money;
control of the transferee corporation. The Court explained that the RC, NRC, RA 10%
2) Property dividend — one paid by a corporation in
element of control is satis ied even if one of the transferors is already
securities (not its own stock) or other property; NRA - ETB 20%
owning at least 51% of the shares of the transferee corporation, as
long as after the exchange, the transferors, not more than ive, 3) Stock dividend — one paid by a corporation with its OWN
collectively increase their equity in the transferee corporation by stock. NRA - NETB 25%
51% or more.

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NRFC 15% subject to allowance for tax credit d) Rental income 3) Those that are in the nature of gifts.
or the tax sparing rule; otherwise, 30%
Fixed sum either in cash or property equivalent, to be paid at a ix. Pension, retirement benefit, or separation pay
de inite period for the use or enjoyment of a thing or right.
★ Dividend received from foreign corporation is subject to PH A pension is a gratuity granted as a favor or reward or one paid
income tax if at least 50% of the world income of the FC is Value of permanent improvements made by lessee on leased under given conditions to a person following retirement from
derived from PH for 3 years preceding the declaration of such property that will become the property of the lessor upon the service or to surviving dependents. Note however that pensions and
dividend. expiration of the lease. The lessor shall report such an income retirement bene its under RA 7641 are excluded from gross income.
under any of the following methods:
Rules on redemption of share of stock x. Income from any source
1) Outright method — FMV of the completed building or
1) NOT taxable — a) Condonation of indebtedness
improvement shall be reported as additional rent income.
a) Shares are redeemed in the absence of the availability Cancellation or forgiveness of debt may amount to
2) Spread out method — Allocate the depreciated value over
of unrestricted earnings;
the remaining term of the lease contract. a) Payment of income — taxable;
b) Not in the nature of a recurring return on stock;
How about advance rentals? b) Payment of dividends — taxable;
c) The source of redemption is the original capital
1) Prepaid rentals — taxable if so received under a claim of c) Gift — exempt.
subscription upon establishment of the corporation or
right and without restriction as to use.
initial capital investment in an existing enterprise. b) Recovery of accounts previously written o
2) Security deposit — not taxable unless lessee violates
2) Taxable — Recovery of bad debts previously allowed as deduction in the
any provision of the contract.
preceding years shall be included as part of the gross income in the
a) The redeemed shares are from stock dividend
3) Loan — not taxable. year of recovery to the extent of the income tax bene it of said
declarations other than as initial capital investment.
deduction. (Sec 34[e][1])
vii. Annuities and proceeds from life insurance or other types of
b) There is redemption or cancellation; the transaction
insurance c) Receipt of tax refunds or credit
involves stock dividends; and the “time and manner”
of the transaction makes it essentially equivalent to a Annuity is a sum of money payable yearly or at regular intervals. Taxes which were previously claimed and allowed as deductions
distribution of taxable dividends. Note however that life insurance annuities are excluded from gross but were subsequently refunded or granted as tax credit should be
income. declared as part of gross income of that year. Except
c) Royalty income
viii. Prizes and awards a) Estate and donor’s tax;
Any payment of any kind received as consideration for the use of or
right to use: GR: Taxable. b) Income, war-pro it and excess pro it taxes imposed by a
EXC: foreign country;
1) Any patent, trademark, design or model;
c) Taxes assessed against local bene its of a kind tending to
2) Secret formula or process; 1) If the recipient was selected without any action on his part
increase the value of the property assessed;
to enter the contest and he was not required to render
3) Industrial, commercial or scienti ic equipment;
substantial future services as a condition for receiving the d) Stock transaction tax;
4) Information concerning industrial, commercial or prize or award;
e) Taxes which are not allowable as deductions under the law.
scienti ic experience.
2) Those granted to athletes in local and international sports
d. Exclusions
competitions sanctioned by their respective national
sports associations; and

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1) Life Insurance. — If the company insures its employee and b. Moral and exemplary damages awarded as a result of resident or nonresident citizens of the Philippines or
makes the latter’s estate the bene iciary, THE PREMIUM IS breach of contract; aliens who come to reside permanently in the Philippines
TAXABLE, while the proceeds NOT TAXABLE. from foreign government agencies and other institutions,
c. Interest for non-taxable damages above;
When taxable? private or public.
d. Damages as compensation for unrealized income. d) Payments of bene its due or to become due to any person
a. Insurer and insured agreed that the amount of the
5) Income Exempt under Treaty. — Income of any kind, to the residing in the Philippines under the laws of the US
proceeds shall be withheld by the insurer with the
obligation to pay interest in the same – the interest is extent required by any treaty obligation binding upon the administered by the US Veterans Administration.
the one subject to tax. Government of the Philippines. e) Bene its received from or enjoyed under the SSS.
b. There is transfer of the insurance policy. 6) Retirement Bene its, Pensions, Gratuities, etc. — f) Bene its received from the GSIS.
GR: NOT taxable regardless of the bene iciaries. a) Retirement bene its received under RA No. 7641 and those
Santos v. Servier Phil., Inc. on Retirement Bene its
Conditions: received by of icials and employees of private irms,
whether individual or corporate, in accordance with a ⭐For the retirement bene its to be exempt from the
1. Paid to heirs; withholding tax, the taxpayer is burdened to prove the concurrence
reasonable private bene it plan maintained by the
2. Paid upon death of the insured; employer: xxxx of the following elements:
1) a reasonable private bene it plan is maintained by the
3. Paid in a single sum or in installment. REQUISITES:
EXC: (When taxable) 1. At least 50 years old; 2) the retiring of icial or employee has been in the service of
1. Used to secure money obligation; 2. At least 10 years of service in same company the same employer for at least ten (10) years;

2. Transfer for valuable consideration. (aggregate, not necessarily continuous); 3) the retiring of icial or employee is not less than ifty (50)
years of age at the time of his retirement; and
3. Reasonable private bene it plan;
4) the bene it had been availed of only once.
I N COM E = P roceeds – (P urchase P rice + P remiums P aid) 4. In the nature of pension, plan, pro it sharing plan,
stock bonus or gratuity; Petitioner was quali ied for disability retirement. At the time of such
2) Amount Received by Insured as Return of Premium. — retirement, petitioner was only 41 years of age; and had been in the
5. Approved by the BIR;
service for more or less eight (8) years. As such, the above provision
I N COM E = Endowment – P remiums P aid 6. Employer must give contribution and must be is not applicable for failure to comply with the age and length of
established for the common bene it of ALL. service requirements. Therefore, respondent cannot be faulted for
3) Gifts, Bequests, and Devises. — However, income from such deducting from petitioner's total retirement bene its the amount of
7. Availed of only ONCE. (except if 2nd employer is P362,386.87, for taxation purposes.
property, as well as gift, bequest, devise or descent of income
Government — still exempt)
from any property, in cases of transfers of divided interest,
7) Miscellaneous Items. —
shall be included in gross income. b) Any amount received by an of icial or employee or by his
heirs from the employer as a consequence of separation a) Income Derived by Foreign Government.
4) Compensation for Injuries or Sickness. — amounts received
of such of icial or employee from the service of the b) Income Derived by the Government or its Political
as compensation for personal injuries or sickness, plus the
employer because of death sickness or other physical Subdivisions.
amounts of any damages received, whether by suit or
disability or for any cause beyond the control of the
agreement, on account of such injuries or sickness. c) Prizes and Awards. — Prizes and awards made
said of icial or employee.
EXC (Taxable): primarily in recognition of religious, charitable,
c) The provisions of any existing law to the contrary scienti ic, educational, artistic, literary, or civic
a. Actual damages for loss of anticipated pro its; notwithstanding, social security bene its, retirement achievement but only if:
gratuities, pensions and other similar bene its received by

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i. The recipient was selected without any i. Rationale Tax credits are directly deducted from tax liability.
action on his part to enter the contest or
Generally, they are excluded because they do not fall within the iii. Exclusions under the Constitution
proceeding; and
de inition of income for income tax purposes or a provision of the
ii. The recipient is not required to render All revenues and assets of non-stock, non-pro it educational
Tax Code or special law exempts them from income tax.
substantial future services as a condition to institutions used actually, directly, and exclusively for educational
receiving the prize or award. Exclusion Rationale purposes shall be exempt from taxes and duties. (Sec 4 Art XIV)

d) Prizes and Awards in Sports Competition. — Proceeds of Life Indemnity rather than as gain or pro it. 4. Deductions
sanctioned by their national sports associations. Insurance Who are not allowed to avail of the deductions under Sec 34?
e) 13th Month Pay and Other Bene its. — Provided,
Amount received as Return of capital Taxpayers earning compensation income arising from personal services
however, That the total exclusion under this
return of premium rendered under an employer-employee relationship.
subparagraph shall not exceed Ninety thousand
pesos (P90,000). 1. Citizens and Resident Aliens whose income is purely
Gifts, bequests and Not a product of capital or industry
f) GSIS, SSS, Medicare and Other Contributions. compensation income;
g) Gains from the Sale of Bonds, Debentures or other 2. NRA-NETB;
Compensation for Compensatory; not gain or pro it
Certi icate of Indebtedness. — Gains realized from 3. NRFC.
injuries or sickness
the same or exchange or retirement of bonds,
debentures or other certi icate of indebtedness with a a. General Rule — Deductions
Income exempt under Adherence to generally accepted principles
maturity of more than ive (5) years. ExInTaLoBaChaRePenDepDep
treaty of international law
★ Debentures are used for bonds, backed by 1) Expenses;
general credit of the issuer rather than a Retirement bene its, Gratuity for years of service
particular asset. They are unsecured pensions, gratuities 2) Interest;
liabilities. This is like a bank letting someone
Income received by To lessen the burden of foreign loans 3) Taxes;
owe money without any collateral.
foreign governments inasmuch as the interest of these loans are, 4) Losses;
h) Gains from Redemption of Shares in Mutual Fund.
from their investments by contractual arrangement, borne by
i) Income Derived from the Sale of Gold Pursuant to in PH domestic borrowers. 5) Bad Debts;
RA No. 7076. — Income derived from the following
transactions: ii. Distinguish: exclusions, deductions, and tax credits 6) Charitable Contributions;
i. The sale of gold to the BSP by registered Exclusions from gross income refer to a low of wealth to the 7) Research and Development;
small-scale miners and accredited traders; taxpayer which are not treated as part of gross income, for purposes
8) Pension;
of computing the taxpayer’s taxable income either because it is
ii. The sale of gold by registered small-scale exempted by the constitution, by statute, or it does not come within 9) Depreciations;
miners to accredited traders for eventual sale the de inition of income.
10) Depletion.
to the BSP. (RA 11256) Deductions from gross income are the amounts which the law
allows to be deducted from gross income in order to arrive at net EXPENSES

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KINDS [CARTERS] ii) In carrying or which are directly attributable to the it failed the two conditions:
development, management, operation and/or conduct 1. irst, “reasonableness” of the amount incurred and
a) Compensation;
of the trade, business or exercise of profession;
2. second, the amount incurred must not be a capital outlay to
1. Must be reasonable; iii) Supported by adequate invoices or receipts; create “goodwill” for the product and/or private
2. Payment for actual services rendered. respondent’s business.
iv) Not contrary to law, public policy or moral;
Additional for Bonuses: The right to a deduction depends on a number of factors such as but
v) Not a bribe; not limited to:
3. Made in good faith; vi) Properly withheld appropriate tax; 1. the type and size of business in which the taxpayer is
4. Consider: vii) Limitation: engaged;
a. Nature of Business; 2. the volume and amount of its net earnings;
1) Sale of goods = 0.5% of net sales;
b. Financial capacity of taxpayer; AND 3. the nature of the expenditure itself;
2) Service = 1% of net revenue.
4. the intention of the taxpayer and the general economic
c. Extent of services rendered;
f) Repair and Maintenance; conditions.
5. General economic condition The subject media advertising expense for “Tang” was almost double
i) Ordinary - cost of repair increases the life of an
b) Advertising and Promotional Expense; asset for a period not more than 1 year; the amount of respondent corporation’s general and administrative
expenses. We ind the subject expense for the advertisement of a
To be deductible outright: ii) Extraordinary - > 1 year; Capitalized, subject to single product to be inordinately large. Therefore, even if it is
i) Must be reasonable; AND depreciation. necessary, it cannot be considered an ordinary expense.

ii) Incurred to stimulate current sales and not establish g) Supplies and Materials. — Must be actually consumed Advertising is generally of two kinds:
goodwill or future sales. during the taxable year. 1) advertising to stimulate the current sale of merchandise
h) Litigation Expense. — If incurred in the defense or or use of services - DEDUCTIBLE;
c) Rent;
protection of title = capital in nature, NOT deductible. 2) advertising designed to stimulate the future sale of
i) Required as condition for continued use or merchandise or use of services - SPREAD OUT.
Option to Private Educational Institutions:
possession; The second type involves expenditures incurred, in whole or in part,
a) Outright Method; OR to create or maintain some form of goodwill for the taxpayer’s trade
ii) Purpose is for trade, business, profession;
b) Spread-out Method = subject to depreciation. or business or for the industry or profession of which the taxpayer is
iii) Taxpayer not owner of property leased; a member.
iv) Subject to withholding tax of 5%. CIR v. General Foods on Advertising Expense
d) Travelling Expense; To be deductible from gross income, the subject advertising expense
must comply with the following requisites: Arbitrage rule
i) Reasonable and necessary;
a) the expense must be ordinary and necessary; The taxpayer’s allowable deduction for interest expense shall be
ii) Incurred or paid while away from home - station
b) it must have been paid or incurred during the taxable year; reduced by an amount equal to 33% of the interest income earned by
assignment or principal place of business;
c) it must have been paid or incurred in carrying on the trade him which has been subjected to inal tax.
iii) In the conduct of trade or business. or business of the taxpayer; and
Theoretical interest
e) Entertainment, Amusement and Recreational; d) it must be supported by receipts, records or other pertinent
papers. An interest computed for the purposes of determining the opportunity
i) Paid or incurred during taxable year; cost of investing in a business. This is not paid or incurred. Theoretical
The subject advertising expense was not ordinary on the ground that
interest income and theoretical interest expense is no longer

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applicable in our jurisdiction since the interest must be stipulated in 7) Excess electric consumption tax; Excess of deductions over gross Loss from sale or exchange of
writing to be demandable.
8) Foreign income tax, war pro its and excess pro its tax - if used income for any taxable year capital asset
Non-deductible interest expense
as tax credit;
Additional deductible item from Capital losses are allowed only
1. Interest expense on preferred stock; 9) Paid for commodities not connected with business. gross income similar to other to the extent of capital gains
2. When there is no agreement in writing to pay interest; allowable deductions
Who may claim tax credit for taxes of foreign countries
3. On loan entered into between related taxpayers; 1) Resident Citizens; Holding period is NOT Holding period is applicable in
a. Members of family applicable case of individual taxpayer
2) Domestic Corporations;
i. Spouses; 3) Members of GPPS; Can be carried over in the next 3 Treated in the succeeding year
ii. Siblings; consecutive years immediately as a deduction as short-term
4) Bene iciaries of estates and trusts.
following the year of such loss capital loss from the net capital
iii. Descendants and ascendants. Options of Taxpayer quali ied for a credit gains in case of individual
b. Between 2 corporations owned and controlled by 1 taxpayer
1) Deducting the foreign income tax from gross income; or
individual; LOSSES ARISING FROM SECURITIES. When the securities which
2) Claiming tax credit.
c. Between a corporation and its majority shareholder; can be in the form of shares of stocks or loan receivables be
Limitations on Credit considered as worthless, the losses can be deducted. It will be
d. Parties to a trust
a) Per Country; worthless when the company loses operations in which the shares
i. Grant or Fiduciary;
b) Global.
ii. One grantor, different iduciaries;
China Banking Corp. v. CA on Worthless Securities
iii. Bene iciary and Fiduciary. LOSSES
An equity investment is a capital, not ordinary, asset of the
4. Interest paid or calculated for cost-keeping purposes; investor the sale or exchange of which results in either a capital gain
5. Paid in advance through discount; loss of the business or enterprise for any taxable year immediately or a capital loss. When the shares held by such investor become
worthless, the loss is deemed to be a loss from the sale or exchange
6. On obligation to inance petroleum exploration; preceding the current taxable year, which had not been previously
of capital assets. A capital gain or a capital loss normally requires the
offset as deduction from gross income shall be carried over as a
7. On unclaimed salaries of employees; concurrence of two conditions for it to result:
deduction from gross income for the next three (3) consecutive
1) There is a sale or exchange; and
8. 33% of the interest income subject to inal tax. years immediately following the year of such loss.
2) The thing sold or exchanged is a capital asset.
When NOLCO is not deductible
1. Incurred during tax holiday; When securities become worthless, there is strictly no sale or
Exceptions: exchange but the law deems the loss anyway to be "a loss from the
2. Tax is based on gross income or receipts; sale or exchange of capital assets.”
1) Special Assessment;
3. OSD is claimed;
2) Income Tax; The loss of petitioner bank in its equity investment in the
4. MCIT is imposed; Hongkong subsidiary cannot be deductible as a bad debt. The
3) Not connected with trade, business, profession; shares of stock in question do not constitute a loan extended by it to
5. Substantial change in ownership (75%).
4) Estate, Donor’s; its subsidiary (First CBC Capital) or a debt subject to obligatory
NOLCO NCLCO repayment by the latter, essential elements to constitute a bad debt,
5) VAT; but a long term investment made by CBC.
6) Final Taxes;

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abandoned, all accumulated exploration and development or purposes, or to the state for public purpose ,or would be
In sum — expenditures shall be allowed as a deduction. distributed by a court to another organization to be used in
a) The equity investment in shares of stock held by CBC of such manner as in the judgment of said court shall best
BAD DEBTS accomplish the general purpose for which the dissolved
approximately 53% in its Hongkong subsidiary is not an
indebtedness, and it is a capital, not an ordinary, asset. When are bad debts ascertained to be worthless? A court order is organization was organized.
b) Assuming that the equity investment of CBC has indeed necessary and the regular procedure is as follows:
become "worthless," the loss sustained is a capital, not an
1. Creditor sends a statement of Account to the debtor which
ordinary, loss. The deduction shall NOT apply
states the maturity date and amount due;
c) The capital loss sustained by CBC can only be deducted
2. If no payment is made, then the creditor sends a collection 1. Any expenditure or the acquisition or improvement of land, or
from capital gains if any derived by it during the same
taxable year that the securities have become "worthless." letter to the debtor; for the improvement of property to be used in connection with
research and development of a character which is subject to
LOSSES FROM SHARE TRANSACTIONS. Losses from share 3. Still no payment is made, then the creditor‘s lawyer will send a
depreciation and depletion; and
transactions can be claimed as deduction upon realization of the formal demand letter to the debtor;
2. Any expenditure paid or incurred for the purpose of
loss. Shrinkage in value of shares of stocks cannot be used to claim 4. Still failed to pay, then an action is iled in court for collection;
ascertaining the existence, location, extent, or quality of any
for the deduction as loss because you haven't realized it yet. Only if 5. No payment despite the order of court, then the account will be deposit of ore or other mineral, including oil or gas.
you sold it then if there is any loss, you can claim it as a deduction. considered as bad debt. TYPES OF R&D
LOSSES FROM WASH SALES. A wash sale is the buying or selling
CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTIONS 1. Not chargeable to capital account — deducted outright, Ex.
of the same type of stock or security at a loss within 30 days before
the date of sale or 30 days after date of sale. It cannot be claimed as Project feasibility study;
Kinds of Charitable Contributions
allowable deduction. 2. Chargeable to a capital account — spread out or amortized
1. Ordinary – those subject to limitations as to the amount
WAGERING LOSSES. Losses from wagering transactions shall be over a period of 60 months.
deductible from gross income
allowed only to the extent of the gains from such transactions.
a. 5% for Corporations; PENSION
CASUALTY LOSSES. The loss is caused by fortuitous event or force
b. 10% for Individuals. Current Service Cost is the cost of the services rendered from the
majeure. Requisites for deductibility
2. Special – deductible in full from gross income time the pension trust is set up until its retirement.
a. Report to taxing authorities within 45 days from
occurrence of the loss; Conditions if Recipient is an NGO Past Service Cost is the cost of the services relating to those prior
to the setting up of the pension trust.
b. Related to trade and business; a. Organized and operated exclusively for the aforementioned
c. Evidenced by a closed and completed transaction purposes or a combination thereof, no part of the net income of DEPRECIATION
(perfected sale; which inures to the bene it of any private individual;
Depreciable amount or cost is the cost of an asset or other
d. Actually sustained during the taxable year; b. The donation must be utilized not later than the 15th day of
amount substituted for cost, less its residual value.
the 3rd month following the close of its taxable year.(taxable
e. Must not be compensated by insurance or other forms of Salvage value is the estimated net amount currently obtainable if
year of the NGO concerned not the taxpayer);
indemnity. the asset is at the end of the useful life. It is the value of the asset at
c. The administrative expense must not exceed 30% of total
ABANDONMENT LOSSES. In the event a contract area where the end of its useful life.
petroleum operations are undertaken is partially or wholly Useful life is either the period over which an asset is expected to be
d. Upon dissolution, assets would be distributed to another
available for use by the entity, or the number of production or
nonpro it domestic corporation organized for similar purpose similar units expected to be obtained from the asset by the entity.

Based on the Books of Rabuya, Paras, De Leon, Ingles, Mamalateo, Dimaampao By RGL 206 of 269
CIVxTAX PRE-WEEK NOTES For the 2020/21 #BestBarEver

METHODS OF DEPRECIATION The depletable amount is equivalent to the cost of the asset less receipts (for individuals), or gross income (for corporations),
salvage value, if any. as the case may be, in lieu of the itemized deductions.
1. Straight line method
Essential Factors 2. It may be availed of by:
Acquisition Cost − Salvage V alue
Annual Depreciation = U sef ul Lif e 1. Basis of the property; a. A citizen;
2. Declining balance method; 2. Estimated total recoverable units; AND
b. Resident alien;
3. Sum of the years digit method. 3. Number of units recovered during the taxable year.
c. Domestic corporation;
Kepco Phil. Corp. v. CIR b. Concept of Return of Capital
d. Resident foreign corporation;
"Capital goods or properties" refer to goods or properties The amount representing return of capital should be deducted from
e. Partnership; and
1. with estimated useful life greater than one year and the proceeds from sales of assets and should NOT be subject to
income tax. f. Taxable estate and trust.
2. which are treated as depreciable assets under Section 29
(f), Costs of goods purchased for resale, with proper adjustment for In other words, NRAs and NRFCs cannot claim OSD.
3. used directly or indirectly in the production or sale of opening and closing inventories, is deducted from gross sales in 3. With the election of OSD, there is no more need to substantiate
taxable goods or services. computing gross income. with receipts.
From petitioner's evidence, the account vouchers speci ically Payment of principal by a debtor to a creditor is deducted from the 4. Those not allowed to use OSD are
indicate that the disallowed purchases were recorded under total amount received by the latter in order to determine his interest
inventory accounts, instead of depreciable accounts. income. a. those that are exempt, with no other taxable income; or

A general ledger is a record of a business entity's accounts which 1) Sale of inventory of goods by manufacturers and b. those with income subject to a special or preferential
make up its inancial statements. Information contained in a general dealers of properties — That portion of the receipt tax rate.
ledger is gathered from source documents such as account vouchers, representing return of capital is not subject to income tax. c. those earning purely compensation income.
purchase orders and sales invoices. In case of variance between
the source document and the general ledger, the former is Thus, cost of goods manufactured and sold or cost of sales 5. The taxpayer must signify in his return his intention to elect
preferred. is deducted from gross sales and is re lected above the the OSD. Such election shall be irrevocable for the taxable year
gross income line in pro it and loss statement. for which the return is made.
DEPLETION 2) Sale of stock in trade by a real estate dealer and 6. A general professional partnership and the partners comprising
The exhaustion of natural resources like mines and oil and gas as dealer in securities. such partnership may avail of the OSD only once, either by the
well as the result of production or severance from such mines or 3) Sale of services — Generally, the entire gross receipts of GPP or the partners comprising the partnership.
wells. These are non-replaceable assets. This is applicable to sellers of services are treated as part of income. However, d. Requirements for deductible items
wasting asset entities. some have cost of services that must be deducted from
their gross receipt in order to arrive at their gross income. Deduction Requisites for Deductibility
Cost Depletion Method. The method allowed under the tax code is
the cost depletion method. This is similar to the unit of production c. Distinguish: Itemized Deductions Expenses a. Ordinary and necessary;
method. The depletable amount of the wasting asset is divided by and Optional Standard Deduction b. Paid or incurred during the taxable year;
the units estimated to be extracted to obtain a depletion rate per (OSD)
unit. The depletion rate per unit is then multiplied by the units c. Paid or incurred in carrying on or which are
1. Optional Standard Deduction or OSD is a standard directly attributable to the development,
extracted during the year to arrive at the depletion for the period.
deduction of an amount not exceeding 40% of gross sales or

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management, operation and/or conduct of the f. In the case of casualty loss, taxpayer must ile a c. Contribution must be made by the employer to
trade, business or exercise of profession; sworn declaration of loss within 45 days after the pension fund;
d. Supported by adequate invoices or receipts; the date of discovery of the casualty or robbery, d. Funded by the employer;
e. Not contrary to law, public policy or moral; theft or embezzlement.
e. Amount contributed must no longer be subject
f. Tax required to be withheld on the expense paid Bad Debt a. Arise from a valid and subsisting obligation; to the control and disposition of the employer;
or payable is shown to have been remitted to f. Payment has not yet been allowed as
b. Ascertained to be worthless;
the BIR. deduction;
c. Charged off and uncollectible within the taxable
Interest a. There must be an indebtedness; year; g. Deduction is apportioned in equal parts over a
period of 10 consecutive years beginning with
b. Paid or incurred upon such indebtedness; d. Uncollectible in the near future;
the year in which the transfer or payment is
c. Must be that of the taxpayer; e. Arise from trade or business or profession of made.
d. Connected with the trade, business or taxpayer.
Depreciation a. Property must be used in trade, business or
Charitable a. Contribution or gift must actually be paid; profession of the taxpayer;
e. Paid or incurred during taxable year; Contribution
b. Given to organizations speci ied in the tax code; b. There must be depreciable properties;
f. Interest must have been stipulated in writing;
c. Net income of the institution must not inure to c. Allowance for depreciation must be
g. Legally due; the bene it of any private stockholder or reasonable;
h. Not between related taxpayers; individual;
d. Depreciation must be charged off during the
i. Not incurred to inance petroleum operations; d. Made within the taxable year; taxable year;
j. Not treated as capital expenditure. e. Evidenced by adequate records or receipts; e. Statement of the allowance must be attached
f. Not exceed 10% in the case of individuals and to the return;
Taxes a. Paid or incurred during taxable year; 5% in the case of a corporation, of the f. Method for computing the allowance for
b. In connection with trade, business, profession. taxpayer‘s taxable income (except where the depreciation must be in accordance with the
donation is deductible in full) to be determined method prescribed by the SOF upon the
Losses a. Must be incurred in the trade, business, or without the bene it of the contribution. recommendation of the CIR.
profession of the taxpayer;
b. Actually sustained and charged off within the Research and a. Incurred during taxable year; Depletion a. Depletible asset — natural resources, i.e.
Development mines, gas and oil wells;
taxable year and not mere anticipated losses; b. In connection with trade or business.
c. Evidenced by a closed and completed b. Charged off within taxable year;
Pension a. Employer must have established a pension or
transaction; c. Allowance for depletion is computed in
retirement plan to provide for the payments of
d. Not be compensated by insurance or other reasonable pensions to his employees; accordance with cost depletion method.
forms of indemnity;
b. Pension plan is reasonable and actuarially e. Items not deductible
e. IIf partly compensated, only the amount not sound;
compensated by insurance is deductible; In computing net income, no deduction shall in any case be allowed
in respect to —

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1) Personal, living or family expenses; 5) Between the iduciary of and the iduciary of a trust and the i) COLA, PERA, housing allowance, OT pay, Emergency
iduciary of another trust if the same person is a grantor with pay, Hazard pay, Rice and clothing allowance, Medical
2) Any amount paid out for new buildings or for permanent
respect to each trust; or allowance, grocery allowance.
improvements, or betterments made to increase the value of
any property or estate; 6) Between a iduciary of a trust and bene iciary of such trust. b) Exclusions
(Sec 36)
Does not apply to intangible drilling and development costs a) Compensation for services rendered by an independent
incurred in petroleum operations which are deductible under 5. Income Tax on Individuals contractor;
Sec 34(g)(1).
a. RC, NRC, RA b) Amounts paid either as advances or reimbursement for
3) Any amount expended in restoring property or in making transportation, representation, and other bona ide
i. Coverage
good the exhaustion thereof for which an allowance is or has ordinary and necessary expenses incurred in the
been made; or Individual Source of Income Tax Base performance of duties unless there is an excess over actual
4) Premiums paid on any life insurance policy covering the life
RC Within and without Taxable income
of any of icer or employee, or of any person inancially c) Income derived by partner from professional partnership.
interested in any trade or business carried on by the taxpayer, NRC within Taxable income d) Convenience of the Employer Rule. — bene its which are
individual or corporate, when the taxpayer is directly or
given for the exclusive bene it or convenience of the
indirectly a bene iciary under such policy. RA within Taxable income
Losses from Sales or Exchanges of Property. — In computing net
NRA-ETB within Taxable income e) De minimis bene its.
income, no deductions shall in any case be allowed in respect of
losses from sales or exchanges of property directly or indirectly — iii. Taxation of business income/income from practice of
NRA-NETB within Gross income
1) Between members of a family. — brothers and sisters,
spouse, ancestors, and lineal descendants; or ii. Taxation on compensation income a) Schedular
2) Except in the case of distributions in liquidation, between an a) Inclusions 1. RC – 0-35% of net income within & without;
individual and corporation more than ifty percent (50%) in All remuneration for services rendered by an employee for his 2. NRC – 0-35% on net income within;
value of the outstanding stock of which is owned, directly or employer unless speci ically excluded. It includes 3. RA – 0-35% of net income within;
indirectly, by or for such individual; or
a) salaries, wages, emoluments, 4. NRA-ETB – 0-35% of net income within;
3) Except in the case of distributions in liquidation, between two
corporations more than ifty percent (50%) in value of the b) honoraria, 5. NRA-NETB – 25% of gross income within;
outstanding stock of which is owned, directly or indirectly, by c) bonuses, 6. Estates & Trusts – 0-35% of net income;
or for the same individual if either one of such corporations,
d) allowances, 7. Special Employees – 15% of gross compensation income.
with respect to the taxable year of the corporation preceding the
date of the sale of exchange was under the law applicable to e) fringe bene its including director’s fee, b) 8% option
such taxable year, a personal holding company or a foreign Self-employed individuals and/or professionals shall have the
f) taxable pensions and retirement pay and
personal holding company; option to avail of an eight percent (8%) tax on gross sales or
g) other income of similar nature including those paid in
4) Between the grantor and a iduciary of any trust; or gross receipts and other non-operating income in excess of
Php250K in lieu of the graduated income tax rates and the
percentage tax. Rules on availing the 8% tax rate

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a) The irst Php250K is not subject to tax; For RC, NRC, RA Gross amount of income within PH 25%
b) This is in lieu of the 3% percentage tax; Royalties, in general 20% BDO v. Republic 2015 Leonen En Banc
c) Taxpayer must signify intention to use this option in the 1st From the point of view of the inancial market, the phrase “at any one
- Books, literary and musical compositions 10%
quarter percentage or income tax return. Otherwise, graduated time” for purposes of determining the “20 or more lenders” would
rates apply. Prizes and Winnings - P10K or less 0-35% mean every transaction executed in the primary or secondary
market in connection with the purchase or sale of securities.
d) Mixed income earners are not entitled to the Php250K
- > P10K 20%
reduction. Where the inancial assets involved are government securities like
PCSO and Lotto winnings - P10K or less EXEMPT bonds, the reckoning of “20 or more lenders/investors” is made at
e) This option is NOT available to:
any transaction in connection with the purchase or sale of the
i) Purely compensation income earners; - > P10K 20% Government Bonds. Consequently, the seller is required to
withhold the 20% inal withholding tax on the imputed interest
ii) VAT-registered taxpayers, regardless of gross sales or income from the bonds.
Interest income from FCDU 15%
Cash and Property Dividends - Individual to DC 10% It must be emphasized that debt instruments that do not qualify as
iii) Non-VAT taxpayers whose gross sale or receipts and other deposit substitutes under the 1997 NIRC are subject to the regular
non-operating income > Php3M; income tax. For discounted instruments, like the zero-coupon
- DC to DC 0%
bonds, the trading gain shall be the excess of the selling price over
iv) Taxpayers subject to OPT except those under Sec 116.
Interest on long-term deposit or investment in banks the book value or accreted value (original issue price plus
v) Partners of a GPP since their distributive share is already EXEMPT accumulated discount from the time of purchase up to the time of
(With maturity of at least 5 years)
net of costs and expenses; and sale) of the instruments.
vi) Individuals enjoying income tax exemption, i.e. BMBEs. The BIR’s interpretation of “at any one time” to mean at the
Interest from currency deposits, trust funds and 20% point of origination alone is unduly restrictive.
iv. Taxation of partners in a general professional partnership
deposit substitutes
Tax treatment of income derived
1. A GPP is not a taxable entity for income tax purposes because it
from the PEACe Bonds
only acts as a pass-through entity where its income is Interest Income from long-term deposit or investment EXEMPT
ultimately passed to the partners. Should there have been a simultaneous sale to 20 or more
- Upon pre-termination with Holding period of 5%
lenders/investors, the PEACe Bonds are deemed deposit
2. The GPP may avail of itemized deductions or the 40% OSD. 4-5 years
substitutes. Under Section 24 of the 1997 NIRC, interest income
3. The GPP then distributes the net income to the partners. The received by individuals from long-term deposits or investments with
- 3-4 years 12%
share of the partner is taxable income of each partner. a holding period of not less than ive (5) years is exempt from the
inal tax.
- < 3 years 20%
4. The partners then cannot claim further deductions from their
distributive share. Thus, should the PEACe Bonds be found to be within the coverage of
ALL, including NRA-NETB
deposit substitutes, the proper procedure was for the Bureau of
5. The partners cannot also avail of the 8% income tax rate with Treasury to pay the face value of the PEACe Bonds to the bondholders
Capital gains 6%
regard to his share from the GPP. and for the BIR to collect the unpaid inal withholding tax
directly from RCBC Capital/CODE-NGO, or any lender or investor
v. Taxation of passive income Capital gains for shares of stock not traded 15%
if such be the case, as the withholding agents.
Passive Income Rate Only NRA-NETB

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CIVxTAX PRE-WEEK NOTES For the 2020/21 #BestBarEver

Provided, that such is automatically converted to CAPITAL Republic v. Sps Salvador 2017
vi. Taxation of capital gains
assets upon showing proof that they have not been used in 1. It is settled that the transfer of property through
a) Income from sale of shares of stock of a Philippine business for more than 2 years prior to the consummation of expropriation proceedings is a sale or exchange within
corporation — the following rules shall apply: the taxable transaction. the meaning of Sections 24(D) and 56(A)(3) of the NIRC,
a. For common shares of stock, the book value based on the b. Change of hands to recipient not engaged in real estate or to use and pro it from the transaction constitutes capital gain. Since
latest available inancial statements. in business: capital gains tax is a tax on passive income, it is the seller, or
i. Succession or donation - CAPITAL; respondents in this case, who are liable to shoulder the tax.
b. For preferred shares of stock, the liquidation value,
which is equal to the redemption price of the preferred ii. As dividend - CAPITAL; 2. As far as the government is concerned, the capital gains tax
shares. in expropriation proceedings remains a liability of the
iii. Exchange - ORDINARY; seller, as it is a tax on the seller's gain from the sale of real
c. The latest audited inancial statements shall be suf icient
iv. Involuntary Transfers - NO EFFECT. property.
in determining the fair market value of the shares of stock
subject of the sale, barter, exchange, or other disposition. CONDITIONALLY EXEMPT FROM CGT b. NRA-ETB
(RR 20-2020) a) Proceeds of sale of the principal residence have been fully Please see Taxation of Passive Income (5[a][v])
utilized in acquiring a new one within 18 months from date of
b) Income from sale of real property situated in the c. NRA-NETB
b) The historical cost or adjusted basis of RP sold will be carried Please see Taxation of Passive Income (5[a][v])
c) Income from sale, exchange, and other disposition of other
over to the new PR; a) 25% Gross Income Tax;
capital assets.
c) CIR has been duly noti ied, through a prescribed return, within
Type Rate Basis b) CGT on sale of shares of stock not traded in the LSE;
30 days, from date of sale of intention to avail of tax
exemption. c) CGT on sale of real property located in PH.
Sale of shares of stocks not 15% Net Capital Gains
traded d) Net of proceeds not utilized will be subject to CGT. d. Special Aliens

- Listed and Traded 0.6% Gross Selling Price e) Buyer of principal residence shall deduct 6%, deposit in cash 1. Aliens employed by regional headquarters, regional operating
or manager’s check in an interest-bearing account with an headquarters, offshore banking units, and petroleum service
Sale of real property located 6% GSP, FMV, higher Authorized Agent Bank under an Escrow Agreement. contractors.
in PH
EXEMPT ENTITIES FROM CGT 2. They are now subject to the regular income tax rate without
Sale of other capital assets 1) Dealer in securities; prejudice to preferential rates under existing tax treaties.

2) Exempt under special laws; e. Individual taxpayers exempt from income tax
- > 12 Months 0-35% 50% of CG
3) Exchange of real property solely for shares of stock resulting in i. Minimum wage earner
- 12 Months or less 0-35% 100% of CG corporate control;
Statutory minimum wage shall refer to the rate ixed by the
RULES 4) GOCC selling real property; RTWPB, as de ined by the Bureau of Labor and Employment
a. Real properties formerly forming part of the stock in trade of a 5) Disposition is gratuitous; Statistics (BLES) of DOLE.
taxpayer engaged in real estate or formerly used in trade or
business which were later on abandoned continue to be treated 6) Pursuant to CARP Law; Minimum wage earner shall refer to a worker in the private sector
as ORDINARY assets. 7) Requirements above have been met, reg. principal residence. paid the statutory minimum wage or to an employee in the public
sector with compensation income of not more than the statutory

Based on the Books of Rabuya, Paras, De Leon, Ingles, Mamalateo, Dimaampao By RGL 211 of 269
CIVxTAX PRE-WEEK NOTES For the 2020/21 #BestBarEver

minimum wage in the non-agricultural sector where he/she is

NRA- If greater than MCIT If greater than RCIT
assigned. 25% GIT on all income from PH sources (FINAL TAX)
Relief from the Minimum Corporate Income Tax Under Certain
The proper interpretation of R.A. 9504 is that it imposes taxes only
6. Income Tax on Corporations Conditions. — Imposition of MCIT is suspended on any
on the taxable income received in excess of the minimum wage, but
the MWEs will not lose their exemption as such. (Soriano v. a. Domestic corporations
Secretary of Finance 2017 En Banc) 1. which suffers losses on account of prolonged labor
i. Taxation - in general dispute, or
ii. Exemptions granted under international agreements
a) Regular Corporate Income Tax (RCIT) 2. because of force majeure, or
1. Of icers and staff of the ADB who are NOT PH nationals shall
Regular Corporate Income Tax — effective January 1, 2009, the rate 3. because of legitimate business reverses.
be exempt from PH income tax.
of income tax shall be thirty percent (30%). "Substantial losses from a prolonged labor dispute" means
2. Alien individual employees of foreign embassies or
b) Minimum Corporate Income Tax (MCIT) losses arising from a strike staged by the employees which lasted
international organizations in PH are exempt from our income
for more than six (6) months within a taxable period and which
tax based on the international agreements entered into by PH Under the MCIT scheme, a corporation,
has caused the temporary shutdown of business operations.
with said international organizations or under the Vienna
1. beginning on its fourth year of operation,
Convention. Gross Income De ined
2. is assessed an MCIT of 2% of its gross income
Resume of Individual Income Taxation 1. gross income = gross sales — sales returns, discounts and
3. when such MCIT is greater than the normal corporate income allowances and cost of goods sold.
Passive Income (FINAL TAX RATE) tax imposed under Section 27(A).
Kind of Ordinary 2. 'Cost of goods sold' shall include all business expenses
Individual Income Prizes & If the regular income tax is higher than the MCIT, the corporation does directly incurred to produce the merchandise to bring them to
Royalties Interest Dividend
Winning not pay the MCIT. Any excess of the MCIT over the normal tax shall be their present location and use.
carried forward and credited against the normal income tax for the
RC, NRC, RA GR: 20% GR: 20% 20% if From DC 3. In the case of taxpayers engaged in the sale of service,
three immediately succeeding taxable years.
>10K is 10% gross income = gross receipts — sales returns, allowances,
Purely Schedular 10% for 15% for Carry Forward of Excess Minimum Tax. — Any excess of the MCIT
Compensation discounts and cost of services.
books, EFCD; Part of GI From FC: over the normal income tax shall be carried forward and credited
Schedular literary exempt if 10K or against the normal income tax for the three (3) immediately succeeding 4. 'Cost of services' shall mean all direct costs and expenses
and or 8% works for NRC < Part of GI taxable years. necessarily incurred to provide the services required by the
Professional GIT and for RC customers and clients including
music 5, 12, Lotto or RCIT MCIT
20% for PCSO is Exempt a. salaries and employee bene its of personnel,
pre- 20% exc for NRC Applicable to ALL corporate TPs DC and RFC only consultants and specialists directly rendering the
Mixed both
terminated 10K or < and RA service and
long term Tax rate 30% 2%
b. cost of facilities directly utilized in providing the
From DC Tax base Taxable Income Gross Income service such as depreciation or rental of equipment
Same but is 20% used and cost of supplies.
GITR Same exempt Same When Upon Beginning on the 4th taxable
ETB c. In the case of banks, 'cost of services' shall include
for EFCD From FC imposable commencement year following commencement
is exempt of business operation interest expense.
Exceptions to MCIT

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Corporations subject to special tax rates are exempt from MCIT: clients. monetary bene its from deposit substitute, trust fund
1. Proprietary Educational Institutions that are subject to the and similar arrangement
The claimed deduction should be a direct cost or expense. A
preferential 10% rate;
cost or expense is deemed "direct" when it is readily attributable to Intercorporate dividend from other DCs EXEMPT
2. Non-pro it Hospitals that are subject to the preferential 10% the production of the goods or for the rendition of the service.
rate; Tax Rate of Banks on income derived under the EFCD System
Premium taxes, though payable by MBLIC, are not direct costs
For (1) and (2), the income derived from unrelated trade, within the contemplation of the phrase "cost of services," incurred Income derived by a depository bank from foreign
business, or activity should not exceed 50% of the gross as they are AFTER the sale of service had already transpired. currency transactions with nonresidents, OBUs
income. This cannot therefore be considered as the equivalent of raw
materials, labor, and manufacturing cost of deductible "cost of sales" Interest income from foreign currency loans granted
3. PEZA-registered entities for registered activities that are 10%
in the sale of goods. by a bank to residents other than OBUs
subject to 5% preferential rate;
4. Offshore Banking Units; Association of International Shipping Lines, al. v. SOF 2020 d) Taxation of capital gains
5. International Carriers subject to 2.5% of Gross Philippine WON demurrage and detention fees are subject to the preferential
On sale of shares of stock of a DC NOT 15% of net capital
Billings. tax rate of 2.5% of Gross PH Billings.
traded through a local stock exchange held gains
Aegis PeopleSupport, Inc. v. CIR 2019 NO. They are properly regular income subject to regular income as a capital asset
tax rate. The GPB covers gross revenue derived from transportation
Section 4 of R.A. No. 7916 provides that enterprises located within On sale of real property in PH held as a 6% of GSP or current
of passengers, cargo and/or mail originating from the Philippines up
the recognized economic or trade zones "are granted preferential tax capital asset MV whichever is higher
to the inal destination. Any other income, therefore, is subject to the
treatment." Any income earned by a PEZA-registered enterprise
regular income tax rate.
which is NOT related to its registered activities is NOT covered If shares of stock are listed and traded 6/10 of 1% of GSP or
by the incentives granted under R.A. No. 7916 and EO No. 226. The exclusion of demurrage and detention fees from the preferential through LSE gross value
rate of 2.5% is proper since they are not considered income
A hedge is an investment undertaken to reduce the risk of adverse If shares not traded through the LSE 15% of net capital
derived from transportation of persons, goods and/or mail, in
price movements in an asset. Simply put, it is a loose form of gains
accordance with the rule expressio unios est exclusio alterius.
insurance against value or price luctuations of a particular
asset. Any occurring luctuation in local currency value before the Demurrage and detention fees de initely form part of an international e) Improperly accumulated earnings tax
conversion of foreign currency does not result in the realization of sea carrier's gross income. For they are acquired in the normal
any gain or loss. a) In General. — In addition to other taxes imposed by this Title,
course of trade or business.
there is hereby imposed for each taxable year on the
In the instant case, petitioner may validly enter into a hedging improperly accumulated taxable income of each corporation an
c) Taxation of passive income
contract to manage its foreign currencies on-hand earned as gross improperly accumulated earnings tax equal to ten percent
revenues. Consequently, the Court considers hedging to be very Passive Income Rate
(10%) of the improperly accumulated taxable income.
much related to its registered activities and, hence, still subject
to a preferential tax treatment under RA 7916 and EO 226. Interest under the expanded foreign currency deposit b) Tax on Corporations Subject to Improperly Accumulated
(EFCD) system Earnings Tax. —
Manila Bankers' Life Insurance Corp. v. CIR 2019
Royalty of all types within PH 20% 1) In General. - The IAET imposed shall apply to every
"Gross income" as used in determining MCIT means "gross receipts
corporation formed or availed for the purpose of
less sales returns, allowances, discounts and cost of services." "Cost - From abroad 30% avoiding the income tax with respect to its
of services" means all DIRECT costs and expenses necessarily
incurred to provide the services required by the customers and shareholders or the shareholders of any other
Interest on any current bank deposit, yield or other 20%

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corporation, by permitting earnings and pro its to hospitals from all sources, the tax prescribed in Subsection (A)
a. Allowance for the increase in the accumulation of
accumulate instead of being divided or distributed. hereof shall be imposed on the entire taxable income.
earnings up to 100% of the paid-up capital;
2) Exceptions. - The IAET shall not apply to: For purposes of this Subsection, the term 'unrelated trade, business
b. For de inite corporate expansion projects or programs
or other activity' means any trade, business or other activity, the
a. Publicly-held corporations; requiring considerable capital expenditure;
conduct of which is not substantially related to the exercise or
b. Banks and other nonbank inancial c. For building, plants, or equipment acquisition; performance by such educational institution or hospital of its
intermediaries; and primary purpose or function.
d. For compliance with any loan covenant or pre-existing
c. Insurance companies; obligation; A 'proprietary educational institution' is any private school
d. Taxable partnerships; e. Earnings required by law or regulations to be retained; maintained and administered by private individuals or groups with
an issued permit to operate from the DepEd, or CHED, or TESDA, as
e. Foreign corporations. f. In the case of subsidiaries of FCs in PH, all the case may be, in accordance with existing laws and regulations.
undistributed earnings intended for investments
c) Evidence of Purpose to Avoid Income Tax. —
within PH. CIR v. St. Luke’s Medical Center 2012
1) Prima Facie Evidence. - the fact that any corporation
Cyanamid Philippines, Inc. v. CA on IAET The Constitution exempts charitable institutions only from real
is a mere holding company or investment company
shall be prima facie evidence of a purpose to avoid the In order to determine whether pro its are accumulated for the property taxes. In the NIRC, Congress decided to extend the
reasonable needs of the business to avoid the surtax upon exemption to income taxes. Section 30(E) of the NIRC provides that a
tax upon its shareholders or members.
shareholders, it must be shown that the controlling intention of charitable institution must be:
2) Evidence Determinative of Purpose. - The fact that the taxpayer is manifested at the time of accumulation, not
the earnings or pro its of a corporation are permitted 1) A non-stock corporation or association;
intentions declared subsequently, which are mere afterthoughts.
to accumulate beyond the reasonable needs of the Furthermore, the accumulated pro its must be used within a 2) Organized exclusively for charitable purposes;
business shall be determinative of the purpose to reasonable time after the close of the taxable year. 3) Operated exclusively for charitable purposes; and
avoid the tax upon its shareholders or members unless 4) No part of its net income or asset shall belong to or inure to
To determine the ‘reasonable needs’ of the business in order to
the corporation, by the clear preponderance of the bene it of any member, organizer, of icer or any speci ic
justify an accumulation of earnings, the Courts of the United States
evidence, shall prove to the contrary. person.
have invented the so-called ‘Immediacy Test’ which construed the
d) Improperly Accumulated Taxable Income. — means taxable
words ‘reasonable needs of the business’ to mean the immediate Thus, both the organization and operations of the charitable
income adjusted by: needs of the business, and it was generally held that if the institution must be devoted “exclusively” for charitable purposes.
a. Income exempt from tax; corporation did not prove an immediate need for the accumulation of Likewise, to be exempt from income taxes, Section 30(G) of the NIRC
the earnings and pro its, the accumulation was not for the reasonable requires that the institution be “operated exclusively” for social
b. Income excluded from gross income; needs of the business, and the penalty tax would apply. welfare. However, the last paragraph of Section 30 of the NIRC
c. Income subject to inal tax; and quali ies the words “organized and operated exclusively.” In short,
ii. Proprietary educational institutions and non-profit hospitals the last paragraph of Section 30 provides that if a tax exempt
d. The amount of net operating loss carry-over deducted; charitable institution conducts “any” activity for pro it, such
Proprietary educational institutions and hospitals which are
activity is NOT tax exempt even as its not-for-pro it activities
And reduced by the sum of: nonpro it shall pay a tax of ten percent (10%) on their taxable remain tax exempt.
a. Dividends actually or constructively paid; and income except those covered by Subsection (D) hereof:
St. Luke’s fails to meet the requirements under Section 30(E) and (G)
b. Income tax paid for the taxable year. Provided, that if the gross income from 'unrelated trade, of the NIRC to be completely tax exempt from all its income.
business or other activity' exceeds ifty percent (50%) of the However, it remains a proprietary non-pro it hospital under Section
e) Reasonable Needs of the Business. — includes the total gross income derived by such educational institutions or 27(B) of the NIRC as long as it does not distribute any of its pro its to
reasonably anticipated needs of the business.

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its members and such pro its are reinvested pursuant to its corporate c) the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PHIC), b. Resident foreign corporations
purposes. St. Luke’s, as a proprietary non-pro it hospital, is and
entitled to the preferential tax rate of 10% on its net income i. Taxation - in general
from its for-pro it activities. d) the local water districts.
a) Regular Corporate Income Tax (RCIT)
PAGCOR v. BIR, 2014
La Sallian Educational Innovators Foundation v. CIR 2019 Same with DC
We uphold our earlier ruling that Section 1 of R.A. No. 9337,
b) Minimum Corporate Income Tax (MCIT)
No less than the 1987 Constitution expressly exempt ALL revenues amending Section 27(c) of R.A. No. 8424, by excluding petitioner
and assets of non-stock, non-pro it educational institutions from from the enumeration of GOCCs exempted from corporate income tax, Same with DC
taxes provided that they are actually, directly and exclusively used for is valid and constitutional. In addition, we hold that:
educational purposes. This constitutional exemption is reiterated in c) Branch Pro its Remittance Tax (BPRT)
Section 30 (H) of the 1997 Tax Code, as amended. 1. Petitioner’s tax privilege of paying ive percent (5%)
Any pro it remitted by a branch to its head of ice shall be subject to
franchise tax in lieu of all other taxes with respect to its
Based on jurisprudence and tax rulings, a taxpayer shall be granted income from gaming operations, pursuant to P.D. 1869, as a tax of 15% which shall be based on the total pro its applied or
with this tax exemption after proving that: amended, is not repealed or amended by Section 1(c) of R.A. earmarked for remittance without any deduction for the tax
No. 9337; component thereof except those activities which are registered with
1) it falls under the classi ication of non-stock, non-pro it
2. Petitioner’s income from gaming operations is subject to the PEZA.
educational institution; and
the ive percent (5%) franchise tax only; and Interests, dividends, rents, royalties, including remuneration for
2) the income it seeks to be exempted from taxation is used
actually, directly and exclusively for educational 3. Petitioner’s income from other related services is subject technical services, salaries, wages premiums, annuities,
purposes. to corporate income tax only. emoluments or other ixed or determinable annual, periodic or
casual gains, pro its, income and capital gains received by a foreign
Article XIV, Section 4(3) does not require that the revenues and iv. Foreign currency deposit units
corporation during each taxable year from all sources within the
income must have also been earned from educational activities or
Income derived by a depository bank under the expanded foreign Philippines shall not be treated as branch pro its unless the
activities related to the purposes of an educational institution. The
phrase "all revenues" is unquali ied by any reference to the source of currency deposit system from foreign currency transactions with same are effectively connected with the conduct of its trade or
revenues. Thus, so long as the revenues and income are USED non-residents, offshore banking units in the Philippines, local business in the Philippines.
actually, directly and exclusively for educational purposes, then commercial banks including branches of foreign banks that may be
d) Taxation of passive income
said revenues and income shall be exempt from taxes and authorized by the BSP to transact business with foreign currency
duties. deposit system shall be EXEMPT from all taxes, except net income Passive Income Rate
from such transactions.
iii. GOCCs, agencies, instrumentalities Interest under the expanded foreign currency deposit
Interest income from foreign currency loans granted by such (EFCD) system
1) The provisions of existing special or general laws to the depository banks under said expanded system to residents other
contrary notwithstanding, all corporations, agencies, or than offshore banking units in the Philippines or other depository Royalty of all types within PH 20%
instrumentalities owned or controlled by the Government, banks under the expanded system, shall be subject to a inal tax at
SHALL PAY such rate of tax upon their taxable income as are - From abroad EXEMPT
the rate of ten percent (10%).
imposed by this Section upon corporations or associations
Any income of nonresidents, whether individuals or corporations, Interest on any current bank deposit, yield or other
engaged in a similar business, industry, or activity
from transactions with depository banks under the expanded monetary bene its from deposit substitute, trust fund 20%
except and similar arrangement
system shall be EXEMPT from income tax.
a) the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS), Intercorporate dividend from DCs EXEMPT
b) the Social Security System (SSS),

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offshore banking units, local commercial banks, including branches

e) Taxation of capital gains j) data processing and communications; and
of foreign banks that may be authorized by the BSP to transact
business with offshore banking units shall be EXEMPT from all k) business development.
On sale of shares of stock of a DC NOT traded through a local stock
exchange held as a capital asset taxes except net income from such transactions.
ROHQs are taxed 10% on taxable income.
Any interest income derived from foreign currency loans granted to
5% of net capital c. Non-resident foreign corporations (NRFC)
- Capital gains not over Php100K residents other than offshore banking units or local commercial
banks, including local branches of foreign banks that may be i. Taxation of NRFC in general
10% of net capital authorized by the BSP to transact business with offshore banking
- Capital gains > Php100K NRFCs are subject to 30% income tax on gross income derived
gains units, shall be subject only to a inal tax at the rate of 10%.
during each taxable year from all sources within PH.
On sale of real property in PH 30% RCIT Any income of nonresidents, whether individuals or corporations, Passive Income Rate
from transactions with said offshore banking units shall be
ii. Resident foreign corporations subject to preferential tax rates EXEMPT from income tax. Interest on foreign loans, i.e. lending to DC 20%
a) International carriers c) Regional or area headquarters and regional operating
Intercorporate dividend from DC
headquarters - Subject to a condition that the country of
An international carrier doing business in the Philippines shall pay
a tax of 2.5% on its 'Gross Philippine Billings.' 1) RAHQ is a branch established by multinationals which domicile of the NRFC allows a credit against 15%
the tax due from the NRFC taxes deemed to
1. Under RA 10378, international carriers doing business in PH a) Do not earn or derive income from PH; and have been paid in PH equivalent to 15%.
may avail of a preferential rate or exemption from tax based on b) Acts as supervisory, communications and - Otherwise 30%
a) A treaty or international agreement; or coordinating center for their af iliates, subsidiaries or
branches in the Asia-Paci ic. ii. NRFCs subject to preferential tax rates
b) The basis of reciprocity.
RAHQs are EXEMPT from income tax. 1) Cinematographic Film Owner, Lessor or Distributor. —
2. GPB refers to
2) ROHQ is a branch engaged in any of the following services: 25%;
a) Gross revenue derived from carriage of persons,
excess baggage, cargo and mail; a) general administration and planning; 2) Owner or Lessor of Vessels Chartered by Philippine
Nationals. — 4% of gross rentals, lease or charter fees from
b) Originating from PH in a continuous and uninterrupted b) business planning and coordination;
leases or charters to Filipino citizens or corporations, as
light; c) sourcing and procurement of raw materials and approved by MARINA;
c) Irrespective of the place of sale or issue and the place components;
3) Owner or Lessor of Aircraft, Machineries and Other
of payment of the ticket. d) corporate inance advisory services; Equipment. — 7.5% of gross rental or fees.
3. Note that for international shippers, demurrage and detention e) marketing control and sales promotion; CIR v. Interpublic Group of Companies 2019
fees are NOT part of GPB as they are subject to the regular
income tax rate. (Association of International Shipping Lines v. f) training and personnel management; Can an NRFC which collects dividends from the Philippines sue here
SOF 2020 case) to claim tax refund?
g) logistic services;
b) Foreign currency deposit units and o shore banking units h) research and development services and product YES. Mere investment as a shareholder by a foreign
development; corporation in a duly registered domestic corporation shall
Income derived by offshore banking units authorized by the BSP,
NOT be deemed "doing business" in the Philippines. It is clear
from foreign currency transactions with non-residents, other i) technical support and maintenance;

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bene its exclusively to the members of such society, order, or GR: These entities are exempt from income tax because they
then that the IGC's act of subscribing shares of stocks from McCann,
maintaining investments therein, and deriving dividend income association, or nonstock corporation or their dependents; are not intended for pro it. They earn income to
therefrom, does not qualify as "doing business" contemplated under d) Cemetery company owned and operated exclusively for the realize their purpose.
R.A. No. 7042. Hence, the IGC is not required to secure a license bene it of its members; EXC: They can still be subject to tax regardless of the
before it can ile a claim for tax refund.
e) Nonstock corporation or association organized and operated disposition of income
The general rule that a foreign corporation is the same juridical exclusively 1. Earned income of whatever kind and character by using
entity as its branch of ice in the Philippines cannot apply here. When their property, real or personal.
i) for religious, charitable, scienti ic, athletic, or cultural
the foreign corporation transacts business in the Philippines
purposes, or 2. Income from activities conducted for pro it.
independently of its branch, the principal-agent relationship is set
aside. ii) for the rehabilitation of veterans, EXC to EXC:

The RP-US Tax Treaty created a treaty obligation on the part of the US no part of its net income or asset shall belong to or inure to the Article XIV, Section 4 of the Constitution provides that: ―
that it "shall allow" to a US parent corporation receiving dividends bene it of any member, organizer, of icer or any speci ic person; All revenues and assets of non-stock, non-pro it
from its Philippine subsidiary "a tax credit for the appropriate educational institutions used actually, directly, and
f) Business league chamber of commerce, or board of trade,
amount of taxes paid or accrued to the Philippines by the said exclusively for educational purposes shall be exempt from
Philippine subsidiary. The IGC, being a non-resident US corporation not organized for pro it and no part of the net income of
taxes and duties.
is quali ied to avail of the aforesaid 15% preferential tax rate on which inures to the bene it of any private stock-holder, or
the dividends it earned from the Philippines. It was proven that the individual; In short, to be exempt
country which it was domiciled shall grant similar tax relief/credit g) Civic league or organization not organized for pro it but 1. The corporation passed the
against the tax due upon the dividends earned from sources within
operated exclusively for the promotion of social welfare;
the Philippines. Clearly, the IGC has made an overpayment of its a. Organizational Test — constitutive documents must
tax due of FWT by using the 35% tax rate. h) A nonstock and nonpro it educational institution; show that its primary purpose of incorporation fall
i) Government educational institution; under Sec 30 of the NIRC; and
Since the RP-US Tax Treaty does not provide for any other
prerequisite for the availment of the bene its under the said treaty, to j) Farmers' or other mutual typhoon or ire insurance b. Operational Test — the regular activities must be
impose additional requirements would negate the availment of the company, mutual ditch or irrigation company, mutual or exclusively devoted to the accomplishment of such
reliefs provided for under international agreements. purpose.
cooperative telephone company, or like organization of a purely
local character, the income of which consists solely of 2. Must be non-pro it — Non-inurement Rule. What are
d. Corporations exempt from income tax
assessments, dues, and fees collected from members for the considered as inurements:
a) Labor, agricultural or horticultural organization not organized sole purpose of meeting its expenses; and
a. Payment of compensation, salaries, or honorarium to
principally for pro it; k) Farmers', fruit growers', or like association organized and
its trustees or organizers;
b) Mutual savings bank not having a capital stock represented by operated as a sales agent for the purpose of marketing the
shares, and cooperative bank without capital stock organized products of its members and turning back to them the proceeds b. Payment of exorbitant or unreasonable compensation
and operated for mutual purposes and without pro it; of sales, less the necessary selling expenses on the basis of the to its employees;
quantity of produce inished by them; c. Provision of welfare aid and inancial assistance to its
c) Bene iciary society, order or association, operating for the
exclusive bene it of the members such as a fraternal The income of whatever kind and character of the foregoing members; except life, sickness, accident and other
organization operating under the lodge system, or mutual aid organizations from any of their properties, real or personal, or from any bene its.
association or a nonstock corporation organized by employees of their activities conducted for pro it regardless of the disposition
d. Donation to any person or entity;
providing for the payment of life, sickness, accident, or other made of such income, shall be subject to tax.

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e. Purchase of goods or services in excess of the FMV Partner’s distributive 4. The professional partners can no longer claim further
Will form part of
from an entity in which one or more trustees, of icers share in the net income deduction from their distributive share regardless of method
partner’s gross income
or iduciaries have an interest; and Distributive is subject to a 10% used in claiming deduction;
in the ITR subject to
share inal tax, except for
f. When upon dissolution and satisfaction of all graduated income tax 5. However, if the partner also derives other income outside the
NRA-ETB which is
liabilities, its remaining assets are distributed to its subject to 20% GPP, then the deduction from the other income would either be
trustees, organizers, of icers or members. ID or OSD.
May be claimed as a
Requisites for the Tax Exemption under Sec 30 exc Non-Stock, Partner’s share NOT deductible since 7. Filing of Returns and Payment
deductible expense in
Non-Pro it Educational Institution (RMO 38-2019) in net loss subject to inal tax.
his personal ITR
a. Individual return
a) It is a non-stock, non-pro it corporation;
Still required to ile an i. Who are required to file; exceptions
b) No part of the corporation or association’s net income shall annual information
Deemed and treated as
inure to the bene it of any private individual; and How return on their incomes 1. Every Filipino citizen residing in the Philippines;
corporations subject to
partnership is and expenses for the
the corporate income 2. Every Filipino citizen residing outside the Philippines, on his
c) The trustees do not receive any compensation or remuneration. taxed purpose of ascertaining
tax rate. income from sources within the Philippines;
the partners’ taxable
d) In case of dissolution, assets shall be transferred to similar
shares. 3. Every alien residing in the Philippines, on income derived from
institutions or to the government.
sources within the Philippines; and
e. Tax on other business entities: general partnerships, Requisites for a Joint Venture not to be considered a taxable
general professional partnerships, co-ownerships, joint corporation 4. Every nonresident alien engaged in trade or business or in the
ventures, and consortia exercise of profession in the Philippines.
1) The JV should be for the undertaking of a construction
There are two kinds of partnerships for income tax purposes: project; The following individuals shall not be required to ile an income tax
1) Those NOT subject to income tax 2) Should involve joining or pooling of resources by licensed
local contracts; 1. An individual whose taxable income does not exceed P250K.
a) GPPs;
3) The contractors are engaged in the construction business; Those individuals engaged in business or practice of
b) Joint venture or consortium agreement formed for the and profession within the Philippines shall ile an income tax
purpose of return, regardless of the amount of gross income;
4) The JV itself must be licensed under PCAB.
i) Undertaking construction projects; or 2. Purely compensation income earners.
Determination of OSD by the GPP and its Partners
ii) Engaging in petroleum, coal, geothermal and However, an individual deriving compensation concurrently
other energy operations pursuant to an 1. GPP and the professional partners may avail of OSD only
from two or more employers at any time during the taxable
operating or consortium agreement under a ONCE;
year shall ile an income tax return.
service contract with the government. 2. Distributable net income of GPP may be determined using ID or
3. An individual whose sole income has been subjected to FWT;
2) Those subject to tax — those that derive income from trade OSD;
or business and are considered as corporations under the 3. Share in the net income of the GPP shall be reported as taxable
Tax Code. 4. A minimum wage earner or an individual who is exempt
income of each partner;
from income tax. (Sec 51)
With regard to Nontaxable Taxable

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ii. Substituted filing b. From the sale or disposition of real property shall ile a. Pay the balance of tax still due; or
a return within thirty (30) days following each sale
Who shall not be required to ile an annual income tax return? b. Carry-over the excess credit; or
or other disposition. (Sec 50[c])
1. Individual taxpayers c. Be credited or refunded with the excess amount paid,
Return of Parent to Include Income of Children. — The income of
as the case may be.
2. receiving purely compensation income, regardless of amount, unmarried minors derived from properly received from a living
parent shall be included in the return of the parent, except 3. Option shall be considered irrevocable for that taxable period.
3. from only one employer in the Philippines for the calendar
(Sec 76)
year, 1. when the donor's tax has been paid on such property, or
iii. When and where to file
4. the income tax of which has been withheld correctly by the 2. when the transfer of such property is exempt from donor's tax.
said employer (tax due equals tax withheld). (Sec 50[e]) Where to ile. — same as Individual.
The certi icate of withholding iled by the respective employers, duly b. Corporate returns When to File. —
stamped 'received' by the BIR, shall be tantamount to the substituted
Every corporation subject to the tax herein imposed, except foreign 1. The corporate quarterly declaration shall be iled within sixty
iling of income tax returns by said employees. (Sec 51-A)
corporations not engaged in trade or business in the Philippines, shall (60) days following the close of each of the irst three (3)
iii. When and where to file render, in duplicate, a true and accurate quarters of the taxable year.

Where to File. — The return shall be iled with 1. quarterly income tax return, on a cumulative basis for the 2. The inal adjustment return shall be iled on or before April
preceding quarters, and 15, or on or before the ifteenth (15th) day of the fourth (4th)
1. An authorized agent bank,
month following the close of the iscal year, as the case may be.
2. inal or adjustment return, on or before April 15.
2. Revenue District Of icer,
iv. Return of corporations contemplating dissolution or
i. Quarterly income tax
3. Collection Agent or reorganization
1. Every corporation shall ile in duplicate a quarterly summary
4. Duly authorized Treasurer of the city or municipality in which 1. Every corporation shall, within thirty (30) days after the
declaration of its gross income and deductions on a
such person has his legal residence or principal place of adoption by the corporation of a resolution or plan
cumulative basis for the preceding quarter or quarters.
business in the Philippines, or
a. for its dissolution, or
2. The tax so computed shall be decreased by the amount of tax
5. If there be no legal residence or place of business in the
previously paid or assessed during the preceding quarters and b. for the liquidation of the whole or any part of its
Philippines, with the Of ice of the Commissioner. (Sec 50[b])
shall be paid not later than sixty (60) days from the close of capital stock, including a corporation which has been
When to File. — each of the irst three (3) quarters of the taxable year, whether noti ied of possible involuntary dissolution by the
1. On or before April 15 of each year covering income for the calendar or iscal year. (Sec 75) SEC, or
preceding taxable year. ii. Final adjustment return c. for its reorganization,
2. Individuals subject to tax on capital gains; 1. Every corporation shall ile a inal adjustment return covering render a correct return to the Commissioner, veri ied under
a. From the sale or exchange of shares of stock not traded the total taxable income for the preceding calendar or iscal oath, setting forth the terms of such resolution or plan.
thru a local stock exchange shall ile a return within year.
2. The dissolving or reorganizing corporation shall, prior to the
thirty (30) days after each transaction and a inal 2. If the sum of the quarterly tax payments made during the said issuance by the SEC of the Certi icate of Dissolution or
consolidated return on or before April 15 of each year taxable year is not equal to the total tax due on the entire Reorganization, secure a certi icate of tax clearance from the
covering all stock transactions of the preceding taxable taxable income of that year, the corporation shall either: BIR which certi icate shall be submitted to the SEC. (Sec 52[c])
year; and

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b) The liability for payment of b) Payee of income is required to credited against the income tax liability of the taxpayer for the
c. Return on capital gains realized from sale of shares of
the tax rests primarily on the report the income and/or pay the taxable year.
stock and real estate
payor as a withholding agent. difference between the tax 1. Creditable tax must be withheld at source, but should still be
withheld and the tax due on the included in the tax return of recipient.
Sale or exchange of stock NOT Within 30 days after each
traded through LSE transaction and inal income. The payee also has the
2. There are three types:
consolidated return on or before right to ask for a refund if the tax
April 15 withheld is more than the tax due. a) Expanded withholding tax on certain income payments
made by private persons to resident taxpayers;
Sale or disposition of real Within 30 days following each c) The payee is not required to c) The income recipient is still
property sale or other disposition ile an income tax return for the required to ile an income tax b) Withholding tax on compensation income in PH;
particular income. return, as prescribed in Sec. 51
c) Withholding tax on money payments of the
Gains received by installment Within 30 days from receipt of and Sec. 52 of the NIRC, as
each installment. government.
i. Expanded withholding tax
8. Withholding Tax b. Final withholding tax
When EWT will apply
a. Concept 1. Income subject to inal tax refers to income wherein tax due is
fully collected through the withholding tax system, wherein the 1. Expense is paid by the taxpayer, which is income to the
The types of income subject to withholding tax are divided into three recipient thereof subject to income tax;
payor of the income withholds the tax and then remits it to the
government. 2. Income is ixed or determinable at the time of payment;
a) withholding of inal tax on certain incomes;
2. Some principles of FWT 3. Income is one of the income payments listed in the regulations;
b) withholding of creditable tax at source and and
a) The amount of tax withheld is full and inal.
c) tax-free covenant bonds. 4. Income recipient is a RESIDENT of the PH liable to income tax.
b) The liability for payment rests primarily on the
The withholding tax system was devised for three primary reasons: withholding agent. If the recipient is a nonresident, then income payment is
1. to provide the taxpayer a convenient manner to meet his c) In case of failure to withhold, the agent is liable for the subject to FWT, not CWT.
probable income tax liability; de iciency. ii. Withholding tax on compensation
2. to ensure the collection of income tax which can otherwise be
d) The payee is not required to ile any ITR for the Income subject to CWT Rate
lost or substantially reduced through failure to ile the
particular income.
corresponding returns and
Professional fees, promotional and talent fees, referred by
e) The inality of withheld tax is limited on that
3. to improve the government's cash low. individuals, entertainers, and athletes
particular income and will not extend to the payee’s
FWT CWT other tax liability on said income. Individual payee
c. Creditable withholding tax
a) The amount of income tax a) Taxes withheld on certain - If gross income > P3M or VAT-registered 10%
withheld by the withholding income payments are intended to The Secretary of Finance may require the withholding of a tax on
agent is constituted as a full and equal or at least approximate the the items of income payable to natural or juridical persons, residing - If gross income did not exceed P3M 5%
inal payment of the income tax tax due of the payee on said in the Philippines, by payor-corporation/persons as provided for
Non-individual payee
due from the payee on the said income. by law, at the rate of not less than one percent (1%) but not more
income. than ifteen percent (15%) of the income payment, which shall be

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25% for NRA-NETB

- If gross income > P720K 15% - If gross income > P720K 15%
e. Duties of a withholding agent
- If gross income did not exceed P720K 10% - If it does not exceed P720K 10%
1. A withholding agent is one required to deduct and withhold any
Rentals for continued use or possession of real Income payments made by political parties and tax.
properties used in business, which the payor has not 5% candidates for all purchases of goods and services as
taken title campaign expenditures, as well as income payments 2. He also has the legal interest to ile a claim for tax refund.
made by individuals and juridical entities for all a. Considered a taxpayer under the NIRC as he is
Cinematographic ilm rentals and other payments 5% purchases intended to be given as campaign
personally liable for the withholding tax; and
Income payments to certain contractors, general b. As agent of the taxpayer, he has the implied authority
engineering, general building, specialty and other 2% Interest income from other instruments, i.e. not to ile a claim for refund and to bring an action for
contractors deposit substitutes recovery of such claim.
Income distributed to the bene iciaries of estates and CIR v. Solidbank reiterated in CIR v. Citytrust Investment Phils. ING Bank v. CIR 2016 Resolution Leonen, J
Whether the 20% FWT Forms Part of the Taxable Gross Receipts The liability of the withholding agent is independent from that of the
Income payments to certain brokers and agents 10% taxpayer.
YES. Although the 20% FWT on respondent's interest income was
Real property which are NOT capital assets sold by a 1.5% or The withholding agent cannot be made liable for the tax due because
not actually received by respondent because it was remitted directly
person engaged in the real estate business 3% or 5% it is the taxpayer who earned the income subject to withholding tax.
to the government, the fact that the amount redounded to the bank's
The withholding agent is liable only insofar as he failed to perform
bene it makes it part of the taxable gross receipts in computing the
- If NOT engaged in real estate business 6% his duty to withhold the tax and remit the same to the government.
5% GRT.
The liability for the tax, however, remains with the taxpayer because
On additional payments by importers, shipping and In a withholding tax system, the payee is the taxpayer, the person the gain was realized and received by him.
airline companies to government personnel for OT 15% on whom the tax is imposed; the payor, a separate entity, acts as no
services more than an agent of the government for the collection of the tax in

order to ensure its payment. In our withholding tax system,
On the amount paid by any credit card company to any 1% of ½ of possession is acquired by the payor as the withholding agent of the
business entity representing the sale of goods, gross government, because the taxpayer rati ies the very act of possession
RR 12-18 Consolidated Revenue Regulations on Estate Tax and
services made by them to cardholders amounts for the government. There is thus constructive receipt. The Donor's Tax Incorporating the Amendments Introduced by RA 10963.
processes of bookkeeping and accounting for interest on deposits
1% 1. Basic Principles, Concept, and De inition
and yield on deposit substitutes that are subjected to FWT are indeed
Payments made by any of the top withholding agents (goods) -- for legal purposes -- tantamount to delivery, receipt or remittance. 2. Classi ication of Decedent
to their local suppliers 2%
(services) d. Fringe benefits tax 3. Composition of Gross Estate

1% A inal tax of 35% is hereby imposed on the grossed-up monetary a. Items to be included in determining gross estate
Payments by the government to local suppliers except (goods) value of fringe bene it.
if below P10K 2% b. Allowable deductions from gross estate
MV c. Exclusions from gross estate and exemptions of certain
Income payments to partners of GPP
GU M V = 65%
F BT = GU M V x 35% acquisitions and transmissions

Based on the Books of Rabuya, Paras, De Leon, Ingles, Mamalateo, Dimaampao By RGL 221 of 269
CIVxTAX PRE-WEEK NOTES For the 2020/21 #BestBarEver

1. Cash installment 5. Rate of Donor’s Tax. The tax for each calendar year shall be 3. Transfers which may be considered as donation

a) The cash installments shall be made within two (2) six percent (6%) computed on the basis of the total gifts in
a. Sale, exchange, or transfer of property for less than
years from the date of iling of the estate tax return; excess of P250,000 exempt gift made during the calendar
adequate and full consideration; exception
b) The estate tax return shall be iled within one year
6. "NET GIFT" shall mean the net economic bene it from the Where property is transferred for less than an adequate and full
from the date of decedent's death; xxxx
transfer that accrues to the donee. consideration in money or money's worth, then the amount by
2. Partial disposition of estate and application of its which the fair market value of the property exceeded the value of
proceeds to the estate tax due. xxxx 7. Any contribution in cash or in kind to any candidate or
the consideration shall be deemed a gift, and shall be included in
political party or coalition of parties for campaign purposes,
computing the amount of gifts made during the calendar year:
duly reported to the Comelec shall NOT be subject to the
D. DONOR’S TAX Provided, however, That a sale, exchange, or other transfer of
payment of any gift tax. (Sec 13, RA 7166)
property made in the ordinary course of business, a transaction
1. Basic Principles, Concept, and De inition 8. The donor's tax shall not apply unless and until there is a
which is
completed gift. The transfer of property by gift is perfected
2. Requisites of a Valid Donation from the moment the donor knows of the acceptance by the 1) a bona ide,
3. Transfers which may be considered as donation donee; it is completed by the delivery, either actually or
2) at arm's length, and
constructively, of the donated property to the donee.
4. Classi ication of Donor 3) free from any donative intent,
9. Thus, the law in force at the time of the
5. Determination of Gross Gift perfection/completion of the donation shall govern the will be considered as made for an adequate and full consideration
imposition of the donor's tax. in money or money's worth.
6. Tax credit for donor's taxes paid to a foreign country
2. Requisites of a Valid Donation CIR v. B.F. Goodrich Phils., Inc.
7. Filing of return and payment
1. Capacity of donor; Petitioner insists that private respondent committed "falsity" when it
sold the property for a price lesser than its declared fair market
2. Donative intent; value. This fact alone did not constitute a false return which contains
1. Basic Principles, Concept, and Definition
wrong information due to mistake, carelessness or ignorance. It is
3. Delivery, whether actual or constructive, of the subject matter;
1. Donation is an act of liberality whereby a person disposes possible that real property may be sold for less than adequate
gratuitously of a thing or right in favor of another who accepts 4. Acceptance of the gift by the donee. consideration for a bona ide business purpose; in such event,
the sale remains an "arm's length" transaction.
it. Manuel G. Abello, et al. v. CIR
2. In taxation, donation extends to sales or exchanges of property, b. Condonation or remission of debt
Donative intent is not negated by the presence of other intentions,
other than real property classi ied as capital asset located in motives or purposes which do not contradict donative intent. If a creditor desires to bene it a debtor, and without any
PH, for less than adequate and full consideration in money or
consideration therefore, cancels the debt, the amount of the debt is
money’s worth. Subsequent to the donations involved in this case, Congress approved
RA 7166, providing in Section 13 thereof that political/electoral a donation by the creditor to the debtor.
3. Gift tax is also an excise tax imposed on the privilege of the
contributions, duly reported to the Comelec, are not subject to the c. Renunciation of inheritance; exception
owner to give. payment of any gift tax. This all the more shows that the political
4. Gifts in favor of religious institutions are now exempt from contributions herein made are subject to the payment of gift taxes, Renunciation by the surviving spouse of his/her share in the
donor’s tax. since the same were made prior to the exempting legislation, and RA conjugal partnership or absolute community after the dissolution of
No. 7166 provides no retroactive effect on this point. the marriage in favor of the heirs of the deceased spouse or any
other person/s is subject to donor's tax.

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CIVxTAX PRE-WEEK NOTES For the 2020/21 #BestBarEver

Whereas general renunciation by an heir, including the surviving a) Unlisted common shares = Book value; c) Governed by trustees who receive no
spouse, of his/her share in the hereditary estate left by the decedent compensation; and
b) Unlisted preferred shares = Par value.
is NOT subject to donor's tax, unless speci ically and categorically
d) Devotes all its income to the accomplishment of
done in favor of identi ied heir/s to the exclusion or disadvantage of In determining the book value of common shares, appraisal surplus
its purpose as enumerated in its AOI.
the other co-heirs in the hereditary estate. shall not be considered as well as the value assigned to preferred
shares, if there are any. Made by a Non-resident Alien
4. Classification of Donor
c) Listed in stock exchange = FMV shall be the arithmetic 1) - same -
1. Resident or citizen and DC. — donation of all types of mean between the highest and lowest quotation at a date 2) - same - but change ‘accredited non-government
properties wherever situated; nearest the date of death, if none is available on the date of organization’ to ‘foundation’.
2. Nonresident alien and FC. — donation of real property and death itself.
Deductions under RR 12-2018
tangible personal property situated in PH; Units of participation in any association, recreation or
amusement club — the bid price nearest the date of death 1) Encumbrance on the property donated, if assumed by
Donation of intangible PP with a situs in PH, unless exempted
published in any newspaper or publication of general circulation. donee;
on the basis of reciprocity.
Right to usufruct, use or habitation, as well as that of annuity 2) Those speci ically provided by the donor as a diminution
5. Determination of Gross Gift
— there shall be taken into account the probable life of the of the property donated.
a. Composition of gross gift bene iciary in accordance with the latest basic standard mortality Exemptions under Special Laws
Gross gifts include real and personal property, whether tangible or table, to be approved by the Secretary of Finance, upon
1) Donations to PH government for scienti ic, engineering,
intangible, or mixed, wherever situated: Provided, however, That recommendation of the Insurance Commissioner.
and technological research, invention and development;
where the donor was a nonresident alien at the time of donation, his c. Exemption of certain gifts
real and personal property so transferred but which are situated 2) To social welfare, cultural, and charitable organizations;
outside the Philippines shall not be included as part of his 'gross Made by a Resident
3) To IRRI;
gift.’ 1) Gifts made to or for the use of the National Government or
4) To Ramon Magsaysay Award Foundation;
any entity created by any of its agencies which is not
The computation of the donor's tax is on a cumulative basis
conducted for pro it, or to any political subdivision of the 5) To the National Museum, National Library, and the
over a period of one calendar year.
said Government; and archives of the NHI;
b. Valuation of gifts made in property
2) Gifts in favor of an educational and/or charitable, 6) To the Southern Philippines Development Administration;
Valuation. — The amount of any charitable contribution of religious, cultural or social welfare corporation,
7) To the Intramuros Foundation.
property other than money shall be based on the acquisition cost institution, accredited non-government organization,
of said property. (Sec 34[H][3]) trust or philanthropic organization or research institution 6. Tax credit for donor's taxes paid to a foreign country
or organization: Provided, however, That not more than
If real property — the appraised value as of the time of donation The tax imposed by this Title upon a donor who was a citizen or a
thirty percent (30%) of said gifts shall be used by
shall be whichever is higher of the FMV as: resident at the time of donation shall be credited with the amount of
such donee for administration purposes.
a) Determined by the CIR; or any donor's tax of any character and description imposed by the
The donee-entity must be: authority of a foreign country.
b) Shown in the schedule of values ixed by local assessors.
a) Non-stock; Limitations on Credit. — The amount of the credit taken under
If shares of stocks — the FMV depends on whether the shares are this Section shall be subject to each of the following limitations:
b) Paying no dividends;
listed or unlisted.

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a) The amount of the credit in respect to the tax paid to any a. On sale of goods or properties 1. Importation of goods;
country shall not exceed the same proportion of the tax b. On importation of goods 2. Erroneous issuance of VAT invoice or receipt for
against which such credit is taken, which the net gifts
VAT-exempt sales;
situated within such country taxable under this Title bears c. On sale of services and use or lease of properties
to his entire net gifts; and 3. Deemed sales of goods or properties.
4. Zero-rated and effectively zero-rated sales of goods or
b) The total amount of the credit shall not exceed the same CIR v. CA and COMASERCO
properties, and services
proportion of the tax against which such credit is taken, WON COMASERCO was engaged in the sale of services, and thus
which the donor's net gifts situated outside the Philippines 5. VAT-exempt transactions liable to pay VAT thereon.
taxable under this title bears to his entire net gifts.
6. Input and output tax
YES. Sec 105 of the NIRC clari ies that even a non-stock, non-pro it,
7. Filing of return and payment organization or government entity, is liable to pay VAT on the sale of
7. Refund or tax credit of excess input tax; procedure
Requirements. — Any person making a donation (whether direct goods or services.
8. Compliance requirements
or indirect), unless the donation is speci ically exempt under the Section 108 of the NIRC de ines the phrase "sale of services" as the
NIRC or other special laws, is required, for every donation, to "performance of all kinds of services for others for a fee,
accomplish under oath a donor's tax return in duplicate. The return 1. Nature and characteristics of VAT remuneration or consideration."
shall set forth:
a. Tax on value added. — VAT is a tax on the value added of a Hence, it is immaterial whether the primary purpose of a corporation
1. Each gift made during the calendar year which is to be indicates that it receives payments for services rendered to its
taxpayer arising from taxable sales of goods, properties, or
included in gifts; af iliates on a reimbursement-on-cost basis only, without realizing
services during the quarter at the rate of 0 or 12%.
pro it, for purposes of determining liability for VAT on services
2. The deductions claimed and allowable; rendered. As long as the entity provides service for a fee,
Value added is the difference between total sales of the
3. Any previous net gifts made during the same calendar year; taxpayer for the taxable quarter subject to VAT and his total remuneration or consideration, then the service rendered is
purchases for the same period subject also to VAT. subject to VAT.
4. The name of the donee; and
Output tax means the VAT due on the sale or lease of taxable c. Tax on consumption. — VAT is broad-based because every
5. Such further information as the Commissioner may
goods, properties or services by any person registered or sale at the levels of manufacturers or producers and
required to register. distributors is subject to VAT. The tax burden rests with the
Time and place of iling and payment. — The donor's tax return
Input tax means the VAT due from or paid by a VAT-registered inal consumer who consumes the goods, properties or
shall be iled within thirty (30) days after the date the gift is made
person in the course of his trade or business on importation of services.
or completed and the tax due thereon shall be paid at the same time
goods or local purchase of goods, properties, or services,
that the return is iled. d. Indirect tax: impact and incidence. — An indirect tax is a tax
including lease or use of property, from a VAT-registered
person. demanded in the irst instance from one person in the
E. VAT expectation and intention that he can shift the burden to
b. Sales tax. — VAT is a tax on the taxable sale, barter or exchange someone else.
RR 13-18. Implementing the VAT Provisions of TRAIN Act. of goods, properties or services. A sale may be an actual or
deemed sale, or an export or a local sale. The impact of taxation is on the seller upon whom the tax has
1. Nature and characteristics of VAT been imposed, while the incidence of tax is on the inal
GR: There must be an actual sale in PH in order that VAT may
2. Persons liable to VAT consumer, the place at which the tax comes to rest.
be imposed.
3. Imposition of VAT e. Tax credit method

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i. Cost deduction method — refers to the manner of As a general rule, the VAT system uses the destination principle. c) Partnership;
computing the taxpayer’s VAT liability by deducting However, our VAT law itself provides for a clear exception, under d) Joint venture;
his costs and expenses subject to VAT from his taxable which the supply of service shall be zero-rated when the following
requirements are met: e) Corporation;
sales and multiplying the resulting value added by
12%. 1) the service is performed in the Philippines; f) Cooperative; or
ii. Tax credit method or invoice method — the input 2) the service falls under any of the categories provided in g) Association.
taxes shifted by the sellers to the buyer are credited Section 102(b) of the Tax Code; and
Husband and Wife — treated as separate taxpayers. However, the
against the buyer’s output taxes when he in turn sells 3) it is paid for in acceptable foreign currency that is accounted
aggregation rule for each spouse shall apply, which means that the
the taxable goods, properties, or services. for in accordance with the regulations of the Bangko Sentral
ng Pilipinas. taxable sales by each spouse shall be added together to determine
f. Destination principle and cross border doctrine. — The whether he/she has exceeded the general threshold prescribed by law. If
Since respondent’s services meet these requirements, they are
destination of the goods determines taxation or exemption zero-rated. he/she does, then register as a VAT person; otherwise, subject to 3%
from tax. Export sales of goods are zero-rated, while imports percentage tax under Sec 116.
of goods are subject to 12% VAT. Thus, the situs of taxation is 2. Persons liable to VAT Joint Venture — An unincorporated JV engaged in construction activity
where the goods are consumed. As for services, consumption
A person may be characterized as a taxable person, if or in energy-related projects, although exempt from income tax, is liable
takes place where the service is performed.
a) He undertakes taxable transactions in goods, properties, or to VAT.
Cross border doctrine mandates that no VAT shall be imposed
services consumed or destined for consumption within PH; Government — liable to VAT if engaged in the sale of goods, properties,
to form part of the cost of the goods destined for consumption
b) Such transactions are entered into in the course of his trade or services in its proprietary capacity.
outside the territorial border of the taxing authority.
or business; AND Non-stock, non-pro it association or organization — if not
CIR v. Burmeister and Wain Scandinavian Contractor Mindanao organized for pro it, relies solely on the mandatory contributions of its
c) The amount of his gross sales or receipts is over the threshold
The Consortium’s operation and maintenance of NAPOCOR’s power members for its operating expenses, and performs functions exclusively
ixed by law or regulations.
barges cannot be classi ied as a single or isolated transaction. for the bene it of its members, NOT subject to VAT.
As the Court held in CIR v. American Express, the place of payment An importer of goods, whether or not made in the course of trade or
BIR v. First E-Bank Tower Condo 2020
is immaterial, much less is the place where the output of the service business, is also a taxable person.
is ultimately used. An essential condition for entitlement to 0% VAT re Condominium corporation
Registration as a VAT person is NOT a requirement to make a person
is that the recipient of the services is a person doing Certiorari or prohibition, not declaratory relief, is the proper
liable to VAT. An existing VAT-registered person whose gross
business outside the Philippines. In this case, the recipient of remedy to assail the validity or constitutionality of executive
sales/receipts in the preceding year did not exceed the VAT-exempt
the services is the Consortium, which is doing business not outside, issuances. In Diaz v. The Secretary of Finance, et al., the Court,
but within the Philippines because it has a 15-year contract to threshold of P3M, may opt to: nonetheless, held that a petition for declaratory relief may be
operate and maintain NAPOCOR’s two 100-MW power barges in a) Register as a Non-VAT; or treated as one for prohibition if the case has far-reaching
Mindanao. implications and raises questions that need to be resolved for the
b) Avail of the Optional Registration for VAT of Exempt Person public good; or if the assailed act or acts of executive of icials are
Nevertheless, in seeking a refund of its excess output tax, respondent under Sec 236(H) of the NIRC, subject to the condition that once alleged to have usurped legislative authority.
relied on VAT Ruling No. 003-99, which recon irmed BIR Ruling No. availed of, shall not be entitled to cancel the VAT registration
023-95 “insofar as it held that the services being rendered by for the next 3 years. RMC No. 65-2012 is Invalid
BWSCMI is subject to VAT at zero percent (0%).” Respondent’s
reliance on these BIR rulings binds petitioner. A taxable person may conduct business as A condominium corporation is NOT engaged in trade or
business. The collection of association dues, membership fees, and
a) An individual;
CIR v. American Express other assessments/charges is purely for the bene it of the
b) Estate or trust; condominium owners. It is a necessary incident to the purpose to

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CIVxTAX PRE-WEEK NOTES For the 2020/21 #BestBarEver

effectively oversee, maintain, or even improve the common areas of and upkeep of the clubs' general operations and facilities, b) The real property is located in PH;
the condominium as well as its governance. c) The seller or transferor is engaged in real estate business either
then these fees cannot be classi ied as "the income of recreational
As established in Yamane, the expenditures incurred by clubs from whatever source" that are "subject to income tax." Instead, as a real estate dealer, developer, or lessor;
condominium corporations on behalf of the condominium owners they only form part of capital from which no income tax may be d) The real property is held primarily for sale or for lease in the
are not intended to generate revenue nor equate to the cost of collected or imposed. ordinary course of his trade or business, or at least an
doing business. Association dues, membership fees, and other
In the same way, membership fees, assessment dues, and the like are ordinary asset used in the trade or business of the VAT taxpayer
assessments/charges do not arise from transactions involving the
not subject to VAT because in collecting such fees, the club is not as an incident to his VAT-taxable activity; AND
sale, barter, or exchange of goods or property. Nor are they generated
by the performance of services. As such, they are not subject to VAT. selling its service to the members. e) Not exempt from VAT under Sec 109 of NIRC, special law, or
international agreement.
Section 57 of RA 8424 directs that only income, be it active or Importer — VAT is properly and legally due on the local buyers who
passive, earned by a payor-corporation can be subject to are the importers and should no longer be imposed on the PH branch of i. Tax base: gross selling price
withholding tax. the seller based outside PH.
The term "gross selling price" means the total amount of money
Subdivisions or Villages Homeowners Associations — Sec 18 of RA 3. Imposition of VAT or its equivalent which the purchaser pays or is obligated to pay to
the seller in consideration of the sale, barter or exchange of the
9904 provides that association dues and income derived from rentals What are the transactions subject to VAT? goods or properties, excluding the VAT.
of property may be exempted from income tax, VAT, and percentage tax,
1. Sale of goods or properties subject to 12% VAT (Sec 106[A]); The excise tax, if any, on such goods or properties shall form part
provided that the association complements, supports, and strengthens
the LGU in providing vital services to their members. 2. Transactions Deemed Sale subject to 12% VAT (Sec 107[B]); of the gross selling price
1) The association must be duly-constituted as de ined under SEC 3. Sale or Exchange of Services and Use or Lease of properties ii. Transactions deemed sale
3(b) of RA 9904; subject to 12% VAT (Sec 108[A]);
1) Transfer, use or consumption not in the course of business of
2) Certi ication from the LGU identifying the basic services 4. Sale of goods or properties subject to 0% VAT (Sec 106[A][2]); goods or properties originally intended for sale or for use in
rendered by the association and therein stating its lack of the course of business;
resources to render such services.. 5. Sale or Exchange of Services and Use or Lease of properties
subject to 0% VAT (Sec 108[B]); 2) Distribution or transfer to:
Recreational or sports club — Membership fees, assessment dues,
6. Importation of goods (Sec 107). a) Shareholders or investors as share in the pro its of the
and other fees of similar nature only constitute contributions to and/or
VAT-registered persons; or
replenishment of the funds for the maintenance and operations of the a. On sale of goods or properties
facilities offered by recreational clubs to their exclusive members. They b) Creditors in payment of debt;
represent funds "held in trust" by these clubs to defray their operating To be subject to VAT, the sale of goods must be
3) Consignment of goods if actual sale is not made within sixty
and general costs and hence, only constitute infusion of capital. a) An actual or deemed sale for a valuable consideration; (60) days following the date such goods were consigned; and
Association of Non-Pro it Clubs, Inc. v. BIR 2019 b) Undertaken in the course of trade or business; 4) Retirement from or cessation of business, with respect to
c) For the use or consumption in PH; AND inventories of taxable goods existing as of such retirement or
In ine, for as long as these membership fees, assessment dues, and
the like are cessation.
d) Not exempt from VAT under Sec 109 of NIRC, special law, or
international agreement. Here, the seller is also the buyer and no valuable consideration is
1. treated as collections by recreational clubs from their
With respect to sale or exchange of real property thus paid. The rationale is to recapture the VAT that was claimed as
members as an inherent consequence of their membership,
and input tax at the time of purchase.
a) The seller executes a deed of sale, barter, or exchange,
2. are, by nature, intended for the maintenance, preservation,
assignment or conveyance, or contract to sell, of real property;

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CIVxTAX PRE-WEEK NOTES For the 2020/21 #BestBarEver

purchasers, transferees or recipients shall be considered the

In the course of trade or business — means the regular conduct 13. sales of electricity by generation companies, transmission by
importers thereof, who shall be liable for any internal revenue tax
or pursuit of a commercial or an economic activity, including any entity, and distribution companies, including electric
on such importation.
transactions incidental thereto, by any person regardless of cooperatives;
whether or not the person engaged therein is a non-stock, nonpro it The tax due on such importation shall constitute a lien on the
14. services of franchise grantees of electric utilities, telephone
private organization (irrespective of the disposition of its net goods superior to all charges or liens on the goods, irrespective of
and telegraph, radio and television broadcasting and all other
income and whether or not it sells exclusively to members or their the possessor thereof. (Sec 107 NIRC)
franchise grantees except those under Section 119 of this Code
guests), or government entity. c. On sale of services and use or lease of properties and
The rule of regularity, to the contrary notwithstanding, services The phrase 'sale or exchange of services' means the performance of 15. non-life insurance companies (except their crop insurances),
rendered in the Philippines by nonresident foreign persons shall all kinds of services in the Philippines for others for a fee, remuneration including surety, idelity, indemnity and bonding companies;
be considered as being rendered in the course of trade or business. or consideration, including those performed or rendered by and
iii. Change or cessation of status as VAT-registered person 1. construction and service contractors; 16. similar services regardless of whether or not the performance
A VAT-registered person whose registration has been cancelled due thereof calls for the exercise or use of the physical or mental
2. stock, real estate, commercial, customs and immigration
to retirement from or cessation of business, or due to changes in or faculties.
cessation of status under Sec. 106 (C) of the Tax Code may, within CIR v. Sony Phil., Inc. 2010
3. lessors of property, whether personal or real;
two (2) years from the date of cancellation, apply for the issuance
In the case of CIR v. CA, the Court had the occasion to rule that
of tax credit certi icate for any unused input tax which he may use 4. warehousing services;
services rendered for a fee even on reimbursement-on-cost
in payment of his other internal revenue taxes.
5. lessors or distributors of cinematographic ilms; basis only and without realizing pro it are also subject to VAT.
He shall be entitled to a refund if he has no internal revenue tax The case, however, is not applicable to the present case.
6. persons engaged in milling, processing, manufacturing or
liabilities against which the tax credit certi icate may be utilized.
repacking goods for others; Here, Sony did not render any service to SIS at all. The services
The date of cancellation is the date of issuance of tax clearance by rendered by the advertising companies, paid for by Sony using SIS
7. proprietors, operators or keepers of hotels, motels, resthouses, dole-out, were for Sony and not SIS. SIS just gave assistance to Sony
the BIR, after full settlement of all tax liabilities relative to
pension houses, inns, resorts; in the amount equivalent to the latter's advertising expense but never
cessation of business or change of status of the concerned taxpayer.
received any goods, properties or service from Sony.
(Sec. 4.112-1.[b] RR 13-18) 8. proprietors or operators of restaurants, refreshment parlors,
cafes and other eating places, including clubs and caterers;
b. On importation of goods Diaz, et al. v. Secretary of Finance, et al. 2011 En Banc re Toll Fees
9. dealers in securities;
There shall be levied, assessed and collected on every importation May toll fees collected by tollway operators be subjected to VAT?
of goods a VAT equivalent to twelve percent (12%) based on the 10. lending investors;
total value used by the Bureau of Customs in determining tariff YES. The law imposes VAT on "all kinds of services" rendered in
11. transportation contractors on their transport of goods or the Philippines for a fee, including those speci ied in the list. The
and customs duties, plus customs duties, excise taxes, if any, and
cargoes, including persons who transport goods or cargoes for enumeration of affected services is not exclusive. Tollway fees are
other charges, such tax to be paid by the importer prior to the
hire and other domestic common carriers by land relative to NOT taxes. Indeed, they are not assessed and collected by the BIR
release of such goods from customs custody. and do not go to the general coffers of the government.
their transport of goods or cargoes;
Transfer of Goods by Tax-exempt Persons. (Technical
12. common carriers by air and sea relative to their transport of Consequently, VAT on tollway operations is not really a tax on the
Importation) — In the case of tax-free importation of goods into tollway user, but on the tollway operator.
passengers, goods or cargoes from one place in the Philippines
the Philippines by persons, entities or agencies exempt from tax
to another place in the Philippines;
where such goods are subsequently sold, transferred or exchanged CIR v. SM Prime Holdings, Inc. 2010
in the Philippines to non-exempt persons or entities, the

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locally manufactured, assembled or repacked products

WON the gross receipts derived by operators or proprietors of c) accounted for in accordance with the rules and regulations
whether paid for in foreign currency or not.
cinema/theater houses from admission tickets are subject to VAT. of the BSP;
2) 5) The sale of goods, supplies, equipment and fuel to persons
NO. The legislative intent is not to impose VAT on persons
already covered by the amusement tax. engaged in international shipping or international air
a) Sale of raw materials or packaging materials
transport operations: Provided, That the goods, supplies,
To hold otherwise would impose an unreasonable burden on b) to a nonresident buyer equipment and fuel shall be used for international shipping or
cinema/theater houses operators or proprietors, who would be air transport operations.
c) for delivery to a resident local export-oriented enterprise
paying an additional 10% VAT on top of the 30% amusement tax
imposed by Section 140 of the LGC of 1991, or a total of 40% tax. d) to be used in manufacturing, processing, packing or Provided, That subparagraphs (3), (4), and (5) hereof shall be subject to
repacking in the Philippines of the said buyer's goods and the 12% VAT and no longer be considered export sales subject to 0%
Tambunting Pawnshop, Inc. v. CIR 2010 VAT rate upon satisfaction of the following conditions:
e) paid for in acceptable foreign currency and
WON pawnshops are liable to pay VAT. YES. R.A. No. 9238 inally
1) The successful establishment and implementation of an
classi ied pawnshops as Other Non-bank Financial Intermediaries. f) accounted for in accordance with the rules and regulations
enhanced VAT refund system that grants refunds of
of the BSP;
Tax base: gross receipt creditable input tax within ninety (90) days from the iling of
the VAT refund application with the BIR; and
The term 'gross receipts' means the total amount of money or its a) Sale of raw materials or packaging materials
equivalent representing the contract price, compensation, service 2) All pending VAT refund claims as of December 31, 2017 shall
fee, rental or royalty, including the amount charged for materials b) to export-oriented enterprise be fully paid in cash by December 31, 2019.
supplied with the services and deposits and advanced payments c) whose export sales exceed seventy percent (70%) of xxxx
actually or constructively received during the taxable quarter for total annual production;
the services performed or to be performed for another person, b. Effectively Zero-Rated Transaction. — Sales to persons or
4) Those considered export sales under EO No. 226, otherwise
excluding VAT. entities whose exemption under special laws or international
known as the Omnibus Investment Code of 1987, and other
agreements to which the Philippines is a signatory effectively
4. Zero-rated and effectively zero-rated sales of goods or special laws;
subjects such sales to zero rate.
properties, and services Without actual exportation the following shall be considered
constructively exported for purposes of these provisions: The following services performed in the Philippines by VAT-registered
Zero-rated sale
persons shall be subject to zero percent (0%) rate:
a. Export Sales. — The term 'export sales' means: 1. sales to bonded manufacturing warehouses of
export-oriented manufacturers;
a) Processing, manufacturing or repacking goods
2. sales to export processing zones;
a) The sale and actual shipment of goods from the b) for other persons doing business outside the Philippines
Philippines to a foreign country, irrespective of any 3. sales to registered export traders operating bonded
shipping arrangement that may be agreed upon which may trading warehouses supplying raw materials in the c) which goods are subsequently exported,
in luence or determine the transfer of ownership of the manufacture of export products under guidelines to be
d) where the services are paid for in acceptable foreign
goods so exported and set by the Board in consultation with the BIR and the
currency and
b) paid for in acceptable foreign currency or its equivalent in e) accounted for in accordance with the rules and regulations
goods or services, and 4. sales to diplomatic missions and other agencies
of the BSP;
and/or instrumentalities granted tax immunities, of

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a) Services other than PMR, Tax Code shows that sales to an export-oriented enterprise of 5% under Rep. Act No. 7916.
whose export sales exceed 70 percent of its annual production
b) rendered to a person engaged in business conducted are to be zero-rated, provided the seller complies with other Respondent availed of the income tax holiday for four (4) years.
outside the Philippines or to a nonresident person not requirements, like registration with the BOI and the EPZA. The said Hence, respondent is NOT exempt from VAT and it correctly
engaged in business who is outside the Philippines when Regulation does not even hint, much less expressly mention, registered itself as a VAT taxpayer. In ine, it is engaged in taxable
the services are performed, that only a percentage of the sales would be zero-rated. rather than exempt transactions.

c) the consideration for which is paid for in acceptable CIR v. Filminera Resources Corporation 2020 Here, respondent is engaged in the export business and is registered
foreign currency and as a VAT taxpayer. Further, the records show that the respondent is
Proof of actual exportation of goods sold by a Value Added Tax subject to VAT as it availed of the income tax holiday under E.O. No.
d) accounted for in accordance with the rules and regulations (VAT)-registered taxpayer to a Board of Investments 226. Perforce, respondent is subject to VAT at 0% rate and is
of the BSP; (BOI)-registered enterprise is vital for the transaction to be entitled to a refund or credit of the unutilized input taxes.
3) Services rendered to persons or entities whose exemption considered as zero-rated export sales.
under special laws or international agreements to which the 5. VAT-exempt transactions
WON the sales made to PGPRC for the third and fourth quarters of
Philippines is a signatory effectively subjects the supply of
the FY ending June 30, 2010 are zero-rated export sales based on the A. Sale or importation of
such services to zero percent (0%) rate;
certi ication issued by the BOI on January 27, 2010.
1. agricultural and marine food products in their original
4) Services rendered to persons exclusively engaged in
Section 4.106-5(a)(5) of RR No. 16-2005 classi ied sales to state,
international shipping or international air transport operations,
BOI-registered entities as zero-rated export sales if the following 2. livestock and poultry of a kind generally used as, or
including leases of property for use thereof;
conditions are met:
yielding or producing foods for human consumption; and
5) Services performed by subcontractors and/or contractors in
processing, converting, or manufacturing goods for an 1) the buyer is a BOI-registered manufacturer/producer; 3. breeding stock and genetic materials therefor.
enterprise whose export sales exceed seventy percent (70%) 2) the buyer's products are 100% exported; and B. Sale or importation of
of total annual production; 3) the BOI certi ied that the buyer exported 100% of its
1. fertilizers;
6) Transport of passengers and cargo by domestic air or sea products.
2. seeds, seedlings and ingerlings;
vessels from the Philippines to a foreign country; and For this purpose, the BOI Certi ication is vital for the seller-taxpayer
to avail of the bene its of zero-rating. To ensure compliance with 3. ish, prawn, livestock and poultry feeds, including
★ If international, VAT-exempt if passenger; and
invoicing requirements, Section 3 of RMO No. 09-00 requires the ingredients, whether locally produced or imported, used in
subject to other percentage tax of 3% if cargo.
BOI-registered buyer to furnish its suppliers with a copy of the BOI the manufacture of inished feeds
7) Sale of power or fuel generated through renewable sources of Certi ication attesting that it exported 100% of its products.
except specialty feeds for race horses, ighting cocks,
energy such as, but not limited to, biomass, solar, wind,
CIR v. Cebu Toyo Corporation aquarium ish, zoo animals and other animals generally
hydropower, geothermal, ocean energy, and other emerging
considered as pets;
energy sources using technologies such as fuel cells and Under RA 7916, respondent had two options with respect to its tax
hydrogen fuels. burden. C. Importation of personal and household effects belonging to
the residents of the Philippines returning from abroad and
Atlas Consolidated Mining v. CIR
1. It could avail of an income tax holiday pursuant to nonresident citizens coming to resettle in the Philippines:
WON the totality of sales to EPZA-registered enterprises should be provisions of E.O. No. 226, thus exempt it from income taxes Provided, That such goods are exempt from customs duties;
zero-rated, not merely the proportion which such sales have to the for a number of years but not from other internal revenue
D. Importation of professional instruments and implements,
actual exports of the enterprise. taxes such as VAT; or
tools of trade, occupation or employment, wearing apparel,
2. It could avail of the tax exemptions on all taxes, including
YES. Section 4.100.2 of RR 7-95 in relation to Section 102 (b) of the domestic animals, and personal and household effects
VAT under P.D. No. 66 and pay only the preferential tax rate
belonging to persons coming to settle in the Philippines or

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Filipinos or their families and descendants who are now 9) Receipts on sale, barter or exchange of shares of stock from VAT provided the following conditions concur, viz:
residents or citizens of other countries. listed and traded through the local stock exchange or First, the seller must be an agricultural cooperative duly registered
Vehicles, vessels, aircrafts, machineries and other similar through initial public offering (Sec. 127). with the CDA.
goods for use in manufacture, shall NOT fall within this F. Services by agricultural contract growers and milling for Second, the cooperative must sell either:
classi ication and shall therefore be subject to duties, taxes others of palay into rice, corn into grits and sugar cane into raw 1) exclusively to its members; or
and other charges; sugar; 2) to both members and non-members, its produce, whether
E. Services subject to percentage tax under Title V; G. Medical, dental, hospital and veterinary services except those in its original state or processed form.
1) Sale or lease of goods or properties or the performance of rendered by professionals; A cooperative is the producer of the sugar if it owns or leases the land
services of non-VAT-registered persons, other than the H. Educational services rendered by private educational tilled, incurs the cost of agricultural production of the sugar, and
produces the sugar cane to be re ined. It should not have merely
transactions mentioned in paragraphs (A) to (AA) of Sec. institutions, duly accredited by the DepEd, CHED, TESDA and
purchased the sugar cane from its planters-members.
109(1) of the Tax Code, the gross annual sales and/or those rendered by government educational institutions;
receipts of which does not exceed the amount of Php3M. CIR v. Negros Consolidated Farmers MPC 2018
“Educational services” shall refer to academic, technical or
2) Services rendered by domestic common carriers by land, vocational education. For an agricultural cooperative to be exempted from the payment of
for the transport of passengers and keepers of garages advance VAT on re ined sugar, it must be
I. Services rendered by individuals pursuant to an
(Sec. 117);
employer-employee relationship; a) a cooperative in good standing duly accredited and
3) Services rendered by international air/shipping registered with the CDA; and
J. Services rendered by RAHQ that do not earn or derive
carriers (Sec. 118); b) the producer of the sugar.
income from the Philippines;
4) Services rendered by franchise grantees of radio and/or
K. Transactions which are exempt under international M. Gross receipts from lending activities by credit or
television broadcasting whose annual gross receipts of
agreements to which the Philippines is a signatory or under multi-purpose cooperatives duly registered with the CDA;
the preceding year do not exceed Php10M, and by
special laws, except those under PD No. 529; N. Sales by non-agricultural, non-electric and non-credit
franchise grantees of gas and water utilities (Sec. 119);
L. cooperatives duly registered with the CDA.
5) Service rendered for overseas dispatch, message or
conversation originating from the Philippines (Sec. 120); a) Sales by agricultural cooperatives duly registered with The share capital contribution of each member does not
the CDA to their members exceed Php15K and regardless of the aggregate capital and net
6) Services rendered by any person, company or corporation
surplus ratably distributed among the members;
(except purely cooperative companies or associations) b) as well as sale of their produce, whether in its original
doing life insurance business of any sort in the state or processed form, to non-members; Importation by non-agricultural, non-electric and non-credit
Philippines (Sec. 123); cooperatives of machineries and equipment, including spare
c) their importation of direct farm inputs, machineries and
parts thereof, to be used by them are subject to VAT.
7) Services rendered by ire, marine or miscellaneous equipment, including spare parts thereof, to be used
insurance agents of foreign insurance companies (Sec. directly and exclusively in the production and/or O. Export sales by persons who are not VAT-registered;
124); processing of their produce; If VAT-registered, zero-rated.
8) Services of proprietors, lessees or operators of cockpits, CIR v. United Cadiz Sugar Farmers Association MPC 2016 P. The following sales of real properties are exempt from
cabarets, night or day clubs, boxing exhibitions, VAT, namely:
professional basketball games, Jai-Alai and race tracks Although the sale of re ined sugar is generally subject to VAT,
such transaction may nevertheless qualify as a VAT-exempt 1) Sale of real properties not primarily held for sale to
(Sec. 125); and
transaction if the sale is made by a cooperative. Under Section customers or held for lease in the ordinary course of
109(L) of the NIRC, sales by agricultural cooperatives are exempt trade or business. However, even if the real property is

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not primarily held for sale to customers or held for lease The foregoing notwithstanding, lease of residential units where port in the Philippines directly to a foreign port, or vice versa,
in the ordinary course of trade or business but the same is the monthly rental per unit exceeds P15K, but the aggregate of without docking or stopping at any other port in the
used in the trade or business of the seller, the sale thereof such rentals of the lessor during the year do not exceed P3M Philippines unless the docking or stopping at any other
shall be subject to VAT being a transaction incidental to shall likewise be exempt from VAT; however, the same shall be Philippine port is for the purpose of unloading passengers
the taxpayer's main business. subject to three percent (3%) percentage tax under Section and/or cargoes that originated from abroad, or to load
2) Sale of real properties utilized for low-cost housing. 116 of the Tax Code. passengers and/or cargoes bound for abroad.

3) Sale of real properties utilized for socialized housing In cases where a lessor has several residential units for lease, V. Services of bank, non-bank inancial intermediaries
performing quasi-banking functions, and other non-bank
wherein the price ceiling per unit is P450K or as may some are leased out for a monthly rental per unit of not
exceeding P15K while others are leased out for more than inancial intermediaries;
from time to time be determined by the HUDCC and the
NEDA and other related laws. P15K per unit, his tax liability will be as follows: Such as money changers and pawnshops, subject to
1. The gross receipts from rentals not exceeding P15K percentage tax under Secs. 121 and 122, respectively, of the Tax
4) Sale of residential lots valued at Php1,919,500 and
per month per unit shall be exempt from VAT Code;
below, or house & lot and other residential dwellings
valued at Php3,199,200 and below. regardless of the aggregate annual gross receipts. It is W. Sale or lease of goods and services to senior citizens and
also exempt from the 3% percentage tax. persons with disability, as provided under RA Nos. 9994 and
If two or more adjacent residential lots are sold or disposed
2. The gross receipts from rentals exceeding P15K per 10754, respectively;
of in favor of one buyer, for the purpose of utilizing the lots
as one residential lot, the sale shall be exempt from VAT month per unit shall be subject to VAT if the aggregate X. Transfer of property pursuant to Section 40(C)(2) of the
only if the aggregate value of the lots do not exceed annual gross receipts from said units only exceeds NIRC, as amended;
Php1,919,500M. P3M. Otherwise, the gross receipts will be subject to Tax-free exchange of property in pursuance of a plan of merger
the 3% tax imposed under Section 116 of the Tax or consolidation.
Adjacent residential lots, although covered by separate titles
and/or separate tax declarations, when sold or disposed to Y. Association dues, membership fees, and other
one and the same buyer, whether covered by one or R. Sale, importation, printing or publication of books and any
assessments and charges collected by homeowners
separate Deed of Conveyance, shall be presumed as a sale newspaper, magazine, review or bulletin which appears at associations and condominium corporations;
of one residential lot. regular intervals with ixed prices or subscription and sale and
Z. Sale of gold to the BSP;
which is not devoted principally to the publication of paid
Provided, That beginning January 1, 2021, the VAT
advertisements; AA. Sale of drugs and medicines prescribed for diabetes, high
exemption shall only apply to
S. Transport of passengers by international carriers; cholesterol, and hypertension beginning January 1, 2019;
1. sale of real properties not primarily held for sale and
to customers or held for lease in the ordinary If cargo, 3% OPT.
BB. Sale or lease of goods or properties or the performance of
course of trade or business, T. Sale, importation or lease of passenger or cargo vessels and
services other than the transactions mentioned in the preceding
2. sale of real property utilized for socialized aircraft, including engine, equipment and spare parts thereof paragraphs, the gross annual sales and/or receipts do not
housing, for domestic or international transport operations; exceed the amount of P3M.
3. sale of house and lot, and other residential U. Importation of fuel, goods and supplies by persons engaged in
Contex Corp. v. CIR
dwellings with selling price of not more than international shipping or air transport operations:
Php3,199,200. Petitioner is registered as a NON-VAT taxpayer per Certi icate of
Provided, That the fuel, goods, and supplies shall be used for
Registration issued by the BIR. As such, it is exempt from VAT on
Q. Lease of a residential unit with a monthly rental not international shipping or air transport operations; all its sales and importations of goods and services.
exceeding P15K; Thus, said fuel, goods and supplies shall be used exclusively or
Petitioner’s claim, however, for exemption from VAT for its
shall pertain to the transport of goods and/or passenger from a

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purchases of supplies and raw materials is incongruous with its b. For conversion into or intended to form part of a 2) For the domestic purchase of goods and properties –
claim that it is VAT-Exempt, for only VAT-Registered entities can inished product for sale including packaging invoice showing the information required under Secs. 113
claim Input VAT Credit/Refund. materials; or and 237 of the Tax Code.

While it is true that the petitioner should not have been liable for the c. For use as supplies in the course of business; or 3) For the purchase of real property – public instrument
VAT inadvertently passed on to it by its supplier since such is a i.e., deed of absolute sale, deed of conditional sale,
zero-rated sale on the part of the supplier, the petitioner is not the d. For use as materials supplied in the sale of service; or contract/agreement to sell, etc., together with VAT invoice
proper party to claim such VAT refund. Rather, it is the petitioner’s e. For use in trade or business for which deduction for issued by the seller.
suppliers who are the proper parties to claim the tax credit and
depreciation or amortization is allowed under this 4) For the purchase of services – of icial receipt showing
accordingly refund the petitioner of the VAT erroneously passed on to
Code. the information required under Secs. 113 and 237 of the
the latter.
2. Purchase of services on which a VAT has been actually paid. Tax Code.
PSALM v. CIR 2019 A cash register machine tape issued to a registered buyer shall
3. Transactions deemed sale;
WON PSALM’s privatization activities are subject to VAT. constitute valid proof of substantiation of tax credit only if it
4. Transitional input tax. shows the information required under Secs. 113 and 237 of the
NO. The sale of the power plants in this case is not subject to VAT Tax Code.
When creditable
since the sale was made pursuant to PSALM's mandate to privatize
NPC's assets, and was not undertaken in the course of trade or b) Transitional input tax shall be supported by an inventory of
1. On purchase of goods or properties — upon consummation
business. In selling the power plants, PSALM was merely exercising a of sale, or issue of the sales invoice, although no payment goods as shown in a detailed list to be submitted to the BIR.
governmental function for which it was created under the EPIRA law. thereof was made by the buyer. c) Input tax on “deemed sale” transactions shall be
During its corporate life, PSALM has powers relating to the substantiated with the invoice required under Sec. 4.113-2.
2. On importation — upon payment of the VAT prior to the
management of its personnel and leasing of its properties as may be release of the goods from customs custody. d) Input tax from payments made to non-residents shall be
necessary to discharge its mandate. supported by a copy of the Monthly Remittance Return of VAT
3. On purchase of services — when paid by the buyer and
6. Input and output tax evidenced by the seller’s of icial receipt.
e) Advance VAT on sugar shall be supported by the Payment Order
Categories of Input taxes Substantiation of Input Tax Credits showing payment of the advance VAT.
1. Input tax credit on importation of goods and current local a) Input taxes for the importation of goods or the domestic
Transitional Input Tax Credits
purchases of goods, properties, and services (Sec 110); purchase of goods, properties or services is made in the
course of trade or business, whether such input taxes shall be A person who becomes liable to VAT or any person who elects to be a
2. Transitional input tax credit — 2%;
credited against zero-rated sale, non-zero-rated sales, or VAT-registered person shall, subject to the iling of an inventory be
3. Presumptive input tax credit — 4%; subjected to the 5% Final Withholding VAT, must be allowed input tax
4. Final withholding tax credit; and substantiated and supported by the following documents, and 1. on his beginning inventory of goods, materials and supplies
must be reported in the information returns required to be equivalent to two percent (2%) of the value of such inventory
5. Excess input tax credit.
submitted to the Bureau: or
Sources of input tax credits 1) For the importation of goods - import entry or other 2. the actual VAT paid on such goods, materials and supplies,
1. Purchase or importation of goods: equivalent document showing actual payment of VAT on
the imported goods. whichever is higher, which shall be creditable against the output tax.
a. For sale; or
When may one claim transitional input tax

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the issuance of a tax credit certi icate for any unused input tax which g. Duly supported by VAT invoices or of icial receipts;
1. He becomes liable to VAT for the irst-time either through a
may be used in payment of his other internal revenue taxes.
new law or when his taxable transactions exceed the P3M Imprinting of the word “zero-rated” on the invoices or
threshold; Period within which Refund or Tax Credit of Input Taxes shall be
receipts is required.
Made. — In proper cases, the Commissioner shall grant a refund for
2. He elects to register as a VAT-registered person; and h. The VAT return for the succeeding quarters covered by the
creditable input taxes within ninety (90) days from the date of
3. He is already VAT-registered and also deals in goods or submission of the of icial receipts or invoices and other claim must be submitted with the CTA.
properties, the sale of which is exempt, but later becomes a documents in support of the application iled: 2. Cancellation of VAT registration due to cessation of business
taxable transaction through legislation. Provided, That should the CIR ind that the grant of refund is not proper, or dissolution of the corporation.
Presumptive Input Tax Credits the CIR must state in writing the legal and factual basis for the denial. a. Within two (2) years from the date of cancellation,
In case of full or partial denial of the claim for tax refund, the taxpayer apply for the issuance of a tax credit certi icate for any
Persons or irms engaged
affected may, within thirty (30) days from the receipt of the unused input tax which may be used in payment of his
1. in the processing of sardines, mackerel and milk, and other internal revenue taxes.
decision denying the claim, appeal the decision with the CTA:
2. in manufacturing re ined sugar and cooking oil, b. The date of cancellation being referred herein is the date
Provided, however, That failure on the part of any of icial, agent, or
shall be allowed a presumptive input tax, creditable against the output employee of the BIR to act on the application within the ninety (90)-day of issuance of tax clearance by the BIR, after full
tax, equivalent to four percent (4%) of the gross value in money of period shall be punishable under Section 269 of this Code. settlement of all tax liabilities relative to cessation of
their purchases of primary agricultural products which are used as business or change of status.
When based on statute, a claim for tax refund partakes of the nature of
inputs to their production. c. The iling of the claim shall be made only after completion
an exemption.
of the mandatory audit of all internal revenue tax
The term 'processing' shall mean pasteurization, canning and activities Categories of refunds or credits
liabilities covering the immediately preceding year and the
which through physical or chemical process alter the exterior texture or
1. Zero-rated or effectively zero-rated sales of goods. short period return and the issuance of the applicable tax
form or inner substance of a product in such manner as to prepare it for
Petitioner must prove or comply the following: clearance/s by the appropriate BIR Of ice which has
special use to which it could not have been put in its original form or
a. He is a VAT-registered person; jurisdiction over the taxpayer.
b. Filed with the BIR or DOF Center within 2 years after the CIR v. Central Luzon Drug Corporation
7. Refund or tax credit of excess input tax; procedure
close of taxable quarter when the sales were made Tax liability required for Tax credit
1. Any VAT-registered person,
With the CTA within 30 days from date of receipt of
2. whose sales are zero-rated or effectively zero-rated may, Since a tax credit is used to directly reduce the tax that is due, there
denial from CIR; ought to be a tax liability before the tax credit can be applied.
3. within two (2) years after the close of the taxable quarter c. The claimed input tax payments were not applied against While the grant is mandatory, the availment or use is not. By its
when the sales were made, any output tax during the period covered by the claim and nature, the tax credit may still be deducted from a future, not a
present, tax liability, without which it does not have any use.
4. apply for the issuance of a tax credit certi icate or refund of in the succeeding periods, unless there be a separate
creditable input tax due or paid attributable to such sales, claim; Prior tax payments NOT required for Tax credit
except transitional input tax, to the extent that such input tax d. Deduct from its quarterly return the input tax being
has not been applied against output tax. While a tax liability is essential to the availment or use of any tax
claimed as refund or credit;
credit, prior tax payments are not. On the contrary, for the existence
Cancellation of VAT Registration. — A person whose registration has e. Directly attributable to the sale; or grant solely of such credit, neither a tax liability nor a prior
been cancelled due to retirement from or cessation of business, or due tax payment is needed. Regarding this matter, a private
f. The acceptable foreign currency exchange proceeds had
to changes in or cessation of status under Section 106(C) of this Code establishment reporting a net loss in its inancial statements is no
been duly accounted for, if applicable; different from another that presents a net income. Both are entitled to
may, within two (2) years from the date of cancellation, apply for

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the tax credit provided for under RA 7432, since the law itself accords on June 30, 2003, or before the period when BIR Ruling No.
that unconditional bene it. The input VAT is NOT “excessively” collected as understood under DA-489-03 was in effect. As such, it was incumbent upon Cargill to
Section 229 because at the time the input VAT is collected the amount wait for the lapse of the 120-day period before seeking relief with
CIR v. Aichi Forging October 6, 2010 paid is correct and proper. the CTA. It was thus prematurely iled.
1. Thus, in claims for tax refund or credit of unutilized input CIR v. Dash Engineering 2013 cf. San Roque In contrast, Cargill’s second refund claims were both iled on May
VAT, only the administrative claim must be within the 2-year 31, 2005, falling within the exemption window period contemplated
prescriptive period reckoned from the close of the taxable WON respondent’s judicial claim for refund was iled within the in San Roque. Verily, the CTA En Banc erred when it outrightly
quarter when the sale was made. prescriptive period. dismissed CTA Case No. 7262 on the ground of prematurity.
2. The claimant may then ile his judicial claim NO. In accordance with San Roque, respondent’s judicial claim for
Pilipinas Total Gas v. CIR 2015 En Banc
a. Within 30 days from receipt of the denial of the CIR; refund must be denied for having been iled late. Although
OR re Submission of Documents
respondent iled its administrative claim with the BIR on August 9,
b. Within 30 days after the lapse of the 90-day period 2004 before the expiration of the two-year period in Section 112(A), it Under the current rule, the reckoning of the 120-day period has
given to the CIR to decide that is reckoned from the undoubtedly failed to comply with the 120+30-day period in Section been withdrawn from the taxpayer by RMC 54-2014, since it
date when documents are deemed submitted. 112(D) (now subparagraph C) which requires that upon the inaction requires him at the time he iles his claim to complete his supporting
of the CIR for 120 days after the submission of the documents in documents and attest that he will no longer submit any other
This is considered a denial on the part of the CIR.
support of the claim, the taxpayer has to ile its judicial claim within document to prove his claim. Further, the taxpayer is barred from
3. If the claimant iles his judicial claim without respecting the 30 days after the lapse of the said period. submitting additional documents after he has iled his administrative
90-day period, such will be dismissed as being premature. claim.
4. The rule that both administrative and judicial claims fall ROHM Apollo v. CIR 2015
within the 2-year period applies to erroneously or Hedcor, Inc. v. CIR 2015 also on Submission of Documents
The taxpayer can ile an appeal in one of two ways:
excessively paid taxes, and is reckoned from the date of
payment. Input VAT is NOT erroneously or excessively paid. 1) ile the judicial claim within 30 days after the Commissioner The Transmittal Letter submitted by petitioner is not a substantial
denies the claim within the 120-day waiting period, or submission that would warrant a change in the reckoning date for the
Philippine Phosphate Fertilizer v. CIR 120-day period for the BIR to act on the claim for refund.
2) ile the judicial claim within 30 days from the expiration of
the 120-day period if the CIR does not act within that period.
WON the CTA should have granted petitioner’s claim for refund. YES. Silicon Philippines v. CIR 2016
Nowhere in the Circular is it stated that invoices are required to be Panay Power Corp. v. CIR 2015 The general interpretative rule allowed the premature iling of
presented in claiming refunds.
judicial claims by providing that the "taxpayer-claimant need not
In this case, records disclose that petitioner iled its administrative
wait for the lapse of the 120-day period before it could seek judicial
CIR v. San Roque Power 2013 En Banc and judicial claims for refund/credit of its input VAT on December
relief with the CTA by way of Petition for Review." The rule certainly
29, 2005 and January 20, 2006, respectively, or during the period
Application of the 120+30 Day Periods (please note that the 120 did not allow the iling of a judicial claim long after the expiration of
when BIR Ruling No. DA-489-03 was in place.
days is now 90 days under the TRAIN law) the 120+30 day period.
As such, it need not wait for the expiration of the 120-day

GR: Taxpayer must wait for the lapse of 120 days before it could period before iling its judicial claim before the CTA, and hence, is 8. Compliance requirements
seek relief with the CTA. deemed timely iled. In view of the foregoing, the CTA En Banc erred
A person subject to pay internal revenue tax must comply with certain
in dismissing outright petitioner’s claim on the ground of
EXC: Those who iled their judicial claim between administrative requirements:
10 Dec 2003 — 6 Oct 2010. 1. Registration as a VAT taxpayer;
Cargill Phils., Inc. v. CIR 2015
“Excess” Input VAT and “Excessively” Collected Tax 2. Keeping and stamping of books of accounts, sales invoices, and
Anent Cargill’s irst refund claim, it iled its administrative claim
of icial receipts and other accounting records;
with the BIR on June 27, 2003, and its judicial claim before the CTA

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1. for the period during which the CIR is prohibited from another or separate examination and inspection may
b. from the lapse of 180-day period;
making the assessment or beginning distraint or levy or a be made.
otherwise, the decision shall become inal, executory and
proceeding in court and for sixty (60) days thereafter; All taxpayers are required to preserve their books of
2. when the taxpayer requests for a reinvestigation which is accounts for a period of 10 years reckoned from the day
granted by the CIR; 2. When in the opinion of the Court the collection may jeopardize following the deadline in iling a return, or if iled after the

the interest of the Government and/or the taxpayer, the Court, at deadline, from the date of the iling, for the taxable year when
3. when the taxpayer cannot be located;
any stage of the proceeding, may suspend the said collection the last entry was made in the books of accounts.
4. when the warrant of distraint or levy is duly served upon and require the taxpayer either to deposit the amount claimed
the taxpayer and no property could be located; and or to ile a surety bond for not more than double the amount a. First 5 years — hardcopies;

5. when the taxpayer is out of the Philippines. with the Court. b. Next 5 years — may retain only an electronic copy of
3. A preliminary hearing is required for the proper determination the hardcopies.
CIR v. Hambrecht & Quist Philippines 2010
of the necessity of a surety bond or the reduction thereof. 4) Publication of RMC and RMO. — Absence of publication
The mere iling of a protest letter which is not granted does not Pacquiao v. CTA. renders the RMC and RMO invalid.
operate to suspend the running of the period to collect taxes. In the
case at bar, the records show that respondent iled a request for Substantive 5) Power of CIR to distribute or allocate gross income and
reinvestigation on December 3, 1993, however, there is no indication deductions does NOT include the power to impute
1) Questioning the constitutionality or validity of statutes or
that petitioner acted upon respondent's protest. ‘theoretical interests’ to the controlled taxpayer’s
regulations —
2. Taxpayer's remedies 2) Failure to inform the taxpayer in writing of the legal and
factual bases of assessment makes it VOID. — The 6) Availment of tax amnesty.
taxpayers shall be informed in writing of the law and the facts a. Protest
1. Before payment of the de iciency tax assessment, the remedy on which the assessment is made; otherwise, the assessment
is to ile a written protest within 30 days from receipt of FAN; shall be void. i. Period to file protest

2. After payment of the same, the remedy is to ile a written claim 3) Preservation of books of accounts and once-a-year Within 30 days from receipt of the assessment.
for refund or tax credit — either with the BIR or the DOF examination. — For income tax purposes, such examination ii. Kinds of protest
One Stop Shop Center. and inspection shall be made only once in a taxable year,
except in the following cases: There are basically two types:
The taxpayer need NOT pay the de iciency tax assessment
under protest nor is he required to protest at the time of a) Fraud, irregularity or mistakes, as determined by the 1) Request for Reconsideration — anchored on documents,
payment. Commissioner; arguments, and legal authorities already submitted to the BIR.

Judicial b) The taxpayer requests reinvestigation; This may involve a question of fact, or law, or both.

1. Appeal to CTA. If the protest is denied in whole or in part, or is c) Veri ication of compliance with withholding tax laws 2) Request for Reinvestigation — grounded on new or
not acted upon within one hundred eighty (180) days from and regulations; additional documents, arguments, and legal authorities not yet
submission of documents, the taxpayer adversely affected by submitted.
d) Veri ication of capital gains tax liabilities; and
the decision or inaction may appeal to the CTA
Submit additional relevant supporting documents within 60
e) In the exercise of the CIR's power under Section 5(B) to
a. within thirty (30) days from receipt of the said decision, days from iling of protest.
obtain information from other persons in which case,
The taxpayer shall state in his protest:

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1) The nature of the protest; 2) If the protest is NOT acted upon by the CIR’s duly d. Preliminary collection letter may serve as assessment
authorized representative within the 180-day period notice.
2) Date of the assessment notice; and
a) Appeal to the CTA within 30 days after the expiration of the c) E ect of failure to appeal
3) The applicable law, rules, and regulations, or jurisprudence on
180-day period; OR
which the protest is based; otherwise, the protest shall be The assessment shall become inal, executory and demandable.
deemed void. b) Await the inal decision of the CIR’s duly authorized
b. Recovery of tax erroneously or illegally collected
representative of the disputed assessment.
iii. Submission of supporting documents
If the sum of the quarterly tax payments made during the said taxable
3) If the protest or administrative appeal is denied by the
Under the current rule, effective June 11, 2014, the reckoning of the year is not equal to the total tax due on the entire taxable income of that
120-day period has been withdrawn from the taxpayer by RMC year, the corporation shall either:
54-2014, since it requires him at the time he iles his claim to a) Appeal to the CTA within 30 days from receipt.
a) Pay the balance of tax still due; or
complete his supporting documents and attest that he will no
An MR of the CIR’s denial shall NOT toll the 30-day period to
longer submit any other document to prove his claim. Further, the b) Carry-over the excess credit; or
appeal to the CTA.
taxpayer is barred from submitting additional documents after he c) Be credited or refunded with the excess amount paid, as the
has iled his administrative claim. 4) If the protest is NOT acted upon by the CIR within the
case may be.
180-day period
iv. Effect of failure to file protest Once the option to carry-over and apply the excess quarterly income
a) Appeal to the CTA within 30 days after the expiration of the
The assessment shall become inal, executory and demandable. No tax against income tax due for the taxable quarters of the succeeding
180-day period; OR
requests for reconsideration or reinvestigation may then be granted. taxable years has been made, such option shall be considered
b) Await the inal decision of the CIR on the disputed irrevocable for that taxable period and no application for cash
v. Action of the Commissioner on the protest filed assessment and appeal such inal decision to the CTA refund or issuance of a tax credit certi icate shall be allowed therefor.
a) Period to act upon or decide on protest iled within 30 days after receipt of the decision.
1) A Tax Credit Certi icate is a certi ication, duly issued to the
180 days. NB: These options are MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE. taxpayer named therein acknowledging that the
grantee-taxpayer is legally entitled a tax credit, the money value
b) Remedies of the taxpayer in case of denial or inaction of the Denial of Protest
of which
Commissioner A. DIRECT — The decision of the CIR or his duly authorized a) May be used in payment of any of his internal
How to Appeal representative shall revenue tax liability, or

1) If the protest is denied by the CIR’s duly authorized a. State the facts, applicable law, rules and regulations, or b) May be converted as a cash refund.
representative jurisprudence on which such decision is based; and
2) A refund is a claim for the payment of cash for taxes
a) Appeal to the CTA; OR b. That the same is his inal decision. erroneously or illegally paid by the taxpayer.

b) Elevate the protest through a request for reconsideration B. INDIRECT — 3) No credit or refund of taxes or penalties shall be allowed
to the CIR. a. CIR did not rule on the motion for reconsideration; unless the taxpayer iles in writing with the CIR a claim for
credit or refund within two (2) years after the payment of the
Both within 30 days from receipt of decision. b. Referral by the CIR of request for reinvestigation to OSG; tax or penalty.
NO request for reinvestigation is allowed in administrative c. Reiterating the demand for immediate payment of 4) A refund shall not be granted when there is a de iciency tax
appeal. de iciency tax due to taxpayer’s continued refusal to assessment against the claimant-taxpayer.
execute waiver;

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5) Once the taxpayer opts to carry-over the excess income tax The controlling factor for the operation of the irrevocability rule is 2. Penalties imposed without authority;
against the taxes due for the succeeding taxable years, such that the taxpayer chose an option; and once it had already done so, it
could no longer make another one. 3. Any sum alleged to have excessively or in any manner
option is irrevocable for the whole amount of the excess. The
wrongfully collected;
excess shall be carried over and duly applied UNTIL FULLY
Procedure for Claiming Refunds or Tax 4. Refund of BIR stamps when returned in good condition by the
Credits of Input VAT under Section 112 purchaser;
6) An exception to the irrevocability rule is when a corporation
dissolves. A refund is then allowed for any unutilized tax credit 1) The claim for refund must be iled with the CIR within two (2) 5. Redemption or change of unused stamps rendered un it for use
it had previously opted to be carried over. years counted from the last day of the quarter when the and refund of their value.
zero-rated sale was made;
7) A withholding agent is allowed to claim for tax refund, because
2) The claim for refund must be accompanied by a statement 204(c) and 229 112(c) 228
under the law, said agent is the one who is held liable for any
violation of the withholding tax law should such violation under oath that all documents to support the claim has been
submitted at the time of iling of claim for refund; Recovery of tax Refund of unutilized Administrative
occur. erroneously or input VAT from 0% Protest on
8) Starting date for counting the two-year period — 3) The CIR must decide on the claim within 90 days from the date illegally collected transactions Assessment
of iling. The adverse decision is appealable to the CTA within
GR: From the date of payment regardless of any 30 days from receipt; The 2-year prescriptive period
supervening cause that may arise after payment;
4) If no decision is made within the 90-day period, there is a Applies to AC only 30-day reglementary
EXC: deemed denial or adverse decision which is appealable to the Applies to AC and JC from close of taxable period
CTA within 30 days from the lapse of the 90-day period. from date of payment quarter when sale
a) Corporate income tax. — Where a corporation paid
was made
quarterly income taxes in any of the irst three Procedure for Claiming Refunds or Tax
quarters during the taxable year but incurs a net loss Credits of Tax Erroneously or Illegally CIR has no
during said year, the period shall be counted from the CIR has 90 days to CIR has 180 days to
Collected under Section 229 prescribed period to
resolve resolve
date of the iling of the annual corporate income resolve
tax return. 1) A written claim for refund must be iled with the CIR within
two (2) years from date of payment of the tax; Appeal to the CTA
b) Income tax paid in installments. — Where the tax
had been paid in installments, the taxes are deemed 2) A decision of the CIR denying the claim is appealable to the CTA 30 days from receipt
paid, for purposes of determining the commencement within 30 days from receipt thereof or within two (2) years of decision; OR
Within 2 years after 30 days from receipt
of the two-year period, on the date the last from date of payment, whichever comes irst; From inaction or
iling AC of denial of CIR.
installment was paid. await then appeal
3) If no decision is made by the CIR, the aggrieved taxpayer must within 30 days
University Physician Services v. CIR 2018 re Irrevocability Rule consider the inaction as a denial and appeal to the CTA must be
iled before the lapse of two (2) years counted from date of CIR v. Smart Communication, Inc. 2010
The irrevocability is limited only to the option of carry-over
such that a taxpayer is still free to change its choice after electing a The right of a withholding agent to claim a refund of
refund of its excess tax credit. But once it opts to carry over such erroneously or illegally withheld taxes comes with the
When is Tax Erroneously or Illegally Collected
excess creditable tax, after electing refund or issuance of tax credit responsibility to return the same to the principal taxpayer.
certi icate, the carry-over option becomes irrevocable.
1. Erroneously or illegally assessed or collected internal revenue
Winebrenner & Iñigo v. CIR 2015 reiterated in CIR v. Philippine
Rhombus Energy v. CIR 2018 re Irrevocability Rule National Bank 2019

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WON the submission and presentation of the quarterly ITRs of the The compromise settlement of any tax liability shall be subject
4) the creditable input tax due or paid must be attributable to
succeeding quarters of a taxable year is indispensable in a claim for such sales, except the transitional input tax, to the extent that to the following minimum amounts:
refund. such input tax has not been applied against the output tax. 1) For cases of inancial incapacity, a minimum
NO. The irrevocability rule under Section 76 of the NIRC means compromise rate equivalent to ten percent (10%) of the
Conditions for Zero-rating of
that once an option, either for refund or issuance of tax credit Sales of Services basic assessed tax; and
certi icate or carry-over of CWT has been exercised, the same can no 2) For other cases, a minimum compromise rate equivalent to
longer be modi ied for the succeeding taxable years. What Section 76 First, the seller is VAT-registered.
forty percent (40%) of the basic assessed tax.
requires, just like in all civil cases, is to prove the prima facie
entitlement to a claim, including the fact of not having carried over Second, the services are rendered "to a person engaged in Where the basic tax involved exceeds P1M or where the

the excess credits to the subsequent quarters or taxable year. It does business conducted outside the Philippines or to a nonresident settlement offered is less than the prescribed minimum rates,
not say that to prove such a fact, succeeding quarterly ITRs are person not engaged in business who is outside the Philippines the compromise shall be subject to the approval of the
absolutely needed. when the services are performed."
National Evaluation Board.
This simply underscores the rule that any document, other than Third, the services are "paid for in acceptable foreign currency TN: Compromise can not be availed of by a withholding agent.
quarterly ITRs may be used to establish that indeed the and accounted for in accordance with [BSP] rules and
regulations." B) Abate or cancel a tax liability, when:
non-carry over clause has been complied with, provided that
such is competent, relevant and part of the records. 1) The tax or any portion thereof appears to be unjustly or
Proof of NRFC Status. — The claimant must establish the two
components of a client's NRFC status, viz.: excessively assessed; or
Zuellig-Pharma Asia Paci ic Ltd. Phils. ROHQ v. CIR 2020
1) that their client was established under the laws of a country 2) The administration and collection costs involved do not
As held in Pilipinas Total Gas, it is the taxpayer who ultimately not the Philippines or, simply, is not a domestic corporation; justify the collection of the amount due.
determines when complete documents have been submitted for the and ⭐All criminal violations may be compromised except:
purpose of commencing and continuing the running of the 120-day
2) that it is not engaged in trade or business in the Philippines.
period. As herein applied, the 120-day period should therefore be a) those already iled in court, or
reckoned from the April 29, 2014 letter of Zuellig-PH wherein it The CTA found that the SEC Certi ication of Non-Registration of b) those involving fraud.
stated that it had already submitted the complete documents in Company and Authenticated Articles of Association and/or
support of its refund claim. In turn, the BIR had 120 days from such Certi icates of Registration/Good Standing/Incorporation In addition, the following cannot be compromised:
time (or until August 27, 2014) to act on Zuellig-PH's administrative suf iciently established the NRFC status of 11 of DKS's af iliates
claim for refund. Since it was established that the BIR failed to act c) Cases where inal reports of reinvestigation or
within such period, Zuellig-PH had thirty (30) days, or until reconsideration have been issued resulting in the
September 26, 2014, to ile its judicial claim. Thus, its Petition for c. Power of CIR to compromise reduction of the original assessment agreed to by the
Review was timely iled on September 25, 2014. taxpayer when he signed the required agreement form.
The Commissioner may —
CIR v. Deutsche Knowledge Services Pte. Ltd. 2020 d) Payment of withholding tax, where the inancial position
A) Compromise the payment of any internal revenue tax, when:
of the withholding agent shows a clear inability to pay.
A claimant's entitlement to a tax refund or credit of excess input VAT 1) Doubtful validity. A reasonable doubt as to the validity of
attributable to zero-rated sales hinges upon the following requisites: GR: The power to compromise and abate belongs to the CIR.
the claim against the taxpayer exists; or
1) the taxpayer must be VAT-registered; EXC:
2) Financial incapacity. The inancial position of the
2) the taxpayer must be engaged in sales which are
taxpayer demonstrates a clear inability to pay the assessed 1) assessments issued by the regional of ices involving basic
zero-rated or effectively zero-rated;
tax. de iciency taxes of P500K or less, and
3) the claim must be iled within two years after the close of
the taxable quarter when such sales were made; and This should be accompanied by a waiver of the secrecy of 2) minor criminal violations.
bank deposits.

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2) The de iciency tax assessed by the BIR became inal and

may be compromised by a regional evaluation board. The term of prescription shall not run when the offender is
absent from the Philippines.

The last step in the abatement process is the issuance of a
b. Prescriptive periods; suspension of running of statute
termination letter. Imelda Sze, et al. v. BIR 2020
of limitations
d. Non-retroactivity of rulings How to determine the reckoning point of the 5-year prescriptive
1) Period of Limitation Upon Assessment and Collection. — period for violations of the NIRC?
Any revocation, modi ication or reversal of any of the rules and Internal revenue taxes shall be assessed within three (3)
regulations promulgated or any of the rulings or circulars years The CTA explained that Revenue Memorandum Circular 101-90
promulgated by the CIR shall not be given retroactive application if provides that an offense under the tax code is considered
the revocation, modi ication or reversal will be prejudicial to the a) after the last day prescribed by law for the iling of the discovered only after the manner of commission and the nature
taxpayers, except in the following cases: return, OR and extent of fraud has been de initely ascertained. This occurs
when the BIR renders its inal decision and requires the taxpayer to
a) Where the taxpayer deliberately misstates or omits b) where a return is iled beyond the period prescribed by pay the de iciency tax.
material facts from his return or any document required of law, from the day the return was iled.
him by the BIR; Here, counting 30 days from the service of the FLD and the FAN, the
In the case of a false or fraudulent return with intent to evade violations were considered discovered on March 9, 2005. The
b) Where the facts subsequently gathered by the BIR are tax or of failure to ile a return — within ten (10) years after BIR's revenue of icers iled their joint af idavit in the DOJ for
materially different from the facts on which the ruling is the discovery of the falsity, fraud or omission. preliminary investigation on May 26, 2005. However, the original
based; or Information was only iled in court on April 23, 2014, which
If the return is amended substantially, then the period to exceeded the ive-year prescriptive period. Therefore, the action had
c) Where the taxpayer acted in bad faith. assess will be reckoned from the iling of the amended return. prescribed.
3. Government remedies for collection of delinquent taxes The taxpayer is given three (3) years from date of iling of
4) No credit or refund of taxes or penalties shall be allowed
original return to amend, provided that no notice for audit or
In a nutshell: unless the taxpayer iles in writing with the Commissioner a
investigation of such return, statement or declaration has in the
claim for credit or refund within two (2) years after the
1) Tax lien; meantime been actually served upon the taxpayer.
payment of the tax or penalty.
2) Distraint of personal property, or levy of real property, or 2) The period to collect the tax is within three (3) years from
5) Local taxes, fees, or charges shall be assessed within ive (5)
garnishment of bank deposits; date of assessment. In the case, however, of an omission to ile
or if the return iled is false or fraudulent, the period to collect years from the date they became due.
3) Sale of property;
is within ten (10) years from discovery without need of In case of fraud or intent to evade the payment of taxes, fees, or
4) Forfeiture; assessment. charges, the same may be assessed within ten (10) years
5) Compromise and abatement; 3) Period to File Criminal Action — All violations of any from discovery of the fraud or intent to evade payment.

6) Penalties and ines; and provision of this Code shall prescribe after ive (5) years. Local taxes, fees, or charges may be collected within ive (5)
7) Suspension of business operations. Prescription shall begin to run from the day of the years from the date of assessment by administrative or
commission of the violation of the law, and if the same be not judicial action.
a. Requisites
known at the time, from the discovery thereof. 6) Under the Tax Code, if the law does not provide for any
A taxpayer is delinquent in the payment of his tax when The prescription shall be interrupted when proceedings are particular prescriptive period of assessment, the rule is that the
1) The self-assessed tax per return iled by the taxpayer on the instituted and shall begin to run again if the proceedings are tax sought to be assessed becomes IMPRESCRIPTIBLE.
prescribed date was not paid at all or was only partially paid; dismissed for reasons not constituting jeopardy.

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7) The issue of prescription must be raised at the administrative b) The waiver shall be signed by the taxpayer himself or
level and evidence to prove prescription must be introduced by Section 31, Chapter VIII, Book I of the Administrative Code of his duly authorized representative;
1987, being the more recent law, governs the computation of
the taxpayer.
legal periods. Lex posteriori derogat priori. c) The expiry date should be indicated;
CIR v. Phil. Global Communication, Inc.
We therefore hold that respondent's petition ( iled on April 14, 2000) 2. Except for waiver of collection of taxes which shall indicate the
WON CIR's right to collect respondent's alleged de iciency income tax was iled on the last day of the 24th calendar month from the day particular taxes assessed, the waiver need not specify the
is barred by prescription. respondent iled its inal adjusted return. Hence, it was iled within particular taxes to be assessed nor the amount thereof.
the reglementary period.
YES. The assessment, in this case, was presumably issued on 14 3. The waiver may be notarized. However, it is suf icient that the
April 1994 since the respondent did not dispute the CIR's claim. CIR v. Univation Motor Philippines, Inc. 2019 waiver is in writing as speci ically provided by the NIRC, as
Therefore, the BIR had until 13 April 1997. However, as there was no amended.
Warrant of Distraint and/or Levy served on the respondents nor any WON the CTA has prematurely assumed jurisdiction on respondent's
judicial proceedings initiated by the BIR, the earliest attempt of the judicial claim for tax refund or credit without waiting for the 4. Considering that the waiver is a voluntary act of the taxpayer,
BIR to collect the tax due based on this assessment was when it iled decision of petitioner. the waiver shall take legal effect and be binding on the taxpayer
its Answer in CTA Case No. 6568 on 9 January 2003, which was upon its execution thereof.
several years beyond the three-year prescriptive period. Thus, the NO. In the instant case, the two-year period to ile a claim for refund
is reckoned from April 15, 2011, the date respondent iled its Final 5. The taxpayer shall have the duty to retain a copy of the
CIR is now prescribed from collecting the assessed tax.
Adjustment Return. Since respondent iled its administrative claim on accepted waiver.
Fishwealth Canning Corp. v. CIR 2010 March 12, 2012 and its judicial claim on April 12, 2013, therefore,
6. Note that there shall only be two (2) material dates that need to
both of respondent's administrative and judicial claim for refund
Since petitioner received the denial of its administrative protest on were iled on time or within the two-year prescriptive period be present on the waiver:
August 4, 2005, it had until September 3, 2005 to ile a petition for provided by law. Under the circumstances, if respondent awaited a) The date of execution of the waiver by the taxpayer or
review before the CTA Division. It iled one, however, on October 20, for the commissioner to act on its administrative claim (before
its authorized representative; and
2005, hence, it was iled out of time. For a motion for resort to the Court), chances are, the two-year prescriptive period
reconsideration of the denial of the administrative protest does will lapse effectively resulting to the loss of respondent's right b) The expiry date of the period the taxpayer waives the
not toll the 30-day period to appeal to the CTA. to seek judicial recourse and worse, its right to recover the taxes it statute of limitations
erroneously paid to the government. Hence, respondent's immediate
Lascona Land Co., Inc. v. CIR 2012 resort to the Court is justi ied. 7. Before the expiration of the period set on the previously
waited for CIR Decision even after lapse of 180 days executed waiver, the period earlier set may be extended by
Guidelines for the Execution of Waivers form the Defense of subsequent written waiver made in accordance with this Order.
Considering that Lascona opted to await the inal decision of the CIR
on the protested assessment, it then has the right to appeal such inal CIR v. Kudos Metal 2010
decision to the Court by iling a petition for review within thirty days See RMO No. 14-2016
after receipt of a copy of such decision or ruling, even after the A perusal of the waivers executed by respondent's accountant reveals
expiration of the 180-day period ixed by law for the CIR to act on 1. The taxpayer's failure to follow the forms does not invalidate the following in irmities:
the disputed assessments. the executed waiver, for as long as the following are complied
1. The waivers were executed without the notarized written
with: authority of Pasco to sign the waiver in behalf of respondent.
CIR v. Primetown Property Group, Inc.
a) The Waiver of the Statute of Limitations under Section 2. The waivers failed to indicate the date of acceptance.
The rule is that the two-year prescriptive period for the iling of tax 222 (b) and (d) shall be executed before the expiration 3. The fact of receipt by the respondent of its ile copy was not
refunds and tax credits is reckoned from the iling of the inal of the period to assess or to collect taxes. The date of indicated in the original copies of the waivers.
adjusted return. But how should the two-year prescriptive period be
execution shall be speci ically indicated in the waiver.
computed? Due to the defects in the waivers, the period to assess or collect taxes

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was not extended. Consequently, the assessments were issued by the Estoppel applies against a taxpayer who did not only raise at the c. Administrative remedies
BIR beyond the three-year period and are VOID. earliest opportunity its representative's lack of authority to execute
two (2) waivers of defense of prescription, but was also accorded, i. Tax lien
CIR v. Next Mobile 2015 and in Asian Transmission v. CIR 2018 through these waivers, more time to comply with the audit 1. A legal claim or charge on property as security for the payment
requirements of the BIR. Nonetheless, a tax assessment served
The de iciencies of the Waivers in this case are the same as the of tax due.
beyond the extended period is void.
defects of the waiver in Kudos. In the instant case, the CTA found the 2. Attaches from the time when the assessment was made by the
Thus, having bene ited from the Waivers executed at its instance,
Waivers because of the following laws:
respondent is estopped from claiming that they were invalid and that CIR until paid, with interests, penalties, and costs that may
1) they were executed without a notarized board authority; prescription had set in. accrue upon all property and rights to property belonging
2) the dates of acceptance by the BIR were not indicated to the taxpayer.
therein; and CIR v. Avon Products Manufacturing 2018 Leonen, J
3. Shall not be valid against any mortgagee, purchaser or judgment
3) the fact of receipt by respondent of its copy of the Second The estoppel upheld in the RCBC case arose from creditor until notice of such lien shall be iled by the CIR in the
Waiver was not indicated on the face of the original Second
a) the bene it obtained by the taxpayer from its execution of the of ice of the Register of Deeds.
waiver, in the form of a drastic reduction of the de iciency
taxes, and 4. The claim of the government for unpaid taxes may only be
Similarly, the BIR violated its own rules and was careless in
defeated by claims of unpaid wages if the employer-taxpayer is
performing its functions with respect to these Waivers. Due to its b) the taxpayer's payment of a portion of the reduced tax
peculiar circumstances, We shall treat this case as an exception to assessment. bankrupt or under liquidation at the time the warrants of
this rule and ind the Waivers valid. distraint and levy were issued.
Here, Avon did not receive any bene it from the waivers. On the
contrary, there was even a drastic increase in the assessed de iciency 5. CIR v. Pineda. BIR may collect the de iciency tax due from one
It is true that petitioner was also at fault here because it was careless
taxes when the Commissioner increased the alleged sales heir only or from all the heirs in proportion to their inheritance
in complying with the requirements of RMO No. 20-90 and RDAO
discrepancy. Under these circumstances, Avon's payment of an received. The liability, however, shall not exceed the amount of
01-05. Nevertheless, petitioner's negligence may be addressed by
insigni icant portion of the assessment cannot be deemed an
enforcing the provisions imposing administrative liabilities upon the the heir’s share.
admission or recognition of the validity of the waivers.
of icers responsible for these errors. The BIR's right to assess and
collect taxes should not be jeopardized merely because of the ii. Distraint and levy
CIR v. La Flor Dela Isabela, Inc. 2019
mistakes and lapses of its of icers, especially in cases like this Distraint of goods, chattels, or effects, and other personal
where the taxpayer is obviously in bad faith. In CIR v. Systems Technology Institute, Inc., the Court had ruled that property of whatever character, including stocks and other
waivers extending the prescriptive period of tax assessments must be
CIR v. Systems Technology, Inc. 2017 securities, debts, credits, bank accounts and interest in and rights to
compliant with RMO No. 20-90 and must indicate the nature and
amount of the tax due. personal property.
RCBC is not on all fours with the instant case. The estoppel upheld in
the said case arose from the taxpayer's act of payment and not on the a) Actual — seizure and taking possession of personal
In the present case, the Waivers failed to indicate the speci ic tax
reduction in the amount of the assessed taxes. RCBC's partial property of taxpayer.
involved and the exact amount of the tax to be assessed or
payment of the revised assessments effectively belied its insistence collected. Clearly, the Waivers did not effectively extend the b) Constructive — CIR may place under constructive
that the waivers are invalid and the assessments were issued beyond prescriptive period under Section 203 on account of their invalidity. distraint the property of a delinquent taxpayer or ANY
the prescriptive period. The issue on whether the CTA was correct in not admitting them as taxpayer who, in his opinion,
Here, as no such payment was made by STI, mere reduction of the evidence becomes immaterial since even if they were properly
amount of the assessment because of a request for reinvestigation offered or considered by the CTA, the same conclusion would be i) is retiring from any business subject to tax, or
should not bar it from raising the defense of prescription. reached — the assessments had prescribed as there was no valid ii) is intending to leave the Philippines or to remove
waiver. his property therefrom or
CIR v. Transitions Philippines Optical, Inc. 2017 Leonen, J
iii) to hide or conceal his property or

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EXC: If there is fraud, 10 years. and Ultimate properties which are now owned by respondent. To do NO need to pay under protest.
so would effectively make respondent liable for the payment of real
Suspended when property taxes due on the Maxon property for the years 2000-2013 LBAA has 120 days to decide.
1) The local treasurer is legally prevented from collecting the and on the Ultimate properties for the years 1997-2013 when it did 2) CBAA — SC, same procedure.
tax; not yet own or had actual or bene icial use of the properties.
c. Compromising real property tax assessment
2) The owner of the property or the person having legal interest Parenthetically, respondent is exempt from paying real property
therein requests for reinvestigation and executes a waiver in taxes over the Maxon and Ultimate properties from the time it had Condonation or Reduction of Real Property Tax and Interest.
acquired ownership and/or actual or bene icial use of the properties — In case of

writing before the expiration of the period within which to
collect; and pursuant to Section 24 of RA 7916, as amended by RA 8748.
1. a general failure of crops or
3) The owner of the property or the person having legal interest PEZA issued MC No. 2004-024 which provides in part that 2. substantial decrease in the price of agricultural or
therein is out of the country or otherwise cannot be located. "PEZA-registered economic zone enterprises availing of the 5% agribased products, or
[gross income tax] incentive are exempted from payment of all 3. calamity
c. Remedies of LGUs national and local taxes, except real property tax on land owned by
developers." in any province, city or municipality, the sanggunian concerned, by
Administrative ordinance passed prior to the irst (1st) day of January of any year
1) Lien (Sec 257) In this case, there is nothing to indicate that respondent is a and upon recommendation of the Local Disaster Coordinating
developer. Thus, considering RA 7916, as amended, its IRR, and Council, may condone or reduce, wholly or partially, the taxes and
2) Distraint (Sec 254) Memorandum Circular No. 2004-024, it is evident that save for the interest thereon for the succeeding year or years in the city or
payment of 5% gross income tax, respondent is exempt from the
3) Levy (Sec 258) municipality affected by the calamity. (Sec 276)
payment of national and local taxes including real property tax on the
Judicial. Civil action to be iled by the local treasurer. Maxon and Ultimate Properties. Condonation or Reduction of Tax by the President of the
Philippines. — The President of the Philippines may, when
Privatization and Management Of ice v. CTA 2019 6. Taxpayer's remedies public interest so requires, condone or reduce the real
WON petitioner, as an agency of the government, is exempt from property tax and interest for any year in any province or city or a
a. Contesting an assessment
posting a surety bond as a condition to the suspension of collection of
municipality within the Metropolitan Manila Area. (Sec 277 LGC)
real property tax. 1) Pay under Protest;

YES. The Republic need not give this security as it is presumed to be 2) File protest with Local treasurer within 30 days from payment;
always solvent and able to meet its obligations. Thus, the petitioner,
Judicial Remedies
3) Appeal to LBAA 60 days from receipt of decision of local
being an agent of the national government, is NOT required to
treasurer who is granted 60 days to decide. A. JURISDICTION OF THE CTA
put up a bond because to do so would be to indirectly require the
state to submit such bond. 4) Appeal to CBAA 30 days from receipt of decision;
En Banc
Provincial Government of Cavite and Provincial Treasurer of 5) Appeal to CTA En banc 30 days from receipt of decision via
In Division
Cavite v. CQM Management, Inc 2020 Rule 43;
In National Power Corp. v. Province of Quezon, et al., the Court 6) Supreme Court 15 days from receipt of decision via Rule 45.
explained that the unpaid tax attaches to the property and is 1. Filing of an action for collection of taxes
b. Contesting a valuation of real property
chargeable against the taxable person who had actual or bene icial
use and possession of it regardless of whether or not he is the owner. 1) Contest to the LBAA 60 days from receipt of Notice of 2. Civil cases
Here, petitioners cannot conduct a tax delinquency sale of the Maxon 3. Criminal cases

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4. Appeal to the CTA en banc originally decided by the provincial or city board of necessarily constitute a formal decision of the CIR on
assessment appeals; the tax case;
5. Petition for Review on Certiorari to the Supreme Court
f) Decisions, resolutions or orders on motions for Provided, further, that should the taxpayer opt to await
reconsideration or new trial of the Court in Division in the the inal decision of the CIR on the disputed
exercise of its exclusive original jurisdiction over cases assessments beyond the one hundred eighty
involving criminal offenses arising from violations of the day-period abovementioned, the taxpayer may appeal
En Banc NIRC or the TCC and other laws administered by the BIR or such inal decision to the Court under Section 3(a),
BOC; Rule 8 of these Rules; and
The Court en banc shall exercise exclusive appellate jurisdiction to
review by appeal the following: g) Decisions, resolutions or orders on motions for Provided, still further, that in the case of claims for
reconsideration or new trial of the Court in Division in the refund of taxes erroneously or illegally collected,
a) Decisions or resolutions on motions for reconsideration or exercise of its exclusive appellate jurisdiction over criminal the taxpayer must ile a petition for review with the
new trial of the Court in Divisions in the exercise of its offenses mentioned in the preceding subparagraph; and Court prior to the expiration of the two-year period
exclusive appellate jurisdiction over: under Section 229 of the NIRC;
h) Decisions, resolutions or orders of the RTCs in the exercise of
1) Cases arising from administrative agencies – BIR, their appellate jurisdiction over criminal offenses mentioned 3) Decisions, resolutions or orders of the RTCs in local
BOC, DOF, DTI, DA; in subparagraph (f). tax cases decided or resolved by them in the exercise
2) Local tax cases decided by the RTCs in the exercise of of their original jurisdiction;
In Division
their original jurisdiction; and 4) Decisions of the Commissioner of Customs in cases
The Court in Divisions shall exercise:
3) Tax collection cases decided by the RTCs in the involving liability for customs duties, fees or other
exercise of their original jurisdiction involving inal a) Exclusive original or appellate jurisdiction to review by money charges, seizure, detention or release of
and executory assessments for taxes, fees, charges and appeal the following: property affected, ines, forfeitures of other penalties
penalties, where the principal amount of taxes and in relation thereto, or other matters arising under the
1) Decisions of the CIR in cases involving disputed
penalties claimed is less than one million pesos; Customs Law or other laws administered by the BOC;
assessments, refunds of internal revenue taxes, fees or
b) Decisions, resolutions or orders of the RTCs in local tax cases other charges, penalties in relation thereto, or other 5) Decisions of the Secretary of Finance on customs
decided or resolved by them in the exercise of their appellate matters arising under the NIRC or other laws cases elevated to him automatically for review from
jurisdiction; administered by the BIR; decisions of the Commissioner of Customs adverse to
the Government under Section 2315 of the Tariff and
c) Decisions, resolutions or orders of the RTCs in tax collection 2) Inaction by the CIR in cases involving disputed
Customs Code; and
cases decided or resolved by them in the exercise of their assessments, refunds of internal revenue taxes, fees or
appellate jurisdiction; other charges, penalties in relation thereto, or other 6) Decisions of the Secretary of Trade and Industry, in the
matters arising under the NIRC or other laws case of non-agricultural product, commodity or
d) Decisions, resolutions or orders on motions for
administered by the BIR, where the NaIRC or other article, and the Secretary of Agriculture, in the case of
reconsideration or new trial of the Court in Division in the
applicable law provides a speci ic period for action: agricultural product, commodity or article, involving
exercise of its exclusive original jurisdiction over tax
dumping and countervailing duties under Section 301
collection cases; Provided, that in case of disputed assessments, the
and 302, respectively, of the Tariff and Customs Code,
inaction of the CIR within the one hundred eighty
e) Decisions of the Central Board of Assessment Appeals and safeguard measures under Republic Act No. 8800,
day-period under Section 228 of the NIRC shall be
(CBAA) in the exercise of its appellate jurisdiction over cases where either party may appeal the decision to impose
deemed a denial for purposes of allowing the taxpayer
involving the assessment and taxation of real property or not to impose said duties;
to appeal his case to the Court and does not

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b) Exclusive jurisdiction over cases involving criminal offenses, CIR v. Hambrecht & Quist Philippines 2010 the law as it vests the CTA, albeit impliedly, with jurisdiction over the
to wit: CA petition as “other matters” arising under the NIRC or other
The issue of prescription of the BIR's right to collect taxes may be laws administered by the BIR.
1) Original jurisdiction over all criminal offenses considered as covered by the term "other matters" over which the
arising from violations of the NIRC or TCC and other CTA has appellate jurisdiction. In the recent case of City of Manila v. Grecia-Cuerdo, the Court en
laws administered by the BIR or the BOC, where the banc has ruled that the CTA now has the power of certiorari in
principal amount of taxes and fees, exclusive of NPC v. Municipal Govt. of Navotas, et al. 2014 cases within its appellate jurisdiction.
charges and penalties, claimed is P1M or more; and WON the CTA Second Division has jurisdiction to review the decision Guided by the doctrinal teaching in resolving the case at bar, the fact
2) Appellate jurisdiction over appeals from the of the RTC which concerns a petition for declaratory relief involving that the CA petition not only contested the applicability of Sec. 100 of
judgments, resolutions or orders of the RTCs in their real property taxes. the NIRC over the sales transaction but likewise questioned the
validity of Sec. 7(c.2.2) of RR 06-08 and RMC 25-11 does not divest
original jurisdiction in criminal offenses arising from YES. When the legality or validity of the assessment is in question, the CTA of its jurisdiction over the controversy.
violations of the NIRC or TCC and other laws and not its reasonableness or correctness, appeals to the LBAA, and
administered by the BIR or the BOC, where the subsequently to the CBAA, pursuant to Sections 226 and 229 of the CIR v. V.Y. Domingo Jewellers, Inc. 2019
principal amount of taxes and fees, exclusive of LGC, are NOT necessary. Stated differently, in the event that the
charges and penalties, claimed is less than P1M or taxpayer questions the authority and power of the assessor to WON the First Division of the CTA has jurisdiction to entertain V.Y.
impose the assessment, and of the treasurer to collect the real Domingo's petition for review.
where there is no speci ied amount claimed;
property tax, resort to judicial action may prosper.
c) Exclusive jurisdiction over tax collection cases, to wit: NO. V.Y. Domingo received the PCL issued by petitioner CIR
In ine, if a taxpayer is not satis ied with the decision of the CBAA or informing it of Assessment Notices dated November 18, 2010. On
1) Original jurisdiction in tax collection cases involving the RTC, as the case may be, the taxpayer may ile, within thirty (30) September 12, 2011, the former sent a letter request to the BIR
inal and executory assessments for taxes, fees, days from receipt of the assailed decision, a petition for review with requesting for certi ied true copies of the said Assessment Notices.
charges and penalties, where the principal amount of the CTA pursuant to Section 7(a) of R.A. 9282. In cases where the
taxes and fees, exclusive of charges and penalties, question involves the amount of the tax or the correctness However, instead of iling an administrative protest against the
thereof, the appeal will be pursuant to Section 7(a)(5) of R.A. 9282. assessment notice within thirty (30) days from its receipt, V.Y.
claimed is P1M or more; and
When the appeal comes from a judicial remedy which questions the Domingo elected to ile its petition for review before the CTA First
2) Appellate jurisdiction over appeals from the authority of the local government to impose the tax, Section 7(a)(3) Division on September 16, 2011, ratiocinating that the issuance of the
judgments, resolutions or orders of the RTCs in tax of R.A. 9282 applies. Thereafter, such decision, ruling or resolution PCL and the alleged inality of the terms used for demanding payment
collection cases originally decided by them within may be further reviewed by the CTA En Banc pursuant to Section 2, therein proved that its Request for Re-evaluation/ Re-investigation
Rule 4 of the Revised Rules of the CTA. and Reconsideration had been denied by the CIR.
their respective territorial jurisdiction.

Thus, the CTA En Banc erred in dismissing the petition for review en The word "decisions" in the aforementioned provision of R.A.
Lucas G. Adamson, et al. v. CA No. 9282 has been interpreted to mean the decisions of the CIR
banc, and af irming the CTA Second Division’s position that the RTC
Whether the CTA has no jurisdiction to take cognizance of both the has no jurisdiction over the instant case for failure of petitioner to on the protest of the taxpayer against the assessments.
criminal and civil cases here at bar. exhaust administrative remedies which resulted in the inality of the De initely, said word does not signify the assessment itself.
NO. Under Republic Act No. 1125 as amended, the rulings of the Evidently, V.Y. Domingo's immediate recourse to the CTA First
Division was in violation of the doctrine of exhaustion of
Commissioner are appealable to the CTA. The power to decide Philamlife v. Sec. of Finance and CIR 2014
administrative remedies.
disputed assessments, refunds of internal revenue taxes, fees or other
charges, penalties imposed in relation thereto, or other matters Where does one seek immediate recourse from the adverse ruling of
arising under this Code or other laws or portions thereof the Secretary of Finance in its exercise of its power of review under
administered by the BIR is vested in the Commissioner, subject to the Sec. 4?
exclusive appellate jurisdiction of the CTA.
Sec. 7(a)(1) of RA 1125, as amended, addresses the seeming gap in

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may ile a motion for the suspension of the

B. PROCEDURE a) An appeal from a decision or ruling or the inaction of
collection of the tax liability.
1. Filing of an action for collection of taxes i) the CIR on disputed assessments or claim for
The motion may be iled
refund of internal revenue taxes erroneously
a. Internal revenue taxes or illegally collected, a) together with the petition for review or
The civil remedies for the collection of internal revenue taxes, ii) the decision or ruling of the Commissioner of b) with the answer, or
fees or charges, and any increment thereto resulting from Customs, the Secretary of Finance, the
c) in a separate motion iled by the interested party at
delinquency shall be: Secretary of Trade & Industry, the Secretary of
any stage of the proceedings.
Agriculture, and
a) By distraint of goods, chattels, or effects, and other
The adverse party shall, within ive days after receipt of a copy
personal property of whatever character, including iii) the Regional Trial Court
of the motion, ile an opposition thereto, if any.
stocks and other securities, debts, credits, bank
in the exercise of their original jurisdiction,
accounts and interest in and rights to personal c. Injunction not available to restrain collection
property, and by levy upon real property and interest shall be taken to the Court by iling before it a
3. Criminal cases
in rights to real property; and petition for review as provided in Rule 42
of the Rules of Court. The Court in Division a. Institution and prosecution of criminal action
b) By civil or criminal action.
shall act on the appeal.
All criminal actions before the Court in Division in the exercise
Either of these remedies or both simultaneously may be
b) An appeal from a decision or resolution of the Court in of its original jurisdiction shall be instituted by the iling of an
pursued in the discretion of the authorities charged with the
Division on a motion for reconsideration or new trial information in the name of the People of the Philippines.
collection of such taxes.
shall be taken to the Court by petition for review as
In criminal actions involving violations of the NIRC and other
b. Local taxes provided in Rule 43 of the Rules of Court. The Court laws enforced by the BIR, the CIR must approve their iling.
All local taxes, fees, and charges shall be collected by the en banc shall act on the appeal.
In criminal actions involving violations of the TCC and other
provincial, city, municipal, or barangay treasurer, or their duly c) An appeal from a decision or ruling of the CBAA or the laws enforced by the BOC, the Commissioner of Customs must
authorized deputies. RTC in the exercise of their appellate jurisdiction approve their iling.
The provincial, city or municipal treasurer may designate the shall be taken to the Court by iling before it a petition
for review as provided in Rule 43 of the Rules of The institution of the criminal action shall interrupt the
barangay treasurer as his deputy to collect local taxes, fees, or
running of the period of prescription.
charges. In case a bond is required for the purpose, the Court. The Court en banc shall act on the appeal.
provincial, city or municipal government shall pay the All criminal actions shall be conducted and prosecuted under
b. Suspension of collection of taxes
premiums thereon in addition to the premiums of bond that the direction and control of the public prosecutor. In criminal
may be required under the LGC. GR: No appeal taken to the Court shall suspend the actions involving violation of the NIRC or other laws enforced
payment, levy, distraint, or sale of any property of the by the BIR, and violations of the TCC or other laws enforced by
2. Civil cases taxpayer for the satisfaction of his tax liability; the BOC, the prosecution may be conducted by their respective
a. Mode and effect of appeal EXC: Where the collection of the amount of the taxpayer’s duly deputized legal of icers.

Review of cases in the Court en banc. — In cases falling liability, sought by means of a demand for payment, b. Institution of civil action in criminal action
under the exclusive appellate jurisdiction of the Court en banc, by levy, distraint or sale of any property of the
In cases within the jurisdiction of the Court, the criminal action
the petition for review of a decision or resolution of the Court taxpayer, or by whatever means, as provided under
and the corresponding civil action for the recovery of civil
in Division must be preceded by the iling of a timely existing laws, may jeopardize the interest of the
liability for taxes and penalties shall be deemed jointly
motion for reconsideration or new trial with the Division. Government or the taxpayer, an interested party

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instituted in the same proceeding. The iling of the criminal receipt of a copy of the decision or resolution, as provided in Rule
action shall necessarily carry with it the iling of the civil 45 of the Rules of Court.
action. No right to reserve the iling of such civil action
separately from the criminal action shall be allowed or If such party has iled a motion for reconsideration or for new trial,
recognized. the period herein ixed shall run from the party’s receipt of a copy
of the resolution denying the motion for reconsideration or for new
c. Period to appeal trial.
a) An appeal to the Court in criminal cases decided by a RTC Effect of appeal. — The motion for reconsideration or for new trial
in the exercise of its original jurisdiction shall be taken by iled before the Court shall be deemed abandoned if, during its
iling a notice of appeal pursuant to Sections 3(a) and 6, pendency, the movant shall appeal to the Supreme Court.
Rule 122 of the Rules of Court within ifteen days from
receipt of a copy of the decision or inal order with the
court which rendered the inal judgment or order appealed
from and by serving a copy upon the adverse party. The
Court in Division shall act on the appeal.
b) An appeal to the Court en banc in criminal cases decided
by the Court in Division shall be taken by iling a petition
for review as provided in Rule 43 of the Rules of Court
within ifteen days from receipt of a copy of the decision
or resolution appealed from. The Court may, for good
cause, extend the time for iling of the petition for review
for an additional period not exceeding ifteen days.
c) An appeal to the Court in criminal cases decided by the
RTCs in the exercise of their appellate jurisdiction shall
be taken by iling a petition for review as provided in Rule
43 of the Rules of Court within ifteen days from receipt
of a copy of the decision or inal order appealed from. The
Court en banc shall act on the appeal.

4. Appeal to the CTA en banc

The review of criminal cases in the Court en banc or in Division
shall be governed by the applicable provisions of Rule 124 of the
Rules of Court.

5. Petition for Review on Certiorari to the Supreme Court

A party adversely affected by a decision or ruling of the Court en
banc may appeal therefrom by iling with the Supreme Court a
veri ied petition for review on certiorari within ifteen days from

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instituted in the same proceeding. The iling of the criminal receipt of a copy of the decision or resolution, as provided in Rule
action shall necessarily carry with it the iling of the civil 45 of the Rules of Court.
action. No right to reserve the iling of such civil action
separately from the criminal action shall be allowed or If such party has iled a motion for reconsideration or for new trial,
recognized. the period herein ixed shall run from the party’s receipt of a copy
of the resolution denying the motion for reconsideration or for new
c. Period to appeal trial.
a) An appeal to the Court in criminal cases decided by a RTC Effect of appeal. — The motion for reconsideration or for new trial
in the exercise of its original jurisdiction shall be taken by iled before the Court shall be deemed abandoned if, during its
iling a notice of appeal pursuant to Sections 3(a) and 6, pendency, the movant shall appeal to the Supreme Court.
Rule 122 of the Rules of Court within ifteen days from
receipt of a copy of the decision or inal order with the
court which rendered the inal judgment or order appealed
from and by serving a copy upon the adverse party. The
Court in Division shall act on the appeal.
b) An appeal to the Court en banc in criminal cases decided
by the Court in Division shall be taken by iling a petition
for review as provided in Rule 43 of the Rules of Court
within ifteen days from receipt of a copy of the decision
or resolution appealed from. The Court may, for good
cause, extend the time for iling of the petition for review
for an additional period not exceeding ifteen days.
c) An appeal to the Court in criminal cases decided by the
RTCs in the exercise of their appellate jurisdiction shall
be taken by iling a petition for review as provided in Rule
43 of the Rules of Court within ifteen days from receipt
of a copy of the decision or inal order appealed from. The
Court en banc shall act on the appeal.

4. Appeal to the CTA en banc

The review of criminal cases in the Court en banc or in Division
shall be governed by the applicable provisions of Rule 124 of the
Rules of Court.

5. Petition for Review on Certiorari to the Supreme Court

A party adversely affected by a decision or ruling of the Court en
banc may appeal therefrom by iling with the Supreme Court a
veri ied petition for review on certiorari within ifteen days from

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COMxCRM PRE-WEEK NOTES For the 2020/21 #BestBarEver

agent acting within the general scope of his authority even

IPAMS v. Country Bankers Insurance 2018 Section 18 of P.D. No. 957 prohibits the mortgage of a portion of
though, in the particular case, the agent is secretly abusing his
the common areas of the condominium project without the
When the insurer recognizes his liability to pay the claim, there authority and attempting to perpetrate a fraud upon his
approval of the HLURB.
is waiver by the insurer of any defect in the proof of loss. principal or some other person, for his own ultimate bene it.
In this case, PPI's act of mortgaging the uncovered parking area
The argument of Country Bankers on the lack of of icial 15. Closure of Banks
– by amending the approved project plan and master deed
receipts was a mere afterthought to evade its obligation to pay
Banco Filipino Savings v. BSP 2018 Leonen, J without the af irmative vote of two-thirds of the voting power
the claims presented by petitioner IPAMS.
of CCI or a simple majority of the registered unit owners under
A bank which has been ordered closed by the Bangko Sentral is
Surety Sec. 4 of the Condominium Act – constitutes unsound real
placed under the receivership of the PDIC. As a consequence of
12. Mercantile Insurance v. DMCI-Laing Construction 2019 estate business practice.
the receivership, the closed bank may sue and be sued only
Since the surety is a solidary debtor, it is not necessary that the through its receiver, the PDIC. Any action iled by the closed Here, PNB-IFL clearly failed to exercise the required degree of
original debtor irst failed to pay before the surety could be bank without its receiver may be dismissed. caution in readily accepting the collateral offered by PPI.
made liable; it is enough that a demand for payment is made by FRIA 20. Planters Development Bank v. Lubiya Agro Industrial 2018
the creditor for the surety's liability to attach.
16. Commencement Order As a GR, personal notice to the mortgagor in an extrajudicial
The requirement of " irst demand" in this case should be foreclosure proceeding is NOT necessary. Act 3135 only
LBP v. Polillo Paradise Island Corp. 2019 ✔
understood in light of Article 1169, wherein the obligee is requires posting of the notice + publication of said notice.
deemed to be in delay upon judicial or extrajudicial demand. The FRIA provides that the effects of the Commencement
The only exception is if the parties expressly stipulated the
Clearly, Mercantile's liability became due upon its receipt of the Order shall be reckoned from the date of the iling of the
requirement of personal notice.
First Call. petition for corporate rehabilitation, be it voluntary or
involuntary. 21. Tabuada v. Tabuada 2018
Intellectual Property Law
17. Effect of Commencement Order A person constituting a mortgage should be the owner of the
13. Unfair Competition
mortgaged property, or should have the right of free disposal of
Allied Banking Corp. v. Equitable PCI Bank, Inc. 2018 ✔
Asia Paci ic Resources International Holdings, Ltd. v. it, or in the absence thereof, such person should be legally
Paperone, Inc. 2018 ✔ The effects of such commencement order shall retroact to the authorized for the purpose. Otherwise, the mortgage shall be
date that the petition was iled, and render void any attempt to null and void.
While there is confusion of goods when the products are
collect on or enforce a claim against the debtor or to set off any
competing, confusion of business exists when the products 22. Sps Bautista v. Premiere Development Bank 2018
debt by the debtor's creditors, after the commencement date.
are non-competing but related enough to produce confusion of
The publication and posting of the notice of the rescheduled
af iliation. Real Estate Mortgage
extrajudicial foreclosure sale are mandatory and jurisdictional.
Respondent, in using a trademark of petitioner as its corporate 18. Villalon v. Rural Bank of Agoo 2019 The ensuing sale held without the publication and posting of
name or trade name, may be held liable for unfair competition. the notice is void ab initio.
The irst mortgagee has superior right over the second
Banking Law mortgagee even if the latter has foreclosed the mortgaged END OF COMMERCIAL LAW
property ahead of the irst. A second mortgagee of an
14. Diligence Required of Banks CRIMINAL LAW
unregistered land has to wait until after the debtor’s obligation
Citystate Savings Bank v. Tobias 2018 to the irst has been fully satis ied.
A banking corporation is liable to innocent third persons where 19. Concorde Condominium v. PNB 2018
the representation is made in the course of its business by an A. General principles

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1. Mala in se and mala prohibita 4. Penalties prohibitum. "An act which is declared malum prohibitum, malice or
criminal intent is completely immaterial."
2. Scope and characteristics a. Imposable penalties
Hence, "intent to commit the crime and intent to perpetrate the
3. Pro reo principle b. Classi ication
act must be distinguished. A person may not have consciously
4. Interpretation of penal laws c. Duration and effects intended to commit a crime; but he did intend to commit an act,
and that act is, by the very nature of things, the crime itself." When
5. Retroactive effect of penal laws d. Application an act is prohibited by a special law, it is considered injurious to
public welfare, and the performance of the prohibited act is the crime
B. Felonies i. Subsidiary imprisonment itself.
1. Criminal liabilities ii. Indeterminate Sentence Law Volition, or intent to commit the act, is different from criminal intent.
a. Classi ication of felonies e. Graduation of penalties Volition or voluntariness refers to knowledge of the act being done.
On the other hand, criminal intent refers to the state of mind beyond
b. Aberratio ictus, error in personae, and praeter f. Accessory penalties voluntariness. It is this intent that is being punished by crimes mala
in se.
intentionem 5. Execution and service
c. Impossible crimes a. Three-fold rule Garcia v. CA

d. Stages of execution b. Probation Law The acts prohibited in Section 27(b) of the Omnibus Election Code
are mala in se. Given the volume of votes to be counted and
e. Continuing crimes c. Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act canvassed within a limited amount of time, errors and
miscalculations are bound to happen. And it could not be the intent of
f. Complex crimes and composite crimes d. Republic Act No. 10951 the law to punish unintentional election canvass errors.
2. Circumstances affecting criminal liability 6. Extinction of criminal liability Criminal intent is presumed to exist on the part of the person who
a. Justifying executes an act which the law punishes, unless the contrary shall
7. Civil liability in criminal cases
appear. Thus, whoever invokes good faith as a defense has the
b. Exempting burden of proving its existence.

c. Mitigating A. General principles

People v. Comia
d. Aggravating 1. Mala in se and mala prohibita The act of transporting a prohibited drug is a "malum
e. Alternative circumstances prohibitum" because it is punished as an offense under a special law.
Crimes mala in se are inherently immoral and involve intent to
It is a wrong because it is prohibited by law. Without the law
f. Absolutory causes commit a crime. Good faith is a defense in mala in se crimes, but is punishing the act, it cannot be considered a wrong. As such, the mere
not a defense in mala prohibita crimes, where what is required is commission of said act is what constitutes the offense punished and
3. Persons liable and degree of participation merely the intent to perpetrate the act. Although most crimes suf ices to validly charge and convict an individual caught
punished under special penal laws are mala prohibita, there are committing the act so punished, regardless of criminal intent.
a. Principals, accomplices, and accessories
also those that are mala in se.
b. Conspiracy and proposal
Matalam v. People 2016 Leonen, J
c. Multiple offenders
The general rule is that acts punished under a special law are malum

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2. Scope and characteristics c. Prospectivity 5. Retroactive effect of penal laws

a. Generality Penal laws do not have retroactive effect
The general rule is that penal laws shall have a retroactive effect
Penal laws apply to ALL PERSONS who commit crimes within the
exc if the provisions are favorable to the accused who is not a insofar as they favor the person guilty of a felony except
territory. exc
habitual offender a. If the offender is a habitual delinquent;
1. Under Vienna Convention on diplomatic relations;
exc to the exc the law itself provides against such retroactive effect. b. The new or amendatory law is not favorable to him; or
2. In certain exempting circumstances under the RPC and
special laws; Hernan v. Sandiganbayan 2017 En Banc c. Retrospective application is expressly proscribed.

3. Legal pluralism in certain areas/culture, i.e. the Muslim For as long as the penal law is favorable to the accused, it shall ind People v. Sarcia
Code and IPRA. application regardless of whether its effectivity comes after the time
when the judgment of conviction is rendered and even if service of Sec 68 of RA 9344 allows the retroactive application of the Act to
b. Territoriality
sentence has already begun. The accused shall be entitled to the those who have been convicted and are serving sentence at the time
Penal laws apply to all offenses committed within the PH territory. bene its of the new law warranting him to serve a lesser sentence, or of the effectivity of this said Act, and who were below the age of 18
exc to his release, if he has already begun serving his previous sentence, years at the time of the commission of the offense.
and said service already accomplishes the term of the modi ied
1. Extraterritoriality under the RPC and SPLs
sentence. B. Felonies
2. Transnational crimes under UNTOC and domestic law,
1. Criminal liabilities
3. Universal jurisdiction in jus cogens crimes and under 3. Pro reo principle
UNCLOS, and ⭐Intestate Estate of Gonzales v. People 2010 Modes of committing crimes
4. Erga omnes crimes under international criminal tribunal 1. Dolo. Deceit or criminal intent.
The fundamental principle in applying and in interpreting criminal
jurisdiction. laws is to resolve all doubts in favor of the accused. In dubio pro Act performed with deliberate intent.
People v. Tulin re extraterritoriality and universal jurisdiction reo. When in doubt, rule for the accused.
There must be a con luence of both an evil act and an evil
The attack on and seizure of "M/T Tabangao'' and its cargo were Intimately related to the in dubio pro reo principle is the rule of intent. Actum non facit reum, nisi mens sit rea.
committed in Philippine waters, although the captive vessel was later lenity. The rule applies when the court is faced with two possible 2. Culpa. Fault.
brought by the pirates to Singapore where its cargo was off-loaded, interpretations of a penal statute, one that is prejudicial to the
transferred, and sold. And such transfer was done under accused and another that is favorable to him. The rule calls for the Wrongful acts result from imprudence, negligence, lack of
accused-appellant Hiong's direct supervision. Although PD No. 532 adoption of an interpretation which is more lenient to the foresight, or lack of skill.
requires that the attack and seizure of the vessel and its cargo be accused.
Requisites of Dolo
committed in Philippine waters, the disposition by the pirates of the
vessel and its cargo is still deemed part of the act of piracy, hence, the Lenity becomes all the more appropriate when this case is viewed 1. Freedom;
same need not be committed in Philippine waters. through the lens of the basic purpose of Article 332 of the RPC to
preserve family harmony by providing an absolutory cause. 2. Intelligence;
Moreover, piracy falls under Title One of Book Two of the Revised 3. Intent.
Penal Code. As such, it is an exception to the rule on territoriality 4. Interpretation of penal laws
in criminal law. It is likewise, well-settled that regardless of the law a. Penal laws are strictly construed against the Government and For culpa, instead of intent, accused is imprudent, negligent or
penalizing the same, piracy is a reprehensible crime against the liberally in favor of the accused; lacks foresight or skill while doing the act.
whole world (People v. Lol-lo).
b. The Spanish text is controlling. ⭐Sevilla v. People 2014

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Quasi-offenses under Article 365 of the RPC are distinct and NOT ef icient intervening causes
Novicio v. People
separate crimes and not a mere modality in the commission of a 1. Weak or diseased physical condition of victim;
crime. Thus, the proper designation of the felony should be reckless If the victim dies as a result of a deliberate act of the malefactors,
imprudence resulting to falsi ication of public documents and 2. Nervousness or temperament of victim; intent to kill is presumed. It is petitioner's postulation that the lone
not falsi ication of public documents through reckless imprudence. gunshot wound of Mario does not establish intent to kill. However,
3. Causes inherent in the victim, i.e. victim not knowing how to
the number of wounds in licted is not the sole consideration in
Reckless imprudence resulting to falsi ication of public documents is swim; proving intent to kill.
an offense that is necessarily included in the willful act of
4. Neglect of victim or third person;
falsi ication of public documents, the latter being the greater offense. This Court has repeatedly held that if the victim's wound would
As such, he can be convicted of reckless imprudence resulting to 5. Erroneous or unskillful treatment; normally cause death, then the last act necessary to produce
falsi ication of public documents notwithstanding that the homicide would have been performed and death would have
6. Delay in the medical treatment of victim.
Information only charged the willful act of falsi ication of public resulted were it not for the timely medical attention given to
documents. Death of victim is presumed to be the natural consequence of the victim.
physical injuries in licted
People v. Pugay Kinds of criminal intent
1. The victim was in normal health;
The next question to be determined is the criminal responsibility of 1. General. Presumed from the commission of a felony by dolo.
2. Death may be expected from the injuries in licted;
the accused Pugay. Having taken the can from under the engine of the 2. Speci ic. Must be proven by direct or circumstantial evidence.
ferris wheel and holding it before pouring its contents on the body of 3. Death ensued within a reasonable time.
the deceased, this accused knew that the can contained gasoline. The Motive is the reason or compelling force why the accused committed
stinging smell of this lammable liquid could not have escaped his Dinamling v. People 2015 the acts complained of. Criminal intent is the purpose of the accused
notice even before pouring the same. Clearly, he failed to exercise all in adopting the particular means to achieve his objective.
the diligence necessary to avoid every undesirable consequence As to the alleged miscarriage or incomplete abortion, the allegedly
arising from any act that may be committed by his companions who exculpatory testimony of Dr. Diaz, or even the complete disregard of However, motive may be inquired into in some instances:
at the time were making fun of the deceased. Thus, the accused is any evidence surrounding such fact does not lead to petitioner
Dinamling's acquittal. The fact of AAA's miscarriage or incomplete a. Where the identity of offender is in question;
only guilty of homicide through reckless imprudence
de ined in Article 365 of the RPC. (should have been reckless abortion is not essential to proving the elements of the crime, unless b. To determine voluntariness of the act, or whether it was
imprudence resulting to homicide) it is alleged to have caused mental or emotional suffering. It is not
intentionally done;
among the crime's elements. In fact, it is not abortion but the mere
fact of pregnancy of the victim at the time of commission which is an c. To determine the aggressor when self-defense is invoked;
Proximate cause aggravating circumstance, not an element, of the offense.
d. To determine speci ic nature of the crime, i.e. murder in
That cause, which, in natural and continuous sequence,
furtherance of rebellion.
unbroken by any ef icient intervening cause, produces the Gelig v. People 2010
injury, and without which the result would not have occurred. Serrano v. People 2010
The prosecution's success in proving that Lydia committed the crime
The felony is NOT the proximate cause of the resulting injury of direct assault does not necessarily mean that the same physical
Intent to kill is a state of mind that the courts can discern only
when: force she employed on Gemma also resulted in the crime of
through external manifestations, i.e., acts and conduct of the
unintentional abortion.
a. There is an active force that intervened between the felony and accused at the time of the assault and immediately thereafter.
the injury, and the active force is a distinct act or fact It is worth stressing that Gemma was admitted and con ined in a In Rivera v. People, the Court considered the following factors to
hospital for incomplete abortion on August 28, 1981, which was 42 determine the presence of an intent to kill:
absolutely foreign from the act of the accused.
days after the July 17, 1981 incident. This interval of time is too 1) the means used by the malefactors;
b. The injury is due to the intentional act of the victim. lengthy to prove that the discharge of the fetus from the womb of
Gemma was a direct outcome of the assault. 2) the nature, location, and number of wounds sustained by
Contributory negligence.

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the victim; 3. The mistake of fact was NOT due to negligence, bad faith or 1. Gravity — grave, less grave, light;
3) the conduct of the malefactors before, at the time, or unlawful intent of the accused. The accused must have no 2. Mode of commission — Intentional and culpable;
immediately after the killing of the victim; and opportunity to verify his mistake.
3. Their nature — Mala in se and mala prohibita;
4) the circumstances under which the crime was committed
and the motives of the accused. Yapyuco v. Sandiganbayan 2012 4. The law punishing them — Felonies, offenses and
Here, the petitioner used a knife in his assault. The petitioner stabbed In the context of criminal law, a “mistake of fact” is a infractions.
the victim in the abdomen while the latter was held by Gener and misapprehension of a fact which, if true, would have justi ied the act
Orieta. Immediately after the stabbing, the petitioner, Gener and or omission which is the subject of the prosecution. Generally, a b. Aberratio ictus, error in personae, and praeter intentionem
Orieta beat and stoned the victim until he fell into a creek. A reasonable mistake of fact is a defense to a charge of crime where it
reasonable inference can be made that the victim was left for dead negates the intent component of the crime. Accused is still liable under the following circumstances:
when he fell into the creek. 1. Praeter intentionem. — Injury caused is greater than what
A proper invocation of this defense requires
Under these circumstances, we are convinced that the petitioner, in was intended;
stabbing, beating and stoning the victim, intended to kill him. a) that the mistake be honest and reasonable;
Any person may be held liable for an intentional felony although the
b) that it be a matter of fact; and
wrong done is not intended by him, if:
Rivera, et al v. People c) that it negates the culpability required to commit the crime
or the existence of the mental state which the statute a. he has committed an intentional felony;
Intent to kill is a speci ic intent which the prosecution must prove
prescribes with respect to an element of the offense. b. the wrong done or injury caused is the direct, natural or
by direct or circumstantial evidence, while general criminal intent
is presumed from the commission of a felony by dolo. logical consequence of the felony committed; OR
People v. Gervero 2018
In the present case, the prosecution mustered the requisite quantum if the intentional felony committed is the proximate
of evidence to prove the intent of petitioners to kill Ruben. Esmeraldo As early as in the case of People v. Oanis and Galanta, the Court has cause of the injury or damage incurred by the victim.
and Ismael pummeled the victim with ist blows. Even as Ruben fell ruled that mistake of fact applies only when the mistake is
2. Aberratio ictus. — Miscarriage of the blow;
to the ground, unable to defend himself against the sudden and committed without fault or carelessness.
sustained assault of petitioners, Edgardo hit him three times with a 3. Error in personae. — Mistake in identity.
hollow block. Edgardo tried to hit Ruben on the head, missed, but a. Classification of felonies
De inition Effect as to penalty
still managed to hit the victim only in the parietal area, resulting in a
lacerated wound and cerebral contusions. Article 3. De initions. — Acts and omissions punishable by law are
felonies (delitos). Lack of intent to
That the head wounds sustained by the victim were merely commit so grave a Mitigating circumstance
Felonies are committed not only by means of deceit (dolo) but also intentionem
super icial and could not have produced his death does not negate wrong
by means of fault (culpa).
petitioners' criminal liability for attempted murder.
There is deceit when the act is performed with deliberate intent and Aberratio Mistake in blow; Art 48 on complex crime may
there is fault when the wrongful act results from imprudence, ictus at least 2 victims apply
Mistake of fact negligence, lack of foresight, or lack of skill.
There is NO liability for mistake of fact. The requisites are: Art 49 applies — if the penalty
Elements of felonies Mistake in for the crime intended be
1. The act done would have been lawful had the act been as the Error in
1. There must be an act or omission; identity; only one different from that committed,
accused believed them to be; victim the lesser penalty shall be
2. Such must be punishable by the RPC; and imposed in its MAX period
2. The intention in performing the act should be lawful; and
3. Such is performed or incurred by means of dolo or culpa.
People v. Pugay, supra re praeter intentionem
According to

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As for Samson, there is adequate evidence showing that his act was 2. which would produce the felony as a consequence
1) legal impossibility, or
merely a part of their fun-making that evening. His act, however, does 3. but which, nevertheless, do not produce it
not relieve him of criminal responsibility. Burning the clothes of the 2) physical impossibility of accomplishing the intended act in
victim would cause at the very least some kind of physical injuries order to qualify the act as an impossible crime. 4. by reason of causes independent of the will of the
on his person, a felony de ined in the RPC. If his act resulted into a Legal impossibility would apply to those circumstances where perpetrator.
graver offense, as what took place in the instant case, he must 1) the motive, desire and expectation is to perform an act in
be held responsible therefor. There is an attempt when
violation of the law;
2) there is intention to perform the physical act; 1. The offender commences the commission of the felony
Article 4 of the RPC provides that criminal liability shall be incurred
by any person committing a felony although the wrongful act done be 3) there is a performance of the intended physical act; and directly by overt acts;
different from that which he intended. 4) the consequence resulting from the intended act does not a. That there be external acts;
amount to a crime.
As no suf icient evidence appears in the record establishing any b. Such external acts have direct connection with the
qualifying circumstances, Samson is only guilty of the crime of On the other hand, factual impossibility occurs when extraneous crime intended to be committed.
homicide de ined and penalized in Article 249 of the RPC. circumstances unknown to the actor or beyond his control prevent
the consummation of the intended crime. One example is the man 2. He does NOT perform all the acts of execution which should
who puts his hand in the coat pocket of another with the intention to produce the felony;
People v. Umawid 2014 re aberratio ictus
steal the latter's wallet and inds the pocket empty. The case at bar
belongs to this category. 3. The offender's act be NOT stopped by his own spontaneous
Maureen’s death is a case of aberratio ictus, given that the fatal blow
therefor was only delivered by mistake as it was actually Vicente
who was Umawid’s intended target. In this regard, Umawid’s single d. Stages of execution 4. The non-performance of all acts of execution was due to cause
deed actually resulted in the: (a) Attempted Murder of Vicente; and or accident other than his spontaneous desistance.
(b) Consummated Murder of Maureen. This may be classi ied as a
species of complex crime de ined under Article 48 of the RPC,
particularly, a delito compuesto, or a compound crime where a Frustrated Attempted
single act produces two (2) or more grave or less grave felonies.
has performed all the acts

c. Impossible crimes
of execution which
should produce the ✔ merely
1. The act performed would be an offense against persons or felony as a consequence
cause or accident
2. Act done with evil intent; some cause
other than the
reason for independent of the
3. Its accomplishment is inherently impossible, or that the offender's own
non-accomplishment will of the
means employed is either inadequate or ineffectual; perpetrator
4. The act performed should not constitute a violation of another Subjective and Objective Phases
provision of the RPC.
Each felony under the RPC has
NB: There is NO attempted or frustrated impossible crime. A felony is consummated when all the elements necessary for its
1. a "subjective phase," or that portion of the acts
execution and accomplishment are present;
Intod v. CA and People constituting the crime included between the act which
It is frustrated when
begins the commission of the crime and the last act
There must be either
1. the offender performs all the acts of execution

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performed by the offender which, with prior acts, should When felonies do not have stages
perpetrator, leading directly to its realization and consummation.
result in the consummated crime. 1. If punished under SPL;
2. After that point has been breached, the subjective phase 2. By omission; It would be too strained to construe petitioner's act of pressing a
chemical-soaked cloth in the mouth of Malou which would induce
ends and the objective phase begins. 3. Formal crimes, e.g. physical injuries. her to sleep as an overt act that will logically and necessarily ripen
It has been held that if the offender never passes the subjective Felonies without frustrated stage into rape. As it were, petitioner did not commence at all the
1. Theft; performance of any act indicative of an intent or attempt to rape
phase of the offense, the crime is merely attempted.
2. Rape.
On the other hand, the subjective phase is completely passed in
case of frustrated crimes, for in such instances, "subjectively the Rivera v. People supra
Article 7. When light felonies are punishable. — Light felonies are
crime is complete." punishable only when they have been consummated, with the An essential element of murder and homicide, whether in their
The determination of whether a crime is frustrated or exception of those committed against person or property. consummated, frustrated or attempted stage, is intent of the
consummated necessitates an initial concession that all of the acts offenders to kill the victim immediately before or simultaneously
GR: Light felonies are punishable only when consummated. with the in liction of injuries.
of execution have been performed by the offender.
EXC: Those committed against persons or property, even if
The critical distinction instead is whether the felony itself was People v. Gonzalez
attempted or frustrated. e.g. Slight physical injuries and
actually produced by the acts of execution. The determination of
maltreatment (266); Art 309, nos. 7 and 8; Alteration of The (speci ic criminal intent) intent to kill determines whether the
whether the felony was "produced" after all the acts of execution
boundary marks (313); Malicious mischief (328 and 329, no. crime committed is physical injuries or homicide. Such intent is
had been performed hinges on the particular statutory
3). made manifest by the acts of the accused which are undoubtedly
de inition of the felony. intended to kill the victim.
How to determine the stage of the crime Valenzuela v. People⭐ and Canceran v. People 2015 For evident lack of criminal intent to kill the complainant, the
information for attempted homicide must fail. Considering the nature
1. Nature of the offense; Is there a frustrated stage in theft?
and location of their injuries and the number of days required for
2. Elements constituting the felony; NO. Theft cannot have a frustrated stage. Theft can only be their treatment, we ind that the crime committed for the injuries
attempted or consummated. sustained by the children are two counts of slight physical injuries
3. Manner of committing same —
under Art. 266.
a. Formal Crimes — Consummated in one instant, no People v. Aca-ac ⭐
attempt. e.g. slander, false testimony, sale of prohibited People v. Labiaga 2013
Necessarily, rape is attempted if there is no penetration of the female
organ because not all acts of execution were performed. Taking into Appellant should be convicted of attempted murder, and not
b. Crimes consummated by mere attempt or proposal or account the nature, elements and manner of execution of the crime of frustrated murder.
by overt act e.g. Flight to enemy’s country (121), rape and jurisprudence on the matter, it is hardly conceivable how the
frustrated stage of rape can ever be committed. In frustrated murder, there must be evidence showing that the
corruption of minors (340), Treason. wound would have been fatal were it not for timely medical
As this Court explained in People v. Orita, rape is either attempted or
c. Felony by omission no attempted stage intervention. If the evidence fails to convince the court that the
consummated. There can be no frustrated rape.
wound sustained would have caused the victim’s death without
d. Crimes requiring the intervention of two person to commit timely medical attention, the accused should be convicted of
them are consummated by mere agreement e.g. betting Baleros v. People attempted murder and not frustrated murder.
in sport contests (197), corruption of public of icer (212)
The attempt which the Penal Code punishes is that which has a In the instant case, it does not appear that the wound sustained by
e. Material crimes. There are THREE stages of execution. logical connection to a particular, concrete offense; that which is Gregorio Conde was mortal.
the beginning of the execution of the offense by overt acts of the

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To determine the proper venue, 1. Complex crime;

Velasco v. People
Its purpose is to treat several acts validity of arrest and the i. Delito compuesto;
Having commenced the criminal act by overt acts but failing to as one crime commencement of the running of
perform all acts of execution as to produce the felony by reason of prescription. ii. Delito complejo.
some cause other than his own desistance, petitioner committed an
2. Special complex crimes;
attempted felony. Petitioner already commenced his attack with a Examples and Effects of Continuing crimes
manifest intent to kill by shooting private complainant seven times, 3. Continued, continuous or continuing crimes.
1. Kidnapping with homicide;
but failed to perform all the acts of execution by reason of causes
2. The term of prescription commences to run from the date the b. Real or material — There are different crimes in law as well
independent of his will, that is, poor aim and the swiftness of the
latter. Private complainant sustained a wound on the left arm that is crime ended; as in the conscience of the offender. They are thus
not suf icient to cause his death. The settled rule is that where the SEPARATELY punished.
3. BP 22. — Thus, venue may be had either at the place where the
wound in licted on the victim is not suf icient to cause his
check was issued, drawn, or dishonored. Special from ordinary
death, the crime is only attempted murder, since the accused did
not perform all the acts of execution that would have brought about 4. Rebellion. — a rebel may be arrested at any time without need 4. Special complex crimes are those speci ically designated by law to
death. of a warrant as he is deemed to be in the act of committing the be penalized as one felony, although composed of many crimes.
offense at any time.
e. Continuing crimes 5. May consist of crimes punished under SPLs, whereas the complex
f. Complex crimes and composite crimes crime in Art 48 contemplates of felonies punished under the RPC.
Continuous crimes or delito continuado
Kinds of ordinary complex crimes
1. For delito continuado to exist there should be a plurality of acts Article 48. Penalty for complex crimes. —
performed during a period of time; unity of penal provision 1) Compound crime. Requisites:
1. (Compound crime or delito compuesto) When a single act
violated; and unity of criminal intent or purpose, which means that a. Only a single act is performed;
constitutes two or more grave or less grave felonies, or
two or more violations of the same penal provisions are united in
b. It produces
one and the same intent or resolution leading to the perpetration 2. (Complex crime proper or delito complejo) when an
of the same criminal purpose or aim. offense is a necessary means for committing the other, i. 2 or more grave felonies, or

2. According to Guevarra, in appearance, a delito continuado consists the penalty for the most serious crime shall be imposed, the same ii. one or more grave and one or more less grave felonies,
of several crimes but in reality there is only one crime in the to be applied in its maximum period. or
mind of the perpetrator. iii. 2 or more less grave felonies.
Plurality of crimes
3. Padilla views such offense as consisting of a series of acts arising 2) Complex crime proper. Requisites:
1. Consists in the successive execution by the same individual of
from one criminal intent or resolution.
different criminal acts upon any of which no conviction has yet a. At least 2 offenses are committed;
Delito continuado distinguished from Continuing crime been declared. b. One or some of the offenses must be necessary to commit
2. If there has been a conviction for one or some of them, the rules on the other;
Delito continuado Continuing crime
recidivism, quasi-recidivism, reiteracion, or habitual c. All of the offenses must be punished under the same
A single crime produced by One which is consummated in delinquency may instead be applied. statute.
several acts performed separately one place but by reason of the
3. There are two kinds
during a period of time under a nature of the offense, the
single criminal intent in violation violation of the law is deemed a. Formal or ideal — Multiple crimes committed from the same
of a single penal provision. continuing. criminal intent are punished with ONE penalty:

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Rules to determine the crime/s to be charged if two or and individual acts which cannot give rise to a complex and robbery with intimidation or violence under Article 294.
more are committed crime.
6. Foreknowledge Rule. — Where the accused repetitively performed People v. Garcia
In People v. Lawas, the Court was "forced" to ind all the accused
one element of a crime (or component of a complex crime) over a guilty of only one offense of multiple homicide. However, as this The crime of forcible abduction with rape is a complex crime that
period of time on a more or less regular basis, having Court held in People v. Remollino, the Lawas doctrine is more of occurs when there is carnal knowledge with the abducted woman
foreknowledge of its occurrence. an exception than the general rule. under the following circumstances:
7. Doctrine of Absorption. — If one of the offense is an element of Here, conspiracy is very much evident from the actuations of the 1) by using force or intimidation;
another, the former is deemed absorbed by the latter and there is appellants and their co-accused. Collective responsibility replaced 2) when the woman is deprived of reason or otherwise
individual responsibility. The Lawas doctrine, premised on the unconscious; and
only one crime.
impossibility of determining who killed whom, cannot be 3) when the woman is under twelve years of age or is
8. Single Impulse Doctrine. — If the act or acts complained of applied. demented.
resulted from a single criminal impulse, it constitutes a single
The current rule is where several killings on the same occasion Garcia is guilty of the complex crime of forcible abduction with rape.
were perpetrated, but not involving prisoners, a different rule He should also be held liable for the other three counts of rape
may be applied, that is to say, the killings would be treated as committed by his three co-accused, considering the clear conspiracy
People v. Orias 2010
separate offenses. among them.
Orias should be convicted of three (3) counts of murder and
NOT of the complex crime of multiple murder Thus, appellants are liable for the separate crimes of two (2) However, as correctly held by the trial court, there can only be ONE
counts of murder and seven (7) counts of attempted murder. complex crime of forcible abduction with rape. The crime of
The three (3) crimes of murder did not result from a single act but forcible abduction was only necessary for the irst rape. Thus, the
from several individual and distinct acts. Deeply rooted is the As to penalty
subsequent acts of rape can no longer be considered as separate
doctrine that when various victims expire from separate shots, complex crimes of forcible abduction with rape. They should be
Applying the Indeterminate Sentence Law in the case of attempted
such acts constitute separate and distinct crimes. detached from and considered independently of the forcible
abduction. Therefore, Garcia should be convicted of one complex
In the instant, the acts of Orias and Elarcosa demonstrate the 1. the maximum shall be taken from the medium period of crime of forcible abduction with rape and three separate acts of
existence of conspiracy, thereby imputing collective criminal prision mayor, which is 8 years and 1 day to 10 years, rape.
responsibility upon them, as the act of one is the act of all. 2. while the minimum shall be taken from the penalty next
lower in degree, i.e., prision correccional, in any of its Santiago v. Garchitorena
People v. Nelmida 2012 En Banc periods, the range of which is 6 months and 1 day to 6 years.
The 32 Amended Informations reproduced verbatim the allegation of
Appellants and their co-accused simultaneous act of riddling the the original information, except that instead of the word "aliens" in
Napolis v. CA cited in Fransdilla v. People 2015
vehicle boarded by Mayor Tawan-tawan and his group with bullets the original information each amended information states the name
discharged from their irearms when the said vehicle passed by, The complex crime of robbery in an inhabited house by armed of the individual whose stay was legalized. The 32 Amended
resulted in the death of two security escorts of Mayor Tawan-tawan. persons and robbery with violence against or intimidation of Informations aver that the offenses were committed on the same
persons was committed when the accused, who held irearms, period of time. The strong probability even exists that the approval of
Evidently, there is in this case no complex crime proper. And the
entered the residential house of the victims and in licted injury upon the application for the legalization of the stay of the 32 aliens was
circumstances present in this case do not it exactly the description
the victims in the process of committing the robbery. Hence, the done by a single stroke of the pen, as when the approval was
of a compound crime.
penalty is that imposed for the robbery in an inhabited house, the embodied in the same document.
⭐As held in People v. Valdez, each act by each gunman more serious crime. Citing Napolis v. CA, the CA correctly ruled that
all the accused, including Fransdilla, were guilty of committing the 9. Political Offense Doctrine
pulling the trigger of their respective irearms, aiming each
particular moment at different persons constitute distinct complex crime of robbery in an inhabited house under Article 299,

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a. Common crimes, perpetrated in furtherance of a political 2. As held in People v. Jugueta, in special complex crimes like a. Art 129 Search warrants maliciously obtained and
offense, are divested of their character as “common” robbery with homicide where the penalty imposed is reclusion abuse in the service of those legally obtained with
offenses and assume the political complexion of the main perpetua, the awards for civil indemnity, moral damages, and perjury;
crime of which they are mere ingredients, and, exemplary damages are now uniformly pegged at P75K. The b. Art 210 Bribery with in idelity in the custody of
consequently, cannot be punished separately from the award of temperate damages is also increased to P50K. prisoners;
principal offense, or complexed with the same, to justify Inapplicability of Art 48 c. Art 235 Maltreatment of prisoners with serious
the imposition of a graver penalty.
1. When the crime subject of the case are covered by the physical injuries;
b. When a killing is committed in furtherance of rebellion,
doctrine of common elements; d. Art 312 Usurpation of real rights with serious
the killing is not homicide or murder. Rather, the killing
a. There can be no complexing wherein two felonies have physical injuries;
assumes the political complexion of rebellion.
a common element and such element is used to e. Art 275 Abandonment of persons in danger and Art
c. When the political offense doctrine is asserted as a defense
complete the requirements for integrating one crime, 276-278 crimes against minors with any other
in the trial court, it becomes crucial for the court to
the other crime would be incomplete in that element felony.
determine whether the act of killing was done in
and consequently, non-existent. NB: Complexing is ‘legally impossible’ because the provisions
furtherance of a political end, and for the political
motive of the act to be conclusively demonstrated. b. Thus, there can be NO complex crime of estafa expressly state that the penalty for such felonies is in addition
through falsi ication of a private document as both to those imposed on the other felonies committed.
Ocampo v. Abando 2014 En Banc crimes require damage as an element which is used Rules on Robbery and Homicide
Whether the murder charges against petitioners should be dismissed for one renders the other incomplete.
under the political offense doctrine. 1. If homicide was consummated, the case will be a special
2. When the crimes involved are subject to the rule of
complex crime of either Art 294, wherein robbery was
NO. The political offense doctrine is not a ground to dismiss the absorption of one crime by the other;
consummated, or Art 297, wherein it was merely attempted or
charge against petitioners prior to a determination by the trial court 3. Where the two offenses resulting from a single act are frustrated.
that the murders were committed in furtherance of rebellion.
speci ically punished as a single crime (Art 265 par 2).
2. If the homide was not consummated, but was a necessary
As held in the case of Prosecutor of Zamboanga v. CA, if during 4. Special complex crimes; means to commit any stage of the robbery, Art 48 applies.
trial, petitioners are able to show that the alleged murders were
indeed committed in furtherance of rebellion, the trial court shall a. Art 266-B Rape with homicide; 3. If the homicide was neither consummated nor necessary to
dismiss the murder charges upon the iling of the Information b. Art 267 Kidnapping with homicide and/or rape; robbery, these felonies are separate and distinct offenses.
for simple rebellion, as long as petitioners would not be placed in
double jeopardy. c. Art 294 Robbery with homicide or rape or People v. Dillatan 2018
intentional mutilation or arson; The component crimes in a special complex crime have no
Special Complexing
d. Art 297 Attempted or frustrated robbery with attempted or frustrated stages.
1. Component crimes in a special complex crime have no
homicide; Thus, as in the present case where, aside from the killing of Homer,
attempted or frustrated stages because the intention of the
e. Art 320 Destructive arson. the Spouses Acob, on the occasion of the same robbery, also
offenders is to commit the principal crime which is to rob but
sustained injuries, regardless of the severity, the crime committed is
in the process of committing the said crime, another crime is 5. When the crimes involved cannot be legally complexed: still robbery with homicide as the injuries sustained by the Spouses
committed. Acob are subsumed under the generic term "homicide" and,
thus, become part and parcel of the special complex crime of

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robbery with homicide. 2. Circumstances affecting criminal liability 7. No unlawful aggression when there is agreement to ight. The
challenge to ight must be accepted. However, if the aggression
People v. Aspili a. Justifying circumstances
occurred ahead of the agreed time and place of the ight, it is
Neither in law nor in jurisprudence is there an aggravating ★ DO NOT incur criminal liability. unlawful.
circumstance as robbery in band. More importantly, the evidence Self-defense 8. A mere threatening or intimidating attitude, not preceded by an
shows that what was committed is the special complex crime of
robbery with homicide aggravated by rape. outward and material aggression, is not unlawful aggression,
Anyone who acts in defense of his person or rights, provided that the because it is required that the act be offensive and positively strong,
The original design of the malefactors was to commit robbery in following circumstances concur;
showing the wrongful intent of the aggressor to cause injury.
order to facilitate their escape from the penal colony. Their original
First. Unlawful aggression. ⭐
intent did not comprehend the commission of rape. Hence, the rape is 9. The person defending himself cannot be expected to think clearly
deemed to aggravate the crime but damages or indemni ication for so as to control his blow.
Second. Reasonable necessity of the means employed to
the victim may be awarded. Instead of ignominy, it is the rape
prevent or repel it.
itself that aggravates the crime. 10. The measure of rational necessity is to be found in the situation
Third. Lack of suf icient provocation on the part of the person as it appeared to the person defending at the time when the blow
With respect to the deaths of Daisy Gonzales and Yolanda Argue, the
appellants are clearly liable therefor since, as held by this Court in defending himself. was struck.
People v. Mangulabnan, it is immaterial that the death of a
1. There is unlawful aggression when the peril to one’s life, limb or 11. Whether the means employed is reasonable, will depend upon
person supervened by mere accident, provided that the
homicide is produced by reason or on occasion of the robbery. right is either actual or imminent. a. The nature and quality of the weapon used by the aggressor;
What the law requires is rational equivalence.
2. A slap on the face is unlawful aggression.
People v. Pulusan
b. His physical condition, character, size and other circumstances,
3. A strong retaliation for an injury or threat may amount to an
A conviction for highway robbery requires proof that the accused and those of the person defending himself;
were organized for the purpose of committing robbery unlawful aggression.
c. And also the place and occasion of the assault.
indiscriminately. There is no such proof in this case. The trial court
4. The killing of the deceased by the defendant be simultaneous with
thus correctly found Pulusan and Rodriguez guilty of the crime of 12. If the provocation by the person defending himself is not proximate
robbery with homicide aggravated by rape under Article the attack made by the former, or at least both acts succeeded each
and immediate to the aggression, there is self-defense.
294(1). other without appreciable interval of time. The accused must have
no time nor occasion for deliberation and cool thinking. People v. Antonio
We must state that regardless of the number of homicides committed
on the occasion of a robbery, the crime is still robbery with 5. A public of icer exceeding his authority may become an unlawful As testi ied by accused-appellant himself, the deceased who was at
homicide. In this special complex crime, the number of persons aggressor. that time very drunk tried to hit him but missed and fell on the
killed is immaterial and does not increase the penalty ground. At that point, unlawful aggression ceased and it was no
prescribed in Art. 294. There is NO crime of robbery with 6. When the aggressor lees, unlawful aggression no longer exists. longer necessary for him to stab the deceased. It was
multiple homicide. Moreover, whenever the special complex crime However, if the purpose of the retreat was for the aggressor to take accused-appellant, therefore, who became the aggressor when he,
of robbery with homicide is proven to have been committed, all despite the condition of the deceased, proceeded to stab the latter at
a more advantageous position to insure the success of the attack
those who took part in the robbery are liable as principals the back. His act can no longer be interpreted as an act of
therein although they did not actually take part in the already begun by him, the unlawful aggression is considered still
self-preservation but a perverse desire to kill. Hence, he cannot
homicide. continuing, and the one making a defense has a right to pursue him successfully claim the bene it of self-defense.
in his retreat and to disable him.
People v. Rubiso

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Unlawful aggression is a condition sine qua non for the 3) In case the provocation was given by the person attacked, the 2) Reasonable necessity of the means employed to prevent or
justifying circumstance of self-defense. It contemplates an actual, one making the defense had no part therein. repel it;
sudden and unexpected attack, or imminent danger thereof, and not
13. Relatives that can be defended: (SADS4C) 3) Accused must not be induced by revenge, resentment or
merely a threatening or intimidating attitude. The person
defending himself must have been attacked with actual physical other evil motive.
a. Spouse;
force or with actual use of weapon.
b. Ascendants; 15. Any person not included in the enumeration of relatives that can be
It is axiomatic that the mere thrusting of one’s hand into his defended is considered a stranger.
pocket as if for the purpose of drawing a weapon is NOT c. Descendants;
Fulfillment of duty
unlawful aggression. Even the cocking of a ri le without aiming the d. Legitimate, natural or adopted Siblings, or relatives by af inity
irearm at any particular target is NOT suf icient to conclude that Any person who acts in the ful illment of a duty or in the lawful
in the same degrees;
one’s life was in imminent danger. exercise of a right or of ice.
e. Relatives by Consanguinity within the 4th civil degree. (4C)
The location and presence of gunshot wounds on the body of the
victim eloquently refute appellant’s allegation of self-defense. It is an 14. The fact that the relative defended gave provocation is immaterial.
oft repeated rule that the presence of a large number of wounds, 1. The accused acted in the performance of a duty OR in the
⭐Carungcong v. People 2010
their location and their seriousness would negate self-defense. lawful exercise of a right or of ice;
Instead, they indicate a determined effort to kill. Article 332 provides for an absolutory cause in the crimes of
2. The injury caused or the offense committed be the necessary
theft, estafa and malicious mischief. It limits the responsibility of the
People v. Lansang offender to civil liability and frees him from criminal liability by consequence of the due performance of duty or the lawful
virtue of his relationship to the offended party. exercise of such right or of ice.
The justifying circumstance of defense of a relative can only be
raised where there is a concurrence of the requisites of unlawful The continuing af inity view maintains that the relationship by Cabanlig v. Sandiganbayan
aggression, reasonable necessity of the means employed to repel the af inity between the surviving spouse and the kindred of the Self-defense and ful illment of duty operate on different principles.
aggression and that the person making the defense had no part in deceased spouse continues even after the death of the deceased Self-defense is based on the principle of self-preservation from
the provocation. spouse, regardless of whether the marriage produced children or not. mortal harm, while ful illment of duty is premised on the due
This is more consistent with the language and spirit of Article 332(1) performance of duty.
Defense of relatives of the RPC. The fundamental principle in applying and in interpreting
criminal laws is to resolve all doubts in favor of the accused. In A policeman in the performance of duty is justi ied in using such
Any one who acts in defense of the person or rights of his spouse,
dubio pro reo. When in doubt, rule for the accused. force as is reasonably necessary to secure and detain the
ascendants, descendants, or legitimate, natural or adopted brothers
offender, overcome his resistance, prevent his escape,
or sisters, or his relatives by af inity in the same degrees and those
Defense of strangers recapture him if he escapes, and protect himself from bodily
consanguinity within the fourth civil degree, provided that the
harm. Unlike in self-defense where unlawful aggression is an
irst and second requisites prescribed in the next preceding Anyone who acts in defense of the person or rights of a stranger, element, in performance of duty, unlawful aggression from the
circumstance are present, and the further requisite, in case the provided that the irst and second requisites mentioned in the irst victim is NOT a requisite.
revocation was given by the person attacked, that the one making circumstance of this Article are present and that the person
defense had no part therein. defending be not induced by revenge, resentment, or other evil Ful illment of Duty was Complete, Killing was Justi ied
Requisites: In this case, Valino was committing an offense in the presence of the
1) Unlawful aggression; Requisites: policemen when Valino grabbed the M16 Armalite from Mercado
and jumped from the jeep to escape. The policemen would have been
2) Reasonable necessity of the means employed to prevent or 1) Unlawful aggression; justi ied in shooting Valino if the use of force was absolutely
repel it; necessary to prevent his escape. The policemen had the duty not only

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to recapture Valino but also to recover the loose irearm. Balunueco v. CA 1. An imbecile or an insane person, unless the latter has acted
The duty to issue a warning is not absolutely mandated at all during a lucid interval.
In the case at bar, Ricardo utterly failed to adduce suf icient proof of
times and at all cost, to the detriment of the life of law enforcers. the existence of a positively strong act of real aggression on the part 2. A person under 15 years of age.
The directive to issue a warning contemplates a situation of the deceased Senando. 3. A person over 15 years of age and under 18, unless he has
where several options are still available to the law enforcers. In
acted with discernment, in which case, such minor shall be
exceptional circumstances such as this case, where the threat to the First, the fact that three (3) of the assailants suffered non-fatal
proceeded against in accordance with the provisions of Art. 80 of
life of a law enforcer is already imminent, and there is no other injuries bolsters the fact that Senando tried vainly to ward off the
this Code.
option but to use force to subdue the offender, the law enforcer's assaults of his assailants. Second, Ricardo failed to present himself
failure to issue a warning is excusable. to the authorities. The natural impulse of any person who has killed 4. Any person who, while performing a lawful act with due care,
someone in defense of his person or relative is to bring himself to the causes an injury by mere accident without fault or intention of
Avoidance of a greater evil authorities and try to dispel any suspicion of guilt that the authorities causing it.
might have against him. Third, petitioner had a rather erratic 5. Any person who act under the compulsion of irresistible
Any person who, in order to avoid an evil or injury, does not act recollection of people and events.
which causes damage to another, provided that the following force.
requisites are present; 6. Any person who acts under the impulse of an uncontrollable
Manaban v. CA
fear of an equal or greater injury.
First. That the evil sought to be avoided actually exists;
In this case, there was no unlawful aggression on the part of the 7. Any person who fails to perform an act required by law, when
Second. That the injury feared be greater than that done to avoid it; victim. First, Bautista was shot at the back as evidenced by the point prevented by some lawful insuperable cause.
of entry of the bullet. Second, when Bautista was shot, his gun was
Third. That there be no other practical and less harmful means of still inside a locked holster and tucked in his right waist. Third, Imbecility or Insanity
preventing it. when Bautista turned his back at Manaban, Manaban was already
pointing his service irearm at Bautista. 1. An imbecile is one who, while advanced in age, has a mental
16. The greater evil should not be brought about by the negligence or development comparable to that of children 2-7 years of age.
Aggression presupposes that the person attacked must face a
imprudence of the actor; nor must it result from a violation of law. real threat to his life and the peril sought to be avoided is 2. To constitute insanity, there must be complete deprivation of
imminent and actual, not imaginary. intelligence or that there be total deprivation of the freedom of
17. Only criminal liability is excused, not civil liability.
the will. During the lucid interval, the insane acts with
Obedience to a lawful order Masipequiña v. CA intelligence.
Any person who acts in obedience to an order issued by a superior The rule is that the reasonable necessity of the means employed 3. Thus, epilepsy, somnambulism, and malignant malaria are valid
for some lawful purpose. to repel or prevent the attack depends upon the imminent defenses. Feeblemindedness and pedophilia, on the other hand, are
danger of injury, NOT on the harm actually done to the NOT.
Requisites: accused.
1) That an order has been issued by a superior; Thus, that Masipequiñ a escaped serious injuries does not necessarily People v. Rafanan on insanity

2) Such order must be for some lawful purpose; imply that the means he used to repel the attack were unreasonable
In order that the exempting circumstance of INSANITY may be taken
and excessive.
into account, it is necessary that there be a complete deprivation of
3) The means used by the subordinate to carry out said order is
intelligence in committing the act, that is,
lawful. b. Exempting circumstances
1. that the accused be deprived of reason;
18. The subordinate is not liable for carrying out an illegal order of his the following are exempt from criminal liability: 2. that there be no responsibility for his own acts;
superior, if he is not aware of the illegality of the order and he is 3. that he acts without the least discernment;
not negligent.

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Accident b. The priest fails to do so;

4. that there be a complete absence of the power to discern, or
that there be a total deprivation of freedom of the will. 9. An accident is something that happens outside the sway of our c. His failure was due to a lawful cause, privileged
Where the accused failed to show complete impairment or loss of will, and although it comes about through some act of our will, lies communication between him and a penitent.
intelligence, the Court has recognized at most a mitigating, not an
beyond the bounds of humanly foreseeable consequences. Review of Justifying and Exempting Circumstances
exempting, circumstance in accord with Article 13(9) of the RPC.
10. It is intrinsically contradictory to negligence. M = Mitigating
In previous cases where schizophrenia was interposed as an
exempting circumstance, it has mostly been rejected by the Court. In Civil If not
11. The following requisites must concur: Requisites
each of these cases, the evidence presented tended to show that if Liability complete
there was impairment of the mental faculties, such impairment was a) that the accused was performing a lawful act with due care;
not so complete as to deprive the accused of intelligence or the b) that the injury is caused by mere accident; and Justifying
consciousness of his acts. Accordingly, we must reject the insanity
defense of Rafanan. c) that there was no fault or intent on his part to cause the
1. Unlawful aggression;
2. Reasonable necessity of the
Minority Irresistible force
RA 9344 as amended by RA 10360 means employed to prevent or
12. The force must be irresistible to reduce the actor to a mere Self-defense ✘ M repel it;
4. A child above 15, but below 18, must have acted without
instrument who acts not only without will but against his will. 3. Lack of suf icient provocation
discernment to be exempt.
Uncontrollable fear on the part of the person
5. Periods of criminal responsibility defending himself;
a) Absolute irresponsibility 15 years and below; 13. This presupposes that a person is compelled to commit a crime by
another, but the compulsion is by means of intimidation or 1. Unlawful aggression;
b) Conditional responsibility 15 years and 1 day - 18 years;
threat, not force or violence. If force or violence is employed, the 2. Reasonable necessity of the
c) Full responsibility 18 years - 70 years; applicable defense is irresistible force. means employed to prevent or
Defense of repel it;
d) Mitigated responsibility 15 years and 1 day to 18 years, with 14. Duress as a valid defense should be based on real, imminent, or ✘ M
relatives 3. In case the provocation was
discernment; over 70 years or senility. reasonable fear for one’s life or limb and should NOT be
speculative, fanciful, or remote fear. given by the person attacked,
6. A child in con lict with the law (CCL) is one who at the time of the
the one making a defense had
commission of the offense is below 18 years old but not less than 15. The compulsion must be of such a character as to leave no
no part therein.
15 years and 1 day old. opportunity to the accused for escape or self-defense in equal
7. Discernment means the capacity of the child at the time of the combat. 1. Unlawful aggression;
commission of the offense to understand the differences between Insuperable cause 2. Reasonable necessity of the
right and wrong and the consequences of the wrongful act. means employed to prevent or
16. Confessant reveals to a priest of his plan to rebel against the Defense of repel it;
8. Intent refers to the desired act of the person while discernment
government. Under Art 116, it is required that anyone who knows of ✘ M
strangers 3. The person defending be not
relates to the moral signi icance that a person ascribes to the said
such conspiracy must report the same. However, due to
act. induced by revenge,
penitent-priest privileged communication, the priest can not be
resentment or other evil
compelled to report such information.
a. The act of reporting is required under law;

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1. The evil sought to be avoided exempt; have succumbed to it.

actually exists; 2. If above 15 but below 18,
Avoidance of 1. An act is required by law to be
2. The injury feared be greater conditionally exempt.
greater evil done;
or State of
✔ M than that done to avoid it; 3. Exemption applies only if it be
3. There be no other practical and shown that the minor acted 2. A person fails to perform such
necessity Insuperable
✘ ✘ act;
less harmful means of without discernment. cause
preventing it. 3. His failure to perform such act
1. A person is performing a was due to some lawful or
1. The accused acted in the lawful act; insuperable cause.
performance of a duty or in the
2. With due care;
lawful exercise of such right or
Accident ✘ M c. Mitigating circumstances
of ice; 3. He causes an accident to
Ful illment 2. The injury caused or the another by mere accident; 1. Incomplete Defense. Those mentioned in the preceding
✘ M chapter, when all the requisites necessary to justify or to exempt
of duty offense committed be the 4. Without fault or intention of
from criminal liability in the respective cases are not attendant.
necessary consequence of the causing it.
due performance of duty or 2. Mitigating responsibility. That the offender is under
lawful exercise of such right or 1. The compulsion is by means eighteen year of age or over seventy years.
of ice. Compulsion of physical force; 3. Praeter intentionem. That the offender had no intention to
of an
✔ ✘ 2. Such force must be irresistible; commit so grave a wrong as that committed.
1. An order has been issued by a irresistible
force 3. Such force must come from a 4. Provocation. That suf icient provocation or threat on the part
third person. of the offended party immediately preceded the act.
Obedience 2. Such order must be for a lawful
to a lawful ✘ M 5. Immediate vindication of a grave offense. That the act
purpose; 1. The threat which causes the was committed in the immediate vindication of a grave offense
3. The means used by the fear is of an evil greater than to the one committing the felony, his spouse, ascendants, or
subordinate to carry out said or at least equal to, that which relatives by af inity within the same degrees.
order is lawful. he is required to commit; 6. Passion or obfuscation. That of having acted upon an
a) existence of an impulse so powerful as naturally to have produced passion or
Exempting uncontrollable fear; obfuscation.
Impulse of
an b) the fear must be real and 7. Voluntary surrender. That the offender had voluntarily
1. Imbecile is exempt in ALL uncontrollable
✔ M surrendered himself to a person in authority or his agents, or
cases; fear Plea of guilty. That he had voluntarily confessed his guilt
Imbecility c) the fear of an injury is
or insanity
✔ M 2. Insane is only exempt if he before the court prior to the presentation of the evidence for the
greater than or at least
acted not during a lucid prosecution.
equal to that done.
interval. 8. Deaf and Dumb, Blind. That the offender is deaf and dumb,
2. That it promises an evil of
blind or otherwise suffering some physical defect which thus
Minority ✔ M such gravity and imminence
1. If 15 and below, absolutely
that the ordinary man would

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restricts his means of action, defense, or communications with Incomplete defense Immediate vindication of a grave offense
his fellow beings. 3. When all the requisites necessary to justify the act or to exempt 11. A lapse of time is allowed between the grave offense and the
9. Illness. Such illness of the offender as would diminish the from criminal liability are not attendant. vindication.
exercise of the will-power of the offender without however
4. The only instance it becomes privileged mitigating is when a 12. Whether the personal offense is grave must be decided considering
depriving him of the consciousness of his acts.
majority of the requisites in self-defense, defense of relatives or the social standing of the person, the place, the time when the insult
10. Analogous. And, inally, any other circumstances of a similar strangers is present. was made.
nature and analogous to those above mentioned.
Praeter intentionem 13. It is incompatible with passion or obfuscation. They cannot
Privileged and ordinary 5. It is the intention of the offender at the moment when he is co-exist, except when there are other facts, although closely
1. Ordinary or Generic mitigating are those enumerated in Art 13. committing the crime which is considered. connected. In other words, the cause for each arose from different
For incomplete defense however, in Subsection 1, it becomes sets of facts.
privileged when majority of the requisites are present. (Art 69) People v. Enriquez

a. It is susceptible to being offset by any aggravating The trial court gave all of the accused the bene it of the mitigating Provocation Vindication
circumstance. circumstance that the offenders had no intention to commit so
grave a wrong. The estimation of this circumstance was proper, Also against offender’s
Made towards offender
b. If not offset, produces only the effect of applying the and its allowance was not inconsistent with the inding that the relatives
penalty provided by law in its minimum period, in case crime was murder.
Offender must An offense need not
of divisible penalty. A grave offense
Provocation have done be grave
2. Privileged mitigating are those that cannot be offset by any
6. Any unjust or improper conduct or act by the offended party,
aggravating circumstance. It has the effect of imposing upon the Immediately
capable of exciting, inciting, or irritating anyone. Time lapse Proximate
preceded the act
offender the penalty lower by one or two degrees than that
7. As to whether a provocation is suf icient depends upon the act
provided by law. Passion or obfuscation
constituting the provocation, the social standing of the person
a. Art 68. When the offender is a minor and his case falls 14. Mitigating only when the same arose from lawful sentiments, and
provoked, the place and time when the provocation is made.
under the JJWA, particularly those above 15 but below 18, NOT in a spirit of lawlessness or revenge.
8. As an element of self-defense, it pertains to its absence on the part
and acts WITH discernment. 15. The crime committed by the accused must be provoked by prior
of the person defending himself; whereas as a mitigating
b. Art 69. Not all, but a majority of the requisites of justifying unjust or improper acts of the injured party.
circumstance, it pertains to its presence on the part of the offended
or exempting circumstances are present. party. 16. Exercise of a right or ful illment of duty is NOT a proper source of
c. Art 64(5). When there are 2 or more mitigating 9. It must be immediate to the commission of the crime such that the passion or obfuscation.
circumstances and no aggravating. accused had no time to regain his reason and to exercise 17. It must be proven that the act which produced passion or
d. Art 268(3). Voluntary release of person illegally detained self-control. obfuscation took place at a time not far removed from the
within 3 days; 10. It should not be offensive and positively strong as it may then be commission of the crime.
e. Art 333(3). Abandonment without justi ication of the considered as an unlawful aggression that may give rise to 18. The crime committed must be the result of a sudden impulse of
spouse who committed adultery. self-defense. natural and uncontrollable fury.

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19. It may be built up and strengthen over time until it can no longer be complainant's relatives who were pursuing him and who appeared to
repressed and will ultimately motivate the commission of the But, we must stress that provocation and passion or obfuscation be thirsting for his blood.
are not two separate mitigating circumstances. Well-settled is the
crime. (People v. Oloverio 2015 Leonen, J)
rule that if these two circumstances are based on the same facts, they
Manaban v. CA
20. Considered as ONE mitigating circumstance with provocation if should be treated together as one mitigating circumstance.
both arose from one and the same cause. Voluntary Surrender and Obfuscation
Nonetheless, since the mitigating circumstance of voluntary
21. INCOMPATIBLE with the following: surrender is also present, Article 64 (5) of the RPC should be Manaban called the police to report the shooting incident. When the
applied. The penalty for frustrated homicide, pursuant to Article 50 police arrived, Manaban surrendered his service irearm and
a. Praeter intentionem;
of the RPC, is the penalty next lower in degree than that voluntarily went with the police to the police station for
b. Treachery; prescribed by law for consummated homicide. investigation. Thus, Manaban is entitled to the bene it of the
c. Evident premeditation; mitigating circumstance of voluntary surrender.
Voluntary Surrender
22. The following elements must be present for voluntary surrender to On obfuscation, we ind that the facts of the case do not entitle
Provocation Passion or Obfuscation Manaban to such mitigating circumstance. Manaban admitted
be appreciated:
shooting Bautista because Bautista turned around and was allegedly
Source Offended party Caused by provocation a) the offender has not been actually arrested; about to draw his gun to shoot Manaban. The act of Bautista in
turning around is not unlawful and suf icient cause for Manaban to
Time Immediately preceded b) the offender surrendered himself to a person in authority, lose his reason and shoot Bautista. The defense failed to establish
Need not be immediate
lapse the act and, by clear and convincing evidence the cause that allegedly
c) the surrender must be voluntary, spontaneous. produced obfuscation.
Effect Loss of reason and self-control of offender
Plea of guilty
Lumauig v. People 2014
23. Not mitigating if made on appeal.
Irresistible Force Passion or Obfuscation In sentencing petitioner, the Sandiganbayan correctly considered the
24. Plea of guilty to lesser offense than that charged is not mitigating.
mitigating circumstance of voluntary surrender. However, it
Kind Exempting Mitigating failed to consider the mitigating circumstance of return or full However, if the information is amended to change the charge to a
restitution of the funds that were previously unliquidated. lesser offense and the accused pleads guilty thereto, it is mitigating.
Force Physical Not physical
25. The plea of guilty must be unconditional.
Source 3rd person Offender himself People v. Basite
26. NOT mitigating in culpable felonies and in crimes under SPLs.
Lawful? NO Arise from lawful sentiments A surrender to be voluntary must be spontaneous, showing the
Analogous circumstances
intent of the accused to submit himself unconditionally to the
authorities, either because a. Over 60 years with failing sight, similar to senility;
Romera v. People
1. he acknowledges his guilt, or
b. Outraged feeling of owner of animal taken for ransom similar
Thrusting his bolo at petitioner, threatening to kill him, and hacking 2. he wishes to save them the trouble and expense necessarily
the bamboo walls of his house are, in our view, suf icient to vindication;
incurred in his search and capture.
provocation to enrage any man, or stir his rage and obfuscate his c. Esprit de corps or mass psychology is similar to passion or
thinking, more so when the lives of his wife and children are in If none of these two (2) reasons impelled the accused to surrender,
because his surrender was obviously motivated more by an intention obfuscation;
danger. Petitioner stabbed the victim as a result of those
provocations, and while petitioner was still in a it of rage. In our to insure his safety, his arrest being inevitable, the surrender is not d. Voluntary restitution of property similar to voluntary
view, there was suf icient provocation and the circumstance of spontaneous. Here, accused-appellant willingly went to the police
passion or obfuscation attended the commission of the offense. authorities with Gilbert Sacla only to escape the wrath of private

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e. Extreme poverty similar to incomplete justi ication based on otherwise, ordinary. 1. Offender spontaneously confessed his guilt;
state of necessity; 2. Such was made in open court, before the
Minor Plea of
f. Testifying for the prosecution similar to plea of guilty; Above 15 but below 18 years old. competent court that is to try the case; and
(Privileged) guilty
3. Such was made prior to the presentation of
People v. Tampus and Montesclaros Senility Offender is over 70 years old evidence for the prosecution.
We agree with both the trial and appellate courts in their appreciation
There is a notable and evident disproportion between 1. The offender is deaf and dumb, blind or
of the mitigating circumstance of illness as would diminish the Praeter
exercise of willpower of Ida without depriving her of the the means employed to execute the criminal act and otherwise suffering some physical defect
intentionem Deaf and
consciousness of her acts, pursuant to Article 13(9). its consequences.
2. Which thus restricts his means of action,
Dumb, Blind
Dr. Costas testi ied that Ida was provisionally treated for 1. Must be suf icient; defense, or communications with his fellow
schizophrenia a few months before the incident. Ida was not beings.
2. Must originate from offended party; and
totally deprived of intelligence at the time of the incident; but, she
Provocation 3. Must be immediate to the act, i.e., to the 1. The illness of offender must diminish the
may have poor judgment.
commission of the crime by the person who is exercise of his will-power;
Mitigating circumstances which are personal to offenders Illness
provoked. 2. Such illness should not deprive the offender of
Mitigating circumstances which arise consciousness of his acts.
1. There be a grave offense done to the one
1) From the moral attributes of the offender; or committing the felony, his spouse, ascendants, Analogous Similar to any of the mitigating circumstances.
2) From his private relations with the offended party; or Immediate descendants, legitimate, natural or adopted
vindication brothers or sisters, or relatives by af inity within d. Aggravating circumstances
3) From any other personal cause,
of a grave the same degrees;
Shall only serve to mitigate the liability of the principals, accomplices, 1. That advantage be taken by the offender of his public position.
offense 2. The felony is committed in vindication of such (Abuse of public position)
and accessories to whom such circumstances are attendant. (Art 62[3]) grave offense. A lapse of time is allowed between
2. That the crime be committed in contempt or with insult to the
Circumstances which are neither exempting nor mitigating the vindication and doing of the grave offense. public authorities. (Contempt of or insult to public
1. Aberratio ictus; authorities)
1. There be an act, both unlawful and suf icient, to
produce such a condition of mind; and 3. That the act be committed with insult or in disregard of the
2. Mistake in the identity;
respect due the offended party on account of his rank, age, or
3. Entrapment; 2. Said act which produced the obfuscation was not sex, (Insult to offended party)
Passion or
obfuscation far removed from the commission of the or that is committed in the dwelling of the offended party, if the
4. Age of criminal responsibility;
crime by a considerable length of time, during latter has not given provocation. (Dwelling)
5. Performance of righteous action. which the perpetrator might recover his normal 4. That the act be committed with abuse of con idence or obvious
equanimity. ungratefulness. (Abuse of con idence or obvious
Review of Mitigating Circumstances
Circumstance Requisites 1. Offender had not been actually arrested.
5. That the crime be committed in the palace of the Chief Executive
Voluntary 2. He surrendered himself to a person in authority or in his presence, or where public authorities are engaged in
Not all requisites necessary to justify the act or to
Incomplete surrender or to the latter's agent; the discharge of their duties, or in a place dedicated to religious
exempt from criminal liability are attendant.
defense worship. (Palace of Chief Executive)
If majority of the requisites are present, privileged, 3. The surrender was voluntary.

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6. That the crime be committed in the night time, or in an 17. That means be employed or circumstances brought about which against persons.
uninhabited place, or by a band, whenever such circumstances add ignominy to the natural effects of the act. (Ignominy)
may facilitate the commission of the offense. (Nighttime, Recidivism vs Reiteracion
18. That the crime be committed after an unlawful entry. (Unlawful
Uninhabited place,) entry) Recidivism Reiteracion
Whenever more than three armed malefactors shall have acted There is an unlawful entry when an entrance is effected by a
together in the commission of an offense, it shall be deemed to way not intended for the purpose. As to 1st offense, Been adjudged with
have been committed by a band. (Band) Served out the sentence
offender shall have inality
19. That as a means to the commission of a crime a wall, roof, loor,
7. That the crime be committed on the occasion of a con lagration, door, or window be broken. (Breaking wall, roof, loor, door,
shipwreck, earthquake, epidemic or other calamity or Previous and Included in SAME Must NOT be embraced
or window)
misfortune. (Calamity) subsequent offenses title in same title
20. That the crime be committed with the aid of persons under
8. That the crime be committed with the aid of armed men or
persons who insure or afford impunity. (Aid of armed men)
ifteen years of age or by means of motor vehicles, motorized Always aggravating ✔ ✘
watercraft, airships, or other similar means. (aab RA 5438).
9. That the accused is a recidivist. (Recidivist) (Aid of person under 15, Motor vehicle) The four forms of REPETITION
A recidivist is one who, at the time of his trial for one crime, 21. That the wrong done in the commission of the crime be 1. Recidivism
shall have been previously convicted by inal judgment of deliberately augmented by causing other wrongs not necessary
another crime embraced in the same title of this Code. for its commission. (Cruelty) 2. Reiteracion or habituality
10. That the offender has been previously punished by an offense to 3. Multi-recidivism or habitual delinquency Art 62[5]
which the law attaches an equal or greater penalty or for two or (Extraordinary aggravating) — if within a period of ten years
more crimes to which it attaches a lighter penalty. 1. Generic — Those that can be applied to all crimes. from the date of his release or last conviction of the crimes of
2. Speci ic — Applies only to particular crimes. serious or less serious physical injuries, robo, hurto, estafa
11. That the crime be committed in consideration of a price,
or falsi ication, he is found guilty of any of said crimes a third
reward, or promise. (Price, reward, or promise) 3. Qualifying — Changes the nature of the crime.
time or oftener.
12. That the crime be committed by means of inundation, ire, 4. Inherent — Must accompany the commission of the crime.
poison, explosion, stranding of a vessel or international damage 4. Quasi-recidivism Art 160 (Special aggravating) — commits a
thereto, derailment of a locomotive, or by the use of any other People v. Nabaluna felony after having been convicted by inal judgment, before
arti ice involving great waste and ruin. (Great waste and ruin) beginning to serve such sentence, or while serving the same,
13. That the act be committed with evident premeditation. (Evident The element of treachery cannot simply be presumed. It must be shall be punished by the maximum period of the penalty
premeditation) clearly proven as the crime itself.
prescribed by law for the new felony.
14. That the craft, fraud or disguise be employed. (Craft, fraud, or
The mere fact that two of the accused, with one of them being armed Treachery or alevosia
with a bolo, does not necessarily constitute abuse of superior
15. That advantage be taken of superior strength, or means be strength on their part. To take advantage of superior strength, it is 1. The settled rule is that treachery can exist even if the attack is
employed to weaken the defense. (Abuse of superior imperative that there be a showing of purposely using excessive frontal, as long as the attack is sudden and unexpected, giving
strength) force which is out of proportion to the means of defense the victim no opportunity to repel it or to defend himself.
16. That the act be committed with treachery. (Alevosia) available to the person attacked.
2. What is decisive is that the execution of the attack, without the
There is treachery when the offender commits any of the crimes
against the person, employing means, methods, or forms in the Lastly, disregard of old age should not be taken into account for, slightest provocation from an unarmed victim, made it
execution thereof which tend directly and specially to insure its as stated in the case of People v. Pagal, it is not proper to consider impossible for the victim to defend himself or to retaliate.
execution, without risk to himself arising from the defense this aggravating circumstance in crimes against property.
Robbery with homicide is primarily a crime against property and not 3. There is treachery when the offender commits any of the
which the offended party might make.
crimes against persons, employing means, methods or forms

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in the execution thereof, which tend directly and specially to Abuse of superior strength
aggression from the assailant" as when "the assault is preceded by a
ensure its execution without risk to himself arising from the heated exchange of words between the accused and the victim; or
defense that the offended party might make. when the victim is aware of the hostility of the assailant towards the People v. Maron 2019

4. There are two (2) conditions that must concur for treachery to former." Employment of means to weaken the defense is, at the very least,
exist, to wit: subsumed under the qualifying circumstance of abuse of superior
People v. Angeles 2019 strength.
a) the employment of means of execution gave the person
Treachery may still be appreciated even when the victim was In determining whether the qualifying circumstance of employing
attacked no opportunity to defend himself or to means to weaken the defense is present, the Court shall be guided by
forewarned of the danger to his person. What is decisive is that the
retaliate; and the same standard in determining the presence of abuse of superior
execution of the attack made it impossible for the victim to defend
b) the means or method of execution was deliberately himself or to retaliate. strength, i.e., "notorious inequality of forces between the victim
and the aggressor/s that is plainly and obviously advantageous to the
and consciously adopted. aggressor's and purposely selected or taken advantage of to facilitate
Evident premeditation
5. The essence of treachery is that the attack is deliberate and the commission of the crime.”
To prove this aggravating circumstance, the prosecution must show the
without warning, done in a swift and unexpected manner,
affording the hapless, unarmed and unsuspecting victim no People v. Pagapulaan 2019
chance to resist or escape. 1) the time when the offender determined to commit the crime;
To take advantage of superior strength means to purposely use
2) an act manifestly indicating that the offender clung to his excessive force out of proportion to the means of defense available to
People v. Bermudo 2018 the person attacked.
determination; and
Gilberto was completely defenseless at the time of the attack because 3) a lapse of time, between the determination to commit the Unlike in treachery, where the victim was not given the opportunity
he was surprised by Rommel with a blow to the head causing him to to defend himself or repel the aggression, taking advantage of
crime and the execution thereof, suf icient to allow the offender
fall to the ground. Rommel and co-accused continued to attack him superior strength does not mean that the victim was
causing him multiple injuries, including the fatal ones. Gilberto was to re lect upon the consequences of his act. completely defenseless.
never in a position to defend himself. Further, Rommel and his
co-accused consciously adopted the means of attack because, as Mari v. CA
People v. Enojo 2019
noted by the CA, they were already armed when they proceeded to the The mere fact that the victim is a woman is not per se an
crime scene. In addition, it is noteworthy that Rommel suddenly, It has been consistently held that an attack made by a man with a
aggravating circumstance. There was no inding that the evidence
without warning or provocation, attacked Gilberto from behind. deadly weapon upon an unarmed and defenseless woman
proved that the accused in fact deliberately intended to offend or
constitutes the circumstance of abuse of that superiority which his
insult the sex of the victim, or showed manifest disrespect to the
People v. Bagabay 2018 sex and the weapon used in the act afforded him, and from which the
offended woman or displayed some speci ic insult or disrespect to
woman was unable to defend herself.
her womanhood. There was no proof of speci ic fact or circumstance,
It is not enough that the attack was "sudden," "unexpected," and other than the victim is a woman, showing insult or disregard of sex
"without any warning or provocation." There must also be a People v. Arizobal re Dwelling, Treachery, Band, Nighttime
in order that it may be considered as aggravating circumstance.
showing that the offender consciously and deliberately adopted
The trial court is correct in appreciating dwelling as an aggravating
the particular means, methods and forms in the execution of the Nighttime or nocturnidad circumstance. Generally, dwelling is considered inherent in the
crime which tended directly to insure such execution, without risk to
a) particularly sought or darkness is taken advantage to commit crimes which can only be committed in the abode of the victim, such
the offense, or as trespass to dwelling and robbery in an inhabited place. However,
in robbery with homicide the authors thereof can commit the
People v. Jaurigue 2019 b) facilitated the commission of the crime. heinous crime without transgressing the sanctity of the victim's
Nighttime cannot be considered if it is shown that the place was domicile.
There can be no treachery when the victim was "forewarned of the
danger he was in," "put on guard," or otherwise "could anticipate adequately lighted.

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People v. Matibag 2015 of a inal judgment of conviction when they committed the offenses.
But treachery was incorrectly considered by the trial court. The Aspili, Magbanua, Mendoza and Rebutido have previously been
accused stand charged with, tried and convicted of robbery with The special aggravating circumstance of use of unlicensed convicted of the crimes of frustrated homicide, serious physical
homicide which is primarily classi ied as a crime against property. irearm, which was duly alleged in the Information, should be injuries, theft, and murder and trespass to dwelling, respectively.
As such, treachery cannot be validly appreciated as an aggravating appreciated in the imposition of penalty. When Matibag killed Duhan Both Sales and Aguirre have previously been convicted of robbery in
circumstance. with his irearm, the use thereof was unauthorized under the purview band.
of RA 8294 and is equally appreciated as a special aggravating
While it appears that at least ive (5) malefactors took part in the We likewise uphold the trial court's inding that the crime was
circumstance. As a result, the imposition of the maximum penalty of
commission of the crime, the evidence on record does not disclose aggravated because it was committed by a band. All the six
death, which is reduced to reclusion perpetua in light of RA 9346,
that "more than three" persons were armed, and robbery in "band" appellants were armed when they boarded the vessel and perpetrated
stands proper. To this, the Court adds that Matibag is not eligible for
means "more than three armed malefactors united in the their dastardly acts. There is also abuse of superior strength,
commission of robbery." since most of the victims were women and children ranging from 2 to
9 years old.
Nighttime did not attend the commission of the crime. The fact that People v. Perreras re Dwelling
the offense was committed at 9:30 in the evening does not suf ice to However, the aggravating circumstances of nocturnity and craft
sustain nocturnidad. It must be shown that nocturnidad was Dwelling aggravates a felony where the crime was committed in the
should not have been considered by the lower court. There was no
deliberately and intentionally sought. dwelling of the offended party if the latter has not given provocation
showing that the appellants purposely sought the cover of night
or if the victim was killed inside his house. Although accused was
when they committed the special complex crime of robbery with
outside of the house when he ired, the victim was inside his house.
People v. Nasayao re Treachery homicide. Neither did the appellants employ craft, since they had
For the circumstance of dwelling to be considered, it is not necessary
already boarded the vessel when they pretended to buy Tanduay Rum
The victim, while squatting on top of a bench and eating his meal that the accused should have actually entered the dwelling of the
in exchange for the dried ish and chicken they were carrying. Even
with a plate in one hand, was certainly in no position to defend victim to commit the offense; it is enough that the victim was
without such pretense, they could nonetheless have carried out their
himself or to retaliate. Accused may have forewarned Joves about attacked inside his own house.
unlawful scheme.
what he was about to do by telling him to inish his meal.
Nevertheless, accused did not wait for Joves to inish. He did not give People v. Taño Review of Aggravating Circumstances
Joves the opportunity to stand up. Joves not only failed to reply to
The Court inds that dwelling cannot be appreciated as an Circumstance Requisites Notes
accused’s order for him to inish his meal, but also failed to make any
instinctive reaction to the perceived threat posed by accused who aggravating circumstance. The building where the two offenses were
committed was not entirely for dwelling purposes. The evidence Inherent in
was holding two knives. From all indications, the attack on Joves was
shows that it consisted of two loors: the ground loor, which was Malversation
sudden and unexpected.
being operated as a video rental shop, and the upper loor, which was (217);
used as a residence. It was in the video rental shop where the rape Falsi ication of
People v. de la Torre re Dwelling was committed. True, the victim was dragged to the kitchen and toilet a) Done by a public of icer; document by
but these two sections were adjacent to and formed parts of the store. Abuse of public
In People v. Parazo, the “dwelling” contemplated in Article 14(3) of b) Took advantage of public
Being a commercial shop that caters to the public, the video position
the RPC does not necessarily mean that the victim owns the position of icers(171);
place where he lives or dwells. Be he a lessee, a boarder, or a rental outlet was open to the public. As such, it is not attributed the
Art 19 par 3;
sanctity of privacy that jurisprudence accords to residential abodes.
bedspacer, the place is his home, the sanctity of which the law Crimes by public
seeks to protect. The fact that the crime was consummated in the of icers
nearby house is also immaterial. Marita was forcibly taken by People v. Aspili
appellant from her dwelling house (kitchen) and then raped her.
We ind no merit in the appellants' contention that the lower court
Dwelling is aggravating if the victim was taken from his house Contempt or a) public authority is Becomes Direct
erred in considering recidivism as an aggravating circumstance. All
although the offense was not completed therein. insult to the engaged in the exercise of Assault if done
the appellants are recidivists. They were serving sentence by virtue
public his functions; against authority

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authorities b) authority is not the clear. the act;

person against whom the
crime is committed; Chief Executive: COMMON ELEMENTS FOR PAR 6
c) offender knows him to be a) Public authority must be Need not be in a) facilitated the commission of the crime; OR
a public authority; in their of ice while the palace; His b) especially sought by the offender to insure the commission
Palace of the
d) presence has not performing his duty; mere presence of the crime or for the purpose of impunity; OR
Chief Executive
prevented the b) He may be the offended aggravates; He c) offender took advantage for the purpose of impunity;
commission of the crime. party need not perform
his duties; Calamity
a) Deliberate intent to offend includes
or insult (sine qua non) Two alternative Calamity or a) Offender must take con lagration,
Rank: there should be a tests for misfortune advantage of calamity; shipwreck,
Insult or difference in the social Disregard of sex a) crime occurred in that nocturnity: earthquake,
disregard of condition of the offender and absorbed in period of darkness a) Objecti epidemic
offended party offended; treachery; beginning at end of dusk ve:
and ending at dawn; facilitat a) armed persons took part
Age: there is a considerable Nocturnidad or Not considered
b) place must not be es in the commission of the
gap; Nighttime when both
illuminated; crime; crime either directly or
Sex: Female. parties are
c) crime must begin and be b) Subject Aid of armed indirectly;
EQUALLY armed;
it is enough that accomplished in the ive: men b) accused availed himself
a) offended party must not Not considered if
the victim was nighttime; purpose of their aid, or relied upon
Dwelling give provocation (sine conspiracy is
attacked inside ly them during the
qua non) present
his own house sought commission of the crime

★ Betrayal of a) The place provides no a) Offender is on trial for an offense;

"For the b) previously convicted by inal judgment of
con idence reasonable possibility of
purpose of another crime;
a) offended party had trusted NOT the victim receiving some
impunity" c) both offenses embraced in same title of Code;
the offender; aggravating help;
In an means to prevent d) offender be convicted of new offense
b) offender abused such ★ Con idence b) accused sought the
uninhabited offender's ★ Also applies if both offenses violate the
trust by committing a must be solitude for an easy and Recidivist
Abuse of place recognition, or same Ordinance/SPL
crime against the offended immediate uninterrupted
con idence secure himself ★ Controlling is time of TRIAL, not the
party; and personal accomplishment of the
from detection commission of crime;
c) abuse of con idence ★ Stealing the crime, and to insure
and punishment. ★ The commission of crime and rendering
facilitated the property of concealment of offense;
commission of the crime host is with of judgment must be successive: e.g.
abuse of a) at least four; Crime 1 → Judgment 1 → Crime 2 → Judgment 2
One of the four
con idence b) all four are armed;
should not be a a) Accused on trial for an ★ If offender
By a band c) all shall have acted Reiteracion or
principal by offense; has not been
Obvious together, taking direct habituality
ungratefulness must be obvious, i.e. manifest and inducement. b) previously served previously
ungratefulness part in the execution of

Based on the Books of Aquino, Sundiang, Miravite, De Leon, Reyes, Regalado, Campanilla by RGL 167 of 249
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sentence for another punished or THOUGHT crime.

offense of an equal or served
greater penalty, or for two sentence, Act done in order There is an unlawful entry
involves intellectual trickery not to arouse when an entrance is effected
or more crimes of a reiteracion Craft Unlawful Entry NOT for escape
and cunning suspicion of the by a way not intended for the
lighter penalty than that is NOT
victim; purpose.
for the new offense; attendant;
c) be convicted of the new ★ Reiteracion Breaking wall,
Differs from Offender need not enter the building for
offense. NOT involves insidious words or roof, loor, door,
Craft in that FORCIBLE ENTRY to be aggravating.
ALWAYS machinations used to induce or window
Fraud involves
aggravating Fraud the victim in a manner which
direct Aid of person
would enable the offender to 1. Two different aggravating: aid of minors
a) there must be at least two carry out his criminal design. inducement by under 15
If not alleged to under 15, means of motor vehicle;
Consideration (2) principals, one by insidious words
qualify the crime 2. Estafa cannot be committed by means of
of price, reward inducement and the Means of motor
to murder, involves resorting to any device to conceal motor vehicle
or promise other/s by direct Disguise vehicle
GENERIC only identity
a) Injury caused be
a) There should be The culprit
When the crime committed is deliberately increased
Abuse of notorious inequality of enjoys and
Great waste Incompatible by causing other wrong;
parricide, there is only forces between the two Cruelty delights in
and ruin superior with Passion or b) Other wrong is
GENERIC aggravating parties; making his
strength obfuscation
b) Offender takes advantage unnecessary in
Means are victim suffer.
If there is intent to kill, using of this inequality. accomplishing the crime;
Explosion purposely used
explosion, crime is MURDER
to accomplish a a) At the time of the attack, a) Applies to e. Alternative circumstance
If person dies as a result criminal victim was not in a crimes
without intent, COMPLEX purpose. position to defend himself against Alternative circumstances are those which must be taken into
Derailment of CRIME of damage to means of Alevosia or or retaliate; AND persons; consideration as aggravating or mitigating according to the nature and
Locomotive communication with effects of the crime and the other conditions attending its
Treachery b) offender consciously b) mode of
homicide (Arts 330 and 249 in commission. They are the relationship, intoxication and the degree of
adopted the particular attack
rel to Art 4 and 48); instruction and education of the offender.
means, methods, or consciously
a) time when offender forms. adopted. The alternative circumstance of relationship shall be taken into
determined to commit consideration when the offended party is the spouse, ascendant,
crime; A circumstance
After offender descendant, legitimate, natural, or adopted brother or sister, or
b) act indicating culprit pertaining to the relative by af inity in the same degrees of the offender.
had determined moral order,
Evident clung to this
to commit the must tend to make the effects which adds The intoxication of the offender shall be taken into consideration
Premeditation determination; Ignominy of the crime more humiliating,
crime, 2nd req. disgrace and as a mitigating circumstances when the offender has committed a
c) suf icient lapse of time putting the victim to shame;
exists. obloquy to the felony in a state of intoxication, if the same is not habitual or
between determination
material injury subsequent to the plan to commit said felony but when the
and execution, allowing intoxication is habitual or intentional, it shall be considered as an
REFLECTION and COOL caused by the
aggravating circumstance.

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People v. Orilla re relationship A circumstance which is present prior to or simultaneously with accused called out their attention by saying “Chicks mo dong?”
the offense by reason of which the accused who acts with criminal
The Amended Information did not allege Remilyn’s minor age. The With regard to the lack of prior surveillance, prior surveillance is
intent, freedom and intelligence does not incur a criminal liability
prosecution’s failure to allege speci ically Remilyn’s minor age
for an act which constitutes a crime. not a condition for an entrapment operation’s validity. As
prevents the transformation of the crime to its quali ied form.
held in People v. Padua, a prior surveillance is not a prerequisite
1. Spontaneous desistance in attempted felonies (Art. 6); for the validity of an entrapment or buy-bust operation, the
Based on a strict interpretation, alternative circumstances are thus
not aggravating circumstances per se. Jurisprudence considers 2. Accessories in light felonies (Art. 16); conduct of which has no rigid or textbook method.
relationship as an aggravating circumstance in crimes against
3. Accessories exempt from criminal liability by reason of
chastity. However, rape is no longer a crime against chastity for People v. Doria
it is now classi ied as a crime against persons. relationship (Art. 20);
Entrapment in the Philippines is not a defense available to the
4. A legal spouse or parent who in licts slight or less serious
accused. It is instigation that is a defense and is considered an
People v. Bondoc lack of instruction generally mitigating physical injuries under exceptional circumstances; (Art. 247. If absolutory cause.
except in Crimes against property and chastity
death or serious injuries result, there is mitigated liability, as
A close examination of the record is indicative of the lack of “extenuating circumstance”) In the case at bar, the evidence shows that it was the con idential
instruction of the offender. There is more than suf icient informant who initially contacted Doria. At the pre-arranged meeting,
5. Persons not criminally liable for theft, estafa or malicious the informant was accompanied by PO3 Manlangit who posed as the
justi ication for the inding of the mitigating circumstance of the
above character that would lessen the rigor of the Anti-Subversion mischief by reason of relationship to the offended party. (Art. buyer of marijuana. PO3 Manlangit handed the marked money to
law. 332) Doria as advance payment for one (1) kilo of marijuana. Doria was
apprehended when he later returned and handed the brick of
Entrapment from Instigation marijuana to PO3 Manlangit.
People v. Fontillas 2010 re intoxication
Entrapment Instigation Battered Woman Syndrome
The Court of Appeals correctly rejected the accused-appellant's
assertion that his extreme intoxication from alcohol on the night of People v. Genosa in rel. to Sec. 26, RA 9262
law of icers employ ruses and
the rape should be appreciated as a mitigating circumstance. Accused
schemes to ensure the The severe beatings repeatedly in licted on appellant constituted a
did not present any evidence that his intoxication was not habitual the accused is induced to commit
apprehension of the criminal form of cumulative provocation that broke down her psychological
or subsequent to the plan to commit the rape. the crime.
while in the actual commission resistance and self-control. This “psychological paralysis” she
of the crime. suffered diminished her will power, thereby entitling her to the
People v. Dawaton
mitigating factor under paragraphs 9 and 10 of Article 13. In
the law of icer conceives the
The trial court erred in not appreciating the alternative addition, appellant should also be credited with the extenuating
commission of the crime and
circumstance of intoxication in favor of the accused. There the mens rea originates from the circumstance of having acted upon an impulse so powerful as to have
suggests to the accused who
being no indication that the accused was a habitual drunkard or that mind of the criminal naturally produced passion and obfuscation.
adopts the idea and carries it into
his alcoholic intake was intended to fortify his resolve to commit the execution In order to be classi ied as a battered woman, the couple must go
crime, the circumstance of intoxication should be credited in his
through the battering cycle at least TWICE. The battered woman
favor. does NOT exempt the criminal
considered an absolutory cause. syndrome is characterized by the so-called “cycle of violence,”
from liability.
which has three phases:
f. Absolutory causes
People v. Casio 2014 Leonen, J 1) the tension-building phase;
Are those where the act committed is a crime but for reasons of
2) the acute battering incident; and
public policy and sentiment, there is no penalty imposed. Accused was predisposed to commit the offense because she
initiated the transaction. As testi ied by PO1 Veloso and PO1 Luardo, 3) the tranquil, loving (or, at least, nonviolent) phase.

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b. When the principal penalty imposed be only a ine, the ii. Indeterminate Sentence Law 8. whose maximum term of imprisonment does not exceed one
subsidiary imprisonment shall NOT exceed six months if the year.
culprit shall have been prosecuted for a grave or less grave
In summary
felony, and shall NOT exceed ifteen days, if for a light felony. 1. Getting the MAXIMUM range
1. Determine irst the degree before ixing the periods;
c. When the principal penalty imposed is HIGHER than prision a. Start with the imposable penalty of the RPC;
a. Take the penalty for the principal in the consummated
correccional, NO subsidiary imprisonment shall be b. If there are privileged mitigating (Art 68-69), or special
imposed upon the culprit. stage as the starting point;
mitigating circumstances (Art 64[5]), lower the penalty
d. If the principal penalty imposed is not to be executed by irst by 1 degree or more, then start from there. b. Disregard the attendant circumstances;
con inement in a penal institution, but such penalty is of ixed 2. Getting the MINIMUM range; c. Consider the factors in graduating by degree.
duration, the convict, during the period of time established in 2. Determine the proper period in accordance with Arts 62 and
a. The degree next lower to the maximum range is the
the preceding rules shall continue to suffer the same 64 by considering the following:
minimum range of the indeterminate sentence.
deprivations as those of which the principal penalty consists.
3. Getting the MAXIMUM TERM a. Ordinary mitigating — minimum period;
e. The subsidiary personal liability which the convict may have
a. Consider the presence of attendant circumstances in order b. Generic aggravating — maximum period;
suffered by reason of his insolvency shall not relieve him from
the ine in case his inancial circumstances should to determine the period of the penalty; c. Alternative circumstances — depends on whether it
improve. b. Said period shall be the actual maximum term of the mitigates or aggravates;
2. The subsidiary penalty of imprisonment in case of non-payment of indeterminate sentence; d. Complex crimes — always maximum;
the penalty of ine must be stated in the Judgment, otherwise 4. Getting the MINIMUM TERM e. Crimes due to error in personae (Art 49), the penalty for
it cannot be imposed despite non-payment of the ine. (Pp v. a. Shall be taken from any period of the minimum range, the lesser offense, as between that committed and
Alapan 2018) taking into consideration the factors stated in People v. intended, is imposed in the maximum period;
3. NO subsidiary penalty in the following cases Ducosin f. Abuse of public position or membership in an organized
a. When penalty imposed is HIGHER than prision correccional; Inapplicability syndicate (Art 62 par 1[a]) — maximum period.

b. For failure to pay reparation of damage caused, 1. persons convicted of offenses punished with death penalty or g. Quasi-recidivism (Art 160) — maximum period;
indemni ication of consequential damages, and cost of life-imprisonment; h. Ordinary attendant circumstances may offset each other.
proceedings; 2. convicted of treason, conspiracy or proposal to commit 3. Apply the indeterminate sentence law, when applicable.
c. When penalty imposed is ine and a penalty not to be executed treason;
People v. Temporada
by con inement in a penal institution and which has no ixed 3. convicted of misprision of treason, rebellion, sedition or
duration. Discussion on relevant terminologies
4. Unless the SPL provides that subsidiary imprisonment shall not be 1. The RPC provides for an initial penalty as a general
4. convicted of piracy;
imposed, then it may be imposed. IOW, if the SPL is silent, prescription for the felonies de ined therein which consists
5. habitual delinquents; of a range of period of time. This is what is referred to as the
subsidiary imprisonment is allowed.
"prescribed penalty."
6. have escaped from con inement or evaded sentence;
2. The Code provides for attending or modifying circumstances
7. those who having been granted conditional pardon by the Chief
which when present in the commission of a felony affects
Executive shall have violated the terms thereof;

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the computation of the penalty to be imposed on a convict. period. The more serious crime is homicide punishable by the penalty actually imposed by the trial court, after
This penalty, as thus modi ied, is referred to as the reclusion temporal (the prescribed penalty). considering the attendant circumstances, and not the imposable
"imposable penalty." penalty.”
Accused has to his credit two mitigating circumstances: the special
3. From this imposable penalty, the court chooses a single or privileged mitigating circumstance of minority and the In the case at bar, since the maximum of the imposable penalty is six
ixed penalty (also called a straight penalty) which is the ordinary mitigating circumstance of plea of guilty. months, the ISLaw is not applicable. Thus, it is proper to impose a
"penalty actually imposed" on a convict, i.e., the prison straight penalty of four months and one day of arresto mayor and
term he has to serve. 1. Therefore, under Art. 64, par. 5, the penalty imposable is
delete the imposition of ine.
the penalty next lower to that prescribed by law.
4. With the passage of the ISL, the law created a prison term
2. Under Art. 71, the penalty next lower to reclusion temporal
which consists of a minimum and maximum term called the Cajigas v. People
is prision mayor.
indeterminate sentence. Thus, the penalty actually
imposed under the pre-ISL regime became the maximum 3. Because of the complex nature of the crime committed, the Applying the ISLaw,
term under the ISL regime. penalty of prision mayor is to be applied in its 1. the minimum of the indeterminate sentence can be
maximum period. anywhere within the range of the penalty next lower in
People v. Simon 4. However, having in his favor the ordinary mitigating degree to the penalty prescribed by the RPC for the crime.
circumstance of plea of guilty without any offsetting 2. The determination of the minimum term of the
1. If the judgment which could be affected and modi ied by the aggravating circumstance, applying Art. 64, par. 2, the indeterminate sentence should be done without
reduced penalties provided in Republic Act No. 7659 has penalty of prision mayor maximum should be imposed considering any modifying circumstance attendant to the
already become inal and executory or the accused is in its minimum range. commission of the crime and without reference to the
serving sentence thereunder, then practice, procedure and periods into which it may be subdivided.
pragmatic considerations would warrant and necessitate the The proper method, thus, is
matter being brought to the judicial authorities for relief under a 3. The penalty prescribed under Article 315, paragraph 2(d) of
1. to start from the penalty imposed by the RPC, i.e., the RPC, as amended by PD 818, is reclusion temporal.
writ of habeas corpus. reclusion temporal;
2. Mitigating circumstances should be considered and applied 4. The penalty next lower in degree is prision mayor.
2. then apply the privileged mitigating circumstance of
only if they affect the periods and the degrees of the penalties 5. The minimum term of the indeterminate penalty should be
minority and determine the penalty immediately inferior in
within rational limits. anywhere within six years and one day to 12 years of prision
degree, i.e., prision mayor; and
3. The inal query is whether or not the Indeterminate Sentence mayor.
3. inally, apply the same in its maximum degree due to the
Law is applicable to the case now before us. Apparently it does, complex nature of the crime
since drug offenses are not included in nor has appellant Gelig v. People 2010 supra
committed any act which would put him within the exceptions to 4. but within the minimum range thereof because of the
said law and the penalty to be imposed does not involve ordinary mitigating circumstance of plea of guilty. The penalty for the crime of direct assault is prision correccional
reclusion perpetua or death. in its medium and maximum periods. The penalty should be ixed
Prision mayor being the maximum of the indeterminate sentence, the in its medium period in the absence of mitigating or aggravating
4. It is held that Sec 1 of ISLaw refers to an offense under a special minimum of the indeterminate penalty is within the range of the circumstances. Applying the ISLaw, the petitioner should be
law wherein the penalty imposed was not taken from and is penalty next lower to it as prescribed by the RPC, i.e., prision sentenced to an indeterminate term, the minimum of which is
without reference to the RPC. correccional. within the range of the penalty next lower in degree, i.e., arresto
mayor in its maximum period to prision correccional in its
⭐People v. Cesar Lumauig v. People 2014 supra minimum period, and the maximum of which is that properly
imposable under the RPC, i.e., prision correccional in its
Accused-appellant pleaded guilty to and was convicted of the crime The ISLaw, under Section 2, is not applicable to, among others, medium and maximum periods.
of direct assault upon a person in authority with homicide. This cases where the maximum term of imprisonment does not
being a complex crime, the penalty for the more serious crime exceed one year. In determining “whether an indeterminate
Reynaldo Mariano v. People 2014
should be imposed, the same to be applied in its maximum sentence and not a straight penalty is proper, what is considered is

Based on the Books of Aquino, Sundiang, Miravite, De Leon, Reyes, Regalado, Campanilla by RGL 179 of 249
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Death stands alone as the capital punishment. The RPC classi ies for the offense the duration of which is from two years, four ⭐Thus, the maximum period of the prescribed penalty becomes
the felony of serious physical injuries in Art 263 based on the gravity months and one day to six years. the DEGREE. To get the proper period, divide this maximum
of the physical injuries. period into 3 equal periods.
The determination of the minimum and maximum terms is left
With Ferdinand not becoming insane, imbecile, impotent, or blind,
entirely to the discretion of the trial court, the exercise of which will Inapplicability of graduation by period
his physical injuries did not fall under Article 263[1]. Consequently,
not be disturbed on appeal unless there is a clear abuse.
the CA incorrectly considered the petitioner’s act as a grave felony 1. Only indivisible penalties are involved (Art 63);
had it been intentional, and should not have imposed the penalty at
e. Graduation of penalties 2. Penalty consists only of a ine (Art 66);
arresto mayor in its maximum period to prision correccional in its
medium period. Instead, the petitioner’s act that caused the serious 3. Offenses penalized by SPL, unless divisible penalties in the RPC
By degree By period Always MAXIMUM
physical injuries, had it been intentional, would be a less grave were adopted by the SPL to punish violations thereof; and
felony under Article 25, because Ferdinand’s physical injuries were Stage of commission Ordinary aggravating Special aggravating
those under Article 263[3], for having incapacitated him from the 4. Felonies committed through negligence (Art 365).
performance of the work in which he was habitually engaged in for Participation Ordinary mitigating Delito complejo Graduation of Fine
more than 90 days.
Privileged mitigating By degree
Conformably with Article 365, the proper penalty is arresto
mayor in its minimum and medium periods, which ranges from Factors to consider to graduate by degree Art 75. Take ¼ of the maximum amount to get the next degree lower,
one to four months. As earlier mentioned, the rules in Article and so on
64 are NOT applicable in reckless imprudence, and considering 1. Nature of participation of accused;
By period
further that the maximum term of imprisonment would not 2. Stage of execution of the felony (Arts 50-57);
exceed one year, rendering the Indeterminate Sentence Law Art 66. The ine cannot go outside the limits provided by law.
inapplicable, the Court holds that the straight penalty of two 3. Privileged mitigating circumstances (Arts 68-69);
a. maximum should not exceed the ine prescribed by law
months of arresto mayor was the correct penalty for the petitioner. 4. Presence of 2 or more mitigating with no aggravating (Art
b. minimum should not be lower than that provided by law.
People v. Medroso
Effect of special aggravating circumstance f. Accessory penalties
Paragraph 5 of Article 365 expressly states that in the imposition of
the penalties provided for in the Article, the courts shall exercise Penalty to be imposed shall be in its MAXIMUM regardless of
Accessory penalties inherent in principal penalties
their sound discretion without regard to the rules prescribed in mitigating circumstances.
Article 64. 1. Death, when not executed
1. Advantage of public position;
a. Perpetual absolute DQ; and
The penalty for homicide thru reckless imprudence with 2. By an organized/syndicated crime group;
violation of the Automobile Law is prision correccional in its b. Civil interdiction for 30Y, if not expressly remitted in
medium and maximum periods with a duration from two years, An organized/syndicated crime group means a group of two or the pardon.
four months, and one day to six years. Applying the ISLaw to which more persons collaborating, confederating or mutually
appellant is entitled the imposable penalty covers 2. Reclusion perpetua and temporal
helping one another for purposes of gain in the commission of
a) a minimum to be taken from the penalty one degree lower any crime. a. Civil interdiction for life or during sentence; and
than that prescribed by law or arresto mayor in its b. Perpetual absolute DQ.
3. Quasi-recidivism;
maximum period to prision correccional in its minimum
period, i.e. four months and one day to two years and four 4. Ordinary complex crimes. 3. Prision mayor
months, and
a. Temporary absolute DQ; and
b) a maximum to be taken in turn from the penalty prescribed
b. Perpetual special DQ from suffrage.

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case shall thus be remanded to the court of origin to effect appellant's divisible penalty, the ISLaw is applicable. 6. Extinction of criminal liability
con inement in an agricultural camp or other training facility,
following the Court's pronouncement in People v. Sarcia. Section 38 of RA No. 9344 provides that when the child below 18 1. By the death of the convict, as to the personal penalties and as
years of age who committed a crime and was found guilty, the court to pecuniary penalties, liability therefor is extinguished only
shall place the child in con lict with the law under suspended when the death of the offender occurs before inal judgment.
Rosal Hubilla v. People 2014 and People v. Wile 2016
sentence even if such child has reached 18 years or more at the time
If the CICL has reached eighteen (18) years of age while under of judgment. 2. By service of the sentence;
suspended sentence, the court shall determine whether 3. By amnesty, which completely extinguishes the penalty and
1. to discharge the child in accordance with this Act, d. Republic Act No. 10951
all its effects;
2. to order execution of sentence, or Hisoler v. De Asis 2018 4. By absolute pardon;
3. to extend the suspended sentence for a certain speci ied
Under Section 85 of R.A. No. 10951, the penalty for Estafa or 5. By prescription of the crime;
period or until the child reaches the maximum age of
twenty-one (21) years. swindling committed through false pretenses has been amended.
Applied in this case, since the penalty prescribed by law is a penalty 6. By prescription of the penalty;
A review of the provisions of RA No. 9344 reveals that imprisonment composed of only one period, Article 65 of the RPC requires the 7. By the marriage of the offended woman.
of CICL is by no means prohibited. While Section 5 (c) of RA No. division of the time included in the penalty into three portions, thus:
9344 bestows on CICL the right not to be unlawfully or arbitrarily a. Maximum : 9 years, 4 months and 1 day to 10 years Prescription
deprived of their liberty; imprisonment as a proper disposition of
b. Medium : 8 years, 8 months and 1 day to 9 years and 4 of crime
a case is duly recognized, subject to certain restrictions on the
imposition of imprisonment, namely: ★ the crime itself is extinguished because of failure to ile a
c. Minimum : 8 years and 1 day to 8 years and 8 months. case.
a) the detention or imprisonment is a disposition of last
resort, and The minimum term of the indeterminate sentence should be of penalty
b) the detention or imprisonment shall be for the shortest anywhere from six (6) years and one (1) day to eight (8) years. ★ The prescription of penalties found in Article 93 of the RPC,
appropriate period of time. Under R.A. No. 10951 therefore, the petitioner is liable to suffer the applies only to those who are convicted by inal judgment
indeterminate penalty of imprisonment ranging from six (6) years and are serving sentence which consist of deprivation of
Lastly, following Section 51 of RA No. 9344, the petitioner, although and one (1) day of prision mayor, as minimum, to eight (8) years and liberty.
he has to serve his sentence, may serve it in an agricultural camp eight (8) months of prision mayor, as maximum.
★ The period for prescription of penalties begins only when the
or other training facilities in a manner consistent with the offender ✔ RPC RA 10951 convict evades service of sentence by escaping during the
child's best interest. Such service of sentence will be in lieu of term of his sentence.
service in the regular penal institution. minimum 6M 1D 6Y 1D
Prescription of Crime Penalty Fine
People v. Ancajas 2015 maximum 10Y 8Y 8M

Allain acted with discernment as shown by his act of covering AAA's Section 100 of R.A. No. 10951 applies only insofar as it is favorable
Death, RP, RT 20Y 20Y
mouth with a handkerchief to prevent her from shouting and to the accused. While the imposable penalty under the RPC and R.A.
conspired with appellant Vergel in raping AAA. Allain was only 17 No. 10951 both have their advantages, the Court inds that the Reclusion temporal 20Y 15Y
years old when he committed the crime; he is, therefore, entitled to
penalty imposed under the RPC should apply.
the privileged mitigating circumstance of minority under Article
Other af lictive 15Y 15Y >1.2m
68(2) of the RPC.

Hence, the imposable penalty must be reduced by one degree, Correctional exc 10Y 10Y >40k – 1.2m
i.e., from reclusion perpetua, which is reclusion temporal. Being a

Based on the Books of Aquino, Sundiang, Miravite, De Leon, Reyes, Regalado, Campanilla by RGL 183 of 249
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offender; anonymous. Escape of a prisoner by inal judgment from jail.

2) Offender disobeys; 1) Offender is a convict by inal judgment;
155 Alarms and scandals
3) Disobedience not serious. 2) He is serving sentence consisting of deprivation of liberty;
1) Discharging any irearm, rocket, irecracker, or other 3) He escapes.
153 Tumults and other disturbances of public order explosive, within any town or public place, calculated to
cause (which produces) alarm or danger; 159 Violation of conditional pardon
1) Causing any serious disturbance in a public place, of ice,
establishment; 2) Instigating or taking an active par in any charivari or other
Conditionally pardoned convict violates any of the conditions set
disorderly meeting offensive to another or prejudicial to
2) Interrupting or disturbing performances, functions, forth in the pardon.
public tranquility;
gatherings, peaceful meetings, if the act is not included in 1) Offender was a convict;
Arts 131 and 132; 3) Disturbing the public peace while wandering about at night
or while engaged in any other nocturnal amusements; 2) Granted conditional pardon by Chief Executive;
3) Making an outcry tending to incite rebellion or sedition in
4) Causing any disturbance or scandal in public places while 3) Violated any of the conditions of the pardon.
any gathering;
intoxicated or otherwise, provided Art 153 is not applicable.
4) Displaying placards or emblems which provoke NOTES RE EVASION
disturbance; 156 Delivering prisoners from jails 1. Art 157, Quali ied:
5) Burying with pomp the body of a legally executed person.
Acts punished 1) means of unlawful entry;
Quali ied: If the disturbance or interruption is tumultuous.
1) Removal of a person from jail; 2) breaking doors, windows, gates, walls, roofs, or loors;
★ May commit a separate crime, i.e. serious physical injuries.
2) Assists in the escape of a prisoner. 3) using picklocks, false keys, disguise, deceit, violence or
★ May also be complexed, i.e. assault and tumultuous intimidation; or
disturbance. Elements
4) connivance with other convicts or employees of the penal
1) There is a person con ined in a jail;
Unlawful use of means of publication institution.
154 2) Offender removes therefrom such person, or helps him
and unlawful utterances
escape. 160 Quasi-recidivism
1) Publishing or causing to be published as news any false
NOTES Convict by inal judgment commits a new felony punishable by the
news which may endanger the public order, or cause damage
RPC before beginning to serve or while serving a sentence.
to the interest or credit of the State. 1. Separate and distinct from Bribery:
2) Encouraging disobedience to the law or to the constituted a) Briber - Art 156 + Art 212, corruption of a public of icer;
1) Offender is a convict by inal judgment;
authorities or by praising, justifying or extolling any act b) Jailer, if public of icer - Art 223, in idelity in the custody of
punished by law; 2) Committed a new felony before beginning to serve such
prisoners + Art 210, bribery;
sentence, or while serving the same.
3) Maliciously publishing or causing to be published any if private person - Art 225, next lower that Art 223 + Art 210;
of icial resolution or document without proper authority, or
c) Prisoner, if convict - Not liable in Art 156, but in Art 157; Gelig v. People 2010
before they have been of icially published.
if detention - no liability, but if convicted, shall not avail of
4) Printing, publishing or distributing (or causing the same) RTC convicted Lydia Gelig for committing the complex crime of
ISLAW. direct assault with unintentional abortion. On the day of the
books, pamphlets, periodicals, or lea lets which do not bear
the real printer's name, or which are classi ied as commission of the assault, Gemma was engaged in the performance
157 Evasion of service of sentence

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of her of icial duties, that is, she was busy with paperwork while 2) Offender either made, imported, or uttered such coins; 2) Offender either forged, imported or uttered such instrument;
supervising and looking after the needs of pupils. Lydia was already
angry when she entered the classroom and accused Gemma of calling 3) In case of uttering, he connived with the counterfeiters or 3) In case of uttering, he connived with the forger or importer.
her son a "sissy". Gemma then proceeded towards the principal's importers.
of ice but Lydia followed and resorted to the use of force by slapping Illegal possession and use of forged treasury or bank
and pushing her against a wall divider. The violent act resulted in Mutilation of coins, importation and uttering of notes and other instruments of credit
Gemma's fall to the loor. mutilated coins
1) Any treasury or bank note or certi icate or other obligation
Gemma, being a public school teacher, belongs to the class of 1) Mutilating coins with intent to damage or defraud. and security payable to bearer, or any instrument payable
persons in authority expressly mentioned in Article 152 of the RPC. 2) Importing or uttering such mutilated coins with to order or other document of credit not payable to bearer
connivance with the mutilator or importer. is forged or falsi ied by another person.
Pangan v. Gatbalite 2) Knowledge;
165 Selling of false or mutilated coins, without connivance
"Escape" in legal parlance and for purposes of Articles 93 and 157 of 3) Performs any of these acts:
the RPC means unlawful departure of prisoner from the limits of his Acts punished with corresponding elements a) Using any such forged or falsi ied instruments; or
custody. Clearly, one who has not been committed to prison cannot
be said to have escaped therefrom. 1) Possession of coin, counterfeited or mutilated by another b) Possessing with intent to use.
a) Possession
169 How forgery is committed
b) With intent to utter
D. Crimes Against Public Interest
c) Knowledge. 1) Giving to a treasury or bank note or any instrument payable
to bearer or to order mentioned therein the appearance of a
161 Counterfeiting or forging 2) Actually uttering
true and genuine document.
a) Actually uttering
Forging the: e.g. Writing the word "Victory" in ink at the back of the
b) Knowledge. one-peso bill which accused gave as payment. (PP v
1) Great Seal of the Government of the PH;
2) signature of the President; False Treasury or Bank notes
2) Erasing, Substituting, Counterfeiting, or Altering by any
3) stamp of the President.
Forging treasury or bank notes or other documents means the igures, letters, words, or sign contained therein.
162 Using forged signature or counterfeit seal or stamp 166 payable to bearer, importing, and uttering of such false e.g. A wrote B's name on the back of said treasury
or forged notes and documents
warrant as if B had indorsed it, and then presented it for
1) Great Seal of the Republic was counterfeited or the signature payment. (US v. Solito)
1) Forging or falsi ication of treasury or bank notes or other
or stamp of the Chief Executive was forged by another person;
documents payable to bearer; Falsification
2) Offender knew of the counterfeiting or forgery;
2) Importation;
3) He used the counterfeit seal or forged signature or stamp. 170 Falsi ication of legislative documents
3) Uttering in connivance with the forgers or importers.
Counterfeiting or Mutilating coins
Counterfeiting, importing and uttering instruments not 1) There be a bill, resolution, or ordinance of any stage and of
167 any legislative body;
163 Making, importing and uttering false coins. payable to bearer
2) Offender alters;
1) There be an instrument payable to order or other document
1) There be false or counterfeited coins; 3) He has no proper authority;
not payable to bearer;

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4) Alteration has changed the meaning. d) Wrongful intent of injuring a third person. b) Committed any acts in Art 171;
★ Person making the narration of facts must have c) Falsi ication committed in public, of icial, or
Falsi ication by public of icer, employee or notary or
171 knowledge of its falsity. commercial documents.
ecclesiastical minister
5) Altering true dates 2) Falsi ication of private documents.
Any public of icer, employee, or notary, or ecclesiastical minister,
★ Date must be essential. a) Offender committed act in Art 171 except par 7;
who takes advantage of his of icial position.
★ Must affect either the veracity or the effects of the b) Committed in any private document;
Acts punished with corresponding elements
document. c) Caused or with intent to cause damage to a third
1) Counterfeiting or imitating any handwriting, signature or
★ Altering dates in of icial receipts to prevent party.
discovery of malversation is falsi ication. 3) Use of falsi ied documents.
Two ways:
6) Making any alteration or intercalation in a genuine in a judicial proceeding
1) Counterfeiting, requisites are: document which changes its meaning.
a) Knowledge;
a) intent or attempt to imitate, a) There be an alteration or intercalation;
b) False document embraced in Art 171 or 172 pars
b) genuine and forged bear some resemblance; b) Made on a genuine document; 1-2;
c) Meaning of document has changed; and c) Introduced in evidence in any judicial proceeding.
2) Feigning which is simulating something that does
d) Change made the document speak something false. in any other transaction
not exist.
7) Issuing in authenticated form a document purporting to be a d) Used such document;
Making it appear that a person who does not know
copy of an inexistent document.
how to write has signed the document is feigning. e) Caused or with intent to cause damage.
★ Purporting to be a copy of an inexistent document -
2) Causing it to appear that persons have participated in any
Making a copy of a deed of sale which was never False medical certi icates, false certi icates of merit or
act or proceeding. 174
executed; service
a) Causing it to appear that a person participated in an
8) Intercalating any instrument or note relative to the issuance Punishable act committed by offender
act; and
thereof in a protocol, registry or of icial book.
b) Such person did not in fact participate. 1) Physician falsi ies medical certi icate,
★ Including in a copy a statement contrary to, or
3) Attributing to persons who have participated in an act or 2) Public Of icer falsi ies certi icate of merit or service,
different from that of the genuine original - Civil
proceeding statements other than those in fact made by them. good conduct, etc,
registrar stating that a person is legitimate contrary
a) A person participated in an act; to that stated in the original. 3) Private person falsi ies either.
b) He made statements in that act; and 175 Using false certi icates
Falsi ication by private individuals and use of falsi ied
c) Statements other than those made by such person documents
were attributed to him. 1) Art 174 has been committed;
Acts punished with corresponding elements
4) Making untruthful statements in a narration of facts. 2) Offender knew of the falsity;
1) Falsi ication of public, of icial or commercial documents.
a) In a document, there be a narration of facts; 3) He used the same.
a) Offender is private individual or public of icer who
b) Offender has legal obligation to disclose the truth; 177
did not take advantage of his of icial position; Usurpation
c) Facts are absolutely false;

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1) Usurpation of authority 2) Making a false af idavit. a) Solicited gift or promise;

knowingly and falsely representing oneself to be an of icer, Elements b) To refrain bidders from taking part.
agent, rep of the PH or any foreign gov't
1) Made statement under oath, or executed an af idavit upon a 2) Attempting bidders to stay away
2) Usurpation of of icial functions material matter; a) Attempted to cause bidders to stay away;
performing any act pertaining to any person in authority, 2) Such was made before a competent of icer, authorized to b) By threats, gifts, promises or other arti ice.
under pretense of of icial position, and without being receive and administer oath;
lawfully entitled to.
3) Willful and deliberate assertion of falsehood; Common bid manipulation practices:
False testimony 4) Statement or af idavit required by law. 1. Bid cover happens when a competitor submits a bid that is
184 Offering false testimony in evidence
180 False testimony against a defendant
a) higher than that of the designated winner,
1) Offered in evidence a false witness or testimony; b) too high to be accepted, or
1) There be a criminal proceeding;
2) Knows of falsity; c) contains special terms that are known to be unacceptable
2) Offender testi ies falsely under oath against defendant;
3) Made in a judicial or of icial proceeding. by the purchaser.
3) Knows of falsity;
2. Bid suppression happens when a company does not submit
4) Defendant is either acquitted or convicted by inal judgment. NOTES RE FALSE TESTIMONY a bid for inal consideration.
181 False testimony favorable to the defendant 1. Material matter is the main fact which is the subject of the 3. Bid rotation, takes turns winning bids.
inquiry or any circumstance which tends to prove that fact, or any
4. Market allocation, agree not to compete for certain
1) There be a criminal proceeding; fact or circumstance which tends to corroborate or strengthen the
customers or in certain areas.
2) Offender testi ies falsely under oath with intent to favor testimony, or which legitimately affects the credit of any witness
defendant; who testi ies. Has been repealed by RA 10667 or the Philippine
3) Knows of falsity; 2. Subornation of perjury is committed by procuring another to Competition Act
swear falsely.
182 False testimony in civil cases 3. Offer of testimonial evidence, begins the moment a witness is Layug v. Sandiganbayan
called to the witness stand and interrogated by counsel. There is authority to the effect that a fourth requisite, i.e., that the act
1) Civil case;
4. If the false witness desists, he is not liable. The offeror however of falsi ication was committed to the damage of a third party or with
2) Testimony is relevant, and intent to cause such damage, may be dispensed with as regards
is liable for attempted offering false testimony in evidence.
3) False; falsi ication of public or of icial documents. In the prosecution of
185 Machinations in public auctions cases involving falsi ication of daily time records, it is imperative
4) Knows of falsity; that there be proof of damage to the government. Such damage may
5) Malicious with intent to affect the issues presented. Common elements take the form of salary paid to the accused for services not rendered.

183 False testimony in other cases and perjury 1) There be public auction;
Tepoco v. People 2017 re Falsi ication of public documents
2) Intent to cause reduction of price
Acts punished Wrongful intent on the part of the accused to injure a third
Acts punished with additional elements
person is NOT an essential element of the crime of falsi ication
1) Falsely testifying under oath; and
1) Soliciting any gift or promise of public document.

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Malabanan v. Sandiganbayan 2017 iii) offend any race or religion; F. Crimes Committed by Public O cers

Offenders are considered to have taken advantage of their of icial iv) tend to abet us of prohibited drugs; and Who are public officers
position in falsifying a document if v) are contrary to law, public order, morals, good 1) Taking part in the performance of public functions in the
customs, established policies, lawful orders, Government, or
1) they had the duty to make or prepare or otherwise intervene
decrees and edicts;
in the preparation of the document; or Performing in said Government public duties as an employee,
2) they had of icial custody of the falsi ied document 3) Sell, give away, or exhibit offensive displays.
agent or subordinate of icial, of any rank or class;
In cases of falsi ication, we have interpreted that the criminal intent
Leus v. St. Scholastica’s College Westgrove 2015 2) His authority must be by
to pervert the truth is lacking in cases showing that
1) the accused did not bene it from the falsi ication; and a) direct provision of law;
The determination of whether a conduct is disgraceful or immoral
2) no damage was caused either to the government or to a third involves a two-step process: irst, a consideration of the totality of b) popular election; or
person. the circumstances surrounding the conduct; and second, an
assessment of the said circumstances vis-à -vis the prevailing norms c) appointment by competent authority.
of conduct, i.e., what the society generally considers moral and For purposes of RPC, there is no distinction between a public of icer
E. Crimes Against Public Morals respectable.
and a public employee. What is determinative is not the nature of
The morality referred to in the law is public and necessarily appointment but of the duties he performs.
200 Grave scandal secular, not religious.
Crimes Committed by Judges
1) Act is performed;
Madrilejos v. Gatdula 2019 En Banc
2) Such be highly scandalous as offending against decency or 204 Knowingly rendering unjust judgment
good customs; Ordinance No. 7780 is a local legislation which criminalizes
obscenity. Obscenity is unprotected speech. 1) Offender is a judge;
3) Not under any other article;
Under the circumstances, the proper recourse for petitioners would 2) Renders judgment;
4) Done in a public place or within public knowledge or view.
have been to go to trial to allow the RTC, as the trier of fact, to 3) Such is unjust;
Immoral doctrines, obscene publications and judicially determine whether the materials complained of as obscene
4) Knows it is unjust.
201 were indeed proscribed under the language of Ordinance No. 7780.
As part of their defense, petitioners can probably argue for the
(as amended by PD 969) 205 Rendering judgment through negligence
adoption of the Miller standards, which requires the trier of fact to
1) Publicly proclaim doctrines openly contrary to public ascertain:
1) Offender is a judge;
morals; a) whether "the average person, applying contemporary
community standards" would ind that the work, taken as a 2) Renders judgment;
2) a. Authors or publishers of, or owners of establishment whole, appeals to the prurient interest; 3) Such is manifestly unjust;
selling obscene literature;
b) whether the work depicts or describes, in a patently 4) Due to inexcusable negligence or ignorance.
b. Exhibit indecent or immoral plays, scenes, acts, or offensive way, sexual conduct speci ically de ined by the
shows which: applicable state law; and 206 Rendering unjust interlocutory order
i) glorify criminals or condone crimes; c) whether the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary,
artistic, political, or scienti ic value. 1) Offender is a judge;
ii) serves no other purpose but to satisfy market for
violence, lust or pornography; 2) (a) knowingly renders unjust interlocutory order; or

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b) under the custody of the offender who is a warden or b) a legitimate other ascendant, descendant or spouse of Rules for the application of circumstances to qualify murder
of similar position and duty; accused. a) Only one of the circumstances required; others considered as
c) the wife, daughter, sister, or relative within the same The law does not require knowledge of relationship. generic aggravating;
degree of af inity of the person in the custody of b) When the other circumstances are absorbed or included in
offender. Death or physical injuries under exceptional
247 the one that quali ies, they cannot be considered as generic
Lumauig v. People 2014 1) A legally married person or a parent surprises his spouse c) Any of the qualifying circumstances must be alleged.
A prior notice or demand for liquidation of cash advances is not or his daughter, the latter under 18 years of age and living Otherwise, the crime is only homicide with the qualifying
a condition sine qua non before an accountable public of icer with him, in the act of committing sexual intercourse only considered as generic aggravating.
may be held liable under Article 218. with another.
2) He or she kills, or in licts any serious physical injuries upon 249 Homicide
Legrama v. Sandiganbayan 2012 any or both, in the act or immediately thereafter.
1) A person was killed;
Mere absence of funds is not suf icient proof of conversion; neither is 3) He has not promoted or facilitated the prostitution of his
2) Without any justifying circumstance;
the mere failure of the public of icer to turn over the funds at any wife or daughter, nor has consented to the in idelity of the
given time suf icient to make even the prima facie case. In ine, spouse. 3) With intention to kill, which is presumed;
conversion must be proved. However, an accountable of icer may 4) Not murder, parricide, nor infanticide.
be convicted of malversation even in the absence of direct proof 248 Murder
of misappropriation so long as there is evidence of shortage in
his account which he is unable to explain. Any of the following aggravating circumstances are present
1. When victim is under 12 years of age: RP (Sec 10 RA 7610);
Under Article 217, a presumption was installed that upon demand 1) Treachery (16), taking advantage of superior strength (15),
with the aid of armed men (8), or employing means to 2. Intent to kill is conclusively presumed when death resulted. (US v
by any duly authorized of icer, the failure of a public of icer to have
duly forthcoming any public funds or property – with which said weaken the defense (15), or of means or persons to insure or Gloria)
of icer is accountable – should be prima facie evidence that he had afford immunity (8);
put such missing funds or properties to personal use. When these 251 Death caused in a tumultuous affray
2) In consideration of a price, reward, or promise (11);
circumstances are present, a “presumption of law” arises that there
was malversation of public funds or properties. 3) By means of inundation, ire, poison, explosion, shipwreck, 1) There be several persons;
stranding of a vessel, derailment or assault upon a railroad, 2) Did not compose groups organized for the common purpose
fall of an airship (12), by means of motor vehicles, or with of assaulting and attacking each other reciprocally;
G. Crimes Against Persons the use of great waste and ruin (20); 3) Quarreled and assaulted one another in a confused and
4) On occasion of any of the preceding, or of an earthquake, tumultuous manner;
Destruction of Life
eruption of a volcano, destructive cyclone, epidemic or other 4) Someone was killed;
246 Parricide public calamity (7);
5) It cannot be ascertained who actually killed the deceased;
5) Evident premeditation (13);
1) A person is killed; 6) Those who in licted serious physical injuries or who used
6) With cruelty (21), by deliberately and inhumanly augmenting violence:
2) Deceased is killed by the accused; the suffering of the victim, or outraging or scof ing at his
a) can be identi ied. - PM;
3) Deceased is: person or corpse (not in Art 14).
b) cannot be determined - PC med-max.
a) the father mother, or child, regardless of legitimacy; or

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1) Castration - depriving another, either totally or partially, of

NOTES Abortion
some essential organ for reproduction.
1. Tumultuous affray exists when at least four persons took part;
a) There is mutilation of penis or ovarium.
2. The person killed in the course of the affray need not be one of 256 Intentional abortion
b) It was purposeful and deliberate, to deprive the
the participants in said affray.
Acts punished offended party of reproducing.
252 Physical injuries in licted in a tumultuous affray 1) Using violence against a pregnant woman (RT). 2) Mayhem - lopping or clipping off any other part of the body.
2) Without violence and without consent of the woman (PM).
1) There is a tumultuous affray; 263 Serious physical injuries
3) With consent (PC med-max).
2) There are those who suffered serious or less serious
Elements If in consequence of the physical injuries in licted, injured
physical injuries only;
person shall:
3) Those responsible can not be identi ied; 1) There is a pregnant woman;
1) become insane, imbecile, impotent or blind
4) Those that have used violence upon the offended party are 2) Violence exerted, or drugs or beverages administered, or
acts upon the woman; 2) have lost the use of speech or the power to hear or to
smell, an eye, a hand, a foot, an arm, or a leg, or lost the
3) As a result, fetus dies;
253 Giving assistance to suicide use of any such principal member, or have become
4) Abortion is intended. incapacitated for the work he was habitually engaged.
1) By assisting another to commit suicide, whether it is 3) have become deformed, or have lost any other body part,
257 Unintentional abortion
consummated (PM) or not (AMay med-max); or the use thereof, or have been ill or incapacitated to
2) By lending his assistance to another to commit suicide to the 1) There is a pregnant woman; perform the work he was habitually engaged in for
extent of doing the killing himself (RT). 2) Violence is used without intending an abortion; more than 90 days.

3) Violence intentionally exerted; 4) have become ill or incapacitated for labor for more than
254 Discharge of irearms
30 days.
4) Fetus dies.
1) Discharges a irearm against or at another;
264 Administering injurious substances or beverages
2) No intention to kill. 260 Duel
1) Offender in licted upon another any serious physical
255 Infanticide 1) Killing one's adversary in a duel; (RT)
2) In licting physical injuries upon such adversary; (Penalty
1) Child was killed; 2) By knowingly administering any injurious substances or
according to the nature)
beverages or by taking advantage of his weakness of mind or
2) Less than 72 hours of age; 3) Making combat although no physical injuries have been credulity.
3) Accused killed the child. in licted. (AMay)
3) No intent to kill.

NOTES 265 Less serious physical injuries

Physical Injuries
1. Penalty is same as that for parricide or murder.
1) Incapacitated for labor for 10-30 days; or needs medical
2. Concealing dishonor mitigates liability for the mother (PM 262 Mutilation
attendance for same period.
med-max) and maternal grandparents (RT).
Acts punished 2) Injuries not those described in Art 263-264.

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266 Slight physical injuries and maltreatment b) under the custody of the police, military or any law b) the victim has become insane; RT
enforcement agency or penal institution. c) special complex crime of attempted rape with homicide; RT
1) Incapacitated offended party for labor from 1-9 days, or
required medical attendance during same period; (AMen) c) in full view of the spouse, parent, child, or other to RP
relatives within the 3rd degree of consanguinity. d) special complex crime of rape with homicide. RP
2) Did not prevent offended party from his habitual work or did
not require medical attendance. (AMen or Fine <=200 and d) offender knows victim as religious; e) any of the 10 qualifying of par 1. RT
Censure); e) victim is below 7 years old;
3) Ill-treatment of another by deed without causing any injury. f) offender knows he has HIV/AIDS or other STD and NOTES RE RAPE
(AMen min or Fine <=50) transmits to victim;
1. Indemnity and Damages
g) offender belongs to AFP, PNP, para-military, other law
Rape a. Civil indemnity is mandatory. (Pp v. Lascano)
enforcement agency or penal institution and takes
advantage of position. b. If quali ied, increased to not less than P75K, (Pp v. Victor)
266-A Rape by sexual intercourse (Ordinary)
h) permanent mutilation/disability; c. In rape with homicide: P100K as civil indemnity + P75K as
Penalty is RP when: moral + P25K as temperate + P100K as exemplary damages.
i) offender knows victim is pregnant;
(Pp v. Cumimba)
1) Offender is a man;
j) offender knows victim has mental disability,
d. Award of moral damages, automatic. Exemplary damages
2) Had carnal knowledge with a woman; emotional disorder and/or physical handicap.
justi ied under Art 2230 of Civil Code if there is an aggravating
3) Accomplished circumstance. (Pp v. Lucena)
266-A Rape through sexual assault (Object)
a) using force or intimidation; 2. Is resistance by the victim required to prove lack of consent to
b) when the woman is deprived of reason, or Penalty is PM the rape? Any physical overt act manifesting resistance against the
unconscious; 1) Offender commits sexual assault; rape in any degree from the victim is admissible as evidence of lack
c) through fraudulent machination or grave abuse of of consent. Tenacious resistance, however, is not required. Neither
2) Committed by inserting
authority; OR is a determined and persistent physical struggle on the part of the
a) his penis into another's mouth or anus; or victim necessary. (Pp v. Gondaway)
d) when woman is under 12 years of age (statutory rape)
b) any instrument or object into the genital or anal 3. Force as an element of rape need not be irresistible; it need but
or demented.
ori ice. be present. Intimidation must be viewed in light of the victim’s
Penalty is RP to Death when:
3) Accomplished perception and judgment at the time of the commission of the
1) with the use of a deadly weapon or by at least 2 persons; crime and not by any hard and fast rule.
a) using force or intimidation;
2) the victim has become insane; 4. Intimidation includes the moral kind as the fear caused by
b) when the woman is deprived of reason, or
3) special complex crime of attempted rape with homicide; unconscious; threatening the girl with a knife or pistol. (Pp v. Frias)
Penalty is Death when: c) through fraudulent machination or grave abuse 5. The victim’s moral character is immaterial, there being absolutely
1) special complex crime of rape with homicide. of authority; or when woman is under 12 years of no nexus between it and the odious deed committed. Even a
age or demented. prostitute or a woman of loose morals can be the victim of rape, for
2) with any of the following:
she can still refuse a man’s lustful advances. (Pp v. Agsaoay)
a) victim is minor and the offender is a parent, ascendant, Quali ied
6. Evidence which may be accepted in the prosecution of rape
step-parent, guardian, relative within the 3rd civil degree, a) with the use of a deadly weapon or by at least 2 persons; PM
or the common law spouse of the parent. to RT a) any physical overt act manifesting resistance against the act of

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rape in any degree from the offended party; or

because the crime of acts of lasciviousness is included in rape. subparagraph (d) of Article 266-A(1) of the RPC.
b) where the offended party is so situated as to render him/her
incapable of giving consent. Nonetheless, the mistake would not exonerate appellant.
People v. Aca-ac

Ricalde v. People 2015 Leonen, J In People v. Dalandas, citing People v. Dumanon, this Court held
Necessarily, rape is attempted if there is no penetration of the
that mental retardation can be proven by evidence other than
female organ because not all acts of execution were performed. The
Rape under the second paragraph of Article 266-A is also known as medical/clinical evidence, such as the testimony of witnesses and
offender merely commenced the commission of a felony directly by
“instrument or object rape,” “gender-free rape,” or “homosexual even the observation by the trial court.
overt acts. Taking into account the nature, elements, and manner of
rape.” The gravamen of rape through sexual assault is “the execution of the crime of rape and jurisprudence on the matter, it is
insertion of the penis into another person’s mouth or anal ori ice, or hardly conceivable how the frustrated stage in rape can ever be People v. YYY 2018 re Rape
any instrument or object, into another person’s genital or anal committed.
ori ice.” A medico-legal report is NOT indispensable in rape cases as it is
merely corroborative in nature. Thus, even without it, an accused
In People v. Soria, the court discussed that a victim need not identify People v. Dalisay may still be convicted on the sole basis of the testimony of the
what was inserted into his or her genital or anal ori ice for the court victim. As such, the credibility of the witness should be assessed
The presence of either hymenal laceration or spermatozoa on Lanie's
to ind that rape through sexual assault was committed. independently regardless of the presence or absence of a
private part is not an essential element of rape. In People v. Parcia,
medico-legal report. Trial courts are expected to scrutinize the
we held that the absence of sperm does not disprove the charge of
Baleros v. People victim's testimony with great caution, with or without a medico-legal
rape. Likewise, in People v. Regala, we ruled that an intact hymen
report to corroborate the same.
does not necessarily prove absence of sexual intercourse.
Whether or not the act of the petitioner, i.e., the pressing of a
chemical-soaked cloth while on top of Malou, constitutes an overt act
of rape. People v. Lining H. Crimes Against Personal Liberty and Security
NO. It would be too strained to construe petitioner's act of pressing a RTC found Gerry Lining guilty beyond reasonable doubt for the crime
of forcible abduction with rape, and for another count of rape. Illegal Detention
chemical-soaked cloth in the mouth of Malou which would induce
her to sleep as an overt act that will logically and necessarily ripen 267 Kidnapping and serious illegal detention
The medical inding that the victim was already a non-virgin, nor the
into rape. As it were, petitioner did not commence at all the
fact that she had sexual relations before, would not matter. Even a
performance of any act indicative of an intent or attempt to rape Penalty is RP to Death
woman of loose morals could still be a victim of rape, for the
Malou. It cannot be overemphasized that petitioner was fully clothed
essence of rape is the carnal knowledge of a woman against her will 1) Offender is a private individual;
and that there was no attempt on his part to undress Malou, let alone
and without her consent.
touch her private part. For what reason petitioner wanted the 2) Kidnaps or detains another, depriving the latter of his
complainant unconscious, if that was really his immediate intention, Nevertheless, accused-appellant could only be convicted for the liberty;
is anybody's guess. crime of rape, instead of the complex crime of forcible abduction 3) Act is illegal;
with rape. Indeed, it would appear from the records that the main
Perez v. CA objective of the accused when the victim was taken to the house of 4) Any of the following circumstance is present:
Mila Salvacion was to rape her. Hence, forcible abduction is a) lasts for more than 3 days;
Perez was found guilty of attempted rape. However, a careful absorbed in the crime of rape.
review of the records of the case shows that the crime committed by b) simulating public authority;
petitioner was acts of lasciviousness not attempted rape. c) any serious physical injuries are in licted or threats
People v. Monticalvo 2013
There is no showing in this case that petitioner’s sexual organ had to kill detainee are made;
A mental retardate can be classi ied as a person “deprived of
even touched complainant’s vagina nor any part of her body. d) detainee is a minor, female, or a public of icer; OR
reason,” not one who is “demented” and carnal knowledge of a
Although the information iled against petitioner was for
mental retardate is considered rape under subparagraph (b), not e) Person is kidnapped for ransom.
attempted rape, he can be convicted of acts of lasciviousness

Based on the Books of Aquino, Sundiang, Miravite, De Leon, Reyes, Regalado, Campanilla by RGL 205 of 249
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Maximum penalty of Death detention. 276 Abandoning a minor

1) if the purpose is to extort money; 3. When the victim is female, detention is under Art 267. Voluntary
1) Offender has custody of a child;
release is not mitigating in that article.
2) victim is killed or dies as a consequence; special complex 2) Who is under 7 years of age;
crime Kidnapping of minors 3) Abandons such child;
3) victim is raped; special complex crime
4) Has no intent to kill when child is abandoned.
4) victim is subjected to torture or dehumanizing acts. 270 Kidnapping and failure to return a minor
268 Slight illegal detention 1) Offender is entrusted with the custody of a minor;
2) Deliberately fails to restore said minor to his parents or 280 Trespass to dwelling
1) Offender is a private individual;
2) Kidnaps or detains another, depriving the latter of his liberty;
1) Offender is a private person;
3) Act is illegal; 271 Inducing a minor to abandon his home
2) Enters the dwelling of another;
4) Without any of the circumstances in Art 267. 1) The minor is living in the home of his parents or guardian or 3) Against the latter's will.
Penalty lowered to PM min-med when offender the person entrusted with is custody;
Quali ied: By means of violence or intimidation
a) voluntarily releases captive within 3 days, when he was in 2) Induces said minor to abandon such home.
the position to prolong detention; 281 Other forms of trespass
b) without having attained the purpose intended; and
Abandonment and Exploitation
1) Offender enters the closed premises or the fenced estate of
c) before the institution of criminal proceedings. another;
Abandonment of persons in danger and of one's own
275 2) It is uninhabited;
269 Unlawful arrest victim
3) Prohibition to enter be manifest;
1) Offender arrests or detains another; 1) Failing to render assistance to any person offender inds:
4) Has not secured the permission of the owner or caretaker.
2) Purpose is to deliver him to the proper authorities; a) In an uninhabited place,

3) Not authorized by law or there is no reasonable ground b) wounded or in danger of dying, Threats and Coercion
therefor. c) whilst he can render assistance without detriment to
himself, 282 Grave threats
NOTES RE ILLEGAL DETENTION d) he fails to render such, and
1) Where offender attained his purpose
1. The essence of the crime of kidnapping is e) such omission shall not constitute a more serious
a) Threatening another with the in liction upon his
a. the actual deprivation of the victim's liberty offense.
person, honor or property or that of his family of
b. coupled with an indubitable proof of intent on the part 2) Failing to help or assist another whom offender accidentally any wrong
of the malefactor to effect such restraint on the wounded or injured.
b) amounting to a crime and
offended party's liberty. 3) Failing to deliver a child under 7 years whom offender found
c) demanding money or imposing any other condition,
2. A public of icer must have duty under the law to detain persons, abandoned, to the authorities or to his family, or by failing to
even though not unlawful, and
otherwise he may be liable for kidnapping and not arbitrary take him to a safe place.

Based on the Books of Aquino, Sundiang, Miravite, De Leon, Reyes, Regalado, Campanilla by RGL 206 of 249
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d) the offender attained his purpose. Quali ied if the coercion is committed a) Offender pays the wages due a laborer by means of
2) Where offender did not attain his purpose; 1) in violation of the right of suffrage; tokens or objects;

3) Not subject to a condition 2) compel another to perform or b) Not legal tender;

a) Threatening another of in liction upon his person, 3) prevent another from performing any religious act. c) Not expressly requested by the employee.
honor or property or that of his family of any wrong Elements Formation, maintenance and prohibition of combination
b) amounting to a crime and 1) A person is prevented from doing something legal, or of capital or labor through violence or threats
c) not subject to a condition. compelled to do something against his will;
1) Offender employs violence or threats, in such a degree as to
2) Effected through violence, threats or intimidation; and compel or force the laborers or employers in the free and
283 Light threats
3) The restraint shall not be authorized or not in the exercise legal exercise of their industry or work.
1) Makes a threat to commit a wrong; of a lawful right. 2) Purpose is to organize, maintain or prevent coalitions of
2) Does not amount to a crime; capital or labor, strike of laborers or lockout of employers.
287 Light coercions
3) There is demand for money or imposing any other condition, People v. Benedicto Ramos
even though not unlawful; and 1) Offender is a creditor;
For kidnapping to exist, it is not necessary that the offended party
4) Offender has or has not attained his purpose. 2) Seizes anything belonging to his debtor; be kept within an enclosure to restrict her freedom of locomotion.
3) By means of violence, or display of material force producing It is enough that, as in the instant case, she was in any manner
285 Other light threats deprived of her liberty, unable to move - and get out - as she pleased.
Acts Punished ★ If no violence or intimidation, unjust vexation The rule now is: Where the person kidnapped is killed in the
1) (a) Threatening another with a weapon, or 4) Purpose is to apply same to the payment of debt. course of the detention, regardless of whether the killing was
purposely sought or was merely an afterthought, the kidnapping and
(b) by drawing such weapon in a quarrel, unless it be in murder or homicide can no longer be complexed under Art. 48, nor
288 Other similar coercions
lawful self-defense; be treated as separate crimes, but shall be punished as a special
2) Orally threatening another, in the heat of anger, with some 1) Forcing or compelling, directly or indirectly, or knowingly complex crime under the last paragraph of Art. 267, as amended.
harm constituting a crime, without persisting in the idea permitting such be done to the laborer or employee of the
involved in his threat; offender to purchase merchandise of any kind from him. People v. Anticamara 2011

3) Orally threatening another to do any harm not constituting a a) Offender is any person, agent or of icer of any The last paragraph of Article 267 of the RPC provides that if the
felony. association or corporation; victim is killed or dies as a consequence of the detention, or is raped
or subjected to torture or dehumanizing acts, the maximum penalty
b) Employed laborers or employees; and
286 Grave coercions shall be imposed. In People v. Larrañaga, this provision gives rise
c) Forces or compels, directly or indirectly, or to a special complex crime. Thus, We hold that appellant Lando is
Acts punished knowingly permits such be done to the employee of guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the special complex crime of
the offender to purchase merchandise of any kind kidnapping and serious illegal detention with rape.
1) Preventing another, by means of violence, threats or
intimidation from doing something legal. from him.
However, the Court does not agree with the CA and trial court's
2) Compelling another, by means of violence, threats or 2) Paying the wages due his laborer or employee by means of judgment inding appellant Al liable for Rape. In People v. Suyu, We
intimidation, to do something against his will, may it be right tokens or objects other than the legal tender, unless expressly ruled that once conspiracy is established between several accused in
requested by the employee. the commission of the crime of robbery, they would all be equally
or wrong.

Based on the Books of Aquino, Sundiang, Miravite, De Leon, Reyes, Regalado, Campanilla by RGL 207 of 249
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culpable for the rape committed by anyone of them on the occasion A public of icer who detains a person for the purpose of a) With violence against, or intimidation of persons
of the robbery, unless anyone of them proves that he endeavored to extorting ransom cannot be said to be acting in an of icial (Arts 294, 297, 298);
prevent the others from committing rape. capacity. In People v. Santiano, this Court explained that public
of icials may be prosecuted under Article 267 of the RPC if they act in b) By the use of force upon things (Arts 299, 302)
There is no evidence to prove that appellant Al was aware of the their private capacity. The burden is on the accused to prove that
subsequent events that transpired after the killing of Sulpacio and the he or she acted in furtherance of his or her of icial functions. NOTES
kidnapping of AAA. Appellant Al could not have prevented appellant
Lando from raping AAA, because at the time of rape, he was no longer In this case, Ronalyn was clearly deprived of her liberty. She was 1. Where the taking was lawful and the unlawful misappropriation
associated with appellant Lando. forcibly taken inside a vehicle by accused-appellant and his cohorts was subsequent thereto, the crime is estafa or malversation.
and was driven around Quezon City for at least ive (5) hours. But if intent from the very beginning was to gain from the
People v. Dionaldo 2014 prohibited material, even with lawful taking, then it is robbery.
People v. Concepcion 2018 Leonen, J 2. Unlawful taking complete from the moment the offender gains
The Court is, however, constrained to modify the ruling of the RTC
re kidnapping absorbed in rape possession of the thing as to robbery with violence against or
and the CA, as the crime the accused-appellants have committed does
not merely constitute Kidnapping and Serious Illegal Detention, but intimidation of persons. The thing must be taken out of the
Accused abducted the victim and then raped her. Thereafter, he
that of the special complex crime of Kidnapping for Ransom with prevented her from leaving by placing electric wire around the room building as to robbery with force upon things.
Homicide. This is in view of the victim’s (i.e., Edwin's) death, which where she was in to prevent anyone who might come to release her. 3. In order for the element of violence or intimidation to be
was (a) speci ically charged in the Information, and (b) clearly The abduction of the victim by the accused is absorbed in the crime appreciated, it must be present before the taking of personal
established during the trial of this case. of rape since it was resorted to in order to commit the latter crime. property is complete. Except, when the violence results in (a)
Further taking into account the fact that the kidnapping was The continued detention of AAA after the rape cannot be deemed homicide, (b) rape, (c) intentional mutilation, (d) or serious
committed for the purpose of extorting ransom, accused-appellants’ absorbed in it. The detention was illegal and not attended by the physical injuries under pars 1 and 2.
conviction must be modi ied from Kidnapping and Serious Illegal circumstances that would render it serious illegal detention. Thus, 4. Robbery at a glance
Detention to the special complex crime of Kidnapping for Ransom this Court inds accused-appellant guilty of the crime of slight illegal
with Homicide, which carries the penalty of death. detention. a) If there is violence against or intimidation of any person,
always robbery.
People v. Bandoquillo 2016 b) In the irst type of robbery, the value of robbed property is
I. Crimes Against Property immaterial. Penalty depends on (1) the result of the violence
Bandoquillo is a private individual who, along with his cohorts,
used, and (2) on the existence of intimidation.
kidnapped Hung Yee Chua (Yee) and 5 minors. The abductors Robbery
simulated public authority by misrepresenting themselves as c) On the second type, penalty is based on (1) value, (2)
PDEA agents when they forcibly took the victims. In kidnapping and 293 Robbery, in general carrying of arms, if carried out in inhabited buildings.
serious illegal detention for ransom, the purpose of extorting ransom
1) Elements of robbery in general d) Penalty based solely on value if carried out in uninhabited
is a qualifying circumstance which must be alleged in the
Information and proved by the prosecution as the crime itself by buildings.
a) there be (1) personal property, (2) belonging to
words and overt acts of the accused before, during and after the 5. If robbery was effected by employing both violence against or
kidnapping and detention of the victim. In the case at bench, the intimidation of persons and force upon the things, the latter will
Information did not contain an allegation that Bandoquillo and b) there is (3) unlawful taking of that property;
be absorbed by the former. Thus, the proper crime to be charged
his cohorts intended to extort ransom to obtain the release of c) such must be (4) with intent to gain; and is under Art 294, not Art 299.
the victims. Accordingly, Bandoquillo should be convicted only of
simple kidnapping and serious illegal detention. d) there is (5) violence against or intimidation of 6. RA 10883, the New Anti-Carnapping Act of 2016, which lapsed
any person, or force upon anything. into law on July 17, 2016, is the law applicable when property
People v. Borja 2017 Leonen, J 2) Classi ication of robbery taken in robbery is a motor vehicle.

Based on the Books of Aquino, Sundiang, Miravite, De Leon, Reyes, Regalado, Campanilla by RGL 208 of 249
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294 Robbery with violence against or intimidation of persons a) an uninhabited place, or Elements of subdivision A

b) by a band, or 1) Offender entered

Par 1. Robbery with homicide
c) by attacking a moving train, street car, motor vehicle, or a) an inhabited place, or
1) Robbery with homicide is taken in its generic sense and
absorbs all other crimes, i.e. serious physical injuries, airship, or b) public building, or
contemporaneous thereto. If committed by a band, such d) by entering the passengers' compartments in a train, or c) edi ice devoted to religious worship.
becomes only a generic aggravating circumstance. e) on a street, road, highway, or alley, and with the use of 2) The entrance effected by:
2) One of the following must be proven that the homicide irearms. a) an opening not intended for entrance or egress;
was committed:
296 Robbery by a band b) breaking any wall, roof, or loor or breaking any
a) to facilitate the robbery or escape of culprits; door or window;
b) to preserve the possession of the loot; 1) At least four armed malefactors take part in committing c) using false keys, picklocks or similar tools;
c) to prevent discovery; or robbery.
d) using any ictitious name or pretending the exercise
d) to eliminate witnesses or suppress evidence. 2) When any of the arms used is unlicensed, the penalty upon of public authority.
all robbers shall be the maximum corresponding penalty,
Par 1. Robbery with rape 3) Once inside, takes personal property of another with intent to
without prejudice to the criminal liability of illegal
1) The intent to gain must precede the rape. gain.
possession of such irearms.
2) Committed when the robbery is accompanied by rape. Elements of subdivision B
3) Any member present shall be punished as principal of any of
3) The rape must be consummated. the assaults, unless it be shown that he attempted to prevent 1) Offender is inside regardless of how he entered;

Pars 2-3. Robbery with serious physical injuries the same. 2) The unlawful taking done by

1) The injuries were in licted in the course of the robbery; and 4) A band member is liable for any assaults committed when a) breaking of doors, wardrobes, chests, or any other
the following concur: kind of locked or sealed furniture or receptacle; OR
2) In licted upon those not responsible for the crime.
a) He was a member; b) by taking such away to be broken or forced open
Par 4. Robbery with unnecessary violence and intimidation
b) Present at the commission of robbery; outside.
1) If the violence or intimidation employed in the commission
of the robbery c) Others committed the assault; 300 Robbery in an uninhabited place and by a band
2) shall have been carried to a degree clearly unnecessary for d) Did not attempt to prevent assault.
1. Quali ies Art 299. Punished by the maximum period of the
the commission of the crime, or
298 Robbery by execution of deeds ⭐ penalty therefor.
3) when in the course of its execution, the offender shall have
2. That the place be uninhabited, and committed by a band
in licted upon any person not responsible for its commission 1) Offender intends to defraud another;
must concur.
any of the physical injuries covered by subdivisions 3 and 4 2) Compels him to sign, execute, or deliver any public
of Article 263. 3. The inhabited house, public building, edi ice for religions
instrument or document;
worship must be located in an uninhabited place.
Par 5. Robbery with the use of violence and intimidation 3) By means of violence or intimidation.
4. Art 299 is quali ied when both circumstances concur. In
★ Simple robbery.
Robbery in an inhabited house, public building, or Robbery with violence against or intimidation of persons,
Robbery under subdivisions 3, 4, 5 of Art 294 quali ied if 299
edi ice devoted to public worship either may qualify (Art 295).
committed in:
What is an inhabited house and their dependencies

Based on the Books of Aquino, Sundiang, Miravite, De Leon, Reyes, Regalado, Campanilla by RGL 209 of 249
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1) Dependencies must be 3) Purpose is to 3) done with intent to gain;

a) Contiguous, a) commit robbery in the highway, 4) without consent of owner;
b) have an interior entrance connected therewith, and b) kidnap for ransom, or 5) be accomplished without violence against or, intimidation of
c) form part of the whole. c) attain by means of force and violence any other persons, or force upon things.

2) Orchards and lands used for cultivation, not dependencies. purpose. 310. Quali ied Theft if
1) theft committed by a domestic servant;
302 Robbery in an uninhabited place or in a private building 307 Aiding and abetting brigands
2) with grave abuse of con idence;
1) Offender enters an uninhabited or a private building. 1) There is a band of brigands; 3) property stolen is a
2) Any was present: 2) Offender knows; a) motor vehicle,
a) entrance was effected through an opening not 3) Does any: b) mail matter,
intended for egress; a) aids, abets, protects c) large cattle;
b) a wall, roof, loor, or outside door or window was b) gives info on police movement; 4) consists of coconuts taken from plantation;
broken; c) acquires or receives property taken by such 5) ish taken from ishpond or ishery;
c) false keys, picklocks, were used to effect entrance; brigands.
6) on the occasion of ire, earthquake, typhoon, volcanic
d) a door, wardrobe, chest, was broken; eruption, or any other calamity, vehicular accident, civil
e) a closed or sealed receptacle was removed, and be disturbance.
broken open elsewhere. 308 Theft QUALIFIED THEFT
3) Personal property of another was taken with intent to gain. 1. Penalty is two degrees higher.
Who are liable for theft
304 Possession of picklocks or similar tools 1) With intent to gain, but without violence against or 2. Grave abuse of con idence is a mere circumstance which
intimidation of persons nor force upon things, take, personal aggravates and quali ies the crime. It is not necessary for said
1) Offender has possession; property, of another, without the latter's consent. circumstance to be premeditated in order to be taken into
2) Such are specially adapted to commit robbery; and consideration. Its presence in the commission of the crime is
2) Having found lost property, fail to deliver same to the local
suf icient.
3) Possession was unlawful. authorities or its owner.
3. Theft by domestic servant always quali ied. Not so for
3) After having maliciously damaged the property of another,
False keys housemate. Not for laborer.
remove or make use of the fruits or object of the damage
1) (a) Art 304; (b) Genuine keys stolen from owner; (c) Any keys. caused by them. 4. Theft by truck driver or by shepherd or by one who had access to
the place where the stolen property is kept is quali ied theft.
Brigandage 4) Enter an enclosed estate or a ield where trespass is
forbidden and without consent, hunt or ish upon the same or Usurpation
306 Brigandage gather fruits, cereals or other forest or farm products.
Elements 312 Occupation of real property
Exists when
1) Taking of personal property; Acts punished
1) There are at least four armed men.
2) belonging to another; 1) taking possession of any real property of another by means
2) Forming a band of robbers;

Based on the Books of Aquino, Sundiang, Miravite, De Leon, Reyes, Regalado, Campanilla by RGL 210 of 249
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of violence against or intimidation of persons. business or imaginary transactions, or by means of other 4) There is demand from offended party (not required when
2) usurping any real rights in property belonging to another by similar deceits. there is evidence of misappropriation)
means of VAIP. b) altering the quality, ineness or weight of anything ★ Three (3) ways of committing
Elements pertaining to his art or business.
1) misappropriating or
1) takes possession of any real property or usurps any real c) pretending to have bribed any Government employee.
2) converting the thing received; or
rights thereof; (maximum penalty)
3) denying that the thing was received.
2) belongs to another; d) postdating or issuing a bouncing check.
1. Estafa by conversion. Pledging a thing which was received only
3) violence against or intimidation of persons is used; e) obtaining any food or accommodation, or credit of such.
to be sold on commission. It presupposes that the thing has been
4) with intent to gain. (par 3) BY ANY OF THE FOLLOWING FRAUDULENT MEANS devoted to a purpose or use different from that agreed upon.
a) inducing another, by means of deceit, to sign a document; 2. Estafa by misappropriation. Appellant took the sum of P8.3K
313 Altering boundaries or landmarks
b) resorting to some fraudulent practice to insure success in a out of the funds of the Manila Railroad Company, replacing it with
1) There be boundary marks or monuments, or estates; gambling game; his personal check. He directed the cashier to hold the check until
c) removing, concealing, or destroying, in whole or in part, any end of month. He used the amount for his personal use. It was
2) Offender alters same.
court record, of ice iles, document, or any other papers. found out he had insuf icient funds to cover the check, though
314 Fraudulent insolvency later, he was able to replenish said account. He is still guilty
Elements in general
because the law does not distinguish between permanent and
1) Offender is a debtor with due and demandable obligation; 1) Accused defrauded another by temporary misappropriations.
2) He absconds with his property; a) abuse of con idence, or 3. In estafa, damage to the offended party, not the gain of the
b) means of deceit; and offender, is the important consideration.
3) To the prejudice of his creditors.
2) Damage or prejudice capable of pecuniary estimation caused 4. Demand is not legally required, but is necessary to show
Swindling and Other Deceits upon injured party. circumstantial evidence of misappropriation after failing to
account upon demand.
315 Swindling or Estafa Elements of estafa with unfaithfulness (sub 1[a])
5. There is no estafa through negligence.
1) Offender has an onerous obligation to deliver something of
Fraud committed by these means: value; 6. Estafa through falsi ication of public documents (FPD) is
(par 1) WITH UNFAITHFULNESS OR ABUSE OF CONFIDENCE necessarily included in a charge of malversation through FPD.
2) He alters its substance, quality or quantity;
a) altering the substance, quantity, or quality of anything of 7. Misappropriation of policeman of irearms received is: estafa,
3) Damage or prejudice is caused.
value; when it is not involved in the commission of a crime, and
malversation, if it is involved.
b) misappropriating or converting any personal property Elements of estafa with abuse of con idence (sub 1[b])
received in trust, or denying to having received same.;
1) Money, goods, or other personal property be received in Elements of estafa by taking undue advantage of the signature
c) taking undue advantage of the signature in blank, and by trust, or on commission, or for administration, or under any in blank (sub 1[c])
writing any document above such. other obligation involving the duty to make delivery of, or to 1) The paper with the signature of the offended party be in
(par 2) BY FALSE PRETENSES return. blank;
a) using ictitious names, or falsely pretending to possess 2) Such has been misappropriated or converted; 2) Offended party should have delivered it to the offender;
power, in luence, quali ications, property, credit, agency, 3) To the prejudice of another;

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3) A document is written above the signature without authority; by him. real property, pretending to be the owner of the same.

4) Liability or damage is caused to another. Elements of estafa by removing, concealing, or destroying 1) Thing be immovable;
documents (No 3[c]) 2) Offender falsely represents to be the owner;
Elements of estafa by means of DECEIT (subs 2, 3) 1) There be court record, of ice iles, documents or any other 3) Executed an act of ownership;
1) There must be a false pretense, fraudulent act, or fraudulent papers;
4) To the prejudice of owner or a third person.
means; 2) Offender removed, concealed or destroyed any of them;
Par 2. By disposing of real property as free from encumbrance,
2) Must be made prior to or simultaneously with the 3) With intent to defraud another. although such be not recorded.
commission of the fraud; Element of damage or prejudice may consist in: 1) Thing disposed is real property;
3) Offended party relied on it, or was induced by it to part with 1) Offended party being deprived of his money or property, as 2) Offender knew of the encumbrance, recorded or not.
his property. result of the defraudation;
3) There is express representation that the property is free from
4) There is damage. 2) Disturbance in property right; or any encumbrance;
Three (3) ways of committing Art 315 No. 2[a] 3) Temporary prejudice. 4) There is damage to another.
1) using ictitious name;
Par 3. By wrongfully taking by the owner his personal property
2) falsely pretending to possess: power, in luence, quali ications, NOTES RE ESTAFA
from its lawful possessor
property, credit, agency, business or imaginary transactions; 1. Disturbance in property rights. Though the typewriter was
1) Offender is the owner of personal property;
or later recovered after it was sold to another by accused,
complainant suffered disturbance of his property right over said 2) It is in the lawful possession of another;
3) through similar deceits.
typewriter. 3) Offender wrongfully takes it from its lawful possessor;
Elements of estafa by postdating a check or issuing a check in
payment of an obligation. (No 2[d]) 2. The basis of penalty is the amount or value misappropriated and 4) Prejudice is caused upon the possessor or a third person.
not delivered or returned before the institution of criminal action.
1) Offender postdated a check, or issued a check in payment of Par 4. By executing any ictitious contract to the prejudice of
Payment subsequent to the commission of estafa does not
an obligation; another
distinguish the criminal liability.
2) Done when the offender had no funds in the bank, or his Par 5. By accepting any compensation for services not rendered
3. Temporary prejudice. Complainant bought a ilter from an agent
funds deposited therein were not suf icient to cover the or for labor not performed.
through a check. The ilter was not delivered, and found agent to
amount. Par 6. By selling, mortgaging or encumbering real property or
be bogus. He called bank to suspend payment. Thus, he could not
dispose of the amount in the check possessed by the accused properties with which the offender guaranteed the
Elements of estafa by inducing another to sign any document. ful illment of his obligation as surety.
bogus agent.
(No 3[a])
4. If a person procures a loan through a falsi ied public document, 1) Offender is a surety in a bond;
1) Offender induced offended party to sign a document;
but settles said loan in due time, there is no estafa, only 2) He guaranteed with his real property/ies;
2) Deceit be employed; falsi ication. 3) He encumbers said guaranty;
3) Offended party personally signed; 5. There is a complex crime of theft and estafa. 4) Such encumbrance is
4) Prejudice be caused.
316 Other forms of swindling a) without express authority from court,
There should be proof that defendant made statements tending to
b) made before the cancellation of his bond, OR
mislead the complainant as to the character of the document executed Par 1. By conveying, selling, encumbering, or mortgaging any
c) before being relieved from the bond.

Based on the Books of Aquino, Sundiang, Miravite, De Leon, Reyes, Regalado, Campanilla by RGL 212 of 249
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There must be damage caused under Art 316. 3) Train, ship, vessel, airship, plane; 2) For the bene it of another;
4) Building, factory, warehouses, devoted to the service of 3) Motivated by spite or hate towards owner or
317 Swindling a minor
public utilities; occupant;
1) Offender takes advantage of the inexperience, emotions, or 5) Any building burnt to conceal evidence of another violation 4) By a syndicate (at least 3 persons).
feelings of a minor; of law, to conceal bankruptcy or defrauding creditors or to
2) Induces such minor collect from insurance. NOTES RE ARSON

a) to assume an obligation, 6) Arsenal, shipyard, storehouse, military power or ireworks 1. Attempted arson. Placing the rags soaked in gasoline beside the
factory, ordinance, storehouse, archives, general museum of wooden wall of the building and lighting a match.
b) to give release, OR
the Government; 2. Frustrated arson. The rags were set on ire, but were put out
c) to execute a transfer of any property right;
7) In an inhabited place, any storehouse or factory of before any part of the building was burned.
3) Consideration be in lammable or explosive materials. 3. If main objective is burning, but death results, arson.
a) some loan of money,
PD 1613. Simple Arson 🔗 4. If purpose is to kill a person in the building, and setting it on ire
b) credit, OR was the means resorted, murder.
c) other personal property; ★ Arson is the malicious destruction of property by ire. 5. If killing has been committed, then the building is burnt to cover
4) To the detriment of the minor. ★ Kinds of arson: it up, murder/homicide AND arson.
1) Simple arson;
318 Other deceits Malicious Mischief
2) Destructive arson;
1) Defrauding or damaging another by any other deceit not 3) Other cases of arson. 327 Malicious mischief
mentioned in the preceding articles.
★ Simple arson. Burning or setting ire to the property of 1) Offender deliberately caused damage to the property of
2) Interpreting dreams, by making forecasts, telling fortunes, or another, or his own under circumstances which expose to another;
by taking advantage of the credulity of the public in any other danger the life or property of another. PM.
similar manner, for pro it or gain. 2) Such act does not constitute arson;
★ Other cases of arson. Punished by RT-RP
3) Be done merely for the sake of damaging it.
Arson 1) Any government building;
328. Special cases or Quali ied malicious mischief
2) Inhabited house or dwelling;
320 Destructive Arson 1) To obstruct performance of public function.
3) Industrial establishment, shipyard, oil well, mine
2) Using any poisonous or corrosive substance;
Penalty of RP to Death to any person who burns the following shaft, platform or tunnel;
3) Spreading any infection or contagion among cattle.
1) One or more buildings, consequent to 1 single act of burning, 4) Plantation, farm, pasture land, growing crop, grain
ield, orchard, bamboo grove or forest; 4) Causing damage to property of the National Museum, Library,
or as a result of simultaneous burnings or committed on
or to any archive or registry, waterworks, road, promenade,
several or different occasions. 5) Rice, sugar, cane mills, or mill central;
or any other thing used in common by the public.
2) Any building of public or private ownership where people 6) Railway or bus station, airport, wharf or warehouse.
usually congregate, regardless of whether offender knows ★ Special aggravating circumstances. MAX 332 Persons exempt from criminal liability
that there are persons in said building at the time it is set on
1) Intent to gain; Crimes involved
ire, and whether it is inhabited or not.

Based on the Books of Aquino, Sundiang, Miravite, De Leon, Reyes, Regalado, Campanilla by RGL 213 of 249
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a) Theft; penalty of reclusion perpetua to death shall be imposed. a) if the main objective is the burning of the building or edi ice,
b) Estafa; but death results by reason or on the occasion of arson, the
Here, the applicable provision of law should be Sec. 3, par. 2, of PD
crime is simply arson, and the resulting homicide is
c) Malicious mischief. 1613, which imposes a penalty of reclusion temporal to reclusion
perpetua for other cases of arson as the properties burned by
Persons exempted accused are speci ically described as houses, contemplating b) if, on the other hand, the main objective is to kill a particular
a) Spouses, ascendants, descendants, or relatives by af inity in inhabited houses or dwellings under the aforesaid law. The 3rd person who may be in a building or edi ice, when ire is
the same line; special aggravating circumstance cannot be appreciated in the present resorted to as the means to accomplish such goal the crime
case where it appears that he was acting more on impulse, heat of committed is murder only; lastly,
b) Widowed spouse with respect to the property which anger or risen temper. Thus, accused-appellant must be held guilty c) if the objective is, likewise, to kill a particular person, and in
belonged to the deceased spouse before the same passed into of Simple Arson. fact the offender has already done so, but ire is resorted to
the possession of another. as a means to cover up the killing, then there are two
c) Brothers and sisters and brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law, if People v. Buebos separate and distinct crimes committed —
living together. homicide/murder and arson.
The legal basis of the trial court in convicting petitioners of arson is
People v. Soriano re Arson Section 3[2] of P.D. No. 1613. The elements of this form of arson are: Abayon is charged with the crime of arson because his intent was
a) there is intentional burning merely to destroy his family's apartment through the use of ire. The
Arson is the malicious burning of property. resulting deaths that occurred, therefore, should be absorbed by
1) Destructive Arson (Art. 320) and b) of an inhabited house or dwelling. the crime of arson and only increases the imposable penalty to
2) other cases of arson (PD 1613). reclusion perpetua to death.
Admittedly, there is a con luence of the foregoing elements here.
However, the information failed to allege that what was
This classi ication is based on the kind, character and location of intentionally burned was an inhabited house or dwelling. That Batac v. People 2018 re Estafa through false checks vis-a-vis BP 22
the property burned, regardless of the value of the damage caused. is fatal. In ine, petitioners can be convicted only of simple arson,
under Section 1[1] of P.D. No. 1613, punishable by prision mayor. The CA af irmed the decision of the RTC inding Batac guilty beyond
Article 320 of the RPC, aab RA 7659, contemplates the malicious reasonable doubt of Estafa de ined under Article 315, paragraph 2(d)
burning of structures, both public and private, hotels, buildings, committed against Frias. Jurisprudence has consistently held that
edi ices, trains, vessels, aircraft, factories and other military, People v. Macabando 2013 such estafa consists of the following elements:
government or commercial establishments. If as a consequence
The Information alleged that the appellant set ire to his own house, 1) the offender has postdated or issued a check in payment of
of the commission of any of the acts penalized under Art. 320, death
and that the ire spread to other inhabited houses. That the an obligation contracted at the time of the postdating or
should result, the mandatory penalty of death shall be imposed.
appellant’s act affected many families will not convert the crime to issuance;
On the other hand, PD 1613 remains the governing law for Simple destructive arson, since the appellant’s act does not appear to be 2) at the time of postdating or issuance of said check, the
Arson. If special aggravating circumstances are present, the penalty heinous or represents a greater degree of perversity and offender has no funds in the bank or insuf icient; and
under Sec. 3 shall be imposed in its maximum period: viciousness when compared to those acts punished under Article
3) the payee has been defrauded.
320 of the RPC. The established evidence only showed that the
a) If committed with intent to gain;
appellant intended to burn his own house, but the con lagration In People v. Reyes, the Court ruled that for estafa under the above
b) If committed for the bene it of another; spread to the neighboring houses. provision to prosper, the issuance of the check must have been
c) If the offender is motivated by spite or hatred towards the the inducement for the other party to part with his money or
owner or occupant of the property burned; and, People v. Abayon 2016 property.
d) If committed by a syndicate, or group of three (3) or more
persons. There is no complex crime of arson with (multiple) homicide. The prosecution suf iciently demonstrated Batac's deceit when it
established that the latter induced Frias into buying the checks at a
If by reason, or on the occasion of Simple Arson death results, the In cases where both burning and death occur, it is de rigueur to rediscounted rate by representing to him that she had enough funds
ascertain the main objective of the malefactor: in her account to cover them.

Based on the Books of Aquino, Sundiang, Miravite, De Leon, Reyes, Regalado, Campanilla by RGL 214 of 249
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Brokmann was convicted of the crime of estafa, under Art 315, par and under obligation to deliver and turn over to his principal, he is
Deceit and damage are essential elements in Article 315 (2-d), but are 1(b). The offense of estafa, in general, is committed either by guilty of the crime of estafa as de ined by Article 315, paragraph 1,
not required in BP 22. Other differences between the two also include subparagraph (e). The next question is whether the present
the following: a) abuse of con idence (Par 1) or
information for quali ied theft alleges suf icient facts to sustain a
1) a drawer of a dishonored check may be convicted under BP b) means of deceit (Par 2). conviction for estafa.
22 even if he had issued the same for a preexisting
Deceit is not an essential requisite of estafa by abuse of An essential element of the crime of estafa is that the money or goods
obligation, while under Article 315 (2-d), such circumstance
con idence; the breach of con idence takes the place of fraud or misappropriated or converted by the accused to the prejudice of
negates criminal liability;
deceit, which is a usual element in the other estafas. In this case, the another was received by him "in trust or on commission, or for
2) speci ic and different penalties are imposed in each of the charge against the petitioner and her subsequent conviction was for administration, or under any other obligation involving the duty to
two offenses; estafa committed by abuse of con idence. Thus, it was not necessary make delivery of, or to retain the same". No such allegation
3) estafa is essentially a crime against property, while for the prosecution to prove deceit as this was not an element of the appears in the above information. Consequently, we agree with
violation of BP 22 is principally a crime against public estafa that the petitioner was charged with. appellant that he can not be convicted thereunder of the crime of
interest as it does injury to the entire banking system; estafa.
4) violations of Article 315 are mala in se, while those of BP Espino v. People 2013
22 are mala prohibita. People v. Maglaya
The crime charged was estafa under Art 315, par 1(b). However, the
crime the accused was convicted of was estafa under par 2(a). Under the facts proven, appellant is guilty of the crime of theft. It
People v. Cahilig 2014 re Quali ied Theft
Estafa under paragraph 2(a) is swindling by means of false is true that the machines speci ied in the information were delivered
The elements of Quali ied Theft, committed with grave abuse of pretense. In this case, there was no use of a ictitious name, or a to him by his prospective customers, but the physical possession
con idence, are as follows: false pretense of power, in luence, quali ications, property, credit, thus secured by him did not vest in him the juridical possession
agency, or business. The Court deems it wiser to give the offense its necessary for the crime of estafa.
1. Taking of personal property;
true, formal name – that of estafa through abuse of
2. That the said property belongs to another; Although appellant had taken advantage of his position in committing
con idence under paragraph 1(b). the crime aforementioned, We do not believe he had acted with
3. That the said taking be done with intent to gain;
First, personal property in the form of the checks was received grave abuse of con idence and can be convicted of quali ied
4. That it be done without the owner’s consent; by the offender in trust or on commission, with the duty to theft, because his employer had never given him the possession of
5. That it be accomplished without the use of violence or deliver it to Mr. Banaag. the machines involved in the present case or allowed him to take
intimidation against persons, nor of force upon things; Second, the accused rediscounted the checks to his aunt-in-law. hold of them, and it does not appear that the former had any special
6. That it be done with grave abuse of con idence. con idence in him.
Third, this rediscounting resulted in the wrongful encashment of
the checks by someone who was not the payee and therefore not
Cahilig took money from WPESLAI and its depositors by taking People v. Nery
lawfully authorized to do so.
advantage of her position as cashier. Her intent to gain is clear in the
use of a carefully planned and deliberately executed scheme to Finally, this wrongful encashment prejudiced KN Inc., which lost The accused in the present case insists that there is no prohibition in
commit the theft. the proceeds of the check. our law to prevent the parties to a contract to novate it so that any
Thus, the Information in this case may be interpreted as charging the incipient criminal liability under the irst is thereby avoided.
Grave abuse of con idence, as an element of Quali ied Theft, “must accused with both estafa under paragraph 1(b) and estafa under The novation theory may perhaps apply prior to the iling of
be the result of the relation by reason of dependence, guardianship, paragraph 2(a). the criminal information in court by the state prosecutors. But
or vigilance, between the appellant and the offended party that might after the justice authorities have taken cognizance of the crime and
create a high degree of con idence between them which the appellant instituted action in court, the offended party may no longer divest the
abused.” Guzman v. CA
prosecution of its power to exact the criminal liability, as
As appellant converted to his own use proceeds of sales of distinguished from the civil. The crime being an offense against the
Brokmann v. People 2012 merchandise delivered to him as agent, which he received in trust for state, only the latter can renounce it.

Based on the Books of Aquino, Sundiang, Miravite, De Leon, Reyes, Regalado, Campanilla by RGL 215 of 249
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Lito Corpuz v. People 2014 En Banc intimidation is not encompassed under paragraphs one to four since penalty is based on the value proven during trial, and not merely on
no actual physical violence is in licted; evidently then, it can only fall the Information or uncorroborated testimonies presented by the
No speci ic type of proof is required to show that there was under paragraph ive. prosecution.
demand. Demand need not even be formal; it may be verbal. The
speci ic word “demand” need not even be used to show that it has People v. Domasig 2018 re Robbery with homicide Cheng v. People 2016 re Estafa by misappropriation or conversion
indeed been made upon the person charged, since even a mere
query as to the whereabouts of the money [in this case, A conviction of robbery with homicide requires certitude that the Jewelries were delivered to the accused by the owner for her to sell
property], would be tantamount to a demand. robbery is the main purpose, and the objective of the malefactor and them and remit the proceeds to the latter. The accused failed to remit
the killing is merely incidental to the robbery. The intent to rob must the proceeds to the owner. Instead she issued her checks to pay for
The prosecution was able to prove the existence of all the elements of precede the taking of human life but the killing may occur before, the jewelries but the checks bounced upon being presented for
the Estafa under Article 315 par(1)(b). Private complainant gave during or after the robbery. What is crucial for a conviction for the payment in the bank. Is the accused liable for estafa?
petitioner the pieces of jewelry in trust, or on commission basis with crime of robbery with homicide is for the prosecution to irmly
an obligation to sell or return the same within sixty (60) days, if establish the offender's intent to take personal property before YES. The essence of this kind of Estafa is the appropriation or
unsold. There was misappropriation when petitioner failed to remit the killing, regardless of the time when the homicide is actually conversion of money or property received to the prejudice of the
the proceeds of those pieces of jewelry sold, or if no sale took place, carried out. entity to whom a return should be made. To misappropriate for one's
failed to return the same pieces of jewelry within or after the agreed own use includes not only conversion to one's personal advantage,
period despite demand from the private complainant, to the prejudice but also every attempt to dispose of the property of another without
People v. Layug 2017 re Robbery with homicide
of the latter. right. In proving the element of conversion or misappropriation, a
It is immaterial that the death would supervene by mere accident; or legal presumption of misappropriation arises when the accused
People v. Fernandez 2014 that the victim of homicide is other than the victim of robbery, or that fails to deliver the proceeds of the sale or to return the items to be
two or more persons are killed or that aside from the homicide, rape, sold and fails to give an account of their whereabouts.
We point out that conviction under the Labor Code for illegal intentional mutilation, or usurpation of authority, is committed by
recruitment does not preclude punishment under the RPC for reason or on the occasion of the crime. Likewise immaterial is the People v. Baladjay 2017 re Syndicated Estafa
the crime of estafa. fact that the victim of homicide is one of the robbers; the felony
would still be robbery with homicide. Once a homicide is committed Clearly, all the elements of Syndicated Estafa obtain in this case,
The appellant’s act of falsely pretending to possess power and by or on the occasion of the robbery, the felony committed is robbery considering that:
quali ications to deploy the complainants to Hongkong, even if he did with homicide. All the felonies committed by reason of or on the a) more than ive (5) persons are involved in Multitel's grand
not have the authority or license for the purpose, undoubtedly occasion of the robbery are integrated into one and indivisible fraudulent scheme, including Baladjay and her co-accused -
constitutes estafa under Article 315(2)(a). The elements of deceit felony of robbery with homicide. The word "homicide" is used in who employed deceit, false pretenses and representations to
and damage are clearly present; the appellant’s false pretenses were its generic sense. Homicide, thus, includes murder, parricide, and the private complainants regarding a supposed lucrative
the very cause that induced the complainants to part with their infanticide. investment opportunity with Multitel in order to solicit
money from them;
People v. Mejares 2018 Leonen, J re Theft b) the said false pretenses and representations were made prior
Ablaza v. People 2018 re Robbery
to or simultaneous with the commission of fraud;
The SC has been consistent in holding that intent to gain or animus
Paragraphs one to four of Article 294 indisputably involve the use of lucrandi is an internal act that is presumed from the unlawful taking c) relying on the false promises and misrepresentations thus
violence against persons. The actual physical force in licted results employed, private complainants invested their hard-earned
by the offender of the thing subject of asportation. Thus, actual
in death, rape, mutilation or the physical injuries therein enumerated. money in Multitel; and
The simple robbery under paragraph ive may cover physical injuries
gain is irrelevant as the important consideration is the intent to
gain. d) Baladjay and her co-accused defrauded the private
not included in paragraphs two to four. Thus, when less serious or complainants, obviously to the latter's prejudice.
slight physical injuries are in licted upon the offended party on the
The value of personal property in quali ied theft must be proven
occasion of a robbery, the accused may be prosecuted for and
during trial. Since the penalty in cases of theft is dependent on the People v. Aquino 2018 re Civil Fraud
convicted of robbery under paragraph ive. It seems obvious that
value of stolen personal properties, it is critical to ensure that the

Based on the Books of Aquino, Sundiang, Miravite, De Leon, Reyes, Regalado, Campanilla by RGL 216 of 249
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Not all proposals to invest in certain business ventures are tainted 3) Cohabiting with her in any other place. priest, teacher, etc;
with fraud. To be sure, an actionable fraud arises when the accused 2) Of a sister by her brother, or descendant by ascendant.
has knowledge that the venture proposed would not reasonably yield Elements
the promised results, and yet, despite such knowledge, deliberately 1) There is a married man; Elements
continues with the misrepresentation. 1) Offended party is a virgin;
2) He committed any of the acts punished;
As case law instructs, "the gravamen of the crime of Estafa is the 3) As to the concubine, that she knows the man to be married. 2) Over 12, under 18;
employment of fraud or deceit to the damage or prejudice of another. 3) He has sexual intercourse with her;
When fraud pertains to the means of committing a crime or the
NOTES 4) There is abuse of authority, con idence or relationship on the
classes of crimes under Estafa; otherwise, if fraud merely causes loss
or injury to another, without being an element of a crime, then it may 1. Scandal is produced when: part of the offender.
only be classi ied as civil fraud from which an action for damages a) the man and his mistress live in the same room of a house,
may arise. 338 Simple seduction
b) they appear together in public, and
J. Crimes Against Chastity c) perform acts in sight of the community which gives rise to 1) Offended party is over 12, under 18;
criticism and general protest among the neighbors. This is 2) Of good reputation, single or widow;
333 best proven by people in the vicinity. 3) Offender has sex with her;
2. When spies are employed, there is no evidence of scandalous 4) By means of deceit.
1) There is a married woman; circumstances.
2) She has sexual intercourse with a man not her husband; 339 Acts of lasciviousness with consent
336 Acts of lasciviousness
3) As to the paramour, that he knows the woman is married.
1) Offender commits acts of lasciviousness;
1) Offender commits any act of lasciviousness or lewdness;
NOTES 2) Upon a woman who is a virgin or single or widow of good
2) Such act is committed against any person of either sex; reputation, over 12 but under 18, or a sister or descendant
1. Where the offended party in an adultery case obtained a divorce
3) It is done: regardless of reputation or age.
in his country before the adultery proceedings are commenced,
he no longer has the right to institute proceedings against the a) by using force or intimidation; 3) Through abuse of authority, con idence, relationship, or
offender. (Pilapil v. Ibay-Somera) b) when the offended party is deprived of reason or deceit.

2. It is not necessary that there be a valid marriage. otherwise unconscious;

340 Corruption of minors
3. Direct proof of carnal knowledge is not necessary. c) by means of fraudulent machination or grave
abuse of authority; 1) Offender promotes or facilitate the prostitution or corruption
4. Each sexual intercourse constitutes a crime of adultery. It is not
d) when the offended party is below 12 (penalty is RT of persons under age;
a continuing offense.
med as per RA 7610) or is demented. 2) Such is to satisfy the lust of another.
334 Concubinage
Seduction and Abduction 341 White slave trade
Acts Punished
Acts penalized
1) Keeping a mistress in the conjugal dwelling; 337 Quali ied seduction
1) Engaging in the business of prostitution;
2) Having sexual intercourse, under scandalous circumstances,
1) Of a virgin, over 12, under 18, by a person in authority, 2) Pro iting from it;
with a woman who is not his wife;

Based on the Books of Aquino, Sundiang, Miravite, De Leon, Reyes, Regalado, Campanilla by RGL 217 of 249
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not merely limited to pecuniary bene it but also includes the bene it a. To ish with gear or method that destroys coral reefs,
which in any other sense may be derived or expected from the act
C. Fisheries Code seagrass beds, and other ishery marine life habitat as
which is performed. Thus, the mere use of the thing which was See Chapter VI on Prohibitions and Penalties may be determined by the Department.
taken without the owner's consent constitutes gain.
1. Unauthorized Fishing. — b. Except in cases allowed by law, to gather, possess,
commercially transport, sell or export coral sand,
B. Anti-Electricity and Electric Transmission Lines/ a. To capture or gather or to cause the capture or
coral fragments, coral rocks, silica, and any other
Materials Pilferage Act of 1994 gathering of ish, fry or ingerlings of any ishery
substances which make up any marine habitat.
species or ishery products without license or permit
1. Illegal Use of Electricity. — It is unlawful for any person, from the Department or LGU. 7. Fishing or Taking of Rare, Threatened or Endangered
whether natural or juridical, public or private, to: Species. —
Except in cases speci ied under this Code, it shall also
a. Tap, make or cause to be made any connection with be unlawful for any commercial ishing vessel to ish a. To ish or take, catch, gather, sell, purchase, possess,
overhead lines, service drops, or other electric service in municipal waters. transport, export, forward or ship out aquatic species
wires, without previous authority or consent; listed in Appendix I of the Convention on the
However, ishing for daily food sustenance or for
b. Tap, make or cause to be made any connection to the International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild
leisure which is not for commercial, occupation or
Flora and Fauna (CITES), or those categorized by the
existing electric service facilities of any duly registered livelihood purposes may be allowed.
International Union for Conservation of Nature and
consumer without the latter's or the electric utility's
b. It shall be unlawful for any person not listed in the Natural Resources (IUCN) as threatened and
consent or authority;
registry of municipal isherfolk to engage in any determined by the Department as such.
c. Tamper, install or use a tampered electrical meter, commercial ishing activity in municipal waters. b. As well as aquatic species listed in CITES Appendices
jumper, or any other device which interferes with the
2. Engaging in Unauthorized Fisheries Activities. — To II and III if scienti ic assessments show that
proper or accurate registry or metering of electric current;
exploit, occupy, produce, breed or culture ish, fry or population of the species in the wild cannot remain
d. Damage or destroy an electric meter so as to interfere with ingerlings of any ishery species or ishery products or viable under pressure of collection and trade.
the proper or accurate metering of electric current; and construct and operate ish corrals, ish traps, ish pens and ish 8. Commercial Fishing Vessel Operators Employing
e. Knowingly use or receive the direct bene it of electric cages or ishponds without a license, lease or permit.
Unlicensed Fisherfolk, Fishworker or Crew. – For Philippine
service obtained. 3. Failure to Secure Fishing Permit Prior to Engaging in lagged ishing vessels engaged in distant water ishing to
2. Theft of Electric Power Transmission Lines and Materials. Distant Water Fishing. — To ish in the high seas, in the employ unlicensed isherfolk or ishworker or crew.
— It is unlawful for any person to: territorial seas, archipelagic waters, and EEZs of other states 9. Noncompliance with Port State Measures. — No foreign
using a Philippine lagged ishing vessel without irst securing
a. Cut, saw, slice, separate, split, severe, smelt, or remove ishing vessel shall be allowed entry without providing at least
a ishing permit from the Department and authorization from
b. Take, carry away or remove or transfer, with or without the twenty-four (24)-hour prior notice. When a foreign ishing
the coastal state.
vessel is granted entry, failure to provide a catch report shall be
use of a motor vehicle or other means of conveyance
4. Poaching in Philippine Waters. — To ish or operate any deemed unlawful.
c. Store, possess or otherwise keep in his premises, custody ishing vessel in Philippine waters.
or control D. Anti-Fencing Law of 1979
5. Ban on Coral Exploitation and Exportation. — To commit
d. Load, carry, ship or move from one place to another, any activity that damage coral reefs.
whether by land, air or sea "Fencing" is the act of any person who,
6. Ban on Muro-ami, Other Methods and Gear Destructive to
any electric power transmission line/material or meter 1. with intent to gain for himself or for another,
Coral Reefs and Other Marine Habitat. —
without the consent of the owner, whether or not the act is done
for pro it or gain.

Based on the Books of Aquino, Sundiang, Miravite, De Leon, Reyes, Regalado, Campanilla by RGL 225 of 249
COMxCRM PRE-WEEK NOTES For the 2020/21 #BestBarEver

The ⭐elements of traf icking in persons can be derived consent to the transaction, or that BBB received the payment on her a. offender’s wife,
from its de inition under Section 3(a) of RA 9208, as amended, thus: behalf, following Casio. People v. De Dios, bolstered Casio in ruling b. former wife, or a
that traf icking in persons may be committed also by means of taking
1) The act of “recruitment, obtaining, hiring, providing,
advantage of the persons' vulnerability as minors. 2. woman with whom the offender
offering, transportation, transfer, maintaining, harboring, or
receipt of persons with or without the victim’s consent or a. has or had a sexual or dating relationship, or
knowledge, within or across national borders;” ⭐People v. Dela Rosa 2019 Leonen, J
b. has a common child with, or against
2) The means used which include “threat or use of force, or Ruth Dela Rosa was convicted of quali ied traf icking in persons.
other forms of coercion, abduction, fraud, deception, abuse 3. The woman’s child whether legitimate or illegitimate, within or
of power or of position, taking advantage of the vulnerability This Court maintains that "recruitment" also contemplates an without the family abode.
of the person, or, the giving or receiving of payments or accused's act of providing the conditions for prostituting AAA.
bene its to achieve the consent of a person having control Prostitution is de ined under Section 3(c) of RA 9208 as Who can commit VAWC
over another; and
1. any act, transaction, scheme or design
3) The purpose of traf icking is exploitation which includes 1. VAWC may likewise be committed “against a woman with
2. involving the use of a person by another, whom the person has or had a sexual or dating relationship.”
“exploitation or the prostitution of others or other forms of
sexual exploitation, forced labor or services, slavery, 3. for sexual intercourse or lascivious conduct
2. The use of the gender-neutral word “person” who has or had a
servitude or the removal or sale of organs.” 4. in exchange for money, pro it or any other consideration.
sexual or dating relationship with the woman encompasses
Knowledge or consent of the minor is NOT a defense under Here, it was through the accused that Kim Caben knew AAA. The even lesbian relationships.
Republic Act No. 9208. accused was the one who brought AAA to Coa Hotel where they met 3. It does not preclude the application of the principle of
Kim Caben. It was the accused who instructed AAA on what to do
The victim’s consent is rendered meaningless due to the coercive, while in the hotel. The accused was even present when Kim Caben conspiracy under the RPC. Thus, in the case of Go-Tan v.
abusive, or deceptive means employed by perpetrators of human and AAA had sex. Without the accused bringing AAA to Coa Hotel, the Spouses Tan, the parents-in-law of the victim, were held to be
traf icking. Even without the use of coercive, abusive, or deceptive February 2013 incident would not have happened. In other words, it proper respondents in the case.
means, a minor’s consent is not given out of his or her own free will. was the accused who provided AAA to Kim Caben.
The act of “sexual intercourse” need not have been Kinds of abuses against women
consummated for the mere “transaction” i.e. that ‘solicitation’ for Planteras, Jr v. People 2018
1. "Physical Violence" refers to acts that include bodily or
sex and the handing over of the “bust money” of Php.1,000.00
already consummated the said act of traf icking in persons, To knowingly lease or sublease, use or allow to be used any house, physical harm;
quali ied by the fact that one of the victims was a child. building or establishment for the purpose of promoting traf icking in
persons constitutes the offense of promoting or facilitating 2. "Sexual violence" refers to an act which is sexual in nature,
traf icking in persons. In order for one to be convicted thereof the committed against a woman or her child. It includes, but is not
People v. Ramirez 2019 Leonen, J and People v. Maycabalong 2019 accused must, among others, knowingly lease or sublease, or allow limited to:
to be used any house, building or establishment for the purpose of
This Court in People v. Rodriguez acknowledged that, as with Casio,
promoting traf icking in persons. a. rape, sexual harassment, acts of lasciviousness xxx;
the corroborating testimonies of the arresting of icer and the minor
victims were suf icient to sustain a conviction under the law. In b. acts causing or attempting to cause the victim to engage in
People v. Spouses Ybanez, et al., this Court likewise af irmed the Z. Anti-Violence Against Women any sexual activity by force, threat of force, physical or
conviction of traf ickers arrested based on a surveillance report on and their Children Act of 2004
the prostitution of minors within the area. In People v. XXX and YYY, other harm or threat of physical or other harm or coercion;
this Court held that the exploitation of minors, through either c. Prostituting the woman or child.
prostitution or pornography, is explicitly prohibited under the law. Who can be victims of VAWC
1. woman who is 3. "Psychological violence" refers to acts or omissions
Here, Ramirez cannot use as a valid defense either BBB's and AAA's
causing or likely to cause mental or emotional suffering of the

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victim such as but not limited to intimidation, harassment, 1. Cycle of violence — “each of the phases of the cycle of committed. Thus, the mental or emotional suffering of the victim is
stalking, damage to property, public ridicule or
violence must be proven to have characterized at least two an essential and distinct element in the commission of the offense.
humiliation, repeated verbal abuse and marital in idelity.
battering episodes”
xxxx What may be gleaned from Section 7 of R.A. No. 9262 is that the law
2. The inal acute episode preceding the killing of the batterer
4. "Economic abuse" refers to acts that make or attempt to contemplates that acts of violence against women and their children
must have produced in the battered person’s mind an actual
may manifest as transitory or continuing crimes. Even if the
make a woman inancially dependent which includes, but is fear of an imminent harm from her batterer and an honest
alleged extra marital affair causing the offended wife mental and
not limited to the following: belief that she needed to use force to save her life.
emotional anguish is committed abroad, the same does not place a
a. withdrawal of inancial support or preventing the victim 3. At the time of the killing, the batterer must have posed probable prosecution under R.A. No. 9262 absolutely beyond the reach of
from engaging in any legitimate profession, occupation, — not necessarily immediate and actual — grave harm to the Philippine courts.
business or activity, except in cases wherein the other woman, based on the history of violence. (PP v. Genosa, GR
spouse/partner objects on valid, serious and moral 135981, Jan. 15, 2004) Dabalos v. RTC 2013
grounds as de ined in Article 73 of the Family Code;
Extraterritoriality In Ang v. Court of Appeals, the Court enumerated the elements of the
b. deprivation or threat of deprivation of inancial resources crime of violence against women through harassment, to wit:
and the right to the use and enjoyment of the conjugal, AAA v. BBB 2018
1. The offender has or had a sexual or dating relationship with
community or property owned in common; the offended woman;
YES. In Dinamling v. People, this Court already had occasion to
c. destroying household property; enumerate the elements of psychological violence under Section 2. The offender, by himself or through another, commits an act
or series of acts of harassment against the woman; and
5(i) of R.A. No. 9262:
d. controlling the victims' own money or properties or solely
3. The harassment alarms or causes substantial emotional or
controlling the conjugal money or properties. 1) The offended party is a woman and/or her child or children; psychological distress to her.
2) The woman is either the wife or former wife of the offender,
Battered Woman Syndrome Notably, while it is required that the offender has or had a sexual or
or is a woman with whom the offender has or had a sexual
dating relationship with the offended woman, for RA 9262 to be
"Battered Woman Syndrome" has three phases or dating relationship, or is a woman with whom such applicable, it is not indispensable that the act of violence be a
offender has a common child; consequence of such relationship. It is immaterial whether the
1. The tension-building phase — minor batterings, verbal or
3) The offender causes on the woman and/or child mental or relationship had ceased for as long as there is suf icient evidence
slight physical abuse occurs. The victim either paci ies the
showing the past or present existence of such relationship between
batterer or stays out of his way; emotional anguish; and
the offender and the victim when the physical harm was committed.
2. Acute battering phase — characterized by brutality, 4) The anguish is caused through acts of public ridicule or
destructiveness or death. The victim realizes that she cannot humiliation, repeated verbal and emotional abuse, denial of Araza v. People 2020
reason with him and resistance would only exacerbate her inancial support or custody of minor children or access to
The law does not require proof that the victim became
condition; the children or similar such acts or omissions. psychologically ill due to the psychological violence done by her
3. Tranquil period — batterer may show a tender and nurturing abuser. Rather, the law only requires emotional anguish and
What R.A. No. 9262 criminalizes is not the marital in idelity per se mental suffering to be proven. To establish emotional anguish or
behavior. but the psychological violence causing mental or emotional suffering mental suffering, jurisprudence only requires that the testimony of
Requisites for BWS as a Defense on the wife. Marital in idelity as cited in the law is only one of the victim be presented in court, as such experiences are personal to
the various acts by which psychological violence may be this party.

Melgar v. People 2018 re Denial of inancial support

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Psychological violence is the means employed by the perpetrator, 1. Under Section 5(a) when any person who, not being a relative
Child Prostitution and Other Sexual Abuse
while mental or emotional anguish is the effect caused to or the of a child, is found alone with the said child inside the room or
damage sustained by the offended party. To establish psychological Children, whether male or female, who for money, pro it, or any cubicle of a house, an inn, hotel, motel, pension house,
violence as an element of the crime, it is necessary to show proof of
other consideration or due to the coercion or in luence of any apartelle or other similar establishments, vessel, vehicle or
commission of any of the acts enumerated in Section 5 (i) or similar
acts. And to establish mental or emotional anguish, it is necessary to adult, syndicate or group, indulge in sexual intercourse or any other hidden or secluded area under circumstances which
present the testimony of the victim as such experiences are personal lascivious conduct, are deemed to be children exploited in would lead a reasonable person to believe that the child is
to this party." Thus, in cases of support, it must be irst shown that prostitution and other sexual abuse. about to be exploited in prostitution and other sexual abuse.
the accused's denial thereof — which is, by itself, already a form of
The penalty of reclusion temporal in its medium period to 2. Under Section 5(b) when any person is receiving services
economic abuse — further caused mental or emotional anguish
to the woman-victim and/or to their common child. reclusion perpetua shall be imposed upon the following: from a child in a sauna parlor or bath, massage clinic, health
a) Those who engage in or promote, facilitate or induce child club and other similar establishments.

prostitution which include, but are not limited to, the 3. A penalty lower by two (2) degrees than that prescribed for
AA. Special Protection of Children Against Abuse,
following: the consummated felony under Section 5 hereof shall be
Exploitation, and Discrimination Act
imposed upon the principals of the attempt to commit the
1) Acting as a procurer of a child prostitute;
Definition of Child crime of child prostitution.
2) Inducing a person to be a client of a child prostitute by
"Children" refers to person below eighteen (18) years of age or Child Trafficking
means of written or oral advertisements or other similar
those over but are unable to fully take care of themselves or protect means;
themselves from abuse, neglect, cruelty, exploitation or Any person who shall engage in trading and dealing with children
3) Taking advantage of in luence or relationship to procure a including, but not limited to, the act of buying and selling of a child
discrimination because of a physical or mental disability or
child as prostitute; for money, or for any other consideration, or barter, shall suffer the
4) Threatening or using violence towards a child to engage penalty of reclusion temporal to reclusion perpetua.
Acts punished as child abuse him as a prostitute; or The penalty shall be imposed in its maximum period when the
"Child abuse" refers to the maltreatment, whether habitual or not, of 5) Giving monetary consideration goods or other pecuniary victim is under twelve (12) years of age.
the child which includes any of the following: bene it to a child with intent to engage such child in Attempt to Commit Child Traf icking
1) Psychological and physical abuse, neglect, cruelty, sexual There is an attempt to commit child traf icking under Section 7 of
abuse and emotional maltreatment; b) Those who commit the act of sexual intercourse of this Act:
lascivious conduct with a child exploited in prostitution or
2) Any act by deeds or words which debases, degrades or a) When a child travels alone to a foreign country without valid
subject to other sexual abuse; and
demeans the intrinsic worth and dignity of a child as a human reason therefor and without clearance issued by the DSWD or
being; c) Those who derive pro it or advantage therefrom, whether as written permit or justi ication from the child's parents or legal
manager or owner of the establishment where the prostitution guardian;
3) Unreasonable deprivation of his basic needs for survival,
takes place, or of the sauna, disco, bar, resort, place of
such as food and shelter; or b) When a person, agency, establishment or child-caring
entertainment or establishment serving as a cover or which
4) Failure to immediately give medical treatment to an institution recruits women or couples to bear children for the
engages in prostitution in addition to the activity for which the
injured child resulting in serious impairment of his growth and purpose of child traf icking; or
license has been issued to said establishment.
development or in his permanent incapacity or death.
Attempt To Commit Child Prostitution

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c) When a doctor, hospital or clinic of icial or employee, nurse, exploited in 5(b) of R.A. No. temporal in its R.A. No. 7610: temporal in its of the
midwife, local civil registrar or any other person simulates prostitution or 7610: reclusion medium period to reclusion medium period to RPC:
birth for the purpose of child traf icking; or other sexual temporal in its reclusion temporal in its reclusion prision
abuse medium period perpetua medium period perpetua mayor
d) When a person engages in the act of inding children among
low-income families, hospitals, clinics, nurseries, day-care Sexual Assault Tulagan v. People 2019 En Banc
Sexual Assault
centers, or other child-during institutions who can be offered under Article
for the purpose of child traf icking. 266-A(2) of the If the acts constituting sexual assault are committed against a victim
RPC in relation to under 12 years of age or is demented, the nomenclature of the
A penalty lower two (2) degrees than that prescribed for the children
Section 5(b) of NA offense should now be "Sexual Assault” under paragraph 2, Article
exploited in
consummated felony under Section 7 hereof shall be imposed upon R.A. No. 7610: 266-A of the RPC in relation to Section 5(b) of R.A. No. 7610. The
prostitution or
the principals of the attempt to commit child traf icking under this reclusion imposable penalty is still reclusion temporal in its medium period,
other sexual
temporal in its and not prision mayor.
Act. abuse
medium period
Rape under RPC from sexual child abuse Whereas if the victim is 12 years old and under 18 years old, or
Rape under 18 years old and above under special circumstances, the
1. Under 12 prosecute as Statutory Rape under RPC; penalty Sexual nomenclature of the crime should be "Lascivious Conduct under
Article 266-A(1) Sexual Abuse
is RP Intercourse Section 5(b) of R.A. No. 7610" with the imposable penalty of
of the RPC: under Section 5(b)
committed reclusion temporal in its medium period to reclusion perpetua, but it
prosecute as Acts of Lasciviousness under RPC, but penalty reclusion of R.A. No. 7610:
against should not make any reference to the provisions of the RPC.
perpetua, except reclusion
provided under Sec. 5 (b), RA 7610 which is RT med. children NA
when the victim is temporal in its
exploited in It is only when the victim of the sexual assault is 18 years old and
2. Over 12 but Under 18 either Rape under RPC (if any of 4 below 7 years old medium period to
prostitution or above, and not demented, that the crime should be called as "Sexual
circumstances occur) in which case reclusion
other sexual Assault under paragraph 2, Article 266-A of the RPC" with the
death penalty perpetua
or RA 7610 if victim is “subjected to other sexual abuse” or abuse imposable penalty of prision mayor.
shall be imposed
under persuasion, inducement, enticement, coercion or
in luence (PIECI) where penalty is RT medium to RP. Rape under People v. Tubillo 2017
Article 266-A(1)
3. Over 18 Rape under RPC; Rape Under Section 5 (b), Article III of RA 7610 in relation to RA 8353, if
in relation to Art.
Rape under under the victim of sexual abuse is below 12 years of age, the offender
266-B of the RPC:
Acts of Lasciviousness under RPC (prision correccional). Article 266-A(1) Article
Rape by reclusion should not be prosecuted for sexual abuse but for statutory rape
in relation to Art. 266-A(1)
Designation of the Crime & Imposable Penalty carnal perpetua, except under Article 266-A(1)(d) of the RPC and penalized with reclusion
266-B of the RPC: of the
from Tulagan v. People knowledge when the victim is perpetua.
reclusion RPC:
below 7 years old
Age of Victim 12 years old or perpetua reclusion On the other hand, if the victim is 12 years or older, the offender
18 years in which case
Under 12 years below 18, or 18 perpetua should be charged with either sexual abuse under Section 5 (b) of RA
old and death penalty
Crime old or demented under special shall be imposed 7610 or rape under Article 266-A (except par 1 [d]) of the RPC.
Committed above However, the offender cannot be accused of both crimes for the same
Sexual Assault Lascivious Sexual act because his right against double jeopardy will be prejudiced. A
Acts of Acts of Lascivious under Article Conduct under Assault person cannot be subjected twice to criminal liability for a single
Rape by criminal act. Likewise, rape cannot be complexed with a violation
Lasciviousness Lasciviousness conduct under 266-A(2) of the Section 5(b) of under
Sexual Assault of Section 5 (b) of RA 7610. Under Section 48 of the RPC, a felony
committed under Article 336 Section 5(b) of NA RPC in relation to R.A. No. 7610: Article
against of the RPC in R.A. No. 7610: Section 5(b) of reclusion 266-A(2) under the RPC such as rape cannot be complexed with an offense
children relation to Section reclusion penalized by a special law.

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People v. Basa, Jr 2019 third, child exploitation; and fourth, being responsible for aggravating circumstance and no mitigating circumstance, the penalty
conditions prejudicial to the child's development. The fourth shall be applied in its maximum period, i.e., reclusion perpetua.
Before an accused can be held criminally liable for lascivious penalized act cannot be interpreted as a qualifying condition for the Besides, Section 31 of R.A. No. 7610 expressly provides that the
conduct under Section 5(b) R.A. No. 7610, the Court held in Quimvel three other acts. penalty shall be imposed in its maximum period when the
v. People that the requisites for Acts of Lasciviousness, as penalized perpetrator is, inter alia, the parent of the victim.
under Article 336 of the RPC, must be met in addition to the Araneta v. People
requisites for sexual abuse under R.A. No. 7610. People v. Carlos Alhambra 2014
The Rules and Regulations of the questioned statute distinctly and
A child is deemed exploited in prostitution or subjected to other separately de ined child abuse, cruelty and exploitation just to show The prosecution was able to establish Alhambra’s criminal liability
sexual abuse when the child indulges in sexual intercourse or that these three acts are different from one another and from the act under Section 5(b) of R.A. No. 7610. First, AAA testi ied that, whilst
lascivious conduct prejudicial to the child's development. clad only in towel after having taken a bath, her father forcibly
a) for money, pro it or any other consideration; or removed her towel covering her body, kissed her on the neck,
An accused can be prosecuted and be convicted under Section 10(a) if removed her undergarments, and kissed her on the other parts of her
b) under the coercion or any in luence of any adult, syndicate he commits any of the four acts therein. The prosecution need not body. Second, Alhambra used his moral ascendancy and in luence
or group. prove that the acts of child abuse, child cruelty and child exploitation over his daughter AAA to consummate his lascivious design. Third,
have resulted in the prejudice of the child because an act prejudicial AAA was only 17 years old when the said incident happened.
In the case of Olivarez v. CA, the Court explained that the phrase
to the development of the child is different from the former acts.
"other sexual abuse," covers not only a child who is abused for pro it,
Alhambra’s assertion that he is not liable for sexual abuse under
but also one who engages in lascivious conduct through the
Bongalon v. People 2013 Section 5(b) since AAA is not a child engaged in prostitution or
coercion or intimidation by an adult. In the latter case, there must
subjected to other sexual abuse is plainly without merit. The law
be some form of compulsion equivalent to intimidation which
Not every instance of the laying of hands on a child constitutes the covers not only a situation in which a child is abused for pro it
subdues the free exercise of the offended party's will.
crime of child abuse under Section 10 (a) of Republic Act No. 7610. but also one in which a child, through coercion or
Only when the laying of hands is shown beyond reasonable doubt to intimidation, engages in any lascivious conduct. A child is
Calaoagan v. People 2019 be intended by the accused to debase, degrade or demean the deemed subjected to “other sexual abuse” when he or she indulges in
intrinsic worth and dignity of the child as a human being should it be lascivious conduct under the coercion or in luence of any adult. As
Sec. 10(a) of R.A. No. 7610 penalizes an act when it constitutes as
punished as child abuse. Otherwise, it is punished under the RPC. established by the prosecution, Alhambra was only able to
child abuse. In relation thereto, Sec. 3(b) highlights that in child
abuse, the act by deeds or words must debase, degrade, or consummate his lascivious design towards AAA through coercion
demean the intrinsic worth and dignity of a child as a human People v. Baraga 2014 and with the use of his in luence over the latter as her father.
Sexual abuse under Section 5(b), Article III of R.A. No. 7610 has
three elements: BB. Safe Spaces Act
When the in liction of physical injuries against a minor is done at the
spur of the moment, it is imperative for the prosecution to prove 1) the accused commits an act of sexual intercourse or Particularly Secs 4 to 25
a speci ic intent to debase, degrade, or demean the intrinsic lascivious conduct;
worth of the child; otherwise, the accused cannot be convicted 1. The crimes of gender-based streets and public spaces
under Sec. 10(a) of R.A. No. 7610. 2) the said act is performed with a child exploited in sexual harassment are committed through any unwanted
prostitution or subjected to other sexual abuse; and
and uninvited sexual actions or remarks against any person
Sanchez v. People 3) the child is below 18 years old. regardless of the motive for committing such action or
Here, the applicable laws are Article 59 of P.D. No. 603 and Section The penalty for sexual abuse performed on a child under 18 years old
10(a) of R.A. No. 7610. The use of "or" in Section 10(a) of RA 7610 but over 12 years old under Section 5(b) of R.A. No. 7610 is reclusion 2. It includes
before the phrase "be responsible for other conditions prejudicial to temporal in its medium period to reclusion perpetua. The Court
a. catcalling, wolf-whistling, unwanted invitations,
the child's development" supposes that there are four punishable likewise considers the alternative circumstance of relationship
acts therein. First, the act of child abuse; second, child cruelty; against Baraga as an aggravating circumstance. Since there is an misogynistic, transphobic, homophobic and sexist

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b. persistent uninvited comments or gestures on a or app-based transport network vehicle services, ⭐The crime of gender-based sexual harassment may
person's appearance, where the perpetrator is the driver of the vehicle also be committed between peers and those
and the offended party is a passenger; committed to a superior of icer by a subordinate,
c. relentless requests for personal details,
b. If the offended party is a minor, a senior citizen, or a or to a teacher by a student, or to a trainer by a
d. statement of sexual comments and suggestions,
PWD, or a breastfeeding mother nursing her child; trainee.
e. public masturbation or lashing of private parts, c. If the offended party is diagnosed with a mental 8. Exemptions. — Acts that are legitimate expressions of
f. groping, or any advances, whether verbal or physical, problem tending to impair consent; indigenous culture and tradition, as well as breastfeeding
that is unwanted and has threatened one's sense of d. If the perpetrator is a member of the uniformed in public shall not be penalized. (Sec 31)
personal space and physical safety and committed in services, such as the PNP and the AFP, and the act was
public spaces such as alleys, roads, sidewalks and perpetrated while the perpetrator was in uniform; and
CC. Data Privacy Act
e. If the act takes place in the premises of a Punishable acts are as follows:
3. They are those performed in buildings, schools, churches,
government agency offering frontline services to the 1. Unauthorized processing of personal information or
restaurants, malls, public washrooms, bars, internet shops, public and the perpetrator is a government sensitive personal information — processing personal
public markets, transportation terminals or public utility employee. information or sensitive personal information, without the
7. The crime of gender-based sexual harassment in the consent of the data subject, or without being authorized under
4. Gender-based online sexual harassment refers to an any existing law.
workplace includes the following;
online conduct targeted at a particular person that causes or
a. An act or series of acts involving any unwelcome 2. Accessing personal information and sensitive personal
likely to cause another mental, emotional or psychological
sexual advances, requests or demand for sexual information due to negligence — providing access to
distress, and fear of personal safety, sexual harassment acts
favors or any act of sexual nature, whether done personal information or sensitive personal information,
verbally, physically or through the use of technology without being authorized under any law, due to negligence.
a. unwanted sexual remarks and comments, threats,
such as text messaging or electronic mail or through 3. Improper personal information or sensitive personal
b. uploading or sharing of one's photos without consent, any other forms of information and communication information — knowingly or negligently disposing,
video and audio recordings, systems, that has or could have a detrimental effect on discarding or abandoning the personal information or sensitive
c. cyberstalking and the conditions of an individual's employment or personal information of an individual in an area accessible to
education, job performance or opportunities; the public or has otherwise placed the personal information of
d. online identity theft.
b. A conduct of sexual nature and other conduct-based on an individual in its container for trash collection.
5. Stalking refers to conduct directed at a person involving the
sex affecting the dignity of a person, which is 4. Processing of personal information or sensitive personal
repeated visual or physical proximity, non-consensual
unwelcome, unreasonable, and offensive to the information for unauthorized purposes — processing of
communication, or a combination thereof that cause or will
recipient, whether done verbally, physically or personal information or sensitive personal information for
likely cause a person to fear for one's own safety or the safety
through the use of technology such as text messaging purposes not authorized by the data subject, or otherwise
of others, or to suffer emotional distress.
or electronic mail or through any other forms of authorized under existing laws.
6. Quali ied Gender-Based Streets, Public Spaces and Online information and communication systems; 5. Unauthorized access or Intentional breach — knowingly
Sexual Harassment. — The penalty next higher in degree will
c. A conduct that is unwelcome and pervasive and and unlawfully, or violating data con identiality and security
be applied in the following cases:
creates an intimidating, hostile or humiliating data systems, breaks in any way into any system where
a. If the act takes place in a common carrier or PUV, environment for the recipient. personal and sensitive personal information is stored.
including, but not limited to, jeepneys, taxis, tricycles,

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6. Concealment of security breaches involving sensitive

personal information — concealing, intentionally or by
omission, security breaches involving sensitive personal
information, after having knowledge of such breach and of the
obligation to notify the Data Privacy Commission.
7. Malicious disclosure — committed by any personal
information controller or personal information processor or
any of its of icials, employees or agents, who, with malice or in
bad faith, discloses unwarranted or false information relative to
any personal information or personal sensitive information
obtained by him.
8. Unauthorized disclosure — committed by any personal
information controller or personal information processor or
any of its of icials, employees or agents, who discloses to a
third-party personal information or sensitive personal
information, without the consent of the data subject, and not
constituting Malicious disclosure.
9. “Committed in Large-Scale” — when the personal
information of at least 100 persons is harmed, affected or
involved as the result of the above-mentioned actions.

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