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Input impedance curves for the reed woodwind instruments

John Backus

Citation: The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 56, 1266 (1974); doi: 10.1121/1.1903418
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Published by the Acoustical Society of America


Input impedance of brass musical instruments—Comparison between experiment and numerical models
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 75, 241 (1984);

Input impedance curves for the brass instruments

The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 60, 470 (1976);

On Woodwind Instrument Bores

The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 31, 137 (1959);

The clarinet: How blowing pressure, lip force, lip position and reed “hardness” affect pitch, sound level, and
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 134, 2247 (2013);

Improved precision in measurements of acoustic impedance spectra using resonance-free calibration loads and
controlled error distribution
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 121, 1471 (2007);

Woodwind air column models

The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 88, 35 (1990);
Input impedance curves for the reed woodwind instruments
John Backus

University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California 90007

(Received 6 September 1973)

Equipment has been developedwhich will automatically plot the input impedancecurves of the
reed-excitedmusical instruments as a function of frequency. Sound from a regulated driver unit is
passedthrough a high acousticalimpedance into an adapter unit attached to the mouthpieceof the
instrument. This impedance is in the form of a capillary of annular cross section, and is designedto
have an approximately constant impedancemagnitude over the frequencyrange used. The
sound-pressureamplitude generated in the instrument is measuredby means of a microphone whose
output is applied to a chart recorder, so that a graph of input impedanceversusfrequencyis
obtained. Representativeimpedance curves were run for selected notes on the clarinet, oboe, bassoon,
and saxophone.Input impedancevalues range from 400 to 1600 cgs acousticohms for the various
instruments.For the low notes on the clarinet, the resonancefrequenciesare compressedin relation
to the harmonics of the fundamental mode, the higher resonanceshaving low frequenciesthan the
correspondingharmonics.For low notes on the bassoonand oboe, the situation is the opposite,the
resonancesbeing stretchedin relation to the harmonics.For high notes on the oboe and bassoon,the
frequencyof the blown tone may be considerablymore than a semitonebelow the frequencyof the
resonanceon which the instrument is operating.

Subject Classification: 75.35.

INTRODUCTION for an instrument can therefore be expected to be an

important factor in its musical behavior. Equipment
The musical wind instruments, as'they have evolved
developed at this laboratory now makes possible the
to the present, may be grouped into two classes, de-
pending on the method by which their air columns are
rapid quantitative plotting of such impedance curves and
set into vibration to generate musical tones. One class furnishes a direct comparison of the resonance frequen-
comprises those instruments such as flutes, recorders, cies of an instrument with the frequencies of the har-
monics of its fundamental mode. The purpose of this
flue organ pipes, etc., which are excited by blowing a
paper is to exhibit and give some discussion of typical
stream of air across one end of the air column; since
curves for selected notes of the reed-excited woodwind
the column is essentially open at this end, it is being
excited at a resonance frequency for which there is a
instruments--the clarinet, bassoon, oboe, and saxo-
low input impedance at the point of excitation. These
instruments will not be considered in this paper. The
other class comprises those instruments excited by
reeds, such as clarinets, bassoons, etc., which use In an earlier publication,•' the resonancefrequencies
reeds made of cane, and the brass instruments, which of the clarinet were found by closing the reed aperture,
utilize the players' lips as reeds. In these instruments, exciting the instrument from an external sound source,
the reed serves as a valve which is opened and closed and measuring its response by means of a microphone
by the pressure variation in the mouthpiece to which the placed in the mouthpiece. The output of the microphone
reed is attached, and which admits puffs of air from the was applied to a chart recorder, and the curve of micro-
player's mouth to the air column at that time during phone response versus frequency as plotted by the re-
each cycle that the oscillating air pressure at the end corder displayed peaks at the resonance frequencies of
of the air column is a maximum. Energy is then being the instrument. This external excitation method ap-
supplied to the system to maintain the air column vi- peared to be satisfactory for the clarinet; however,
brations. The air column is then being excited at a when applied to the bassoon, it gave curves whose peak
resonance frequency for which there is a high input im- heights and shapes varied greatly with the position of the
pedance at the point of excitation. external sound source. When applied to the trumpet, the
method gave curves having peaks at higher frequencies
The actual playing frequencies of a reed instrument
are therefore approximately the same as the resonance that were subsequently determined to be spurious. Fur-
frequencies measured for the air column with the reed thermore, the external excitation method applied to an
instrument gives only its resonance frequencies, and
end closed, and thus correspond to the high impedance
peaks of the input impedancecurves. x The intonationof does not give quantitative values of its input impedance.
a given instrument will then depend critically on the fre- To avoid these difficulties and to obtain quantitative
quencies of the impedance peaks. Furthermore, the input impedance curves, a system related to that re-
steady tone of the instrument is complex, containing portedby Webstera was developed. In this method, an
harmonics whose amplitude will certainly depend to acoustic current of constant amplitude is supplied to the
some extent on the deviation of the frequency of a given mouthpiece end of the instrument and is thus impressed ß
harmonic from the frequency of a nearby impedance across its input impedance. The acoustic current is
peak. The curve of input impedance versus frequency supplied by an acoustic impedance in series with the

1266 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 56, No. 4, October 1974 Copyright ¸ 1974 by the AcousticalSociety of America 1266
1267 J. Backus'Impedanceof reedwoodwinds 1267

DRIVER voltage e appearingacross the reactanceXc in series
with the impedance Z and the source voltage E will be

'• ,
e= +

provided I ZI >>xc. For the acoustical system, this be-


IPREAMPI e= (E/Z)(pc•'/wV) ,
where p is the air density, c the velocity of sound, 09

the angularfrequency, and V the volume. Hence, if the

series impedanceZ is independentof frequency, the
curve plotted by the level recorder as the frequency is
OSCILLATOR increased shouldbe a straight line with a negative slope
of 6 dB per octave.
A number of different impedance configurations were
(a) tried in the arrangement of Fig. l(a). The volume V
was a section of tube of 1.58 cm i.d. and length 1.52
cm, comprising 3.2 cms. Capillary tubes and tubes
filled with wires or steel wool all gave traces on the
level recorder which were curved in varying amounts;
E this is not unexpected, since the parameters of such
configurationsare frequencydependent.
4,s The equa-
lly,= • +h....... +• •'•'•'• .... of tubes containing al-
ternating air flow are similar to those for the impedance
of wires to alternating current flow, so that the skin ef-
(b) fect is important.6 For gases,the effectof viscosity
on the gas flow near a boundary surface is governed by
FIG. 1. (a) Acoustical arrangement for checking series im-
pedance configurations. (b) Equivalent electrical circuit for
the viscous boundary-layer thickness 5u, given by
this arrangement. 5u= (V/Pw)•/• , (3)
where •7is the viscosity of the gas; the effect of the sur-
of the instrumentanda regulateddriver face is diminishedby the factor 1/e in a distance
unit;. if the magnitude of this series impedance is large from the surface. For air at 23 øC at a frequencyf,
compared to the input impedance of the instrument, the Eq. 3 becomes
acoustic current will be essentially constant. A micro-
5,,=0.156/(f) •/• . (4)
phone inserted into the mouthpiece will then give a re-
sponse proportional to the input impedance, so that In radio frequency work a resistance independent of
curves of impedance versus frequency may be obtained. frequency is obtained by forming resistive material into
To get quantitatively meaningful impedance readings, it a cylindrical shell of thickness small compared to the
is necessary that the high acoustic series impedance skin depth. This suggested trying as a series imped-
have a magnitude essentially independent of frequency. ance a cylinder of air of annular cross section. If R is

The arrangement shownin Fig. l(a) was used to try the mean radius of the annulus, D its thickness (small
various configurations and observe their frequency de-
comparedto R), and1 its length, its impedanceis given
pendence. The series impedance to be tested was at-
tached to a driver unit (Altec 730C) whose outputwas Zx= (1/2vR)[12V/Ds+j(6/5)(wp/D)]l. (5)
kept constant by means of a monitoring microphone
(Altec 21 BR-180) attachedto a level regulator (General
Radio type 1569) which regulated the voltage supplied to
the driver by an audio oscillator and amplifier. The
series impedance was terminated in a small volume;
the sound amplitude produced in this volume was mea-
sured by a second microphone, the response microphone
O. 168 cm
(Altec 21 BR-150). The sound-pressure level in the
volume could then be plotted as a function of frequency
by the use of a level recorder which records the level
of the response microphone output. The recorder also
mechanically varies the frequency of the oscillator sup-
plying the driver. TUBE // x ROD

The equivalent electrical circuit for this acoustical FIG. 2. Configuration of an approximately frequency-independent
system is shownin Fig. l(b). The magnitude of the series impedance.

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1268 J. Backus:Impedanceof reedwoodwinds 1268

The first term on the right of Eq. 5 is the Poisueille

resistance for this configuration; the second term is an
inductive teacrance which is small compared to the re-
sistance for low frequencies and small D. This ex-
pression should be expected to hold for frequencies such
that 1 is considerably less than the wavelength of sound
in the annulus. 8

From Eq. 4 above, we see that at a frequency of 1000 RUBBER

Hz, the boundary-layer thickness is about 0.005 cm, so
we should expect an annulus thickness of about 0.01 cm
to be appropriate. Various configurations of this kind RESPONSE •
were tested in the arrangement of Fig. l(a). The one MICROPHONE

finally settled upon is shown in Fig. 2. It consists of a

stainless steel tube of 3/32 in. o.d. and 0. 074 in.
(0.,188cm)i.d. hhvinginsideit a pieceof drill rodof FIG. 4. Adapter for plotting input impedance curves of cylin-
diameter 0.066 in. (0. 168 cm). Three No. 36 B. & So
drical tubing.
gauge copper wires, spaced as shown, keep the rod
concentric inside the tube, thus providing an annular
space of thickness 0.004 in. (0. 010 cm). The length of
quency values. In Fig. 3, the curve B for the capillary
the assembly is 2.5 in. (6.3 cm). The level recorder
has been displaced 20 dB downward to keep it on the
trace for this configuration is shown by the upper curve
chart. The capillary thus has both a smaller impedance
AinFig. 3. It falls 6 dB per octave to within 0.5dBin
and a smaller area than the annular impedance configu-
the range 100-2000 cps, departing by 1 dB at 2700 Hz, ration.
so has an impedance magnitude reasonably frequency
independent over this range; this is most of the range Using the dimensions of the series impedance given
of interest in the investigation of musical instruments. above, we find the Poiseuille resistance to be 2.4x 104
This is rather surprising, since the length of the as- cgs acoustic ohms. This was checked by measuring the
sembly is about a half the wavelength in air at 2700 Hz, air flow through the impedance under a measured pres-
and one would expect that the approximations made in sure difference; the result was 2.3x 104acousticohms.
obtaining Eq. 5 would no longer be valid.
Given a frequency-independent series impedance, the
For comparison, the lower curve B of Fig. 3 shows magnitude of the input impedance of an acoustical sys-
the recorder trace using a capillary tube of length 6.3 tem such as a musical instrument can be measured

cm and diameter 0. 061 cm as a series impedance; it quantitatively with suitable alterations of the arrange-
obviously is far from frequency independent. In the fre- ment of Fig. l(a). The small volume terminating the
quency range of Fig. 3, the ratio of the tube-radius to series impedance is replaced by an adapter fitting the
the boundary-layer thickness 6v ranges from 2 to 10. particular type of instrument to be measured and which
As shown by the curves in Ref. 4, this is the region accommodates the response microphone. The level
where the transmission parameters are changing con- recorder is replaced by a chart recorder to plot the out-
siderably with frequency as compared to the low-fre- put voltage of the response microphone directly. With
these modifications, the series impedance supplies an
essentially constant acoustic current to the instrument
under measurement, and the output of the response
microphone will be proportional to the magnitude of the
instruments input impedance. The chart recorder then
gives a graph of input impedance versus frequency when
the oscillator frequency is swept through the desired

In practice, the series impedance cannot be made in-

definitely large, so we may expect the measured imped-
ance values to be somewhat in error when they are not
small compared to it. Other sources of error also
exist, such as small variations with frequency of the
level regulator controlling the driver input. Hence, an
overall check was made which gave a calibration of the
arrangement as a function of frequency. A piece of
3/4-in.-o. d. brass tube of inside diameter 1. 576 cm
lOO 500 1K 3 K (0. 620 in. ) and 102 cm long was capped on one end and
used as the impedance tube in the arrangement described
FIG. 3. (a) Level recorder trace of the output of the response in an earlier publication.9 For a closedtube containing
microphone, for the configuration of Fig. 2. (b) Level recorder a standing wave, the ratio r of the pressure at a mini-
trace for a capillary tube. mum of the wave to that of the pressure maximum at the

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1269 J. Backus:Impedanceof reedwoodwinds 1269

closed end is •ø are shown by open circles; a curve has been drawn
through them to aid in comparison. Agreement is quite
r= tanhaxmax, (6)
good over most of the range from 150 to 2500 cps, the
where x is the distance of the minimum from the closed equipmentgiving readings some 10%low at the two ex-
end and a is the (small) attenuation constant. This con- tremes. Using the impedances measured and the cali-
stant is proportional to the square root of the frequency brations of the monitoring and response microphones,
f and inversely proportional to the radius a of the tube, we calculate the series impedance to have a magnitude
and measurements at a number of frequencies gave, for 2.4x 104ohms, whichchecksthe previouslyobtained
the brass tube used, values.

,a= a. O6xlO'•f•l•'/a . ' (7) The marks along the bottom of the chart of Fig. 5 are
This checks well with the results in the literature. •o,• the positions of the harmonics of the fundamental, made
by the circuit described in Ref. 1. In this, as in sub-
It may be shown that for a tube of length I and cross-sec-
sequent charts, the positions of the harmonics are shown
tional area Ao, the impedance at a resonance is given
by short vertical lines above the scale of harmonics.
The positions of the resonance peaks are shown by lines
Z= (pC/Ao)al, (8) belowthe bottomline of the char•tso aS to simplify
comparison of the resonance frequencies with the har-
provided al << 1. Using the value for a given above, we
monic frequencies. To estimate musical intervals on
the charts, we note that the space between two adjacent
Z= 4.30x 10S/(alf{/a), (9) vertical lines corresponds to 155 cents. The frequency
of the fundamental of the harmonic marker circuit is
in cgs acoustic ohms.
also given on the chart.
The values of Z calculated from Eq. 9 may now be
used to calibrate the equipment. The 102-cm tube was In Fig. 5, the peaks have been set to coincide with the
mounted in the adapter shown in Fig. 4. In this adapter, harmonics at the high-frequency end of the chart; the
the series impedance enters through a rubber plug which first few low-frequency peaks then deviate somewhat
projects into the tube a short distance; this is to com- from the harmonic frequencies because of the lowering
pensate for the extra volume added to the tube by the re- of the sound velocity in the tube at these frequencies due
sponsemicrophone(0.35 cma) and the channelleading to to viscosity. For a tube of radius a large compared to
it. Since the impedance of the tube at a given resonance the viscous boundary-layer thickness tSv, the velocity of
sound c' is •3
frequency is known from Eq. 9, it is possible to set the
driver input to the series impedance, as measured on c': c[1-•i'/a42]. (10)
the monitoring microphone, to give a full-scale chart
recorder reading as corresponding to any selected num- Here •' is the equivalentboundary-layerthicknessdue
ber of acoustic ohms. to bothviscosityandheat conduction,andis givenby•4
Figure 5 shows the impedance curve obtained for the
102-cm tube; full scale is 500 ohms. The impedances
at certain resonances, calculated from Eq. 8 above, (11b)

FIG. 5. Input impedance curve for a

tube of 1. 576 cm i.d. and length 102 cm.
Circles joined by the curved line are
values calculated from Eq. 9 in text.
Full scale is 500 cgs acoustic ohms.
Marks along the bottom line show loca-
tions of the harmonics of the lowest

I 2 3 4 6 8 10 12

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1270 J. Backus: Impedanceof reed woodwinds 1270

quotation marks indicate "written" notes; the instrument

sounds a whole tone lower.) Full-scale reading is 1000
ohms. The instrument used was the same Bundy plastic
clarinet used in Ref. 2. These curves may be com-
pared with the corresponding ones in Ref. 2; it will be
seen that they are somewhat similar, but the earlier
ones of course did not give quantitative impedance
values. Certain aspects may be noted: the played res-
onance always has the highest impedance, except for the
notes at the top of the clarinet register and higher. The
lowest resonance has an impedance of 800 to 1000 ohms
in the chalumeau register; the next resonance, of ap-
proximately three times the frequency, has an imped-
ance of 500 to 700 ohms. Otherwise, the results of Ref.
2 are corroborated. In both registers, the instrument
plays 40 to 70 cents flatter than the frequency of the
resonance on which it is operating. In the chalumeau
register, the peaks are compressed, so that the fre-
FIG. 6. Adapter for clarinet and saxophone. quencies of the prominent resonances are progressively
more and more below the corresponding harmonic fre-
quencies. In the clarinet register, the resonances are
randomly distributed in relation to the harmonics.
where •it is the thermal boundary layer thickness, • the
ratio of specificheats, andC•/K is the Prandtlnumber. B. The bassoon
This givesan equivalent viscosity• whichincludesthe
effect of heat conduction•;for air undernormal condi- Impedance curves for the bassoon were made using
tions, •= 2.27. The equivalentboundarylayer thick- the adapter shown in Fig. 9. Curves were run for three
ness is then given by bassoons: (1) the laboratory instrument, a Kohlert
bassoon(Ser. No. 221912) rebuilt by the author; (2) a
•' = 0.23/(f) •/•' . (12) Heckel bassoon (Ser. No. 11563) loaned by the USC
At the fundamental frequency 168.5 Hz of the tube of Music Department; and (3) the author's owninstrument,
Fig. 5, the correction term in Eq. 10 works out to be used in orchestral work, a Hiiller bassoon(Set. No.
2.3•, whichwill give a correspondingpercentagere- 4329z•). The curvesfor the three instrumentswere quite
duction in frequency. This amounts to 39 cents, which similar for a given note, so only one series is shown,
checks very well with the displacement shown in Fig. 5 that for the Hiiller bassoon. The differences between
for the fundamental. this instrument and the Heckel bassoon (the brand to
which practically all bassoonists aspire) may be musi-
Input impedance curves were run for a number of
cally significant, but at this time we cannot say. Fig-
instruments, using the series impedance connectedto an
ure 10 showsthe curvefor the lowestnoteB• onthe in-
instrument adapter such as sketched in Fig. 6. Each
strument; it is extensive enough to warrant a separate
adapter was designed to supply the same volume to the
display. Figure 11 gives curves for the notes indicated,
instrument as the reed it replaced; this is discussed
up to the top note F s of the first register; higher-fre-
further below. For each impedance curve given below,
quency portions of the curves have been truncated some-
the range of sounding frequencies was determined by
what to keep the figures within bounds, but the omitted
blowing in the usual manner; this range is shown at the
portions do not appear to be significant. Figure 12
appropriate position on the chart by a short horizontal
line between two short vertical lines which mark the ap-
showsnotes in the higher register, past the "break."
Full scale in all bassoon curves is 1500 ohms.
proximate extremes of the blowing range. The harmonic
marker circuit is set at the resonance frequency, not The curves for the bassoon show characteristics which
the blown frequency. To obtain the positions of the har- in many ways are the opposite of the clarinet curves.
monics of a blown tone, the harmonic scale may be For the lowestnoteB•, there are manywell-defined
moved bodily until its fundamental coincides with the resonances; however, the peaks are stretched in fre-
frequency of the tone; i.e., each harmonic on the loga- quency, instead of being compressed as they are in the'
rithmic scale moves the same amount. Frequencies clarinet, so that the resonance frequencies are progres-
were measured on a stroboscopic frequency meter sively higher (sharper) than the corresponding harmonic
(Stroboconn©). frequenciesø The 12th resonance, for example, nearly
coincides with the 13th harmonic. For this note, the
II. IMPEDANCE CURVES instrument plays some 30 cents higher than the frequen-
cy of the lowest resonance, presumably because of this
A. The clarinet
sharpening of the higher resonances; the lowest tone
Impedance curves for the clarinet were made using is ric,h in harmonics, and their frequencies will be a
the adapter shown in Fig. 6. Results are shown in Fig. closer match to those of the corresponding resonances
7 for the low (chalumeau)register, and in Fig. 8 for the if the frequency of the fundamental is raised somewhat
high (clarinet) register, for the notes indicated. (The above that of the lowest mode.

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ill,. il!l.11111i


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1273 J. Backus:Impedanceof reed woodwinds 1273

RUBBER MICROPHONE Benade also gives a correction term to the expression

for the mode frequencies of the cutoff cone, according
to which the frequencies are sharpened by an amount
proportional to the square of the mode number, cot-re-
sponding to the stretching of the resonance frequencies
observed in Fig. 10. However, his correction term is
grossly in error. Using the above dimensions in the
correction term for the sixth mode, for example, we
•• find the correction to be 0.003 cents, whereas from
Fig. 10 we can estimate the sixth mode to be 80 cents

)• sharp with respect to the sixth harmonic.

As the scale is ascended, we see from Figø 11 that

FIG. 9. Adapter for bassoon.
the higher resonances lose their distinctness. For Gz,
for example (the lowest note in the basic scale), only
the first four resonances appear to be important. At
The lowest resonance of the full-length instrument as
Bz there are three prominent resonances approximately
givenin Fig. 10 is 57.9 Hz. Accordingto Benade,16
the nth mode frequency of a closed truncated cone (the matching the harmonic frequencies; at C s there are only
length of the truncated part being small) is given (to the t•vo matching resonances, and at Fs, the highest note in
first order) by nc/2L, where L is the lengthfrom the the low register, there is only one. Above about Gs it
appears that the relationship bet•veen the resonances and
vertex of the cone to the large end, that is, the actual
the harmonics is purely random. Note also that up to
length plus the cutoff portion. This does not agree well
with the present measurements. The author's labora- Cs the lowest resonancehas the lowest impedance(in-
tory instrument, for example, measures 250 cm from stead of the highest as in the clarinet), ranging from
the small tip of the bocal (the tapered metal tube on 400 to 1200 ohms. This probably accounts for the con-
which the reed is placed) to the large open end at the siderable unpredictability in playing the low notes on the
instrument. From Cs up the input impedance ranges
bell. From the dimensions of the bocal, we can calcu-
late the cutoff length to be 29.5 cm. The diameter of from 1200 to 1500 ohms. Note also that above Gz the
the bore increases from 0.41 cm at the small end of the instrument plays lower (flatter) than the frequency of the
bocal to 3.78 cm at the end of the bell. Using these
with c= 3.45x 104cm/sec, we calculatethe Abovethe "break" (bet•veenF#s and Gs) the notesare
fundamental frequency to be 61.7 Hz rather than 57.9 played by progressively opening vent-holes higher up on
Hz. This is a discrepancy of 110 cents. From a chart the instrument. The effect of the vent-hole can be seen
givenby Nederveen,• we can calculateabout35 cents for the notes Gs and C4 in Fig. 12; the lowest resonance
of this to be due to boundary-layer effects in the bore of is considerably reduced in impedance and raised in fre-
the instrument; the remainder must obviously include quency. Above D4 the so-called "forked" fingerings are
the effect of closed tone holes. used, in which open and closed fingerholes are inter-


I 2 4 6 8 10 13 16 20

FIG. 10. Impedance curve for the lowest note Bhl on the bassoon. Full scale is 1500 ohms.

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1274 J. Backus:Impedanceof reedwoodwinds 1274


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spersed. For the note F 4 the instrument is operating on

the third resonance, and for the note Cs (about the upper
limit of the instrument) there is some ambiguity as to
which resonance it is using.

on the charts, we note that not only does the bassoon
have a much wider flexibility on a given note than the
clarinet (over a semitone for some notes) but also that
the playing frequency gets progressively more and more
below the resonance frequency as the scale is ascended.
As seen in Fig. 12, for example, the playing frequen-
cies for notes in the higher register are generally more
than a semitone below the resonance frequencies. This
is a considerable discrepancy, so additional experiments
were done to check this matter, using the external exci-
tation method. An adapter was constructed on a bassoon
1 ß
bocal about 6 cm from the tip; a Briiel & Kjaer •-tn.
microphone(type4136) couldbe insertedinto this adaPt-
er so as to measure the pressure at this point. The in-
strument was fingered to a given note by inserting corks
into the appropriate holes and wedging down the appro-
priate keys. A playable bassoon reed was sealed along
its sides with flexible cement and inserted into a simple
artificial embouchure consisting of two pieces of foam
neoprene in an adjustable clamp. The reed was placed
on the bassoon,.blown to soundthe instrument, the
artificial embouchureadjustedto get the note approxi-
mately in tune (as a player would do), and the playing
frequency measured. A small loudspeaker energized
by an oscillator and amplifier was then placed near the
first open tone-holes to excite vibrations in the instru-
ment, and the re.sonance frequency for the fundamental
mode found by observing the response of the microphone
on the bocal as the frequency was varied. This was
done (a) with the reed (with its embouchure)in place and
its open end closed with a small piece of modeling clay;
(b) with the bassoonadaptershownin Fig. 9, havingthe
microphone in place and the hole for the series imped-
ance plugged; and (c) with the bocal tip closed by a cork.
The lowering in frequency between conditions (c) and
uJ (a) variedfrom imperceptiblefor the lowestnoteB• up
to a maximum of 90 cents for notes in the range F s to
•.• z F 4. For condition (b) the lowering was up to 25 cents
less thanfor (a), so this muchof the
o can be ascribed to the fact that the bassoon adapter had
a volume somewhat less than that of the reed. The reed
volume, measured by sealing, weighing, filling with
water to the point of bocal insertion, and reweighing, is
0.7 cms. Assuminga frequencyloweringproportional
0 to volume, we can calculate the volume of the adapter
(using an average of the measurements) to be about
0.5 cms.

The compliance of the reed has the same effect as in-

creasingthe reed volume. Nederveen,•8 on the basis of
measurements on bassoon reeds, calculates that the
equivalent volume due to reed compliance is 0.9¾0,
where ¾0is the volume of the truncated part of the cone
(1.30 cm• in the author's instrument). This is sufficient
to accountfor the abovediscrepancy,but is not sub-
stantiated by the present experiments. By using weak
external excitation and closing off the reed with a film

J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 56, No. 4, October 1974

1278 J. Backus:
of reedwoodwinds 1278

,• ;11!i•i !i . ,
• ' •- •"-
•' i•' i,,',•
IIT' ,I.
, ........ iii i

' ' '

•I I :. ii I

i-i ,,,
•I , ii II !• i•iiil•illIll •1 ,,
•,',• • 'l'
• , ,I,.

.-il :-=• :
. •,I II.,,i!.1•.,,.•,,:.,.,•. •!•,,.•,
,. ,,'., I.' '!' :J' I!! i•: ,111I• ,;•',I•.I,il! ,•.. "J
, ,, ., ',
,, lJ,,
'1' ' III, ß ,,,., . ,, . :l•,.'! I I!1•i•II,'

ß ,•,,,.',
Ii '..,'.ii•
',• •11;
'' I ''

• .' ii •, [•liiii
-........... •I?,•
•-• .'.
;• __ ! ........................

Soc.Am.,Vol.56,No.4, October
1279 J. Backus'Impedanceof reedwoodwinds 1279

of soap solution, we can measure the resonance fre- III. CONCLUSION

quencywith the reed free to v{brate. Under these con-
The impedance curves given above represent one step
ditions it is found that the frequency is lowered by
in the direction of understanding the acoustic behavior
amounts up to 25 cents by the reed compliance. This
correspondsto an additionalvolumeof 0.25 cms, which of the reedwoodwind
•nstruments.Theyraise a number
of further questions; for example, is the stretching of
is about one-fifth of Nederveen's value. A large part
the resonances relative to the harmonics in the oboe and
of the discrepancy between resonance frequency and
blowing pressure thus is still not accounted for.
bassoon,as comparedto the compressing
of the reso-
nances in the clarinet; a necessary factor in their
proper operation? Would they function better or worse
C. The oboe
if •here were no stretchingor compressing?Howwould
the tone quality of the instrument be affected by getting
a better match between the higher resonances and the
Impedance curves for the oboe were made with an
harmonic frequencies ? Would the low notes on the bas-
adapter similar to that of Fig. 9 for the bassoon, but
soonbe easier to play if the low resonanceswere of
smaller in size, and accommodatingthe Bri]el & Kjaer
higher impedance? (This practical question is of inter-
No. 4136 microphone as the response microphone.
est to the author, who plays this stubborn and uncooper-
Curves for the oboe are shown in Fig. 13 for the low
ative instrument. ) It is hopedthat these and other ques-
register and Fig. 14 for the higher register, for the tions will be answered when we achieve a better under-
notesindicated;full scaleis 2000ohms. Theinstru- standingof the interactionof these complicatedreso-
ment usedwas a Loree oboe (Set. No. BB40, loanedby
the USC Music Department), which for nowwe may as-
nancesystemswith •hereedwhichis supplying
ergy to make them oscillate; work in this direction is
sumeto be representative
of oboesger{erally. As with continuing.
the bassoon, the curves have been truncated on the as-
sumptionthat the higher-frequencyportions are not of ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
interest. Only two notes are shown for the upper reg-
ister, since the curves for two notes an octave apart in This work was supported by the National Science
the two registers are very similar except for the lowest Foundation, whose assistance is gratefully acknowl-
resonance; this resonance is lowered in impedance and edged. Thanks are also due to the music department of
raised in frequency by the opening of the vent-hole with the Universityof Sou[hem
the octave key. As with the bassoon, the instrument suaded to loan some (if their finest instruments to the
plays at a lower frequency than the operating resonance, author for use on this project.
by more than a semitone for some of the higher notes.
External excitation experiments using a sealed-off reed
showed that this discrepancy was not due to an inadequate ij. Backus,
J. Acoust.
2j. Backus, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 43, 1272-1281 (1968).
volume on the microphone adapter used with the oboe.
3j. C. Webster, J. Acoust. S0c. Am. 19, 902-906 (1947).
4A. H. Benade, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 44, 6]6-623 (1968).
D. The saxoPhone 50. K. Mawardi, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 21, 482-486 (1•J49).
61. B. Crandall, Theory of Vibrating Systemsand Sound(Van
The saxophone couples a conical air column to a Nostrand, New York, 1927), p. 229 fl.
clarinet-type mouthpiece, so it is of interest to see how ?S. N. Rsehevkin, Theory of Sound(Pergamon, London, 1963),
its resonance curves compare with those of the other in- p. 233.
struments. Impedance curves were therefore run on an
8Rel. 7, p. 234.
9j. Baekus,andT. C. Hundley, J. Aeoust. Soe. Am. 49, 509-
E• alto saxophone
(BundyNo. 569859),usingthe same 519 (1971).
adapteras usedwiththe clarinet. Figure 15 gives løR. D. Fay, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 12, 62-67 (1940).
curves for four notes on the instrument; full scale is ilL. L. Beranek,AcousticMeasurements(Wiley, New York,
1000 ohms. The quoted notes are again the "written" 1949), p. 73.
for thisinstrument
a majorsixthbelow 12G.T. Kemp and A. W. Nolle, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 25, 1083-
where written. We note that the high resonances on this 1086 (1953).
instrument disappear even more completely than they do •3Rayleigh,Theory of Sound(Dover, NewYork, 1945), Vol. II,
p. 326.
on the other conical instruments; at the top note"C5" of 14Ref.13, p. 325.
the low register there are only two resonances. We note 15L. J. Sivian, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 7, 94-101 (1935).
also that the two lowest resonances appear to be exactly 16A. H. Benade, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 31, 137-146 (1959).
an octave apart over the range of the instrument. The •?C. J. Nederveen,AcousticalAspectsof Woodwind Inst•ments
high notes play considerably below the resonance fre- (Fritz Knut, Amsterdam, 1969), p. 42.
quency, but not by as much as in the oboe. •8C. J. Nederveen,J. Acoust.So½.Am. 45, 513-514 (1969).

J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 56, No. 4, October 1974

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