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The French Revolution and the Idea of the Nation,
List of Jgpia
The Making of Nationalism in Europe, The Age of
Revolutions: 1830-1848, The Making of Germany Topic-1: French
and 1/aly, Visualizing the Nation, Natwnalism and Revolution and Malwlg
Imperialism. ________________ ---• of Nattonalism
------------------· I
Topic-2: The Age of
Revolutions (1830-1848)
Rise of Nationalism in Europe, French Revolution, Nationalism and : Page No.,
Imperialism. I
I Topic-3: Nation States
) I I I
- Unification of ttaty,
Germany and 8ritacn
•• i ~
Topic--4: Vtwalising
the Nation: National-
ism and

► Idea of the Nation

Sod, t ublics: tt L, u ~,~ .. te cn:t...qirtu.
• The concept of n tton hsm t•mcrgt•d in Europl' tilm,,llv dt'\lll.1kd to th£' C'Stab11shment aisx:ws:sm.
during the ninPlcenth century. liberty Equality Fraternity: ~ " ~
• It marked the downfall of f ud lism ,llld tlw Tl'~Mlkd ,, tlw ml,,t famou"' ~~ the~
begmmng of R n nc which likrally Rt•vlilutitin l\frn ,md w·omen are b.--xn and ft'll\llin
meaM 'Rebirth'. tn't.' und t'qu.11 m nshts &"11:: I d.~Mtiol\$ ma be
toun,kd linh upon tht. C\'Ul\m(
O=tR, Keywords • Th(•f~hngnf nat na w~....._..bJ•
N An ktMlogy which emph11 •1.~" F~nch am t n:lmN FrtcWric SoniMa, Ill 1. . .
faithfubwte, dnotlon, or allttgian c to a nation or he pA'f:ktrt'd I ot pnnt-- no aM I C Ilia
nation-elate and hold that 1uth obligation out d ~ , of I worlJ m1kM up ol 1'>1• • ad
'ffiah other bldMduaJ or group lntm,t, 5<..x."'t.11 R publia u he aired lhla
t~daUilm: A IOdal -,.e.m msting In IMC!wval
Europe III whkh plople worked IIIMI fought for no
lllr' ......... ,.u11c:11un Ind land In l'ffl&rn.

I • The painting depict d his dream of a world •

The ideas of la patrle (the falll

free of the absolu ·st institutions and the dtoyen (the citizen) w e r e ~ ad ..
establishment of dem [cratic and social repµblics. • The Estates General was renamed the
It also illustrated the l' atue of Llberty holding As~m~Ir, which was elected byu t h e ~
active crtizens. - 7 of
a torch of Enlighten ent and the Charter of the
• French armies moved into Holland.

Rights of Man.
The concepts of Ube ty. equality, ft ,,t,•
and natlonallsm ~ominated the social and
of liberating the people from
Switzerland and Italy in the 1790& with ~

l political scene of Euro,pe in the 19th century.

~ KeyFacts
I. @=w> KeyWords
Absolute Monarchy: A monarchy in which the
The i, I r ) it was primarily caused due
to the financial crisis and it began with the Storming
of the Bastille, 14th July 1789.
monarch holds the supreme or absolute powers. A
In October 1815, was exiled to the re-
monarchy that is not limited or restrained by laws
mote island of St. Helena in the South Atlantic
or a constitution.
' Ocean, where he remained until he died on May 5,
r ench Revolution· An Y!Prising in France against 1821, at the age of 51.
the monarchy from 1789 to 1799 which resulted in
the establishment of France: as a republic. ► I (1769-1821)
Constitutional Monarchy· It is a system of gov- • Ruled France from 1799 to 1815.
ernment in which a monairch shares power with a • Assumed absolute power in 1799 by becoming
constitutionally organized :government. the First Consul.
~ patrie . It is a French word used for fatherland. 1
Le citoyen It is the French word used the citizen.
Napoleonic Coae· The Civil Code of 1804 intro- A French military and
duced by Napoleon, is known as the Napoleonic , political leader who gained prominence during the
Code. This Code did away with all the privileges French Revolution. He ruled France from 1799 to
based on birth, established. equality before the law 1815. He assumed absolute power in 1799 by becom-
and secured the right to property. ' ing the First Consul.
~iberahsm It is a political and moral philosophy • A famous Italian revolution-
which is based on liberty, equality before the law ary who was born in 1807 in Genoa. He was part of a
and consent of the governed. secret society called Carlxmari and founded two un-
latlon-~tat A state that establishes itself as a derground societies called Young.Ital}' in ~ ~ e s
separate political and geographical entity and func- , and Young Europe in
tions as a complete and sovereign territorial unit. Introduced the Civil Code in 1804 which als,o
This concept emerged in 1.9 th century Europe as a came to be known as the o eo c C
result of the development of nationalism. • The Code established equality before the bw
r ai:ism· It is a political and social philoso- and abolished all privileges based on birth.
phy promoting traditional social institutions in the • It also abolished the feudal svstem and fre.ed
context of culture and civilisation. peasants from se~dom. ·
.--- ~~
• Transport and communication 5\'$fem were
► French kevolutlon. Beginning and Salient approved.
Features • Taxation and censorship were imp..:~ and
• 'J1111789Franccwasu der bsolutern--, -', ,, military services were madt' mandattm .
• f fow,·vn, the fr _nc I •r,! • in 1789 was
M1 inflw•ntial t•vc•nt that marked the age of

n·volutiwu; in hurop,• Tht• major oulcomr of tlw Frt'tKh Rt•n,lutil,n
rcvolu1tor1wc1!1tlll'for ,ationofa on htl I"¼.'k\m u" ,\dt'{i lt.,h Napoleonic wars
J monarchy, tlwn·l , ,,
rnorn •bout

Scan to kncfw
l \l,tJ-<lk•on ruk-d France
remarkable rcclucltor 111 !ht·

thl1 toplt 1 80 N.,polt·\'l\K \.'ode "-.S introduced, that did
roy,11 and fcudc1I pnv cr,l's,
,,w,\\ \\1th 1111 the pmileges based on birth.

• It paved thr way f r tlw
lt uphr.ld c.-qualil) before the law
arh1c vcmcnl of ngg(•r
1 0 Mauuu ¥i as born m GenoA
goah1 of nat1011al I ·ntitv
1 14 1 Fall of ~l~ the Vienna ~ S..
and national pndt:, h1ch
an aptly be call d H
Napoleon defffted by tht Europelln puuaa
G~kstruggk f o r ~ .....
e Tlw tnolulion tranaf
Ille lllOllll'ch to dw _..,.,_.
lN' 80Vtt~lgnty from Mauini llfflt anto eJdle fm atl g M•C•---
lution ln Ugwia
I • Oawaal CBSE estion Bank Chapterw ise & Topicwiae, BOCIAL IICJSIIC S, Clau-X
► Advent of Uber■ m in Europe stressed the importan ce of tradition.
• During the mid 8th century, Europe was divided institutio ns and customs , and ptefaaa l
into several s 11 kingdom s and principalities. develop ment to quick change.
The concept of1n~tlon states did not exist at • After 1815, several liberals began wodcing
all. People frorr diverse ethnic groups lived in secret societies all over Europe to P:+ gm: " -
Eastern and CeJ tral Europe. views and train revolutionaries. Revnlntic- ._
• The promine nt empires in Europe were the were seen as a threat to the r e s t o r e d ~
autocratic Ott9man Empire that ruled over and hence, were represse d.
Eastern and CE1ntral Europe, and Greece and Giuseppe
• Mazzlnl, a famous fta1a.
the Habsbur g E!mpire that ruled over Austria- revolutio nary was born in 1807 in Genoa. lie
Hungary . was the part of a secret society c.alled CadJaaad
► Rise of Conserv atism and Revoluti onaries and founded two undergr ound societies called
• The middle class believed in freedom and Young Italy in Marseilles, and Young Europe a
equality of all indjviduals before the law. Liberalism Berne.
was used to end aristocracy and clerical privileges. • In 1831, Mauin i was sent into exile b
After the defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte in 1815, attempti ng a revolutio n in Llguria. MUZiai
the European ~overnment adopted the idea of believed in the unificati on of the s m a l l ~
Conservatism. and principalities in Italy. These societies W8f
• Conserv atism was a political philosop hy that joined by like-mm ded young men from Poland,

France, Italy and the German states.
CTIV E TYP E QUE STIO NS Cl mark each>

A Multi ple C oice Quest ions ,

Q. 1. Identify the correct statement with regard to 'The
Act of Union -1707' from the following options.
~ [CBSE SQP 2020-21)
(A) The British monarch y surrende red the power
to English Parliam ent
(B) The British Parliame nt seized power from
(C) The formatio n of the 'United Kingdom of
Great Britain'. Who is represen ted as ~ postnu.n in tlw gtwa
(D)The British nation was formed as a result of a image?
war with Scotla111d and Wales. (A) Giusepp e Mazzini (Bl Otto \"Un Bi."-lN.ld:
Ans. Option (C) is correct, (()'00 Bon.1fUTle tD) G1useppt~ ~
Explanation: The A t of Union (1707) between Ans. Option (C) is correct.
Englan~ a~d Sco~larld resulted in the formatio n Expla11-1tfon: \\'hen i\.l~)lt'\.'1.n b--1 the blttlr d
of the United Kan dom of Great Britain' after Leip1.ig in l~ l3 h(.• Jn'ri"-"- i out t~ letttn rmaa 11111
which England was le to impose its inflm·nc c on b,1g th.,t h.\$ writt(.'n tht• namt>5 ot ~ temtone l ht
Scotland . lost

Q. 2. Who among the f, lowing forml'd thl' ~t•t:n•t Q.4. lolumn \ l . .i .. ,. ,

toddy call~d 'Youn ltaly'7 0 (0
(A) Otto Von Blsmar
(B) Glu~ MauJn tll)
(q Johann Gottfried
(HI) Me;am~ of
(D) Dub Mettt-mlch
Q ,. ...., .... followlna
'le oto,-en
Meaning of
,. p,atrie
(d) The

I (A)P)-(bL (11)-(cL (til)-(d),

(B) (i)-(c), (ii)-(d), (iii)-(b),
Austria had collectively defeated
met at Vienna to draw up a se

-r"-uu. tlltlj
(C) (i)-(d), (ii)-(a), (iii)-(c)
{D) (i)-{a), (ii)-(d), (iii)-(b)
An8, Option (B) is correct.
(iv)-(c) first liberalist-nationalist
July 18307
Q. 8. In which one of the following COCiubla did Ille
take place la
I (Delhi, Set~ 202l
Expltuultion: (A) France (B) Germany )
(i) In Roman, Liber mean free. (C) England (D) Italy
(ii) Elle was use~. to meas~ re cloth. Ans. Option (A) is correct
(iii) In French, atizens who lived inside city walls Explanation: The first upheaval took place in France
known as 'le citoyen'. in July 1830.
(iv) In French, 'la patrie' m ~ans 'the fatherland'. Q. 9. Most conservative regimes set up in 1815 impoeed
censorship laws. Which of the following did they
Q.5. want to control through such laws?
(i) Napoleon (a) Frankfurt P: What was written about them?
Bonaparte Parliament Q: The increasing demand for modernising the
(ii) Duke Metternich (b) Civil Code army
(iii) Louis XVI R: The spread of ideas of liberty and freedom
J1 Congress of Vienna
reflected in the newspapers
(iv) Carl Welcker (d) French
S: The spread of the idea that modernisation could
strengthen traditional institutions
(A)(i)-(b), (ii)-(c), (ili)-(d), (iv)-(a) (A) Only P and Q (B) Only P and R
(B) (i)-(d), (ii)-(a), (iii)-(b), (iv)-(c) (C) Only Q and S (D) Only R and S
(C) (i)-(b), (ii)-(a), (iii)-(c), (iv)-(d) Ans. Option (B) is correct
(D)(i)-(a), (ii)-(d), (iii)-(b), (iv)-(c) Q. 10. "When France sneezes," Metternich once remarked,
Ans. Option (A) is correcl "the rest of Europe catches cold."
Explanation: What did Duke Metternich mean by this
(i) Napoleon Bonaparte introduced Civil Code of statement?
1804, also known as Na1poleoni.c Code. (A) France's Bourbon dynasty was the most
(ii) The Congress was hosted by the Austrian influential line of kings in Europe.
Chancellor Duke Metternich. (B) French trade guilds \\;elded enormous powers
(iii)The last monarch of France was Louis XVI. over European trade.
(iv) The liberal politician Carl Welcker was an (C) France had begun annexing neighbouring
elected member of the :Frankfurt ParliamPnt. nations after 1815.
Q. 6. Which type of governments was mainly driven in (D) France's nationalist moYement inspired other
Europe after the defeat of Napoleon in 18157 nations.
~ (Delhi, Set I 2021) Ans. Option (D) is correct
(A) Conservative (B), Liberal Q. 11. How did Napoleon bring revolutionary· changes in
(C) Federal (D:I Feudal the field of administration?
(A) Abolished ,111 pnnleges ba~-J cm t-irth
Ans. Option (A) is correct
Explanation: Following the defeat of Napoleon (B) Secured the right to pn,perty fur .ill Fn: nch
revolu tion.1ries
in 1815, European gove~rents were driven by a
spirit of conservatism. Co servatives believed that (C) lncre.1sed the .1~ ,)f pt.,,rk who C'OUld be
established, traditional in titutions of State a~d absorbt.'d into serf,h,m
Society - like the Monar hy, the Church, Social (0) M,1ut' ,1ll nwn ,llhl ",,nwn with }'n.lp<rt, equal
hierarchie~, Property and ht.• family - should bt.' m ttw t'Yl'S ,,t tlw I,\\\
preserved. Ans. Option (A) is '-·,,rr,•l't
Q. 1. Which one of the follow · g group of countries r,,,J,11mtfo11 !'\.,i"'lt'<m --1mphhed administrattve
collectinly defeated N1po eon in 18157 di, i,i,ln, lw .,t,,ti,hcd tcudal ,.,-stem, and ftted
( Dclh I Set I, 2021) pt-.1s,1nts lrtHn st•rfdom and ml\ dues. In towns
(A) Britain, Russia, Prussia nd Austnu hl<' p11ld '-\sh•nu; "~re rem0\"00 Transport and
(I) Britain, Russia, Prussia nd Australia l vmmunlcuhon !!\-stem~ \'i re unproved Pasants.
1rhs.i-1,s busuu:~mcn and worbrs fflfOyed tlw
4C) Britain, Ruatla, Nether
nc'" found Cm..1<iom
CD) lrttain, Lwwmbourg,
Q, 12. Whit was the purpoN of ttpladllg ._ ,__...,..
'-0,..CA)llconwct 1bndard with a new Fnach &a, 1M 11k111J!1.
. . i "" In 1815,
•• , •• pow111,
during the fttnch Rnoldaa la 171n 1111
- o.wuJCBS&Qu don Bank Chapterwiae & Topicwiae, aoclAL M:ISIICS, Clua X
(A) To evoke loyal toward the nation instead of a the flag to lead the rnolution
king (D) To provoke the people to wap a wa .....
(8) To show other untrles that the French flag Holland and Swtturland m 1'190
was superior to heirs Ana. Option (A) la conttt
(C) To support the usines!lmen who had creatt·d
Q. 13. On the m•p given low the four territories which defeated Napoleon are marbd u P, Q, R. mid S.

P- Britain Q-Austria R- Prussia

(CBSE Additional Question ~:i-.:::::.i

Which one of them has been marked Q. 2. Assertion (A): The French Re-.~1hic!!l
INCORRECTLY? influenti:11 event that marked the
(A) P and Q (B) Q and R in Europe
(C) Rand S (D) Sand P Reason (Rl ht' Frenth Re-.:ob.1tici!O tl.t..."!S::~n'l'd
Aru. Option (B) is correct so, l'n'1hn, \ · ·-om tht'
Q. 3. As!il'rtion l \ ): M
nh,n.\rt"h, t1nd hi:;
tn~hll'nt~d tht cons
Dirtctioru : In the folllowing question11, a statl'ment Rt·.1,nn lR): Mdh:
of At~rtion (A) Ji, IfoJJowed by a 11tJlt•mt•nt ot n\\,,t dnngtrou:s tn
Reuon (R). Mark the correct choke .111: J\n., , Opttlu, ( \ } i, rorn,-'"'l
(A) Both A and Hart• !rut· 1d R is lht·rnrwd 1·:-.plarmltl>t\ (l4 ...... .
of A
(I) &,th A and Rare Inc but I{ t'i N< )J' ttw w11,•d
txpl,in,itior1 o( /\
(C) A It trut but K I• fal!W
(0) A • falM and K It tru
Q1 4111. . . (A) A largt Halkcin11 wu und r
the mnaol ol tht Ottt
. _ (I): The Q
~ In tht lopttwr
t 1 I p lk:r1 o1 the p6n
..... _,.. ♦ lalittt
-.O,..CA»II....., lilil
1: ·, : : •


Ana. Statue of Liberty in Frederic Solrieu'1 I ; M
Very Shor t Answ er Type depicts the people of Europe and Americ- m • ; I1
/1\,;i) toward s the Statue of Liberty and paying hi 8
Ques tions (1 mark each)
',!..'. 'J- to it. Liberty is personi fied as a female figure which
Q. 1. ExaJIIJne the signific ance of the Statue of Liberty holds charter rights in one hand and the tmm in
in Fff(lbi c Sorrleu '1 paintin gs, 'The Dream of other.
Worldwide Democ ratic and Social Republ ics'. QR.
(ij1] 1oethi, ft:rm l, 2020) IF.I -

j Top per Ans wer, 202 0

e o.nd. fhe
4) The e of Liber t~ he.let the torc.h o~_/,be.r+1:1 i0 ~
c..ounf ries P~ct
ch&rt er of the ri~htG o, mo.fl for +he othe " . All _ibe
ie& _ftPC! -th.e
horoo.-oe to the ~b:1ve os. -fhe 16 eo..s.&e& l.':'>. The covo-ir
Sto.1µ e o. l<'eo.ol f)o; · n• ~ o. e.& • ~ - - - - --

I~ . repre6 e r,ted! -the strua~ ,e f9r free&o rn -to becom e ,
na.tion - 1:lto.1es •

~ 0 The French revolut ionarie s introdu ced -..mow

Q. 2. Who was Frederic Sorrieu ? measur es and practices that created a ~ of
Q. 3. What was the aim of the French revolutionaries? collective identity among st the French peQple---
l!ITint (i) The ideas of la parm (the fatherl and) and It
Ans. Frederic Sorrieu , a French artist, prepare d a series of dtoyen (the citizen) empha sised the notion oi a
four prints, visuali zing his dream of a world made united commu nity enjoyin g equal nghts under a
up of 'democ ratic and social republics', as he called constit ution.
them. (ii) A new French flag, the tricolou r, "--a:; moscn t.:
replace the former Roval Standa rd.
Q. 4. What do you unders tand by the term 'Nation -
m (iii) The Estates Genera l ,,·a.; elected b\ the bod\ or
state'? active citizens and rename d the Nati ~ Asx'm."th
Ans. In a nation- state was one where the citizens strived (iv) New hymns were compo sed, oaths taken and
to develo p a commo n identity based on shared martyrs comme morate d. all in the name ol the
languag e, traditio ns and customs. nation.
~ (v) A centr,1hst.'d .1dministr3tn--e :-ystem \\':23 put
Q. 5. What is meant by the term 'Absolu tism'?
practice place and 1t tormu!J te<l unifo.nn lm, tor ~
Aru. Absolutism is the politica l doctrin e and
citizens ",thin ih- tt'.mto.n ·.
of unlimit ed central ized authori ty and absolut e
MWereignty, as vested especially in a monarc h or (vi) lntt'm.11 l.'\btl,m duttt>:5 ~nd duts wt.~ a b . ~
,md ., unitl,m , syst~m ru \\"l'lgh~ llnd me "~
dktator . ,\dllph.•d .
<!) @
Q. 6. What La the Utopia n Vision 7 (vii) Rt•~l>n ,\l lli tlt'l:h wen.· dL5{'\ ~t~~ and Fffld \
Q. 7. Mentio n one major change that occurred in the ,\s 1t w,\:; ,1x1kt•n an,i "nttt•n in Pa ~mot the
politica l and conadt utional scenari o due to French l',imnll ,n l.mgu.,~>t•, f tht tuh,
Revolu tion In Europe ? (ij!](EI (Aayd Yw)
AM. 1lle Prtneh Revolu tion led to the tnmsft• r ul
Q , 2. How h•d N•pol~-mk Cad.P ~ ' . \ ~ ID 1t.t .._
IOYttngnty from thr. monAn :h to I body of Frerwh
1Yglun1 undu 1-tt"'-i\ COC\trol ~ £:vf+ wllll
dttuna ~,amp lq.
r., Shor t Answ er Type l!til
' · Ques tions (3 mark ■ •ach) ... 9
Q.1.1 .,e+ Ille ....... .. wt pndket lnlnkllleff
~ . . . . . . •vala ll ...... lo CINII a .... ol
T lhctt HI)• .,, . . l'lwla ......
- ·
Oawaal CBSE Question Bank Chaptcrwisc & Top Iew1sc, 80CIAL SCISIICS, Claaa-X

I h _ _ _... WWW I •
. . . , I I Dlf were•-•- _. .... - - ,
and Qlllftlllunicatlon ,,-tem improved. c....... IQre r
Any other relevant point. (l) A new FNlldl flagwa
(Aay duwe pobdl lo be explained with exampla.) Royal Standard
(CBSE Ma kJng h m ]3 (If) The F.stata General senamecl•
became an elected body.
Detailed Answt'r: (iii) Centralised a ~ t i o n and
The Napoleonic Code was exported to the regions Jaws were made for attz.ens.
under the French control : (iv) Uniform weighing and measurement.,.._.
(i) In the Dutch Republic, in Switzerland, in_ I~ly ~d adopted. al
Gem,any, Napoleon simplified administrative (v) French became the national language •
divisions, abolished the feudal system and freed All these changes give a dear apt •
peasants from serfdom and manorial dues. collectivism and gave people true power to
(ii) In the towns too, guild restrictions were removed. the destiny of France. Thus, France ~
Transport and communication systems were nation-state and world got a clear
improved. Peasants, artisans, workers and new nationalism through the French Revolution.
businessmen enjoyed a new-found freedom.
(iii) Businessmen and small-scale produce~ of goods, [eI) Q. 3. Who hosted 'Vienna Congress' in 1815? Aiw,-
in particular, began to realise that uniform laws, the main changes brought by the 'Vienna Treaty.'
standardised weights and measures, and a common
national CUJTency would facilitate the movem~nt
I. -I
and exchange of goods and capital from one region Ans. Congress of Vienna was hosted by the Austna
to another. Chancellor Duke Metternich in 1815.
Q. 3. Describe the ideology of liberalism during early The following changes were made:
19 century. G[ij]m(CBSl: SQI' l.018 19) (i) The Bourbon Dynasty, which had been d ~

during the French Revolution, was reslonll

!BIi Q. 1. How did ideas of national unity in early nineteenth
to power and France lost the territories at had
(ii) A series of states were set up on the boundaries
of France to prevent the French expansion•
century Europe allied to the ideology of liberalism?
future. Thus, the kingdom of the Neth~
Explain. [Delhi/OD Set-I, II, JII, 20201 which included Belgium, ·w as !>et up in the :rl0ltla
Ans. The ideology of liberalism allied with nationalism
in the following ways: and Genoa was added to Piedmont in the soudl.
(i) Liberalism stood for freedom for individual and (iii) Prussia was given important new temtones ca
equality of all before law. its western frontier.--, while Austria was gwa
control of northern Italy.
(ii) It emphasized on the concept of government by
consent. (iv) The German coniederation of 3~ ,tates that Nd
been set up b\ '\.apoleon wa:- left untouched
(iii) It stood for the end of autocracy and clerical
privileges. {1+4=!1
(iv) It believed in a constitution and representative
government through Parliament.
(v) The coming of the railways further linked harnessing
economic interests to national unification as it helped
stimulate mobility. (1 x 5=5) ► lt i~ imrort,m "'l\
Q. 2. "The first clear expression of nationalism cam~
with the French Revolution in 1789." Explain
the meaning o( nationalism and throw light
on the ~t.ltement. ~ 1!J [llu , , I 1 )D 1
S, l I, II, Ill 20 I )
A-. NltionaJllm 11 • fttUng of people within , i;tlltc
laalluty, Which malca thm, dev k>p a lk'IISC o(
~ Y W ~ llldlhaft ~ or dft<'t nt llu"

...... ...,., ---

.,. ,__...,....._IIIOllut'hy
~ - - - • . . . . bt.amongpeopw Q , 4 "' N.-pokon had d(!stroycd dl!-m~~ in Fraacw,W
........,. ....~ wu thrown In U,c adn11ni"tr.1th~ fiel~ he hMI b..::w 2f
re, u Iuhomey
• prlnap~ in Ol'da- lo 1111b . .•----..
8Yi!~m mo~ rational and dfkibllt. AMlya •
8b~ment with a__rgume.nb.

dlta.....;:mNiltr.-£ 2 Commonly Made Er·ror

, . In 01'der to make the
• )► ft'.IOnt rational and efficient.· • ; I • l. I :". I I ...

plclllp baled on birth were removed. . • I . I I I ·

elll1,lahed equality before law.

light to property was given. - ---- -

(M He simplified administrative divisions. \ I I

(Y) Feudal system was abolished and peasants were

&eed &om serfdom and manorial dues.
.-:(j):· Answering Tip
(vi) Guild restrictions were removed.
(vti) Transport and communication systems were : ► The students should give proper description
: about the reforms introduced by Napoleon.
(Any five) (1 x 5 = 5) .--

[CBSE Marki! f; '1. hr•, 11·, 20161

Topic-2 .
- ·--~~

~ .............._~

► National Feeling
--------~~~ ~---• The 1830s saw a rise in prices, bad harvest
Liberalism and Nationalism became associated and poverty in Europe. Besides the poor,
unemployed and starving peasants and even
with the revolution in many regions of Europe educated middle classes revolted.
such as the Italian and German states, the
provinces of the O "' - ,m Ireland and
~®-:- ~ " .-
l8.3D The first upheaval took place m France in
Efil~ - 1

' July 1830; Period of Economic Crisis in Europe.

18.,.. Greece gained independence.
- O·.. 1n E --,p · e It was one of the mightiest 1R Zollverein or the Customs l,;nion was formed
and longest-lasting dynasties in world history. in Prussia to abolish tariff barriers.
' ,, · .,. ri denf P-' It was a suc- l Cl O Revolutions in Europe: :\rti.saru industriJJ
cessful war waged by the Greeks to win indepen- workers and peasants revolt against economic hard-
• dence for Greece from the Ottoman Empire. ships; middle classes demanded coruatutioru ind
·--• -
The first upheaval took place in France in July
representative governments: Italia.ns Ger:m.iru
Magyars, Poles, Czechs. etc . deminded nati.....,n-
1830. The Bourbon kings who had been restored ' states.
to power during the conservative reaction
after 1815, were now overthrown by liberal u In 1848, a large number of politi..:al as.,'Xl.ltto.ns
came together in Frankturt
The W, f lurJ, ,rnd ,.. was and decided to vote for

an all-German Nahl,n,ll
another event which mobilised nationalist Assembly.
feelings among the educated elite in Eur~pe.

• The issue l,f e,tt.-ndm~
• Culture playf'd an important role i~ creating t~c pohtic.,l n~ht~ tl, Wl'lllc.'I\
idta of the nation. Art, poetry, stortes and music bl'('.lffil' ., l·ontnwt'rsi.,l l'tH'
htlpcd exprcfl'4 and i;hapt• nationalist frclings.
• (\lnSt'r\' ,\h\'\' h'l'\.'t', ,,'t•n•
• Romantlclsm wa!I a cultural movcnwnl whkh ,,bit- h' surrn·~ l,l~r-Jl
sought to develop a form of 1Mlit111,11ist nwvt·nwnt-. m 184-" but
sentiments. \ \l\llll rn1t t~•shin· the old

O=w Keyword
ldt-nce and rea1<m and introduced heart 1md cmo
C=uui KeyFact
• t I - , • • I ' • I

tiorla 11\e eonttm of the n,mantics wH to c-reate a

1 ,tuition m th~ endunng ,orch fof indi-
NnN of lhand cou«tfve heritage and a common
culeunl ,P.I;!'! for aroutlng nadonalitm
• ~:~ :..!,~c1. ; ' ~ t role in
• ~ r 1848 natk>natilm in &a,ape _,...
away from ats auodadoft wtlh I CIKJ ...
11 t s• • ' • "ftl lmpoNd .wrywhtre ttvolution
. - Oawaal CBSE Question Bank Chapterwiae & Topicwiae, 80CIAL 8CISKCS, Claaa-X

, , , OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS (1 mark encl,) \

eighteenth and nineteenth centuries found a way

A Multiple Choice Questions out by personifying a nation. In other worda, tl,ey

Q. 1. Which of the following rtin

recognized Greece
asanindependentnation A I ll 11'-,f '-,(Jf' 'tl'tl 'II
represented a country as if it were a person.
(A) Portrait of a nation
(B) Idol of a nation .
(A) Treaty of Sevres (C) Personification of a nation
(8) Treaty of Versailles (D) Visualising a nation
(C) Treaty of Lausanne Ans. Option (D) is correct.
(D) Treaty of Constantinople Q. 6. Why was a customs union or zollvere~ formed by
Ans. Option (D) is correct. Prussia and most of the German states m 18347 Q.5.
Explanation: The borders of the Ottoman Empire A. To abolish state-imposed restrictions on the
were restated which confirmed the terms of the movement of goods and capital
Constantinople Arrangement and marked the end B. To encowage the state-wise system of weights
of the Greek War of Independence creating modem and measures
Greece as an independent state. C. To import more goods from the landlocked
Q. 2. Which of the following countries is considered as Balkans
the 'Cradle of civilisation'? 0 D. To boost trade with England and France
(A) England (8) Greece Ans. Option (A) is correct
(C) France (D) Russia
Q. 3. Arrange the following in the correct sequence:
(i) Treaty of Constantinople
(ii) First upheaval took place in France Directions: In the following questions, A statement
(iii) Lord Byron died of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of
(iv) Greek struggle for independence begins Reason (R). Mark the correct choice as.
Option: (A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct
(A) (i) - (ii) - (ill) - (iv) (8) (ii) - (iv) - (i) - (ill) explanation of A
(C) (iv) - (ill) - (ii) - (i) (D) (iii) - (iv) - (ii) - (i) (B) Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct
Ans. Option (C) is correct explanation of A
Explanation: (C) A is true but R is false.
(i) Greek Struggle for independence begins in (D) A is false and R is true.
Q . 1. Assertion (A) : Serfdom and bonded labour were
(ii) Lord Byron died in 1824.
abolished both in the Habsburg dominions and in
(ili)First upheaval took place in France in July 1830. Russia.
(iv) 'Ireaty of Constantinople in 1832.
Reason (R) : Monarchs were beginning to realise
Q. 4. Who said ''When France sneezes, the rest of Europe
that the cycles of revolution and repression could Q
catches cold"? ~ l [ l m/ J I only be ended by granting concessions to the
(A) Garibaldi (B) Mazzini liberal-nationalist revolutionaries. A
(C) Bismarck (D) Metternich Ans. Option (A) is correct.
Q. 2. Assertion (A) : The Scottish Highlands suffered
(C) Bismarck (D) Metternich
terrible repression whenever they attempted 10
Who among the following remarked "When France
assert their independence.
sneezes, the rest of Europe catches cold"?
Reason (R) : Catholic revolts against British
(A) Lord Byron (B) Metternich
dominance were suppressed.
(C)Johann Herder (D) Napoleon
Ans. Option (B) is correct.
jLbSu, 1erm 1, 2021] Expla1111tion: suffered because of the lont
Ans. Option (D) is correct.
drawn-out process ,md Ireland got support frail
Explanation: Metternich said so when French the English to suppress the Catholic revolts. (J
Revolution overthrew the monarch that impacts
Q. 3. Assertion (A): Greece is often known as the cradlt.
other European countries as well.
Q. 5. Analyze the information given below, ronsidei¾ffi
one of the following correct options:
While it is easy enough to represent a ruler
A 1
of Wcskrn Civilization.
Reason (R): Many of the ideas that flourished in t11t
western world were "born" in ancient Greece.
Q. 4. Assertion (A): After Russian occupation in
through a portrait or a statue, how does one go
about giving a face to a nation? Artists in the the Russian language was imposed on its peapll

• n.,""""""' 11n fr,, p,,ctia ind tlwir ,olutwn~ urr uva,/ablt ul thr tnJ ,1 tht chaptr>r
JI Reason (R): The use of Polish soon came up as a

revolt against contractors who supplied them raw

material and gave them orders for finished textiles
symbol of struggle against Russian dominance.
l!l]) [CBSE, Term 1, 2021] but they had drastically reduced their payments. On
4th June large crowd of weavers marched in Paris
Ans. Option (A) is correct
up to the Mansion of their contractors demanding
Explanation: After Russian occupation, the polish
higher wages.
language was forced out of schools and the
Russian language was imposed everywhere. Many Q. 6. Assertion (A): Romantic artists and poets criticized
members of the clergy in Poland began to use their the glorification of reason and science.
own language as a weapon of national resistance Reason (R): Romanticism was a cultural movement
and the use of polish came to be seen as a symbol of that sought to develop a particular form of
struggle against Russian dominance. nationalist sentiment in Europe.
Q. 5. Assertion (A): Weavers in Silesia had led a revolt Ans. Option (B) is correct
against contractors in 1845. Explanation: Romanticism focused on emotions,
Reason (R): Contractors had drastically reduced intuition and mystical feelings. They helped create
their payments. ~ [CBSE, Set I, ?.021] a sense of collective heritage and cultural past as
Ans. Option (A) is correct part of nation building through use of folk songs,
Explanation: In 1845, weavers in Silesia had led a dances and music.

. ,,. .. .

---~~t0~-m,I -•-'
' •• - • • ' - • , "';, l • ' .
" ~~ ... ' '~4-,. -!~t.... ,,..._~J\'!~~!!~ ~ 1.:4tL~-~~-•.,:.- .... -:t~A·~,t;.. ~~t..!";__:~ ·,

Q. 1. 'Language too played an important role in Q. 1. Describe the role of Romanticism in developing
developing nationalist sentiments'.Explain (Al)(E) nationalist feelings among Europeans during
Ans. Language played an important role in developing nineteenth century.
nationalist sentiments in Poland. After Russian
~ (9 (Board Delhi/OD, 2019)
occupation, the Polish language was forced out
of schools and the Russian language was made
compulsory everywhere. Many members of Define the term 'Romanticism'. How did it
the clergy in Poland began to use language as a facilitate the promotion of nationalist sentiment?
weapon of national resistance. Polish came to be (Bo;, .., l Te r 1t- ll "'tl 1 , i
seen as a symbol of the struggle against the Russian Ans. Romanticism was a movement in the arts and
dominance. literature, which originated in the late 18th century,
Q. 2. What do you know about Friedrich Wilhelm IV? emphasizing inspiration, subjectivity and the
ID primacy of the individual.
Ans. Friedrich Wilhelm IV was the King of Prussia
(i) Critical approach towards reason and science:
from 1840-1861. He opposed the elected assembly
Romantic artists criticised the glorification of reason
of German and supported the monarchs. Even
though he was a true conservative, he adopted less and science and focused on emotions, intuitions
strict policies and also promised people to form the and mystical feelings.
constitution in future. (ii) Folk culture as the spirit of the nation: Johann
Q. 3. What did Friedrich Wilhelm do when he was Gottfried Herder claimed that through folk songs,
offered the crown ? (!) m folk poetry ,md folk dances, the true spirit of the
Q. 4. When did the first upheaval in France take place? nation could be popularized.
0m (iii) Emphasis on vernacular language: They gave
Q. 5. What do you know about the Greek War of emphasis on vernacular language to recover not
Independence? I!) only the ancient national spirit, but also to carry
Au. The Greek War of Independence was a successful the modem nationalist message to a large audience
war waged by the Greeks to win independence for who were mostly illiterate. 1 X 3 •3
Greece from the Ottoman Empire.
• Oewul CBSE eation Bank Chapterwi ae & Topicwiae , 80CIAL acmarca, C1ua-X


n )

-----··-- - --------
Q. 2.. D~teribe the gr j - ~;~nomit' h.trJt;hip th.1t
prtnilrd In l!urup Jurin,-; lht• IIJJO-i . Ans. Economk
[ij!] ~ (Hoard OU Set I 2019) (I) mcftMltinPCF~lllla
OK (U) MOff,-lb
Dnmbc any thr« turmmlt t111nl11hip la,·r,l h) CW) It
Europeln 18l0ti r..., (I

had brvu1h1 grHI Hunoml,

Support 1M •••tttmt>nl with
■ n

Detailed Answer: t great economic
The decade of 1830 had brou
hardship or crisis in Europe d e to the following of a nation-etate
reasons: .'I • • all - a constitution,
was an enormous increase m population freedom of association.
(i) There
over Europe. (iv) In the German regiona, a
(ii) There were more job seekers th {1 the emplo~~nt political associations whme
opportunities. Migration of rural people to the aties middle-class profeseionals,
further made the situation worse., prosperous artisans came
(ill) small scale producers .~ town:s _were sometimes of Frankfurt and decided to vole for•
faced with stiff competition from rmports of cheap German National Assembly.
machine-made goods from England. (v) The middle classes who resisted thPAea ••
(iv) In the regions of Europe whe:re the aristocracy of workers and artisans and consequenllJ
still enjoyed power, peasants struggled under the lost their support. In the end troope WeR
burden of feudal dues and obligations. called in and the assembly was forced to
(v) Due to increased population, th,e demand for food disband.
increased. It led to the rise in food prices. This led to (vi) The issue of extending political rights to
an increase in the prices and there was widespread women was a controversial one within the
pauperism in the entire country. liberal movement, in which large numbers
(Any three points) of women had participated actively over the
Q. 3. How did a wave of economic nationalism
(vii) Women had formed their own political
strengthen the wider nationalist sentiment associations, founded newspapers and taken
growing in Europe? Explain. part in political meetings and demonstration.
l!J]) DJ [Board Term-II, Foreigirt Set-I, II, III, 2015] (Any five points to be explained) 5
Ans. Economic nationalism strengithened the wider [CBSJ., SQP M.irking Scheme, 2020)
nationalist sentimenl Economically, liberalism
Q. 2. How did Greek war of independence mobilise
stood for:
nationalist feelings among the educated elite
(i) Freedom of markets. across Europe? Explain. l!J]) ,Delh.i. OD 2 ':..U,
(ii) End of state -imposed restrictions on the movement Ans. (i) Greece had been a part of the Ottoman Empire
of goods and capital. since the 15th century.
(iii) A customs union or zollverein was formed by (ii) The growth of revolutionary nationalism in Europe
Prussia in 1834, which was joined by many German
let to struggle for independence among the Greeks
states. from Ottoman Empire.
(iv) This union reduced the numbe1r of currencies from
(iii) Greece got support from Greeks living in exile and
over thirty to two and abolished. tariff barriers.
West-Europeans who had sympathies for ancient
(v) A network of railways led to ,g reat mobility and Greek culture.
gave an impetus to national unilty.
(iv) Poets and artists lauded Greece as the cradle of
(Any three) (1 x 3 = 3)
European civilization and mobilized public opinion
<®> Long Answer Typ
' ' to support its fight against Muslim empire.
(v) Organised funds and went to fight the Greek war.
Questions ( marks each)
(death not required)
Q. 1. Why was the period of 1848 con1sidered as phase of (vi) The treaty of Constantinople of 183~ I'\?'\."\."'lgniud
the revolution of the Liberals in, Europe? Explain. Greece as an independent nation.
11 ( BSE SQP, 2020-21) Q. 3. What happened during the year following 1815
Am. The period of 1848 was consi,pered as phase of when the fear of repression drove m.iny libenl-
die revolution of the Uberals Europe because nationalists underground7 lhpl.iin.
[!lTI R (Board Tenn 11 2016)
af the following NUODI :
(I) Bwntl of February 1 in France had Ans. (i) Secret societies sprang up in man) IIM4 • ....
bluupt about the abdicati n of the monarch to train revolutionaries and spread INirldla
(ii) To be revolutionary at thil ....
. . a NpUbUc bued unlveraal male
commibnent to oppoae mar I I t rl
L F11Wbnn had been established aftllr lhl
Auttro- and to fight for liberty wl fl II OH
- - - of (W)Moatofthete
Iii., . . of nation - - • •
for ,,_lllJIP, OM_.
e■tlon Bank Chapterwlae & Topicwi■e, BOCIAL BCISIICS, Claaa X

two men msd1 ........
ltllytn ......... and thin,
, whole membtn were Ila-
from Poland, Prance, Italy and
....... •rt
l,... 1■ I JC
(l)Towmdl . . 11111 ...... ..
natioNlllm could . . ....
Uberal-demclC"l'l■ lk - • --• _, . .
M Mualni t God had intended nationa of the century but - - - • ....,., - - -
to be the na ta of mankind. So, Italy could inadequate~
not continue patchwork of small states and (il) Nationalist pouf9 became
Jdnsd0D11. It be forged into a single unified intolerant, whkh led to war
19public within r alliance of nations. (W) Major European powas manipulalled
(vi) 11us unificatio could be the basis of Italian nationalist aapuatioN to further their
liberty. Followi ·s model, secret societies were imperialist aims.
set up in Ge y, France, Switzerland and
Poland. (Iv) Source of nationalist teNiOn an Europe . _
(vil) Mazzini's relen opposition to monarchy and area called Balkans.
his vision of ocratic republics frightened (v) Idea of romantic nationalism m the . . . .
the conservati etternich described him together with the d lSintegratiOn of the C--.
as 'the most rous enemy of our social Empire made thIS region very explmiw
order'. (Any five) 1 X 5 = 5 (vi) One by one, European nationalities brob
SE M,1rki11~ s, h m , ?,016)
from its con trol and declared m d ~
Q. 4. "Nationalism no longer retained its idealistic (vii) The Balkan people based their daima
liberal democratic 1sentiment by the last quarter independence or political rights on na1t10NIIIIJII
of the nineteenth century in Europe." Analyse the prove that they were onoe mdependent bUt 111. . .
statement with examples. subjugated by a foreign power.
~ (B01 ·d Tum II, Foreign Set-I, II, Ill, 2016)
(viii) Slavic nationalities struggled to d
OR identity and independence Hence thr a.a:.
"The idealistic lib«~ral-democratic sentiment of area became an area of mtense conflict
nationalism in the first half of the nineteenth
century became a narrow creed with limited
ends." Examine the 51tatement.
.. I • ,i1 fl, Foreign Set-I, II, Ill, 2015)

lilli:iit•W ~" ~



Aft er 1848, nationalist sentmwnts wt•n· tilll'n ► ll nifk 1thm o f Gemun, (lS66-l6'71
mobiJi~,-d by rnmc•rva l1 vt•s for promolmg sl ,11l• pmn•r
a nd ac hi,·ving polilic,1I d,1rn111,1 lwn ovl'r Furupt• l'lw • In 154~ nuddlN-.Llss ~............,,
w11 f1catwn of lt,1ly ,11,d C ·, 111,u1y r,111w ,tboul tl11011gh d 1ffl'l'\.'I\I n·~o.n.-. of' th
th1~ proCCS'I m h1 a n ton
J'.\rlt.1 •
·Ow Key Word :1 • l
1 '"""illllil"P• I
. '1

lions a, a compl
Thi, oonctpt em
rault of the d.: vc
-- =·~~ A f mw
ud ngp
l\>land •
Key Person<1lities • Chief Minister of Sardinia-Piedmoot, COUllt
Cavou r, led the movement for the unif'.. a•k6
• I : lmrrffl. of Italy.
ssian consolidation that as also a form of Ger-
•In the year 1859, Sardinia-Piedmont with an
PrU unification. Once the e pire was established,
alliance with France defeated the Austrian forces.
:~ctively and skillfully pur ued pacific policies in
fo~ign affairs, succeeding · preserving the peace • In 1860, Sardinia-Piedmont's forces marched
in Europe for ?bout ~o.deca es. into southern Italy and the Kingdom of the lwo
f.mpJll'Or .Ka1Ser Wllll.tOl He was King of Prus- Sicilies, and drove out the Spanish rulers.
sia from 2 January 1861 and German Emperor from • In 1861, Victor Emmanuelwasdeclaredasthe
18 !~~ary_1871 u~til his dea~h in 1888. king of united Italy and Rome was declared the
capital of Italy.
• Prussia emerged victorious after fighting three ► Britain has a different history of how it consolidated
wars over seven years against the combined
asa nJ· km st. ~withoutuprisingsandrevolutions.
forces of Austria, Denmark and France and
The British Isles was inhabited by ethnic English,
the process of unification of Germany was
Welsh, Scot or Irish. The English nation grew more
th in power and wealth, and it began to exert influence
• On 18 January, 1871, the new German Empire over the other nations of the islands.
headed by the German Lmperor L L r
► The concept of r, i.J es, with England as the I was declared in the Hall of Mirrors in centre, came in 1688 after the Parliament snatched
the Palace of Versailles.
power from the monarchy. In 1707, the Act of
• The unification of Germainy established Prussian Um between England and Scotland resulted
dominance in Europe.
in the formation of the 'United Kingdom of Great
• The new German Empire focused on Britain'.
modernizing the currency, banking, legal and
judicial systems. ~@=
► Unification of Italy 1
The Ac s of · · ~ , It was passed by the English
• Italy was divided into seven states. and Scottish Parliaments in 1707, led to the creation
• Only Sardinia-Piedmont was ruled by an Italian of the United Kingdom of Great Britain on 1 May oi
princely house. ~ that year.
• North Italy was under ~
1 n£- L n It is the de facto national flag of

Austrian Habsburgs. the Unite? Kingdom. ______________ ---------•

The centre part was under


the Pope. ~~ The Act of Union was passed.

• The southern regions were
under the Bourbon King:s of Ireland was forcibly incorporated into the
U1 In tlO Cf United Kingdom a failed Irish re\'olt.
Spain. Italy
Middle-class Germans tried to unite the dif-
• During the 1830s, Giusejppe ferent regions of the German confederati'-"'n into
Mazzini formed a coherent programme for Nation-state.
uniting the Italian Republic and formed a secret The Kingdom of S.udinia particirated tn.\m
society called Young Italy., the sides of British and French in tht' Crimean \\.ir.

£mm ·~ - .. f He as King of Sardmta
from 1849 until 17 March, 186 , when he assumed
Cavour formed an ,1lli.1n ..~ with Frm~'-
Unific.10,m of lt,1\y.
Sardini,1-Pi,xlmlmt f\,mwd an a\1'4tnce \\'1th
VrnnCl' ,md ddt'.ltt'd tlw Au,tri.m £tun~ large
the title of King of Jt..aly ,ind b<· amt• the ~rst king of numbt.•r 1,ll pl'1..'pk un'-kr tlw k.\,k~h,p ot Gn1..;;eppe
an indepcndcnt, unit1.·d lt,ily st let' tlw 6 ~cntury. C,mb,\llh 1ouwd tlw tlh'\"t'm,·nt
.COMnt Yl\!QU!' .1he c hid ~11i.,lt·r of I 11·dmo11t, · ~.,nhm., l'wdnh'llt, hlf\':\:, marched mto
Count Camillo di Cavour, lll'lp i·d th ,· "- 111 g 111 form s,,uth lt,1lv ,u\\t tlw 1'.m~'-h'm nt the T"'"() Sialies and
mg an alliance with Frullll', a,h.t tlll'y ddi·,,ll'd_ lltt• df\l\'\' ,1111 tlw Sr,,na,h rukn-
Austnan forces in 1H59, Cu malh l',111111 Filippo l ;,ultP 18 \'afhir E.mnhmud 11 ,, as d~..:w-ed as the King
Ben,o, Count of Cavour, li.ola ·Ila nml 1 {•n, ~~1•111 •1 ,,tllmh:d lt,,1) md Rome "'as declared the apital
ally known a, Cavour, was an I alum st ,,ki:nt.m tmd ol ltulv.
1 lading figure In the move ent toward It 1l1Ull ll1; Umfir.<1tion of Germany
urulbtion 1 l"hc PruSS&an King, Willwn l waa P...- .......--
e 11w flluN ol l'fYOluHnr1will the German Em~ror.
nl 1M ~ K IIVlCIOr ► 1o ensure the growth of Brttilh .....,_ Sccll I
.._ ks~"11dmont to ttw Italian cultural and potibtal iNtitulioN . . . 4 I
- Oawaal CBSE Question Bank Chapterwiae & Topicwiae, IIOCIAL IICISIICS, Clua-X
The British imposed control over Ireland as well. ► In 1801, Ireland was forcibly iu: I 2 C
Ireland was deeply divided into two groups, Catholics United Kingdom after a failed billl ..._
and Protestants. The English favoured the Protestants symbols of new Britain were the Engliall
and helped them establish their dominance over a the British flag (Unlon Jack) and the Briti9h
largely Catholic Ireland. anthem (God Save Our Nobel King).


A Multiple Choice Questions


(1 mark each)

Q. 3. Who among the following bad sought ID , -

together a coherent programme for a ..-..,
Italian Republic during 183087
(A) Victor Emmanuel I (8) Victor Emmanuel n
Q. 1. Which of the following option best signifies this (C) Giuseppe Mazzini (D) Count Cavow
caricature? (CBS 11 1,

Ans. Option (C) is correct

Explanation: During the 1830s, Giuseppe Mazza.
had sought to put together a c o h e r e n t ~
for the unitary Italian Republic. He also formed
secret society called young Italy in Mar:seiBes..:
young Europe in Berne.
Q. 4. Who among the following was the of lit
unification of Germany?
(A) Otto Von Bismarck (B) William I
(C) Frederick. ill (D) William Il
(A) Otto von Bismarck in the German Reichstag
(Parliament) 0, (CBSE, 1i
(B) Victor Emmanuel Il in the Italian Parliament Q. 5. Who among the following was proca.imed IGaglf
(C) Kaiser William II in the Prussian Parliament united Italy in 1861?
(D) Napoleon Bonaparte in the French Parliament (A) Charles I
Ans. Option (C) is correct (B) Victor Emmanuel Il
Expl_anation: In the given image, Bismarck. is (C) Giuseeppe Garibaldi
havmg_ hunter in his hand which shows how his (D)Nero
subordinates were afraid of Bismarck. when he ~ CBS
became autocratic during assemblies. Ans. Option (B) is correct.
Expl~nation: \·ictor Emmanuel Il was
as kin~ of united Italy in lSol. T h e ~
(i) Giuseppe (a) Unification of revolutionary uprisings ~ ,n
ooth ... 1:;:,.."\,
c--,-, .Uli.l
Mazzini Germany p~mpted the Nng Eman .... ei :I tro.:n Sudm.
(ii) Otto von Bis- (b) Unification of Piedmont to ll1Ut} the ltalb.n St.ates m 115cl
marck. Italy Q. 6. Identif_y the characteristics ot Cavour unamg .,
(iii) Napoleon
I (c) Battle of
f~ll0"1'1ng and choose the corm-st option
(~~ He w.1:,, an lt.1li.m ,:.1:esman
(iv) Cavour (d) (~~~ Hi' $po~c:- Fren1.h mu..:h bt-tt-er tmn I•
Young Italy
(~u)Hc:- W,b a t.11.'t.tu) dirJ1.\mat
(A) (!)-(b), (ii)-(c), (iii)-(d), (iv)-(a) (1,) H~• N>lonf:~"'-i ll) u Rov;i.J famih
(B) (~)-(d), (ii)-(c), (iii)-(b), (iv)-(a) (A) Onh l .\nd,:: .\re C'tU'Te\.---t
(C) ('.)-(d), (ii)-(a), (iii)-(c), (iv}(b)
(~) l)ntv 1• .:: .md 3 are com..,-:t
(D) ~•J-(a), (ii)-(d), (ii1)-(b), (iv)-(c)
Ans. Optum (C ") ;,. rorrt>ct.
(l} l1nl) ~ J umt 4 com.,,
(D) l 'nh l .: ,ud 4 tn.."' ~
(l) Giuseppe Muu111 f I
Young ltitly ' ornu·t ,, s1•1 rd St>t'il'ly l'llllt·d
J\(l!I, Orlir 1~ l'WT'Nj
(U) Otto von Hm1111r k E"I Ca,-mir
proces.11 r,( Gcnnar~y'11 wU1111, tlw lll\ h11t•ct pf 1111:
(IU)The d f. ru 1c11t11, 11 fut ro H
c cat al Watcrlu(I . u . I hrc bd a
Bonaparte's rule a11 lhe I c11 H Nnpokon 'lurin nng
(fv) Cru~ Mm'~t C · t'.nlf'l'tur of I runcc
Ill er avour I ·d lt tmd acqu.ln!d d
unify the lt.aly c: ,c movement to
Q. 7. WhJdtoneolth1t.folloM111ltalia111111
by an Italian princ.Jy ho-.

I (A) Papal State

(8) Lom bard y
(D) Sard inia- Pied mont
Q. 8. Choo se the corre ctly mak hed pair
following ·: (Delh i
frma . .
Set 1 2020)
(C) Venetia Germ any
(CBSE, Tt•rm l, 2021) (A) Otto Von Bismarck
. . (B) Napo leon Spai n
.AnS· Option (D) is cone cl teent h
Explanation: Duri ng the midd le of the rune France
s of (C) Gius eppe Garib aldi
century, Italy was divid ed into seve n state .Kings Italy
whic h only one Sard ania- Pied mont , was
ruled by J!?) Bourisbon
Ans. Opti on (A) corre ct
an Italian princ ely hous e.

j To ppe r An sw er. 20 20 __

!--------------------------------------------- territories. sudd en uphe aval.

Reason (R): Ethn ic grou p of Brita in exte
nded in its
Ass erti on 6• Rea son ·.
- "-;:•· t, . , 2021 )
E,~• . .~
influence. , ' 1 ·

ment Ans. Opti on (A) is corre ct

Directions: In the follo wing ques tions , a state of natio n-
of asser tion (A) is follo wed by a state ment of Expla natio n: In Britain the form ation
of a sudd en uphe aval
reaso n (R). Mark the corre ct choic e as: state was not the resul t
f the true and the resul t of a long -draw n-
(A) Both asser tion (A) and reaso n (R) are or revol ution . It was
the peop le
on of asser tion out proce ss. The prim ary ident ities of
reaso n (R) is the corre ct expl anati ic ones
(A). who inha bited the British Isles were ethn
. All of these
(B) Both asser tion (A) and reaso n (R)
are true but - such as Engl ish Wels h, Scot or Irish
polit ical
2021 reason (R) is not the corre ct expla natio n of ethni c grou ps had their own cultu ral and
nded their influ ence over
Ii assertion (A). traditions, and they exte
false. the othe r natio ns of the islan ds.
(C) Asse rtion (A) is true but reaso n (R) is land ers were
n (R) is true. Q. 4. Assertion(A): The Scott ish High
(D) Asse rtion (A) is false but reaso spea k their Gael ic lang uage or
an Italia n forbi dden to
Q. 1. Asse rtion (A): Gius eppe Garib aldi was wear their natio nal dress, and large
num bers
who play ed a
General, polit ician and natio nalis t were forcibly drive n out of their hom elan d.
large role in the histo ry of Italy. Reason (R ): The Engl ish help ed the Prote stant s oi
Reason (R): He was the archi tect in the
proce ss of dom inan ce over a large ly
Irela nd to estab lish their
natio n - build ing. Catholic coun try.
Ans. Opti on (C) is corr ect Ans. Opti on (B) is corre ct
in the
Explanation: Bism arck was the archi tect Explanatio11: Irish men suffe red in the
ha.nds oi
proce ss of natio n - build ing. was a coun try deer ly d1nd eJ
Engl ish men as it
were divid ed ts lt
Q. 2. Asse rtion (A): Italy and Swit zerla nd betw een the Cath olics and Prote sta.n
e ruler s ~ ~ot
into king dom s, duch ies and canto ns whos largely a Cath olic coun try but the fu"'ltt"$t.m
the C .1th(--ilic:
had their auto nom ous territ ories . supp ort from the Engl ish to supp rt?~
Reason (R): They were close ly boun d to
each othe r revolts.
in spite of their auto nom ous rule.
lijTI Q.5. Asse rtion (A): The n.1ti,1n build in~
rn.)('l- S.S in

had d~ffil)nstT.,tt'd tht' ,hun inan ~ llf the

Ans. Opti on (C) is correct. Germ any
~nde r
Explanation: Italy and Swit zerla nd we_re Prus sian st,1tt' p,)Wt'T.
oncs of Reas on (R): l'ht' 1ww st,\k pl.lC\-d .i stron g
autoc ratic mon arch ies with in the tcrnt
co_ lecti w bank ing, legal and
whic h liV£•d dive rse pN>plt•s, shari ng a on n\l1d.t'rn1sin~ tlw ,um •n,,
iden tity or a c·omn1<>11 cultu n•, spok t'. d1ffc n'nt jud1l·1.1I s, slt'ni s in Gt~rm.un PruSSl.ln meas
r grou ps. u mod el for the ttSt ol
lang uage s and bdon 8cd to difft•n·nt t'lhm ,md pt\t\'t i, t'" , ,ftt-n bt" \lllt'
11011 of tlw
Q. 3. Assertion (A): In Hrituin, the form,1 l~t't"l ll,11\\ ,

nation•11tate was not tht• resul t of ,1 d11rh1t·s 1111d Ans. Opti on (A) is ,om.-ct.
cantons who se ruler s hc1d their 11u1t 111111111111s

• •
Q. 1. What i1 SardmiA-Pledmont7
Q. 2. The Bowbon Kin p ol Spun nW wllid
a ... Iii
V, •r y t;tw rt An !;w er Typ e
(I 111,11 k ,·111 ·h) Italy?
- Oawaal CBSE Question Bank Chapterwiae & Topicwiae, IIOCIAL IICIIIIICS, Claaa-X
Ana. The Bourbon kings established a kingdom that (iii) They united in 1848 to create a nation-elate .,_ ef
included southern mainland Italy and the island of the numerous German states.
Sicily. (iv) Prussia soon became the leader of ea._
Q. 3. What was the importance of the Act of Union unification movement.
17077 lij1] DJ (v) Chief Minister of Prussia, Otto von Bismarck. WII
Ans. The Act of Union was signed between between the architect of the process with the support of the
England and Scotland in 1707. This resulted in the Prussian army and bureaucracy.
formation of the 'United Kingdom of Great Britain' (vi) The unification process was completed after~
meant, in effect, that England was able to impose its won wars with Austria, Denmark and France over 1
influence on Scotland. The British parliament was time period of seven years.
henceforth dominated by its English members. (vii) In January 1871, the Prussian King, William I, l¥II
proclaimed the German Emperor in a ceremony
Q. 4. Who were known as 'Junkers'? 0 ID
held at Versailles. (Any three) 1X3==3
Q. 5. When did the unification of Germany take place?
(ij] ID <@> Long Answer Type
Ans. The unification took place on January 18, 1871. Questions (5 marks each)
' <@> Short Answer Type Q. 1. "In Britain, the formation of the n . a ~ . _
Questions (3 marks eac!))_ not the result of a sudden upheaval or revolutiaa.•
Validate the statement with relevant argmDala_
Q. 1. uLike Germany, Italy too had a long history of
political fragmentation". Explain. OJ fCBSE SQP, 2016j
Ans. In Britain, the formation of the nation-state was not
(ij] (CBSE SQP 2020-21) the result of a sudden upheaval or revolution. It
Ans. (i) Italians were scattered over several dynastic was the result of a long-drawn-out process.
states. (i) The primary identities of the people who inhabited
(ii) Sardinia-Piedmont was ruled by an Italian the British Isles were ethnic ones-such as English,
princely house. Welsh, Scot or Irish. There was no British nation
prior to the 18 th century.
(iii) Italy was unified in 1861 and Victor
Emmanuel II was proclaimed King of United (ii) All of these ethnic groups had their own culhml
Italy. and political traditions.
(iv) Giuseppe Mazzini had sought to put together (iii) Because of steady growth of the English nation in
a programme for a unitary Italian Republic. case of wealth, importance and power. 1t "'-as ai,lr
(v) The unification of Italy was a result of many to extend its influence over the other nations oi thr
wars, through a tactful diplomatic alliance islands.
with France by Chief Minister Cavour.
(iv) The Act of Union 1707 between England and
(vi) Garibaldi joined the fray.
Scotland resulted in the formation oi the 'l.1.nited
Kingdom of Great Britain It meant that
(LLJSL ivfa t(tng Sch ·me, .:!020) 3 was able to impose its influence on 5'
Q. 2. Describe any three conditions that led to the (v) The English Parliament, which had Sc1Zed ~1111"!!
formation of the British nation state. from the monarchy in 1688 at the end of a pl"'Cltral'tlN!
@ (Board Term-II, Foreign Set-I, II, III, 2017) conflict, was the instrument thmu~h whid\ 1
Am. Three conditions that led to the emergence of the n,ltion-state w1th .1t 1h- .."t'nttt C\Unt lo lit
Brituh nation state are: forged .
(i) The emergence of the new middle classes. (vi) The growth ot th~ Rriti,h idt'ntit-. Dl<'.\N tNI
(U) The ideology of liberalism. Scotl,mJ s d1snn ..'tl, t' l,.tltttl"t' and piitdl
(W) The ideas of conservatism and the Tl"t'aty of institutions Wt'fl.' ~\"~tt•m.lrn:.ill~ ,,1rptt.S...<ed
(vii) Tht' ~"\lthsh l h~hl.uhkr- Wttt toctiiddm to spetk
l X 3 • 3 (CBSJ3 Marking Sc.h~mt, 2017)
ttw,r t:.,dh:• ,,r '"'-'r thor national dl'fJII,
Q. 3. Briefly de11eribe the prcKt"1'H uf Ct·rmJn unifk.aliun.
on,t,• numl'('n- \\'Ctt Foro'bh dn,~ out of thlir
Gl]) fi1 (Hoard 1crm II, 201 !i) lh•llh' (Any fiw) 1 X 5 • I
AN. (i) Jn the 18(10s, r111tio11 111,;I lt·1·l111>~t1 w,•11· 11lwng 111
Q. 2. I )~14,--rl~ the pnx.'ffl ol unlfk•timl ol ......
the heart!! of the nuddlc cl,1!111 <:,•r 111l111"
(H) During the Vienna Congrc 11 111 181 ,, <~nm 111y wut1
~ . floard "Rra--U.
ld4'ntified fl!I D loo!IC confcdcmtwn ol \tJ ~, ''""
I unification of Britain: th
Am. u......,,_ ""llillJ:
(I) During the middle fll . . ,,,.
~ ) Britain was not a n~~on state prior to 18 ce~~-
The primary identities were based on ethnidtieS WU divided intD - 111111 a
such as English, Welsh, Scot or Irish. one, Sardinia-~ WM mW IIIJ •
(ii) The steady growth of power made the English princely house.
nation extend its influence over the other nations
(ii) The unification proa!II was led l,y tllllie
and islands.
(iii) In 1688, England was established as a nation revolutionaries-Giuseppe Mazzini, COIIIII
state. English Parliament seized power from the Camillo de Cavour, and Giuseppe C+el I I
During 1830, Mazzini decided to unile ...,_
(iv) In 1707, tht' United Kingdom of Great Britain was He had formed a secret society 'Young Italy ID
formed through the Act of the Union between achieve his goal.
England and Scotland. (iii) After earlier failures in 1831 and 1848, King Vldm
(v) England dominated Scotland and Ireland in all Emmanuel II took to unify the Italian sta1!s
spheres. British parliament was dominated by through wars.
English members.
(iv) Through a tactful diplomatic alliance with France
(vi) Ireland was forcibly taken by the British after the by Cavour, Sardinia-Piedmont succeeded m
failed revolution led by Wolfe and his United defeating the Austrian forces in 1859.
Irishmen (1798). A new "British nation" was (v) Under the leadership of Garibaldi, armed
formed. volunteers marched into South Italy in 1860 and
the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies and succeeded m
(C'fl~F M;orJrio3 ~rht"ne, 2015)
winning the support of the local peasants in order
Q. 3. Describe the process of unification of Italy. to drive out the Spanish rulers.
~ Ei.1 (Board Term 11, 2015) (vi) In 1861, Victor Emmanuel II was proclaimed king
of united Italy. (Any five) lXS=S

- ....,.".; ...")

. .· · :-~, ~Yisualising tne Nation: Nationalis~-~ncf·•
~-~- ~-. perialism -
Topi~~4:~ ·-
. • .

~~.pis.Cst!..ff~ • P.ersoniflccitioit of,,nation int,.~f;erp.alejigures,• .N ationalism

tion m
' '
~.·.:.·f'i..i and tmP-erialtsm. · ~. . -:..- . \\_. · ,

as able . r ••y-
I". . . . ~i;•" .

ofthf 1;1:Ji~:vision Notes

-•··"- - . - -

► Visualising the Nation: axe in the middle was used to sYmboh...'-c s-tri'n~h
.- Nation was personified in the female form by the in unity. The red Phrygian cap ·signifini ~ :. . .r:i.
artists of the 19 th century. of a slave. It was also known .1s the Ltbem (:.1:-
French people wore these cars a tew dav-:;. :-,,e:,~•
the storming of the B.1sblle
They were invented by artists • These svmbols were usu.1lly F'-"ru1..u mu~ m.ltll
in the nin<·tcenth century to represent the nation. everydav life that uneJu ...~att,i m,1-,~ ~xlld ~..1._-.ih:
~.Q.0'1 It is a poem, story, play, etc. in which identif) with.
char,Jclcrs .uicJ l'V(•nts represent qualities or ideas re
lating to rnor.ils, rl'l1g10n or politics. Tlwrl' is hidden @=uu, Key Personalities
meaning 1111plu-d to lw 111lt•rprdt•d by tlw rt•atkrs. f1 ' rulC.. nrul. G.cnrntnin ~h\n~mnt' and
.lmp,edallsm: ·, hi• poli, Y of 1·xtl'lld111g ,\ coun try's m.,m., Wl'r\' tlw h'm,,k ltllt•~mt·, of fratl\.~ and Ger-
power 111cl 111fluern 1• tl111111r,h colo11i:1,1t11m, us,• ot m,11, n.1ti, 11\'- n·,•,."--t1,'l·h 11\~ W't"re an al~ry of
m1l1tary fore(' (,r 1,t h(•r 1111•,111~ 11.1IH 1 n m tlw ,~nH' 'h" u-. Ulumt Mata. a female fig
Ill\' IS 1111,lf,llh'd ll\ hhlt \ Int' chm,ctenstia ofM.ari
• Female allegories i;mh ,1'- th 11 111 1tli,·1ty,
1111\\' \\ l'l"t.: ur th St' of l.iberh and the~
I\\ 1\ from
JU It c- nncl n public Wl:ll' 111vt•11h•d
r11l•lt, the 1\.'<.t c 1p the trtrotour and the c:ock.ade
• In (,rrmrmy, Germania l>l·c 1111l' lhc alt gory
,( lht n ,tlun lhc ~tatuecs of Manmmc "~re made and ettctN at
e Jn Pr ll , tht 1dl'i\ or I pn1pk'!1 nultun \\' 1'- 1•ublic place~ and a picture of M.arwnrw pnnted Oft
ChrllunN Marianne Sin wiu1 charadl•nzcl1 post~-c '-lamps Gema~ Wffl"S a aown ol oak
t f l ilx rty and Re: publk
1d h!.t\ C!< bt.uuse that trtt stancb for hffoila1. Shi
• Marianne I f r II bundle ,f rod with Iii\
• 0.waal CBSE Quea 'on Bank Chapterwiae & Topicwiae, IIOCIAL IICmllCS, Claa-X
Nationalist groups in Bump W
• During revolution , artists represented a nation • increasingly incompatible wl6 'eadl
as a person. This ersonification gave life to an were constantly in conflid. The maJar
abstract concept · a nation. powers, namely Russia. German.Y, Ell•M
► Nationalism and Impe iialism: Austro-Hungary began taking adv et11
• Through the 181h and the mid 19 century, nationalism in Europe to materialise their ...._
Europe was marke by a lot of chaos and turmoil. for Imperialism.
After 1871, there as a significant change in the The European powers sighted the - - .
concept of natioi ·sm in Europe. • disturbed Balkan region to fulfil their"'""
goals. The Balkan region consisted of the
@=w> Key Fact following countries of our timeS - ~
Marianne is displayed i many places in France
I Bulgaria, Albania, Greece, Macedonia. Croatia,
I Bosnia-Herzegovina, Slovenia, Serbia 1114
and holds a place of hon1our in town halls and law I
, courts.
(1 mark each)
Q. 3. Which among the following best B-ignifia Ille
A Multiple Ch ice Ouest~ons idea of liberal nationalism of nineteenth Cablly
Europe? < J ll ',cl I,
Q. 1. Study the picture and answer the question that
follows : (CBSE SQP, 2020-21) (A) Emphasis on social justice
Which of the following aspect best signifies this (B) State planned socio-economic system
image of Germania"'? (C) Freedom for individual and equality before a
(D) Supremacy of State oriented nationalism.
Ans. Option (C) is correct.
Explanation: Liberalism stands for equality md
freedom that protects individual's democratic rigk
Q. 4. Read the facts regarding the Revolution ol 1111
Liberals in Eu.rope during 1848 and chome . .
correct option: , :BSE, Set I,
(i) Abdication of the monarch
(ii) Universal male suffrage had been procJ:!eed
(iii) Political Rights to women were given
(iv) Freedom of the press had been ilSked few
(A) Only ti) and (ii) correct.
(B) Only (i), (u) and (iii) ;ire COI're\.~.
(A) Heroism and Justice (C) Onlv ti) and 4 are correct
(B) Folk and Cultural Tradition (D) Onlv (1) (u) and tw} are .:'l.."lm."-1
(C) Austerity and Asceticism
(D) Revenge and Vengeance Ans. Option (D) is correct.
Ans. Option (A) is correct. Et7,J,ut11tfo,1: ln ~,·olution \"f tht> liberals m &waft
Explanation: In the given image, Germania wears a during 1848 p,Jhtt\.'.ll niht-:- ttl ,\ ,)met\ 1''fft 11111
crown of Oak leaves and in German oak stands for g,wn Th'-' ,~:;ut' \,f l':\'k ndu~ polibi..--al ntJII
hf•r'oi<;m to w\,nh.'n w .,, ,\ ,'l\ntn''"'l".5lal one within •
Q. 2. ~hkh of th~ foJJowin r revolutions is called as the r'-'vl,ltthl'll l,f hl"'r.1\, m ,, htd\ la~ nUIIIN' ti
f1nt expre11,uon of 'Na ion.iliHm' 7 mer ...
Wllt\\l'I\ h.hi f',\rtlt'll',\k-d act:i\"el) and
~ (Delhi Set I 202.0) dt·mt·,t ,ufh \~t• ~hts dunng the ~ al ..
(A) J•rcnc h Kcvol11t11,, ,\,,\'lllW,
(8) Russum kcvolutit, 'I Q. ~. Oh!lu, e th~ map whkh WM uMd adal ..
(C) Glonou,1 kt'Vl>luh 111 ,'t'.ntur) tu display the powu oi ....._
(D) The Revolution of he llbt·r ,Ii; Which of the following ia the aap MOST
Ana. Option (A) la correct. abouH (CISE Addhioall Q 1
&pla,ition: Till 17 ' Prance w ..,!; , t"'"' ntunul
ttate und~r the rule f an absolutt· monnrch und
through Pttnch R~vo tion thl' ldci.\ of nnbonaloon
brightened up thf vattd pt,-ople to own the

I -----··· Ans. Option (D) is correct.

Explanation: On 18 May, 1848, 831 eledld
representatives marched in a festive pro- fm
to take their places in the Frankfurt Padiamenl
While the opposition of the aristocracy and military
became stronger, the social basis of Parliament
Q. 2. Assertion (A): Nationalism aligned with
imperialism Jed Europe to disaster in 1914.
Reason (R): Many countries in the world which
had been colonized by the European powers in the
19 th century began to oppose imperial domination.
Ans. Option (A) is correct
Explanation: By the last quarter of the nineteenth
(A) Different kinds of pe:ople who are found in century, nationalism no longer retained its idealistic
Britain liberal democratic sentiments of the first half of the
(B) Sea routes from only Bptain to different parts of century but became a narrow crew v,ith limited
the world ends. Nationalism aligned with imperialism led
(C) Celebrating the British rule over different parts Europe to disaster in 1914.
of the world Q. 3. Assertion (A): The Balkan region became part of
(D) People of different countries moving to Britain the conflict.
to lead a better life Reason (R): The Ottoman Empire was powerless to
suppress the nationalism of its ethnic people.
. - "•· "•:-{:I Ans. Option (B) is correct
B Assertioii:SiRe
-: • •" " . 0 T - ... ,..~ • '.',
ExplanatiQtl: The Balkan region became part of the
conflict because of the Ottoman Empire occupation
Directions: In the following questions a statement in the region, where the jl:iea of nationalism was
of assertion (A) is follo1wed by a ;tatement of
reason (R). Mark the correct choice as: Q. 4. Assertion (A): The female form that was chosen to
(A) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and personify the nation did not stand for any particular
reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion woman in life.
(A). Reason (R) : The female figure became an alle-gon
(B) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but cl~na~. ~
reason (R) is not the correct explanation of Ans. Option (B) is correct
assertion (A). Explanation: The female form that was chosen tt,
(C) Assertion (A) is true but 1reason (R) is false. personify ~e nabon rud not sta.nd for any p,utic-..tlar
(D) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true. woman m life. Rut 1t sought to gi,·e the ab,trnct idro
of the nation in a concrete form .
Q. 1. Assertion (A) : On 18 May, 1848, 831 elected
Q. 5. Assertion (A)· ~ lari.mne became the all~on
ru the-
representatives revolted in the Frankfurt Parliament.
German nation.
Reason (R) : The Parliament was dominated by
Reason (R): She wc.1~ a crown t1t ,'1..'lk i'>l\"'CS as
the middle classes who iresisted the demands of
Gcrm,m Oak., tt,r hen.,i,m. (:)
workers and lost their support.

, / sua.:1EcT1Vi TYPE 0uEST10Ns • ' .._..•1=._ ~ _.._ . ~-, -~~__: ' '

to dis.,stl'f in l •> l4
<®> Very short Alli 1wer Tiypl) - Q. 3. How Ji\t natiumalism 11nd lm~riahsm lead IO
l"onflkt in 1:umpd l!liJ
- ---
(1 mark each)
- -
Ans. N.1tH111,,h"I\\ md imf,c,n.1\i,m ncouraged Heh
hmii't',\I\ l\,ltttm l\l rursuc tts O\\'t\ mtt-ttSts and
_Concept Applied romrdc for p<l\\ •r
Q. 4 Wh\ we~ anti- lmperiallit .aou 1 ■ w
Nationalism n:ationali51:J • Iii)■
AM. The Balkans are usua ractcrizcll n" cum pt oa11~:
An8, I hl' 1 ts that des.eloped
of AlbanJa, Botnia crlegt1vlnn, Uul8urm,
C\C t:M,tntethatdWJ
Croatia, Kotovo, Mo , North Maccdumu,
all t nalion ......
lomania, Sffl,ia, and a nnd collectiw11t11! II
Q. 2. WIiie W ID die colla urope ln 19147 (I
umh "''-"'+a!Wl'l..a.ia.
Aal. riaU11n It'd Eump<•
- OawaalC
Q. 5. Why did the
eation Bank Chapterwiae & Topicwiae,

imperialist movements emerge?

I t • • I , .

<@> Short" ~nswer Type

I •
rialist movements emerged in order

Balun Npon.
Questi ns (3 marks each) !

(Yl)Ttue led to the

Q. 1. How had the female figures become an allegory finaDy became
of the nation during the nineteenth century in Wu
Europe? Analyse. W(l!<I krm •II, ~16J
Ans. The female figures as an allegory of the nation :
Artists found :~ way out to represent a country in
the form of a person. Then na~ons were portrayed Q. 2. How did the Balkan regior, become a aomu If
as female figures, The female figure was chosen to nationalist tension in Eu.rope after 187)7
personify the r ali~n but it_did not stand for any
particular woman m real life. It gave an abstract 1!J ~lhJ..'iOD.
idea of the nation, a concrete form . Thus, the female OR
figure became an allegory of the nation.
During the French Revolution, artists used the Describe the explosive conditions that p r ~
formal allegory to portray ideas such as Liberty, in Balkans after 1871 in Europe..
Justice and the Republic.
(To be assessed as a whole) 3 Ans. Explosive condition of Baluns in 1871
The Balkans was a region of gaogi:aphic:al
Q. 2. Name the female allegory who represents France.
Describe her m1ain characteristics. 0m ethnic variation comprising modem Ka-•
Bulgaria, Albania, Greece and M.a.cec:lonia
inhabitants were broadly known
Q. 3. Describe the 1t1ature of nationalism in the last part of Balkans was under the 11..u.i:1U11.11
quarter of the 11uneteenth century. (ii O ttoman Empire.
Ans. The nature of nationalism in the last quarter of the
The spread of idea, of Romanbc. N~b.J!r'l.m•
nineteenth centtury was as mentioned below : the Balkans together Y.'lth the <fuml:e£Jrab101\d
(i) It no longer retained its idealistic liberal-democratic Ottoman Emprre made this region exir;,lo'511'>r.
sen timen t of the firs t-h alf of the century but became All throughout the 1 cen un {'~••••-
a narrow creed with limited ends. Empire had :;.ought to strength
(ii) During this pieriod n ation alist groups became The Balkan prop e ha...~
increasingly intoleran t of each other and ever ready independenc-e or po tical ngh
to go to war. used hktory for cbim.
~cene of n\"aln among b po
(iii) The major Etuopean powers manipulated the To b(, a,,e,,ed as a ·whole.
n ationalist aspirations of the subject people in
Europe to further their own imperialist aims.
Detailed Answ r.
B;1lkan .~~on ,u._ a so~
th~ hlllowing n-a'-On~
li)lt \\ .1, u n:gt n
Q. J. Highlight the re~,!Jon,i for the grow th of niltionali,t
ten 1tion11 in the 8 aJJu n rl'gion bt.•forc till' Hf"i t
World WJr. I!) ( USI SQP. 20 O 1)
lii) \ L,
AM. Rnrf/111 for th rowth of n1tJon1U1t ten,lon in ln
Cl) The a ~gion of ,hkal a111.I
ethnic c >mpri In ,d m d•y
Albanli G
TM lnha



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11·1 · · ·· -
~d MCOs
(4 marks each)

Conservatives believed that established traditional

institutions of state and society- like the monarchy,
the Church, social hierarchies, property and the
I. Read the extract gi a u family - should be preserved. Most conservatives,
of 6 the questions l!J however, did not propose a return to the society
Following the defe Napoleon in 1815, European of pre- revolutionary days. Rather, they realised,
pemmentswere I nbyaspiritofconservatism. from the changes initiated by Napoleon, that

. o.. aicaaoun
modenuMtion rouJd A-. Opdon ((') le coned.
insffl\ltiona hb ttM- m014!Al'ICh,· £ ~ , . _ A ln<MW'm army, an •
bu11ff,k'Til1CY, A Jynamk KOIIOfflY dw • Nht.
an d anJ wrfdom could MNnathal lie
~ a t t1' m rwn:h of Eun>pe

Q 5 What WH marked H the final d•feal of Na,..._
in 181~1
(A) 8..lttl \~ h:rloo
(8) tt\ t Uorodmo
(C) 8..lttl fr.if 11 ar
(t>) B.lttl { Au t thl
\n!I Option (A) "' correct
£, l t, Th lhttk: of \\'.-,tl'rloo marked tht
1 l d f t of N:tpokon On lune 22, UBS, foUr
d \ ft r I ) n tht• 1.·onfltd N,1pl1lcu11 alxhcate4
emperor of fr ln\.:l' for tlw Cl:ond nml Inst funt
nd w a l.tll r l ,1kd to ~t I ld~n 1.
QI Q 6. \\here ,.,as the 1 real) of Vicnna tilgncJl
(A) Poland (U) V1t'1m<1
(A (C) Moscow (Dl W,,tcrluu
(B Ans Option (U) ls corret t.
II Read the cxtrdct give n ltl•low and .am1wer any 5 out
of & the questions : (2) I
One o;uch 1mhv1d11,1I tlw ltufo111 rC'voluttonary,
An~ Option 1 (,iu t ppc M,1L.z111i 111,, 11 m ( ,t•110.i i11 1807, he
I ;tplanafl n bn.Jme n m1:111lic, 111 lht· St'l"rl'I soi it'ly of the
"' Lt (".trbon<111 As a vo1111r, 111,111 of 24, Ill' w,,s Sl'nt into
Q 2.. Id e ,OrtJ~fC55 o( x1le m 1831 for ,1ltc111pli11g ,1 rt'volutu m in l.iguria.
\ aenna In 1815 from th He ub l'qucntly fo1111Jl'd two moll' undnground
(A) To d lart: l n n o 1etll' , first, Young lt,,ly III M,11 st·illt•s, ,ind then,
umf1 at1on Young Europe 111 Berne, whost• mt·mbt•ri; were like•
(B) To re~tore consl'l'\.ah\t res~rr,e
mmded young men from l'ol,md, Pr,HKC, Italy and
the <.erman f.t, ,lt•s M,,uini bt·licvc<l llrnt Cod had
(Q To declare "ar a1g 1 n t fr
intended nations to be th(• n,\tura l units of mankind.
(D) To start the proccs i of Italian Crufi ation 5o Italy cc,uld not ccintinuc to b<· a pc.1tchwork of
An~ . Option (B) is correct. mall states nnd k111gdorns. It had to be forged into I
D.planahon· In 1815 the European powers a single unifu•d republic within a wi<lcr alliance of
oollecti, el) deteated Nitpaleon to dra\\ up a
nations. This unifkation c1lom! could be the basis of

settlement for Europe

Italian liberty. Following his model, secret societies
Q. 3. What did ronsen ath es focus on at the Congress of were set up in Cnmany, francc, Switzerland
Vienna? Select the approJUiate option. and Poland. Manini's relentless opposition to
(A) To re-e:.tablish peace and stability m Europe. monarchy and his vision of democratic republicl
(B) To e,tablbh socialism Europe. frightened the conservatives. Metternich described
(C) To introduce dem in France. him as 'the most dangerous enemy of our social
(D) To set up a new Pa · ent in Au:.tria.
Explllnation: The main ntention ,vas to restore Q. 1. Who was Giuseppe Mazzini ?
the monarchies that h been overthrown by (A) French artist (B) Italian revolutionar)' 1
Napoleon. (C) British artist (D) German preacher
Q. 4. How did the Congress o Vienna ensure peace in
Europe? Select the appro riate option.
Q. 2. Where was Giuseppe Mazzini born? .

(A) Berne (8) Paris

(A) With the restoration f Bourbon Dynasty
(C) Genoa (D) Liguria
(B) Ausbia was not give the control of Northern
Italy Q. 3. Giuseppe Mazzini was sent into exile in 1&11
attempting a revolution in _ _ __
(C) Laying out a balance of power between all the
great powers in E (A) Genoa (B) Liguria
(D) By giving power to (C) Poland (D) Marseilles
I Q. '- Who described Mazzini r'the most dangerous
Q. 6. How was Mazzini involffd In the ffl
enemy of our sodal order' Italy?
(A) Bismarck (B I Cavour (A) He became member of various seaet IOdetiel
such as young Italy.
(C) Metternich (] Garibaldi
(B) He attempted a revolution in Liguria.
Q. S. Which of the following s cieties was founded in
(C) He managed to excite the people for a united
liberal republic and gave them an aim.
(A) Young Europe (Bl Young Germany
(D) All of the Above.
(C) Young Italy (D) Young Britain

0 Solutions fo: Practice Questions (Topic-1)


: Multiple Choice Questi~ (ii) Politically, it emphasised the concept of

: Ans. 2: Option (C) is correct. government by consent.
: Explanation: Giuseppe formed this society to (iii) It stood for the end of autocracy and delical
privileges. 1x3=3
transform Italy into a united republican state. {CBSE Marking Scheme 2D1i]
Assertion and Reason Det11i.IP<I Answe
, Ans. 2: Option (C) is correct Liberalism: Derived from the Latin word 'liber' '
: Explanation: The French Revolution led to the meaning 'free' . It meant differently to different
: transfer of sovereignty from the monarchy to a people.
body of French citizens. Middle class: For the new middle classes,
Ans. 4: Option (A) is correct. liberalism stood for freedom of individual and
equality of all before the law.
• Very Short Answer Ty1~e Questions
Politically: It emphasised the concept of government
Ans. 2: Frederic Sorrieu was a French artist who
by consent The right to vote '"'-as meant only for
prepared a series of four prints, visualizing his
property-owning men. The lower classes were,
dream of a world made up of ' democratic and
therefore, not included. In general it stood for the
social republics', as he called them.
inviolability of private property and freedom of
Ans. 6: Utopian vision is a vision of a society that is so
the markets from state imposed restrictions on the
ideal that it is unlikely to actually exist. movement of goods.
Short Answer Type Questions Since the French Revolution, liberalism had stcx--.d
for the _en~ of autocracy and clerical rriv:ilege-s
Ans. 3: (i) Liberalism in the ea~r. 19th century stood for a constitutional and representative government
freedom for the indi1 ·dual and equality to all through parliament.
before law for the n w middle classes.

------ -----------------~----------------------------------------------------------------
0 Solutions for Practice Questions (Topic-2)

Very Short Answer Type Q.untions

Ans.3: frit•Jrkh Wilhdm l'\'Jt'Ct\'<l the Cl\lWn offffed by
tht• N,,l\\\n,,l A~"t•mbh llnd JUlned other monan:hs
Expl11nation: As ( ,rct•<·c · "'' lht• land of t•lhH·,,h•d
hl or•)\lSt' lht• dt-;:tt.-d a:s...-.cmbh
elites who Apread their ulturc from ,,11 uvt•r tlw
Ans . .a: ltiJO
Chapterwise & Topicwise, IIOCIAL BCISIICS, ctau-X
- <>awaal CBSE Question

,1_ .... )l Solutions fo1 Practice Questions (Topic- 3)


' Multiple Choice Quest

Ans. 4: Option (A) is correct.
Explmu,tion, In the

Otto Von B~smarck
Italy was divided into seven states of which only
one Sardinia-Piedmont, was ruled by an ltaJiaa
Princely house. 1

engineered a series of wars that u~ed the Ans. 4: The large landowners from Prussia were known
German states, significantly and deliberat~ly as Junkers. 1,
excluding Austria, into powerful German Empire
, under Prussian leadership

: Very Short Answer Typ•, Questions

' Ans.1: During the middle of the nineteenth century,
----------------------------------- -- ------·
~t-'._mll . ' . "iilf· . ,
G Sol~~}~q-sJ8t .R~ci~tice Questions ~llo:Qi°~;:4l ·-'
•• I. .....
-- ~:--1,~---_:_ _·· ·NI! ..

~yltiple Choice Questi◄t>ns
(iii) Statues of Marianne were erected in public squares
Ans. 5: Option (C) is correct. to remind the public of the national symbol of Wlity
Assertion and Reason and to persuade them to identify with il
Ans. 2: Option (A) is correct. (iv) Her images were marked on coins and stamps of
1850. (Any three) 1 x 3 = 3
Explanation: By the last quarter of the nineteenth
century, nationalism no longer retained its idealistic Competency Based Questions
liberal democratic sentiments of the first half of the II. Ans. 1: Option (B) is correct
I century but became a narrow crew with limited Explanation: Giuse~pe Mazzini was an Italian
ends. Nationalism aligned! with imperialism led revolutionary in 19 century Europe. He was an
Europe to disaster in 1914. Italian patriot and a major figure in the making of
modem Italy.
Ans. 5: Option (D) is correct.
Ans. 2: Option ( C) is correct
Explanation: Germania became the allegory of Ans. 3: Option (B) is correct
the German nation. Explanation: At the age of 2-4, Mazzini was Slefll
Short Answer Type Que,sti.ons into exile in 1831 for attempting a revolution •
Ans. 2 : Marianne was the female alllegory who represented
: France. Ans. 4: Option ( C) is correct
: Her characteristics were drawn from: Ans. 5: Option (A) is correct
: (i) Those of liberty and republk. Ans. 6: Option (D) is correct
: (ii) These were the red cap, the tricolour and the

◄ --------------------------------------------------------- ------

- -:. .. ~ .... - -

- -- -

Were you able to think about ht· ,u.lvt•nt of lht• idt".l ot n,1tiun,1lism in Uun>pt• ,
Were you able to recall the <.:o tribution of tlw rnmmon m.m m tlw t'll\t'f1,;t'll~ o.f nation state and natic,nalillll

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