PDF No-11 - Women Empowerment and Bangladesh (For Women Related Focus)

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Women Empowerment and Bangladesh (For Women Related Focus)

“There is no tool for development more effective than the empowerment of women.” — Kofi Annan

Women’s empowerment is a core issue of contemporary development.The achievement of gender equality by empowering
women is the fifth of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) laid out in the Sustainable Development Agenda adopted by
UN Member States in 2015.
Women Empowerment:
Women empowerment refers to allowing women the power of participation in the decision-making process of all the
fields leading to a quality life. Empowering women is the process of making women independent in all aspects of thoughts,
rights, decisions, and actions.


Social Political


Political Economic

Women Educational
Fig: Dimension & Types of of Women’s Economic, Politic and Social Empowerment

Women Empowerment can be

achieved by…

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Women Empowerment in Bangladesh:
According to the latest ‘Population and Housing Census 2022’ Report of Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS), ‘Female
population of Bangladesh now 8.33cr, male 8.17cr’ Bangladesh has become the world's role model in women's
empowerment. The country's progress in women's political, social and economic empowerment is today appreciated by all
over the world. Bangladesh is at the top among South Asian countries in establishing gender equality.In this regards
Honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has said “I believe sustainable future of our planet is a shared
responsibility of our women and men. We have arrived at a time in our history when gender equality is no longer an
aspiration, but a real possibility everywhere.”
Position of Bangladesh Regarding Women Empowerment
In South Asia 1st
In the World 59th
Source: Global Gender Gap Report 2023, World Economic Forum
Some Example of Woman Empowerment in Bangladesh which represent the scenario of Women empowerment of
 Selina Hossain: President of the Bangla Academy
 Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury:- Speaker of the Jatiya Sangsad
 Rabab Fatima: Representative of the United Nations for the least developed countries, landlocked developing
countries and Small Island developing states (UNOHRLLS)
 Sheikh Hasina: 13th prime Minister of Bangladesh
The State of women empowerment in Bangladesh:Bangladesh has made remarkable progress in the last 20 years in
improving the lives of women and girls. Bangladesh has been named as the most gender-equal country in South Asia for
the eighth consecutive year in the Global Gender Gap Report
According to the report of the World Economic Forum, “The country is the only one to have closed more than 70%
of the gender gap among others in the region.”

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"Bangladesh is comparatively doing well in gender parity. It has been outperforming other South Asian countries
for a long time. If we look at Bangladesh's performance in the major indices, we'll notice that the performance is
satisfactory,"-Fahmida Khatun, Executive director of the Centre for Policy Dialogue
Women’s right in the constitution of Bangladesh: The Constitution of the Government of the People's Republic of
Bangladesh is supposed to ensure equal rights for women-
 According to Article 27 of the Constitution, all citizens are equal before the law and are entitled to equal protection
of the law. Besides this, Article 28 (1), 28 (2), 28 (3), 28 (4),65(3) ensure & conserve the rights for women
Bangladesh’s achievments in Women Empowerment:Bangladesh’s achievements in the past decade have been
exemplary in many sectors such as in reducing infant and child mortality, poverty alleviation, increase in women
entrepreneurship, education, and health.
Gender Budget: An allocation of Tk 4,755 crore has been proposed for the Ministry of Women and Child Affairs in the
financial year 2023-2024.
Achievement in Education: “You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation.”―
Brigham Young
Literacy rate in Bangladesh is now 74.66 percent, according to the report of "Population and Housing Census 2022".
"Give me an educated mother, I shall promise you the birth of a civilized, educated nation" - Napoleon Bonaparte
 The government has provided free primary education to all children in the age group of 6-10 years and girls can study
free of cost in government institutions up to class 12.
 Free textbooks are distributed up to secondary level and stipends are given to girls to encourage them to go to school.
 Recently, the government announced that free food will be distributed to government primary schools. According to
1. Female students in primary level 50.50%
2. Female student in secondary level 53.61%
3. Number of femal students getting stipend 40,00,000 students
“Bangladesh has made significant strides towards educating girls and giving women a greater voice, both in the
household and the public sphere. These efforts have translated into improvements in children's health and
education. ”-Kaushik Basu, World Bank Chief Economist
 Achievement in Health Sector
 Women in leadership and decision making
"In the future, there will be no female leaders. There will just be leaders."-Sheryl Sandberg
In addition to these 300 general members, since 2011 there are 50 reserved seats for women in parliament, who are
appointed by the elected members of Parliament.

Women in politics Number

Head of the political party 2
Speaker of the parliament 1
Minister 5
Elected women Member of parliament 22
Total women MP 72
Elected women UP members 13500
In the local government system, 30% representatives from women have been ensured.
Women in Administration:Women’s participation in the civil administration has increased a lot over the years.
Women in sports: Bangladeshi girls in sports have maintained their success over the past few years. The women players
of the country have shown unprecedented success in the international arena.

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Women as Entrepreneurs:
“We need women at all levels, including the top, to change the dynamic, reshape the conversation, to make sure
women’s voices are heard and heeded, not overlooked and ignored.” ― Sheryl Sandberg
Currently, 14,500 female entrepreneurs are registered and selling products on the e-commerce platform lalsabuz.com.
“We cannot all succeed when half of us are held back. We call upon our sisters around the world to be brave – to
embrace the strength within themselves and realize their full potential.” – Malala Yousafzai, Nobel Peace Prize
Women contribution in Economy:
“Women empowerment is a must for successful achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as
women are the most important drivers of transformation,” – Honourable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina
 More than 80 percent of Bangladesh's export earnings come from the apparel industry. About 54 percent of total
garment workers are women.
 According to the data of Manpower, Employment and Training Bureau, from 1991 to 2021, a total of 9 lakh 35 thousand
466 women went to work abroad.
 According to the Center for Policy Dialogue (CPD), the contribution of women to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
is about 20 percent.
 According to the information of the Agricultural Information Service, 90 lakh 11 thousand women (71.5 percent of
the female labor force) are engaged in agricultural work.
 According to the data of Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, 7.2 percent of women are in service sector. 3.7 million women
are working in the service sector.
Challenges of women empowerment:
“Removing the barriers that keep women and girls on the margins of economic, social, cultural, and political life
must be a top priority for us all” – UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
The journey of the women of Bangladesh has not been a smooth one. From social taboos to conservative attitudes, they had
to face a number of obstacles to arrive where they are today.
 Enslavement of male domination, Household discrimination, Access to resources, Unemployment, Social
outlook., Religious shackles
Laws to prevent violence against women:
 Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Act 2010)
 Human Trafficking Deterrence and Suppression Act 2012
 The Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Rules 2013
 Child Marriage Control Act, 2013
 Child Marriage Restraint Act. 2017
Bangladesh has excellent support services in both government and non-government sectors. This includes shelter homes
(government and non-government), victim support centers, apart from general police activity, One Stop Crisis Centre, and
a national helpline.
International initiatives for women empowerment:
CEDAW: The Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) is an international
treaty adopted in 1979 by the United Nations General Assembly. The convention is structured in six parts with 30 articles
Ways to Empower Women: 1. Boost her self-esteem, 2. Shut down the negativity, 3. Support Women-Run Businesses, 4.
By giving proper education, 5. Giving job opportunities
“Girls are one of the most powerful forces for change in the world: When their rights are recognized, their needs are met,
and their voices are heard, they drive positive change in their families, their communities, and the world.” – Kathy
Calvin,United Nations Foundation President & CEO

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Under the able leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Bangladesh will achieve SDG targets by 2030 and enter a
developed and prosperous world based on gender equality by 2041. Full and equal participation of women in socio-
economic activities and empowerment of women will occupy the seat of dignity in Bangladesh. Leaving behind all
weaknesses, they will triumph in the improvement and progress of life. In tune with the same tune of Honourable Prime
Minister Sheikh Hasina we can say “Let us, once again, take a vow to achieve gender parity in all aspects and make the
world a better place for our women and girls.”
Information Box
যে য োন টপি /এপিয়োতে আিনোি এ টো information Box থো ো উপিৎ যেখোতন আিপন ওই টপি সংপিষ্ট য োি ও পিম ইনফিতমশন
যেতন/সংগ্রতে িোখতেন এেং িিীক্ষোয় ওই টপি েো োছো োপছ যেত োন টপিত পিতেট তি ইনফিতমশন গুতেো আিনোি যেখোি ফোাঁত ফোাঁত
েুতে পিতয় আসতে েতে।
পনতেি এপেতমন্টসগুতেো যেতন িোখতে যট পন যোপে পেপিন্ন যেখোয় োতে েোগোতনো যেতে িোতি। মতন িোখতে েতে যফো োস হুেহু েোইন েোই েোইন
যেখো েোয়নো, য ৌশতে পেতখ আসতে েয়।
1. Some Quotation about Women Empowerment
 “Women's Rights are Human Rights”—UNHR/UN
 Bangladesh has made remarkable progress in the last 20 years in improving the lives of women and girls.—
 “If you educate a man, you educate an individual, but if you educate a woman you educate a nation/family ” ―Dr.
James K. Aggrey
 “Women don’t need to find a voice, they have a voice, and they need to feel empowered to use it, and people
need to be encouraged to listen.” — Meghan Markle
 “A strong woman is a woman determined to do something that others are determined not to be done.” —
Marge Piercy
 “We need women at all levels, including the top, to change the dynamic, reshape the conversation, to make
sure women’s voices are heard and heeded, not overlooked and ignored.” — Sheryl Sandberg
 “Feminism isn’t about making women stronger. Women are already strong; it’s about changing the way the
world perceives that strength.” — G.D. Anderson
 “We cannot all succeed when half of us are held back.” – Malala Yousafzai
 “Without gender equality and a full role for women in society, in the economy, in governance, we will not be
able to achieve the world we hoped for.” – Phumzile Mlambo, UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive
Director, UN Women
2. World Famous Women in the world (যফো োস যেখোি সময় প্রসঙ্গে যেখোি শ্রী েৃ পিতে যটতন আনো যেতে িোতি।)

Organization name Position Name Country

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen (1st women president) German
European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde (1st women president) French
Commonwealth Secretary General Patricia Scotland (1st women Secretary General) UK
IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva Bulgaria
NDB President Dilma Rousseff Brazil

Name Position Country

Kamala D. Harris Vice President USA
আমোতিি যিয়ো েথয গুতেোি এ টো েথয/য োট আিনোি ১/২/৩ নম্বি েোপেতয় পিতে িোতি। আি ১/২ নম্বতিি েনযই আিনোি েেটো অনয োতিো
েতয় েোয়। যসো গুরুত্ব পিন। িোতেো নম্বি যিতে টপি অনু েোয়ী প্রোসপঙ্গ য োতটশন ও প এপেতমন্টস প ছু যটতন আনতেই েতে। িেোি সময়
সংপিষ্ট টপি এ টু পেস্তোপিে িেতে েতে, ২ যিইে িতে যগতেই ২ যিইে পেখতে িোিতেন নোে। এটোি সু পেধো এক্সোম েতে িোতেন ইনশো

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