Toastmasters Speech

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Wow she dances so beautifully, and her acting is phenomenal I wish I could do those things,

but I just don’t have the talent she does, so why should I even try?

In life we often find ourselves saying ohh I can't do that because I don't have the talent to do
it and if you don't that's fine, but I do, but that was until I realized you don't need talent to
be successful, and in reality, the most successful people have got to where they are through
hard work and determination.

Everyone says that finding your talent will open doors for you that it will help you achieve
the goals you want to achieve in life but if you're like me and don't know what your talent is
because you've tried everything you possibly could to find it you know that opening that
door is a lot harder than it seems. This is because people who have talents have the easy
way out and they don't even realize it if the pool is where you thrive that’s your open door;
if drawing comes naturally to you that's your open door your way to thrive in life if you're
good at music and singing comes naturally to you that's your open door. what most people
who were given a talent don't realize is how much they could utilize it in their life, so they
just keep doing the same thing they've always been doing because that’s what they're good

John F Kennedy said there are risks and costs to a program of action, but they are far less
than the long-range risks and costs of comfortable inaction.

This is true because if you don't have a talent then that's OK it really is but that just means
you have to take risks and just go for it. if you want to achieve something you have to work
hard, you may not have been given a talent, but you were given a chance to prove yourself,
prove that you can achieve anything by just being you. Yes, you will fail and you will be
embarrassed but you have to get up and try again because you can complain that you don't
have a talent but there's no excuse for not working hard enough and I promise you that if
you can focus on achieving your goals, you will achieve them and it will be just as good as
having a talent.

And that’s what Walt Disney says if you can dream it you can be it and my life so far has
revolved around finding my talent but now I know that you don’t need one so don’t let not
being talented enough stop you from reaching for your dreams

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