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Crisis Intervention Management Proposed Topic for Development and Class Reporting

1. Mass Casualty / Active Shooter (School, Mass Gathering, etc)

2. Cyber Attack (Financial, System Disruptions, Critical Infrastructure, etc.)

3. Massive Fires (Forest, Large Commercial Areas)

4. Severe Weather Conditions (Typhoon, Flooding, Tidal Surges)

5. Kidnaping (High Government officials, Business CEO’s, Prominent Political Figures,

and others)

6. Terrorism (Insurgent Groups, Secessionist Groups, Extortionist)

7. Hostage Taking, Kidnaping (High Government officials, Business CEO’s, Prominent

Political Figures, and others)

8. Illegal Drug / Substance Abuse (Methamphetamine , Fentanyl, etc. )

9. Planning Group for Webinar

10. Community Extension Service Planning Group

Guidance for Group Reporting

From the list 1-8, choose the Critical Incident you want to cover . The content of your
report must include but not limited to the following :

1. Learning Objectives
2. Background of the Topic
3. Definition of Terms
4. Legal Bases
5. Facts / Details about the Topic
6. Cite Past Incidences as Reference in Reporting
7. Current Incident Management Protocols/Plan (Initiating Agencies Present important details
8. Effectiveness of Management Response Protocols
9. Phases of Incident Management (as applicable)
10. Evaluation of Agency / Incident Plan / Business Continuity Plan
11. Conclusion
12. Recommendation

There is no group order of presentation. The first, two or three groups who are ready to
report on March 16, 2023 may do so.

The groups assigned to prepare for the Webinar /Community Extension Services shall
proceed separately in terms of conceptualizing, coordinating, event preparation, program
preparations, and execution on pre-approved dates.

Dr. Fortunato Sagudo, Jr.

Professor, PCCR

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