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S1. YIP YUN YU B091810391


1. Procedure (Ability to describe 10
experiment with correct procedure)
2. Work Process (Ability to explain 10
experiment faults)
3. Work Process (Ability to display 15
data – Fotography skills)
4. Outcome (Analysis results) 25
5. Outcome (Explanation of the results) 15
6. Outcome (Discussion and 15
7. Discipline (On time submission with 10
no plagiarism)

Approved By: ………………………………………………..…..

(Instructor’s Signature & Stamp)

Date: …………………………………………….........
The apparatus and materials such as Olympus Epoch 650, DL4R-10 Crystal Probe (3.5 x 10,
4 MHz), probe cables, Stepwedge Block, Ultrasonic Couplant and V1 Standard Calibration
Block were prepared before starting the Ultrasonic Testing (UT) experiment.
A. Olympus Epoch 650 Parameter Setting
1. First on the Olympus Epoch 650, the F1 and P1 buttons were pressed to select the Basic
function and the Velocity function.

Figure 1
2. Then the velocity was set at 5900 m/s by turning the knob on the Olympus Epoch 650.

Figure 2
3. The P2 button was pressed next and the knob was rotated to set zero (0.000)

Figure 3
4. After that, P3 button was pressed to select the Range button and the range was set at 125
also by turning the knob.

Figure 4
5. Then the P4 button was pressed to select the Delay function and the delay was set to 0.00

Figure 5
6. The F2 button was pressed next to select the Pulser function while ensuring that Auto
mode is selected by pressing P1 button.

Figure 6
7. Then the energy set (at P3 button) was ensured to be 200 V, the damping set(at P4 button)
was also ensured to be 100 Ohm and the mode was made sure to be in Dual (at P5 button).

Figure 7
8. The P6 and P7 button were then pressed to select the Square function and to ensure the
frequency was set to 4.0 MHz.

Figure 8
9. After that, the F3 button was pressed to select the Receiver function and the P1 and P2
buttons were pressed again to ensure that the set Filter was 1.5-8.5 MHz and the
Reactivation is set to Full.

Figure 9
10. Then the F4 button was pressed to select the Triger function ensuring that the Angle (at
P1 button) is 0° and the Thickness (at P2 button) is 0.

Figure 10
11. The Full Next button was then pressed and after that the F1 and P7 buttons were pressed
to select the Gate 1 function and to ensure the Status is On.

Figure 11
12. Next, the F2 and P7 buttons were pressed to select the Gate 2 function and to ensure the
Status is Off.

Figure 12
13. Then F3 button was pressed to select the Gate Setup function and G1 Mode (at P1 button)
was ensured to be at Peak.

Figure 13
14. After that, the F4 and P7 buttons were pressed to select the GateF function and to ensure
the Status is Off.

Figure 14
15. The Full Next button was then pressed and after that the F1 button was pressed to select
Display Setup function.

Figure 15
16. Then the P1 button was pressed to enter the Display Setup and the settings were ensured
to be correct. The back button was then pressed to return to the previous display

Figure 16
17. The F2 button was then pressed to select the Measurement Setup function and the
dimension Unit (at P2 button) was ensured to be in mm.

Figure 17
18. Then the F3 button was pressed to select the Instrument Setup function and none of the
settings were changed.

Figure 18
19. Lastly, to return to the first page in the display, the Full Next button was pressed three

Figure 19
B. Calibration of Twin Crystal Probe
1. First the Ultrasonic Couplant was applied on the V1 Standard Calibration Block.

Figure 1
2. Then the DL4R-10 Crystal Probe was placed on the V1 Standard Calibration Block
where it was placed on the area that was applied with the Ultrasonic Couplant. While
doing this the peaks (Backwall) on the Olympus Epoch 650 was observed

Figure 2
3. The Gates button was then pressed three times and the knob was turned each time the
button was pressed to change the G1 (at F1 button) settings to move the red mark after
the first peak, increase the width of the red mark and to set the G1 Level at 40%

Figure 3
4. After that, 2nd F button was pressed, then the Gates button and then F5 button was pressed
to select the Auto Calibration function.

Figure 4
5. Then the P3 button was pressed to select the Call Zero function and the value was set
to 25 mm by turning the knob. Then the P2 button was pressed to select Done. The P3
button was pressed again to select the Call Zero function and the value was set to 25
mm by turning the knob. Then the P3 button was pressed to select Continue.

Figure 5
6. The Gates button was pressed next and the knob was turned to move the wide red mark
is above the 4th peak (Backwall).

Figure 6
7. Then the 2nd F button was pressed, then the Gates button, then the Back button and then
F5 button again to select the Auto Calibration function.

Figure 7
8. The P2 button was then pressed to select the Calibration Velocity function and the
velocity was set to 100 by turning the knob. Then the P2 button was pressed again to
select Done

Figure 8
9. After that, the Freeze button was pressed to ensure that the peaks (Backwall) doesn’t
change when the probe is moved.

Figure 9
10. Then wide red mark is moved to the third peak (Backwall) by pressing the Gates button
again and turning the knob. The reading was then ensured to be close to 75 mm.

Figure 10
11. The 2nd F button was then pressed and then Gates button and after that the wide red mark
is moved to the second peak (Backwall). The reading was then ensured to be close to 50

Figure 11
12. Next, the 2nd F and Gates button were pressed again, and the wide red mark is moved to
the first peak (Backwall) by turning the knob. The reading was then ensured to be close
to 25 mm.
13. Then the material velocity, probe delay and test range were recorded.
14. The signal provided was then recorded on the graph.
15. The DL4R-10 Crystal Probe was then used on the V1 Standard Calibration Block
where its dimensions were known, to check the calibration, and the data obtained was
16. The DL4R-10 Crystal Probe was then used on the Stepwedge Block where its
dimensions were known, to check the calibration, and the data obtained was tabulated.
17. The procedure steps are repeated for the 50 mm, 100 mm and 250 mm test ranges.

C. Measurement of Steps of Stepwedge Block

1. The DL4R-10 Crystal Probe was used to calibrate the time base for Stepwedge Block
using 10 mm.
2. Suitable Stepwedge Block steps were chosen ensuring it is included in the desired test
3. The probe was then placed on the first step.
4. Then, the first Backwall echo was shifted to the scale position according to the known
step thickness using delay control.
5. The probe was then placed on the second step.
6. Next, the first backwall echo was spread using the range control on the scale position
ensuring it is according to the step thickness using delay control.
7. Steps 2 to 6 were repeated until both probe position and the echoes stand on the
corresponding scale positions.
8. The calibration done was checked.
9. Finally, the data obtained was tabulated and the signal projections were drawn.
Plot the signal projection as in Figure 3 to illustrate the reflections on the following CRT
screen display. (Calibration)

Figure 1: The signal Projection after the Calibration Process

Table 2.1

Test Step Block 0.1in 0.2in 0.3in 0.4in 0.5in

Range Thickness (2.54mm) (5.08mm) (7.62mm) (10.16mm) (12.7mm)

B1 2.97 5.37 7.82 10.31 12.82

Path Bn 14.97 15.34 15.33 14.61 14.66
15 N 6 3 2 2 2

2.495 5.113 7.665 7.305 7.33
Thickness Bn/N

B1 2.22 4.25 6.70 9.19 11.67

Path Bn 20.33 22.01 21.67 21.15 18.51
N 8 4 3 2 2

2.541 5.503 7.223 10.575 9.255
Thickness Bn/N

Table 2.2

Location 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

20 - 5.32 10.35 - 15.35 - - -

50 24.9 4.95 11.24 34.89 14.68 - - -

100 24.56 5.28 9.96 34.35 15.32 91.02 85.30 99.88
125 24.97 5.11 10.56 35.27 14.89 90.82 84.82 100.32
Table 2.3

Location 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

115 Thickness 24.97 5.26 10.12 34.69 14.24 90.94 90.97 99.88

1. Deduce your comment on the calibration process of the probe type.

The comment that can be gave from the process on the calibration using the crystal probe
type are make sure before starting the experiment the probe type are using same tool and
same method or type based on the experiment. Then, before taking the result make sure the
crystal probe type had been cleaned before and after taking different point of result. While
taking the result make sure the probe had been hold tightly without any movement so that
the ultrasonic tested machine can record the result properly without any error. Other
instrument errors include calibration errors. All instruments need to be calibrated.
Instruments are calibrated according to theory, standards and other instruments that also have
errors. Calibration ideally should be performed against an instrument that is very accurate,
but this can be costly, so it does not always happen.

2. From your observation of the signal projection and number of backwall echoes,
discuss the quality of the calibration process.

Based on the observation that can be made from the signal projection and number of
backwall echoes and the quality of the calibration process are good and accurate as it can see
all the results that had been record showed the values are same and only just a few points bit
different from the real measurement. After calibrate that had been made it can saw that the
thickness measurement are all in the test range value without any over value from the test
range. Other than that, the calibration also are Automatic calibrations for probe and curvature
surface, which optimizes the coupling between the probe and test object and ensures
accuracy. The material use are aluminum alloy chassis, so the ultrasonic machine which has
excellent anti-interference performance and also had low noise and high signal-to-noise
The calibration process can be observed with the material velocity, probe relay with specific
test range by the time based set. Using stepwedge block using 15mm test range the first
peak, Bn is increasing from 2.97 at the 0.1 thickness until 12.82 at the 0.5 thickness. For the
20mm range the pattern also show increasing pattern with 2.22 and 11.67 at the end. While
the final peak is showing decreasing pattern starting at 14.97 at 0.1 thickness and decrease
to 14.66 at 0.5 thickness same with 20 mm test range 20.33 and decrease to 18.51 so with
the number of peak, starting with 6 number of peak at 0.1 and decrease to 2 peak at 0.5 and
for the 20 mm range the start with 8 and final is 2.Using standard calibration block, the
pattern show un-uniform pattern because they have different thickness.

1. Explain the theory on how this experiment able to detect the defects/flaws of

The time it takes for a sound pulse produced by a small probe called an ultrasonic transducer
to pass through a test piece and reflect back from the inside surface or far wall is precisely
measured by an ultrasonic thickness gauge.

2. Explain the application of LPT in real industry.

One of the most popular and inexpensive solutions, as well as one of the oldest, is liquid
penetrant testing. The ability of a liquid to move into small spaces without assistance, even in
the face of external forces like gravity, in order to detect surface breaking defects. After
applying the penetrant and allowing it to dwell for a period of time, the excess is removed and
a developer is added. The creator draws the penetrant where it has seeped from surface-
breaking defects, exposing their existence.

3. Explain safety procedure for this experiment activity.

The vertical presentation of the ultrasonic research instrument must be linear. At the start of
each cycle of extended use, the procedure for determining screen height linearity must be
followed. To allow measurement of indications outside the linear range, the ultrasonic testing
instrument must have an amplitude control that is accurate over its useful range of the nominal
amplitude ratio. It is necessary to use motor oil, glycerine, and adhesive wall paper. Couplants
may not be identical, so calibration and analysis must be done with the same couplant. The
basic calibration reflectors will be used to determine the equipment's primary reference
response. Basic reference reflectors can be used in both the component material and the basic
calibration block.

In this lab experiment, students has studied and improved their knowledge on Non Destructive
Test and Ultrasonic Testing by conducting the Ultrasonic Test Thickness Measurement.
Ultrasonic Testing is a versatile NDT method. It is applicable to most materials, ranging from
metallic materials to nonmetallic materials. Ultrasonic test enable the surface and internal
discontinuities such as laps, seams, voids, cracks, blow holes, inclusions, lack of penetration
and many more to be accurately evaluated. The ultrasonic test utilizes high frequency acoustic
waves generated by piezoelectric transducers. For this lab experiment, students are exposed
with the use of ultrasonic testing instrument to measure different thickness using a standard
calibration block as per ASME SA-435 and ASME SA-578.With the correct steps and
guidance when conducting this experiment, the objectives of this experiment were achieved.
By the end of this experiment, students were able to carry out time-based calibration prior to
Ultrasonic Testing using standard calibration block (V1 block and stepwedge block).Other
than that, the students were able to plot the signal projection for different type of thickness
and test range as stated in the procedures. All the results for this lab experiment has been
analysed in the discussion for further understanding. Lastly, we have improved our knowledge
and skills in conducting Ultrasonic Testing by using Utrasonic Flaw Detector testing
instrument. The skills will be very useful for us in the future when persuing our career in the

1. Richard e.Berg, (2008). Ultrasonics. Ultrasonics | physics | Britannica

2. Louis Cartz, (2019). Nondestructive testing: Radiography , Ultrasonics , liquied Penetrant.

3. Michael San, (2006). What is ultrasonic test and how does it work? What is Ultrasonic

Testing and How Does it Work? - TWI (

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