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Characteristics of smart factory
➢ Analyzing the large amounts of big data collected from sensors on the factory floor
ensures real-time visibility of manufacturing assets and can provide tools for
performing predictive maintenance in order to minimize equipment downtime.

➢ Using high-tech IoT devices in smart factories leads to higher productivity and
improved quality.
➢ Replacing manual inspection business models with AI-powered visual insights reduces
manufacturing errors and saves money and time.
➢ With minimal investment, quality control personnel can set up a smartphone connected
to the cloud to monitor manufacturing processes virtually from anywhere
➢ By applying machine learning algorithms, manufacturers can detect errors
immediately, rather than at later stages when repair work is more expensive.
➢ ‘Industry 4.0’ (I4.0) which basically uses the interconnected machining systems which
interacts themselves for the production planning, plant scheduling, product
customization, flexible manufacturing, faults identification and recovery

➢ Concept of I4.0 can be seen as the integral form of Internet of Things (IoT), Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), digital manufacturing, smart
manufacturing technologies, additive manufacturing, 5G mobile communications, robotics technologies, big data processing, data analytics,
system integration, simulation and Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS)
➢ It able to address the increasing customization, sudden supply-chain fluctuations and also, suitable for smaller production lots

Introduction to Production Systems
Production system: collection of people, equipment, and procedures organized to perform the manufacturing operations of a company
Facilities: Equipments, plant layout (way the equipments are arranged in factory), tooling, material handling equipment, inspection
systems, computer systems, etc.
Manufacturing support systems:
➢ solve the technical and logistics problems encountered in ordering materials
➢ moving the work through the factory
➢ ensuring that products meet quality standards.
Manufacturing support involves a sequence of activities
Business Functions:
Principal means by which the company communicates with the customer (sales and
marketing, sales forecasting, order entry, and customer billing)
Product Design:
Research and development, design engineering, and prototype development
Manufacturing Planning:
It includes process planning, master scheduling, material requirements planning, and
capacity planning
Production system consists of facilities &
Process planning consists of determining the sequence of individual processing and manufacturing support systems
assembly operations needed to produce the part
Master scheduling listing of the products to be made, the dates on which they are to be delivered, and the quantities of each. Based on
this master schedule, the individual components and subassemblies that make up each product must be scheduled.
Introduction to Production Systems
Material requirements planning Raw materials must be purchased or requisitioned from storage, parts must be ordered from suppliers, and all
of these items must be planned so they are available when needed
Capacity planning concerned with determining the human and equipment resources of the firm and checking to make sure that
the production plan is feasible
NOTE: master schedule must not list more quantities of products than the factory is capable of producing each month with its given
number of machines and manpower
Manufacturing Control:
Concerned with managing and controlling the physical operations in the factory to implement the manufacturing plans
It includes shop floor control, inventory control, and quality control
Shop floor control deals with problem of monitoring progress of the product as it is being processed, assembled, moved, & inspected in factory
Inventory control attempts to strike a proper balance between the risk of too little inventory (with possible stock-outs of materials) and the
carrying cost of too much inventory. It deals with right quantities of materials to order and when to reorder a item when stock is low
Quality control is to ensure that the quality of the product and its components meet the standards specified by the product designer. Quality
control depends on inspection activities performed in the factory at various times during the manufacture of the product.

Sequence of information-processing activities in a typical Manufacturing firm

Automation in Production Systems
The automated elements of the production system can be
separated into two categories:
(1) automation of the manufacturing systems in the factory
(2) computerization of the manufacturing support systems
In modern production systems, two categories are closely related
➢ automated manufacturing systems on the factory floor are
themselves usually implemented by computer systems that
are integrated with the manufacturing support systems and
management information system
➢ It is called automated because it perform operations with a
reduced level of human participation compared with the
corresponding manual process
➢ In some highly automated systems, there is virtually no
human participation
Opportunities for automation and computerization in a production system
Examples of automated manufacturing systems:
• Manufacturing systems that use industrial robots to perform processing or assembly operations
• Automatic material handling and storage systems to integrate manufacturing operations
• Automatic inspection systems for quality control
• Transfer lines that perform a series of machining operations
Classification of automated manufacturing systems
Automated manufacturing systems can be classified into three basic types:
(1) fixed automation, (2) programmable automation, & (3) flexible automation
Fixed Automation: is a system in which the sequence of processing (or
assembly) operations is fixed by the equipment configuration
Typical features of fixed automation are
(1) high initial investment for custom-engineered equipment, (2) high
production rates, and (3) inflexibility of the equipment to accommodate
product variety.
➢ Economic justification for fixed automation is found in products that are
made in very large quantities and at high production rates.

Programmable Automation: In programmable automation, the production Three types of automation relative to production quantity and
equipment is designed with the capability to change the sequence of product variety
operations to accommodate different product configurations.
❑ The operation sequence is controlled by a program
❑ New programs can be prepared and entered into the equipment to produce new products
❑ (1) high investment in general-purpose equipment, (2) lower production rates than fixed automation, (3) flexibility to deal with
variations and changes in product configuration, and (4) high suitability for batch production.
❑ Numerically controlled (NC) machine tools, industrial robots, and programmable logic controllers.
Classification of automated manufacturing systems
Flexible Automation: It is an extension of programmable automation. A flexible automated system is capable of producing a
variety of parts or products with virtually no time lost for changeovers from one design to the next.
✓ There is no lost production time while reprogramming the system and altering the physical setup (tooling, fixtures,
machine settings).
✓ Accordingly, the system can produce various mixes and schedules of parts or products instead of requiring that they be
made in batches.
✓ (1) high investment for a custom-engineered system, (2) continuous production of variable mixtures of parts or products,
(3) medium production rates, and (4) flexibility to deal with product design variations
✓ Examples of flexible automation are flexible manufacturing systems that perform machining processes

Computerized Manufacturing Support Systems
➢ Nearly all modern manufacturing support
systems are implemented using computers
➢ Computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM)
denotes the pervasive use of computer
✓ to design the products,
✓ plan the production,
✓ control the operations,
✓ perform the various information-
processing functions needed in a
manufacturing firm
➢ True CIM involves integrating all of these
functions in one system that operates
throughout the enterprise
➢ computer-aided design (CAD) supports the
product design function.
➢ Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) is
used for functions related to manufacturing
engineering, such as process planning and
numerical control part programming
AGV: Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV)
AS/ RS: Automated Storage & Retrieval System
Basic Elements of an Automated System
➢ An automated system consists of three basic elements: (1) power to accomplish the process and operate the system, (2) a program of
instructions to direct the process, and (3) a control system to actuate the instructions
➢ They are present in the three basic types of automated manufacturing systems: fixed automation, programmable automation, and
flexible automation
➢ An automated system is used to operate some process, and power is required to
drive the process as well as the controls
➢ The actions performed by an automated process are defined by a program of
➢ The control element of the automated system executes the program of
instructions. The control system causes the process to accomplish its defined Elements of an automated system: (1) power,
function, which is to perform some manufacturing operation. (2) program of instructions, and (3) control systems

➢ The controls in an automated system can be either closed loop or open loop.
➢ A closed-loop control system, also known as a feedback control system, is one in which the output variable is compared with an input
parameter, and any difference between the two is used to drive the output into agreement with the input

✓ A closed-loop control system consists of six basic elements:

(1) input parameter, (2) process, (3) output variable, (4) feedback
sensor, (5) controller, and (6) actuator.

A feedback control system

Control System
❑ In the present discussion, the process of interest is usually a manufacturing operation, and the output variable is some process
variable, perhaps a critical performance measure in the process, such as temperature or force or flow rate.
❑ A sensor is used to measure the output variable and close the loop between input and output. Sensors perform the feedback function
in a closed-loop control system.
❑ The controller compares the output with the input and makes the required adjustment in process to reduce difference between them.
❑ The adjustment is accomplished using one or more actuators, which are the hardware devices that physically carry out the control
actions, such as electric motors or flow valves.

An open-loop control system

❑ In contrast to a closed-loop control system, an open-loop control system

operates without the feedback loop A feedback control system

❑ The controls operate without measuring the output variable, so no comparison is made between the actual value of the output and
the desired input parameter.
❑ The controller relies on an accurate model of the effect of its actuator on the process variable.
❑ With an open-loop system, there is always the risk that the actuator will not have the intended effect on the process, and that is the
disadvantage of an open-loop system.
❑ Its advantage is that it is generally simpler and less expensive than a closed-loop system.

Control System: open and closed and its applications
▪ Positioning systems are common in manufacturing to locate a
work part relative to a tool or work head.
▪ Operation, the system is directed to move the worktable to a
specified location as defined by a coordinate value in a
Cartesian (or other) coordinate system. A (one-axis) positioning system consisting of a leadscrew driven
▪ Most positioning systems have at least two axes (e.g., an x–y by a dc servomotor
positioning table) with a control system for each axis
▪ A dc servomotor connected to a leadscrew is a common actuator for each axis.
▪ A signal indicating the coordinate value (e.g., x-value) is sent from the controller to the motor that drives the leadscrew, whose
rotation is converted into linear motion of the positioning table.
▪ The actual x-position is measured by a feedback sensor (e.g., an optical encoder).
▪ As table moves closer to the desired x coordinate value, the difference between the actual x-position and the input x-value decreases.
▪ The controller continues to drive the motor until the actual table position corresponds to the input position value.
▪ For the open-loop case, the diagram for the positioning system would be similar to the preceding, except that no feedback loop is
present and a stepper motor would be used in place of the dc servomotor.
▪ A stepper motor is designed to rotate a precise fraction of a turn for each pulse received from the controller
▪ Since the motor shaft is connected to the leadscrew, and the leadscrew drives the worktable, each pulse converts into a small
constant linear movement of the table.
▪ To move the table a desired distance, the number of pulses corresponding to that distance is sent to the motor

Hardware components for Automation
➢ Process variables and parameters were classified as
continuous or discrete
➢ A continuous parameter is one that is uninterrupted
as time proceeds during manufacturing operation. It is
considered to be analog, which means it can take on
any value within a certain range.
➢ Examples: force, temperature, flow rate, pressure, &
velocity Computer process control system, showing the various types of components required
➢ A discrete variable (or parameter) is one that can take to interface the process with the computer
on only certain values within a given range.
➢ The most common type of discrete variable is binary, meaning it can take on either of
two possible values, ON or OFF, open or closed, etc.
➢ Examples: (in manufacturing) limit switch open or closed, motor on or off, etc
➢ Not all discrete variables (and parameters) are binary. The variables that can take on
more than two possible values but less than an infinite number, that is, discrete other
than binary (e.g., daily piece counts in a production operation)
➢ A special form of discrete variable is pulse data, which consist of a series of pulses
(called a pulse train) (e.g., parts passing on a conveyor activate a photocell to produce a
pulse for each part detected)
Continuous and discrete parameters in manufacturing
➢ Digital computer operates on digital (binary) data, whereas at least some of the data
from the physical process are continuous and analog.
Hardware components for Automation
➢ The components required for computer process control
system are the following
1. Sensors to measure continuous and discrete process
2. Actuators to drive continuous and discrete process
3. Devices to convert continuous analog signals into
digital data and digital data into analog signals.
Computer process control system, showing the various types of components required
4. Input/output devices for discrete data. to interface the process with the computer

❑ This model represents the general arrangement of the control systems in CNC machine tools, industrial robots, and PLC systems

Hardware components: Sensors
❖ A wide variety of sensors are available for collecting data from the manufacturing process for use in feedback control
❖ A sensor is a transducer, which is a device that converts a physical variable of one form into another form that is more useful for the
given application.
❖ A sensor is a device that converts a physical
variable of interest (such as temperature, force,
pressure, or displacement) into a more convenient
form (usually an electrical quantity such as
voltage) for the purpose of measuring the same
❖ Based on category of stimulus or physical variable
measured, the sensors can be classified as listed in
the table

Stimulus categories and associated physical variables

Hardware components: Sensors
➢ Sensors are also classified as analog or discrete.
➢ An analog sensor produces a continuous analog signal such as electrical voltage, whose value varies in an analogous manner with the
variable being measured. Examples are thermocouples, strain gages, and potentiometers. The output signal from an analog
measuring device must be converted to digital data by an analog-to-digital converter to be used by a digital computer.
➢ A discrete sensor produces an output that can have only certain values. Discrete sensors are often divided into two categories: binary
and digital.
➢ A binary sensor produces an on/off signal. The most common devices operate by closing an electrical contact from a normally open
position. Limit switches operate in this manner. Other binary sensors include photoelectric sensors and proximity switches
➢ A digital sensor produces a digital output signal, either in the form of a set of parallel status bits (e.g., a photoelectric sensor array) or
as a series of pulses that can be counted (e.g., an optical encoder).

proximity switches
optical encoder
photoelectric sensor

Hardware components: Sensors
➢ Digital transducers are becoming increasingly common because they are easy to read when used as standalone measuring instruments
and because they are compatible with digital computer systems.
➢ A significant trend in sensor technology has been the development of very small sensors. The term microsensor refers to measuring
devices whose physical features have dimensions in the micron range.
➢ Sensors are distinguished as active or passive. An active sensor responds to the stimulus without the need for any external power.
➢ An example is a thermocouple, which responds to an increase in temperature by generating a small voltage (millivolt range) that is
functionally related to temperature.
➢ A passive sensor requires an external source of power in order to operate. A thermistor illustrates this case. It also measures
temperature, but its operation requires an electric current to be passed through it.
➢ For each sensor, there is a transfer function, which is the relationship between the value of the physical stimulus and the value of the
signal produced by the sensor in response to the stimulus. The transfer function is the input/output relationship.
➢ The stimulus is the input, and the signal generated by the device is the output. The transfer function can be expressed simply as:
where S = the output signal, usually voltage; s = the stimulus; and f (s) is the functional relationship between them.
➢ Limit switches and other binary sensors have functional relationships that are binary, defined by the following expressions

➢ The ideal functional form for an analog measuring device is a simple proportional relationship, such as
C is the output value at a stimulus value of zero, and m is the constant of proportionality between s and S. The constant m can be thought
of as the sensitivity of the sensor.
➢ Before using any measuring device, the operator must calibrate it to determine the transfer function
Common Measuring Devices Used in Automation

Common Measuring Devices Used in Automation

Common Measuring Devices Used in Automation

Desirable Features for Selecting Sensors Used in Automated Systems


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