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Master 1 in Mathematical Physics 2022/23

Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics

Exercises 6
(Hamiltonian mechanics and canonical transformations)

1. Consider the following mechanical systems :

i) A free particle in R3 .
ii) A particle in R3 in a potential.
iii) The plane pendulum.
iv) The double pendulum.
v) The spherical pendulum.
vi) A bidimensional harmonic oscillator.

2. Consider the following (one-dimensional relativistic particle) Lagrangian :

s  2
2 q̇
L(q, q̇) = −mc 1 − − V (q) .
Obtain the associated Hamiltonian.

3. Consider the system of differential equations

q̇ = pα q β
ṗ = −pα+1 q δ .

For which values of the real constants α, β and δ does it define a Hamiltonian vector
field ?
Find the corresponding Hamiltonian.

4. Prove that the coordinate transformation

p q p
Q = ln , P =− +1 ,
q 2 q
preserves the canonical form of Hamilton’s equations by showing that it is obtained
via a generating function. Prove again the same fact by explicit change of variables in
Hamilton’s equations.

5. Consider the Hamiltonian of the harmonic oscillator

p2 q2
H= +k , with k = mω 2
2m 2
Consider the coordinate transformation

p = α 2mP cos Q
α √
q = 2mP sin Q .

For which values of the constant α is this transformation canonical ?
Find the Hamiltonian and Hamilton’s equations in the new coordinates Q, P .
(Hint : compute pq and find a generating function f1 (q, Q)).

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