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Name : Bagus Adi Saputra

ID number : 204220015

Class : TBI3A

Prabowo-Gibran ticket register 2024 candidacy

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The Defense Minister, Prabowo Subianto, is running for the 2024 presidential election in Indonesia, with
Surakarta Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka as his running mate. The article discusses their candidacy,
campaign promises, and the political context, including the controversy surrounding the age of


Who are the candidates for the 2024 presidential election in Indonesia? What are their campaign
promises? Who are their rivals?


The article provides detailed information about the candidates, their campaign promises, and their
rivals. It also discusses the political dynamics surrounding the election.


I think that the Prabowo-Gibran alliance is an interesting and surprising development in Indonesian
politics. It shows that political alliances are not always based on ideological or pragmatic considerations,
but sometimes on personal or familial factors. It also shows that political dynasties are still influential in
Indonesian politics, despite the public demand for new and independent leaders. I think that the
Prabowo-Gibran ticket has both advantages and disadvantages in competing for the presidency. They
have a strong base of supporters, but they also have a lot of critics and enemies. They have a diverse set
of skills, but they also have some gaps in their qualifications. They have a catchy slogan, but they also
have some vague promises. I think that they will face a tough competition from other candidates who
may have more experience, credibility, or charisma than them.

Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto and Surakarta Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka have registered as
candidates for the 2024 presidential election in Indonesia. Their pledge to make Indonesia advanced and
prosperous highlights their campaign's vision. They expressed their commitment to a fair and peaceful
election, emphasizing the presentation of ideas, visions, and programs as the basis for their competition.
They promise to make Indonesia an advanced and prosperous country by eliminating poverty, hunger,
and malnutrition in children, providing loans for digital start-ups, and continuing to develop the minerals
downstream industry and the green economy. The article notes their campaign launch at the Gelora
Bung Karno Sports Complex, attended by leaders of nine parties forming the Gerindra-led KIM. They are
part of the Onward Indonesia Coalition (KIM), which is the largest electoral alliance for these polls. Their
biggest rival is former governor Ganjar Pranowo from the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-
P). The article highlights the controversy surrounding a Constitutional Court ruling that extended the age
of candidacy, which has stirred criticism, especially among President Jokowi's supporters who accuse
him of attempting to establish a political dynasty.


The 2024 presidential election in Indonesia will be a significant event with strong candidates like
Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka. Their campaign focuses on key issues like poverty
alleviation, digital innovation, and sustainable development. However, they face stiff competition from
other candidates like Ganjar Pranowo. KIM's involvement adds complexity to the political landscape, and
the Constitutional Court ruling is a point of contention. Public sentiment and criticism are evident in the
run-up to the election especially about political dynasty.

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