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(a) Short Stories

1) 有標題 (e.g. My Trip in Japan)

2) At least 4 paragraphs:
1st – opening
2nd – development
3rd – climax (most exciting part)
4rd – ending

3) 1st paragraph – opening:

* When? Where? Who? Feeling?
-- e.g. Last Sunday, my family and I went to Japan. We felt excited!

* 交代其他故事背景
-- e.g. We arrived at the airport at 6 a.m. We waited for 2 hours and boarded the plane.

4) 2nd paragraph – development:

* things happening to the main characters
-- e.g. We flew for four hours and landed in Tokyo! We took a taxi to go to the hotel.
After unpacking our luggage, we went out for lunch ……

5) 3rd paragraph – climax:

* something special that happened
-- e.g. While we were shopping in Donki, suddenly, someone grabbed my tote bag!
I screamed and the robber ran away quickly. ….

6) 4th paragraph – ending:

* a surprising/ touching/ educational ending
-- e.g. The staff at the Donki called the police. Finally, the police found the robber in a
nearby park. I got my bag back! Hurray! I will take care of my personal belongings more
carefully in the future.

7) Describe people’s appearance and personality:

-- e..g The robber was 6 feet tall and wore a black T-shirt. He looked fierce.

8) Include dialogues:
-- e.g. I said, ‘Thank you for your help!’
(b) Letter of Advice 建議信

Dear XXX ,

第一段: (照抄)

I hope you are doing well. (我希望你安好) I understand(明白) your problem(問題) and
feeling. Let me give you some advice in this letter.

第二段: 第一個意見, 寫 3 至 4 句

First, you should (應該)/ must(一定要) / could (可以) / need to(需要) ……..

第三段: 第二個意見, 寫 3 至 4 句

Moreover(另外), if I were you, I would …. (如果我是你的話, 我會...)

第四段: 第三個意見, 寫 3 至 4 句

Lastly(最後), I would suggest that you …. (我會建議你 …..)

第五段: 總結
I hope my advice can help you solve your problem. Call me if you need someone to talk

Take care. (保重)

Best regards,

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