Detailed Lesson Plan in Taking Body Measurements

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Content Standard
The student demonstrates understanding in carry out measurements in taking
body measurement for ladies and men’s apparel

Performance Standard
The student independently carries out measurements and calculations based on
job requirements

Learning Competencies
Take accurate body measurement

Learning outcome
At the end of the lesson, the students must have;

1. Identified the necessary measurements in taking body measurement for ladies and
men’s apparel
2. Demonstrated the proper usage of measuring tool in taking body measurements; and
3. Valued the importance of taking body measurement accurately


Topic: Taking Body Measurement For Ladies and Men’s Apparel

Values Infused: Self Reliance and Respect


 Technology & Home Economics pp. 143-145, Josephine De Guzman
Teaching Materials:
Powerpoint presentation
Tape measure
Illustration ( Human/Person)


A. Preliminary Activities
Teacher Activities Student’s Response


Any volunteer to lead the prayer? ( Student will pray )


Good Morning Class! How’s your day? Good morning Sir/Maam! Everything is
doing great!
Checking Attendance

Let’s check first your attendance, Please

say present as I call your name.


Last time we discussed about different

Sewing tools and equipment, right? Yes Sir/Maam!

May I have someone to recall what are those

tools and equipment? I’ll be giving an extra
points for those who participate on today’s
activity! ( Student will answer)

Very Good!

Why are those tools and equipment are very

important in sewing? ( Student will answer)

That’s great!

Can I have someone to volunteer to stand in

front. ( Student will volunteer)

Class look at him carefully. What have you

noticed to his/her? Are the women/men in
front beautiful/handsome? How do you say
so? Yes Sir/Maam, she/he is beautiful/handsome
because of his/her attire

Very Good! You Got it!


Now, I want you to examine the clothes that

are you wearing. (All students are looking to their clothes)

What have you noticed? Does the clothes that

are you wearing suits to your size? Yes Sir/ Maam

That’s nice! Okay class, Just choose a partner

and bring out ¼ sheet of paper. (All students are choosing their partner)

Is there everybody has a partner? Yes Sir/Maam!

Good! Write down the following parts of the

body that is being presented in front and
guess what size he/she is by just looking at
him/ her. Do it in 1 minute! (Students will do the activity)

Lesson Proper

Okay settle down class, As we begin our

lesson today. You will discover how this topic
is very important know and to practice the
different types of taking body measurements
for women and men’s apparel. So listen
attentively how to do it properly. Understood?
Yes Sir/Maam!
Our topic for today is taking body
measurements. At the end of the lesson,
students must have;
1) Identified the necessary measurements
in taking body measurement for ladies
and men’s apparel
2) Demonstrated the proper usage of
measuring tool in taking body
measurements; and
3) Valued the importance of taking body
measurement accurately

Is there anyone who know how to take body

(Some student are raising their hand)
Yes student 1, What tool are you using to take
body measurement?
The tool that I use to take body measurements
is tape measure Sir/Maam (student 1)
Correct! That is tape measure, Thank you
student 1.

A tape measure is a long, flexible strip of

material marked with measurements, usually
in inches or centimeters. It's used to measure
things like the length of a person's body or the
width of an object. You can wrap it around
parts of your body, like your waist or chest, to
see how big they are. Then, you can use those
measurements for things like buying clothes
or tracking changes in your body size.

Last day, I ask you to bring one tape measure.

Did you bring it class?
Yes Sir/Maaam!
That is Good! We will be using that to easily
execute proper way of taking body
measurements. That is clear student?
Yes Sir/Maam
Great! First, How to take body measurement
for men. There are three types of
measurements on how you take body
measurements number one is vertical
measurement. What is vertical measurement?
Can you read student 2.
Okay Sir/Maam, Vertical measurement in
taking body measurements refers to
measuring the length or height of a person's
body in an up-and-down direction. It's usually
done by using a measuring tape or ruler to
measure from the top of the head down to the
bottom of the feet or to specific points on the
body, such as the waist, hips, or inseam. This
helps to accurately assess proportions and
sizes for clothing or other purposes. (student
Thank You student 2. 2)

This are the parts of the clothe that is taken by

vertical measurements. First, Shirt length- this
is taken from the nape down to the center
back to the desired length.

May I call student 3 to be an example client

and I’ll demonstrate how to do it, after that
you also re demonstrate it to your partner and
take down all the sizes that you get in the
back of your ¼ sheet of paper. Everything is
clear class?

(Teacher will demonstrate) Yes Sir/Maam!

Next is Sleeve length this is taken from the (Student re demonstration)

shoulder tip down to the desired sleeve
length. Look how to do it.
(Teacher demonstration)

(student re demonstration)
Next, Length of pants this is measure along
the side below the waist band to the desired
length of the pants. This is how you execute it
(Teacher demonstration). Did you get it?

Yes Sir/Maam, (Re demonstration of the

Can you read the slide student 4. students)

Okay Sir/Maam, Crotch or Rise this is

measured by placing ruler under the crotch
then measuring below the waistband down to
Thank you student 4, look it carefully on how the top of the level of the ruler.
to perform it. Okay?
(Teacher demonstration)
Yes Sir/Maam
(student re demonstration)
Next type of measurement is Horizontal
measurement. So what is horizontal
measurement? Everybody read!
Horizontal measurement in taking body
measurements refers to measuring across the
body from side to side. It's like measuring
how wide something is. This type of
measurement helps determine the size and
proportions of different parts of the body. (All

Thank you class! For example, when

measuring the width of your shoulder, you
would measure from one side of your
shoulder to the other side, going straight
across. That is one part that is taken by
horizontal measurement
(Teacher demonstration)
(student re demonstration)

Next is Circumferential Measurement, this

measurement involves measuring around a
body part in a circular or round manner. It's
like wrapping a tape measure around your
body to get the distance around a certain area,
such as your waist, hips, chest, or arms. This
type of measurement helps to determine the
size or girth of the body part.

First we have Bust/Breast, Can you read

student 5
Okay Sir/Maam, Bust/Breast is taken around
the body with the tape measure passing over
the fullest part of the shoulder blade at the
back over the apex
Thank you for participation student 5.

This is how we do it (Teacher demonstration)

(Student re demonstration)
Next is lower arm girth, this is taken around
the arm two to three inches below the armpit
(Teacher demonstration)
(student re demonstration)
Can anyone read? Yes, student 6 Upper arm girth this is taken around the
fullest part of the arm in align with armpit
(student 6)

Thank student 6, this is how we perform that

(Teacher demonstration) (student re demonstration)

Another is Neck this is taken around the

neckline. I’ll show you how to execute it.
(Teacher demonstration) (student re demonstration)

Next is Waist this taken around the smallest

part of the waistline. Insert two fingers under
the tape measure from ease or allowance.
Look on how you do it.
(Teacher demonstration) Okay Sir/Maam. (student re demonstration)

Please read student 7. Yes Sir/Maam, Hip or seat this is taken

around the fullest part of the hip(buttocks)
with two fingers inserted under the tape
measure.(student 7)

Thank you for your participation student 7.

Now I’ll show you how to measure it.
(Teacher demonstration) (student re demonstration)

Lastly, Desired bottom or Herm

circumference or leg hole, this is taken around
the fullest part of the bottom. This is how you
execute it. (Teacher demonstration) (student re demonstration)

Now, we move on to taking body

measurements for women’s apparel. There are
some measurement that intended for women
only like the following.

Front chest measurement, Can you please

read student 8.

Okay Sir/Maam, is the distance around the

fullest part of your chest, usually taken just
This is how to do this (Teacher under your armpits and across your nipples.
(student re demonstration)
Second, is Bust point width refers to the
distance between the two points on a person's
body where the breasts are fullest. It's usually
measured horizontally across the front of the
body, from one bust point to the other. I’ll
show you how to measure it. (teacher
demonstration) Okay Sir/Maam, (student re demonstration)

Next we have also The first hip ,is the widest

part of your hips, typically located around
your hip bones. It's the measurement around
this area when you stand straight with your
feet together.

The second hip is also known as the "high

hip" or "hip bone measurement." It's taken
around the part of your hips that is just below
your waist, usually around the level of your
hip bones. (Teacher demonstration) (student re demonstration)

Another one is front figure, who wants to

read? Yes student 9 In taking body measurements, the "front
figure" refers to the measurements taken from
the front side of the body. These
measurements typically include the
bust/chest, waist, and hips. (student 9).
(Teacher demonstration) (student re demonstration)

Next is bust point, Bust point height is the

measurement from the shoulder line to the
fullest part of the bust. It helps in determining
the placement of darts and shaping in clothing
patterns to ensure a proper fit around the bust
area. Ill show you how to measure it. Teacher Okay Sir/Maam (student re demonstration)

Lastly skirt length, Everybody read! Skirt length refers to the measurement from
the waist down to where the bottom edge of
the skirt falls. It's important to take this
measurement accurately to ensure that the
( teacher demonstration) skirt is the right length for the person wearing
After we have tackled on how to take body
measurements, we will discuss now the (Student re demonstration)
guideline in taking body measurement.

1.Take measurements for a dress, blouse or

pajamas over smooth-fitting under garments
with the dress removed or with minimal outer

2.For a suit jacket or coat, take measurements

over outer garments.

3.Request person whose body measurements

are being taken to wear well-fitting
undergarments for a well-fitting pattern.

4.Take horizontal or vertical measurements

first before proceeding to circumferential or
around-the-body measurements.

5.Request the person whose body

measurements are being taken to stand
straight. Bend or stoop as necessary when
taking measurements.

6.Use the same tape measure for taking body

measurements (in centimetres) and drafting
foundation patterns.

7.Remember to keep the tape measure snug

and not too tight, especially when taking
circumferential measurements.

8.Locate first the armscye and the neckline,

and then mark these on the person being

9.Choose a tape measure made of cloth or any

other sturdy material.Calibrations should be
very clear to facilitate reading and
10.Use the armscye line marks to locate
the chest width and the backwidth.


Now, that you learned how to measure. It is

time now to test what have you learned about
this lesson

What are the three types of Measurements?

Very Good! Can someone who could

differentiate those three measurements?
Student 10

Vertical, Horizontal and Circumferential


Vertical measurements are taken from top to

That is great! Student 10 Good Job! bottom, such as measuring the length of a
person from head to toe.

How to measure Bust/Breast? Anyone? Yes Horizontal measurements are taken from side
student 11 to side, such as measuring the width of a
person's shoulders.

Circumference measurements are taken

around a body part, such as measuring the
circumference of a waist or a chest. (student

Bust/Breast is taken around the body with the

tape measure passing over the fullest part of
the shoulder blade at the back over the apex
(student 11)

V. Application

Learner will be call while discussing the lesson and they will demonstrates the proper way of
taking body measurement for ladies and men's apparel.

VI. Evaluation

DIRECTION: Identify type of measurement is observed whether HORIZONTAL,VERTICAL

or CIRCUMFERETIAL measurements. Write your answer on you answer sheet.

1. Shoulder
2. Bust
3. Shirt length
4. Waist
5. Skirt length
6. Front chest
7. Front figure
8. Hips
9. Bust Distance
10. Back chest

VII. Assignment

Take your own body measure and answer the question. What is the importance of
taking body measurement accurately? Write your answer in a ½ sheet of paper.

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