English Outline

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TOPIC: Why students should engage in leadership.

a) Main characteristics about leadership as a student
b) Introduction of the main points

II. SUPPORTING IDEA 1: Being a student leader can enhance your skills and character.
a) It teaches you on what you want to be.
b) A leader must also be morally good and possess a variety of other venerable traits.
III. SUPPORTING IDEA 2: Being a student-leader can lead others to the right path.
a) A leader’s follower grew and now has become a leader of another follower.
b) It motivates others to do the right thing.
IV. SUPPORTING IDEA 3: Being a student-leader inspires somone else’s life.
a) Leading others can make others follow and be motivated.
b) Leading others properly can make others express their ideas with no hesitation.
a) What is leadership
b) How is leadership important to students
c) Lastly, student-leadership is an effective way to teach students how to lead.
Hancock J. (2012). My leadership autobiography. Los Angeles: UC Regents 2012.
Interview with Princess Coolin K. Moquia, an experienced student-leader from Negros Oriental High

Fulton J. (2019). Classcraft. 10 interesting characteristics of a student leader. Retrieved from
Anonymous. (n.d). Biography. Kevin Brooker: Vice president for student services and dean of
students. Retrieved from https://morehouse.edu/hubfs/22200391/Files/PDFs/Kevin-Booker-

Student leadership is something young students should engage to enhance the
community. Characteristics of being a student-leader includes being goal-oriented, honest,
hardworking, responsible, and other more. In this paragraph, leaders like Jane Hancock and
Kevin Brooker are taken as an inspiration as they also continue to inspire other . A student-
leader from Negros Oriental High School was also interviewed and shared nice answers.
Why should students engage in leadership as early as possible? Because leadership can
improve themselves. When students lead, they learn their own capabilities, characteristics, and
limits, pushing themselves out of their comfort zones. Not only it can improve themselves but
also it can inspire others making them lead to the right path. Students are capable of becoming
an effective leader, in this way, followers not only follow, but can also share their own ideas to
others even the to the leader. Student-leaders act as a role model to the people they serve
making it motivational to others to follow what is just and right. If a student becomes an
effective leader, there is no doubt that his/her followers are motivated and inspired to do what
they are tasked to.
Overall, being a leader is about being a true role model to the people he/she serves.
According to Moquia’s statement, being a leader does not mean only the followers will work,
the leader must work too. Leadership is important to students because it can enhance their
skills pushing them over their comfort zones. Student leadership not only inspires other people
to follow, but also inspires other people to lead.

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