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What Is Indian English? - Importance Of English In India
English is one of the most spoken languages in the country, a large section of the Indian youth
are fluent in English, as it's considered to be the language used in a corporate environment. The
reputation of English as a language of progress and opportunity has had a significant impact on
Indian education, work, and society. Among the many uses include-Use of English Language in
School, Creating Employment Opportunities, Establishing Worldwide Connections, Means of
Acquiring Information, Portrayal of Cultures, The Language of Science, Enhanced Analytical
Skills, among others.
While there are many disadvantages too, Translation difficulties, No English-speaking
Environment, Limited Vocabulary, Grammar issues, Peer pressure, Mother Tongue Impact.
The beginning of English writing in India occurred in the first three decades of the nineteenth
century, but it was a long process. "Indian writing in English is one of the voices through which
India expresses its cultural heritage and modernization of values and systems. English is a
foreign language but since the British came to India the language has had an impact on several
fields—in education, literary effort and as a medium of communication. A pioneer of this
literature was Raja Rammohan Roy whose prose works is noteworthy. There were poets who are
considered the first of the Indian English poets: Henry Vivian Derozio, Madhusudan Dutt, Aru
and Toru Dutt, and Manmohan Ghose. Indian poets basically influenced by the abroad works of
John Keats , William Wordsworth, Shakespeare, John Byron etc . The second generation novelist
and poets were still romantic like Sarojini Naidu, Rabindranath Tagore, Haridranath
Chattopadhaya and Aurobindo Ghose. Their poetics works output of these poets was fecund in
nature beauty . But their romanticism of Indian poets was distressed with nationalism ,mysticism
and spirituality. Vivid themes were found found in same age of poetry in indian like Sri
Aurobindo was the search of the man and nature . Indian richness of traditional Indian life and
culture was shown in romantic impulse by Sarojini Naidu. Role of women authors in English in
Indian soil can't be ignored . They played a crucial and momentous role in enhancing the quality
of the Indian fiction. No daught Indian women authors has always been underrated. Societies
gave more importance or priorities to male authors Toru Dutt, Sarojini Naidu , Kamala Dass
were some famous named who occurred an special place in the initial stage of English poeties in
India. In the 19th century more women actively participated in take parts in Indians
revolutionary movement. The theme of 19 th century poeties based on love for nation and
patriotism. During colonial time Indian Writers have chosen English as a medium of expression
and left agreat on vivid forms of literature. Superstitions, casteism, poverty, illiteracy and many
other social was portraited by Indian writers. The contemporary life of poor Indians was the
major themes of many Indian writers during English government . How the Indian writers were
neglected by the government and how they starts writing the foreign language (English)as their
main language. They influenced by the abroad writers piece of works but later they developed
their self identies. Their struggle during initial stages of writing in English was focused in the
works . And we should appreciate their devotion to develops English literature in modern time.
For all this, the larger India has not yet come to reasonable political and intellectual terms with
English. Its legacy is at once priced and discounted by the very Indians who nonetheless
recognize English to be their sole medium and message for determining where they stand in such
crucial matters as trade and business, education and culture, national and international relations.
"The Intrusion", a title story deals with a newly married woman, whose sense of worth is
dishonored by the appalling treatment by her husband, whom she thinks as an intruder.
Deshpande emphasizes the self-effacing role of female protagonists in the short stories under
study in a scathing manner. It talks about the husband’s intrusion into the wife’s physical and
psychological privacy. The subject matter of this short story is marital rape.Rape is a kind of
trespass into one’s privacy. It affects the victim in its own way. May be it is a kind of injury like
any other injury it also can be healed. But it takes a longer time to get healed since the
psychological trauma and the stigma attached to it by the society are involved and it makes the
wound more painful. Marital rape is also a kind of rape which happens with a license. Here the
pain of the victim is more traumatic since there is no sympathy for the victim and it goes
The themes addressed are- Escape, Marriage, Marital rape, Consent, Sexuality, Patriarchy,
Feminity, Corruption, Bondage, Freedom, Discretion, among others. The story depicts the
expectations of a newly married husband and the fears of a new wife. It is the honey moon trip
of a newly married couple to an isolated house on a hillock near a sleepy fishing village. The
protagonist has a feeling of homesickness and wants to go back to her parents as she doesn’t like
the atmosphere of the house, the food served there and her husband’s advances. In the night, the
protagonist wakes up to see herself being forced by her husband and cries “not for the physical
pain but for the intrusion into her privacy”.“The intercourse in ‘The Intrusion’ amounts to rape
but it goes unpublicized since it occurs within marriage.” It is a typically Indian story as it talks
about one of the important problems of arranged marriages in Indian society where the partners
are neither friends nor acquaintances but only a husband and wife. She feels humiliated when
her husband forces himself on her. It is not the physical pain she feels, but the emotional pain.
She is shocked at the tradition which demands that a woman should try to protect her chastity
from other men and which asks her to submit to a man called husband. She wants her husband
to become her friend and understand her before they undergo any of the experiences a husband
and a wife undergo. But finding him keyed for a different experience, she is unable to
communicate none of these things to him and as a result feels humiliated when her husband
forces himself on to her. On the whole she finally becomes submissive and compromises with
life as any other Indian wife does. Thus Deshpande shows that a proper co-ordination, a
reasonable mutual understanding between husband and wife is essential for a happy married
The text that appealed the most to me was, The free radio, by Salman Rushdie. The narrator tells
the story of Ramani, who is young and good-looking and rides a rickshaw he inherited from his
father. He is seduced by a thief’s widow. The narrator disapproves of this relationship.
Relationship between reality and fiction is a theme of the story. Ramani easily believes in
fantasies about being a film star or receiving a free radio from the Government for undergoing a
vasectomy. The boundary between fiction and reality becomes blurred when Ramani starts
pretending to already have the radio. The other illusion Ramani had that he has the looks of
movie star and can make it in the movies in Bombay. While his other dream of getting a free
radio has been faded and on the other hand, he did not want to leave his other dream of becoming
a movie star. For that he sells his rikshaw and moved to Bombay with his wife and his five
children in a believe of becoming the bigger film star. He writes a letter to the narrator that the
retire teacher, boasting of his success and prosperity. Ramani had fallen in every aspect of his
life whether it’s his life decision making, fallen in being the right husband and being a great
father. The themes addressed are-Exile, Expatriation, Identity Crisis and Alienation.

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