Year 9 Topic 3 Civil Right in The US - Lesson 7 - V2 - Other Groups

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Year 9 Topic 3 Civil Right in the US - Lesson 7 – other groups – V2.

Write out the questions and answer them in your class book.
Translate any words you do not know.

During the 1960s, women began to fight for their civil rights.

1. What does ‘civil rights’ mean?

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 stopped discrimination against women at work.

2. What does ‘discrimination’ mean?

In 1963, Betty Friedan wrote The Feminine Mystique, a book that did not agree with the belief that it was
women’s destiny to marry and bear children.

Betty Friedan become the first president of the National Organisation for Women (NOW).

Medicine also helped women. In 1960, the birth control pill became available. This helped women to work,
attend college, and delay marriage.

3. How would the birth control pill help women to do these things?

4. What links can you see between the civil rights movement for Black people and the civil rights
movement for women?

The LGBTQIA+ community:

In 1952 the American Psychiatric Association said being gay was a mental

5. What does ‘mental disorder’ mean?

6. What impact would this have on gay people?

In 1953, President Eisenhower banned gay people from federal jobs (jobs working for the government).
This ban existed around 20 years. Some people said that gay people were inferior.

In 1966, the Mattachine Society (one of the first gay rights groups in the US) in New York City had a “sip-
in”. This was named after the “sit-in” protests. They went to bars, said they were gay, and waited to be
told to leave.
They were told to leave, which led to reports in the news and the end of laws that said gay people could
not drink in bars.

7. What links can you see between the civil rights movement for Black people and the civil rights
movement for LGBTQIA+ people?
Native Americans:
Native Americans arrived in America at least 15,000 years ago.
Many different groups of peoples, societies and cultures then developed.
European colonised parts of America.
This led to a huge decline in the Native American population because of new
diseases, wars and enslavement.

8. What does ‘colonised’ mean?

After it was created in 1776, the United States continued to kill many Native American
peoples, removing them from their lands and discriminating against them.

Throughout the 1960s, Native Americans were the nation's poorest minority group.
In 1970 40% of Native Americans lived in poverty.
In 1961, a new Native American group, the National Indian Youth Council was created and began to use
the phrase "Red Power."
They led marches, and "fish-ins" to protect Native American fishing rights.

The 1972 Education Act gave Native American parents greater control over their children's schools.
The 1976 Health Care Act tried to give better health care to Native Americans.

9 What links can you see between the civil rights movement for African-American people and for
Native Americans?

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