M-II Previous Papers

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QPCode: R22A12BS01

2. Anurag University

BTech I Year II -Semester Supplementary Examinations, January-2024

Course: Mathematics-II
(Common to all branches)

Max Marks: 50
Time: 150Min.
Section -A (Short answer type questions)
(5 x2 =10 Marks)
" Answer allquestions:
1. Solve (x + 2y)dx + (2x + y)dy =
2. Find the Solution of y'" - 4y" + y'+ 6y = 0
3. Evaluate Sosima Tdr de
4. Find the curl F where F = e*y (i+jtk) at the point (1, 2, 3).
5. Evaluatef, y' dx - 2x*dy along the parabola y = * from (0, 0) to (2, 4).
Section-B (Essay answer type questions)
Answer all questions (5x 8-40 Marks)

6. A) In acertain culture of bacteria, the rate of increase is proportional to the

number present. (a) If it is found that the number doubles in 4 hours, how many
may be expected at the end of 12 hours. (b) If there are 10 at the end of 3 hours
£nd 4 x 10 at the end of 5 hours, how many were in the beginning

B)Solve +ytan X=y´seCx


7. A) Find the solution of (D²- 4D -5)y = e* + 3cos(4x + 3).

B) Findthe solution of (D + 1)y =cot x by method of variation of

8. A)Change the order of integration and then evaluate

B) Evaluate (x+y+ z)dx dy dz over the tetrahedron x= 0, y= 0, z =0and
the plane x+y+z=1.

9. A) Find the directional derivative of f(x, y, z) = 4e2x-y+z at the

point (1, 1, -1) in the direction toward the point (-3, 5, 6)
B) Prove F= (y'-z? + 3yz - 2x)i+ (3xz + 2xy)j + (3xy - 2xz + 2z)k is
both solenoidal and irrotational. Also find scalar potential Øsuch that F= V0.
10. A) Verify Green's theorem in plane for S.(xy + y²)dx + x*dy, where Cis the region
bounded by y = x and y = x.
B)Verify Gauss Divergence theorem for F = 4xi- 2yj+ 'ktaken over the
region bounded by x'+ y? = 4,2 =0,and z= 3.
QP Code: R20A12BS01

Anurag University
BTech I Year II-Semester Supplementary Examinations,July -2023
Course: Mathematics-II
(Common to all branches)
Max Marks: 60
Time: 3 Hours
Section -A (Short answer type questions)
Answer all questions: (10 x 2 =20Marks)

1. Define linear equation of first order.

2. Solve (x?- ay)dx = (ax -y)dy.
3. Solve (D + 2D2n? +n*)y = 0
4. Define Cauchy's
homogenous linear equation.
5. Evaluate (yzdkdy:
00 0

c2 y2
6. Evaluate S dxdy
7. Find curlf where i =grad(x³ +y³ + z³-3xyz).
8. Find the directional derivative of Ø= xyz in the direction of i at the point (1,1,1).
9. Find the work done by the force Y= 3xi + (2xz - y)j + zk along the straight
line joining the points (0,0,0) and (2,1,3).
10. State Green's Theorem

Section--B(Essay answer type questions)

Answer all questions: (5 x 8=40 Marks)
11. A) Solve thedifferential equation y(y-x)dx + x(y+ x)dy =0.
B)Water at Temperature 100°C cools in 10 minutes to 80°C in a
room temperature 25°C.
Find the temperature of water after 20 minutes.

12. A) Solve (D - 4D + 4)y = sinx+ezx +3.

B) Solve by the method of variation of
parameters (D' - 2D)y = e*sinx.
13. A) Evaluate Sf xyzdxdydz over the positive
octant of the sphere x +y²+ z = a'.
B) Evaluate y(²+ y)dydx by changing
intopolar coordinates.
14. A)Prove that ifY is the position vector of
any point in space then r" is
is solenodial if n=-3 irrotational and
B) Show that the vector field given by Å=
irrotational but not solenoidal. Also find its3xyi + (x-2yz?)j + (3z? - 2y'z)k is
scalar potential Ø(x,y, z).
y)i-2xj + 2yzkand S is the surface of
1s. A) Evaluate [f, FñdS where F= (x+octant.
the plane2x +y +2z =6 in the first
B)Verify Stokes theorem forthe function f = x+ xyj integrated round the square
in the plane z =0 whosc sides are along the lines x = 0 y, x =a =y.
QP Code: R20A12BSO1

2 Anurag University

BTech I Year II-Semester Supplementary Examinations January-2024

Course: Mathematics-II
(Common to all Branches)
Max Marks: 60
Time: 3 Hours
Section -A (Short answer type questions)
Answer all questions: (10x 2 =20Marks)

1. Find the solution of the differential equation dx = e +x'e.
2. State Newton's law of cooling.
3. Evaluate the general solution of (D' +8D° +16)y =0.
4. Determine the particular integral of (D² -4D+4)y =1-sin 2x..
n a(l+cose)
5. Calculate the value of double integral rdr do

6. Evaluate
0y 0
7. Find curl f where r= xi+ yj + zk
8. For what value ofp, the vector filed f= (x+3y)i+(y-22) j+(*+pz)k is solenoid

9. Compute the work done in moving aparticle in the force field F=3x'i+j along the
straight line from (0,0) to (2,1 ).
10. State Stokes Theorem.

Section-B(Essay answer type questions)

Answer all questions: (5 x 8 -40 Marks)
11. A)Obtain the general solution of the following differential
i) y(2xy+e )dr -e'dy =0. 4M
i) dy
dx =ele-e'). 4M
B) i) A bacterial culture, growing
exponentially, increases from 200 to 500 grams in
the period from 6a.m. to 9a.m. How many
i)Evaluate the orthogonal trajectories of the grams will be present at noon? 4M
if exists.
family of curvesr = 2a(cos + sin )
12. A) Find the general solution of
de? dx
e sin 2x 8M


(D² - 2D)y =e' sin x by the method of variation of parameters. 8M

B) Solve
13. A) By changing the order of integration,
0 0


B) Evaluate(x+ y+ z) dx dy dz over the tetrahedron x= 0, y= 0, z =0 and

the plane x+y+z =1.

14. A)i)Determine the angle of intersection of the surfaces x +y' +z² =9 and
x+y'-z=3at the point (2,-1,2). 4M

i) Show that thevector 7 =(r'- y2)+ +y' -z)j +(z'-y)k is irotational

vector. Hence find the scalar potential such that f= V¢. 4M
B) i) Prove that V()=nrrwhere r= xi + yj +zk 4M

ii) Evaluate the directional derivative of x2 - y² + 2z f =x*-y' + 22² at the

point P(1, 2, 3) in the direction ofthe line PQ where Q isthe point (5, 0, 4). 4M
15. A) Verify Greenstheorem in a plane for (3x - 8y')dx + (4y - 6xy )dy
where Cis the region bounded by y=Nx and y=x*. 8M
B) Compute |F.Rds where F=18z+ -127 +3yB and S is the part of the surface
of the plane 2x +3y +6z =12 located in the first octant. 8M
Course Code: A52001 R22

I-B Tech II-Semester II-Midterm Examinations

Course: Mathematics-II
(Common to AI, AIML, DS, CS, EEE, ME, CE, IT)
Date: 10.07.2023 Session: F.N.
Time: 9:30 am - 11:00am (90 Minutes) Max Marks: 30

Section -A
Answer all questions
(12 x 1 = 12 Marks)
1. Show that F= 2yz'+ -5x'+8zyk is solenoidal. (L2, CO4)
2. Find the maximum value of the directional derivative ofo=x+y'+z² at a point (1, 1,1).(L3, CO4)
3. Find the normal to the surface (x,y, z) =x'y +212 +2 at apoint (1, -1,1). (L2, CO4)
4. State Green's Theorem in a plane. (L1, COs)
5. Define Irrotational Vector (L1, C04)
6. Write the formula to find the angle between two normals. (L1,CO4)
7. State Gauss Divergence Theorem. (L2, COS)
8. If F=(5y-6r')7 +(2y-4x)jEvaluate| FdY where 'c' is the curve y=x*in the xy- plane from
(41)o(2,3) (L2, COS)
9. Write a formula forFAds if'R be the projection of S° on YZ- plane. (L2, COS)

10. Write the relation between cartesian coordinates and polar coordinates in double integrals. (L2, CO3)
11. If F='+ +2x'ygj -3y' then find div Fat apoint (1, -1,1). (L1, C04)
12 2
12, Evaluate 001
gzddyde (L2, CO3)
Answer any three questions
(3 x6=18 Marks)
13. i. Finda unit normal vector to the given surface =x+y'-z-3 at a point (2,-1,2). (L3, CO4)
ii. Find the Directional Derivative of f =y' +yz' at a point (2,-1,1) in the direction of the vector

=x'+y'-z-3 at apoint (2,-1,2). (L3, CO4)

14. Show that = yzÉ +zxj +xyk is irrotational and find its potential function. (L4, CO4)

15. Change the order of integration and evaluate dydr. (LA, CO3)

16. Evaluate by Green's Theorem -xydk+y'-2xy ldy where 'C' is a square with vertices

(L4, COS)
(0,0).(2,0).(2,2) and (0,2).
17. Verify Stoke's Theorem for F=(x'-y')7+ 2xy over the box bounded by the planes

x=0,x= a,y = 0 and y =b. (L3, COS)

Subject Code: R18A12BSO1
School of Engineering
-B.Tech-II-Semester End Examinations, May - 2019
Subject: Mathematics-II
(Common to AllBranches)
Time: 3 Hours Max.Marks:75
Section -A(Short Answer type questions) (25 Marks)
Answer all questions
. Form the differential equation by eliminating arbitrary constants a and b from
y= ae? +bxer 2M

2. Solve the differential equation (4x+y+ 1' dr -dy =0. 3M

3. Find the general solution of d'y =m'y. 3M

4. Compute the particular integral of the differential equation d'y +y=sin x 2M

x all+cose)
Determinethe value of rdr de 2M

6 Evaluate 3M
-10 x-z

Provethat v(=nr, where r=xi+yj+zk and r=|r|. 3M

8. Show that F=3y'z'i+z'xj-3x'y'k is solenoidal. 2M

. State Gauss's divergence theorem. 2M

TO.Compute the work done in movinga particle in the force field F- 3x'7 +j+zk along the
straight line from (0,0, 0) to (2,1,3). 3M

Section - B (Essay type Questions) (5x10=50Marks)

Answer all questions. Each question carries equal marks.

. A)i) Solve the differential equation (2x-y+ )d +(2y-x- 1)y = 0. 4M

ii) Solve the differential equation (1-*)+xy = y'sinx. 6M

H) i)Define orthogonal trajectories 2M

conics+l, where is a is parameter,
i) Showthat the systemof a+ b'+ 8M
is self orthogonal.
d'y =xsin x+1+**)e'
general solution of-y
I2. A) Find the d
parameters(D+ay= cOS aX
E) Solve by the method of variation of
a 2a-x

13. A)Change the order of integration in | y ' dy de and hence

evaluate the double integral.
0 la

B) i) Evaluate J[, (xy + yz + zx) dxdyd z ,where Vis the region of space bounded by SM
x=0, x=1, y=0, y=2, z =0, z =3
a a
ii) Compute dxdy by transforming into polar coordinates. 5M
0 y

4. AJi)Find curl f, where f =grad(*' +y' +z' -xyz). 5M

i) Determine the directional derivative of the function =x'yz +4xz? at (1,-2,-1 )in the
direction of 2i-j-k SM
B) i)Show that div(grad{r"})= m(m+1)r", where m is a constant. SM
iil)Show that the vector (x*-yz)i +(y*- zx)j +(2-xy)k is irrotational and find its scalar

Verify stokes theorem for F = (r-y')i+ 2xyj over the box bounded by the planes
x=0,x =4,y= 0, y=b
B) Verify Green's theorem for |(xy + )dx + y'dy, where Cis bounded by y=x
and y=x.
Course Code: A52001 R22
I-BTech II-Semester II-Midterm Examinations
Course: Mathematics-II
(Common to AL, AIML, DS, CS, EEE, ME, CE, IT)
Session: F.N.
Date: 10.07,2023
Max Marks: 30
Time: 9:30 am - 11:00am (90 Minutes)
Answer all questions
(12 x 1= 12 Marks)
(L2, CO4)
1. Show that F = 2yz'i -5x'zi +8xyk is solenoidal. 12
(1, 1,1). (L3, CO4)
2. Find the maximum value of the directional derivative of =x+y' +z' at a point
+2 (L2, CO4)
3. Find the normal to the surface o(%,y,z) =ry+2xz +2 at a point (1,-1,1).
4. State Green's Theorem in a plane. (LI, COs)
0 (L1, CO4)
5. Define Irrotational Vector
coy (L1,C04)04)
6. Write the formula to find the angle between two normals.
s f ofD (L2, COS)
7. State Gauss Divergence Theorem,
8. If F=(Sxy-6x )7+(2y-4x)j.Evaluate F.dF where 'c'is the curve y =in the xy-plane from

(L2, COS)
(141) to(2.8) 35
9. Write a formula for| Fids if 'R' be the projection of 'S' on YZ- plane. (L2, COS)

(L2, CO3)
10. Write the relation between cartesian coordinates and polar coordinates in double integrals.
11. If F= xy'+ +2r'yj -3yz'k then find div Fata point (1,-1,1). ’ 1 (L1, CO4)

12. Evaluate||xyzdkdyde (L2, CO3)


Answer any three questions
(3 x 6 =18 Marks)
13. i. Finda unit normal vector to the given surface =+y'-z-3 at a point (2,-1,2). (L3, C04)
ii. Find the Directional Derivative of f =xy' +yz'at a point (2,-1,1) in the direction of the vector

o=x'+y'-z-3at apoint (2,-1,2). (L3, CO4)

14.Show that =yz+ + xj +xyk is irrotational and find its potential function. (LA, CO4)

15.Change the order of integration and evaluate dyd,. (LA, CO3)

16. Evaluate byGreen's Theorerm -yd+|y-2xy |dy where 'C' is asquare with vertices

(0,0).(2,0).(2,2) and (0,2). (LA,COS)

17.Verify Stoke's Theorem for F=(r-y'}++2xyj over the box bounded by the planes
x=0,x=a, y=0 and y =b. (L3, COS)

S 1
Course Code: A52001 R22

Z Anurag University

I-BTech II-Semester II-Midterm Examinations

Course: Mathematics-II
(Common to CSE & ECE)

Session: FN.
Date: 10.07.2023
Max Marks: 30
Time: 11:15 am - 12:45pm (90 Minutes)
Section -A
Answer allquestions (12 x 1 = 12 Marks)

1 23 (L3, CO3)
1. Evaluate
0 1 2
(L2, CO4)
2. If F = xi +yi +zk be the position vector then find div F. (L1,CO4)
3. Define curl of a vector point function.
(L2, CO4)
4. If F=(*+3y)7 +(y-22) +(x+pz)k is solenoidal, find p. (L2, CO4)
5. If F=yi +y'+z'xk then find Curl F. (L2, CO4)
6. Find the normal to the surface d(x,y, z) =
derivative of=x´yz at a point (1,4,1). (L2, CO4)
7. Find the maximum value of the directional
(L2, COS)
8. State Stoke's Theorem.
9. If F=3:xyÉ - y'j.Evaluate| F.dF where 'c'is the curve y =2x² in the xy- plane (0,0) to
(L2, COS)
(L1, COS)
10. State Gauss Divergence Theorem.
(L4, CO3)
11. Find the area enclosed by the plane curves y = xand y =x
(L3, CO4)
12. Show that V(logr)
Answer any three questions
(3 x6=18 Marks)
13. Show that -(2ryz )7+(r'2)j+(3x'ye)~ is irrotational and find its potential function.
(L3, CO4)
14.Find the angle between the surfaces xy'z =3x+ 2² and 3x'-y' +2z =l at (!,-2,1). (L4,CO4)
a 2Vax
15. Evaluate dyd: by changing into polar coordinates. (L4, CO3)

16. Verify Green's Theorem in aplane for xy +y' ldr +|**dy where 'C' is bounded by the curves

y=xand y=? (LA, COS)

and S is the surface bounded

17.Use Divergence Theorem to evaluate |Fnds where F = 4xi -2y'j +z'k

(L3, CO5)
by the region x +y' =4 and z =0,2 =3.
QP Code: R22A12BS02 R22

2 Anurag University

B Tech I Year II -Semester End Examinations, July-2023

Course: Mathematics-II
(Common toCSE & ECE)
Time: 150 Min. Max Marks: 50
Section A(Short answer type questions)
" Answer all questions: (5 x 2 =10 Marks)
1. Solve the differential equation (2xy +1)dx +(2y -x-1)dy = 0
2. Find the particular integral of

3. Evaluate +3y )dydt

4. Findunit normal vector to the surface x+y'+3xyz=3at the point (1,2,-1).
5. State Gauss divergence theorem.

SectionB(Essay answer type questions)

Answer all questions: (5 x 8 =40 Marks)
6. A)Solve the differential equation x+y=*y°
B) Amurder victim is discovered and a lieutenant from the Forensic science
laboratory is summoned to estimate the time of death. The body is located in a
room that is kept at a constant temperature of 68F. The lieutenant arrived at
9.40 PM and measured the body temperature as 94.4F at that time. Another
measurement of the body temperature at 11 PM is 89.2F. Find the estimated
time of death.?

7. A) Solve (D'-7D'+14D-8)y = e*cos 2x


B) Solve d'y-+y=secx by using method of variation of parameters.

8. A) Evaluate || ydxdy, where Ris the region bounded by y'= 4x and x'=4y
B) Evaluate yyr'+y'dxdy by transforming into polar coordinates.
9. A)Find the directional derivative of ¢(x,y, z) =x*yz +4xz at the point
(1,-2,-1) in the direction ofthe nornalto the surface
xlogz- y? =-4 at(-1,2, 1).
B) Show that the vector point function
F=(y' cosx+z)i +(2ysin x-4)j+(3x2')k is irrotational and find its scalar

10. A) Verify Green's theorem in the plane for (r-xy')dt +(y²- 2xy)dy.
where C is the square with vertices (0,0), (2, 0), (2, 2) and (0,2).

B) Verify Stoke's theorem for F =(+y')i -2xyj taken round the rectangle
bounded by the lines x =ta, y= 0 and y=b.

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