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SL : Your Free Gift is here (name)

Hey (name)

I am Quite happy that you’ve joined and Now you are a part of the Tribe

And That”s why I will share with you “ The Exact 3 things i wish i knew “ at the
beginning of my Journey

Cause i want the best for you

And knowing these things would’ve speed up my journey

1. Learn How to be an Investor

In the beginning of my journey i gave up Millions of Dollars, because I failed to

understand , that I am allowed to be a Realtor and Investor

The mistake i made was that, i was finding Deals for Investors for $100k , $200k, When
i would make $10k-$15k , which i could’ve made more

I am Still Thankful for it,

But I Wish i had learned these Skill,

Thats Why( name) you need to learn these skill:

● Creating Acquisitions
● HOW to underwrite deals and Buy them on cash for Wholesale
● Fix and Flip
● Buy and Hold

If you’re not learning these skills ,

you’re leaving so much wealth on the table.

2. Pay for Coaching

I wish i would’ve understood the Value of Coaching,

People don’t understand this and Try to REINVENT THE WHEEL

Which fails 99.76% of the time

Why waste time and effort when you can have knowledge of someone with Proven

I remember the first time i paid a $1000 a Month for Coaching

Although it was 2 Phone Calls, And I was so scared , I didn't even tell my Wife about it.

And you know WHAT happened ?

I took all the knowledge and Acquisition that someone else had, All their
Experiences , All their Mistakes And Put it in my Brain for only $1K ,

That's right! , So Much Value and knowledge for only a grand

And use it to my benefit , and the ROI I received was far greater than time and energy i

3. Think in Years

You don't become a MILLIONAIRE in a Month, Set a 5-10 year Goal.

If you are willing to be in this business and create a Good PLan that you stick to, You’ll
be so wealthy and successful, then you have ever imagined,

Trust me, if I did it, so can you !

If you Only add a few hundred Followers a Month , it may seem slow, But Compound
that consistency and you win the race. Don’t be an Agent that is Hot and then Cold !

I could have done it so much better and I regret it often.

So What's the lesson? = Action

If you do that All day and every day consistently, You Will WIN. YOU know WHY
Cause i know you are a Action taker Just like you took Action and open this Email to
Learn and Refine your Skills

So don’t worry(name), I will help you ,

stay tuned Cause more value is coming for you

So you can become your best version and fulfill your destiny

~Templeton Walker

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