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By the Ascended Masters and their Accredited Messengers

Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ballard and son, Donald

The trVoice of the I AM” is the mouth-piece through which

the Ascended Masters’ Instruction can reach the students
quickly, th at the most powerful w ork possible for America
and the world may be done by the students to release the
greatest Light in the shortest time.
The inform ation given under the heading of " Young Amer­
ica” will be the Ascended Masters’ help to the young people
for their protection and illumination, as they are the builders
of the new civilization and are the channels through which
the Ascended Masters will give their Light for the use of the
outer world in the Golden "I AM” Age.
This magazine is not an outlet for articles from the stu­
dents, but is the outpouring of the help from the Ascended
Masters and has no hum an concepts in it.
2600 South Hoover Street Los Angeles, California
HY Chair of Light and Unfed Flame,
Almighty Pow’r from Thee— "I AM,”
Is offered now to those of earth
Whose time has come for Cosmic Birth;
To set them free from their distress,
To raise and to forever bless
W ith Life’s G reat Light— "In Freedom’s Name,”
So each becomes the Unfed Flame!
Thy Chair of Light and Unfed Flame
Illumines now w ith Light, the same
As those we love have felt before,
Who have passed through the "Open Door”
To Heights beyond and V ict’ry True—
Ascended now, Who call to you
To rise Supreme as Lords Who came
From Venus’ Realm of Unfed Flame!
Thy Chair of Light and Unfed Flame,
The G ift so bright from Saint Germain,
Now glows again to raise on high,
Those still on earth and purify
Their hum an forms, until in Light,
They rise— ALL FREE— in God’s G reat Might!
The Heavens resound and now proclaim—
The Chair of Light and Unfed Flame,
Receives us NOW in Thy G reat Name!
Enwrapped in Light, It claims Its Own
And Life reveals Its Radiant Throne!
The "I AM PRESENCE” through our eyes,
Sends forth Its Rays, as we arise
To greet O ur Glorious Saint Germain—
O ur Loved One too— in Unfed Flame!
The Chair of Light and Unfed Flame,
Has raised us NOW in Love’s G reat Name!
We bid the world a soft— "goodbye,”
And soaring swiftly through the sky,
Seek Cosmic Help for those of earth;
LIGHT answers us! reveals the w orth
W ithin those Blessed Words— "I AM”
— Chanera
• MIGHTY CUZCO’S DISCOURSE more than the average of hum anity are m anifest­
"I AM” Sanctuary, San Diego, Calif. ing to-day. Why are you always reaching out for
_______ July 25, 1939 something beyond w hat you are? Because your
HILDREN of Light, of O ur America, I heart knows th at it is there for you.
greet you! Since you belong to both Your Beneficent Friend, Saint Germain, has
Americas, the Goddess of Light has asked brought this vast U nderstanding of Life to you.
— ^ ™J Me to come and talk to you to-night; Remember, all you will ever understand in Eter­
carrying to you a Radiation which it is My Privi­ nity is just concerning your own Life. Over all
lege to give, in the coming conditions which are Temples of True learning in the whole world
before you. have been the words: "M an know thyself” —
The outer world has not known of O ur Activ­ meaning Master thyself and thou w ilt master all
ity for a long, long time; but We have poured substance and energy.
forth O ur Radiation th ruo ut the world and have How is it that We come to wield such Power?
held w ithin O ur Hands the balance of the poles Quite often the people of earth say: "W ell, if
of this earth. In all cataclysmic activity, the poles there are these G reat Masters w ith such Great
change and if there were not a great Intelligence Wisdom, why don’t They use it for mankind?”
governing at the time these changes take place, Who got you in the condition you are in to-day?
w hat do you think would happen to your earth? N ot Us, but yourselves. If you climb down a
Chaos would ensue. I ask you, beloved Students shaft w ithin the earth, you would very likely
of the Light, to place firmly in your consciousness have to climb out if you got out, w ouldn’t you?
to-night, th at not one thing on your earth or in Just so it is to-day w ith m ankind’s own creation.
this System of worlds acts w ithout Directing In­ You have created the limitations and the chains
telligence. th at have bound you th ru the activity of your
You do not act, not one of you, w ithout Di­ own feeling world. Until you reverse that, change
recting Intelligence. If there were not a D irect­ it and bring harm ony instead of discord, you will
ing Intelligence in you, how would you know remain in your chains, dear people! We saw that
where you were going? how would you know and were willing to make the change; therefore,
w hat you w anted to do? You would probably do We are now Beings of G reat Wisdom and Power
the same thing time after time and not know the and nothing in the world denies Us one single
difference. Therefore, observe, from the smallest thing.
to the greatest there is always a Mighty D irect­ Let Me say something to-night th at should be
ing Intelligence and the Light which beats your supremely encouraging to you: Mankind have
heart, contains th at Intelligence. been so slow to grasp these G reater T ruths of Life
Nothing ever came forth in the outer world and apply them, but you have awakened, grasped
of manifestation which did not come th ru the and applied them. I assure you, th at you may
Stream of Light of some individual, as an idea. have all the wisdom on earth, but if you do not
Then, Life contains all you are and a great deal apply it, it will do you no good. Everything in
4 5
Life is application, dear people. I say to you, be­ Why do people from every walk of Life come
loved students, do not get any idea th at you have into this Understanding, know and accept on first
become so purified you do not have to make any presentation, th at It is w hat they have sought all
application. You will never get there, until you their lives? Because the heart always knows; but
are Ascended. N ot only that, but you m ust keep the intellect will not often accept the T ru th, if it
up the guard for your protection, and call forth disagrees w ith the feeling in the heart. T hat is
from your "M ighty I AM Presence” the D irect­ why beloved students, you m ust p u t aside th at
ing Intelligence which is greater than you. We which has not brought you Freedom. W hy hold
have gone th ru the same process you have to go on to a thing th at has not given you help? If you
thru. Therefore, We know w hat you require, but w ent to a medical doctor and he gave you some­
if you won’t listen to Us, how can We help you? thing and you did not get any results after a
I am informed th at there are a great many who week or so, would you just keep on taking it and
listen to these Messengers and quite agree; but taking it for years to come? You would make a
they are too tired to release energy enough to change, would you not?
bring the results th at they require. My dear peo­ It seems to Me, to-day, th at in the condition
ple, if you will not put enthusiasm and energy of m ankind and th at which is confronting you,
into your application, you will not get the an­ it would be very G reat Wisdom for m ankind to
swer; and it is absolutely necessary in every con­ try something beyond w hat they have had in the
dition th at you meet. In every so-called problem past or w hat the outer world offers them as their
that you have before you, is the answer. O ther­ present help. T hat is exactly why We are here. I
wise, how would people’s calls be answered be­ tell you, dear people, there is not one of m ankind
fore they were made verbally? Thousands of in­ to-day who could free himself or herself w ithout
stances of this kind have occurred. Then how is O ur Help. There is not one condition existing in
it? America or the world to-day in which it is not
I w ant you to understand one thing to-night, absolutely imperative to have O ur Help in order
and if I get this over to you, it will be of great to change and correct it.
value. You know We are not supposed to say Since We are out of your octave generally
"if,” anyhow I will get it over to you. Do you re­ speaking; since We have gained O ur Freedom
alize, beloved students, and you who have known th ru this identical application; and since you are
these Messengers for these many years, w hat it in your present condition because of your own
means for a Being like your Beloved Saint G er­ creation, We are able to show you how to correct
main to come forth and clear the way and bring those distressing conditions and how to make
to the understanding of m ankind w hat He has such application which will bring the result you
done in five years? This knowledge of the "M ighty really desire.
I AM Presence” is setting at least two million W hy do you go on, beloved people? Now I ask
people free in your America and the world to­ you to just look within yourselves. You make
day. certain definite application and you go on day
6 7
after day and you do not see any preceptible re­ w ithin your feeling world and as you gain that
sult. Why do you not stop, analyze yourselves momentum, it enables you to send the charge
and see w hat is the m atter? If you stopped and forth quickly. It goes like a rocket to the objec­
said to your Presence: " 'M ighty I AM Presence’ tive and the Victory is won then and there.
show me w hat is the m atter here that I am not A very great service has been rendered the
getting an immediate answer to my call,” your Southern p art of California to-night. Oh, that
Presence would explain why. you could understand and realize sometimes
I think it is quite ridiculous for the student when you are just in exact compliance w ith the
body to-day, any one of them to go on w ithout G reat Law (and I mean by th at the G reat Cosmic
having immediate results. You can have them, Law) how one of your calls will produce such
dear people. Do not let your intellect say to you gigantic results, as I am just about to relate. All
once again th at you cannot have instantaneous discarnate entities have been removed from
answers to your calls! If you claim this instan­ Southern California! (applause— audience ris­
taneous action, it will come! ing) I feel very sorry th at our blessed people
I say this to the mass of you: "Think how many who have been having spiritualistic connections
times when you did not have an immediate an­ won’t find them (applause) but some will prob­
swer at your call— you w ent to some fellow-stu- ably go on anyhow.
dent or some person who did not know anything Do you quite understand, my dear people? I
about it at all and said 'I don’t understand w hat in do not mean to make a joke of this, but do you
the world is the reason I have not had the answer realize w hat th at means? If you saw, as We do,
to my call.’ When you do that, you of course are the pressure of discarnate entities you would
just inviting more doubt to prevent the answer.” realize the T ruth. Do you understand w hat We
To know, to dare, to do and to be silent is the are talking about when I say that? I am talking
Law of Life! Dear ones, if you will stop talking about the entities who cannot leave the earth,
to your fellow-students or anyone else about dear people. You are not bothered w ith the good
your application and just saw wood, you will get people, because they have gone into the Octave
there! You know mankind just has to talk! You of Light. I am talking about the fellows who
know friends cannot meet w ithout chattering cannot get out of here and there are plenty of
away. They have to do it to be sociable! Oh, We women too. It is not always the men.
are quite well acquainted w ith m ankind; and O f course you have all been men and women
if you sat down and everyone sat there not say­ many times. You know how some men dislike to
ing a word and looked at each other, somebody hear that. The Messenger used to have a friend
would be sure to think something was wrong, who lived in Santa Monica; and every time he
because somebody was not chattering. saw him, he reminded him how he m ust have
Now, dear ones, remember— the greatest m ot­ been a woman in the last embodiment and he
to of T ru th ever uttered is: "To know, to dare, disliked the Messenger very much. If Life did not
to do and be silent.” Then you hold your energy give you the opportunity to balance the forces
8 9
of Life, how do you suppose in all the Universe dollars. T hru th at Violet Consuming Flame, dear
you would do it? Therefore, these are Mighty people, if you will call the "I AM Presence” to set
Laws, dear people. It into action and sustain It there, remembering
While you are standing, will you please ac­ th at your H igher Mental Body is the D irector of
cept the C urrents which are draw n w ithin the the C urrent of Energy sustaining It, you will be
atmosphere of this room and charge them into free absolutely and you will never know w hat
and thru your bodies w ith their purifying, cleans­ it is to have an accident or mishap.
ing Activity— sweeping into the Violet Consum­ People cannot seem to realize th at these Great
ing Flame under your feet all impurities and Ones who have been your Instructors know ex­
imperfections, dissolve all abnorm al growths and actly w hat you need because They have gone
restore Perfect Sight and Hearing. th ru the same conditions you m ust go thru, in
I SAY TO YOU IN ALL SINCERITY, BE­ gaining the Perfection to which They have a t­
LOVED STUDENTS, W HEN YOU HAVE tained. Then, They are in a position, having gone
GOOD EYE SIGHT AND HEARING, CALL th ru the same process, to tell you exactly w hat
THAT IT BE SUSTAINED! It is the most in­ the students have to do in order to attain as They
credible thing you ever witnessed how m ankind have.
are subject to suggestions. The atmosphere you Every One has told you this application is
move in is seething w ith hum an suggestions; identical w ith all each One has used in gaining
and if you do not know how to draw the Wall His or H er Freedom. I assert w ith all the em­
of Light about you, as shown in the C hart you phasis of My Being to-night: "There is no greater
will be acting out these suggestions from here, Instruction ever to come on this earth than the
there and everywhere. Understanding of your 'M ighty I AM Presence,’
I ask you to observe, beloved students, since and th at you are a p art of It. (applause) If you
you have been more and more firm in doing this, grasp th at your "M ighty I AM Presence” with
have you not found yourself alert and respond­ Its Infinite Intelligence, Limitless Energy and
ing much less to the suggestions of others than Almighty Power is actually beating your heart
you were before? (applause) T hat is why, it is this moment; if you realized th at as you should,
imperative at this time to hold protection against my dear beloved ones, you would w alk out of
all hum an suggestion. this room forever free. There is no question in
I marvel, beloved ones, that the beloved stu­ the world about it; but having so long been en­
dent body, loyal and magnificent as they are, do meshed in the limitations and conditions th at the
not see more clearly the vital Power of the Tube appearance world shows, it is not an easy thing to
of Light about the hum an form and within It the extricate yourself from it.
Violet Consuming Flame. I tell you th at Violet I thank you very much for this receptivity,
Consuming Flame is more valuable to you than to-night, in the acceptance of the C urrents which
all the money or jewels you possess (applause) have flowed into and th ru your bodies. Hold this
— I do not care if you had a hundred million a Cherished Blessing to you, dear ones. We offer
10 11
not our word, not one activity th at is not for For instance in the requirem ents of your city
your blessing. If you will really understand th at and coast activity here, I do not think you quite
when We offer this Assistance and if you will realize the position you are in. Will you believe
call for It to be sustained, it will be done in Its Me, when I tell you th at We have prevented
ever-expanding Activity for your Freedom, Sup­ time, and time and time again certain spy ac­
ply, H ealth and Blessing. tivities, which would have draw n a force into
I ask you to observe th at C urrent of Light Mexico th at would have destroyed your cities
which beats your heart. In It is everything th at here in Southern California before you could
man requires— health, supply, intelligence, cour­ scarcely w ink your eye?
age, strength and everything th at you can use Do you know in the time when the island
in your world of the hum an octave. T hat Light where We are, was a p art of th at vast continent,
is Perfection in Itself, and as soon as you stop right here just beyond your Bay there was a
your hum an qualification of Its Mighty Energy m ountain range in which existed a great city?
as It flows forth and stop driving your energy N ot so many years ago, as the people thought,
below your heart, you will arise in the Majesty there was a mirage and hundreds of people saw
and Power of your "I AM Presence”— the God- the city against the side of the mountains beyond
Being which you are— and you will become Mas­ the Bay. Well, th at did not happen to be a m ir­
ter of every condition th at you confront. age. T hat was because of certain Cosmic condi­
My dear people, how can you continue to ob­ tions. The etheric records of th at city came into
serve these Messengers and see them apply this the view of hundreds of people who happened
Law daily and not see th at they have exact re­ to be tem porarily attuned to see it.
sults every time they apply It? They are not As­ T hat is why to-night, when your beloved Lo­
cended Beings. Therefore, w hat they do, you can tus was impelled to have you make this m ighty
do. T hat is w hat you have got to know. Because call, it is not only to consume th at focus of dis­
they can do these things, you m ust know you cord which is about you here now, b ut the an­
can do the same thing. They are willing to give cient focus of a destructive activity. I shall not
assistance, We are willing to give all the Assist­ try to go into the detail of it, because it was too
ance your Life Stream perm its; but unless you unhappy to even call your attention to it; but
will take this unyielding stand in your applica­ there just beyond the city was the beginning of
tion and attention to the Presence of Life, you w hat finally brought the submergence of th at
will not have the speedy result, you would like vast continent of Mu over night w ith sixty mil­
to have. The Messengers did not have it in the lion people.
beginning. It took them days, weeks and some­ My dear people, these are not imaginings. They
times months to accomplish that which, to-day, are the T ru th of w hat has been. They are reali­
they do th ru one m ighty call. T hat is the power ties and one day when you stand w ithin the G reat
of momentum gained, my dear ones, in doing Light of your Presence and see recorded in the
this. Cosmic Light, every record of every hum an be­
12 13
ing, every city and every nation th at has ever Every planet which exists is inhabited. Really,
been on this earth, then you will understand because of the ridiculous ideas of m ankind con­
th at there is nothing in the world hidden from cerning your system of seven planets do you
Us. These would not be hidden from you, only think this little earth is the only one th at can be
you have by accepting limitations, draw n your­ inhabited; and you have just passed from one
selves into the density in which you do not vi­ civilization to the other? Do you think th at h u ­
brate to these higher vibrations which would man beings can change these G reat T ruths, be­
give you the knowledge as easily as you see each loved ones?
other. T ry to see how We are the advanced p art of
Every hum an being, beloved ones, has w ithin your Life speaking back to you the T ru th which
the brain structure, the All-seeing-eye of God. your heart knows; bringing to your outer atten­
People could use It just as readily as they use the tion the T ru th of Life, which one day you will
physical sight, only w ith the All-seeing-eye, you come to know and understand. You can be free
see in all directions, and w ith these eyes you through Its understanding. There is nothing in
usually see only ahead. Notice how in those an­ this Universe b ut your own Life to consider and
cient civilizations, the same thing occurred which everything th at is produced in the world of h u ­
is acting to-day. Mankind would not give the man limitations to-day is your own C urrent of
obedience to Life, and consequently they only Life and energy acting charged w ith hum an qual­
had a partial awakening of th at All-seeing-eye ification. Well if th at be the case, which it is, then
w ithin them. Then, it became w hat you term w hy not stop th at and let Life become the Perfec­
to-day a psychic sight which was wholly unde­ tion acting through your hum an form?
pendable; but when you actually see w ith the My D ear Ones, I could tell you m any w onder­
All-seeing-eye of God w ithin, you see only T ruth, ful things, b ut unless you become anchored in
the Reality. You will never see a mistake or the power of your own application, you cannot
make a mistake w ith th at All-seeing-eye. You be free! (w on’t you be seated)
cannot do it, it is impossible. I ask you to accept all the Glory which it is
There are thousands of people among the stu­ your privilege to receive while you were stand­
dent body to-day who just like breathing, will ing. My dear ones, this sounds so simple and
come to use the All-seeing-eye in Its Perfect unim portant perhaps, b u t Oh my! If you will
original state; just as this Messenger reads the learn to stand erect and let every activity of
words I flash to him, for It is a perfectly natural the m uscular and nervous system of your body
thing. All which is really of Life is natural, b ut have free flow of those currents of energy, every­
mankind to-day do not conceive of O ur Reality. thing in your Life will be different. If you go
My dear people, is it possible th at m ankind liv­ along all stooped over, you absolutely shut off
ing in the limited conditions of to-day are foolish sometimes half of the currents of energy which
enough to believe they are all th at is? T hat would otherwise flows forth to give Perfect health and
be indeed foolish. action to the body.
14 15
I w ant to draw just one or two illustrations. most peculiar thing. A habit formed w ithin the
You have seen people who have h u rt the knee; hum an structure becomes the m aster of the in­
and because it pained them, they would begin dividual, when by a few sharp commands to that
to favor it and pretty soon the muscles would energy and substance in the body, it would ac­
begin to contract, would raise the heel off the cept you as its Master.
ground, and in order to protect it, they would Oh, My blessed people, take that, use your au­
walk on the toe. I could show you hundreds of thority. Your application is infallible, My dear
people who if they had p ut the foot down, ones. W hen you say: " 'M ighty I AM Presence’
straightened th at limb and continued it would do this or th at” accept your Presence there above
have entirely prevented the shortened, stiffened you; for instantly there go forth those Mighty
limb. C urrents of Light and energy to perform the
Mankind yield so readily to the slighest dis­ service you require. Because of habit, if you do
cord or distress, because they do not like to feel not immediately see the result, the hum an begins
pain and you can’t blame them ; b ut suppose it to question and wonder. You cannot afford to do
was a little for a few minutes and you straight­ it, beloved ones. You m ust realize th at your ap­
ened th at limb out and said: "N ow you straight­ plication is Supreme!
en out and stay there” , the muscles and the You do not feel forced to have results from
leaders in th at limb would respond and obey you. your application like the Messengers did; but they
T hat is how m ankind will come to have abso­ had to apply this Law to survive. Really there are
lutely Perfect Bodies, because they will command a great m any of the students to-day who are go­
them to have Perfect health; to express it; and it ing to have to do the same thing; b ut they won
will be so. the Victory over substance and energy and it
You, by the Light in your heart which beats now does obey them, w ith magnificent results.
within you— now to-night— are Master of your O f course it brings great Peace and Freedom;
feelings, your body and the world of substance Freedom from anxiety and distress of any kind;
and energy which is required to produce Perfec­ because once you come to know that, then there
tion in your world. If you yield th at authority will no condition confront you which will dis­
to something else, you will just have to keep on tu rb or frighten you. You will look at it and
trying, until you discover one day th at a long say: " 'M ighty I AM Presence’ project Your Light
time ago, you were Master of the situation, b ut Rays in there! dissolve it and replace it by Your
you did not know it. Ascended M aster Light Substance and hold Your
I rejoice w ith the student body who are seeing Perfection there.”
this, who are taking the firmer stand w ith them ­ We have brought many students to O ur Re­
selves. You have been told so many times th at treats. W ould you like to know, beloved ones,
your feeling world is your Power-house; but if why We have this R etreat out in the middle of
you allow it to rule you instead of commanding it, the Pacific? It is very interesting, and not only
then you will still remain in distress. It is the interesting but magnificent from the standpoint
16 17
of Life. H undreds of people who have been sup­ the preservation of m ankind throughout this
posed to drow n have been brought to O ur Re­ earth where there have been so many of these
treats and trained. On the surface, the only build­ Retreats at one time in action, as there were in
ing which is there is very beautiful, b u t you the Him alayan m ountains in India; but now
would not guess th at far under-neath the ocean some of those have been removed to America—
is one of the most beautiful cities on this planet, One even quite recently?
(applause) Your magnificent Royal Teton here, which is
Those blessed people who were saved from be­ such a G reat Blessing to your America and to
ing drowned, were brought there and lived in which the Messenger has called your attention,
the Radiance of th at place. They were not urged, is of vast importance to you. My dear people,
until they became adjusted to the vibratory ac­ never under-estim ate Its full Value to you; be­
tion which was there. Then they were given very cause it is there, where the Messenger and any­
definite Instruction and the most peculiar thing one perm itted to go to It, can see the physical
of it was, th at not one person who was ever records of any civilization th at has ever been on
brought there rebelled. Can you explain th at to the face of this earth. It is the only Retreat
Me? Then let Me explain it to you. W hen one is where this w orld’s record is complete. W hy is it
just about to meet the reaper, so-called death, he in your America? Because your America is the
or she sees sometimes m any rem arkable things. H eart of Light to this earth.
Those individuals knew positively th at they could These are things far more im portant than the
never have survived in those bodies if rescue had physical outer activity of the saving of America
not come; b ut they never— not one of them— or the prevention of w ar. If you had a beautiful
saw the conveyance by which they were rescued. Light in your home, a beautiful fixture which
Beloved ones, I am trying to have you under­ contained the electrical current th at you admired
stand to-night th at the G reat Forces of Light are very much, you would protect it. If you did not
at your command, when you will so decree it. protect it and someone came along and hit it, it
They are always at O ur command and do O ur would be no more! Everyone in such a household
bidding w ithout question. is taught to protect it, because of its value. The
Beloved students, let Me make you aware to­ American people are being taught to protect the
night th at if it were not for these M ighty Focuses last Focus of Light upon this earth, which can
of Light upon this earth, m ankind would have save the rest of the world. T hat is why We bring
degraded into savagery. How long do you think O ur Radiation into America, according to the
My Home from which I came, to-night, has been requirements. I am here, to-night, because of
there? Remember It was there before the sinking this service which had to be rendered now in the
of th at vast continent of Mu— one million four removing of the discarnates because this is a
hundred thousand years. p art of My field of action.
Do you realize, beloved people, w hat it means I w ant you to see, if you will, how im portant
for these various Focuses of Light to be held for and Real these things are. I mean Real from the
18 19
appearance standpoint. T ry to see, to-night, how Observe, in all th at your attention has been
everything of hum an structure in the outer called to in th at which is being removed, it takes
world to-day is perishable, is it not? W ould your away the pressure of discord upon the hum an
buildings last forever? Does your hum an form, form. Then, do you not see how kind Life is
your garm ent of flesh last forever? Has it in the being to you? How kind these G reat Beings of
past? Really m ankind has from age to age draw n Light are to you? They are doing th at which
the limit of physical life shorter and shorter; for you absolutely could not do, by giving you the
. it is not so long since you used to live two hun­ opportunity time, time, and time again, to go
dred and fifty years in one embodiment; b ut you forw ard w ith Their Assistance into this G reat
cut it down to three score years and ten. How Freedom.
and why? By greater and greater density and Now remember, beloved students, as the G reat
limitations in the flesh structure of the body, due Cosmos said to you, the time is past, when m an­
to more and more discord in the feeling. T hat is kind is to be pled w ith They m ust choose of their
not necessary. All things in the outer world con­ own volition w hether they w ant to go forw ard
tain discord, because they have been qualified in the Freedom of the Light or remain in their
by hum an limitations and th at means physical limitations. I stand amazed, as We have observed
structures. Even though they may be beautiful, the world, how m ankind become so fixed in their
still they contain imperfection. T hat is why in own ideas in which they have lived so long—
the Octaves of Light all is Eternal. Your As­ th at they never change the outer m anifestation.
cended Body will be Eternal. People have said concerning this G reat Light
I repeat to you w hat was recently said w ith which your Beloved Saint Germain has brought
such emphatic Power: "My dear people, when forth; "There is no one th at can change the oc­
the Ascended Masters and the Cosmic Masters cult laws for the earth.” Tell Me why not! Who
have offered you Freedom in this embodiment made them in the first place? Just think of th at
through the new Dispensation of the Ascension, for a minute!
is there one who would not w ant to accept It, The Wisdom which produced the laws of
when you have lived thousands of embodiments eighty thousand or a hundred thousand years
similar to these in limitation? Just because you ago, brought them to the attention of m ankind
have forgotten it, does not mean it is not in ex­ for the requirem ent of th at time. As the vibra­
istence. You will remember it fast enough, when tory action of the earth advances m ankind do
you come into embodiment again.” also— just the same as you change the decorations
Remember the intense desires of one embodi­ and colors w ithin your home! As your under­
ment become the compulsions of the next. T hat standing becomes greater concerning the require­
is why m ankind have draw n themselves steadily ments, so have the Great Laws been changed, not
and surely into greater density, until now to-day, in their Fundam ental Principle and Activity, but
it is being dissipated w ith great power. in their application and result to m ankind.
20 21
To-day, the Greatest U nderstanding of Life the conditions th at cause distress in the outer
and the Laws of Life ever known to man are w orld; b ut why, beloved students, I ask you, will
brought to mankind. The understanding of your m ankind go on allowing one or tw o individuals
"M ighty I AM Presence” in this C hart is correct, to tell them w hat the rest of hum anity shall do?
giving you the eye picture and the Trinity of W hy does mankind subm it to it? Because a man
Action w ithin your own hum an form ; which is placed in office is no reason for keeping him
makes you the Master, the Victor over all condi­ there! If he proves to be no good, he should be
tions of the energy th at charges into and through taken out; and be assured th at the time is mighty
your body, either at your command or other­ close when such individuals are going to be taken
wise; for your Higher Mental Body is the Gov­ out.
erning Power which controls the functions of The political machine of the w orld is the most
your body. You physically do not make any a t­ tragic thing on the face of this earth, and I am
tempt to govern those functions, unless the body no politician; but We certainly observe w hat is
gets out of order. Then see, dear people, how going on, th at is why I know. Take your agita­
these G reat Laws have provided such G reat Wis­ tors in America who produce these conditions,
dom and if you did not interfere w ith It, th at w hat do they count? Nothing but to fill their
Great Wisdom would act and give you not only own selfish pockets, and the blessed men who lis­
Perfect health, b u t happiness, supply and Per­ ten to their agitation find themselves back at
fection in your outer world. w ork w ith weeks or months of wages gone which
Look at the business world! If you think We could have blessed their families; and they never
are not m indful of the requirem ents of m ankind, get the lost time or money back, but the people
observe the building of the destructive forces don’t see that. They listen to those agitators and
through your commission men of America in their wild wranglings and pay for not throw ing
forty years. Someone very shrewd saw an oppor­ them out.
tunity to get the clutches of destructive forces Look at your unfortunate conditions in the
upon m ankind; both the producer and the user various outer world activities to-day— one of
are caught and those destructive forces play them Mankind United! T hat is the most tragic
them at both ends. One day I assure you, not thing before the people to-day; and give thanks
far distant, th at will be removed from America; th at the governmental officials have the T ru th
and the people will receive the produce direct of it. Look at the conditions of the spies from
from the producer, w ithout this exhorbitant sel­ Russia and Germany and the various other places,
fish hum an destructive thing which prevents coming over here and getting your people dis­
m ankind having the supply th at Life and N ature turbed; m aking them believe falsity which they
have brought forth to them in such lavish abun­ have imposed upon their own people, for what?
dance. To place them in the same conditions which are
Your commission men removed from America, in those countries. (A t this point m any started
to-day, would remedy seventy-five percent of to leave) The rest of you had better stay and
listen to Me; because I am telling you a Mighty Now We are at the point, the final point I w ant
T ru th and unless you wake up to-day, dear peo­ to make to-night. In reference to the Great Laws
ple, you are going to find yourselves in a condi­ and the changes th at have been brought about
tion from which you will not be able to extricate for the blessing of m ankind, you are facing the
yourselves. We know w hat these conditions are. greatest change th at has ever been known on
We know w hat is going on behind the scenes, th at this earth to-night; and th at is the Power of the
you don’t even dream of; and I prom pt you right Cosmic Light which is taking command! It is
now because I will talk to you again sometime, reversing and changing the whole activity for
and then I will ask you if I did not tell you the this earth. Unless you understand w hat I mean,
T ru th to-night! you will not understand m any things which will
Dear people, there have been many w onderful occur in the near fu tu re; but if you do under­
things started in your America w ith a very good stand, you will see, face, know and comprehend
motive and good purpose; but many are being exactly w hat is taking place from step to step.
seized upon to-day by the most destructive forces This is why I say to you, to-night, in all th at
from foreign nations; and if the people of Amer­ you wish to be or ever hope to be, all is w ithin
ica are not alert now, they will be caught in the understanding of your own "M ighty I AM
the claws of the destructive force before they Presence,” and your power to call It into action.
know w hat is happening. Then, too late they Why? Because It beats your heart. You cannot
will find they have been a prey to those nefarious be separated from th at G reat Presence and Its
things. G reat Wisdom! W hy not let It take command of
I say to you, My dear people, look at th at your mind and body and produce Its Perfection
C hart. It is the Absolute T ru th of your own there for you! If you don’t w ant to, th at is
Reality and It is the means by which you can set quite your own choice; but I tell you, beloved
yourself free in spite of all m ankind put together. people, the G reat Power of Life is offering you
Then in the Name of your God and your Life, everything w ith so little effort upon your part.
why not tu rn to th at Presence and have Its Do you think when I call your attention to
Glory and Blessing come at your call to set you these M ighty Truths, ju st as I called your atten ­
free from those conditions. It is the only Means tion to Mankind United, th at I am trying to harm
Life will ever offer you by which you can con­ something or some activity? G reat God! dear
quer those conditions w ithout bloodshed; and people, if you do not know w hat you are up
when you have had bloodshed, you still have the against, how are you going to correct it or get
same condition you had before. out of it? Then, there will be those who will
Wake up, people of America! Don’t sleep and say: "Oh, th at is not an Ascended Master A ctiv­
let these nefarious things creep in and drag you ity which refers to these conditions.” W hy not!
down in the quick-sand of hum an foolishness! If We do not tell you how to remedy a thing of
I tell you, you are facing the crisis of the ages! which you do not know, how are you going
Mankind is going to have to choose w hat they to do it? If We do not tell you w hat you are up
are going to do!
against, how are you going to know and protect you have got to be firm and unyielding in your
yourselves? application, especially at first when you are dis­
Mankind does not know the viciousness in the solving a momentum of hundreds and thousands
outer world. They wade right in where Angels of years of accum ulation. T hat is why I said to
fear to tread right along, and then too late they you: If m ankind will call the Presence to use the
find out they cannot extricate themselves. We Violet Consuming Flame w ithin the Tube of
by O ur G reat Love are trying to help m ankind Light, they will see soon enough the great proof
see and know and by their own application of of all they require; b u t unless you will do these
the G reat Law of Life, the "I AM” , prove It to things, you cannot have the proof w ithin your­
themselves, so nothing can ever change them. self; and unless you do have the proof w ithin
You see before you these Messengers who have yourself, you would only believe this Law a short
given the greatest proof the world has ever had time.
of this G reat Law and in a condition, the worst Belief is not pow erful enough to give and sus­
the earth has ever known, w ithout asking for a tain your good perm anently, dear people! It
dime, they call forth from the Treasure-house sometimes encourages you to go on, until you
of their ”1 AM Presence” the supply th at is re­ do prove this T ru th to yourself; but this G reat
quired. Understanding of Life is not based upon faith.
Beloved friends and students, if you will only It is based upon the application of Itself. Since
accept th at your Presence is the Giver, the Life you are here, and are a p art of th at G reat Power
and Intelligence to you, you will know It is your and Intelligence, why would not the lesser p art
Treasure-house. When you make the call for the prove the Greater? How could it help it?
supply you require, your "I AM Presence” prob­ Therefore, when you understand that, be­
ably will not release to you coined money; but loved ones, you will see why Life is offering you
Its Love, Wisdom and Power go into action in your Freedom, by just a little effort upon your
the hum an octave and bring the conditions p art; and We can do for you w hat you cannot
through natural hum an channels th at will bring possibly do for yourselves in your sincere applica­
about the release of the money to you. The Mes­ tion, because as long as you will make sincere,
sengers have proved th at to the whole world to determined application, you will find th at every
anybody who will see. If they can do it, why can­ Power of Light in the Universe will come to
not you? They have never in their lives sought your assistance. T hat is how you prove the Real­
people of wealth or anything of the kind. They ity of Life and your Reality as the Supreme
have turned wholly to their Presence to bring Commander of energy and substance.
the supply they require, to carry on this G reat T hat is why to-night, in bringing this explana­
Light and the "I AM Presence” has never, and tion and the accompanying currents of energy
never will, fail them. which have flowed into your world of action, I
Therefore, I w ant you to see this, because if tru st th at I have been of some benefit to you
you do, your problems will soon be over; b u t in helping you to grasp and feel more pow erfully
26 27
your own Dominion. You m ust prove Life your­
self! If Life would prove Itself to you, It would
have been done ages ago, would it not? Then,
you m ust prove Life by your application and
th at is w hat has been missing in all these ages!
Remember as I leave you these parting re­
marks, may Their Power and U nderstanding
burn Itself into your being and never be for­
gotten for one hour! In every civilization th at has
ever been on this earth, the Words "I AM” have
been used as w ritten in English to-day. T hat is |
the Secret of Life! T hat is the Secret of all appli­
cation, all understanding and you have It to-day!
Only because your Beloved Saint Germain is • OUR BELOVED ASCENDED MESSENGER’S •
the Law of the Seventh Ray, which is the Violet • BENEDICTION TO THE FLAG •
Ray to this earth, has this come forth to-day; for
your G reat Benefactor is far G reater than you HOU wondrous Flag of Beauty and
yet know. Therefore, will you remember it in all Power, as Thou hast so proudly waved
th at confronts you? over Valley Forge and the victories of
You have so long w ithdraw n and forgotten the past; so shall you wave now in the
Life. Now you have returned home again! T hat Victory of the Light for O ur Beloved America
home holds everything there is for you. T hat and her people.
home is your "M ighty I AM” , your Life. It has Oh, Beloved Saint Germain, in the Glory of
been throughout the thousands of centuries of those long forgotten days when Thy family was
the past. It will forever remain so, w hether you gathered about Thee, so again in America shall
believe it or not. Therefore, in all th at you wish such rejoicing be Yours when again there dost
for or hope to be or have, there above you is the stand forth in the heavens, Thy Ascended Glory
Glory of God individualized, the "M ighty I AM” . and Thou shalt descend onto the earth.
T hat is the only place from which you can have So to-night, we offer such great praise, thanks
Freedom, Limitless Supply, Health, Strength, and gratitude for all the blessed people of earth
Power and Courage to meet the conditions of the who have been able to accept This W ondrous
outer. W hy ignore your Presence and Its Power? Understanding which has been brought forth,
Call forth this Strength which you need and then apply It and understand th at It is the Eternal
go forth into your Ascension, either under the Freedom of m ankind. May one million people in
old or new Dispensation. Go forw ard free for­ America before the end of another year have
ever from the wheel of birth and rebirth. come to know and abide w ithin this Mighty
I thank you. Presence of all Life, the "M ighty I AM.”
28 29
Oh, glorious Flag of Freedom! wave forever in GEMS OF LIG H T •
Thy Glory over America and her Victory of the GODDESS OF LIGHT
Light. Bless m ankind in th at same memory and I want you to see, if you will, that We are
Victory of the Light. Hold Thy Victory in the quite normal Beings. We are not limited in any
heart of each one, for: w ay, but We are still using the faculties which
"I AM” the American Flag! you are using in their great extended activity—
"I AM” the Life of Old Glory! the power of your attention, your vision and
"I AM” the Power and Victory of the Stars your feeling. Do you realize, beloved ones, that
and Stripes forever! is all which comprises you? That is all there is
"I AM” th at Presence and Power which will to you— your attention, your vision, your qual­
raise at a moment’s notice millions to defend My ification or your feeling! Those are the activities
Glory; and in the fulness of My Power of Light of your Individualized Focus of Light. It is so
which brought th at into existence. w ith Us and it operates thru all Octaves of Light.
Oh, wondrous Stars and Stripes! so wave Eeach one is a vibratory action of those attributes
proudly on— until all the earth bows in hum ble­ of Life.
ness to the Glory of th at Eternal Freedom of the
Light which Thou dost represent, as well as the GODDESS OF LIGHT
Freedom of America. You know, beloved ones, it does seem positively
G reat Goddess of Liberty, we kiss Thy H and ridiculous that in mankind's frightful struggle
in the Victory of America; and in the Glory of for things, they are so often their own obstruc­
Thy enthroned Power, shall all the earth come to tion! Instead of standing calm and steady and
see and know Thee in the Glory in which Thou letting the Powers of their own Life Stream go
hast stood for many, many, many centuries. Long forth to render the service.
before m ankind knew America, Thou didst
w atch over its shores; and so we bow before Thee GODDESS OF LIGHT
in the Majesty of Thy Presence and Power! Con­ It is quite all right to call for a thing within
tinue to stand guard as Thou has said, and in the a definite period but do not let your human
Final Victory of th at "Light of a thousand suns,” qualification be disappointed, if it does not arrive
so shalt descend into the earth and dissolve all within the time you have set. There are a good
hum an selfishness and discord from the planet many of the students who have done that, then
forever! We thank Thee, Oh Gracious One of when it did not arrive they felt as though their
Light. Bless these beloved students in the fulness efforts had failed. That is not the case in any
of Thy Glory th at all may never forget Thy sense at all. Dear ones, won’t you please watch
Presence— the Presence of all Life beating their this? Do not let your intellect ever again ask
hearts; and in the fulness of Its O ut-pouring "why” in anything! Just go on w ith your appli­
find the limitations of earth have disappeared cation, knowing the Wisdom of your own Pres­
forever, and we thank Thee. ence of Life is constantly acting.
30 31
When people come to you and ask "why” about Please do not give any human being power to
a thing, refer them to the "M ighty I AM Pres­ disturb, lim it or affect you in any way. Just stand
ence,” and ask them to be reminded that if the in that joyous, calm serenity and know that as
energy spent in asking "why” was turned to the you stand within the Glory of your "I AM Pres­
"I AM Presence” in full acceptance of It they ence” not one person on earth can limit or de­
would know why and that the "why” of one prive you of any good thing which belongs to
Life Stream has nothing to do w ith the "why” you. If you stand calm, firm, determined and
of another. Therefore, to answer one question serene not one thing can you be deprived of.
would mean that you might face about and find GODDESS OF LIGHT
twelve more with the same question. Remember, whatever supply of money comes
GODDESS OF LIGHT into your hands, do not stop your application for
I have observed at times that the human is so your financial supply at any time. Hold what
prone to ask "why”— w hy this and w hy that. you have gained and keep calling forth for that
Well, if they were answered, it does not alleviate limitless supply.
the situation; because in a few moments they GODDESS OF LIGHT
will think of some more " w h ys” but as they are Every night before you sleep, will you for a
turned back to the "I AM Presence” that will few moments stand on your feet and call directly
cease. Oh, do not mind if they are disappointed. to your Higher Mental Body to charge your mind
So many people think—-well if this question was and body with Its Perfect Peace and Rest and
answered I would be all fixed for m y achieve­ with Its Limitless Energy and Directing Intelli­
ment. W ell, when those are answered many more gence? Make this a special activity.
will appear, until the individual w ill turn wholly
to the "I AM Presence.” GODDESS OF LIGHT
GODDESS OF LIGHT As you keep calling forth this Great Power of
Light, see that your motives are always right—
I am sure it is not going to be long until you that they are clean and pure in every way! Then
will understand clearly and definitely, if you do as you call It forth know that there is not one
not already, how very practical We are. There thing in human creation which can resist or stand
is not one thing about the human octave that We before that Power of Light which you do call
do not understand and that We are not interested forth. That is the action of the Light Ray, a con­
in. If it is something to be dissolved, then We are centrated form. It is the Substance, Power and
still interested in it. If it is something to expand Action of Life which has within It Divine Love,
Perfection, then We are interested in that. Wisdom and Power.
32 33
"M IGHTY VICTORY” is dedicated in Eternal
Love, G ratitude and Blessing to the "M ighty I
AM Presence” and the Beloved Cosmic Being,
Victory. Mankind m ust have His Victory of the
Cosmic Light as of a Thousand Suns to hold con­
trol of the forces of Life on this earth, if hum an­
ity are to survive here and act constructively in
the future.
Every time this song is sung, played, heard or
the picture contemplated the individual or group
will receive from this Mighty Cosmic Being, Vic­
tory, His Mighty Light Rays enfolding them,
provided they make the call to Him and hold h ar­
mony in the feelings. His Light Rays are Sub­
stance, Light, Energy and Perfection from his
Sphere of Activity. The moment one’s attention
is turned to Him th at one is definitely in connec­
tion w ith His G reat Perfection, Victory and Pow­
er of Life for His Light Rays carry His feeling
of Victory and the Power of Light over all de­
structive forces and qualities.
Send your Love, gratitude and Blessings to
Mighty Victory and call for His O ut-pouring to
be sustained until all are as Perfect and Victori­
ous as He is.
This song is dedicated to the City of Cleveland
where it was first sung— to release a m ighty O u t­
• NEW MUSIC • pouring of Victory’s Mighty Miracles and Vic­
T is our privilege and joy to announce tories of Freedom, Divine Justice and Perfection,
the release of a new Song by Godfre until Cleveland becomes an Alabaster City of
Ray King (Mr. G. W. B allard)-M ighty Light as the Ascended Masters have commanded.
Victory. Both lyrics and music were May the Ascended Masters’ Marvelous "I AM”
w ritten by our Beloved Messenger, Mr. G. W. Temple of Light come forth in th at city quickly,
Ballard and are charged w ith tremendous Power w ithin which the Unfed Flame blazes forth the
of Light and Blessing to all who sing, play or full Cosmic Power of Eternal Victory which
hear it. raises all who enter there into the Ascension as
soon as possible.
34 35
T is our great privilege to announce th at It is our privilege and joy to announce the re­
all future pressings of Phonograph Rec­ lease of another Series of Records of our Beloved
ords will be made from a new blue trans­ Messenger’s (Mr. G. W. Ballard) Voice— talks
parent flexible m aterial. We have been given by Him at the Shrine Class 193 8, as follows:
working on these for some time and feel we now No. 3304-A— Invocation and Explanation of the C hart,
have them perfected to the point where we can Mr. G. W. Ballard
offer them to the public. No. 3304-B— Invocation and Explanation of the C hart,
Mr. G. W. Ballard
This blue transparent m aterial carries a special
healing quality and vibratory action and we know No. 3304-C— Invocation and Explanation of the C hart,
you will be happy with them. Mr. G. W. Ballard
No. 3304-D— Invocation and Explanation of the C hart,
Because of the increased cost of this special ma­ Mr. G. W. Ballard
terial it will be necessary to increase the cost No. 3305-A— This T ru th , Love and Harm ony,
slightly. Prices are as follows: Mr. G. W. Ballard
All double faced records made from blue trans­ No. 3305-B— This T ru th , Love and Harm ony,
parent m aterial $3.00 each— Shipping charges Mr. G. W. Ballard
extra. No. 3306-A— T rue Understanding of Divine Love,
The only Records we have released made from Mr. G. W. Ballard
this new m aterial are those of our Beloved Mes­ No. 3306-B— T rue U nderstanding of Divine Love,
senger, Mr. G. W. Ballard, as follows: Mr. G. W. Ballard
No. 3300-A & B No. 3303-A & B No. 3 3 07-A— Calling the Presence_______ Mr. G. W. Ballard
3301-A & B 3303-C & D No. 3307-B— Calling the Presence_______ Mr. G. W. Ballard
3302-A & B 3303-E & F No. 3308-A— Helping all M ankind______ Mr. G. W. Ballard
All RCA Records now on hand made from the No. 3308-B— Helping all M ankind.... . Mr. G. W. Ballard
regular m aterial will be sold at the prices form erly
quoted— $2.50 for double faced records— Ship­ Please send all orders for phonograph records
ping charges extra. direct to the SAINT GERMAIN PRESS, INC., Los
Angeles, Calif. P.O. Box 428.
Please send all orders for phonograph records
direct to the SAINT GERMAIN PRESS, INC., Los These Records are all made from the blue trans­
Angeles, Calif., P.O. Box 428, as all shipments will parent m aterial.
be made from Los Angeles direct, instead of the
Chicago Office. Price Each $3.00 Shipping Charges E xtra
36 37
New Charts
We hereby notify all readers and individuals
E wish to announce the release everywhere, th at everything in the books of the
of our new Charts, reproduced SAINT GERMAIN SERIES, the VOICE OF THE
from the Large Chart used in TIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN TO
our Classes. GROUP LEADERS is covered by our copyrights
w ith all rights reserved, including foreign trans­
These Charts are more intense and lations.
brilliant in color than the former ones; This means, we will not allow this instruction
and Inform ation to be deleted, distorted, adulter­
therefore, more perfect. ated or diluted for any purpose whatsoever and
we shall protect them fully.
They are produced in two sizes as We are determined th at this GIFT OF LIGHT,
follows: TRU TH AND FREEDOM from the Ascended
12"x21" medium weight paper .. $1.00 Masters to m ankind SHALL BE PROTECTED
Postpaid.. $1.20 FOREVER— th at m ankind may receive its E ter­
30"x521A" on linen and mounted for nal Freedom and the greatest possible Blessing.
hanging ........................... Each $12.00 We shall use our Full Power and our Full Right
Shipping Charges Postpaid ALL TIMES.
The two smaller sizes — 2W' x 53A" SAINT GERMAIN PRESS, INC.,
and 5" x IVi" on light paper will be MR. AND MRS. G. W. BALLARD
released at a later date.
38 39
\£ f ! Sizes below can be purchased at the
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"UNVEILED MYSTERIES”— In Tw o Volumes..... ....................................... Price $5.25 A Series of Broadcasts available for use, containing explanation of the Law of
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"ASCENDED MASTER DISCOURSES”— In Tw o Volum es................ Price $7.00
Plus Mailing Charges
• THE • • THE •
1000-A "I AM” COME (Instrumental)----------- ( p ^ d L fc l^ a ^ e ^ N o v a c h o r d
MUSIC OF THE SPHERES 1000-B— D edicatio n -----------------------------------------( Donald Ray King
1001-A— "I-AM” COME (T rio )---------------------------J Violet Fairchild, Soloist
OH W ORLD VICTORIOUS "I AM” COME 1001-B— D edicatio n _____________J Frederick Landwehr, Novachord
ROSE OF LIGHT GODDESS OF PURITY 1002-A—Rainbow-Rays (Trio)------------------------- 1 Violet Fairchild, Soloist
A Group of Songs— Music and Lyrics by Godfre Ray King. These songs are 1002-B— D edication___________________ ___ _______j Frederick Landwehr, Novachord
especially charged w ith pow erful healing and special activity, according to the v Lotus Ray King
meaning of the lyrics. \ 3 3 00-A — INVO CATIO N No. 1 (Shrine C lass)__________ Mr. G. W . Ballard
Each piece of music has beautiful lithographed cover in color, suitable for { 3 3 0 0-B— INVO CATIO N No. 2 (Shrine C lass).........................M r . G. W . Ballard
fram ing, each representing that which the music portrays.
Price each $ 1 .0 0 -........................................ _........ _...................__....... ..............Postpaid $1.15 3 3 01-A —-BENEDICTION (Shrine C lass)_______________________Mrs. G. W . Ballard
3301-B— BENEDICTION (Shrine C lass)______________ _____ Mr. G. W . Ballard
VICTROLA AND PHONOGRAPH RECORDS 3 302-A — INVO CATIO N (Shrine Class) ______________________ Mr. G. W . Ballard
R R -l201— IN VO CATIO N ..................................... .........Mr. and Mrs. Ballard and Donald 3 302-B— THERE IS NO DEATH (Shrine C lass)...______________ Mr. G. W . Ballard
R R -1202— CONTEM PLATION (Silent N ight) (H a rp )............... ... .. .Mrs. Ballard
R R -1203— BENEDICTIO N........................................................ . ..Mrs. Ballard and Donald 3 303-A— BEG INNING OF THE "I AM” DICTATIO NS Mr. G. W . Ballard
R R -1247— CONTEM PLATION (N earer My God to Thee) (Harp)____Mrs. Ballard
3 3 03-B— C O N TIN U A TIO N D IC T A T IO N S____________ ______ Mr. G. W . Ballard
200-A — LIGHT OF MY H EART............... (Instrum ental) (L otus Ray King, Harp
200-B— ROSE OF LIGHT..................................................................-(Frederick Landwehr, 3 303-C — C O N TIN U A TIO N D IC T A T IO N S___________________ Mr. G. W . Ballard
201-A — LOTUS MY LOVE........... ................. (Instrum ental) JL otus Ray King, Harp 3 3 03-D — C O N TIN U A TIO N DICTATIO NS ................... Mr. G. W . Ballard
201-B— VOICE OF THE PRESENCE.................... < Frederick Landwehr, ( 3 303-E— C O N TIN U A TIO N D IC T A TIO N S___________ ____ ____Mr. G. W . Ballard
V Novachord
202-A — SON..OF LIGHT........ ......... ................(Instrum ental) /L otu s Ray King, Harp ] 3 3 03-F— C O N TIN U A TIO N D IC TA TIO N S___ __________ _____ Mr. G. W . Ballard
202-B— CALL TO LIGHT............................................... < Frederick Landwehr, (The last three Records comprise one afternoon talk by Mr. G. W . Ballard and should
V Novachord be sold in a set)
203-A— RAINBOW RAYS................................. (Instrum ental) /L o tu s Ray King, Harp
203-B— OH W ORLD VICTORIOUS........................................... < Frederick Landwehr, The above records are suitable for individual contemplation or use in Study Groups.
\ Novachord (A ll records are now shipped direct from the Saint Germain Press, Inc., P.O. Box 428,
Lotus Ray King, Harpist Los Angeles, C alif.)
500-A — LIGHT OF MY H EART....,____(T rio) Price each— Blue transparent m aterial (D ouble faced) ---- -----------$3.00
5 00-B— ROSE OF LIGHT........................................... Violet Fairchild, Soloist Shipping Charges E xtra
Frederick Landwehr, Novachord
501-A— LOTUS MY LOVE........ .................. (T rio) Violet Lotus Ray King, Harpist
Fairchild, Soloist
Headquarters for A ll Publications
5 01-B— VOICE OF THE PRESENCE_______ _ Frederick Landwehr, Novachord SAINT GERMAIN PRESS, INC., P. O. Box 1133,
502-A— SON..OF LIGHT............. ................(T rio) Violet Fairchild,
502-B— CALL TO LIGHT...........................................
Ray King, Harpist
Soloist Chicago, Illinois
Frederick Landwehr, Novachord
Lotus Ray King, Harpist SAINT GERMAIN PRESS, IN C .— Western Branch,
503-A— RAINBOW RAYS— .................... (T rio) Violet
503-B— OH W ORLD VICTORIOUS Fairchild, Soloist
Frederick Landwehr, Novachord
P. O. Box 428, Los Angeles, Calif.
S I N D E L A R S T U D I O S , 2 6 0 0 S o. H o o v e r S t., L o s A n g e le s , C a lif o r n ia
(Copyrighted by Saint Germain Press, Inc., Chicago, Illinois)

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