2020 Ques Mid Advd

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Mid Semester Advanced VLSI Design 11:00 - 12:30 Tue 03 Mar 2020

Write your name and ID# legibly on the top margin of this question paper and attach this as the front cover of your answer
booklet before submission. All symbols have their usual significance. This is a closed book evaluation, however, you may
refer to only one A4 sheet of hand-written formulas during the examination. ox = 3.90 , q = 1.6 × 10−19 C, kB T /q = 26
mV, ni = 1.45 × 1010 /cm3 , si = 11.70 , 0 = 8.85 × 10−14 F/cm.

1. Design the (W/L)p and (W/L)n for a static CMOS inverter such that tP LH = tP HL = 100 ps while the circuit drives
a load capacitance of 50 fF. VDD = 1.8 V, µn Cox = 100 µA/V2 , µp Cox = 50 µA/V2 , VT n = 0.4 V, VT p = −0.5 V,
λn = λp = 0.
(W/L)n = [5]
(W/L)p = [5]
2. Assuming rail-to-rail operation, calculate the noise margins for a CMOS inverter. (W/L)n = 5/0.18, (W/L)p =
11/0.18, VDD = 1.8 V, µn Cox = 100 µA/V2 , µp Cox = 50 µA/V2 , VT n = 0.4 V, VT p = −0.5 V, λn = λp = 0.
N ML = [5]
N MH = [5]

3. (a) Compute the optimal inverter fanout ratio f for a 3-stage inverter chain with CL = 200 fF and Cin = 1 fF.
f= [3]
(b) Recompute the value of f if the optimal no. of stages is used.
f= [3]
(c) Compute the delay through the chain of inverter in both the above cases assuming τinv = 7.5 ps and parasitic
delay of 0.5τinv .
Absolute delay in (a)= Absolute delay in (b)= [2+2]

4. A transistor was fabricated on an n-type substrate with a bulk doping density of ND = 1016 /cm3 , n+ polysilicon
gate doping density of ND = 1020 /cm3 , Qox = 4 × 1010 q /cm2 and gate oxide thickness tox = 0.1 µm. Calculate
the nominal threshold voltage at room temperature.
VT 0 = [5]
5. As an IC designer you are required to use a typical nMOSFET with n+ polysilicon gate for designing some digital
circuitry for missiles. What is the maximum tolerable temperature (in√°C) beyond which your circuit will fail?
VT 0 = 0.5 V, dEg /dT ≈ −0.27 meV/K, Nsub ∼ 1018 /cm3 , m ≈ 1.3, and Nc Nv ≈ 3 × 1019 /cm3 .
T = [5]

40 Marks MEL G623 Page 1 of 1

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