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Indian Journal of Pediatrics (February 2022) 89(2):184–191


Clinical and Genetic Spectrum of 50 Children with Inborn Errors

of Metabolism from Central India
Gouri Rao Passi1 · Akash Wakchaure1 · Shree Prakash Jaiswal2

Received: 21 January 2021 / Accepted: 6 August 2021/ Published online: 25 November 2021
© Dr. K C Chaudhuri Foundation 2021

This is a single-center, retrospective analysis of children confirmed to have an inborn error of metabolism in the pediatric
department of a teaching hospital in central India. Patients were categorized as acute encephalopathy, developmental delay/
seizures, and neuroregression or organomegaly depending on their predominant phenotype. Of the 50 patients analyzed,
the commonest group was lysosomal storage disorders in 13 (26%), followed by organic acidurias - 8 (16%), mitochondrial
disorders - 5 (10%), urea cycle disorders, carbohydrate metabolism disorders, and amino acidopathies - 4 (8%) each, fatty
acid oxidation defects and neurotransmitter deficiency disorders - 3 (6%) each, and miscellaneous (8%). Genetic variations
were identified in 25 (50%). Acylcarnitine profiles and urine organic acids were diagnostic in 62.5% of children presenting as
acute encephalopathy, exome sequencing in 55.5% of children with neuroregression, and specific enzyme assay in 83.3% of
children with predominant organomegaly (83.3%). Children with developmental delay/seizures needed a wider range of tests.

Keywords Inborn errors of metabolism · Genetics · Diagnostic tests

Introduction Hospital, Indore, between 2015 and 2020 were retrieved.

Clinical, biochemical, radiological, and genetic data were
Identifying inborn errors of metabolism (IEMs) is important analyzed. Tests utilized in making a diagnosis included
because many are eminently treatable [1]. In India, the abil- serum acylcarnitine profile (using MS/MS), urine organic
ity to identify inborn errors of metabolism is improving [2]. acids (Urine GC–MS), specific enzyme assays (fluorom-
Identifying the important inborn errors of metabolism will etry on DBS), urinary glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) (using
help plan neonatal screening programs at a national level [3]. dimethyl methylene blue dye binding method), magnetic
There have been reports of IEMs from various parts of India resonance imaging with spectroscopy, urinary pyrimidines
but no large series from central India [4–9]. In this study, the and purines (using HPLC), serum homocysteine, serum
clinical and genetic data of children with IEMs from a single copper and ceruloplasmin and genetic testing using next-
center in Central India has been collated and the most useful generation sequencing. Ethics clearance was taken from the
tests for diagnosis have been identified. Institutional Ethics Committee.
Patients were classified into 4 categories depending on
the predominant clinical presentation—acute encepha-
Material and Methods lopathy, developmental delay/seizures, organomegaly, and
neuroregression. The yield of the simplest diagnostic test in
This was a single-center, retrospective study from a teaching each category was assessed.
hospital in Indore, in central India. Records of patients diag-
nosed with IEM in the Department of Pediatrics, Choithram
* Gouri Rao Passi A total of 50 patients (21 females) with ages ranging from
one day to 15 y were included into the study. Consan-
Department of Pediatrics, Choithram Hospital Research guinity was seen in 9 (18%) and a positive family history
Center, Indore, Madhya Pradesh 452014, India
was documented in 13 (26%). The commonest group of
Department of Pathology and Microbiology, Choithram disorders were lysosomal storage disorders in 13 (26%),
Hospital & Research Center, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India
Table 1  Clinical and genetic features of children with IEM
Category Number Predominant Test which confirmed Genetic variations identified Type of variant Novel/Reported Segregation analysis
presentation the diagnosis variant

MPS 6 DD Elevated
GAG’s > 30 mg/mM
GD 4 O Beta glucosidase Homozygous mutations Pathogenic Reported The 2 patients with
enzyme assay: lev- in GBA:c.1448 T>C; (ClinVar) variant c.1184C>T
els < 2 nmol/ml/h (p.Leu483Pro) & were siblings
c.1184C>T;(p.Ser395Phe) in
two patients each
NPD 1 O Sphingomyli- Compound heterozygous patho- Likely pathogenic Reported Not done
nase enzyme genic mutations in SMPD1 (ClinVar)
assay < 0.8 nmol/ gene:
ml/h c.1783_1784delCT;1804C>T;
Indian Journal of Pediatrics (February 2022) 89(2):184–191

Sandhoff 1 N Beta hexosaminidase Homozygous variants (VOUS) VOUS Novel variant Not done
(A + B) enzyme in HEXB gene:c.T1081C;(p.
assay < 900 nmol/h/ Trp361Arg)
Tay–Sachs 1 N Beta hexosamini-
dase A enzyme
assay < 60 nmol/h/
II. Organic
PA 3 E Urine organic acids
- elevated 3-OH
propionic acid,
propionyl glycine,
tiglylgycline, methyl
citric acid
MS/MS - elevated C3
MMA 2 E Urine organic acids
- elevated methyl
malonic acid along
with 3 OH propionic
acid and methyl
citric acid
MS/MS - elevated C3
Table 1  (continued)

Category Number Predominant Test which confirmed Genetic variations identified Type of variant Novel/Reported Segregation analysis
presentation the diagnosis variant

GA 1 2 E-1, N-1 Urine organic acids

- elevated glutamic
acid, glutaconic
acid, 3-OH glutamic
MS/MS - elevated
3HMG CoA lyase 1 E Urine organic acids -
elevated 3 methyl
glutaconic acid,
methyl glutaric
acid, 3 OH 3 methyl
glutaric acid
MS/MS - elevated
C5OH acylcarnitine
and C6DC acylcar-
III. Mitochondrial
Complex 1 defi- 2 N Case 1: Case 1: Compound het- Case 1: Likely Case 1: Case 1:
ciency Case 1: Mitochon- 1. Exome sequencing erozygous mutations in pathogenic 1st variant reported Parents were asympto-
drial complex 2. Respiratory chain NDUFV1 gene: c.1129G>G/ Case 2: VOUS in literature (Calvo matic carriers
1 deficiency enzyme assay on A;c.1156C>C/T SE et al. Nat Genet. Not tested
OMIM#252010 muscle biopsy of (p.Glu377Lys);(p.Arg386Cys) 2010;42:851–8);
Case 2: Mitochon- complex 1 < 30% Case 2: Homozygous muta- 2nd variant reported
drial complex 1 tions in NDUFA10 gene: in ClinVar
deficiency nuclear c.466G>A;(p.Gly156Ser) Case 2: Novel
type 22 OMIM#
ECHS1D 1 N Exome sequencing Compound heterozygous muta- VOUS Novel Not done
tions (VOUS) in ECHS gene:
1. Missense variation in exon 2;
2. frameshift and prema-
ture truncation exon 2;
Indian Journal of Pediatrics (February 2022) 89(2):184–191
Table 1  (continued)
Category Number Predominant Test which confirmed Genetic variations identified Type of variant Novel/Reported Segregation analysis
presentation the diagnosis variant
Leigh disease 1 N Exome sequencing Homozygous pathogenic Pathogenic Reported (Lee IC, Not done
mutations in SURF 1 gene: et al. Hum Mutat.
c.[833 + 1G>A](5’splice site) 2012;33:1192– 200)
PDH deficiency 1 N Exome sequencing Heterozygous mutation in Likely pathogenic Novel Not done
PDHA1 gene: c.380G>C;
(p.Gly127Ala). Confirmed on
Sanger sequencing
Citrullinemia 3 E Plasma amino acids In all 3 cases same homozygous Pathogenic/Likely Reported (ClinVar) Case 1 & 2: Both par-
showing elevation variants in ASS1 gene: pathogenic ents were carriers
of citrulline > 1000 c.1168G>A;(p.Gly390Arg) Case 3: Not done
Argininemia 1 N Plasma amino acids -
Indian Journal of Pediatrics (February 2022) 89(2):184–191

plasma arginine > 3

times upper limit of
V. Carbohydrate
metabolism defects
Galactosemia 1 E Galactose - 1 Homozygous pathogenic Pathogenic Reported (ClinVar) Not done
phosphate uridyl variants in GALT gene: c.563
transferse (GALT) A>G;(p.Gln188Arg)
enzyme assay
GSD 3 1 O Exome sequencing Homozygous variants in AGL Likely pathogenic Novel. But dif- Not done
gene: c.4544G>T ferent missense
(p.Cys1515Phe) mutation involv-
ing same codon
p.Cys1515Arg has
been reported
FBP1 deficiency 1 E Elevated glycerol,
ketones, and lactic
acid metabolites on
urine organic acids
UGP2 deficiency 1 DD/S Exome sequencing Homozygous variants in UGP2 VOUS Reported (Per- Parents were carriers
gene: c.34A>G;(p.Met12Val) enthaler E, et al.
Acta Neuropathol.
Table 1  (continued)

Category Number Predominant Test which confirmed Genetic variations identified Type of variant Novel/Reported Segregation analysis
presentation the diagnosis variant
VI. Aminoacidopathies
PKU 3 DD Serum amino
acids phenylala-
nine > 120 nmol/ml
with Phe/Tyr > 3
Hyperprolinemia 1 DD Serum amino acids -
proline levels 599
umol/L (normal
- 51–270 umol/L),
urine organic acids
normal, serum
lactate normal
VII. CCD 3 DD/S MR spectroscopy 1. Homozygous vari- Case 1: Likely Case 1 & 2: Novel Not done
showing absent ants in GAMT gene: pathogenic
creatine peak c.265_267ATC;(p.Ile89del) Case 2: pathogenic
2. Homozygous variants in
SLC6A8 gene:c.516 T>A
VIII. Neurotransmitter
deficiency disorder
SSADH deficiency 2 DD Urine organic acids- Both patients had homozy- Pathogenic Novel Patients were brothers
high 4 OH butyric gous 16 base pair inser- (Sanger sequencing
acid tion in ALDH5A1 gene: done)
Dopa responsive 1 DD Exome sequencing Homozygous pathogenic Pathogenic Reported (van den Parents were carriers
dystonia variants in TH gene: Heuvel LP, et al.
c.698G>A;(p.Arg233His) Hum Genet.
VLCAD 1 E MS/MS show- Homozygous variants in Likely pathogenic
ing elevated ACDAVL gene: c.1426C>T;(p.
C14 = 11.5uM (Nor- Arg476Ter)
mal: 0.04 – 0.8uM),
C14: 1 = 13.97 uM
(normal: 0.01–0.52
uM), C16:1 = 2.3
(normal 0.02– 0.85
uM) acylcarnitines
Indian Journal of Pediatrics (February 2022) 89(2):184–191
Table 1  (continued)
Category Number Predominant Test which confirmed Genetic variations identified Type of variant Novel/Reported Segregation analysis
presentation the diagnosis variant

CPT-1 deficiency 1 E MS/MS C0 = 210

uM (normal 9–65,
C16 = 0.1 uM (nor-
mal 0.34 – 10.35
uM), C18 = 0.17
uM (normal 0.21
– 2.03 uM); C0/
C16 + C18 = 777
(normal < 30)
X. Vitamins, cofactors
& metals-related
Biotinidase 1 DD Biotinidase enzyme
Indian Journal of Pediatrics (February 2022) 89(2):184–191

MoCo deficiency 1 E Elevated plasma and Child died before she could be VOUS Reported (Hannah- Both parents were
urine sulphocysteine tested Shmouni F, et al. heterozygous
Mol Genet Metab carriers of same
Rep. 2018;18:11– variant in MOCS2
3) gene:c.*146G>A
MTHFR deficiency 1 DD/S Elevated serum homo- Compound heterozygous for Likely pathogenic Both variants Father variant-
cysteine MTFHR gene: c.1130G>G/A; reported in ClinVar c.1130G>G/A
c.1072C>C/T (Lossos A, et al. Mother variant-
(p.Arg377His); JAMA Neurol. c.1072C>C/T
(p.Arg358Ter) 2014;71:901–4;
Massadeh S, et al.
Front Neurol.
Menkes disease 1 E Low serum copper
and serum cerulo-

3HMG CoA deficiency 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA lyase deficiency; CCD Cerebral creatine deficiency; CPT-1 Carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1 deficiency; DD Developmental delay; DD/S
Developmental delay/seizures; E Encephalopathy; ECHS1D Mitochondrial short chain enoyl CoA hydratase deficiency; FAOD Fatty acid oxidation defects; FBP1D Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase
deficiency; GA1 Glutaric acuduria type 1; GD Gaucher disease; GSD3 Glycogenstorage disorder type III; LSD Lysosomal storage disorder; MMA Methylmalonic academia; MoCoD Molybde-
num cofactor deficiency; MPS Mucopolysaccharidosis; MS/MS Tandem mass spectrometry; MTHFR Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase; N Neuroregression; NPD Niemann–Pick disorder;
O Organomegaly; OA Organic aciduria; PA Propionic academia; PKU Phenylketonuria; SSADH Succincyl semialdehyde dehydrogenase deficiency; UCD Urea cycledisorders; UGP2D UDP-
glucose pyrophosphorylase deficiency; VLCAD Very-long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenasedeficiency; VOUS Variant of uncertain significance
190 Indian Journal of Pediatrics (February 2022) 89(2):184–191

followed by organic acidurias 8 (16%), mitochondrial dis- highlights the growing role of exome sequencing in the
orders 5 (10%), urea cycle disorders, carbohydrate metabo- diagnosis of IEMs and a need to collate Indian data.
lism disorders and aminoacidopathies 4 (8% each), fatty
acid oxidation defects and neurotransmitter deficiency
disorders 3 (6% each), and miscellaneous (8%) (Table 1).
The predominant presentations were neurological with Conclusions
developmental delay/seizures in 19 (38%), acute encepha-
lopathy in 16 (32%), neuroregression in 9 (18%), and orga- In a resource-limited setting, the present analysis suggests
nomegaly in 6 (12%). Symmetrical basal ganglia lesions that it would be useful to first look at acylcarnitine profiles
on magnetic resonance imaging of the brain were seen and urine organic acids in children with acute encephalopa-
in 17 of the 22 patients in whom it was done. It is useful thy; specific enzyme assay should be carried out in patients
for pattern recognition especially in children with neu- presenting with organomegaly and exome sequencing in
roregression or encephalopathy. In 25 children (50%), a children with neuroregression as well as when metabolic
genetic variation was identified (Table 1). tests and enzyme assays are nondiagnostic, and in genetically
Acylcarnitine profile in blood and urine organic acids heterogeneous phenotypes such as developmental delay, sei-
was diagnostic in 10/16 (62.5%) children with IEM who zure, and movement disorders. However, biochemical tests
presented with acute encephalopathy. Specific enzyme remain important as they can help to reclassify genetic vari-
assay was diagnostic in 5/6 (83.3%) children presenting ants of uncertain significance. Since this is a retrospective
with organomegaly. Genetic testing was diagnostic in study from a single center with its inherent referral bias, it is
55.5% of patients with neuroregression. However, chil- not an accurate reflection of the actual prevalence of various
dren who presented with developmental delay with or inborn errors of metabolism but identifies some common
without seizures needed the whole gamut of biochemical, categories of IEMs seen in central India.
radiological, and genetic testing to confirm the diagnosis.
Acknowledgements The authors thank the patients and residents of
Twenty-four children could be medically treated. Overall, the Department of Pediatrics, Choithram Hospital & Research Center,
12 were lost to follow-up, 14 died, and 24 were alive at Indore.
last follow-up.
Authors' Contributions GRP contributed to the planning, data collec-
tion, analysis and writing of the manuscript; AW contributed to data
collection; SPJ contributed to data collection and critical appraisal.
GRP will act as the guarantor for this paper.

The spectrum of various IEMs diagnosed in 50 children Declarations

from a single center in central India is presented. Of these,
45 were potentially treatable disorders. In the present Conflict of Interest None.
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