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HR Top Priorities

2024 Guide
Breaking down HR’s top priorities in 2024
Redefining culture, connection and the Today’s HR professionals have a lot on
future of work their plate
To say it’s been a rollercoaster few years in people Whatever you call it, HR has a wide remit in a dynamic
management would be an understatement. Although landscape. Today’s function is an evolved,
things aren’t back to ‘normal’, we have entered a kind of multidisciplinary advisor to all. As we try to map where
normalization phase. Workers and managers are this evolution will end up, we first need to clarify HR
collectively figuring out what the future will look like. priorities for the coming year. Otherwise, there’s a real risk
Leading the way into that bright, bold, weird and of job creep, missed opportunities and misalignment.
wonderful future will be Human Resources – also known
as HR, People Operations, People and Culture, Human
Capital, Employee Experience Architect and countless
other names. Three themes for 2024
We see HR’s priorities grouped into 3 themes. Each theme
covers 3 priorities with an extensive list of sub-priorities
that rise and fall in the pecking order depending on the

We work closely with HR departments to provide the data,

insights and tools needed to manage people with
confidence. This gives us rare insight into the challenges
teams are facing now, and the obstacles they’re preparing
People and
Transforming, Culture as a to face in the future.

not transitioning force for good

Theme 1 Theme 2 We don’t assume that every organizational leader will see
themselves reflected in every priority; however, we
encourage you to reflect on how your organization can
adapt for what’s to come.
Empowering and
Theme 3

HR Top Priorities 2024 Guide 1

Theme 1
Transforming, not

Evolving the HR operating model What you can do to prepare

Over the next 12 months, organizational development, Define a strategic vision for HR
organizational design, HR strategy and change HR needs to evolve from process-driven to people-
management will consolidate into a strategic advisory focused. A strategic roadmap will help you define your
function focused on informing and enabling purpose and contribution in the new world of work. You
organizational transformation. can use these definitions to establish priorities, set goals
and communicate more effectively.
HR is hardly recognizable from a few years ago. Whether
it was the world changing, the workplace evolving, or a Assess your analytics
worldwide pandemic, the scope of HR has fundamentally If you’re not already being asked to prove HR’s
effectiveness with data, the call is coming soon. Now is
A recent Sage poll revealed that 91% of HR leaders and the time to evaluate your reporting, data pipeline and KPIs
96% of C-suite execs (n=1,000+) say the department’s role to find opportunities where data can add value.
has fundamentally changed. And yet only 32% and 41% Set boundaries
(respectively) say the change will continue. Based on
All these new initiatives expose HR to a very real risk of
evidence from the departments orbiting HR, we think
job creep. Use your strategic vision and KPIs to establish
that’s an underestimation.

and communicate clear boundaries. Organizational

Going into 2024, Gartner’s research shows CEOs’ and priorities – not the loudest voice – will determine what
CFOs’ visions align on three priorities: growth, technology you focus on and what you leave behind in 2024.
and talent.

Growth Technology Talent

With C-suites under pressure to show The future will likely see you managing A global talent shortage, an increasingly
profitable growth, there’s an increasing people and machines as technology mobile recruiting pool and new
need for HR to deliver meaningful, impacts everyone from legal to employee expectations mean HR needs
measurable ROI. marketing to IT to operations (and HR). to think differently to attract and retain
the best people.

HR Top Priorities 2024 Guide 2

Redefining culture and connection
When Gartner surveyed 500 HR leaders in 40
Maintaining and strengthening organizational countries,
culture requires new strategies and approaches
in an increasingly hybrid world. One outcome of
the transformation will be “HR” titles
41% 47%
41% said hybrid work Nearly 1 in 2 (47%) didn’t know
disappearing, with “People and Culture” compromised employees’ how to affect change to
language taking their place. connection to culture. achieve the desired culture.

Cultivating shared values can be challenging when

HR will play a critical role in aligning and connecting
employees aren’t in the same physical space every day.
employees to company culture in 2024.
Culture starts to feel forced. Even 100%-on-site
organizations can’t ignore how values around work, In light of this evolved function, “Human Resources”
culture and community have changed in recent years. suddenly seems too bogged down in process and
Many of these changes will come to a head in 2024. HR compliance. “People and Culture” gets closer to
will be tasked with bringing the two sides together. describing what you do – at least it names your two focus

HR is a thing of the past. From here on out, it’s

all about People and Culture.

Human Resources People and Culture

Creates policies and Works with the team to

procedures co-create guidelines

Supports leadership Leads strategic projects


Hires the best candidate Recruits people who will

for open positions contribute to long-term
organizational growth

Ensures the organization Proactively analyzes and

meets compliance improves the employee
requirements experience

Manages Leads

Implements disciplinary Works with employees to

action understand challenges

Encourages employees to Encourages employees to

participate in a defined contribute to a living
company culture company culture

Focus: Administrative and Focus: Creating an

operational excellence. environment where
people are aligned to the
mission, vision and

HR Top Priorities 2024 Guide 3

People and Culture can thrive Wielding tech to its full potential
in a hybrid environment B oth within the evolved People and Culture
remit and throughout the organization, AI is the
biggest opportunity in 2024. We’re past the
Define and articulate the culture essentials point of early adoption. But there’s still time to
Work with leadership to clearly define the organization’s
catch up.
core values, mission and vision. Remember that company Technology plays a pivotal role in streamlining processes,
culture is a living thing; you can only guide it. improving employee experiences and informing decision-
making. Artificial intelligence (AI) represents the biggest
opportunity for organizations to achieve step-change
growth rather than incremental improvements.

Co-design your company’s hybrid work policy UX researchers Nielsen/Norman Group tested the impact
The policy should include guidelines for communication of generative AI like ChatGPT on productivity. Their
and collaboration, so everyone understands expectations results were surprising, even for tech nerds like us.
around behavior and attitudes.

Call center agents could handle

Support managers to build and maintain a positive team 13.8% more inquiries per hour
Many managers still need convincing on the potential of
hybrid work. Your role is not to enforce compliance but to
help managers regain peace of mind and communicate Professionals could write
with their team.
59% more business documents

per hour
Provide opportunities to contribute to culture
Create feedback mechanisms where employees can
share their thoughts and concerns about culture and Programmers could code
connection. You can use this feedback to recommend 126% more projects per week

Measure cultural KPIs

Culture isn’t intangible. There are plenty of performance
metrics related to culture and connection, such as
absenteeism, turnover, schedule adherence, productivity
and employee engagement. They’re all measurable with
the right technology.

H R Top Priorities 2024 Guide 4

B ut we’re encouraging you to ask a simple question that opens a lot of doors:
W hat else can AI do for business?

M anagement M arketing eCommerce

O nline customer support Automated emails D ynamic pricing
Process optimization Personalized Better search filtering
Task automation Personalized product
Behavior trends and recommendations
E mail spam filtering anomalies
Abandoned cart emails
Automated data insights O ptimized ad bidding
Purchase predictions
Sales and financial Customer segmentation
forecasting Fraud detection and
Lead nurturing prevention
B2B account identification
Analyzing social media Chatbots
Document creation sentiment
Content creation and
Content creation branding

Generating text and images is only a 2 Defining the rules of engagement

small slice of AI’s potential. We believe People and Culture leaders will be
charged with establishing safeguards for safe and
The heavy lifting happens behind the scenes in data
effective technology use in 2024. This means
processing and task automation. We believe this is the
getting up to speed through training, reading up on
real productivity opportunity, both within People and
regulations and best practices, and reaching out to
Culture tech (HR tech) and “WorkTech” more broadly. 

technology vendors for advice.

But tech must be treated with tact. Underutilization is
common when businesses rush to get the latest toys with 3 People and Culture tech
no game plan. And there are reputational risks for More than 1 in 2 People and Culture leaders – 56% –
organizations that misunderstand AI’s purpose and say their tech solutions and strategies are already
limitations. outdated. If you’re going into 2024 with dreams of
digital transformation, choose tools that
1 Training and education
Facilitate employee feedback, recognition and
People and Culture must proactively build capability
among employees to use tech to its full potential. 

Automate admin tasks so you have more time to

This includes training on using technology in daily interact with peopl
tasks, collaborating with others, accessing Contribute to, and prove your contribution to,
resources and quality-checking output from organizational goal
generative AI tools. Integrate with other team’s systems, giving you
access to performance metrics

HR Top Priorities 2024 Guide 5

Should “People and Culture” become The researchers note: “In addition, we show that AI
“People, Culture and Machines”? assistance improves customer sentiment, reduces
requests for managerial intervention, and improves
As the lines between human creativity and technological employee retention.”

capability blur, some workers are worried tech could The key takeaway for People and Culture leaders is that
replace part or all of their function. This is a thorny when employees understand the tools at their disposal
problem with deep roots. and use them responsibly, they are more productive,
engaged, and satisfied in their roles.

Harvard Business School professor and AI expert Karim

14% productivity increase
Lakhani summed it up perfectly when speaking to HBR.
Stanford and MIT analyzed 5,000+ customer
support agents using generative AI and noted a 14%
productivity increase (like the Nielsen/Norman
study). AI is not going to replace humans,
but humans with AI are going to
replace humans without AI.
The researchers observed the biggest benefits at the low
end of ability as AI disseminated information down the
experience curve.

HR Top Priorities 2024 Guide 6

Theme 2
People and Culture
as a force for good

Targeted action on DEI

Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) efforts need to go Companies with DEI teams tend
well beyond compliance with anti-discrimination laws. to have more diverse new hires,
People and Culture leaders must build a system that and higher employee satisfaction.

includes, empowers and respects all individuals. It needs

to be authentic. And it needs to happen now. - Revelio Labs
In 2022, big companies including Meta, Amazon, Twitter
(as it was), Lyft and Stripe shrank their head count by Don’t let your people down by dropping the ball
double-digit percentages. The layoffs disproportionately on DEI
affected People and Culture teams, particularly those
working with diversity and inclusion.
An overwhelming 80% of employees expect their CEO to
take a public stand against discrimination, according to
Revelio Labs, The Washington Post and Reuters analyzed the 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer. Discrimination is the
2 years of layoff data from 600 companies. They found third-most expected priority behind employee treatment
that not only were DEI roles more likely to be cut, but the and climate change, ahead of the wealth gap and
attrition rate is accelerating.
immigration issues.

Not surprisingly, bad things happen to employee As an advisor to the C-suite on all things, well, people and
engagement and satisfaction when a business turns its culture, you are both the architect and builder of a system
back on DEI. for advancing DEI in your organization. In 2024, People
and Culture leaders will reinvent their DEI policies, push
back against resistance, and give employees
44% 42% opportunities to contribute to a culture that values every
44% of employees agree 42% feel their organizations’ individual.
colleagues feel alienated by DEI efforts are divisive
their organization’s DEI efforts

HR Top Priorities 2024 Guide 7

Framework for systemic DEI
Even with the best intentions, ad-hoc DEI activities come across as inauthentic. In 2024, People and Culture leaders will
be working to systematize DEI by building on an unquestionable foundation of authenticity.






Equitable practices Organizational voice Informed action

Pay equity Clear communication on DEI Skills-based hiring
Equal access to education Exploring alternative talent
Proof points pools
Data-driven (unbiased) hiring
Employee advocacy Accessible work schedules
Inclusive benefits
Transparency around DEI Measuring and reporting DEI
Analyze promotions and results metrics
Authenticity, not visibility
Conduct an equity audit
Opportunities for employee

HR Top Priorities 2024 Guide 8

Productivity, profit and purpose Productivity is complex. When people work harder, output
rises, and profits increase. That’s the idea, anyway. But in
Aligning an employee’s work to the organization’s reality, there are uncountable factors contributing to
mission and values, removing productivity barriers, and productivity. Many of them reside in individual employees’
fostering a productivity culture go a long way to attitudes, abilities and environment.

encouraging people to give their best efforts. Data-

driven, mission-oriented productivity is going to make a As People and Culture leaders evolve into strategic
big difference in 2024. advisors, there will be a lot of pressure to prove and
improve productivity.

The productivity paradox

OECD data paints a pretty grim picture of labor CEOs should initiate a purpose-led
productivity worldwide. Their data shows that strategic reset to capitalize on the
productivity, counted in GDP per hour worked, has more or upcoming economic rebound.
less stagnated since 2015. Zooming in on individual
productivity, the picture is entirely different. Gallup’s latest
State of the Workplace poll shows that a record-high 44%
of employees are stressed on a daily basis. We’re burnt
While sector-specific issues vary, a
out. Overworked. Disengaged and disaffected after years
of challenges – at least, that’s how it feels. 

purpose-led growth strategy can

address critical issues of trust, trade,
While national productivity is stagnating, individuals feel technology and sustainability while
they’re working harder than ever. What’s going on?
putting people at the center of every
Rather than being contradictory, these situations are decision.
directly linked. EY looked into the topic in 2021 and found:
“Geopolitical tensions – and the uncertainty they create –
put pressure on CEOs and their leadership teams to This puts People and Culture leaders in an interesting
constantly re-evaluate supply chains, talent decisions and position. Pressure to boost productivity will only increase,
approaches to building enterprise resilience.”
and it’s up to you to ensure employees don’t become the
victim of a ruthless growth-at-any-cost mindset.
This pressure is undoubtedly handed on to managers in
the form of higher expectations, and managers in turn
demand more from employees. In other words, big-picture
stress becomes individual stress by osmosis. 

The solution, in EY’s words, is purpose-led growth.

HR Top Priorities 2024 Guide 9

How’s your balance?
2024 will see People and Culture leaders balancing
productivity and profit demands with employee well-
being. You’ll need access to reliable workday data and a
people-first mindset to be effective as the translator
between business goals and individual outcomes.

Demand Action Outcome

Remove productivity barriers to

streamline processes
Benchmark individuals and teams
Track productivity trends
Higher employee productivity Analyze productivity data Eliminate distracting and
unproductive behavior
Gain insight into coaching needs
Empower employees to self-
manage and self-improve

Values alignment
Employees feel a sense of
Connect employee KPIs to purpose
organizational growth targets Collaboration between and within
Removing knowledge silos

Enthusiasm to contribute ideas

More value-adding innovation Recognize and reward innovators Opportunities for employees to
break the daily grind

Employees feel valued

Less hesitation to speak up on
Create feedback and input management and organizational
opportunities issues
Decisions driven by people, not

Less turnover
Recognize high performers and Lower hiring costs
support struggling employees Higher employee engagement
Greater customer satisfaction
Lower staff costs Less absenteeism
Lower medical costs
Monitor employee well-being signals More sympathy among managers
Better resourcing decision-making
Better customer service

HR Top Priorities 2024 Guide 10

Sustaining sustainability initiatives Environmental, social and governance (ESG) initiatives
are part of purpose-driven growth. People and Culture’s
Sustainability will become even more important in 2024, role in ESG varies, but we’re increasingly seeing greater
both socially and operationally. People and Culture attention going to proving and improving sustainability
leaders must actively promote, monitor and report outcomes.

sustainability initiatives if organizations hope to meet

ESG targets.

Your role in sustainability initiatives spans policy, people and program delivery

Policy People Programs

Governments and regulators in the IBM surveyed 16,000 people and From managing office utilities to
EU, UK and US are rolling out found that two-thirds were more ensuring employees aren’t subjected
sustainability disclosure guidelines likely to apply for and accept jobs to climate-related risks, People and
that affect private companies. from companies that demonstrated Culture’s remit in delivering
Whether your remit includes the environmental sustainability. If your sustainability programs is wide.
entire ESG report or assisting the organization wants to attract and While it may not be up to you to
Chief Sustainability Officer with retain good people, sustainability design the programs, sustainability
disclosure, there will be a steep must become part of everyone’s results are increasingly part of the
learning curve in the coming years. every day. People and Culture scorecard.

HR Top Priorities 2024 Guide 11

Theme 3
Empowering and
engaging employees

Mending manager-employee Managers are missing something

relationships One of the main challenges in modern workplaces is that
managers need more guidance in their adapted roles.
Managers are struggling. Employees are stressed. People According to Gallup, more than half (57%) of hybrid
and Culture must become a mediator and facilitator, managers received no training in handling the hybrid
helping to bridge widening trust gaps for the good of the environment. Although (spoiler) training isn’t necessarily
entire organization. In a world of never-ending change, it’s the answer, there’s a lot of middle ground between “no
not going to be easy.
training of any kind” and “mandated coaching”.
There’s a big problem brewing. Employees are losing faith More training isn’t the only answer
in managers, and managers are losing their grip on ever-
Three-quarters of People and Culture leaders feel
expanding roles.

managers in their organizations are overwhelmed.

While trust is teetering over the edge of a deep crevice, Guidance on managing a changed workforce can help,
18% of employees are actively disengaged, and a further but it won’t solve the problem. You need to facilitate
59% are on the way to checking out. Trust and deeper change.
engagement are linked. This is where you come in.

Managers are burning out… …and it’s damaging their reputation

54% 51% 1 in 2 21%

54% of managers are suffering An average manager has 51% Only 1 in 2 employees is 21% of US employees trust their
from work-induced stress more responsibilities than they confident in their manager’s organization’s leadership
can effectively manage ability to lead their team to be
successful in the next two years

HR Top Priorities 2024 Guide 12

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

(Re)set Self- Build good Fewer

expectations determination habits steps

How it helps How it helps How it helps How it helps

Managers are 1.4x Autonomy (and the Establishing Freeing up time to

more likely to thrive opportunity to bow sustainable habits manage (instead of

after resetting out) increases the improves job work) has the same

expectations. likelihood of manageability by up benefit as re-scoping

success by 2.3x. to 71%. roles.

Your role Your role Your role Your role

Re-scope the Management isn’t Help people Work with managers

manager’s role to for everyone. Let managers to reflect to remove barriers

align their strengths managers learn on, analyze and and simplify

with organizational whether this is the adapt their habits. processes.

goals. right move.

5 bridge-building initiatives you can use

in 2024 3 Develop a roadmap

Your guidance will help managers and employees

1 Get both sides of the story improve communication. Set milestones, check in,

It’s important to understand both perspectives and give each a role in mending the relationship.

before advising any action, whether through

mediation and conflict resolution, or informally via 4 Establish feedback systems

an open-door policy. Employees need to be comfortable giving feedback,

and managers need to be comfortable feeding back

2 Identify the root cause to you. How this works depends on the individuals,

Use data, insight and experience to trace trust gaps but communication is non-negotiable.

to the source. It’s often the case that

misunderstandings arise from a culture of opaque 5 Monitor outcomes

management – but workday data doesn’t lie. Workday data will tell you whether your initiatives

are working. Monitor signals like absenteeism,

schedule adherence and productivity to gauge

employee-manager relationships.

HR Top Priorities 2024 Guide 13

Overhauling the employer brand Employees now seek out organizations and roles that
align with their personal values and offer a clear sense of
Positive workplace culture is about more than air hockey purpose. Which makes this next stat concerning: in
tables and corporate retreats. Organizations attracting August 2023, only 33% of employees (in the US) felt
and retaining the best people in 2024 will have systems connected to their company’s purpose. Connection is at
to connect employees to each other and embed a sense all-time low levels, and we’re seeing the outcome in the
of purpose beyond the job title.
Great Resignation and the proliferation of quiet quitting.
Employer branding is a combination of culture and
promotion. Candidates see straight through an
inauthentic brand, but that doesn’t mean you can’t boast
(within reason) about great experiences.

What employees expect How you can prove you have it

Demonstrate work-life balance through workday data

A good work-life balance Work with managers to nip burnout in the bud
Implement well-being programs

Design, champion and communicate flexible work

Flexible work arrangements Widen the recruitment pool to find the best people
Use workday data to facilitate and demonstrate non-
traditional schedules

Establish salary KPIs and review processes

Offer equitable benefits
Competitive compensation and benefits
Promote, or ideally codify, learning and development

Discuss progression pathways with candidates

Share ‘success stories’
Opportunities for growth and development
Set clear KPIs for new employees
Track turnover and retention data

Document DEI initiatives
A supportive and inclusive work environment
Measure employee engagement metrics
Establish lines for feedback

Measure DEI outcomes, ideally in a transparent

A company that is committed to social Educate managers on the importance of mental
responsibility and sustainability health and well-being
Guide leaders on the tangible benefits of
sustainability action

HR Top Priorities 2024 Guide 14

Burnout is kryptonite for employer Bringing burnout under control is your first and most
branding effective priority for building a standout employer brand in
2024. Before attracting top talent, the groundwork needs
If you thought manager burnout was bad, employee to be in place for current employees – including
burnout is worse. Estimates range from 25% to 75% of managers – to thrive.
employees experiencing burnout.

Steps you can take to douse burnout in

Analyze workday data to identify burnout 5 estigmatize mental health conversations
1 D

risk factors It might take time for employees to feel comfortable

Signs include unscheduled weekend work, overtime talking about mental health or seeking support
hours, absenteeism and frequent distractions. through E Ps.

2 Help managers promote work-life balance 6 I ntroduce e ible work arrangements

fl x

Using your new understanding, help managers to Test the waters with remote work or asynchronous
intervene when the early signs of burnout appear. scheduling. onitor the results and use data to

design a proper policy.

3 Empower employees to self-manage
Giving employees tools to manage their workloads
helps establish agency, which boosts engagement Key takeaway
and reduces burnout risk.
Building an authentic and enticing employer
brand that meets evolving employee
4 Provide mental health support expectations requires a coordinated effort
This could involve employee assistance programs between People and ulture, leadership and

(E Ps , mental health resources and stress

A ) employees. It starts with taking a
management programs. potentially uncomfortable look in the mirror.
But it s worth it.

HR Top Priorities 2024 Guide 15

The future of work Effective planning comes down to how you define “future”
in “future of work”. If it refers to some far-off time when
When People and Culture leaders plan for the future of everyone works from everywhere, using AI for everything,
work, they don’t just look at big-picture trends. They also the challenges brewing today will catch you off guard.
analyze nitty-gritty details, prepare for the awkward Let’s pull the focus back to a future that’s within reach.

growth stage, and plant seeds that may not flower for a

Planning for the future of work, today

Connecting with current Anticipating talent needs Training and development

challenges It might be hard to think about talent You can’t pin all your hopes on new
Effective workforce planning begins requirements 3-5 years ahead when hires. But you can train the eager
with breaking down current you’re struggling to find the right people already on your team to fill
organizational challenges to rebuild people today. But, short-sighted capability gaps.
a pathway to success. hiring leads to short employee Follow the first 3 steps above
Consult with all levels of the turnover cycles. Strategic People
Build a business case for targeted
organization to understand current and Culture leaders hire for cultural training
fit and future contributions. Work with managers and employees to
Audit processes and systems to remove design development pathways
barriers Analyze skills shortages against Set up regular check-ins to assess
Consider how culture affects operations organizational goals progress
Set meaningful, ambitious targets that Collect organizational data to Monitor data to adjust course as needed
are achievable in 2024 understand current gaps

Measurement your progress Look for latent capacity in existing

Establish criteria for new hires that go
beyond skills and experience

Remember: Working from home is just However, when we zoom out, remote working
working opportunities are one star in a constellation of
disillusionment. Ultimately, engagement matters more
than where people work. Gallup’s latest data shows that
63% would choose better work-life balance

over better pay engagement influences stress levels 3.8x more than work
location. Although people are asking for remote working
65% 32% 3% opportunities, the louder cry is for guidance.
Remote working Hybrid Office

65% would prefer 100% remote working, and 32% would prefer
hybrid, 3% would prefer to be in the office full-time 81% 31%
employees say it’s important but only 31% have ever
for managers to help with received clear guidance in one-
setting priorities... on-ones
Despite hybrid and remote work’s demonstrated success,
managers still struggle to trust that people are productive 74% 80%
when they’re out of direct eyesight. But, like it or not, managers say they need more managers say they’d personally
guidance from top-level leaders benefit if leaders were clearer
people want more flexibility. to prioritize their own workload about organizational priorities

Gallup put it a little more bluntly in October 2023,

publishing an article titled “The Future of the Office Has When so many companies are bogged down in the
Arrived: It’s Hybrid”. conversation about where and how people will work in
2024, visionary People and Culture leaders are living in
2034 having conversations about why people work.

HR Top Priorities 2024 Guide 16

Bringing it all together

Goals and game plans for a productive Secondly, hybrid work might only be a priority for some

organizations. For some, it’s an outcome of cultivating an

employer brand. For others, it’s old news as they
You might have noticed three sections missing from this
transition to 100% remote and asynchronous work in
breakdown of People and Culture priorities:
2024. All the other priorities still apply wherever your

Employee engagement organization is on the spectrum of fully on-site to fully


Hybrid work

Hiring and retention And finally, hiring and retaining the best people is a

priority for People and Culture in 2024. Just as it was in

There are good reasons for each.

2023, 2022, 1992 and 1902. Yes, the talent pool is

Firstly, employee engagement sits above, beneath and unfamiliar. Yes, employee demands have evolved. Yes,

between everything People and Culture leaders do. hiring is more difficult in a global shortage of good

Instead of focusing specifically on engagement, we people. But if you cultivate a thriving culture, offer wise

suggest it’s more effective as a long-term goal. Your north strategic advice, build a rock-solid employer brand and

star. Engagement isn’t something you can achieve, but it implement data-driven strategies, then hiring, training and

is something you can influence through measurable retaining top-performing people will be a slam dunk.

objectives like reducing turnover, easing manager stress

and rolling out DEI initiatives.

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