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Importance of the Study

Rose (Rosa rubiginosa L.) from the Rosaceae family of plants, the most

significant horticultural family in the world. The most widely used garden and

cut flower producing plant in the world. For the florist business to produce both

cut flowers and specimens for vases, roses are grown in greenhouses.

Garden roses come in a variety of shapes, including hybrid teas, shrubs, and

polyanthas, and they exhibit a broad variety of flower colours and forms,

making them useful for a wide range of landscape applications (Waliczek et.


On occasion, flowers were sold to help with the particular needs of

individuals. With the passage of time, significant changes in the way of life of

persons who are responsible for commercialized flower farming. Plants that

produce flowers are no longer restricted to window gardens, however, are

crucial to the interior design of residential and commercial spaces (Sudhagar

& Phil,2013).

Unfortunately, because to their poor water intake, water loss after

cutting, low energy supply, and ethylene vulnerability, freshly plucked flowers

have a short vase life (Gun et al., 2023, Scariot et al., 2014).

Preservation technology is an important means to delay the aging of

flowers and keep their good ornamental effect. Chemical preservation

technology has been widely used and popular because of its low cost,

convenient operation, and obvious fresh-keeping effects on flowers (Zhao et.


Sugar's primary function in food is to add sweetness, although it also

enhances flavour through participating in Maillard reactions, texture, and food

preservation (Clemens et al., 2016). In the other hand, frequently used

household item baking soda is marketed as an antacid by the producer (Al‐

Abri & Kearney, 2014). In addition, lemon juice contains several micronutrients

that are good for your health, such as phenolic compounds (mostly flavonoids)

and other nutrients including vitamins, minerals, fibre, and essential oils (Lyu, 2022). While, Vinegar is an acidic liquid produced by a two-step

fermentation process in which a microbial consortia, mostly composed of

Saccharomyces cerevisiae and acetic acid bacteria (AAB) (Garcia-Parrilla et

al., 2017).

This study would be beneficial especially to our local farmers and florist

in terms of cost, sources, safety to use, manage postharvest quality and

freshness of cut flower. The findings of this study can serve as basis for future


Objectives of the Study

This study generally aims to evaluate the efficacy of different liquid

solution in the vase life and quality of cut flower rose (Rosa rubiginosa).

Specifically, it aims to:

1. Identify the best liquid solution in maintaining the quality and vase life of


2. Determine the vase life of the cut flower rose, and

3. Evaluate the effect of different liquid solutions to the quality of cut flower


Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The study will be limited to the evaluation of different liquid solution in

the vase life and quality of cut flower rose (Rosa rubiginosa).

Time and Place of the Study

The study will be conducted from March 2024 . The study will be

conducted at Brgy. Dajay, Municipality of Surallah, South Cotabato.




History of Rose

The oil-bearing species of the Rosa genus come from the ancient

evergreen lianas of the Sundarbans in India, which are regarded as "the

pharmacy of the world" since they are the source of more than a quarter of the

medications used in medicine today (Nazarenko et. al., 1983). Currently, there

are over 1000 genotypes of roses known. They are divided and categorised

depending on their botanical traits, including hybrid teas, grand floras,

polyanthus, floribundas, miniatures, climbing, and shrub, but only a small

number of them have the distinctive scent that perfumers desire (Antonelli et.

al., 1997) (Gudin, 2010).

Economic Importance

Commercial floriculture is an economic activity with the ability to create

jobs and generate significant foreign cash. It is both a science and an art.

Floricultural goods are among the most important agricultural exports in a

number of nations throughout the world. Ornamental crop production is one of


the most intriguing and practical possibilities for any nation looking to diversify

its export-oriented agricultural base (Sudhagar & Phil, 2013).

Economic Problems

The postharvest loss is the main issue facing the horticulture industry in

general and the floriculture business in particular. Because of this, crops are

alive for a while but subject to loss and degeneration. It is obvious that such

produce will eventually senescence and/or die if they are not kept (Hussen &

Yassin, 2013).

Vase Life Preservation

One of the biggest issues with cut flowers is their short post-harvest

vase life. An essential quality trait of these commercially crucial cut flowers is

the conservation of vase life. For large-scale applications, an appropriate

approach for vase life extension that uses simple, natural, affordable

ingredients is always essential (Mohammadiju, 2014).


Preservation Processes

As one of the most commonly used chemical preservation

technologies, chemical preservatives are used to control ethylene synthesis

and microbial proliferation, maintain adequate water and respiratory balance

and petal color, thus delaying the senescence of cut flowers and maintaining

their ornamental value (Gómez-Merino et. al.,2020). In addition, after

harvesting, chrysanthemum cut flowers (Dendranthema grandiflora L.) have a

limited vase life, hence measures must be taken to prolong the freshness

period. Soaking in water that contains sugar, regulating the pH, and allowing

bacteria to grow in the soaking solution is the fundamental method for

prolonging the freshness of cut flowers (Laksono & Widyawati, 2020).


The FW was maintained over the whole vase life, sugar concentrations

for stems and leaves in the sucrose solution increased during the first seven

days with just a minor decline in glucose levels throughout senescence. The

FWs of those who were in the solution without sucrose, however, steadily

decreased. The vase solution's sucrose encouraged flower opening and

preserved the water balance of cut Eustoma flowers, in order to sum up. Both

fructose and glucose increased the vase life, probably in comparable ways

(Chuang & Chang, 2013).


Lemon Juice

To preserve white snowball chrysanthemums in their flower vases,

domestic users can use sucrose with lemon juice (100 ppm) as a vase life

prolonging solution without changing the solution (Mehraj, 2013). The

treatment mixtures of lime, sugar, and Listerine; and lemon juice, Sprite, and

bleach produced the orchids with the longest vase life (21.0 days). Therefore,

for optimal results, it is advised to pre-treat cut Epidendrum orchid blooms with

mixes of lemon, Sprite, Ritebrand bleach, and lime, sugar, and Listerine

(Thwala, 2013)


Cut flowers with bases wrapped in regular cotton dampened with

vinegar solution were preferred for flower opening and were also the best at

extending vase life. The rate of wilting was greatest with only a water vase

solution (Kyi et. al.,2013). At intervals of two days, the water absorption of cut

flowers was tested. In all treatments, the first two days had the greatest water

intake. The Z7+Vinegar therapy absorbed more water over the first two days

of water intake than the Z7, Z12, and Z13 treatments (Yelmaz et. al., 2023).

Other related studies of vase life preservation

According to the study of Thwala (2013) This experiment looked at how

different flower preservatives affected how long orchids lasted in vases. Four

options for flower preservatives, including commercial floral preservative

Chrysal and several homegrown floral preservatives: Lime juice, sugar,

Listerine mouthwash, lemon juice, Sprite, and laundry bleach JIK (created

floral preservatives) were also used, as well as vinegar, apple juice, and

laundry bleach JIK. The control was regular tap water. Using a Randomised

Complete Block Design (RCBD), the treatments were organised. With regard

to petal drop (9.8), wilted leaves (8.8), and wilted florets (8.8), Epidendrum

orchid cut flowers treated with the vinegar, apple juice, and JIK mixture had

the worst results after 21 days. The flowers that were treated with lemon juice,

Sprite, and Ritebrand bleach had the fewest wilted leaves (3.8), fallen petals

(4.9), and wilted petals (5.7). lengthiest vase. The treatment mixtures of lime

juice, sugar, and Listerine; and lemon juice, Sprite, and Ritebrand bleach,

increased the life (21.0 days) of orchids.





The materials that will be used in this study are newly harvested mature

cut roses, sugar, lemon juice, vinegar, purified water, plastic container,

measuring cup, fish net, scissor, knife, masking tape, record book, ballpen,

marker and other important materials.


Experimental Design

The experiment will be laid out in a Completely Randomized Design

(CRD) with five (4) treatments applied treatments replicated (4) times. Each

treatment will have three (3) sample cut flowers.


T1 T2 T3 T4

T2 T3 T4 T1

T3 T4 T1 T2

T4 T1 T2 T3

Fig 1: Lay out of the Study in Surallah, South Cotabato. March to April 2024.


There will be four (4) treatments to be used in this study (Table 1)

which to be replicated four (4) times (Figure 1). Treatments will be randomly

assigned by draw lots method without a replacement. The different treatments

will be composed of different liquid solution.

Table 1. The different treatment to be used in this study in Surallah, South

Cotabato. March to April 2024.
Treatments Description

A – Control Distilled water

B 10 grams of sucrose/or sugar dissolved
to 1 liter of water.
D 10 grams of lemon juice dissolved to 1

liter of water.
E 10 grams of vinegar dissolved to 1 liter
of water.

Procurement of cut rose

Freshly harvested cut flower rose will be purchased directly from the

farm. Cut flower of the same maturity will be chosen for their size, color and

absence of damage.

Preparation of Materials

The materials such as sugar, baking soda, lemon juice, and vinegar will
be used in this study. It will be outsourced from local store. Both sugar and
baking soda will be acquired in solid form, while lemon juice and vinegar will
be acquired in liquid form. In treatment 1, only water. In treatment 2, 10 gram
of sugar will be dissolved in every 500ml of water. In treatment 3, 5 grams of
of lemon juice will be dissolved in every 500ml of water. In treatment 4, 5
grams of vinegar will be dissolve in every 500ml of water. This will be
prepared in vacant room with 33 °C room temperature.

Application of Treatments

All sample cut flower roses will be soaked in liquid solution for seven (7) days.
Each container will be filled of 500ml of water and added with 5 gram of
sugar,5 grams of lemon juice and 5 grams of vinegar. All created solutions will
be stored in 33 °C room temperature.

Data to be Gathered

Number of floret wilting

The number of wilted floret will be counted, recorded and documented.

All samples will be collected.

Number of stem bent (Bent neck)

The data will be counted as the stem start to bent for every 3 days until

14 days. This will be noted, recorded, and documented.


Number of Petal Drop

The number of petal drop will be counted in the cut flower. Data will be

collected, recorded, and documented.

Floret Diameter

Using ruler, the sample flower will be measured its diameter. Data will

be noted, recorded, and documented.

Vase Life

The data will be determined by counting the days from storage up to

the time when 50% of the cut flower in every treatment and replication will turn

brown and will exhibit rotting.


Statistical Data Analysis

Analysis of variance at 1% and 5% level of significance and

determination of Coefficient of Variance (CV). Duncans Multiple Range Test

(DMRT) at 5% level of significance will be done if significant differences found


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