Verbi Irregolari e Tempi Verbali in Inglese

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Present Sogg. + Base form of the main verb, but He leaves at the 7 a.m.
Simple at the third person we add -s or -es
Present Sogg. + Present Simple of Be + main I’am looking for a new
Continuous verb with -ing form flat.
Present Sogg. + have + Past Participle I have been here.
Present Sogg. + have + been + the -ing form of I have been spending a
Perfect the main verb lot.
Past Simple: Sogg. + Was/Were I was sad.
Past Simple: Sogg. + Had She had a strong
Have personality
Past Simple For regular verbs Sogg + main verb You watched the film.
with -ed
For Irregular verbs Look at the
paradigms (p. 2)
Past Sogg + Was/Were + verb with -ing I was wearing gloves.
Past Sogg. + main verb with -ed I played this mornig.
Past Perfect Sogg. + had + Past Participle I had been here.
Modal Verb: Can is a modal verb end have 3 rules: I can beat it.
Can - they don't want the “to” of the
- they don't take the "s" in the third
- acts as an auxiliary
Be going to Sogg. + am/is/are + going to + base I’m going to fly to Italy.
form of the main verb
Will Sogg. + Will + base form of the main I’ll go in USA.
Zero Condition Result If babies are hungry, they
Conditional If + Sogg. + Present Simple cry.
Present Simple
First Condition Result If you heat ice, it melts.
Conditional If + Sogg. + Will + Base Form
Present Simple of the main verb
Second Condition Result If you study, you will pass
Conditional If + Sogg. + Past Sogg+ Would + the exam.
Simple base form
Third Condition Result If you had joined the race,
Conditional If + Sogg. + Past Sogg. + Would + Tim wouldn’t have won.
Perfect have + past
Pag. 1 a 3
Pag. 2 a 3
The Passive: Sogg. + the verb the + Past Participle of /
All Tenses the main verb
The Passive: Sogg. + Am/Is/Are + Past Participle of A A mass of
Present the main verb gases wrap around our
Ccontinuous P Our planet is wrapped in
a mass of gases.
The Passive: Sogg. + Was/Were + Past Participle of A My father built this
Past the main verb house.
P This house was built
Continuous by my father.
The Passive: Sogg. + Has/Have + Past Participle of A The police have arrested
Present the main verb the robber.
P The robber has been
Perfect arrested by the police.
The Passive: Sogg. + Had/ + Past Participle of the A The thieves had stolen
Past Perfect main verb the jewellery.
P The jewellery had been
stolen by the thieves.
The Passive: Sogg. + Used to + Past Participle of the A Adam used to pay the
Used to main verb bills.
P The bills used to be paid
by Adam.
The Passive: Sogg. + Will + Past Participle of the A The presenter will
Will main verb announce the winner.
P The winner will be
announced by the
The Passive: Sogg. + Be going to + Past Participle of A Nick is going to make a
Be going to the main verb cake this evening
P A cake is going to be
made by Nick this
The Passive: Sogg. + Would + Past Participle of the A If there were a scandal,
Would main verb lots of people would visit
that website.
P If there were a scandal,
that website would be
visited by lots of people.
The Passive: Sogg. + Modal Verb (like can or must) A The students can
Modal Verb + Past Participle of the main verb understand that English
P That English book can be
understood by the
The Passive: Sogg. + Infinite + Past Participle of the A His parents had to buy a
Infinite main verb new computer.
P A new computer had to
be bought by his parents.

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