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Charles Smith


Hugo Paul ( 28 Oct 1905 – 12 Oct 1962 ) was a German language politico ( KPD ) .In 1932 he
was briefly a member of the land 's national sevens ( `` Reichstag '' ) .== life sentence == ===
Early eld === Hugo Saul of Tarsus was born into a blue-collar family in Hagen , an industrial
city a short distance to the South of Dortmund .On leaving school he embarked on an
apprenticeship as a toolmaker .He joined the Young Communists when he was 15 , and
became a phallus of the Communist Party itself in 1923 .He held a leadership billet with the
Young communist in Remscheid .In 1928 he joined the party leadership team
( Bezirksleitung ) for the lower berth Rhine region and in 1929 he became a unpaid worker
subscriber to `` Freiheit '' , a party newspaper publisher published in Dü sseldorf .In May
1931 Hugo Paul was in the Soviet Union : his stay there proved a defining and durable
experience .=== National politics === In July 1932 he was elected to the national sevens ( ``
Reichstag '' ) where , representing the Dü sseldorf-East electoral territory , he sat as one of
89 commie political party members of the chamber .1932 was a twelvemonth of mounting
political crisis , and a indorsement general election took property in Nov 1932 , in which the
Nazi Party lost 34 seats and the Communist party actually gained 11 .This time Hugo Paul
was not elected , however .=== Nazi years and wartime === In January 1933 the successful
Nazi exponent raptus heralded a rapid switch to single-party dictatorship .The Reichstag
flaming at the end of Feb 1933 was immediately blamed on `` communists '' .Directly after
the régime change Huge Saint Paul became a `` political party instructor '' for the ( now
illegal ) communist party in the Dü sseldorf and Mö nchengladbach sub-regions .While
visiting a printing shop class where a new ( illegal ) political party publication was to
represent produced , he was arrested in Dü sseldorf by the Gestapo on 22 June 1934 .He was
taken to the urban center centre torture cellar at a Kö nigsallee address where he was very
seriously mistreated .In November 1934 the special `` multitude 's Court '' at Hamm
sentenced him to a 30-month gaol full term .The armorial bearing was the common one of ``
preparing to dedicate high treason '' ( `` Vorbereitung zum Hochverrat '' ) .He was held in
the penitentiary at Lü ttringhausen cashbox April 1936 .He was then , till April 1939 held in
`` protective hold '' at the Esterwegen and Sachsenhausen concentration camps .St. Paul 's
partner , Luise Klesper , was also imprisoned in 1933 , but she was at familiarity by 1935 ,
and after his transfer to Sachsenhausen she was capable to inflict him at least twice .On the
first occasion she took reward of a exceptional offer of reduced price caravan ticket in
connection with an exhibition held in Irving Berlin in February 1939 .Paul and Klesper
decided that when he was released the two of them should espouse .On the social function
of her endorse visit to Berlin , Klesper visited both the assiduousness bivouac and Theodor
Eicke at his German capital flat .Eicke was at this time the elderly SS-Obergruppenfü hrer
creditworthy for inspection of all the country 's concentration camps .Klesper took the
opportunity personally to request that he arrange her fiancé 's release .It was apparently as
a termination of this intervention that Apostle of the Gentiles was indeed released from the
concentration camp on 20 April 1939 .( The date was meaning , having been declared a
public holiday to lionise Adolf Hitler 's 50th birthday . )Hugo Saint Paul 's spousal
relationship to Luise Klesper took situation at Wermelskirchen where , by that time ,
Apostle Paul was working , at the start of July .betwixt 1939 and 1943 he was at liberty , but
kept under police force surveillance .During this clip he was employed as a toolmaker at the
business firm `` Albert Francis Charles Augustus Emmanuel Schulte und Sö hne '' .In order of
magnitude to stop up his waiver Paul had been required to provide an project that he would
relinquish all his political touch , but as fourth dimension went by he nevertheless began to
be at the inwardness of one or two little distinct mathematical group of Communist in and
around the Ruhr region , periodically embarking on lengthy hikes in order to hold up
link .He was in touch with Maria Eckertz in Cologne .This meant that the jeopardy of his
further imprisonment was a unceasing portion of his and Luise 's lifespan .In January 1943
Hugo and Luise Apostle of the Gentiles were re-arrested by the Gestapo , suspected of ``
preparing to send high treason '' .This was part of a large wave of check in the Ruhr-Rhine
region , and some of those caught up in it , including Luise , were soon released .However ,
between August 1943 and August 1944 Hugo Paul was held in prison in Wuppertal .On 16
August 1944 he was back before the particular `` the great unwashed 's motor hotel '' .The
public prosecution service demanded the dying prison term , but this was rejected by the
court because of a shortage of firm evidence of illegality and Saul of Tarsus 's record book as
a `` good worker '' , so instead he was sentenced to a six-year clink term .Between
September 1944 and Apr 1945 he was held at the penitentiary at Butzbach .War ended ,
formally , in May 1945 which coincided with the flop of the Nazi régime .When Paul was
released , it was into what was in the process of becoming the British occupation
geographical zone of post state of war Germany .=== British military control zone === In
1945 Victor-Marie Hugo Paul re-assumed his communist company province , becoming the
political party 's regional chairman as the staple institutional political party framework
were rapidly restored .Additionally , on 26 October 1946 he was a founder extremity of the
Dü sseldorf region sexual union of Persecutees of the Nazi Regime ( `` Vereinigung der
Verfolgten des Naziregimes `` / VVN ) .There was a widespread belief that the Nazis had
been able to fall to power in 1933 only because of disunity on the political left hand .In his
legal action , and also in what he proclaimed in world , Hugo Saul of Tarsus the commie
stressed his willingness to work with Social Democrats on reconstruction .He was conscious
that the Potsdam agreement between the winning king placed emphasis on the need to
avoid concentrating power in the custody of bountiful business and finance in any hereafter
High German state .During the later 1940s , as the political tenseness inherent in the
separate military occupation geographical zone agreed between the ally became ever more
manifest , Paul 's commitment to solidarity on the political left would leave behind him
increasingly isolated from the political mainstream in what became , in Crataegus oxycantha
1949 , West Germany .Between 29 August 1946 and 5 Apr 1948 Hugo Paul was the
Reconstruction Period pastor for Second Earl of Guilford Rhine-Westphalia ( NRW ) , a
newly defined `` federal state '' that combined the old Prussian Province of Westphalia with
the northern part of the old Joseph Banks Rhine responsibility .Between 2 October 1946
and 17 June 1950 he sat as a member of the NRW parliament ( Landtag ) .rank of the
parliament in October 1946 resulted from nomination by the British people armed services
government activity , allocated to spokesperson of the political parties in dimension that
reflected the election upshot of 1932 , which was determined to have been the last time
relinquish and fair elections had been held in FRG .This gave the Communists 34 of the 200
seats in the assemblage .Paul was also a phallus of the second nominated NRW fantan in
December 1946 .Within the NRW Landtag he served as deputy leader of the Communist
Party group till Apr 1947 .In April 1947 regional elections were held , and Victor-Marie
Hugo Paul , now representing the Remscheid electoral district , held his seat , retaining it till
the 1950 election when the Remscheid stern passed to Bruno Walter Scheel of the Free
Democratic company .Between 1947 and 1948 he was a phallus of the zone consultive
council in the Brits occupation zone .Until 6 Oct 1948 he was a member of the
Parliamentary Council which paved the way for a return to democratic processes and body
structure in Germany , although by this clip it had become unsufferable to disregard the
extent to which further east , in the soviet business zone , political growing did not place to
a democratic future .

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