Speaking Exam 7

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1. Which places do you usually go? Why do you go there? Make five sentences as in the example.
Use the phrases.

Example: I go to the bakery to buy bread.

Places Reasons

 cofee shop  to see the latest paintings

 library  to buy some eggs and milk
 chemist’s  to watch a movie
 art gallery  to meet my friends
 cinema  to see a doctor
 hospital  to buy some medicine
 supermarket  to pay the bills
 bank  to borrow books

2. Talk about your future plans. Use the words and phrases in the box.

 go to university
 have children USE
 buy a good car Definitel
 live in a big city y
 earn much money Probabl
 adopt a pet
 study abroad
I think
 see all the cities in Türkiye
 travel around the world I guess
 get married I hope
 get a good job I hope
 make a good career not
 live at a peaceful place I will
 live in a big house definitely
I will

3. Talk about our school rules. Use must – mustn’t.

 Listen to the teacher.

 Skip class or leave school without permission.
 Be kind to others.
 Damage school property.
 Respect everyone and everything.
 Do your homework regularly.
 Come to school on time.
 Use electronic devices when it's not allowed.
 Use inappropriate language or behavior.
 Wear the right uniform.
 Cheat on tests or homework.

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