Applications of Waves - Mini Research Slidedeck 10F

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Scientific and

Application of Waves
Mini Research Project
Group 1 - Space Telescopes

What is This Innovation?

● Space telescopes are telescopes with large mirrors to absorb the different
wavelengths of rays of light to make an image of celestial object

● Tips: Telescopes use lenses or mirrors to collect and focus waves from the electromagnetic
spectrum, including visible light, allowing us to look at celestial objects. By studying the
electromagnetic waves given off by objects such as stars, galaxies, and black holes,
astronomers can better understand the universe.
Directions: Discuss where and
how this technology is applied.
What problem, challenge, or
condition does it address? Why is
it an important solution?
The Application of This
Tips: Consider the impact of the
innovation on individuals, society,
or the environment. How does it
improve lives or conditions?
Space telescopes have multiple different
positive benefits including get a clearer
view of the Universe and use lenses or
mirrors to collect and focus waves from
the electromagnetic spectrum, including
visible light. This can help with studying
the electromagnetic waves given off by
objects such as stars, galaxies, and black
holes, which in turn helps astronomers
have, allowing us to look at celestial
better understand the universe.
Questions About the Innovation and Its
Directions: List your questions about the innovation
and its underlying science. What are you curious
about regarding how it works, its benefits, or
limitations? What scientific principles allow it to

Tips: There are no wrong questions. The aim is to

spark curiosity and deeper understanding.
Group 2 - Ultrasound Imaging

What is This Innovation?

- Ultrasound can be used to create image frames called a sonogram, these
sonograms can be seen in real time motion and used to see internal organs.

- Example: Ultrasound can be used to see unborn babies in a woman's womb,

seen through sonograms.
This innovation helps more than generating
diagnostic imaging. Ultra sounding can also
help monitor the growth and development of
fetus. Seen through the technology of
The Application of This
Questions About the Innovation and Its
- What are some recent advancements in ultrasound
- In what ways has ultrasound innovation improved fetal
monitoring during pregnancy?
Group 3 - Seismic Surveying

What is This Innovation?

● Seismic exploration is using acoustic energy which takes the form of wavelets putting it in the ground and listening
to it.
● They do this by sending thousands of wavelets into different layers of the earth. They then listen to these acoustic
wavelets using geophones which work by responding to these seismic acoustic waves by outputting a responding
voltage. This is then recorded and gives a rough outline of the earth.
● They then use supercomputers to filter out the unnecessary vibrations from other sources and get a more process
● Finally geoscientist look at the final picture and using htat information they with higher percentage of sucess know
where to drill for oil the commodity that power the world.
Seismic surveying is usually used to find oil
and gas deposits, but can be used to locate
underground reservoirs, predict earthquake
The Application of This damage, etc.
Since fossil fuels are extremely valuable to
society as a whole, a reliable way to find
deposits allows cost savings and less
environmental damage.
Questions About the Innovation and Its
Directions: List your questions about the innovation
and its underlying science. What are you curious
about regarding how it works, its benefits, or
limitations? What scientific principles allow it to

Tips: There are no wrong questions. The aim is to

spark curiosity and deeper understanding.
Group 4 - Radar

What is This Innovation?

● Directions: Describe the innovation in your own words. What does it do, and how
does it use waves? Focus on its purpose.

● Tips: Think about what makes this technology unique and how it utilizes waves
differently than everyday objects or other technologies.
The word radar comes from the acronym Radio Detection and Ranging.

What does it do, and how does it use waves?

● Radars are electromagnetic sensors used to

detect, locate, track, and recognize objects at
different distances.
● Radars use radio waves to determine both
distance and velocity of a target
● Radar systems usually consists of a transmitter
to send out radio signals and a receiver that
catch reflected energy from targets
What's the difference between
mechanical and electromagnetic waves?
Electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of light,
while mechanical waves travel at a different speed.

Electromagnetic waves don't need a medium to

travel through, while mechanical waves do need

Electromagnetic waves are composed of

vibrations, while mechanical waves are only
composed of electric and magnetic fields.

Medium- is something that has matter and are

built up of particles
Examples of Radar Secondary Radar:
Secondary works by sending a
frequency wave (1030 MHz)
Primary Radar:
which then is picked up by a
Primary Radar is the most basic form of a
system on the vehicle
radar signal. The way it works is the
(transponder) which then send
antenna sends out a mechanical wave to
back a code on another
the objects in the air/underwater. The
frequency wave (1090 MHz)
wave then bounces back from the object
which also gives all relevant
returning back to the antenna which can
information (such as altitude,
give a precise estimate of the location of
speed, etc…)
the object based on the time it takes for
the wave to come back.
Directions: Discuss where and
how this technology is applied.
What problem, challenge, or
condition does it address? Why is
it an important solution?
The Application of This
Tips: Consider the impact of the
innovation on individuals, society,
or the environment. How does it
improve lives or conditions?
Questions About the Innovation and Its
Directions: List your questions about the innovation
and its underlying science. What are you curious
about regarding how it works, its benefits, or
limitations? What scientific principles allow it to

Tips: There are no wrong questions. The aim is to

spark curiosity and deeper understanding.
Group 5 - Noise Cancelling Headphones
What is This Innovation?
● Noise cancelling headphones require a built in headphone to be able to analyze
the sound waves around you and then generate the opposite sound waves to
reduce or counter the surrounding noise. The thing is the headphones dont stop
the sound waves however it creates anti-waves that counter the structure of the
intruding unwanted sound waves. This is why the sound gets blocked out.
How does the technology work?
Noise cancelling headphones are a type of
headphones that are designed to reduce
unwanted ambient sounds using active
noise control. Noise-cancelling technology
uses sound waves to combat sound
waves, resulting in a noise-free musical or
entertainment experience. The user is able
to put their focus on the content they are
listening to, undisturbed by external
disturbance or noise. High-frequency
sounds and voices, however, are not as
effectively reduced, as the human ear
perceives them differently.

Noise Cancelling headphones are a global innovation,

popularized by Apple’s “AirPods.”

Noise Cancelling headphones can be used for something as

The Application of This simple as listening to music, to being a pilot in the Air Force
trying to reduce the sound of wind attacking your eardrums.
This innovation addresses the issue of unwanted noise, and
helps block out this unwanted noise. This is important because
there is a lot of money and demand in this industry

Tips: Consider the impact of the innovation on individuals,

society, or the environment. How does it improve lives or
Questions About the Innovation and Its
Directions: List your questions about the innovation
and its underlying science. What are you curious
about regarding how it works, its benefits, or
limitations? What scientific principles allow it to

Tips: There are no wrong questions. The aim is to

spark curiosity and deeper understanding.
Group 6 - Magnetic Resonance Imaging
What is This Innovation?
● Directions: Describe the innovation in your own words. What does it do, and how
does it use waves? Focus on its purpose.

● Tips: Think about what makes this technology unique and how it utilizes waves
differently than everyday objects or other technologies.
What is This Innovation?
Magnetic resonance imaging, (often known as ‘MRI’), is a noninvasive medical
imaging test that produces detailed images of almost every internal structure in the
human body, (ex: the organs, bones, muscles, blood vessels).
What problem does it help solve?
The medical imaging procedure (MRI) is used to investigate and diagnose
conditions that affects soft tissue such as tumours/brain disorders.
Where & what is the use for it serving as a solution
towards a problem/challenge?
- Tumours, including cancer
- Soft tissue injuries such as damaged ligaments.
- Joint injury or disease.
- Spinal injury or disease.
- Injury or disease of internal organs including the brain, heart and digestive organs.
- Used in many medical fields mainly in Neurology, Oncology, and Cardiology. However, MRIs are also often used in
research to find out more about the human body. MRIs are used in both clinics as a way to diagnose diseases and as a
way to expand knowledge.
Directions: Discuss where and
how this technology is applied.
What problem, challenge, or
condition does it address? Why is
it an important solution?
The Application of This
Tips: Consider the impact of the
innovation on individuals, society,
or the environment. How does it
improve lives or conditions?
Questions About the Innovation and Its
Directions: List your questions about the innovation
and its underlying science. What are you curious
about regarding how it works, its benefits, or
limitations? What scientific principles allow it to

Tips: There are no wrong questions. The aim is to

spark curiosity and deeper understanding.

● How does what you've learned about wave innovations connect to something you already knew or experienced?

● What new ideas or insights have you gained that pushed your thinking in new directions?
● This prompts students to reflect on how the lesson has expanded their understanding of

● What questions or concepts about wave innovations or the underlying science do you find challenging or confusing?
What are you still wondering about?

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