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By the Ascended Masters and their Accredited Messengers
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ballard


the “ Beloved Mighty I AM Presence” was given to us by the
Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain, through His Accred­
ited Messengers, our Beloved Mr. and Mrs. Guy W. Ballard,
and is now presented to mankind under the auspices o f SAINT

The “ VOICE OF THE I A M ” is not a publication for

articles from the “ i A M ” Students, but is the Outpouring o f
the Love, Light and Illumination from the Beloved Ascended
Masters for the enlightenment o f all mankind, and to bring
forth this Ascended Master Instruction o f the Fiery Christ
Truth o f the “ Beloved Mighty I AM Presence.”


1120 Stonehedge Drive
(312) 882-1911


Published in the U nited States o f America
© 1983 S A IN T G E R M A IN P R E S S , IN C .

My Great Cosmic Flame o f Gratitude!

Poem by C h an era .......................................................... 3

Beloved Saint Germ ain’s Discourse

Washington, D.C. — November 3, 1937................... 5

Beloved Saint Germain’s Decree ........................................25

“ 1 A M ” Decrees by Our Beloved M am a........................... 28

Notice o f Classes ...................................................................38

New Releases........................................................................... 38


(Alternate Line)

Draws all Perfection to me!

Now raises and sets all Free!
Is drawing to me G od’s Power!
It is keeping all safe each hour!

Makes us all Cosmic Christ Love!

Is drawing us all above!
Is Christ’s Victory here complete!
Makes Heaven and Earth now meet!

Draws all to Freedom’s Great Heart!

Can never from Earth depart!
All Cosmic Christ Wisdom draws!
Is G od’s Cosmic Love, and Cause!

To Earth all G od’s Music brings!

Draws G od’s Voice that through me sings!
Is Flame — the “ Presence I A M ” !
Fulfills G od’s Own Great Command!

Draws supply for which I call!

Holds Harmony now for all!
I use each instant each day!
Is drawing all mankind G od’s Way!

(Alternate Line)

Brings Miracles none can defy!

Draws Blessings none can deny!
Holds m an’s attention to Light!
Lifts mankind by G od’s Great Might!

Purifies all on this Earth!

Reveals the Ascension’s worth!
On all G od’s Glory bestows!
Blazes the Truth each H eart knows!

Is my “ I AM Presence’ ” Flame!
Commands all now in G od’s Name!
Is all G od’s Authority!
Protects all G od’s Victory!


(Reprinted from Rhythmic Decrees)

© 1983 Saint Germ ain Press, Inc.

Through Mr. G. W. Ballard
W ASHINGTON, D.C. November 3, 1937

ELOVED ONES of W ashington, it seems to Me this is

quite a day o f rejoicing. I am rejoicing quite as well as
you are, for remember, I consider Washington and Phila­
delphia My Home, quite as well as in the Higher Octave.
You may be sure of that or I would not spend two hundred years
and more in the endeavor to give the Assistance.
Will you be surprised at these W ords, My people? Do you
know, Beloved Ones, you are My people. Every Blessed One of
you who has been drawn under My Radiation — you are My peo­
ple since the period o f seventy thousand years ago, when you were
My people. Now We have come back together again, and you
know it is quite true that some of My people were not so fond of
Me then, but more are fond o f Me, I think, now.
Therefore, Beloved Ones, in your coming into the U nder­
standing o f your “ Great Presence” at this time, if you so choose
to make it, it means the Goal of all those many lives which you
have lived — the most valuable thing that can come to Beings in
the human octave!
I want to say to you before going on — because there have
been unfortunate individuals who try to find discrepancies in the
Books and that kind of thing — We have not had a chance to talk
to you for sometime; therefore, be reminded Beloved Ones, the
Messenger said in the preface o f Unveiled Mysteries, that correct
names, dates and places were intentionally withheld. You know,
when people who are unkind try to check up on Me, they will have
to hustle. I have known humanity for a long time. I know their
propensities, and I often smile when certain very wise individuals
endeavor to find discrepancies in My Books. D o you know those
are M y Books? Do you? At least I am responsible for Them. So do
not let anyone get any idea that there are any discrepancies in those
Books, and I say that for a very definite reason, for the things that
are just ahead o f you.
Those Books, once you find it out, are the greatest sustaining
Power in your Life and experience today; and those Books, before
many years are over your head, you will find out are more valuable
to you than your bank account. So I want you to realize, Beloved
Ones, every W ord in those Books is a Cup that carries the Ascend­
ed M asters’ Qualities into your Life activity and your feeling
world. Do not forget that, if you want to be Free!
We have not chosen to bring this forth so definitely, until
recently; but now today, because of the need, mankind has to
understand this. Does this sound like I was taking away your Free
Will? No, not at all. But you will agree with Me ere long.
You know in France, in My endeavor to help that nation, with
all My earnest efforts, they refused to listen, but I was not
discouraged. So I tried it out on America, and fortunately,
America is listening! God bless them! You Blessed, Precious Peo­
ple! How do you suppose it is that you are willing to listen? Oh,
not because o f any outer sentiment, but because that Light within
your H eart that knew Me then in that far-off time, still knows Me
today! That is why you are here! Those Precious Ones who have
sometimes had a struggle and have gone like this, “ I don’t know
about that fellow Saint Germain; I wonder if He is really real?”
Well, 1 am! And, “ I wonder if it is the Messenger that is giving all
this and pretending to be Saint G erm ain?” It is not!
Now then, to the degree, Beloved Ones, that you are able to
wash out every bit of that feeling of doubt, criticism and condem­
nation of person, place or condition, only then will you become
stabilized, and the Powers o f your “ Presence” flow through and
do the things that your Heart is craving to have done, and you in
the calm, quiet moments, want — even in the intellect — to be
done. There is only One Presence and Power to do that for you,
and that is your own God Presence, your “ Mighty I A M ” !
Now, Beloved Ones, in all that you require, whether it be
health, whether it be your money supply, whether it be your free­
dom from limitations, and your Ascension, the same, identical
Law operates! It is not a m atter o f what the Law is, but what It is
going to do for you according to your power of qualification.
Unless you will understand these simple things you are using all the
time, Beloved Ones — your vision, your power o f qualification
and your attention — you cannot ever win the Victory. Your atten­
tion — the most powerful faculty in human existence — your vi­
sion, and your power of qualification, become the trinity o f action
through your attention upon your “ Presence,” causing a Mighty
Focus of Its Power, when called into action, to do any given thing
for you. It cannot fail!
D on’t let Me hear any human being on this Earth say their
Application ever failed. It cannot do it! If there is any seeming fail­
ure, it is because you are divided in your attention, or in other
words, your attention is going one place and your feelings the
other. There are only two things that can occur in human ex­
perience, i f you are not having the fu ll accomplishment in your
Application. It is because there are som e past accumulations which
you are not using the Violet Consuming Flame to dispose of, or
your feeling is going one way and your attention the other. If one
foot started this direction and the other that, you would not go
far, would you? Then it is the same idea.
So, today while I am flashing these W ords before the
Messenger for your Blessing, remember — and I call your atten­
tion to it, that you may feel it if you will — the Great Inner Activi­
ty that is going on in your mental and feeling world. Remember, in
your attention to your “ Presence,” Its Power of Action is going
forth in your outer world; first It must act in your mental and feel­
ing world and outpicture through the flesh or into your feeling ac­
tivity in the human octave. As you see that, or understand it, you
will understand why the Messengers and We have pleaded and
pleaded with the people, for the absolute, imperative need o f H ar­
mony in your feelings that stops the requalification o f this Mighty
Energy that goes forth to produce results for you. If it is constant­
ly being requalified by discord of any kind, no matter what the
cause, then it will carry that discord and undesirable condition in
your world of activity out here, and o f course, you cannot have
but fragmentary results — but even then, notice, constantly setting
up causes which you have to meet ahead of you.
Beloved Ones, My Heart aches, if such a thing can be said
of an Ascended Being, when I come into the physical octave,
lowering the density o f My Vibratory Action, and see the Precious
Ones everywhere that accept in the intellect, but they do not realize
that their feeling is not harmonizing with it.
Now then, do you think that We or the Messengers would
spend the energy that has been charged forth for three years,
pleading with the people for the need of Harmony in the feelings,
to call to the “ Presence” to do for them what they are asking?
Well, if it had not been so, We would not have spent the time and
energy. Do you know that you must account for all of Life that
you use?
Beloved Ones, this is quite a personal question to ask, but you
know you have been asking Me questions for a long time, so I
think I should ask you questions once in awhile. Even among the
Precious Students today, how often do you give praise and grati­
tude to Life which you are using every moment?
Do you know that there are two things that are the most im­
pelling forces in the experience o f mankind today? Forgiveness
and Gratitude! There are no two things in your activity o f yo u r
feeling world, that produce such results f o r you outside o f your
Application o f yo u r “Presence” — / mean in the natural qualities
which you have in the human fo r m — as Forgiveness and Grati­
tude. I tell you, Dear Ones, that without Gratitude, you cannot go
Now then, you would say to Me, “ How about the Ascended
Being using G ratitude?” My Dear People, My G ratitude is so
great to every earnest, sincere “ I A M ” Student in America and the
W orld, that even with Myself, W ords fail utterly to express It.
Because that G ratitude is so deep, so tremendous, It must act in
the world of each one o f you. It must do it!
Therefore, in all o f this Mighty Assistance which is being
called forth for the Beloved Students who have been drawn under
My Radiation, it is just beginning the outpicturing of Its Great
Stupendousness, as you will see in time to come. Only in the pre­
liminary Work o f three years has been the great dissolving process
that is clearing out o f the feeling world and their own accumula­
tion, human creations of mankind, so that now it is beginning to
be the clear channel for the Powers o f the “ Presence” to flow
through and quickly perform the requirements.
In the activity o f the Messengers today, both of Them, They
stand the living proof of that Application. Today in one great, tre­
mendous Decree, They can accomplish what They could not in
weeks, even a year and a half ago. So you must see that in Their
power of release from the “ Presence,” it is just a sample of what
all mankind can do, and there are thousands o f the Students per­
forming so-called Miracles every day o f their lives in their Applica­
tion of this Great Law, which is the Law of Life — not a thing
unusual about it, all so practical, so magnificent in its action.
That is why, Beloved Ones, today the loyal, sincere Students
of the “ I AM Presence” are the most fortunate Beings on Earth.
Oh, it is not only a temporary accomplishment, Dear Ones, but
you are clearing out accumulations of centuries and centuries —
hundreds of centuries. That is why, if there are any of the Blessed
“ I A M ” Students who are coming into the W ork, or who have
been from the beginning, that have any feeling in them that they
should not use the Violet Consuming Flame, then get it out now!
I tell you plainly, straight from the shoulder, no human being
will ever win their Victory until they use the Violet Consuming
Flame to dissolve every particle o f accumulation that has been in.
the past centuries^ You cannot do it yourself! It is the only one
means in the Universe by which you can do it. You do not do it
physically, but you call your “ Presence” into action to do it;
therefore, that Violet Consuming Flame cannot produce anything
but Perfection for you, and Protection and Freedom.
Therefore, Beloved Ones, the wondrous objective, as you will
observe the Chart, is to know your “ Presence” is there, and It is!
Anyone can prove it if they want to. Then call that Mighty Energy
of the “ Presence” forth to establish this Tube of Light about you,
Invincible to all discord of human creations or the outer w orld.
Then call the “ Presence” to establish that Violet Consuming
Flame under your feet, to pass It through your body like a blow­
torch, and dissolve every hum an creation vou have drawn about
you. It will do it, but that human creation, which you have ac­
cumulated by your own creation, cannot be dissolved otherwise.
When We were here the last time, We had not come to the
point yet where We took up so definitely some of these things, but
remember your Life’s activity is your own. Your creation, which
you have accumulated, is a tremendous pressure, and until you
will do something to uncreate or dissolve and consume that, you
will always have it.
Therefore, Beloved Ones, remember, it is you who are to be
Free! The Messengers have Their Freedom, and it is not that They
must plead with m ankind, or are required to. It is your problem.
Your Freedom comes through the Application o f this Great Law,
which They have presented to you. Therefore, if you will under­
stand that every W ord in this W ork is a Cup, carrying the Quality
of the Ascended Masters into your world of action, then you will
see how real, natural and practical is your Application to produce
these results, for you cannot have them without it. You created
willfully the limitations in which you exist today. You see, we have
to face the Truth, Beloved Ones, and I trust all are strong enough
to face It. All that is limiting, discordant or disturbing is
m ankind’s own creations, accumulated through the centuries.
Now then, the Great Beings have come forth! Remember, the
Beloved Silent W atcher, the Mighty Arcturus, the Great Master
from Venus with His Associates, Cyclopea, the Great Mighty
Astrea, and these various Ones W ho have never, for many cen­
turies, come forth individually into the E arth’s atmosphere, have
always, to some degree, projected Their Rays of Light forth to the
Earth, but that is only a small part of that which They are doing
for the World today. When you realize that in the Dictations,
those are Their Words carrying the Quality o f every One o f those
Individuals Who has dictated those Mighty Discourses, and the
means by which We do that, is to flash the W ords before the
I say to you for your Blessing, if you care to have it, the Book
of Ascended M aster Discourses — every one o f those Discourses is
dictated by the Individuals whose Names are there. They are Their
Cups that carry the Quality of that Individual. I ask you, any one
o f you who is sincere, to take that Book and read the Discourses
by Bob and Rex, David Lloyd and Mrs. Rayborn, and tell Me that
you do not feel the Reality which They express!
Dear People, if you want a thing, you can always have it. If
you do not want it, then, o f course, you cannot have it. Therefore,
in winning your Victory, you must fulfill the Law o f Life which It
requires in order to attain that. You cannot just say, “ Oh, Great
Being, come along and pick me up; no matter what I have done,
you just take me along.” You cannot do that. Oh, if We could
have done that, say, do you think mankind would be in the condi­
tion they are today? Then don’t blame Us, the Ascended Masters,
the Legion of Light, the Great Cosmic Beings, for not doing for
mankind what they must do for themselves. We have always been
ready, but have you been ready for Us? Have you been willing to
accept that We are Real? A good many are not yet. Yet We are so
grateful, so very grateful for the thousands and thousands who
can and do accept Our Reality with open Hearts and are receiving
the Blessings which We can give them.
Oh, Dear Ones, the Powers of Light, the Powers o f Life are
not limited in Their Action for you. The only limitation that exists
_is in your feeling world — around you as far as your hands extend
in all directions. That is the only obstruction, or the only thing that
stands between you and Us, Who are Free today!
If you ever in your Life saw anything so Joyful, so Magnifi­
cent, it is to watch that Blessed Rex, Nada, Bob and Pearl. We
have the Greatest Joy in Our Lives in watching those Beloved
Ones, and the Magnificent Things that They are doing. You will
remember in the close o f the Magic Presence, the Great Divine
Director gave Them certain Bodies which hold Their connection
with the Earth for the W ork They are to do. You know, We have
given so many hints, and yet few have read through them, but We
are getting plainer every day, more understandable. So remember,
that if O ur hints are not sufficient, finally We will come out and
say it in so many Words!
Dear Ones, remember, you are Life! If you are here for the
first time, Beloved Ones, remember, you are Life, that Stream of
Light coming from your “ Presence.” That Stream o f Light com-
ing from the H eart o f your “ Presence,” through the top o f your
head, and anchored in your Heart, is Life in Its Fullness! And re­
member, when the so-called dead body lays there before you, it
was intelligent, it was active. And what was active there?
Substance and vibration! That is the Action of Life in substance,
through its vibratory action! Then what was it there that was active
within that form, that a few minutes before was intelligent and
active, and then it is not? Life, that Stream of Light coming into
the body and anchored in the H eart, was the Intelligence, was the
Power, was the Strength, was the Courage, was the Happiness,
was the Substance, was the Supply of everything that any human
being in the World ever used. It came through that Stream of Light
from your own “ Mighty I AM Presence,” your individualized
Presence o f God. That is the only place anything in the World ever
came from, through any human form. Then do you not see, if you
will give That the proper attention, and truly harmonize your feel­
ing world, that Its Full Power of Perfection will flow forth into
your world of action, and produce Its Harmony, Perfection and
every good thing your H eart wishes for use there?
There is no law in Heaven or Earth that can prevent it. The
only thing that can prevent it is the inharmony in your feelings, as
it keeps qualifying the Energy as It flows forth into your world to
produce the Happiness and Perfection you feel. Once you under­
stand that, then you will find that you have touched and turned the
key of all Life and activity.
All these things are absolutely practical. I have told you from
the beginning, that I will never tell you anything that you cannot
prove, and there is no human being that can prove this W ork
wrong, and everyone can prove It right if they will! That is what I
want you to feel. For in this Assistance that is coming forth,
Beloved Ones, it is enough to enable any human being who would
apply — now notice this is a tremendous statement, but I am going
to make it to you today: there is not an earnest, sincere, loyal
“I A M ” Student that has gone through these three years, that
could not produce their Ascension in two years, i f they would keep
their feelings wholly harmonious! The very Law o f the attention to
the “ Presence” would compel it!
Dear People, We are not talking nonsense! We are talking
Law, the Law of Life, which is acting every moment through your
human form. That is why We know what We are talking about.
That is why We are positive, definite and certain. Everyone can
prove It right, if they will. We cannot compel you to, but We
sometimes long to get you by the neck and say, “ Come along here
now; go to it!”
You wonder, Dear Ones, why — Oh, do not get excited,
because I am liable to use lots o f slang phrases; the Ascended
Master does not ask anybody’s permission what language He uses,
but it won’t hurt you, you can be sure of that. It never did yet, and
so We w on’t begin now.
Dear folks, We are not worried or concerned in the slightest
about who accepts Us or who does not. The great Joy within Us is,
We know one day not so far off, everybody has to — compelled to
by your own, very precious Law o f Life. Isn’t it wonderful, isn’t it
magnificent to know if somebody criticizes you or does not accept
you, that further along the line it is all made right? That is just the
point exactly.
Beloved Ones, in the Blessed People that have come in con­
tact with This W ork, then sometimes they listen to silly, foolish
gossip and say, “ I am not sure about that fellow, Ballard. He
made all of that up. He must be very wise.” Beloved People, if
there is anyone o f you in America that has all that is in Unveiled
Mysteries today, I will precipitate to you $20,000 on the moment!
Oh, I mean business, and I can fulfill My W ords. I mean that!
You Dear, Blessed People, I am determined that you are go­
ing to become so anchored in the acceptance o f your “ Presence,”
that not a human word, no m atter how vicious the gossip, ever af­
fects you in the least. Dear Ones, do you not see, everything that is
discordant in the experience of mankind is the activity o f the
sinister force preventing your Freedom? D on’t you see that it is
not a m atter of person, place or condition, but it is just the
sinister, destructive thing that wants to hold you bound in your
own human creation? That is all it is.
Sometimes I wonder that sincere individuals will listen to false
gossip, temporarily. O f course, it cannot do any harm; it is only
temporary, but still it delays their progress. That is why, Dear
Ones, We sometimes seem very blunt, but We mean business. It is
for your good! We never say a W ord unkindly to anyone, but We
have to say things, sometimes, to break down that human creation
in order to let the Light of the individual through, that will il­
lumine the brain, the intellect, and let Its Power have Its Dominion
One day, not so far off, some o f the individuals who have
looked upon some of the “ I A M ” Students as a little bit unusual,
will want to be unusual like them. Beloved Ones, it is Life! That
which the Beloved “ I A M ” Students of America are coming to
understand and apply, is Life in all Its Beauty and Perfection.
When you understand that you who have been using Life for so
many centuries, are responsible, yet the great Mercy of the Law
has provided a means by which you can correct and dissolve, not
only your mistakes, but the record o f it as well. I want you to feel,
and I shall probably repeat this many, many times until everyone
gets it, remember, it is one thing to push a thing aside, but a wholly
different thing to dissolve and consume it, cause and effect, and
erase the record o f that!
You may not all know it, but every physical thing has its
counterpart in the etheric record, but only the constructive thing
holds a permanent record. All else can be erased and dissolved!
That is what is being done by the Great Beings, the Great Divine
Director, and Mighty Astrea, W ho so recently came of His own
volition and started this Mighty Activity in the cleansing and puri­
fying o f the atmosphere of Earth and mankind. There is no Being
in Heaven or Earth, or in the Octaves o f Light, that is so feared by
the discordant things of Earth as that Mighty Astrea. The Earth-
bound entities’ and individuals’ fear is beyond words to express,
because they know when He appears, their destructive qualities
and activities have ceased.
I want to implore everyone today, whatever you do, never
cease using that Entity Decree until every one is removed from the
Earth. We have seen conditions so tragic, even in the past few
months, because people will not listen. In almost every city where
the Messengers have been, some o f the Students claim to be receiv­
ing communications from Me, or someone whom I am supposed
to send to them. Do not be misled, Dear People! Do not be misled
by these things. This channel of activity shall be kept clear. The
Messengers would not, under any circumstance, enter one word of
Their own inspiration into My W ork, and surely, I shall not permit
anyone else to do it! Therefore, do not be misled by these unfor­
tunate ones who are caught in the psychic net, and supposed to be
Me, but are not!
In Portland a Blessed One was caught, and when the
Messengers were there, this lady came rushing up to the Messenger
and said, “ Oh, I have a message for you from Saint G erm ain.”
The Messenger said, “ Now just wait a minute, when He wants to
communicate with Me, He can do it in a manner in which no
human concepts can intrude — My own or anybody else’s!” That
is My Power to flash My Words before Him, which are My Own
Words, and that is why, Beloved Ones, This W ork is clean, pure
and will always remain so! So, d o n ’t let anyone among the
Students begin to receive communications from Me, and try and
put that over on the Students. Do not do it; because I know all that
is going on, Good People.
A Blessed One of Philadelphia recently has been claiming
that. It will have to be undone; that thing cannot go on in This
Work! So I want you to realize, Dear People, that We, the
Ascended Masters, know every thought and feeling that is going
on within you! Make no mistake about it! We are compelled to,
when you come under This Radiation. Do you feel that I am just a
little egotistical when I say “ My Radiation” ? There are many of
the other Ascended Masters giving forth Their Assistance and
Radiation; however, I take the credit for instigating it; that much I
can do!
So remember, that in all of your requirements today, the Key
to the Treasure House of the “ Presence” is in your hands!
Remember that! Let Me repeat it. The Key to the Treasure H ouse
o f your “Presence ” is within your hands in This Understanding
which has been brought fo rth fo r use! I am sure that many have
not been understanding, even yet, that in that “ Presence,” the
Giver of all Life, is the Treasure House of even the money that
they require for use here in the physical octave.
Now I do not mean by that, physical money, although We can
precipitate plenty of it if We choose, and it w on’t interfere with the
government a particle either. That is a curious thing, you know.
People, when they hear about those things, think, “ Why,
w ouldn’t that interfere with the government?” Well, We have
precipitated a lot and it never did. That is but human concept and
limitation. Would an Ascended Master that is All-powerful find
any obstruction in doing the things They were doing for a good
reason? We cannot go contrary to the Great Law of Life, and We
certainly would not go contrary to anything in your government
which We love, but We do not always accept its laws o f limitation.
Therefore, for you o f Washington today, I am going to say
something I think will make you very happy. 1 am going to be in
Washington twice each month, sometimes in the Tangible Body.
Now, if you are good children you might see Me. And I shall
always be in New York each time, either before or after I am here.
I want you to feel, if you will, that this is real, a Mighty Ac­
tivity going forth that nothing on Earth will ever stop. This Light
will go forth and spread Its Radiance throughout the W orld, and
do not let anyone doubt it. We are building a Foundation, and We
know what We are doing, but that Foundation is going to be firm
and unyielding, and when that Foundation is completed, you
watch! The whole World with open arms will accept This U nder­
standing. Why should they not? There is not one single thing, not
one single word, that any sincere individual could not accept of
This Understanding, because It is the Law o f Life, the Law o f your
Life! It is as practical as your mathematics, as practical as your
radio. And as the Blessed Ascended Master Jesus said in one of
His Dictations, He is able to look into the feeling world of the in­
dividuals who are representing Him, or supposed to. He says many
who are preaching Jesus Christ do not believe He existed. That is
true, positively. Then isn’t that an unfortunate condition?
Now then, you who have come into This Understanding are
most fortunate, because in the Royal Teton are the physical
records, the proof of everything that has been said to you, and
they shall come forth one day when mankind are prepared and
everyone may see them if they will, but that is why, Dear People,
We are building Our Foundation, sure and permanent. One day all
mankind will know it. We have patience. We can afford to be pa­
tient; so can you when you have come to know your “ Presence.”
Dear Ones, for your encouragement, take the Messengers for
example. When They went forth They were so timid. They had
never met the World as They met it then. I did not tell Them
what They were to do. I said, “ Go forth and be the fulfilling o f the
Law .” That is about all They had to go by; and then as They went
forth giving these Instructions, and day by day, week by week,
month by month, They gained that strength, courage, power and
firmness that has been so unyielding, and which no sinister thing
has ever been able to touch or affect. Then, do you not stand with
Me when I tell you Our Foundation is being built permanent and
Oh, My Dear People, you have not the slightest idea what
these two Blessed Ones have stood against. You have not the
slightest concept; even the loyal, Blessed Ones who have been in
Their midst could not even yet imagine, but the proof is that They
are happy, strong, untouched by all the frightful viciousness that
has been directed at Them from both the invisible and visible, and
yet they are not unhappy. Their happiness is increasing every day,
Their strength and power increase every day, and Their patience is
increasing every day.
Dear, Dear Ones, feel, if you have not before, feel today in
the Power of this Mighty Radiance the Reality of the Ascended
Masters, the Reality of your own “ Presence” that gives you Life;
then with mighty, firm, dynamic Application, make your Applica­
tion according to the Instructions and nothing shall stand between
you and the Powers of your Freedom and Success. You m ust make
the Application; We cannot do it f o r yo u ! But do not yield to the
fact that you do not seem to be having the results you desire. The
minute you do that, you are undoing your previous Application
that has built up a momentum that is almost ready to carry you
through to the Victory you require. Therefore, I say, never give
power to these appearances. Stand in the consciousness of your
“ Presence” first, and by the “ Presence” acting, then the
“ Presence” will surely clear away every limiting obstruction in the
way, and all of a sudden the Powers of the “ Presence” will flow
forth and Miracles will be manifested, and you will go forward in
the future Victorious.
How does anyone gain the Victory over themselves? By start­
ing in at the beginning, applying and applying and applying and
gaining this Mighty M omentum, until one day It becomes so great
that every human quality goes down before It. Then the Great
Light of the “ Presence” flows forth and does Its Perfect W ork for
everyone, with the speed of lightning.
That is why We say today, in the great Glory that is before
you, do not feel impatient with Us. We must build Our Founda­
tion, your Foundation firm, so that you cannot be tripped up.
Many o f the Precious Students have been momentarily or tem ­
porarily sidetracked by foolish gossip. W hat do you think the
Messengers are doing? Because Their Love is so great, They have
called to the Mighty Sanat Kumara to reach forth His Hand and
bring back into This Light all who have turned aside, because We
know It is their only means o f Freedom, and they of their own
volition probably would not turn aside. Therefore today, it is the
homecoming o f the human race, who are again to become filled
with the Freedom and Power of the Light.
As you are sitting before Me today, you are conscious, most
of you, of those physical forms, are you not? Now be real sincere
with Me just for a moment. How many of you are thinking of the
Light within you? Not many! That is the point. Beloved Ones, in­
stead o f giving attention and power to these physical forms which
have been charged with limitations, why not forget the physical
form for awhile and turn your attention and give it wholly to the
Light which is your Life; then see how quickly the human form
comes into obedience to that Light.
Now let Me bring to your attention this Mighty Activity which
Our Blessed Rex first mentioned; then I think Beloved C hananda
clinched it possibly a little tighter. When you call to This — look at
the Chart if you will — when you call to that “ Presence,” and by
your attention and Call, a greater volume of that Light is released
into action through your physical body and goes out into your
world, that Light is Self-luminous, Intelligent Substance. Now you
perhaps did not think of It as a Substance, but It is a very tangible
Now then, when you turn the light on in this room, the
darkness is not there, is it? Before the lights were turned on, it was
quite dark. Now, the density of your physical bodies today has not
shut out, but shut in the Light that is within you. Now, I am
seeing the Light in you. I am not looking at your physical bodies,
because I am interested in the Light and Its Expansion; but if I
begin to have My Attention fixed upon your physical bodies, I
would not be able to give you the Assistance o f the Expansion of
the Light within your Heart. Now notice, these are very practical
Therefore, today while these Words are being spoken to you,
I am doing that which is within My Knowledge to expand this
Light within you, and charge into your feeling world the Courage
and the Strength and the Confidence that hold you firm as the
Rock of G ibraltar in your attention to the “ Presence,” that you
too may more quickly have the fulfilling of your Application,
because many o f you have felt that you do not yet have the full
response you should or would like to have. Possibly not, but if you
will continue building your momentum until it becomes so great,
that as This Light has gained Its Power or rushes forth, just like
when you turn on the light in the room , the darkness disappears.
So as This Light becomes intensified enough, so will all problems
and conditions of discord disappear, just the same as you turn on
this light. You turn on This Light instead of that, by the Power of
your “ Presence.” And remember that all that is of any account in
you is that Stream of Light!
As your Beloved Lotus so often remarks, your ninety-eight
cents’ worth of chemicals is of no importance after the Light has
withdrawn, is it? I marvel, Dear Ones, that mankind does not
think of these things more practically. Life is the most practical
thing in the Universe, but mankind has not given It attention.
They have not thought o f Its many qualities, where It comes from,
how It gets there, what It does when It arrives, how It can be inten­
sified and expanded. W ouldn’t it be a wonderful thing if Life Itself
would just take hold o f individuals and produce Its Perfection
right there?
But Oh, think of it in the children that have been brought
forth to manhood; think o f the disobedience that was there in
many; then remind yourself how disobedient you have been to
Life. Isn’t it a serious thing to see and call your attention to? Oh, it
is true, Dear Hearts, and until that day when you are willing to
look at it and say, “ I HAVE MADE THESE MISTAKES. I
MISTAKES I HAVE M A D E!” Then quickly you will be able to
do it. There is no question about it in the W orld. The Law o f Life
can no more fail than the Universe can stop its action.
Do you realize, Precious Ones, that Stream o f Life coming
from your “ Presence,” through the top of your head and anchor­
ing in your H eart, is a P art o f the great Universal Perfection? You
can no more stop that, Dear Hearts, than anything in the World;
and as soon as you stop your qualification o f It by discord, then
will Its Own Mighty Power cleanse and purify your body, and fill
your world with Its Harmony. Then as you go forth into action,
everything you meet will love to see you and say, “ I am here to
serve you.” That is what is the coming Perfection of mankind.
When all of this discordant human selfishness is dissolved —
which It will be — then will mankind call the Blessings upon each
other instead o f just themselves.
Do you know, Beloved Ones, I mean this, that you may try
this out if you choose. Let us take this one point today, because it
is quite prevalent among mankind. You take the activity o f resent­
ment generated within the human form consciousness. Do you
know that if the individual who has acquired that, would suddenly
begin to call for Blessings upon every person, place, condition or
thing — and especially upon m ankind, because that is where most
of that generates — and does not make a single Call for their own
release from that, it would dissolve and disappear, because they
would be calling forth Blessings, and those Blessings would return
to them. What you send out through yo u r feelings, you are com ­
pelled to reap, Beloved Ones! Do not ever doubt that! You cannot
get away from it in the World!
Therefore, in the Messengers’ pleading and giving this, Oh,
so repeatedly to mankind, it has to be done. It must be kept up
until mankind sees that it is the only thing in the World that has
been obstructing their way.
So today, Our Joy is so great, Our G ratitude so great! Shall I
repeat to you the Words that the Mighty Astrea said to Me after
the Dictation in Philadelphia? Shall I tell you what He said?
Beloved Ones, He said, “ Saint Germain, I have heard you speak
of your deep, deep G ratitude to those of mankind who had joy­
fully accepted this Freedom which you are offering, and since I
have been giving this Dictation, and have seen the condition in the
world of mankind, then I bow before you and say to you, I too
have deep, deep G ratitude because of m ankind’s acceptance thus
far of This Understanding, which is their Freedom .” Now then, if
We can have such G ratitude, then mankind can have such
G ratitude, which is their release from all limitations.
Remember to call on the Law of Forgiveness for all mistakes
of all mankind, not just yourself, but for all m ankind. Why?
Should I explain to you why you need to call on the Law of For­
giveness for all mankind? Think of it! D on’t let this weigh on you
because it is a mighty Truth, but I must say it. Because you, to the
degree that you have been unkind, disturbed, critical, condemna­
to ry ,a n g ry , or~hatefuT, to~tEe~?egree you have put forth Those
‘ vibratory actions In the W orld, are you responsible for the ever-
increasing activity of those qualities. That joins the great mass or
great stratum or octave o f that accumulation o f mankind. So, to
the degree you have put forth those feelings, are you responsible.
Therefore, it is right, it is ju s t, that yo u call on the Law o f <Q
Forgiven ess Jor all mankind, because y ou are a part o f all
mankitid. — ” ““ ~
Therefore, when you do that, and if you do it with clear,
earnest, sincere feeling, there is not one that will not feel and in­
stantly release a happiness for having been willing to do it. Do you
not see, Beloved Ones, to the degree you are discordant, you are
adding to the W orld’s unhappiness?
That is why today in the Understanding of these simple,
Majestic Laws, it is dealing with the qualities o f your Being, your
Life, which you are using every moment that you exist. That is
Eternal! That is why today in all the Magnificence and Beauty that
is yours, that is within the Light — within you and your Light —
Oh, you Blessed Ones here, in all your earnestness, how rapidly
that Light within you is expanding. Oh, go on and on in your firm
determination and Application until that day when you say to Me,
“ 1 thank you for that encouragement which enabled me to go on
and win my Victory, for it is Oh, so true!”
Oh, I say to you, some of you who have not yet seen so great
an outer result, do not give up the ship! Go on and on and on,
Dear Ones, in that great, firm determination and Application, and
so quickly you will suddenly, one day, step out into the sunshine of
that Eternal Light. Then you will know the Truth o f which I am
speaking to you. And so many of you are at that point. Oh, don’t
give up; d o n ’t be discouraged ever in your Application for your
Freedom! It is your Life that you are working for. We do not want
to see you come back again, again and again in bodies similar to
these of limitation, when We know so absolutely certainly that you
can win, with diligent determination. If you do not accomplish it
in this embodiment, you can have your Complete Freedom in the
next. It is worth everything in the W orld o f effort of mankind, to
know you have a Goal, Precious Ones!
If you could only believe and understand that I know the
Truth I am speaking to you, and I can tell from within you that
Victory, if you can only accept that and let Me help you; then will
It come much more quickly. That is what I want to do in this great,
joyful O pportunity that is here today, and the Radiance that fills
this room, and the Assistance that is being given. Please accept It,
Dear Ones, with Its Infinite Power of Action to take command of
you and your feeling world — flood you with Its Beauty, Its
Glory, Its Perfection.
It is a Great and Mighty Law, Dear Ones, the Law of your
Life, and no human being anywhere ever escapes That Law. You
have within your hands, within your Understanding now, That
which compels the Freedom of your Light to come forth.
Remember when you call forth this Great Light, It is Self-
luminous, Intelligent Substance. Remember the simile, when you
turn on the light, the darkness is not there. When you call the
Powers of your “ Presence,” which is Self-luminous, Intelligent
Light-Substance, It sweeps into and through your body, just
sweeping out all imperfection, all discord, all impurity and re­
placing it by that Ascended Master Light-Substance, the most
practical thing in the World.
Yet, two things are all that you are required to do. Accept
your “Presence, ” and hold your feelings harmonious that your
Call to the Presence” may produce these marvelous results fo r
I say today, My Joy is so great to have had this opportunity to
speak to you and convey My Love, My Strength, My Courage; and
I shall charge and qualify this, as Others are doing, to stand active
within your feeling world, until the day when We can bring the
Messengers to you again. And Beloved Ones, you do not see as We
do, how great the need is in other parts of America, so be patient
with Us until We can be with you again.
I rejoice so greatly in all that you have accomplished in­
dividually and in your city and the assistance to America. I con­
gratulate you with all My Heart. We do not ever condemn anyone
for any mistakes that are made. We know so well that one day
all o f those will fade away, and then the Great Light of the
“ Presence” will come forth and hold Its Full Dominion within the
human form. We know that. So, don’t let anyone ever feel that
We find fault with anyone, but We are very firm in presenting the
Truth that is the Freedom to all. If mankind makes mistakes, We
just call on more Power of the “ Presence” to correct it, and see
that it does not occur again; w on’t you join Us in that?
As you move among your fellowman and fellow Students,
w on’t you just take that firm, wondrous attitude, and i f something
seems to be wrong: “ ‘M IG H T Y I A M PRESENCE, ’ YO U TAK E
D O M IN IO N A N D PRO D U C E P E R F E C T IO N !” Then leave
every individual in the Hands o f the “Presence. ” I f they m ake
mistakes, maybe they require it fo r their instruction! You know,
experience is a rather severe teacher, but a very good one; yet it is
not always a sure one, because experience sometimes is repeated
and repeated again and again before the individuals really become
aware that they alone were the cause.
So today, Dear Ones, remember that your “ Presence” is the
Infinite Power o f Light, waiting, waiting, waiting for you by suffi­
cient determined, dynamic Application, to release Its Limitless
Energy, Intelligence and Power into your world o f action to har­
monize and produce Its Perfection there. It is ready for every one
any moment, Dear Hearts; no one thing is ever withheld from any­
one that they really call forth, but I prom pt you again, Beloved
Ones, watch your feelings! See that you r feeling fo llow s yo u r at­
tention, and then when you m ake yo u r Application, it will act
quickly; and soon you will have all the courage, strength and con­
fidence you call for; and every time you call your “ Presence” into
action, It produces immediate results.
In the Fullness of the Great Glory and Power o f the Light that
is within you, through your “ Mighty I AM Presence,” I call It into
action to charge, charge, charge your feeling world with Its Mighty
Perfection, Its Mighty Activity, Its Sustaining Power, that each
one here is lifted firmly, as in the Hand of the “ G reat Presence,”
into greater Assurance, Courage and the Victory o f your own A p­
Dear Ones, yo u r Application is imperative! Yield not an inch
to appearances! Once you can really say with your feelings to all
human appearances, “ YOU HAVE NO POW ER! YOUR DAY IS
D O N E!” then will you have the Victory of the Light of your
“ Presence” !
Remember! Not one thing, Dear People, in the appearance
world can touchTaffect, limit or harm you, except you feed your
Life current into it by the power o f your attention.that allows it to
come back and reach your w orld.
I thank you.

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