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The Von Wolders (Osterland Nobility)

Key location: Salkhalten (a trading port)

Key figure: Baron von Wolder is a man in his middle years recently and unexpectedly thrust to the fore by
circumstance. As the Northern Coast grows in prominence, he seeks to increase his wealth and influence. He is of
medium height with short, neat grey hair and impressive moustaches. He is keen to root out servants of the ruinous
powers and further the Cult of Sigmar; he views the Cult of Manann and its sects with deep suspicion. He despises the
sea and prefers dry land or a warm castle, suffering from seasickness; however, Schönfeld (currently being
modernised for the Imperial Navy) and Salkalten are his best sources of wealth, so he has decided to suffer for the
time being. Speaks slowly and deliberately, talking down to his interlocutor.

A servant on the Characters’ level: Martin Braverham, the Baron’s illegitimate son. While his brothers play and hunt,
Martin works long hours in order to earn his father’s love. He is untidy and ink-stained, short-sighted with little
patience. However, he is hard-working, cynical, driven and keenly aware of societal inequalities. Speaks as if he’s
permanently harassed.

Resources: a well-equipped army, including cavalry and engineers; alliances with other noble families and the Imperial
Navy; land and money; a prestigious name.

Objectives: dominate trade around the Sea of Claws; popularise the Cult of Sigmar at the expense of the Cult of
Manann; hunt down and execute servants of the Ruinous Powers.

What they think about the other factions: the Cult of Manaan is but a stepping stone on the path to damnation; smile
politely but watch your back around the Bjornlings; the Skaelings are savages to be dealt with harshly; the Free Trade
Alliance is a useful money-making tool; the Sons of Norsca, because of the new deepwater port, represent a challenge
to their power; The Ever-Turning Tide are a myth.

Dark Truth: The previous Steward of Salkhalten, Jorg Schmidtt, is believed to have embezzled a tidy sum from Baron
von Wolder and fled. However, though it is true he was stealing from the Baron, he did not plan on leaving anytime
soon. Worse, people swear they’ve seen his bloated corpse has been seen picking over the tideline.

The Free Trade Alliance (Smugglers)

Key Location: Hargendorf (centre of smuggling in Nordland)

Key Figure: Charlotte “Smuggler Queen” de Berry is a flamboyant character of indeterminate sex who rules her brood
with an acid tongue and an iron fist. Rumours insist she is the wife of dwarf pirate, Long Drong Slayer; a bearded lady
who escaped from the circus; even the exiled elder brother of the Emperor. She is a vast confection of black, red and
purple silks, gold and jewels and she jangles loudly as she moves. She has a huge black beard and an eye-patch: no-
one mentions the beard, if they know what’s good for them. She enjoys fine tobacco, fine Brettonian wines and is
conversant in at least six languages. However foolish she seems, she is a shrewd operator. Speaks loudly with a clear
Altdorf accent; a smattering of camp phrases & inflections.

A servant on the Characters’ level: Jorge Fernandez, a former Estalian naval officer. Extremely loyal to the “Smuggler
Queen”, though at times finds her insufferably boorish. He dresses in fine silks and embroidered garments and sports
a wide-brimmed hat adorned with a griffon’s feather. Speaks with an Estalian accent; often phrases statements as

Resources: network of spies and informers; small, fast ships with loyal crews of experienced sailors; unparalleled
knowledge of the coastline, including hideouts.

Objectives: sew dissent between the Empire and Marienburg; form an alliance with the Skaelings and / or Bjornlings;
establish a base of power on the Ostland coast.

What they think about the other factions: the Bjornlings are clever, resourceful and trustworthy; the Skaelings could
be useful allies, or they could kill us all; the von Wolders are pompous and hypocritical, but don't say that to their
faces; the Cult of Manaan preserves the truth of the old ways; the Sons of Norsca’s playing-at-being-Norscans is comic
but perhaps they can be manipulated; The Ever-Turning Tide are valuable spies: de Berry’s eyes and ears.

Dark secret: Charlotte “Smuggler Queen” de Berry is working for the Empire as a spy. Her mission is to firstly
determine how loyal Nordland is; and secondly to scout the Norscan coast in preparation for war with the Norscan
tribes. His Imperial Majesty wishes to eliminate the Northern threat.

The Kirkjugardur Skaelings (a Norscan tribe)

Key location: Kirkjugardur Langskipa (a dangerous port)

Key figure: Öskra and Signe Örninn, the most important members of “the family that doesn’t rule” Kirkjugardur
Langskipa. Husband is a powerfully built man, well over six feet, with greying blonde hair, piercing blue eyes and a
collection of scars. Signe is diminutive, attractive and clearly the senior partner: shrewd, intelligent and iron-willed.
They dress in simple blues and blacks, trimmed in red, and decorated with symbols of Kharnath and the Blood-Wolf.
Both see the times are changing, but don’t believe the Skaelings need change too much: fewer raids and more trade,
perhaps, but they believe their people should remain loyal to their gods and their forefathers’ ways. Öskra speaks
loudly, punctuating most sentences with a loud “ja!” or “ja?”; Signe is slightly more taciturn and communicates much
with body language.

A servant on the Characters’ level: Harwullf Ironcast is the proprietor of the Velkommin Allt. He is progressive in his
attitudes and openly opposes zenophobia and bigotry. He is a reformed “pirate” but enjoys shore life: barrel chested,
broad, red-faced. His many tattoos contrast with his friendly personality. Speaks with a booming voice; laughs loudly
and often.

Resources: Skaeling ships with veteran sailors; favours owed by other Norscan tribes; an alliance with the Cult of

Objectives: discover who or what is sinking Skaeling ships; secure a powerful husband for Gertrude; win Jarl Grydal
Snaeger and Olg Blóðsalt to their cause.

What they think about the other factions: the von Wolders might be a route to power; the Cult of Manaan is a weak
religion; the Bjornlings are more like Southerners than true Norscans; the Sons of Norsca are foolish Southerners
whose play at being Norscans insults both the Skraelings and the gods; the Free Trade Alliance is a useful tool but not
worthy of respect; The Ever-Turning Tide know more than they let on and might be dangerous.

Dark Truth: It is common knowledge that Dark Elf slavers have been sinking Skaeling ships, capturing the strongest
crews as slaves and massacring the rest. However, Signe Örninn fears something else: webbed footprints; the stench
of the deep ocean; glimpses of humanoid figures beneath the ways. And she knows she is to blame.

Cult of Manan (a religious sect)

Key Location: Chapterhouse of the Sons of Manaan, Salkalten

Key Figure: Grandmaster of the Sons of Manann, Grand Admiral Hrofil Halfdan: a huge, grizzle-bearded knight who
leads the Order from their chapterhouse in Salkalten. He is a Bjornling and fought as a mercenary before pledging
himself to Manann. Most knights respect his leadership. He has piercing blue eyes and a broad smile. He smells
strongly of bootleg booze. He wears simple blue-grey robes and home-spun cult symbols: shell necklaces, whale bones
braided into his beard, sea glass rings. In battle, he wields sword and shield with power and skill. Unlike many of his
colleagues, he is flexible in his interpretation of Manaan’s will, having travelled widely. Speaks calmly, measuredly,
slowly; his voice is low, rich and mellifluous with a strong Bjornling accent.

A servant on the Characters’ level: Luci von Othe, a minor noble. Luci claims she was saved from the sea by Manaan
who now visits her in dreams. She frequently gives sermons on Manaan’s revelations. She is a tall, thin, dreamy, girl
and leads a sect of nobles: “The Dreamers in the Deep”. She speaks melodiously but tone and cadence are odd,
uneven, unpredictable.
Resources: tradition and culture; the loyalty of peasants, sailors and pirates; a few dozen well-trained and devoted

Objectives: prevent the Cult of Sigmar from establishing itself on the coast; recruit young Imperial nobles to “The
Dreamers in the Deep”; replace the Bjornlings worship of Stromfels with the worship of Manaan.

Relationships: von Wolders could ruin centuries of tradition; with a little work, the Bjornlings could be made to accept
the word of Manaan; the Skaelings are dangerous heretics who worship forbidden gods; the Free Trade Alliance
respects the old ways; the Sons of Norsca’s interpretation of Manaan is bordering on heretical; The Ever-Turning Tide
have been are spreaders of heresy, worshippers of Stromfels and should be eliminated.

Dark Truth: In truth, Luci is the unwitting servant of a vast, mutated octopus. Trapped in the hulk of a Skaven clanship
deep beneath Manaan’s teeth, it has grown to a monstrous size. Consuming warpstone has given it the power to
invade the unwary’s dreams. Perhaps this is where the legend of Mermedus comes from.

The Bjornlings of Skjold (a Norscan tribe)

Key location: Skjold (a cosmopolitan port)

Key figure: King Ulfric Grondal rules over the surrounding chieftains but tenuously: his jarls plot to take his place while
his only heir (a mutant pirate named Aranessa Saltspite) has sworn to kill him. Ulfric is only slightly above average
height but massively broad. His dark red hair, including beard, is plaited and oiled to disguise the grey. His people have
abandoned the Chaos Gods and instead worship a pantheon that includes versions of Ulric (Mother Wolf), Taal (the
Great Stag), Morr (the Reaper of Souls) and Stromfells (the Many-Toothed Shark). Ulfric supports the Bjornling
practice of hurling mutants, including babies, from cliffs. He wears his success openly: jewellery from Brettonia,
trinkets from Estalia, Tilean fabrics. He is an excellent sailor but a poor politician. Speaks harshly, snapping often, with
a greedy, selfish look in his eyes.

A servant on the Characters’ level: Hrothgar Olveksan, one of King Ulfric’s jarls, crossed the ocean to the deadly land
of Lustria. He is wealthy and wears trinkets stolen from that continent. However, he secretly covets the throne. He is
an intimidating presence, a fearsome warrior and charismatic leader. Speaks with cheer and friendliness, though with
a shrewd edge.

Resources: great wealth in gold, jewels, fabrics and more; Bjornling ships with experienced crews; skilled, clever and
industrious people.

Objectives: assert the power of the Bjornlings over the Skaelings; make a powerful alliance; unify the jarls under a
powerful King (Ulfric or Hrothgar).

What they think about the other factions: the Skaelings are stuck in the past; an alliance with the von Wolders
represents the future; the Cult of Manaan is merely a pale imitation of the Cult of Stromfels; we can learn from the
Free Trade Alliance; the Sons of Norsca’s pretence at being Bjornlings is mildy offensive, but they may be useful; the
Ever-Turning Tide are not mere beachcombers… but if not beachcombers, what are they?

Dark truth: Hrothgar seeks to usurp Ulfric’s throne and restore the Bjornlings faith in their old gods. His mind has been
warped by his discovery of Lustrian icons that depicted old Norscan gods: the Blood- wolf, the Crow Father, the
Wanton Shornal, and the Great Schemer.

The Sons of Norsca (a Nordlander cult)

Key location: Norden (a town with a new deepwater port under construction)

Key figure: During the Age of Wars, Norscan settlers founded a village they called Norden. The colonists adjusted to
life in the south and became integrated into Imperial culture, trading goods from the sea with travellers on the
Middenheim-Erengrad road. Axel Havard is a direct descendant and the current Burgrave of Norden. He is proud of his
Bjornling roots and is the “Forstjóri”of the Sons of Norsca, a cult dedicate to the celebration of Norscan culture. His
father, older and perhaps wiser, died in a shipping accident. Without his father’s guiding hand, Axel is prone to ill-
judgement. He is lean, muscular and looks young for his 36 years. He affects Bjornling stylings: braided beard, rune-
decorated clothes, and Norscan jewellery; though any “real” Norscan sees through this ersatz fakery. Affects a
Norscan accent and makes frequent (sometimes inaccurate) references to the culture.

A servant on the character’s level: Leif Havard is Axel’s youngest brother. He has taken on his heritage with an even
greater degree of fanaticism, wearing traditional furs, leathers and amulets bought or bartered from Norscan tribes.
He spends his time either at sea, drinking or fighting. He followed by a small coterie of devotees. He is powerfully
muscular and scarred. Speaks slowly, menacingly, as if weighing up his interlocutor’s prowess.

Resources: a cult of loyal and devoted followers; Imperial allies, particularly the engineers of the Imperial Navy;
money, weapons and property.

What they think about the other factions: the Skaelings are dangerous but exciting; the von Wolders are soft
Imperials ripe for overthrowing; the Cult of Manaan is an Imperial version of the Cult of Stromfells and thus worthy of
respect; the Free Trade Alliance are a possible threat; the Bjornlings represent a true and authentic way of life and
would make good allies; The Ever-Turning Tide spread a heresy at odds with “true Norscan” beliefs.

Objectives: make an alliance with the Bjornlings and earn the respect of the Skaelings; seize control of the new port
from the Empire; destroy the von Wolders and take their land.

Dark truth: Leif believes the best way to become a “true” Norscan is to embrace in the old gods. He has secretly been
holding rituals paying tribute to Kharnath and the Blood-Wolf, including other members of the Sons of Norsca. This
faction now believes a sacrifice is necessary to prove their devotion.

The Ever-Turning Tide (a Cult of Manaan and Stromfels)

Key location: coastline between Norden and Salkalten

Key figure: To the Ever-Turning Tide, Stromfels is neither kin to Manaan, nor a rival. Rather, the gods are one and the
same, representing the dual nature of the sea: giver and destroyer. The cult is a secret with a loose membership and
few strictures. Members make a living from the beaches between Norden and Salkalten, picking over flotsam and
jetsam. Their shrines hidden deep within sea-caves. These are often submerged at high tide, so offerings are reclaimed
by the sea. Occasionally, members may gather to take advantage of, or to cause, a shipwreck. The cult’s most
prominent member is Stoldo Torboli, a former pirate with a brutally scarred face and one milk-white eye. He smells
foul and dresses in a rags. His lank, greasy hair is wild and his beard thin and patchy. He wears the shark-tooth symbol
of the cult. He speaks as if dreaming, his voice sing-song and disturbing.

A servant on the characters’ level: Mother Medea is a sea-witch, a hedge-witch who draws her power from coasts
and sea. Like most members, she spends her time alone, in contemplation of the sea. She has been known to help
people from time to time, though her willingness to offer aid is often based on the current state of the sea. She is in
her late 60s: thin, wiry, sharp, vicious. She speaks with a strong local accent and smiles through toothless gums.

Resources: deep knowledge of the Sea of Claws and encircling coastlines; outdoor survival skills; fine seamanship and
skilled navigation; favour of both Manaan and Stromfels; ability to pass unnoticed by most.

What they think of other factions: the von Wolders are fools whose pride with lead to their destructions; both the
Bjornlings and the Skaelings understand the cult’s beliefs and as a result might be allies or enemies; the Dreamers in
the Deep practise fakery and do not understand Manaan’s true nature; the Free Trade Alliance are up to something: if
it’s war, the Ever-Turning Tride will encourage them… and pick over the wreckage once its over.

Objectives: discover who Willibert Proust really is; destroy the Dreamers in the Deep; satisfy the suspicions of both
Bjornlings and Skaelings; wreck a von Wolder ship to teach them a lesson.

Dark truth: Willibert Proust was washed ashore during a terrible storm some years ago. With no memory and
seemingly senile, he lives on what he can scavenge. However, Sandro Torboli knows the ancient beachcomber is more
than he seems. Perhaps the book Torboli found on him might provide a clue? If only Torboli could read.

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