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Teacher’s activities Time Student’s activities

STEP1: PRE-READING - Practice reading the new words.

1. New words: - Listen and repeat.
- Ask students to read the words - Some individuals read the words
after teacher aloud
- Ask some students to read the 10’ - Answer T’s questions
word again. - Suggested answer:
* Active:
- hobby (n) (picture, example): sở
+ She usually sings in her free
time. Her hobby is singing.
+ What are your hobbies? + My hobbies are reading books
- similar (a) (picture, synonym, and listening to music.
example) = the same: giống nhau
+ They both like listening to music.
They have a similar hobby.
+ I am similar to my mother
because we both like shopping.
+ Who are you similar to in your + I am similar to my father because
family? we both like football.
- chance (n) (synonym, example) =
opportunity: cơ hội
+ I love Japan. I hope I have a
chance to travel to Japan.
+ If you had a chance, where + If I had a chance, I would like to
would you like to travel? travel to Dalat.
- language (n) (picture, example):
ngôn ngữ
+ John speaks French. Linda
speaks English. David speaks
Chinese.  They are speaking
three different languages. + I can speak two languages. They
+ How many languages can you are Vietnamese and English.
* Passive:
- profile (n) (picture): hồ sơ
- memory (n) (example): kỉ niệm
+ I went to the beach with my 5’
parents when I was a child. That
was my beautiful memory.

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