The Spiritual Self

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The spiritual self

 The spiritual self-aspect of the self is the inner essence, the part of the self that connects the
person to the sacred, the supernatural, and the universe
 The spiritual self enables the person to experience a feeling of oneness with higher being and
the universe, it gives the deeper purpose or meaning of one’s life
 Understanding and nurturing the Spiritual Self is as important as with the other aspect of the
 The spiritual self develops through interaction, observation, and imitation
 The family, school and church play a very important role in child’s spiritual development
 Spirituality begins at an early age but develops throughout life as people continuously interact in
the environment
 The root meaning of spirituality is taken from the latin word “Spiritus” meaning breath or life
 Spirituality can be understood as the search for the sacred, a process through which people seek
to discover hold on to and when necessary, transform whatever they hold sacred in their lives
 Spirituality generally refers to a meaning and purpose in one’s life a search for wholeness and a
relationship with transcendent being. The sacred transcendence could refer to higher being.
 The term spirituality originally developed in early Christianity. Christian use the term spirit to
describe the holy spirit
 In Christian ethics, it describes that the experience of the sacred is characterized by reverence,
faith, fear, trust, love, and admiration which are intimately connected to God.
 Worship is regarded as an essential act to realize the ultimate meaning of transcendence and
human life
 Acts of worshipped may include prayer, reading the bible, attending sacraments and doing
 Through acts of faith hope, and love man is to encounter God and understand the words of
The Practice of religious Belief in Supernatural Beings

Spirituality is connected with Religion

What is Supernatural?

 A supernatural order is the original and the fundamental source of all that exists
 It defines the limit of what may be known
 Something that is supernatural is above, beyond, or transcendent to the natural world

Filipino beliefs in the Supernatural

 The 1st and 2nd of November is considered one of the most important holidays in the Philippines
as this is when we all troop to the cemeteries to visit our loved ones who have passed on
 The Philippines is a Catholic country but our notion about supernatural and mythical beings are
very prominent part of our lives most specially those Filipinos who come from countryside
 Many Filipino’s who live in the rural or mountainous areas are still believe in the mythical spirits
and monstrous creatures because they are said to be present only on the countryside
 Although believing in superstition and supernatural being conflicts with

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