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Beloved Saint Germain!

Poem by Chanera...............................................................................3

Discourse by Beloved Daniel Rayborn

Oakland, California
February 9, 1939................................................................................... 4

Discourse by Beloved Mighty Faith

Chicago, Illinois
January 7, 1957
CD 420 ................................................................................................... 23

Gems of Light
Beloved Lady Master Nada
September 15, 1969 .................................................................................30

"I AM" Decrees by our Beloved Lotus..........................................31

Notice of Classes......................................................................................38

New Releases...............................................................................................38

* * *

“ I AM" Religious Activity

of the


1120 Stonehedge Drive
Schaumburg, Illinois 60194
Oakland, California February 19, 1939
Minute Men

Gentlemen, Fellow Students, I greet you in the Name,

Presence, and Power of your Life and of your coming success!
I shall endeavor today to show you how and why every human
being in this world can have the success, the accomplishment
that they so desire.
It is unfortunate that mankind has so forgotten the Activity
and "Presence of Life" that they have given such Power to out­
side persons, places, and conditions to limit or disturb them.
One who knows the "Presence of the Mighty I AM" is in a world
of his own, and unless, by his attention and vision, he gives
Power to outside things, he can move in the world untouched
by any condition around him.
In my experience in both the ranch and mining, I held my
own counsel. As I look upon it now, I seldom ever had the
inclination to discuss my affairs in any way. It was not egotism,
but I just felt a natural ability within myself to hold my own
counsel. Consequently, all I undertook became an immediate
achievement, as I see now. I did not, of course, understand then,
but I was giving obedience to the Law, and by the harmony in
my being and my goodwill to my employees, I was able to call
forth from them their best.
And so it is as the world is coming to know today. Men who
are the heart-center of a business will know that by their goodwill

4 © 1991 Saint Germ ain Press, Inc.

to their employees they make the success of their business. You
will always find one or more among a group of people who have
to be handled firmly until they give obedience, but that is not
unusual. It is nothing to be disturbed about. But when you
understand that you are the raising power of your achievement
in whatever your attention is focused upon, then you know that
you are the authority, by the power of your radiation which you
give forth to your people.
This does not mean only to your employees, but to all your
associates; and because you are kindly does not mean you are
gullible, or that you are taken in and acting upon suggestions
which might not be beneficial to you, your business or your
activity. Firmness is the most wonderful thing in the world, and
yet it can always be kindly. It is only when irritation strikes your
feeling world that you say things that can be misinterpreted—
or when heard, sometimes stir up more agitation and less
I had the experience, once in awhile among my men, when
another man was needed and a stranger came in with the radia­
tion and action of the general outer conditions, he would start
using his own language—he would start to put forth his
feeling—and when he saw no one paid any attention, in chagrin,
he saw his mistake.
Now that is what the world needs today. You, as a Student
Body, must refuse to enter into critical, destructive desires or
obscene conversation. It does not make any difference if
somebody does start it in your presence, just ignore it. Refuse
to give attention to it, and that desire will cease to act so quickly.
Gentlemen, remember, everything that goes forth from your
feeling determines what is going to be in your world. Do you
understand that your feeling is an invitation to good, bad, or
indifferent activities—success or failure? If you give attention

© 1991 Saint Germ ain Press, Inc. 5

to something that is critical, obscene, or whatever the condition
may be, you are allowing that vibratory action to enter your
world, and you cannot have success with it vibrating there. Har­
mony is the first Law of Life, the Main Principle of Life, by which
the Outpouring of the greater Perfection of Life may find Its
Action through you at your Call.
Remember, Gentlemen, that in your outpouring of love,
whatever is going to be done in your individual world must come
through your human form. It is quite different if you are giving
assistance to someone else; but what is going to take place in
your world must come through your human form, because you
are the focus, or center of your world. Believe it or not, your
worlds are just as independent of each other as you sit here
as if there were no connection whatsoever.
Now to prove and try to illustrate to you how that operates
throughout all Life, you take two individuals, masculine and
feminine, who are the two outpicturings of the One Mighty Ray
of Light. They are One, really, but yet while they are function­
ing separately as two Rays of Light from the one Great One, they
are as wholly independent as you who might not be connected
with that; because in the experience-life, each one must gather
through the experience and training of the individual that which
raises him once again back into the blending of the two.
Now then, in your associations, for instance, take two
gentlemen in business association: if they maintain harmony,
they would blend as one in the achievement of what their
attention was fixed upon. The same applies to man and wife,
whether they are the two parts of the One Ray or not. If they
maintain harmony, they would blend as one in the great har­
mony of their home; and this is what mankind does not
Involuntarily, Mrs. Rayborn and Myself, naturally, through

6 © 1991 Saint Germ ain Press, Inc.

our harmony, did blend as one; but when you find one or the
other feeling irritation and discord, sooner or later it spreads,
and both begin to feel it—which is a separating power, a
repelling power. Remember, all jrritation within your feeling is
a repelling power to every_good thing. J tell you, Gentlemen,
that one point alone, if mankind understood, would transform
the world of business activity.
The Messenger has had the experience a number of times
in the Calls of individuals in their business activity who once
were happy and successful; and then disturbance drove in, and
not understanding, they could not arrive at the solution. They
could not determine what was the reason for it. When, in a group
of employees, the feeling of the head of that business finally
becomes irritable, if the heart of the business—the employees—
accept_that, knowingly or unknowingly, they will begin to act
it out.
That is the reason every person and every Student should,
at least three times a day, issue a powerful Call to the “ Presence."
Of course, the Higher Mental Body takes up your Call to pro­
tect you from any suggestions whatsoever. You must call forth
this Protection, because if you accept good suggestions, you
will also accept the wrong ones. IrTyour refusal of acceptance
of sugg^stionsjmiiuvsiithout, you will be able to call forth clearly
the Direction of your “ Presence." Only through That will you
go steadilyTsurely, andTJneFrmgly through to the achievement
which you desire. There is not one who cannot do this.
Beloved Saint Germain has taken individuals who were just
wavering and absolutely unable to determine what they wanted
to do; yet feeling the great Inner Impulse to focalize their efforts
and become anchored upon some specific achievement, they
were not able to do it of their own volition. By His Radiation,
however, they were able to accomplish it. I am speaking of those

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who did not know He was giving the Assistance, and still do
not—but those whom He saw the Light was sufficient within,
He voluntarily gave—but when the individuals felt that Power
of Radiation and became still, they were able to feel the direct
central impulse that focused them upon the one thing in which
they could be most successful.
Remember, you are not limited to one activity in the
understanding of the "Presence of Life." You can absolutely
become successful in whatever you fix your attention upon,
because through your attention flows the Power of Life into
action. When I say the "Power of Life," do you understand that
It is the Power of the Light Rays which goes forth and knows
no opposite? You cannot imagine how We long for the Student
Body to realize and feel definitely that when they call to the
"Presence," a Powerful Light Ray containing Intelligence, Energy,
and Power of Achievement goes forth to do your bidding. It
knows no opposite, and if you can have the Fullness of That
in your feeling, you will not have one single failure in your
Application, inj'o u r ^ alls—or in having the Answer to them—
but you must guard and watch how your feeling is acting in all
the things you do. It is your Powerhouse in this Great Stream
of Understanding of the "Presence of all Life." It is so very
Now, since I have attained the Perfection of Life, and Oh!
believe me, Gentlemen, when I say to you: when this Beloved
Messenger came into my home, do you think for a moment I
ever dreamed of all that stood so near before me? I had not
studied these Laws. I had lived the harmony of Life to a large
degree, but I did not know, and neither do you, Gentlemen,
you do not know what your "Presence of Life" will do for you
with your sincere devotion and your willing, determined obe­
dience to Life.

8 © 1991 Saint Germ ain Press, Inc.

Suppose you determine to give obedience to Life—then
make a few mistakes. Well, what of it! Notice, your "Presence
of Life," anyone's "Presence of Life," all It wants is your deter­
mination to Life, the harmony of Life; and then if you, by some
chance, make a mistake, well, it is of no consideration so far
as the Achievement of your "Presence" is concerned. It does
not say to you, feel, or think, that because you made another
mistake, now you just take a back seat and stay there. Why
nothing of the kind! But since the world is filled with mistakes,
and mankind is rising out of them now in such a magnificent
manner, well, please, do not think about it, if you are trying
earnestly and sincerely. When some mistake occurs, just pass
it right off, call on the Law of Forgiveness, then forget it, because,
Gentlemen, the trouble has been with mankind that they try
to pull all the experience they have passed through along with
I marvel today that I did not do the same thing, but there
was so little of inharmony that occurred in my life and
experience that there was not the impulse to do that. But the
great many of mankind today who have gone through, as you
well know, terrifying experiences, well, it is not to be wondered
that they do return again and again in contemplation of those
things. But it is not the J .aw. It is a mistake. Mankind cannot
afford to turn the attention of the mindback even onto yester­
day. Gentlemen, when you’realize this and bring yourself into
^ obedience, still you can compel your attention to keep from
turning back—even to yesterday. You can hold it steadily upon
the Goal and the forward movement, calling greater and greater
Perfection into action. Then you will know such peace, hap­
piness, and achievement. The ease of achievement is
inconceivable until you try it, for all struggle of mankind will
cease then. It is worth every effort that you can make! To achieve

© 1991 Saint Germ ain Press, Inc. 9

through great harmony is the Fullness of Life, and to achieve
through violent struggle is no achievement.
Now I call this to your attention, because I had as much
wealth as most men within my governing power. Still, is wealth
greater than any possession in the outer world today? Those
who achieve through unkindness to their employees and priva­
tion of their employees have not known success. They know
in their feeling world, and in the quiet of their inner sanctuaries
of their offices, they know they have not succeeded. They may
have amassed wealth, and they may have attained a dominant
power. Those people who allow forces to act upon them in such
a subtle manner that they actually believe, or allow themselves,
shall I say, to believe that they are doing right—there is no suc­
cess in such a thing, and too late they will all know it.
The same is true anywhere throughout the world. Any
human being who takes the authority of Life in a human activity
has made the greatest mistake that a human being can make,
because it is drawing upon them powers of destructive activities
from which it may take them a long time to extricate themselves,
because they voluntarily do it.
It seems incredible that mankind, when they have before
them such opportunity, will waste it and destroy that oppor­
tunity by allowing destructive forces to seize upon them. Now
today, in the understanding of Life, your Magnificent Power of
Life, as you stand firm and unyielding to it, no such thing could
enter your world. Only if you enter a state of great discourage­
ment could anything touch your world.
Now remember, there are three activities by which you may
open yourself to unhappy conditions. One is by extreme
discouragement; one is by intense condemnation, and the other
by fear. Each one automatically opens the individual to outside
forces, and when you understand this "Presence of Life,” the

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“ Beloved Mighty I AM Presence," you cannot afford to let any
of those conditions act.
The Messenger once, not so long ago, went through all that
terrific fear, principally financial—conditions he had not known
before—and yet they came and went as a shadow of the night,
which they were. Remember, if you feel yourself within the
shadows of Life, it is but a temporary thing, and you can dismiss
it and rise from it. Call forth greater determination when you
find yourself slipping. Use the term STOP! Still yourself, and
determine to again be in the Joy and Perfection of Life. Joy is
a quality that you can generate at will, because it comes alone
from your "Presence," and that is what makes the motive power
of your world, your feeling world, act with accuracy, with
strength and determination, because if you are depressed or
discouraged, you cannot generate power of any consequence—
you are let-down. But when you know that you can turn your
attention to this “ Presence of Life," the “ Mighty I AM Presence,"
and feel immediately those Currents charge through your body,
sweeping out that quality, that substance which would make
you a failure from the human sense, then you know you can
dismiss it.
I tell you, Gentlemen, there is not one of you among the
Students of the Minute Men of America that could not stand
on his feet and call these Currents of Energy into action—in and
through his body and around him—that would at once sweep
out all discouragement, distress, fear and doubts, as clearly as
if they had never been. Do you not see, Gentlemen, that all those
qualities come alone from human creation? Therefore, they have
no sustaining power in themselves. Doubts, fears, and
discouragement are human creation. They do not come from
the "Presence," because the "Presence" knows no such thing.
Life knows no such thing, and when you find something of these

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qualities is attempting to come within you, then you immediately
know what to do. You say to that quality, "Get out! You have
no power in my world! I refuse acceptance o f any such thing!
'Mighty I AM Presence!' Take command here! Charge Your Cur­
rents through this body! Sweep out cause, effect and record that
has let this in!" Then go on in the Majesty and Power of your
Gentlemen, it does not make a bit of difference if you have
not a dollar in your pocket this morning. What has that to do
with the Power of Life that is the Owner, the Giver of all dollars
that exist in the world? Your "Presence" is the Authority, the
Giver of all that is. It does not make any difference what human
channels it comes through in the outer world to you, your
"Presence" is the Giver, and remember that! Give all praise to
your "Presence" first; then to the channels, and you cannot fail
in a single thing.
Could you go with Me and see from Our Heights these
forces and conditions that are playing upon mankind,
Gentlemen, your joy would be forever—and it would be
boundless! Then you would see how ridiculous it is that mankind
allows these forces to play upon them, which are but human
creation and have no power in themselves. But in the acceptance
of them, they seem to have the Limitless Power of Life. It is not
true. They do not have any destructive quality—do not have any
power—except the human creation that sent it forth; and you
know that has to be very limited. You know the human qualities
of beings can only be a very temporary thing; and according
to the energy with which they are charged are they sustained
or quickly disappear.
We have, through the Student Body, within a few months,
taken specific notice of the conditions that were acting, for one
reason or another. It is not necessary to go into that, but both

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men and women who were subjected to discouragement, or the
feeling that they did not have the power to apply the Law as
others—we have watched this activity within them for a time—
and it is incredible how that accumulation comes through from
a tiny feeling, and then it revolves, "I cannot do this. I cannot
do that." And it keeps on building that thing until it gains a cer­
tain momentum within them.
On the other hand, at the first intimation of something of
that kind, they could have stopped, stilled themselves, and said,
"Now don't try that! You have no power to limit or affect my
world! I refuse acceptance! Get out!"
Why do We use those ordinary terms? For instance, the
words, "Get out!" Do you not see and feel that it has a repelling
power until you can gain your balance. If you say to a dog that
comes into your house with dirty feet, "Get out," doesn't he
get out?
Now these qualities of human action know well enough,
Gentlemen, when you mean business and when you are their
master. There is a certain amount of intelligence acting there,
but it is not Divine Intelligence by any means—but enough to
make them act discordantly. Now then, when you consider the
Power of Life that has the Infinite Action of Life at your point
in the Universe, Gentlemen, try, won't you, to understand this.
Each one of you is just like the point of a great funnel, and the
Great, Accepting "Presence" of that is where Life pours in Its
Limitless, Infinite Powers to you.
Your Call to Life not only brings the Activity from your
"Presence," but all Life rushes to your assistance, because that
is Its Nature. It wants to pour Its Perfection into the world of
mankind that has shut It out so long. That is the natural action
of Life. You do not have to coax it, but Life is standing ready,
wanting to pour Its Perfection forth at your point.

© 1991 Saint Germ ain Press, Inc. 13

You know, on the ranches, we used to have those great
grinders—at one time we used teams of horses to grind the grain
for whatever purpose we chose. Then afterwards, we had the
gas engines which rendered the same service. Those hoppers—
you poured the grain in—just like the top part of your funnel.
That is the acceptance of the Outpouring of the Substance of
Life into your body, into your world of action.
Gentlemen, all of Life is so simple, so practical, if
understood; and that is why I try today to have you see this
simplicity of the Action of Life. And yet It is Invincible Power.
Life contains within Itself all Power, Intelligence, and Authority,
but you have not believed that—you have not accepted that.
You think, in some manner, you have shut yourselves off. Well,
you did perhaps, at one time, but now, in this Understanding
of Life, you are not any longer shutting yourself off from this
Great Flow and Outpouring of Life.
I say to the young gentlemen who are interested in this
Work, my goodness alive, if you knew what you could, in the
stillness of your human, call forth into action that would make
you the wonder of the day—to the human sense—because you
can call forth such Limitless Perfection. But should you choose
to do this, be sure that you call at the same time for the Limitless
Supply of money to do your experimenting, to carry it forward
to successful achievement.
Gentlemen, I tell you, it has been the most pitiful thing
among mankind—you take discoveries. Edison was really the
principal man in America, and that really was not by his applica­
tion; but by the Inner Radiance that poured forth, he was able
to call forth the financial assistance that carried forth his
discoveries. But there is scarcely anyone else. Henry Ford, in
quite a different manner, struck the keynote and the current
that enabled him to go forward and carry out the innovations

14 © 1991 Saint Germ ain Press, Inc.

at which individuals laughed him to scorn in the beginning. But
you, today, in the understanding of this "Presence/' if you will
call forth, not only the discoveries of Infinity, but the Limitless
Supply of money to bring them into successful achievement,
then you will have fulfilled the Law, and Life will provide that.
Gentlemen, take the Group Activities of America—you all
know that the Messengers have been almost dynamically firm
in trying to carry to the people and the Group Leaders the Great
Law that if your Group would stand on their feet and decree
for a thing, it should be done unto them! And it is done! In every
Group who takes that firm, unyielding stand, and does not look
to any one of the Students as a channel, the Outpouring has
been magnificent!
I tell you, if you will once turn to the "Presence of Life,"
and let It govern the channels through which the supply comes,
you will never know another moment's difficulty. But at first,
with some natures, you have to stand very firm and unyielding
for a time, until you reverse all the momentum that has been.
But once you have done that, you will find, every time you call
to your "Presence of Life" as the Treasure-house for the supply
of money, it will come forth immediately.
The Messengers, from the beginning, have never looked to
a Student for supply; and yet the supply has come forth to carry
on this Work in the Call to the "Presence," because the
"Presence" knows what is the right channel.of assistance. Notice
how you must at times fulfill the Law by unselfishness, and be
willing to abide by that which is for the moment. Time and time
again, when, in their Classes, the Love Gifts have not been suf­
ficient supply, the Messengers have taken out of their own
pockets—dozens and dozens of times—to make up the deficit.
They thought nothing about it and never gave it a second
thought, because they consider it all belongs to the "Presence,"

© 1991 Saint Germ ain Press, Inc. 15

and the one idea was to get this Understanding to the people
of America as much as possible. And look, in that obedience
to Life, they have always been supplied; and as the Momentum
comes to a certain point, the supply will be limitless—of money,
or whatever else is required.
You cannot live the Law, Gentlemen, continually, without
coming to that point where the flood of money supply will flow
forth into your world for your use and action. It is impossible.
And if it seems a little struggle at first in your Application, for
goodness sake, don't become discouraged, or think you have
not the understanding. Why, you can make the Call to your
“ Presence," can't you? That is what Life requires, always has,
and has waited for all these centuries.
Now it is important to use the Ascended Masters' Words,
but if you cannot think of Them, for the moment, use your own
in your Call to the "Presence" and say," 'Mighty I AM Presence'!
I need so much money here right now! See that it is supplied
through Your Power of Divine Love and Divine Order and Divine
Justice!" You can certainly think of that! And remember, Life
is ready always to answer your Call.
Gentlemen, I have seen it so many times when I have talked
to the Minute Men. Here and there would be one who thought
to himself, "Well, Rayborn, if you have all this wealth, why don't
you release it into this Work?" Good idea, isn't it? Oh! You do
not understand, Gentlemen, that We are living under a definite
Law, and only when that Great Law of Life says, "Release!" shall
it be done. The Messenger once sent to Me a Call, and he said,
"Mr. Rayborn, you cannot help but see this need!" I saw it well
enough, and My Heart was breaking almost—if you could use
that expression in Our State—to give every dollar I had into his
hands to carry This forward, but it could not be done. He and
Beloved Lotus had to make a certain Dynamic Power of

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Application. Who shall say how near that time is when Life says
to Me, "Rayborn, here is your opportunity!"
You cannot see in the limited, human state how We are com­
pelled to obey the Laws of Life. Sufficient will be provided until
such time when the Full and Complete Release of all money
required to expand this Work is released without limit to the
world; and steadily and surely, every day, all opposition to this
Light is going down. Our delight has been almost boundless
in the past sixty days—ninety days—to see how greatly is that
receding; because there is not one thing in any human being
that can take exception to this Work. It is the Explanation of
the Laws of their Life, everyone's Life—and its Application—and
everyone in the world wants to know that. But in mankind's
belief, since it makes every human being wholly independent
of any other individual, it makes everyone their own doctor, their
own banker, their own authority. Mankind who have sought
their livelihood upon their fellowman object sometimes to
mankind having that freedom, but have it they will, in spite of
all objection.
Remember, the time has passed when one can be the prac­
titioner for another of mankind, for God should be their own
Doctor, their own Practitioner, their own Director of Intelligence,
Energy and Power. And that is as it should be! Should anyone
object to that? I say to you gentlemen, as you meet the outer
world, be firm, and call for all the firmness within your being
to put down the silly nonsense of the opposition that has been
from some channels to this Work. There is not a reason for it
in the world. Individuals who want to be unkind seize upon cer­
tain things and distort them, and then put them forth to try to
create misunderstanding. And to some degree, they have; but
sooner or later, that all melts away; then they see the falsehood
it has been. But soon that will cease to be, because every human

© 1991 Saint Germ ain Press, Inc. 17

being from the beginning has sought this "Presence of Life."
There is not one who has not, from the most depraved, as you
term it, to the greatest purity. All are seeking this "Presence of
Therefore, that must find its response, even though it is in
a crude manner. Still, one day, will it find a real channel of
response to that Call, and the Call will become purified,
perfected, and more concentrated upon what is required. I say
to you today, Gentlemen, in the Fullness of all you wish to have
of Life, all the Perfection and Success you wish to achieve out
here—there It is, beating your Heart! Notice the Chart for a
moment. That Stream of Life and Energy from the "Presence"
contains everything that exists today in this outer world.
Everything that came through into form came through that Chan­
nel of Light and Energy of some human being, and that is why,
once mankind understands that, they will know they are not
I say to you who are in the audience here who are interested
in mining: go on your ground, on that which you feel is the cen­
tral focus of the wealth of your property, stand there and raise
your hands to the "Presence of Life" and say, "Mighty I AM
Presence"! Release the money supply here through Divine Order
and Divine Justice to put this into perfect operation!" Then stand
by that Call until it arrives, and you will not be deprived long.
Don't keep looking to outer channels! The "Presence of all
Wisdom" will govern outer channels, if you will stand on your
property, decree, and call forth that supply you require to put
it forth into full production. There is not one today who is
interested and has property that is of value that could not stand
on his property and call that Power forth to do it. Do not give
way later—just because it has not arrived yet—and look to outer
channels. You, many times, frustrate your Call by turning your

18 © 1991 Saint Germ ain Press, Inc.

Gentlemen, I am going to say to you something I never have
said, for I feel it means so much to some of you. Without
knowing one Word of this Law, when this property—which I
have today and which is of such vast wealth—came into my
hands, it was only a prospect. I stood on that property, and I
called it prayer—though I was not particularly a religious man,
but I knew somehow within me that it was up to me to make
that Call, and I called it prayer—then I said: "God Almighty, this
has been given into my hands for the blessing of mankind! You
show me the rich spots! You show me the veins to contact! You
take command of this and make me your clear channel of action
here!" Those were practically the words of my prayer, and the
results that followed are sufficient proof of my Answer.
I say to you, Gentlemen, it is the same way in your business
offices. If you have chosen a line of business that is a blessing
to all, and you want to be successful, go alone in your office,
before the hours of business, and call to your "Presence of Life."
Now, since you have come to know Its Almighty Effects, simply
say: "Mighty I AM Presence"! Take command o f me! Notice me
first! Take command o f me and my business—Your Business!
Cause me to do the perfect thing to remain harmonious that
makes this business a success and a blessing to all who contact
it!" There is not one who cannot do that and produce all the
success and achievement he wishes, but you must be firm and
unyielding in it. You cannot do it today and forget it tomorrow.
You must stand, just like you were sending forth sledgeham­
mer blows in your Calls to Life—until you have changed all
momentum of the past. Then this momentum which you have
called forth, the Wisdom of Life, goes into Action, takes com­
mand of the Currents of Energy, reaches out Its Loving Arms,
and brings to you the people, conditions, and everything that
makes for your success.

© 1991 Saint Germ ain Press, Inc. 19

The same in your mining projects—I tell you, Gentlemen,
there is not one reason one should fail. The reason why things
have been held in abeyance many times is because, after mak­
ing the Call to the "Presence of Life," the "Mighty I AM
Presence," to do this thing, immediately the individual turned
and began looking to outside channels for supply, and they have
divided the Stream of Energy. But once you stand unyielding
to this "Presence of Life," Its Wisdom will reach out, contact,
and govern the channels which would be the right channels for
supply—release of money—and all will go forward in Divine
Order in Its Perfection.
This applies in every activity of business in the world, from
the smallest to the greatest. Unless individuals will do this, and
do it regularly and continuously until they have changed their
built-up momentum, they cannot have the blessing, the success
their Hearts desire, because they are constantly being affected
by the vibratory action of the outer world. As you keep calling,
suppose you were to call forth, three times a day, dynamically,
for a specific thing; then you keep this flowing like great pulsa­
tions going forth, and the other does not come in. But if you
fail to do it, the first thing you know, you accept a wrong sug­
gestion here, and another there, and you have let in that which
is counteracting your determination and Call to the "Presence
of Life," the "Mighty I AM Presence."
I say to you, Gentlemen, in the Name of Light and the Power
of your "Presence," go forth to successful achievement! Go forth
in your self-control! Go forth in the Power of Life! Call Its Mighty
Light Rays into Action, and have the Happiness, Success, Joy,
and the Perfection of Life that Life wants to give you!
I thank you and bless you.

22 © 1991 Saint Germ ain Press, Inc.

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