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REVIEWER= SSEd 121 FINAL that the landscape developed over long periods of
time through a variety of slow geologic and
CHAPTER 9: LITHOSPHERE geomorphic processes.
The Rock Cycle -is a general model that describes James Hutton
how various geological processes create, modify, A Scottish geologist who originates the term
and influence rocks Uniformitarianism.
Magma In 1785, Hutton presented at the meetings of the
Magma consists of a partially melted mixture of Royal Society of Edinburgh that the Earth had a
elements and compounds commonly found in rocks. long history and that this history could be
Magma exists just beneath the solid crust of the interpreted in terms of processes currently observed.
Earth in an interior zone known as the mantle For example, he suggested that deep soil profiles
Igneous Rocks - form from the cooling and were formed by the weathering of bedrock over
crystallization of magma as it migrates closer to the thousands of years. He also suggested that
Earth's surface. supernatural theories were not needed to explain the
If the crystallization process occurs at the Earth's geologic history of the Earth.
surface, the rocks created are called extrusive Sir Charles Lyell
igneous rocks Hutton's ideas did not gain major support of the
Intrusive igneous rocks are rocks that form within scientific community until the work of Sir Charles
the Earth's solid lithosphere Lyell. In the three volume publication Principles of
Sedimentary Rocks- the processes of burial, Geology (1830-1833), Lyell presented a variety of
compression, and chemical alteration can modify geologic evidence from England, France, Italy, and
these materials over long periods of time to produce Spain to prove Hutton's ideas correct and to reject
sedimentary rocks the theory of catastrophism.
Metamorphic Rocks- A number of geologic The theory of uniformitarianism was also important
processes, like tectonic folding and faulting can in shaping the development of ideas in other
exert heat and pressure on both igneous and disciplines. The work of Charles Darwin and Alfred
sedimentary rocks causing them to be altered Wallace on the origin of the Earth's species
physically or chemically. Rocks modified in this extended the ideas of uniformitarianism into the
way are termed biological sciences. The theory of evolution is based
Geologic Time on the principle that the diversity seen in the Earth's
Geologists and geomorphologists describe the species can be explained by the uniform
Earth's geologic history through a temporal system modification of genetic traits over long periods of
known as the geologic time scale time.
Hadean Eon represents the time on Earth when life Composition of Rocks
did not exist 1. Igneous Rocks - produced by solidification
Archean Eon life started and was dominated by of molten magma from the mantle.
one-celled prokaryotic life forms. 2. Sedimentary Rocks - formed by burial,
Proterozoic Eon is Eukaryotic one-celled compression, and chemical modification of
organisms became dominant deposited weathered rock debris or
Multicellular organisms ruled the planet during the sediments at the Earth's surface.
eon known as the Phanerozoic 3. Metamorphic Rocks - created when existing
Concept of Uniformitarianism rock is chemically or physically modified by
Catastrophism- alternative explanation for the intense heat or pressure.
origin of the Earth. The prevailing view at that time Most rocks are composed of minerals. Minerals are
was that the Earth was created through supernatural defined by geologists as naturally occurring
means and had been affected by a series of inorganic solids that have a crystalline structure and
catastrophic events such as the biblical Flood. a distinct chemical composition.
William Whewell Eight common elements found in Earth’s rock
 The term uniformitarianism was first used in 1. Oxygen 5. Sodium
1832. 2. Silicon 6. Calcium
 University of Cambridge scholar 3. Aluminum 7. Potassium
 Who introduced the theory of Catastrophism 4. Iron 8. Magnesium
Uniformitarianism- is one of the most important Elements Group- includes over one hundred known
unifying concepts in the geosciences. This concept minerals. Many of the minerals in this class are
developed in the late 1700s, suggests that composed of only one element. Geologists
catastrophic processes were not responsible for the sometimes subdivide this group into metal and non-
landforms that existed on the Earth's surface. metal categories.
Instead, the theory of uniformitarianism suggested

Sulfide Group- is an economically important class Ultramafic igneous rocks- contain relative low
of minerals. Many of these minerals consist of amounts of silica. These rocks are extremely rare at
metallic elements in chemical combination with the the Earth's surface.
element sulphur. Most ores of important metals Characteristics of Sedimentary Rocks
such as mercury, iron and lead are extracted from lithification - weathered rock debris that has been
sulfides. physically transported and deposited. Lithification
Halides-are a group of minerals whose principal is any process that turns raw rock sediment into
chemical constituents being fluorine, chlorine, consolidated sedimentary rock.
iodine, and bromine. Many of them are very soluble Clastic - During the transport process, the particles
in water. The most well-known mineral of this that make up these rocks often become rounded due
group is halite or rock salt. to abrasion or can become highly sorted. Some
Oxides- are a group of minerals that are compounds types of clastic sedimentary rocks are composed of
of one or more metallic elements combined with weathered rock material like gravel, sand, silt, and
oxygen, water, or hydroxyl (OH). clay. Others can be constructed from the break up
Carbonates Group consists of minerals which and deposition of shells, coral and other marine
contain one or more metallic elements chemically organisms by wave-action and ocean currents.
associated with the compound CO3 . Most Non-Clastic - types of sedimentary rocks are
carbonates are lightly colored and transparent when created either from chemical precipitation and
relatively pure. crystallization, or by the lithification of once living
Sulfates are a mineral group that contain one or organic matter.
more metallic element in combination with the Several types of sedimentary rocks are formed from
sulfate compound SO4 . All sulfates are transparent the lithification of once living organisms.
to translucent and soft. Most are heavy and some Limestone deposits can be formed by the direct
are soluble in water lithification of coral reefs, marine organism shells,
Phosphates are a group of minerals of one or more or marine organism skeletons. Chalk is a particular
metallic elements chemically associated with the variety of limestone that is composed of the
phosphate compound PO4 . Most phosphates are skeletons of marine microorganisms like
heavy but soft. They are usually brittle and occur in foraminifera; Coal and lignite are the lithified
small crystals or compact aggregates. remains of plants.
Silicates are by far the largest group of minerals. Characteristics of Metamorphic Rocks
Chemically, these minerals contain varying amounts Metamorphism involves the alteration of existing
of silicon and oxygen. rocks by either excessive heat or pressure, or
Organic minerals are a rare group of minerals through the chemical action of fluids. This
chemically containing hydrocarbons. Most alteration can cause chemical changes or structural
geologists do not classify these substances as true modification to the minerals making up the rock.
minerals. Structural modification may involve the simple
Characteristics of Igneous Rocks reorganization of minerals into layers or the
Igneous rocks are produced by the crystallization aggregation of minerals into specific areas within
and solidification of molten magma. Magma forms the rock.
when rock is heated to high temperatures (between 1. Thermal metamorphism involves the heating
625 and 1200° Celsius) beneath the earth's surface. and structural and chemical alteration of rocks
The exact temperature needed to melt rock is through processes associated with plate tectonics.
controlled by several factors. Chemistry of the rock This type of metamorphism has two sub-categories:
material, pressure, presence of gases (like water -Regional metamorphism is the large-scale
vapor) all influence when melting occurs. heating and modification of existing rock through
Types of Igneous Rocks the creation of plutons at tectonic zones of
Felsic magma- contains relatively high quantities subduction. It involves large areas and large
of sodium, aluminum, and potassium and is volumes of rock.
composed of more than 65% silica. Rocks formed -Contact metamorphism is the small-scale
from felsic magma include granite. Rock types are heating and alteration of rock by way of a localized
light in color. igneous intrusion (for example, volcanic dykes or
Mafic magma- produces igneous rocks rich in sills).
calcium, iron, and magnesium and is relatively poor 2. Dynamic metamorphism causes only the
in silica. Mafic igneous rocks tend to be dark in structural alteration of rock through pressure. The
color because they contain a large proportion of minerals in the altered rocks do not change
minerals rich in iron and magnesium. chemically. The extreme pressures associated with
Intermediate igneous rocks- have a chemistry mountain building can cause this type of
between mafic and felsic. Common fine grained metamorphism.
extrusive igneous rock that forms from lavas 3. Metasomatic metamorphism involves the
erupted by volcanoes located along continental chemical replacement of elements in rock minerals
margins. when gases and liquids permeate into bedrock.

Structure of the Earth the mantle like ice cubes in water. When the Earth's
The core which is approximately 7000 kilometers crust gains weight due to mountain building or
in diameter (3500 kilometers in radius) and is glaciation, it deforms and sinks deeper into the
located at the Earth's center. mantle. If the weight is removed, the crust becomes
The mantle which surrounds the core and has a more buoyant and floats higher in the mantle.
thickness of 2900 kilometers. Plate Tectonics -The theory of plate tectonics
The crust floats on top of the mantle. It is offered new and more scientifically sound
composed of basalt rich oceanic crust and granitic explanations for a number of observed geologic
rich continental crust. phenomena.
The core is a layer rich in iron and nickel that is Collision of two oceanic plates
composed of two layers. Oceanic trench- the collision of two oceanic plates,
The inner core is theorized to be solid with a one of the plates is subducted under the other.
density of about 13 grams per cubic centimeter and Island arcs- the convergence of two oceanic plates
a radius of about 1220 kilometers. The outer core is also creates chains of volcanic islands. Island arcs
liquid and has a density of about 11 grams per cubic are created by the friction of subduction which
centimeter. It surrounds the inner core and has an creates hot plumes of magma at the interface of the
average thickness of about 2250 kilometers. two plates. These hot plumes of magma then rise to
The mantle is almost 2900 kilometers thick and the earth's surface to form volcanoes.
comprises about 83% of the Earth's volume. It is Collision of an oceanic and a continental plate
composed of several different layers The oceanic plate subducts under the lighter
The upper mantle exists from the base of the crust continental plate. Once again, we get the formation
downward to a depth of about 670 kilometers. of a trench, volcanoes, and earthquakes. Collision
The top layer of the upper mantle, 100 to 200 causes sediment deposited on the ocean floor to be
kilometers below surface, is called the piled up at the continental plate boundary. The
asthenosphere. The rocks in this upper portion of creation of hot magma plumes also causes the
the mantle are more rigid and brittle because of continental crust to deform producing mountains.
cooler temperatures and lower pressures. Collision of two continental plates
Below the upper mantle is the lower mantle that One of the crustal plates is subducted under the
extends from 670 to 2900 kilometers below the other producing earthquakes. A mountain range is
Earth's surface. This layer is hot and plastic. produced at the plate boundaries because of the
The lithosphere is a layer that includes the crust and deformation of rocks. Some of the rocks in the
the upper most portion of the mantle. This layer is mountain range may be sedimentary and may have
about 100 kilometers thick and has the ability to been set down in an ocean environment that existed
glide over the rest of the upper mantle. Because of between the two continental crusts prior to collision.
increasing temperature and pressure, deeper
portions of the lithosphere are capable of plastic CHAPTER 10: TOWERS OF THE EARTH
flow over geologic time. The lithosphere is also the INTRODUCTION
zone of earthquakes, mountain building, volcanoes,
and continental drift. What is a Mountain?
The topmost part of the lithosphere consists of -Defined by most geographers as “large natural
crust. This material is cool, rigid, and brittle. elevations of the Earth’s surface.
Ocean crust is thin and measures between 5 to 10 -Although most mountains seem to look alike, a
kilometers thick. It is also composed of basalt and closer scrutiny will reveal that they differ in many
has a density of about 3.0 grams per cubic ways because they differ in origin.
centimeter. -Rocks
The continental crust is 20 to 70 kilometers thick - Landforms
and composed mainly of lighter granite. Continental -Geographic positions
crust is thickest beneath mountain ranges and What is Oregeny? -Process of mountain building.
extends into the mantle. Both of these crust types - Ore means mountain
are composed of numerous tectonic plates that float - Genesis means creation
on top of the mantle. Convection currents within the Types of Mountains
mantle cause these plates to move slowly across the 1. Volcanic Mountains
asthenosphere. 2. Folded Mountains
Isostacy 3. Fault-block Mountains
One interesting property of the continental and 4. Uplift and Erosion
oceanic crust is that these tectonic plates have the Volcanic Mountains
ability to rise and sink. This phenomenon, known as -Volcanic Mountains are formed when molten rock
isostacy, occurs because the crust floats on top of (magma) deep within the earth, erupts, and piles
upon the surface.

 -Magma is called lava when it breaks (d) Formation of Fertile Plains

through the earth's crust. The rivers that originate in the high mountain region
 -When the ash and lava cools, it builds a bring silt along with water to the lower valleys. This
cone of rock. helps in the formation of fertile plains.
 -Rock and lava pile up, layer on top of layer. What have we learnt?
 Lava changes the landscape -There are mountains all over the world, and they
come in all different shapes and sizes.
Folded Mountains -They often have mystical significance for local
-The most common type of mountain people.
-Fold mountains are formed when two plates collide -The creation of Mountains is to do with forces
head on, and their edges crumbled, much the same below the earth’s surface
way as a piece of paper folds when pushed together. -That the temperature at the bottom of the mountain
Types of folds in Rock is different from that at the top.
1. Anticline Upward fold -That it is important to preserve these environments
2. Syncline  Downward as they play a key role in the water cycle, energy
creation, and biodiversity.
Fault-block Mountain
-These mountains form when faults or cracks in the Chapter 11: FOUNTAINS OF FIRE
earth's crust force some materials or blocks of rock
up and others down. What are volcanoes?
-Instead of the earth folding over, the earth's crust -A volcano is a mountain that opens downward to a
fractures (pulls apart). It breaks up into blocks or pool of molten rock below the surface of the earth.
chunks. Sometimes these blocks of rock move up When pressure builds up, eruptions occur
and down, as they move apart and blocks of rock
end up being stacked on one another. Magma - Molten rock beneath Earth's surface.
Parasitic Cone - A small cone-shaped volcano
Uplift and Erosion formed by an accumulation of volcanic debris.
-When the land forms are lifted because of the Sill - A flat piece of rock formed when magma
forces in the mantle, mountains can grow higher hardens in a crack in a volcano.
and larger, flat areas become higher. Vent - An opening in Earth's surface through which
-A broad, flat area that has been uplifted is a volcanic materials escape.
plateau. Lava - Molten rock that erupts from a volcano that
Shaping the summits solidifies as it cools.
-The shape of a volcanic mountain varies according Crater - Mouth of a volcano - surrounds a volcanic
to the nature of the eruptions that formed it, and its vent
conical form may be modified by the shift in the Conduit - Underground passage magma travels
position of eruption vents and the point of exit of through.
pasty lava at different parts of the edifice Throat - Entrance of a volcano. The part of the
The Chocolate Hills of Bohol conduit that ejects lava and volcanic ash.
-The Chocolate Hills are a geological formation in Ash - Fragments of lava or rock smaller than 2 mm
the Bohol province of the Philippines. There are at in size that are blasted into the air by volcanic
least 1,260 hills but there may be as many as 1,776 explosions.
hills spread over an area of more than 50 square Ash Cloud - A cloud of ash formed by volcanic
kilometers. explosions
-They are covered in green grass that turns brown 4 types of volcanoes
during the dry season, hence the name. 1.Cinder cone volcano
Mountains are useful to us in the following ways. 2. Shield volcano
(A) Storehouse of Resources 3. Composite volcano
Mountains are the storehouse of natural resources. 4. Lava volcano
Large resources of minerals are found in mountains.
(b) Generation of Hydro-electricity Philippine Institute of Volcanology and
Hydro-electricity is generated from the waters of Seismology (PHIVOLCS)is a Philippine national
perennial rivers in the mountain regions. institution dedicated to provide information on the
C) Abundant Sources of Water activities of volcanoes, earthquakes, and tsunamis,
Perennial rivers rising in the snow fed or heavily as well as other specialized information and
rain fed mountains are the important source of services primarily for the protection of life and
water. They help in promoting the irrigation and property and in support of economic, productivity, -
provide water for many other uses. and sustainable development.

Ring of Fire 1. Warm Ocean Waters

-a string of volcanoes and sites of seismic activity, "It has the warmest ocean temperatures in the
or earthquakes, around the edges of the Pacific world. We call it the warm pool around Indonesia
Ocean. Roughly 90% of all earthquakes occur along and the Philippines," says atmospheric scientist
the Ring of Fire, and the ring is dotted with 75% of Colin Price“.You need temperatures above 28°C
all active volcanoes on Earth. (82.4°F) for typhoons to form. In the western
-It isn’t quite a circular ring. It is shaped more like a Pacific, the water's normally above 28 degrees.
40,000-kilometer horseshoe. A string of 452 2. Coastal Homes
volcanoes stretches from the southern tip of South A lot of people live on low-lying coastal islands in
America, up along the coast of North America, the Philippines, with more than 60 percent of the
across the Bering Strait, down through Japan, and population living in coastal zones.
into New Zealand. Several active and dormant Storm surges for landfall of Super Typhoon Haiyan
volcanoes in Antarctica, however, “close” the ring. reached 23 feet (7 meters) in some places and were
Volcanic Arc is a chain of volcanoes formed above more than 16 feet (5 meters) high.
a subducting plate, positioned in an arc shape. 3. Deforestation
Offshore volcanoes form islands, resulting in a In past typhoons, mudslides have killed many storm
volcanic island arc. Generally, volcanic arcs result survivors in the Philippines, notes meteorologist
from the subduction of an oceanic tectonic plate Jeff Masters
under another tectonic plate, and often parallel an Hillsides denuded of trees have fewer roots to hold
oceanic trench. them together, which can lead to mudslides when
East Marikina Valley Fault -The eastern segment, they are hit by sudden huge outbursts of rain.
known as East Valley Fault (EVF) moves in an 4. Ring of Fire
oblique dextral motion. It extends to about 17.24 The Philippines rests on the Pacific’s earthquake
kilometers (10.71 mi) from Rodriguez to San Mateo and volcano Ring of Fire.
in the province of Rizal. Driven by the Pacific's Ocean's crust diving
West Marikina Valley Fault -The west segment, underneath the continents, the result is earthquakes
known as the West Valley Fault (WVF) is one of and tsunamis striking the Philippines with regularity
the two major fault segments of the Valley Fault 5. Underdevelopment
System which runs through Metro Manila to the The young, poor population of the Philippines has
cities of Marikina, Quezon City, Pasig, Makati, increasingly shifted to coastal regions, where
Taguig and Muntinlupa and moves in a dominantly rapidly constructed housing and inadequate
dextral strike-slip motion. The West Valley Fault evacuation plans may have played a role in the
segment traverses from Doña Remedios Trinidad to Haiyan disaster.
Calamba with a length of 129.47 kilometers (80.45
mi). Typhoon
Mt. Pinatubo -is an active stratovolcano in the - is the same thing as a hurricane and a cyclone the
Zambales Mountains, located on the tripoint difference is in the location. Hurricanes occur in the
boundary of the Philippine provinces of Zambales, Atlantic and Northeast Pacific. In the South Pacific
Tarlac and Pampanga, all in Central Luzon on the and the Indian Ocean, the same type of storm is
northern island of Luzon. called a cyclone. But they are all known as tropical
-its eruptive history was unknown to most before cyclones. But whatever name, these storms can
the pre-eruption volcanic activities last June 12, produce violent winds and waves, torrential rains,
1991. and flooding.
Mt. Mayon -Mayon Volcano or Mount Mayon is Typhoon emerges in Philippines
an active stratovolcano in the province of Albay in 1. -Haiphong cyclone
Bicol Region, on the large island of Luzon in the 2. -Typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda
Philippines. 3. -Typhoon Thelma/Uring
-Renowned as the "perfect cone" because of its 4. -Typhoon Bopha/Pablo
symmetric conical shape. 5. -Typhoon Rosing/Angela
Taal Volcano -Taal is a complex volcano located
on the island of Luzon in the Philippines. It is the Haiphong cyclone
second most active volcano in the Philippines with -the deadliest Philippine typhoon ever recorded.
33 historical eruptions. -was a typhoon that struck Haiphong, in Dai
-wholly located in the province of Batangas. It is Nam (now Vietnam), and the northern part of
located about 50 kilometers (31 miles) south of the the Captaincy General of the Philippines (now
capital of the country, the city of Manila the Philippines) on October 8, 1881.
CHAPTER 12: DANGEROUS LAND -With the high waves and winds, rice fields were
-Why that our Country, the Philippines is so flooded, buildings were decimated, trees were
disaster prone. ripped up, etc. By the time the typhoon passed, most
5 reason why? of the town was wiped out. Then, due to the

inability to operate as a port town, Haiphong's cross the Philippines, as much as 152.4 millimeters
economy also took impact. (6 inches) of rain fell over several areas.
-The exact category and strength of the Haiphong -This rainfall resulted in catastrophic events such as
cyclone are not known, as is the case for many dam failures, landslides, and flash flooding, which
meteorological events and natural disasters that took in turn, caused an estimated 6,000 casualties. This
place before the 20th century made Tropical Storm Thelma the deadliest storm of
-It was three times the casualty of Typhoon Haiyan, the 1991 Pacific typhoon season. Over half of the
the deadliest Philippine typhoon in modern deaths were reported in the port city of Ormoc on
meteorological records, and is the third the Philippine Island of Leyte. Here, a 2.4 m (8 ft)
deadliest tropical cyclone in history of the world storm surge swept through the area. Three-quarters
of the city was destroyed in the subsequent flooding
Typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda Typhoon Bopha/Pablo
-One of the most powerful storms ever tracked, -Typhoon Bopha made landfall the evening of Dec.
Typhoon Haiyan was a “super typhoon” with 3, 2012, on Baganga, Mindanao in the Philippines.
sustained winds of over 150 mph. With sustained winds above 175 mph, the Category
-Leyte Island was buffeted by sustained winds of 5storm was the strongest to ever hit the southern
195 mph and gusts up to 235 mph. Philippine islands and the strongest to hit the
-it occurred after the official typhoon season’s country until the record-breaking super
November 1 ending. storm, Typhoon Haiyan, in 2013.
Typhoon Haiyan timeline -A year before Typhoon Bopha, Mindanao was hit
Nov. 2: The storm is detected as a low-pressure area by Tropical Storm Washi. Many families lost
in Micronesia. everything and had not recovered when Bopha
Nov. 4: The system is upgraded to a tropical storm came calling.
and named Haiyan. -Mindanao has been plagued by armed conflict for
Nov. 6: The storm hits Palau and parts of decades and is consistently the poorest region in the
Micronesia. After growing in intensity for days, Philippines, it also able to withstand economic
Typhoon Haiyan became a Category 5 storm, losses from disasters.
with wind speeds above 157 mph. 2012 Typhoon Bopha timeline
Nov. 7: Haiyan enters the Philippines area; alerts, Nov. 23: A weather system emerges in Micronesia,
preparations, and evacuations intensify. but is perceived as having little chance of
Nov. 8: At 4:40 a.m., Haiyan makes landfall in developing into a significant weather system.
Eastern Samar at peak capacity. It continues to Nov. 30: Now a named storm, Bopha is upgraded to
spread destruction through the Visayas, the a severe tropical storm. Then, a few hours later it
Philippines’ central island group. becomes a typhoon as its wind speed increases.
Nov. 9: The storm moves out into the South China Dec. 2: Bopha strengthens to a super typhoon with
Sea, heading toward Vietnam. sustained wind speeds of at least 150 mph. Later it
Nov. 10: Haiyan makes landfall in northeast develops a double eye wall as the whirling band of
Vietnam, much diminished, and then disintegrates thunderstorms that surround the calmer eye
into bands of rain over Guanxi, China. increases. This is a sign that the storm is
Impact intensifying.
-With wind speeds sustained at more than 150 mph, Dec. 3: At 9 p.m. Bopha makes landfall over
Haiyan was classified as a super typhoon. However, Baganga, Mindanao, as a Category 5 super typhoon.
its massive storm surge was even more destructive. Dec. 4 to 6: After raking across Davao Oriental and
Local officials estimated that Tacloban City on the Compostela Valley provinces, Typhoon Bopha
island of Leyte was 90 percent destroyed. crosses into the southern and central regions of
-The typhoon’s fury affected more than 14 million Mindanao, downing power lines and triggering
people across 44 provinces, displacing 4.1 million landslides.
people, killing more than 6,000 people, and leaving Dec. 7 to 9: Bopha begins to strengthen again, but
1,800 missing. In addition, 1.1 million houses were as it moves to the South China Sea and west of
either partially or totally damaged, 33 million Palawan island province, it dissipates.
coconut trees (a major source of livelihoods) were Impact
destroyed, or the livelihoods of 5.9 million workers Damage caused by Typhoon Pablo amounted to
were disrupted. $1.6 billion.
Typhoon Thelma/Uring Typhoon Bopha smashes into the main southern
-Tropical Storm Thelma was the 28th named storm island of Mindanao on December 3, 2012. Rarely
of the 1991 season it was considered a minimal hit by cyclones, the region suffers about 1,900
storm and did not produce the strongest of winds, it people dead or missing.
did produce torrential rains. An estimated 580.5 Typhoon Rosing/Angela
millimeters (22.85 inches) of rain fell over the Typhoon Angela, known in
Tongonan Geothermal Site in the Eastern the Philippines as Typhoon Rosing, was a
Philippines. In the 24-hour period it took Thelma to

catastrophic Category 5 typhoon with 180 mph wake people from a deep sleep and make them
(290 km/h) sustained winds. realize that something unusual was about to unfold.
Impact The 1976 Moro Gulf tsunami serves as a lesson for
more than 96,000 houses were destroyed, along local communities to prepare for any disaster.
with bridges and roads. The worst impact was in the Magnitude 7.8 earthquake in
Southern Bicol Region. Angela passed almost right Luzon Island
over Manila, causing a significant impact both there An earthquake of 7.8 magnitude on the Richter
and in Catanduanes. In Calauag, storm surge and scale, (epicenter at 15.71 N and 121.15 E) jolted the
flooding from a dam failure killed 121 people. Island of Luzon on July 16, 1990 at 4:26 pm,
Angela caused 9.33 billion Philippine pesos in affecting the whole of northern and central Luzon
catastrophic damage across the Philippines and part of southern Luzon, including Metro
Manila. There were 18,337 barangays in 13 cities
Earthquake and 231 municipalities in 23 provinces that were
(also known as a quake, tremor or temblor) is the severely affected. The City of Baguio in the
shaking of the surface of the Earth, resulting from Mountain Province of Northern Luzon was most
the sudden release of energy in the Earth's affected and devastated.
lithosphere that creates seismic waves. Impact
Strong Earthquake emerged in Philippines Baguio City
1. Magnitude 7.9 in Moro Gulf Situated over 5000 feet above sea level, was among
2. Magnitude 7.8 in Luzon Island the areas hardest hit by the Luzon earthquake. The
3. Magnitude 7.3 in Casiguran, Aurora earthquake caused 28 collapsed buildings, including
4. Magnitude 7.2 in Bohol and Cebu hotels, factories, government and university
5. Magnitude 7.1 in Mindoro buildings, as well as many private homes and
Magnitude 7.9 earthquake in establishments such as Kennon road, Loakan
Moro Gulf airport, Burnham Park and Hotel Nevada
1976 Moro Gulf earthquake and tsunami took One of the more prominent buildings destroyed was
place on August 17 at 00:11 local time near the the Hyatt Terraces Hotel where at least eighty hotel
islands of Mindanao and Sulu, in the Philippines. Its employees and guests were killed
magnitude was calculated as being as high as 8.0 on Cabanatuan City
the moment magnitude scale. In Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija, the tallest
The epicenter of the great earthquake was located building in the city, a six-story concrete school
40 km off the shores of Sultan Kudarat. From the building housing the Christian College of the
depths of the Moro Gulf came giant waves that Philippines, collapsed during the earthquake, which
moved in all directions, slowing down as it reached occurred during school hours. Around 154 people
the surface to form one of the most terrifying were killed at the CCP building.
phenomena known to mankind—tsunami. Dagupan City
Tsunami About 90 buildings in the city were damaged, and
Also known as a seismic sea wave is a series of about 20 collapsed. Some structures sustained
waves in a water body caused by the displacement damage because liquefaction caused buildings to
of a large volume of water, generally in an ocean or sink as much as 1 meter (39 inches). The earthquake
a large lake. caused a decrease in the elevation of the city and
Signs of the impending cataclysm happened so several areas were flooded. The city suffered 64
quick, giving those in the coastline little or no time casualties of which 47 survived and 17 died
to prepare. Within few minutes after the earthquake, La Union
water started receding as far as 2 km. Five municipalities in La Union were
According to Solidum, tsunamis in the Philippines affected: Agoo, Aringay, Caba, Santo Tomas,
are more dangerous compared to those that occur in and Tubao with a combined population of 132,208.
other countries such as Indonesia and Japan Many buildings, including the Museo de Iloko and
“The tsunamis in our country arrive much faster the Basilica Minore of our Lady of Charity,
than those in Indonesia and Japan because the collapsed or were severely damaged. 100,000
source of the earthquake or the trenches is closer to families were displaced when two coastal villages
the shorelines. If the trenches are closer to the sank due to liquefaction. The province suffered
shoreline, then the source of the tsunami will be many casualties leaving 32 people dead.
much closer to the shoreline, so the distance will Displaced 126,035
only be short and the lead time will be shorter,” he Dead 2,412
explained. Missing 321
Impact Injured 3,513
The sudden movements of the earth proved to be Housing destroyed/damaged Completely
destructive in Cotabato, where 1,500 people destroyed: 25,305 Partly damaged: 77,249
perished after several buildings were reduced into
pathetic rubble. In Pagadian, a coastal city 80 miles
northwest of Cotabato, the quake was enough to

Total damage and losses (in USD) 695,000

Magnitude 7.3 earthquake in Casiguran, Aurora Impact
At around 4 am on August 2, 1968, a magnitude 7.3 The 1994 event generated a tsunami which
earthquake hit the city of Casiguran in Aurora accounted for majority of the casualties and
province. wrought significant damage on the northern
Striking at a time when most people were sleeping, shoreline communities of Mindoro. Without this
massive loss of lives was inevitable. tsunami, total casualty would have been only 29
Impact instead of 78.
-The Old Philippine National Bank, Another
building that suffered severe damage was the Volcanic Eruption
Philippine Bar Association building. Based on The sudden occurrence of a violent discharge of
reports, the columns on the first floor were severely steam and volcanic material.
crushed that the building almost collapsed. Volcanic Eruption Emerged In the Philippines
-While buildings collapsed in Manila, several 1. -Eruption of Mount Pinatubo
landslides occurred and a number of ground 2. -Eruption of Mount Mayon
ruptures were seen in Casiguran. 3. -Eruption of Taal Volcano
-Among the 270 people who died, 268 of them were 4. -Eruption of Canlaon volcano
buried alive in this building. Of the 261 injured, 260 5. -Eruption of Mount Bulusan
were from the Ruby Tower as well, some of whom Eruption of Mount Pinatubo
died later on. -The June 15, 1991 at 1:42 p.m. local time,
Magnitude 7.2 earthquake in explosive eruption of Mount Pinatubo, Philippines,
Bohol and Cebu was the second largest volcanic eruption of this
-occurred on October 15 at 8:12 in Bohol, an island century and by far the largest eruption to affect a
province located in Central densely populated area. The eruption produced
Visayas, Philippines. The magnitude of the high-speed avalanches of hot ash and gas
earthquake was recorded at M 7.2, with epicenter 6 (pyroclastic flows), giant mudflows (lahars), and a
kilometres (3.7 mi) of Sagbayan, and its depth of cloud of volcanic ash hundreds of miles across.
focus was 12 kilometers. It affected the -Unfortunately, at the time of the eruption Tropical
whole Central Visayas region, particularly Bohol Storm Yunya was passing 75 km (47 miles) to the
and Cebu. The quake was felt in the whole Visayas northeast of Mount Pinatubo, causing a large
area and as far as Masbate Island in the north amount of rainfall in the region. The ash that was
and Cotabato provinces in southern Mindanao. ejected from the volcano mixed with the water
Impact vapor in the air to cause a rainfall of tephra that fell
According to official reports by the National across almost the entire island of Luzon. The
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management greatest thickness of ash deposited 33 centimeters
Council (NDRRMC), 222 were reported dead, 8 (13 inches) approximately 10.5 km (6.5 mi)
were missing, and 976 people were injured. In all, southwest of the volcano. There was 10 cm of ash
more than 73,000 structures were damaged, of covering an area of 2000 square kilometers (772
which more than 14,500 were totally destroyed square miles).
Magnitude 7.1 earthquake Impact
in Mindoro Most of the 200 to 800 people (accounts vary) who
Occurred at 03:15 on died during the eruption died due to the weight of
November15 near Mindoro, the Philippines. It had the ash collapsing roofs and killing two occupants.
a moment magnitude of 7.1 and a Had Tropical Storm Yunya not been nearby, the
maximum Mercalli intensity of VII. It is associated death toll from the volcano would have been much
with a 35-kilometer-long ground rupture, called the lower.
Aglubang River fault. Seventy-eight people were Eruption of Mount Mayon
reported dead, and 7,566 houses were damaged. The Mayon, is an active stratovolcano in
earthquake generated a tsunami and landslides on the province of Albay in Bicol Region, on the large
the Verde Island island of Luzon in the Philippines.
Tsunami Eruptions:
The earthquake generated a tsunami, which affected 1766 July 20-24: The second recorded eruption of
Mindoro, the Verde Island, the Baco Islands, and Mayon was a Vulcanian-type of explosion.
Luzon. Some concrete structures also suffered Pyroclastic and lava flows destroyed the town of
moderate damage in the tsunami. In Baco Islands, Malinao and produced major damages in Cagsawa,
the vertical run-up reached 8.5 meters (28 ft). The Guinobatan, Budiao, Polangui, and Ligao killing 39
tsunami was also recorded in Lobo. The tsunami people.
was larger than expected considering the strike-slip 1853 July 7: Mayon had another Vulcanian-type
movement of the earthquake. eruption with ash fall, lava bombs and pyroclastic
flows that caused 34 casualties.

1897 June 4 - July 23: The second most destructive seriously injured six others, including four Belgians.
eruption of Mayon featured a violent phase that Twenty-one people were rescued early Aug. 11 by
lasted for 17 hours. It was a strong Vulcanian blast air force helicopters which flew to a clearing near
that killed 350 people due to pyroclastic flows in the summit to airlift the trapped climbers, Vargas
the seashore of the municipality of Sto. Domingo in said. "We could not speak to them now as most
Albay. were weak and still in a state of shock when the
1993 Feb. 2 - Apr. 4: The eruption killed 77 and choppers came by to rescue them," Vargas added.
injured 5 people due to pyroclastic flow and lava Most of the injured were treated for serious burns,
flow and lahar that were confined to gullies, he said.
landforms created by running water. Belgian student Caroline Verlinda, 21, said she and
2013 May 6: A sudden phreatic explosion, a steam the rest of her group were about to leave a site near
eruption without lava emission, killed 5 and hurt 7 the crater rim when the eruption began. "Suddenly it
hikers. ejected ash and stones. I ran to a tree for cover and
-The February 1, 1814 eruption is the “most saw my friends being hit by falling stones," she told
destructive in terms of casualties and the distance reporters.
that the volcanic hazards reached from the crater,” Verlinda was on an expedition to scale the volcano
says the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and with a group of 16 climbers, including nine other
Seismology (PHIVOLCS) director Renato Solidum. Belgians from the University of Notre Dame de la
Impact Paix in Namours. She said their Filipino guide told
-on February 1, 1814, the people of Albay them the smoke billowing out from the crater "was
witnessed Mayon Volcano’s most destructive just ordinary."
eruption yet. The eruption killed roughly 1,200 Kanlaon, one of the country's 21 most active
people. World renowned for its almost perfect cone volcanoes, is a favorite spot for mountain climbers
shape. It has erupted nearly 50 times since its first in the Philippines. But the eruption on Aug. 10 has
recorded explosion in 1616. Those eruptions caused forced local officials to suspend climbing
untold destruction and claimed many lives. expeditions, Vargas said.
Eruption of Taal Volcano Mount Bulusan or Bulusan Volcano, is the
Is a complex volcano located on the island southernmost volcano on Luzon Island.
of Luzon in the Philippines. It is the second Bulusan is generally known for its sudden steam-
most active volcano in the Philippines with 33 driven or phreatic explosions. It has erupted 15
historical eruptions. All of these eruptions are times since 1885 and is considered as the 4th
concentrated on Volcano Island, an island near the most active volcano in the Philippines after Mayon,
middle of Taal Lake Taal, and Kanlaon.
One of the more devastating eruptions occurred in Eruption of Mount Bulusan
January, 1911. During the night of the 27th of that On November 7, 2010, PHIVOLCS recorded
month. increased seismic activity at Bulusan Volcano; 24
Impact hours after the active volcano spewed a 600-meter
The eruption claimed a reported 1,335 lives and (2,000 ft) ash column and grayish steam on
injured 199; although it is known that more perished November 5, 2010. State volcanologists noted that
than the official records show. The at least 10 volcanic earthquakes and four explosion-
seven barangays that existed on the island previous type events have been documented subsequent to
to the eruption were completely wiped out the emission of ash and steam at 8 a.m. on Saturday
Canlaon volcano (5 November 2010).
also spelled as Kanla-on or sometimes Canlaon, is PHIVOLCS also noted that steaming activity was
an active stratovolcano on the island of Negros, characterized by strong emission of white steam
Philippines. It is the highest point in Negros, as well column that reached a maximum height of 200
as the whole Visayas, with an elevation of 2,465 m meters above the crater rim. It warned the public not
(8,087 ft) above sea level. to enter the four-kilometer permanent danger zone
Canlaon volcano eruptions from the volcano. People residing near the valleys
2016, 2015, 2006, 2005, 2003, 2002, 1996, 1993, and streams were also advised to be "extra alert"
1992, 1989, 1988, 1987, 1986, 1985, 1980, 1978, against sediment-laden stream flows in the event of
1970, 1969, 1932-33, 1927, 1905-06, 1904, 1902, heavy rains.
1894, 1893, 1884, 1883, 1866.
Eruption of Canlaon volcano Landslides
-It erupts in August 10, 1996 Refers to several forms of mass wasting that include
-Three people died when Mt. Kanlaon erupted a wide range of ground movements, such as rock
without warning, trapping some 24 mountain falls, deep-seated slope failures, mudflows and
climbers near its crater debris flows.
-British student Julian Green, and two other Filipino Landslides That Emerged In Philippines
students were killed when they were hit by molten 1. -Naga, Cebu landslide
rocks expelled from the volcano's crater which also 2. -Itogon, Benguet landslide
3. -Biliran landslide

been blamed on incessant rains spawned by low

4. -Catbalogan landslide pressure areas in Mindanao the past week.
5. -Pantukan landslide Solidum said the residents in Compostela Valley
6. -Guinsaugon landslide should be educated that landslides could happen
7. -Cherry hill subdivision landslide immediately after a heavy rainfall or a strong quake,
Naga, Cebu landslide or a combination of both, or after days of rain.
On September 20, 2018, a landslide caused by Guinsaugon landslide
heavy rainfall and quarrying operations by Apo GUINSAUGON, Philippines, Saturday, Feb. 18
Land and Quarry Corporations (ALQC) in Naga, The village of Guinsaugon disappeared Friday. So
Cebu, Philippines, killed 78 people. Five others are did nearly every man, woman and child who lived
missing. in this eastern Philippines farming community of
This is the second deadly landslide to occur in the 1,857 people
country in five days; the first occurred in Itogon, On Saturday morning, 24 hours after a landslide
Benguet, in September 15, triggered by Typhoon sent a wall of mud and boulders tumbling down a
Mangkhut ("Ompong"), leaving at least 35 dead. mountain and over the village at a terrifying speed,
The landslide covered about 80.12 hectares. rescue workers held little hope of finding more
Itogon, Benguet landslide survivors. Only 57 have been found out of a
Strong winds and rains brought by Typhoon population of 1,857.
Ompong (Mangkhut) triggered landslides in Itogon. The search was focusing on an elementary school,
In Barangay Ucab, a landslide buried a miners’ amid unconfirmed reports that relatives of the 250
bunkhouse in the town on Saturday morning, children and teachers had received cell phone text
September 15. messages from survivors. Only one girl and a
The death toll in Itogon, Benguet, has climbed to 69 woman had been rescued alive nearby.
Chief Superintendent Rolando Nana said in an The landslide left Guinsaugon, which is on the
update sent to reporters that of the total number of southern part of Leyte Island, looking like a giant
fatalities in Itogon town due to Typhoon Ompong, patch of newly plowed land, with only a few
44 were from Barangay Ucab. Authorities said 41 jumbles of corrugated steel sheeting left to suggest
of the 44 deaths in Barangay Ucab are due to the something else had been there.
landslide, and the rest are from other causes. "Our village is gone; everything was buried in
Biliran landslide mud," Eugene Pilo, who lost his family, told local
Landslides triggered by Tropical Storm Urduja reporters on Friday. "All the people are gone."
(Kai-Tak) have killed 26 people and 23 more are Cherry Hill subdivision landslide
missing in the eastern Philippines, authorities said The subdivision is located in Antipolo City,
Sunday, December 17, 2017. Province of Rizal, Luzon Island, and the
The deaths were reported in the small island Philippines. It is situated in saddle like fashion in an
province of Biliran, a day after the storm pounded elevated terrain cut from a mountain leaving the
the east of the archipelago nation. East and West Flanks.
"Rocks as big as cars fell on concrete houses after 3 The landslide occurred at approximately 7:00 PM of
days of continuous, heavy rain," chief inspector August 3, 1999. Several hours before the event a lot
LilibethMorillo, Biliran police information officer, of residents have evacuated their homes because of
told AFP as she described a landslide in the telltale signs of the impending slide. Cracks were
mountainous district of Lucsoon. being observed in some houses which continued
Catbalogan landslide progressively, thus, providing ominous signs that
At least 20 people were confirmed dead in a were headed by some.
landslide that hit five barangays in Catbalogan City When the landslide occurred, it was very sudden
in Samar Tuesday following days of rains brought and according to some eyewitnesses, occurred
by tropical storm Seniang. within five seconds. Two loud noises were heard
According to a report aired on GMA News TV's during the landslide.
"Balitanghali", 20 bodies have already been resulted to about 60 death toll and 378 houses
retrieved from the landslide site, based on the buried. The landslide was primarily caused by the
record of Catbalogan City government. heavy rains of the approaching typhoon Olga. The
According to the city government, the site had subdivision became a death trap when its
earlier been declared a danger zone and that the foundations were filled with water and the whole
resident was advised to evacuate. complex slid down the hill on which it was built.
Pantukan landslide
January 05, 2012, landslide that struck a mining
community in Pantukan, Compostela Valley and
killed dozens of people was a disaster waiting to
happen, said the director of the Philippine Institute
of Volcanology and Seismology he landslide that

buried a cluster of shanties in Barangay Napnapan Disaster Preparedness Tips

early Thursday, killing at least 25 residents, had 1. Know what you’ll face

Part of preparation is knowing exactly what kind of Learn how you can be a community leader during a
disasters you might face and knowing what to do in disaster or teach others how to be prepared.
each situation Volunteer positions with local emergency response
2. Learn your area’s evacuation routes and agencies or nonprofits are available in a huge range
shelter locations of capacities
Evacuations are actually pretty common, so it will
serve you well to know the details ahead of time.
3. Know how you’ll reconnect with people who
Consider how you will contact your family or your
4. Sign up for emergency alerts and know how
officials will communicate with you during a
You can get these on your cell phone, if you haven’t
disabled them already.
the best way to learn about emergencies if you are
constantly attached to your phone.
But don’t expect to rely on social media it
exclusively as you may not keep your Internet
connection in an emergency.
5. Learn what to do if you’re caught away from
Obviously, you may not be at home when disaster
strikes. In the case of an unexpected emergency,
you should be prepared to react from different
locations, including your workplace or car.
6. Have a kit and know how to use it
This includes food, water, basic first aid supplies
and other emergency equipment that you might
already have
7. Keep in mind people who may need special
Kids, infants, people with disabilities and seniors
may all need special considerations while planning
for an emergency.
8. Prepare for your pets
The goal of emergency preparedness is to keep the
whole family safe — and that includes our pets. If
you need to evacuate, you should never leave your
pet behind. Try to evacuate to a friend or family
member’s house, as pets may not be allowed inside
public shelters. Keep a pet emergency kit on hand
with food and other important items.
9. Learn emergency skills that can always come
in handy
Know how to use a fire extinguisher or perform
basic first aid. Get trained in CPR or the even
simpler hands-only CPR, which could help save
someone’s life even when you least expect it. You
can also learn how to shut off utilities in your house
in case of a disaster that may damage gas, water or
electrical lines.

10. Find out how to help your community during

a disaster

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