Module 3 - Worksheet No. 3

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NAME: Darlene C. Pentiano

Course & Section: SAMCIS-FIT-HW-7895 (Block 11) Schedule: WTh (8:00-11:00)

Activity 3: Summative Assessment

Multiple Choices: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on the space provided
before the number.
C 1. Which of the following is NOT a physical symptom of stress?
a. muscle tension c. anxiety
b. headaches d. back pain
C 2. Positive stress that is associated with optimal performance is called _________.
a. distress b. visualization c. eustress d. productive stress
B 3. What is the primary role of carbohydrates in the diet?
a. building tissue c. forming hormones
b. providing energy d. forming enzymes
C 4. Water is important for __________.
a. providing energy c. forming blood
b. building bones d. building protein
D 5. What is the special mineral that is important for physically active individual for hydration?
a. vitamins b. sodium c. iron d. water
C 6. The most important source of energy for the body is ___________.
a. minerals b. protein c. carbohydrates d. fats
B 7. Which of the following is NOT a healthy way to cope with stress?
a. exercise b. alcohol c. meditation d. visualization
C 8. What is the acronym SMART mean?
a. Specific, Manageable, Accountability, Revisable, Time Sensitive
b. Sensitive, Multiple, Action-Oriented, Reasonable, Time-stamped
c. Specific, Measurable, Action-Oriented, Realistic, Time-stamped
d. Short-term, Measurable, Accountability, Realistic, Tough
D 9. Which of these might cause stress?
a. planning a wedding c. traveling for vacation
b. driving during rush hour d. all of the choices
B 10. Which of the following is NOT an example of eustress?
a. Joy experienced on a roller-coaster ride
b. Injury that removes from sports participation
c. Excitement while getting wedded
d. Excitement of winning a race
Alternate Response: Write T if the given statement is true and U, if otherwise. Write your answer on the
space provided before the number.

T 1. Most people do not need help to make a health behavior change.

T 2. Exercise is an effective coping strategy for stress.
U 3. Stress can and does facilitate higher performance and productivity.
T 4. Consuming only too little of any of the essential nutrients will eventually lead to health problems.
T 5. A vegetarian has still had a chance for protein intake.

Essay: Answer what is asked in every number. In not more than 100 words, discuss the following

1. What is the relationship of nutrition and wellness?

Nutrition is the process of consuming, absorbing, and using nutrients by the body for growth,
development, and maintenance of life. It is directly related to a person’s wellness in a significant way. For
further explanation, what we eat/consume has a direct effect on both the maintenance and fluctuation of
our wellness. As they say, food can be a source of energy, nutrients, but in some cases, it can be a waste. In
short, nutrition is directly related to wellness because what you eat/consume in your body can cause your
wellness to either improve or fluctuate.

2. Why is stress management important to health?

Stress is inevitable but it can be controlled. Common symptoms of stress include chronic fatigue, changes
in appetite, drug or alcohol abuse, difficulty in sleeping, body aches, changes in emotions, among others.
Therefore, we should start practicing stress management techniques because it’ll help you become happier,
healthier, and more productive. Moreover, unchecked stress can exacerbate many serious health problems such
as depression, anxiety, heart attack, stroke, among others. Hence, stress management is important to avoid having
health problems. Thusly, in this technological world we live in, stress management is the key to survival and sanity
as well.

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