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Darlene C.

Pentiano My Journal NSTP-7029

At first, I know nothing about NSTP subject. I really thought that may be it is just an extra subject
since it is not related to my course which is Accountancy. But when I started reading the course guide,
I found out that my assumption was wrong. This subject served as an eye-opener for me to enhance
my skills and abilities in order to help other people and to be a good role model to my fellow youth.
Additionally, the activities in this subject taught me more about myself or to simply say it, NSTP lead
me to become aware of myself.
This subject is important because it instills in every youth about the sense of patriotism and to
be a responsible member of the community. Despite of the fact that we cannot be able to perform
activities outdoors or have a trip in relevance to this
subject because of the pandemic, I still believe that
through the activities given, even though in an online
platform, we can still learn an important thing which can
help in the growth of our own and of others as well.

The past activities helped me realize that I

should work on my weaknesses because weaknesses
can be turned into strengths. Moreover, I have learned
that every action you do, may it be in a small or big
way, can still help. For instance, helping to spread reliable information in this times of pandemic,
encouraging your fellow youth to participate in every activity that has positive impact, and by simply
following the rules on your own to set an example to other people.

By means of this subject as well as the activities being done, my understanding and knowledge
about the role of the youth in promoting civic consciousness and defense preparedness is finally being
widened, it created awareness about my identity as a Louisian, and it encouraged me to contribute to
the general welfare and for the betterment of the community.

Therefore, it can be concluded that the activities in this subject is useful because it is mentioned
earlier that it helps in the over-all development and growth of a person which is greatly needed specially
to my fellow youth who will become a leader in the near future. Moreover, it will help in waking up your
spiritual and ethical aspects which are both essential in a person’s life. Thus, I can say that this subject
is timely and I am certain that the activities in here will contribute to the greatness of one’s self and to
the community as well.

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