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Osmeña Colleges

Graduate Studies
Osmeña Street, City of Masbate

Name: JUSTINE REY N. DISCAYA Date: August 26, 2022

Course: MAT-1 MATHEMATICS Preparations of Instructional Materials

Strategic Intervention Materials (SIM)


Answer the following questions.

1. What is Strategic Intervention Material (SIM)?

The Strategic Intervention Material (SIM) is a learning material that helps the students to master
competency-based skills which were not able to develop during a regular class.

2. Discuss the different parts of the SIM.

 Guide card- this part will stand as the sneak preview of the sets of activities found inside the SIM.
This is a teaser that will increase the students interest towards the material.
 Activity card- it defines the task(s) that the learner should undertake in order to develop a skill •
The task is competency-oriented and may be an individual or group work. • The purpose of the
task(s) is to provide enough practice for the learner so that he can perform the skill automatically.
 Assessment card- help the learner measure his/her level of mastery pf the skill upon completion of
the task(s). The result of the assessment identifies the knowledge/skills that the learner may need to
enhance or develop further.
 Enrichment card- is the additional activity or application of knowledge/ skill for the learner to
have learning retention. The last part of the S.I.M is the reference. It is the list of the resources that
the learners should read further to enhance their knowledge and skills.
 Reference card-it is the list of the resources that the learners should read further to enhance their
knowledge and skills.
2. What are the steps in developing the SIM.
1. Gives a preview of what students will learn.
2. Stimulates interest in the topic.
3. Presents the focus skills.
a. Mentions the learning competency (LC).
Osmeña Colleges
Graduate Studies
Osmeña Street, City of Masbate
b. States at least 3 sub-tasks (activities).
c. Builds on prior learning/ prerequisite skills.
d. Mentions the concrete outcome or product students are expected to demonstrate/
6. Translates the focus skills into at least 3 activities.
7. Provides activities that:
a. are organized based on the sequence of the focus skills (in the Guide Card).
b. have clear directions.
c. provide examples to concretize the concepts, particularly those drawn from real-life
d. students can complete independently, in pairs, or in small groups.
e. allow students to make discoveries and formulate ideas on their own.
f. guides and challenges students’ thinking and learning.
g. uses local data and situations (e.g., interacting with people in the community).
8. Provides transition statements that recognize students’ accomplishments.
9. Provides questions that:
a. guide the development of concepts/focus skill.
b. elicit the message or meaning that astudent can take away from an activity/ experience.
c. elicit an explanation, not one-word answers.
d. establish the relationship between the topic/lesson and what students already know or are
familiar to them.
e. develop the skills in the three domains.
10. Provides exercises, drills or activities that allow students to:
a. assess their understanding of what they have learned and correct errors when appropriate.
b. monitor their learning and use feedback about their progress.
11. Formulated in standard test formats to give students practice in test-taking techniques.
12. Gives clear directions.
13. Provides an Answer Key (in a separate card)

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