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Arab Journal of Forensic Sciences & Forensic Medicine 2021; Volume 3 Issue (2), 273-296 Review Article 273

Naif Arab University for Security Sciences

Arab Journal of Forensic Sciences & Forensic Medicine
‫املجلة العربية لعلوم األدلة الجنائية والطب الشرعي‬

Nanotechnology: A Powerful Tool in Forensic Science for Solving

Criminal Cases
‫ وسيلة فعالة يف مجال علوم األدلة الجنائية لحل القضايا الجرمية‬:‫تقنية النانو‬
Sweta Singh1, Nilimamayee Samal*2
Dept. of Forensic Science, LNJN National Institute of Criminology and Forensic Science, New Delhi-110085, India.
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Forensic Science, LNJN National Institute of Criminology and Forensic Science, New Delhi-110085,


Received 06 April 2021; Accepted 08 September 2021; Available Online 30 Dec. 2021

Abstract ‫املستخلص‬
Nanotechnology has emerged as a phoenix in the ‫ظهرت تقنية النانو يف مجال علوم األدلة الجنائية كوسيلة متطورة‬
field of forensic science and proved to be of great im-
‫ يف‬،‫ وأثبتت أنها ذات أهمية كبرية يف حل القضايا الجنائية‬،‫ومستحدثة‬
portance in solving criminal cases where other tech-
niques failed to provide conclusive results. This field ‫حني فشلت تقنيات أخرى يف ذلك أو أسفرت عن نتائج غري مجدية؛ حيث‬
of science possess humongous potential in the field of ‫يوفر هذا املجال من العلوم إمكانات هائلة لعلوم األدلة الجنائية من حيث‬
forensic science and assist in crime detection. It holds
‫ ولذلك فهو يحظى بقيمة هائلة‬.‫تقديم املساعدة يف الكشف عن الجرائم‬
huge amount of value in making a positive contribu-
tion in assisting forensic experts and scientists in nab- ‫ واألهم من ذلك أنه يساعد عىل منع‬،‫لدى خرباء األدلة الجنائية والعلماء‬
bing the criminals and most importantly prevent any ‫ وأفاد العديد من الباحثني‬،‫ خالل العقد املايض‬.‫وقوع حاالت إدانة خاطئة‬
wrongful conviction.
‫بنجاح تطبيق تقنيات النانو يف مجال علوم األدلة الجنائية فيما يتعلق‬
In the past decade, many researchers have re-
ported the satisfactory application of Nano technique ‫ وتحليل املخدرات يف الجرائم امليسر‬،‫بتحليل بصمات األصابع الخفية‬
in Forensic Science for the analysis of latent finger- ،‫ والكشف عن املواد السامة املستخدمة يف الحرب‬،‫ارتكابها باملخدرات‬
prints, drugs in alleged drug-facilitated crimes, war- ‫ وكشف بقايا الطلقات‬،‫ ومكافحة اإلرهاب‬،‫وتحليل الحمض النووي‬
fare agent detection, DNA analysis, counter terrorism,
GSR detection, post-blast residue analysis, security ‫ باإلضافة الستخدامها يف التدابري‬،‫ وتحليل بقايا ما بعد االنفجار‬،‫النارية‬
measures, etc. It has been proved to be a robust ap- ‫ لقد ثبت أن تقنية النانو تمثل طريقة فعالة للكشف عن‬.‫ إلخ‬،‫األمنية‬
proach for the detection of crime with greater selectiv- ‫ كما تقوم‬.‫الجريمة حيث توفر مزيدً ا من االنتقائية والحساسية واملوثوقية‬
ity, sensitivity, reliability and results are produced in a
timely appropriate manner. .‫هذه التقنية بالتوصل إىل النتائج يف الوقت املناسب وبطريقة مالئمة‬
The constant development of nanotechnology and ‫تسلط هذه الورقة الضوء عىل تطور تقنية النانو وتطبيقاتها يف‬
its application in the field of Forensic Science over the ‫ كما تبني أهمية تقنيات‬،‫مجال علوم األدلة الجنائية خالل العقد املايض‬
past decade has been highlighted in this review arti-
.‫النانو يف مواجهة التحديات التي تواجه التحقيقات الجنائية‬
‫ املُتعقب‬،‫ تقنية النانو‬،‫ علوم األدلة الجنائية‬:‫الكلمات املفتاحية‬
Keywords: Forensic Science, Nanotechnology, Nano
،‫ مواد سامة تستخدم يف الحرب‬،‫ بصمات األصابع‬،‫النانوي‬
Tracker, Fingerprint, Warfare Agents, Explosives, Drugs.
.‫ املخدرات‬،‫املتفجرات‬
* Corresponding Author: Nilimamayee Samal
Production and hosting by NAUSS Email:
doi: 10.26735/YDDJ4516
1658-6794© 2021. AJFSFM. This is an open access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons, Attribution-NonCommercial License.
274 Nanotechnology: A Powerful Tool in Forensic Science for Solving Criminal Cases

1. Introduction for investigation. Nano sprayers collect trace evi-

Forensic science is a broad field which is a com- dences present in minute quantities which can be
bination of different tools and techniques adapted detected by nanoparticles embedded inside the lab
from all the other scientific domains. It is an applica- on a chip devices. Lab-on-a-chip devices are small
tion of scientific tools and techniques derived from chips with selective nanoparticles embedded inside
natural sciences which assist in solving criminal them which react chemically or biologically with the
cases, collect evidences for the same, analyze them species or specimen they are selective to in par-
and produce the reports in the court of law. This ticular. These devices can perform all the analyti-
field of science assists law enforcement agencies in cal (chemical or biological) procedures on a small
nabbing the criminal and preventing the court of law amount of trace evidence collected from the crime
from convicting any innocent person. Forensic sci- scene and give accurate result in real time that is on
ence deals with collection, packaging, preservation, spot which ultimately reduces the time and justice is
examination and analysis of the evidences collect- done via court of law in a timely manner unlike the
ed from the crime scene which itself presents a big pending cases piling up due to traditional methods
window for error, be it human or instrumental. Nan- which require proper collection, packing, preserva-
otechnology solves this problem as it gives precise, tion and transportation to the forensic science lab-
accurate, reliable, selective and highly sensitive re- oratories.
sult in real time as it employs use of Nano sprayers, The introduction of nanotechnology into forensic
Nano sensors, Nano-chips, and various other Nano science will not only save labor and time but the
technical methods which can analyze the sample on speed with which the cases will be solved will gen-
spot in real time leaving no window for error arising erate a positive approach of the society towards the
due to collection, preservation, transportation etc. proceedings of law enforcement agencies because
It basically utilizes its increased surface to volume justice delayed is justice denied. Also, the advance-
ratio proportion which can certainly be used for in- ments in nanotechnology like Nano devices, Nano
tegration of all the time taking wet lab tedious pro- sensors, Nano-chips, lab-on-a-chip, Nano tags etc.
tocols to be integrated into a small chip containing can be used in preventing crimes as well. Nano-
nanoparticles on the basis of nature of analyte and technology can be utilized to safeguard people from
can be employed in hand held detector for real time various criminal activities like violent crimes, rape
investigations. “Lab-on-a-chip” and “Nano sprayers” cases, extortion, theft, fraud, forgeries and terror-
are recent advancements in the field of nanotech- ism. It can also be utilized to protect children, wom-
nology assenting forensic science in crime scene in- en, teenagers and elder people from kidnapping,
vestigation. These Nano sprayers have tremendous cybercrime, and abduction. Nanotechnology can
ability to collect the Nano sized evidences from the help to reduce the piling up of cases and also to
crime scene as in most of the cases, the amount of prevent criminal activities as there will prevail a fear
sample or evidence present on the scene of crime is of being caught.
in minute quantities. With the emerging capabilities
2. Concern of the Study
of offenders operating at a molecular level, devices
such as Nano sprayers, Nano sensors, etc. needs In the past decades, there has been a huge
to be employed into the law enforcement agencies spike in criminal cases, which continue to pile up

ASFSFM 2021; Volume 3 Issue (2)

Figure 1- Graphical representation of Number of researches rep

nanotechnology in forensic domains.

Sweta & Samal 275

due to inefficient traditional tools and techniques,

comparatively lesser professional staff in relation
to the cases, contaminated samples, minute sam-
ple quantities and due to spillage or adulteration of
sample (evidence) while being transported to lab-
oratories. Nanotechnology debuted here in solving
all these problems single handed. Nanotechnology
utilizes the Nano sized particles in the analysis of
criminal cases associated with drug analysis, fin-
gerprint detection, DNA analysis, warfare detection,
post-blast residue analysis, GSR (gunshot residue
analysis), fraud, forgeries, time since death and
Nano tagging for security measures. Nanotechnolo-
gy produces accurate, precise, selective, sensitive,
reliable and reproducible results in real time i.e. on
spot reducing the time taken via traditional tech-
niques for collection, packaging, preservation and
transportation of the sample to their respective labo-
ratories. Improper sampling and storage of samples Figure 1- Graphical representation of number of researches
reported for use of nanotechnology in forensic domains.
can deteriorate the specimen or analyte as in cases
of drugs. We can overcome this by using integrat- 3. Applications of Nanotechnology in Fo-
ed laboratory protocols on a device called lab-on-a- rensic Science
chip containing Nano sized particles specific to their Nanotechnology possesses a wide range of ap-
ligand for the analysis of such drug related crimes. plications in the field of forensic science. A graphical

Use of time-consuming and traditional methods de- representation of studies reported in the past de-
cade has been shown in Figure-1.
lay the process of justice in a court of law which
The applicability of nanotechnology finds its
ultimately lower down the trust of society in the law
ways in solving criminal cases as follows:
enforcement agencies and offenders get their loop
hole to escape in such scenarios encouraging them
3.1 Nanotechnology in Analysis of Warfare
to commit more such crimes as they have no fear of
law and justice.
Warfare agents are lethal chemical or biologi-
Therefore, we need nanotechnology to aid foren-
cal agents which can cause mass destruction in a
sic science in solving and preventing criminal cases
short span of time. These warfare agents have been
in a timely, accurate and authentic manner. This will
in use since world war period for destroying the
also help in a timely jurisdiction and execution of
armies of opponents. Warfare agents have direct
criminals and in safeguarding the society from such
toxic effects on humans, plants and animals. These
destructive forces.

ASFSFM 2021; Volume 3 Issue (2)

276 Nanotechnology: A Powerful Tool in Forensic Science for Solving Criminal Cases

components are highly toxic, sensitive, have rapid duration which needs immediate action for decon-
action potential and are highly persistent. Warfare tamination and prevention of further harmful effects.
agents exist in liquid, gas and aerosol form which Nanoparticles here prove to be of great value in
gets dispersed into the environment rapidly caus- making a huge contribution by recognizing these
ing mass destruction on exposure. On the basis of agents through nanostructured sites where they
physiological effects on humans, warfare agents bind, react and show a change in color. Nanoparti-
are classified as follows- cles have high potential applications in preparation
i. Nerve agents of sensors for warfare agents, their destruction, tag-
ii. Blistering agents ging, detection and tracking [1]. Strem Chemicals, in

iii. Blood agents (vesicants) collaboration with Max-Planck-Institute fuer Kohlen-

iv. Choking agents forschung, have developed sensors for chemical,

biological and radiological warfare agents, special
v. Riot controlling agents
reactors and metal oxides for the destruction of the
vi. Toxin
warfare agents as well as their analysis on the spot
vii. Biological agents (bacteria, viruses, etc.)
[1]. Microchips having nanoparticles specific to a
These warfare agents when dispersed into the
chemical or biological agent are embedded in a gel
environment causes mass destruction by acting on
covered by a layer of polymer and a layer of sub-
skin, CNS (Central nervous system), blood, respira-
strate is placed on top of it. These microchips are
tory tract, and eyes etc. The identification of these
very small and their thickness is in nanometer range.
chemical and biological weapons becomes import-
These nanomaterial microchips are embedded on
ant to determine the root cause of the harmful side
to the clothes, buildings, arms, and transports etc.
effects and the source from where these weapons
These microchips changes the color showing pres-
have been released into the atmosphere. The phys-
ence of warfare agent when it comes in contact with
iological effects on humans can only be treated sys-
the specific agent. Nanotechnology not only helps
tematically only if the agents causing the disease in the analysis and detection of warfare agents on
is known. All these factors underpins the need for spot but also decontaminates the area where these
a method through which analysis of these warfare agents are dispersed. Nanoparticles of non-toxic
agents can be made in real time so that necessary metal oxides, when come in contact with warfare
action could be taken to minimize the causalities. agents, forms a strong bond and convert them into
Nanotechnology plays a vital role in the analysis of non-reactive by-products n [1, 3].
these warfare agents on spot by use of nanoparti- Gold NPs are extensively used for the detection
cles embedded in Nano sensors or biosensors that of various types of trace evidences. Sensors made
are highly selective towards their ligand molecule. up of gold nanoparticles are used for the calorimet-
The nanoparticles are chosen on the basis of the ric and florescent detection of warfare agents (Fig-
warfare agent which is being targeted i.e., chemical, ure-2).
biological or physical [1-3]. Chemical nerve agents
like Sarin (GB), Sulphur mustard are highly volatile; 1) Calorimetric detection
therefore do not persist in environment for long. But Gold nanoparticles are red in color in the free
toxins like Ricin persists in environment for longer form when dispersed in a solution at a range i.e., 3

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Sweta & Samal 277
Figure 2- Warfare agents that can be detected using AuNPs.

Figure 2- Warfare agents that can be detected using AuNPs.

to 10 nm due to strong SPR (Surface Plasmon Res- (La3+) probed gold nanoparticles are used for the
onance) around 520 nm. SPR is a keystone prop- detection of Methyl Parathion. Lanthanum com-
erty of these gold nanoparticles that arises from the bines with Methyl parathion causing agglomera-
free electrons present at the metal surface. These tion of AuNP-La particles through coordination and
free electrons on exposure to light shows absorp- bonding interactions. A change in color from red
tion in visible and near infrared region of electro- to blue is observed based on the concentration of
magnetic spectrum. Au nanoparticles on agglom- the analyte. Dichlorvos can be detected in water,
eration results in Surface Plasmon coupling and wheat etc., via AuNPs capped with ascorbic acid.
absorption shifts from visible to near infrared region Dichlorvos, on reaction with AuNPs attached with
and color changes from red to blue. This change Ascorbic acid, forms strong hydrogen bonding. This
in color from red to blue can again change to red agglomeration shifts the color of solution from red to
on re-dispersion of the agglomerated AuNPs (gold blue suggesting presence of Dichlorvos in the sam-
nanoparticles) can occur due to environmental fac- ple. AuNPs modified with cysteine can be used for
tors, pH changes, reaction with specific ligands, ion- the detection of phosgene. Ricin detection is possi-
ic strength etc. as shown in Figure-3 [4, 5]. ble by aptasensor qualitative analytical procedure
Gold nanoparticles probed with a specific agent where gold nanoparticles’ reactivity increased for
can lead to functionalization of these AuNPs with TMB (3,3,5,5-tetramethylbenzidine) in presence of
the nerve agents which shows change in color from the Ricin Binding Aptamer resulting in enhanced ab-
red to blue. The concentration of the agent could sorption of TMB from the light to dark blue color [4].
be further analyzed based on the intensity of col- Another important fact about AuNPs agglomerate
or change via UV-Vis spectroscopy. Lanthanum is that in the presence of the metabolite formed after

ASFSFM 2021; Volume 3 Issue (2)

Figure 3- Mechanism of transition in color of AuNPs.
Figure 3- Mechanism of transition in color of AuNPs.

278 Nanotechnology: A Powerful Tool in Forensic Science for Solving Criminal Cases

ing the popular mechanism uses an excited donor

fluorophore that excites the ground state accep-
Enviromantal Factors tor molecule which absorbs energy at a particu-
Reaction with Ligand/pH lar wavelength and re-emits energy in the form
of florescence. It is based on various factors but
the most important one is the distance between
the donor and acceptor. FRET works best in the
AuNPs (Dispersed form) Agglomeration range between 1 to 10 nm. AuNPs have high
Figure 3- Mechanism of transition in color of AuNPs. absorption coefficient and broad energy wave-
the breakdown of acetylcholine i.e., Thiocoline (Tch). length which makes them excellent quenchers
Tch gets attached to gold nanoparticles through for FRET based procedures. OPH (organophos-
strong Au-S and causes agglomeration. While in the phate hydrolase) conjugated with AuNPs were
presence of warfare agents like Sarin (GB), paraox- prepared by researchers on incubation with flu-
ones, Vx (venomous agent X), Soman (GD) etc. Ace- orescent enzyme inhibitor decoy for paraoxon. In
tylcholine is not metabolized and Thiocoline is not the absence of substrate decoy attached to the
produced because these agents inhibit ACHE i.e., surface of OPH-AuNPs show enhanced surface
acetylcholine esterase enzyme responsible for the fluorescence while in the presence of substrate,
breakdown of acetylcholine. AuNPs in the absence
decoy detaches from the surface of NPs where
of thiocholine shows no agglomeration and no tran-
substrate binds causing a change in fluorescence
sition in color of solution from red to blue is observed
signal. For example, Eu3+ ions when attached to
[4, 5].
AuNPs undergo strong enhancement, but detach-
es from the surface in presence of organophos-
1) Fluorescence based detection
phorus compounds giving rise to the changed
AuNPs based fluorescence works on the prin-
fluorescence signal. Florescence sensors can
ciple of surface modified florescence (SMF) and
also be prepared in the form of films like indole
florescence resonance energy transfer (FRET)
self-assembled multilayer (SAM) films for detec-
mechanism. FRET occurs as a result of dipole-di-
pole interaction causing resonant energy transfer tion of organophosphorus compounds prepared

between the donor fluorophore and acceptor flu- by l-cysteine modified quartz/AuNPs surface by

orophore as depicted in Figure-4. Fluorescence electrostatic interaction between OPH and l-cys-

is affected by the metal atoms present in its sur- teine. These produce linear florescence signals

roundings [4, 6]. SMF could be applied to depict for monocrotophos and methyl parathion [4-6].

the fluorescence change due to the presence of

3.2 Nanotechnology in Developing Latent Fin-
excited flourophore. For instance, if distance be-
tween the metal surface and fluorophore is less
Latent fingerprints are basically those invisible
than 10 nm, then it absorbs energy and change
print evidence at scene of crime left by the offender
in the fluorescence signal is observed. FRET be-

ASFSFM 2021; Volume 3 Issue (2)

Figure 4- FRET (Fluorescence resonance energy transfer).
Sweta & Samal 279

the enhancement of latent fingerprints [1].

Nanotechnology in latent fingerprint development
was first used by late Dr. Menzel et al. (2000) where
he developed a photo luminescent CdS (cadmium
sulfide) semiconductor Nano crystal conjugated with
dioctyl sulfosuccinate to enhance latent fingerprint
detection. The concept he applied was to add Nano
crystal fluorescent dye on objects/articles that have
been pre-fumed with cyanoacrylate ester [7].

Gold nanoparticles suspended in petroleum ether

Figure 4- FRET (Fluorescence resonance energy transfer). having long hydrocarbon chain find huge applicabil-
ity here as these stick to the latent fingerprints by
which on analysis and detection can generate the
forming a strong hydrophobic interactions which, on
whole profile of that criminal. These prints are formed
immersion into silver ions solution, forming a dark
due to deposition of fatty acids, amino acids and pro-
silver metallic outline corresponding to the imprint
teins released in the form of sweat via pores present
that is very clear for analysis. AuNPs attach to the
in the ridges of fingers and palm. Commonly, very
surface containing latent prints like glass, plastic,
few prints are found at the crime scene which needs
etc. where it forms electrostatic as well as hydro-
proper attention and care. The study of these finger-
phobic interactions. The Au attached sites works
prints becomes very important in linking the suspect
as nucleation sites for silver ions present in phys-
to the crime and in exonerating the innocent. These
ical developer which in the presence of a reducing
fingerprints can be developed with the help of vari-
agent, reduces to dark metal [1, 8]. These devel-
ous types of powders like carbon black, white, col-
oped fingerprints are very stable unlike traditional
ored, and magnetic powders etc. (Figure-5). These
ones. For non-porous surfaces, cadmium selenide
powders, due to big granular size, not only attaches
nanoparticles or sulphide nanoparticles attached
to the fatty acid part of the print but also gets de-
to long chains of amines suspended in petrol are
posited in the furrows which stains the background
used. The fingerprints developed using this solution
as well. Background staining makes analysis and
showed fluorescence under UV-light on illumina-
comparison of the fingerprint with suspect a tedious
tion. Professor Fred Rowell found silica nanoparti-
task. Whereas, nanoparticles are microscopic in
cles to be useful in detecting the age of the finger-
size which is thousand times smaller than the size
print donor at the University of Sunderland, where
of traditional developing powders. These particles
the principle was detection of chemicals present
have increased surface area to volume ratio due to
in the fingerprint. Nanoparticles used along with
decrease in size. The reaction between these parti-
SALDI-TOF2-MS (Surface-assisted laser desorp-
cles and the fatty acids takes place on surface which
tion-Time of flight-mass spectrophotometry) were
is higher in nanoparticles due to the enhanced sur-
useful in indicating whether the person handled any
face to a volume ratio. More the reactivity more is
sort of illegal drug, explosive, etc. Zinc oxide (ZnO)

ASFSFM 2021; Volume 3 Issue (2)

Figure 5- Fingerprint developed using a) Black powder and b) Fluorescent powder. [Central

fingerprint bureau, NCRB, DELHI].

280 Nanotechnology: A Powerful Tool in Forensic Science for Solving Criminal Cases

Figure 5- Fingerprint developed using a) Black powder and b) Fluorescent powder. [Central fingerprint bureau, NCRB,

NPs (nanoparticles) works beautifully in wet condi- explosives if handled by the person could be detect-
tions [1]. X-Ray, along with nanaoscale developer, ed by adding specific ligand according to the mole-
makes fingerprint present on gun casings visible cule of interest [1].
even after wash. TiO (titanium oxide) NPs are quite Another method for developing these finger-
efficient for both porous and non-porous surfaces prints is Micro X-Ray fluorescence (MXRF). This
developes prints and are stable too but do not fluo- techniques relies on the amount of inorganic matter
resce until and unless doped with a suitable dye [1, present in the prints left on the surfaces.
9, 10]. CdSe (cadmium selenide) nanocrystal make Unlike conventional methods where reagents re-
latent fingerprints present on adhesives visible in act with fatty acids or amino acids to generate the
presence of stabilizers like Mercaptoethanol and fingerprints, MXRF produces these prints based on
mercaptoacetic acid [9]. Molybdenum disulphide the inorganic elemental composition in prints. Most
(MoS2) particles form grey deposits on interaction commonly observed inorganic residues are potas-
with fatty acid which could be photographed and sium and chloride ions along with silicon, calcium,
preserved for further investigative studies. and aluminum. This technique is very advantageous
Gold NPs mixed with antibodies specific to co- over others as it is non-destructive and the inorganic
tinine, a metabolite of nicotine, are useful in detect- matter present in prints is quite stable too. After anal-
ing fingerprints and also helps in identifying if the ysis the prints remains intact which further can be
suspect was a smoker or not. Similarly, drugs and used for other additional tests like Gunshot residue

ASFSFM 2021; Volume 3 Issue (2)

Sweta & Samal 281

analysis. The elements foreign to hands like TiO2 or makes it a simple and portable technique. It gives
ZnO nanoparticles are present in lotions, sunscreen results on the spot with rapid and ultrasensitive
which can also be detected via MXRF [7]. Nano aggregation. Codeine sulphate have multiple
binding sites with oxygen and sulphate group forms
3.3 Nanotechnology in the Analysis of Drugs strong coordinated complexes with AuNPs by ex-
Drug facilitated crimes referred to as date rape changing weak surface bound citrate ions leading
crimes are those scenarios where the illicit drugs to cross linking of AuNPs. These particle on aggre-
are used for committing the crimes like rape, sex- gation form big complexes and change color from
ual assaults along with murder, extortion, robbery red to blue based on the intensity of cross linking.
etc. The detection and identification of such drugs The aggregation is caused due to the high affinity
thus becomes a crucial task for forensic investiga- of codeine sulphate towards the Nano sensors con-
tors in assisting law enforcement agencies. The taining AuNPs because of the three oxygen and one
conventional methods are associated with setbacks sulphate group. Camera of the smartphone is used
like high-cost, time consumption, sensitivity, and in- to detect even the minor calorimetric change in the
strumentation constraints etc. Here nanotechnolo- presence of codeine sulphate. Similarly Clonaze-
gy blends in to assist forensic science as it is well pam detection could be made with the help of gold
known for its cost effectiveness, sensitivity, selectiv- nanoparticles in the presence of melamine [11, 12].
ity and rapidity. Devices used for “on -site” detection Quantum dots (QDs) are Nano crystals which
of drugs at trace levels are Nano chips, Nano sen- work on the principle of fluorescence resonance en-
sors and Nano probes etc. [11] ergy transfer (FRET). When UV light falls on these
Different type of chemo sensors, biosensors, nanoparticles, they emit light of different colors.
nano sensors and aptasensors, depnding upon the These QDs have found immense importance in the
nature of analyte, are used in biological and chem- detection of drugs in biological samples. The com-
ical analysis. These nano sensors have various ponents of these optical biosensor QDs are-
electrical, thermal and optical properties which can i. Light source
be used as recognition site or as transducer. Major ii. Optical transmission medium
drugs of abuse which need immediate action in the iii. Immobilized biological recognition element
field of forensic investigation are listed as follows: (enzymes, antibodies, receptors, or mi-
i. Amphetamines vii. Diazepam crobes)
ii. Alcohol viii. Clonazepam iv. Optical detection system
iii. Opioids ix. Flunitazepam Cocaine detection was made possible using
iv. GHB x. MDMA/Ecstasy these QD aptasensors. The probe developed for
v. Ketamine xi. Midazolam cocaine detection was anti cocaine aptamer bond-
vi. Alprazolam xii. Zolpidem ed with MNS 4.1. Cocaine binds with the aptamer
A smart and rapid system for the detection of through a hydrophobic pocket. After incubation peri-
these drugs encompasses the use of citrate-based od of 12 hours, decolourization of blue colored pre-
gold nanoparticles as shown in Figure-6. AuNPs, cipitate occurs in samples containing cocaine. Here
stabilized with citrate, work as a probe in the de- Thioflavin T can also be used as a fluorescence in-
tection of codeine sulphate using smartphone that dicator as when cocaine will bind to the anti-cocaine

ASFSFM 2021; Volume 3 Issue (2)

Figure 6- Demonstration if interaction between codeine sulphate and citrate capped gold


282 Nanotechnology: A Powerful Tool in Forensic Science for Solving Criminal Cases

Figure 6- Demonstration if interaction between codeine sulphate and citrate capped gold NPs.

aptamer–MNS 4.1, a drastic change in fluorescence conventional techniques are quite intricate and
is observed [11, 13]. costly to work with. The use of nano-sensors has
Fingerprints containing cocaine is deciphered been shown cost-effective to manufacture and give
using nanoparticles of silver and gold ranging from on site reports [16]. Recent studies have revealed
10 to 20 nm. These fingerprints on development the use of curcumin based nanoparticles in the de-
with Au and Ag NPs if analysed via FTIR gives en- tection of trinitrotoluene (TNT). The curcumin pow-
hanced IR peaks of Cocaine at 2948 cm , 1714 cm -1 -
der is extracted from turmeric. These curcumin NPs
, and 1324 cm [14].
are highly fluorescent and sensitive probes which
can detect up to 1nM TNT in an aqueous solution.
3.4 Nanotechnology in the Analysis of Explo- Another method for detecting TNT is via amine ter-
sives minated nanoparticles [12]. An antibody-based pro-
Terrorism has emerged as one of the greatest tocol for PETN (pentaerythritol tetranitrate) was de-
crime against mankind. There is a vital need for tech- veloped recently where the antibody against PETN
niques through which the explosives could be detect- reacts with the ligand where calorimetric analysis
ed if found in unexploded form, hidden in luggage, could be done [16]. The AuNPs have been ex-
toothpaste, vehicles, garages, aircraft or even for ploited for their Plasmons where they are used for
the detection of precursors used for manufacturing SERS (Surface Enhanced Raman scattering spec-
explosives. Nanotechnology has proven its value in troscopy). Raman spectrum generated is base on
the detection of explosives and post blast residue via a molecular vibrational energy which is particular
Nano sensors like nanotubes, electronic noses, nano and specific to each and every molecule. Therefore,
mechanical devises and Nano chips [15]. detection of explosives using SERS via AuNPs is
Tracing explosives is a costly and tedious job possible. Silver and gold nanoparticles are chosen
as it covers a wide range of geographical area and ones as their SPR range is 400 -800 nm, these are

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stable, inert and strong oxidizing as well as reduc- analysis is very selective, specific and sensitive
ing agents. Nanoparticles, attached with cysteine, technology which employ ion beam of milli electron
form Mesienheimer complexes-explosives with ni- volts (meV) to identify the evidences or samples in
tro aromatic compound and detection of RDX (royal question in the sub monolayer and its elemental
demolition explosive) up to 0.15 mg/L in water sam- depth ranging from few to 10 nm. The surface of the
ples is also possible. QDs as previously mentioned sample is struck by a beam of ions where charged
can also be used for the detection of DNT (dinitro- particles interact with electrons and nuclei of atoms
toulene), TNT, RDX, PETN and tetryl [17]. of the material being analyzed. Particle emission
Nano sensor system for detection like nanotubes, occurs which reveal the qualitative and quantitative
nanowires have high surface area to volume ratio elemental analysis of the sample. Further, ion beam
which are high absorption capabilities. The system analysis could also be coupled with particle-induced
consists of array of sensors generating electrical sig-
X-ray emission, particle-induced Gamma-ray emis-
nal for vapor being absorbed by the sensing cham-
sion for the analysis of the samples [12, 15].
ber. The vapor produced by explosives when come in
contact with these sensors gets absorbed into them 3.6 NanoTrackers
and produce a chemical signature or a print unique to
Nano trackers are secret patterns introduced
a chemical compound which can be matched to the
into variable product to prevent thieves from steal-
library of known standard compounds. [18].
ing them for example in Mobile phones, watches,
pen drives, etc. Nanotrackers are being injected
3.5 Nanotechnology in Gunshot residue analy-
sis (GSR) into the body of criminals so that if they even try and
succeed in escaping from the prisons, could again
Nanotechnology also finds its way in the analy-
be caught via using this tracking system. Criminals
sis of Gunshot residues. These residues are minute
after being released from the jail or correctional cen-
particles that primarily consists of Barium, Antimo-
ters might not always follow the societal norms and
ny and Lead which are the components of priming
show deviant behaviour which needs to be moni-
mixture of ammunition. So whenever somebody
tored. This is possible by injecting Nanotrackers into
shoots, these particles of gunshot residue come
their body which will enable the monitoring process
out followed by discharge of firearm and are often
of such released convicts a less tedious process.
found on the hands, face and clothes of the shoot-
Serial offenders can be traced down if they get in-
er. High resolution Scanning electron microscope
volved in crimes again [12].
(SEM) can image these particles at nano-scale and
The objects can also be tagged with peptide
X-ray spectroscopy can be used to determine the
based taggants which physically mark them. These
elemental composition of these evidences. Another
can be applied on the surface of items and when re-
very revolutionary technique for analyzing, identify-
covered, swabs of such taggants on analysis show
ing and quantifying evidences like GSR, ink, soil,
color or fluorescence change. Also, as per the Lo-
and fingerprint is “ion beam analysis”. This instru-
ment works by drawing out elemental composition card’s exchange principle, these taggants can also

of evidence found at crime scene by comparing it be recovered from the person who is involved in the

with reference material or standard. The ion beam crime associated with the tagged article [19].

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284 Nanotechnology: A Powerful Tool in Forensic Science for Solving Criminal Cases

Table 1- Forensic applications of nanotechnology.


1. Metal Nano clusters of sensors, mi- Warfare agent detection- Calorimetric [1, 59,65]
crochips embedded in polymer layers change in color in presence of warfare
containing specific ligands. agents
AuNPs in alkanethiols layer

2. Biosensors (antigen antibody interaction Biological warfare agent detection [2]

E.g.; Variola virus, bacterial species, Brucel-
Magnetic nanoparticles (NPs), AuNPs,
la spp. , BoNT, etc.
Ln doped NPs, Quantum dots, Ag Nano
rods, nanowires, carbon nanotubes

3. Carbon NT, graphenes, Nano diamonds, Chemical warfare agent detection [3, 60]
fluorescence sensors, Nano platforms

4. Lab on a chip, AuNPs, triarylcarbinol Calorimetric detection of warfare and nerve [4, 5, 60, 61 93]
functionalized AuNPs agents

5. Ag-NPs and tetraphenylene probe and H2O2 detection [88]

silica NPs

6. Chromophore- chromosensors Ricin detection [69]

AuNPs/QDs Nano probes

7. Turmeric extracted curcumin NPs –fluo- TNT detection up to 1 Nm in aqueous solu- [12,62]
rescent probe tion
Amine terminated NPs

8. AuNPs and QD DNT, TNT, RDX, PETN, tetryl detection [17, 36]

9. Cellulose Nano crystal Nitrophenolic explosives detection [89]

10. Electronic noses, sensors, nanowires, Explosives detection [18, 36, 85, 86]
Nano chips, nanotubes, Nano mechani-
cal devices

11. Tetraphenylethene probe based fluores- Nitramine explosive detection [35]

cent silica NPs

12. Luminescent sensors, Carbon dots Nitoaromatic explosive detection [37, 38]

13. p-ATP (Para-aminothiophenol) attached TNT detection [63]


14. Cysteine modified AuNP- SERS probe ( TNT detection [64]

free surface enhanced Raman spectros-

15. Amine functionalized CdSe- SiO2 NPs Picric acid detection [87]
fluorescence Nano sensor

16. CdS semiconductor nanocrystal capped Development of latent fingerprint [12, 18, 25]
ZnO-SiO2 nanopowder SPR method

17. ZnO (20nm), CdSe/ZnS (10nm) Nano Generate UV fluorescent fingerprints on [1, 8, 9, 16. 24, 27,
powder in conjugation with SALDI-TOF- development. 36, 50]

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Continue Table 1

18. Gold NPs capped with antibody against Along with fingerprint development, deter- [1]
cotinine (metabolite of nicotine) mines if the person is a smoke or not.

Silica stable NPs Age and ethicinity of fingerprint donor.

19. TiO2-NPs (show fluorescence when Develop fingerprints on porous and non-po- [9, 53]
conjugated with dyes) rous surfaces.

20. Molybdenum disulfide NPs Fingerprint analysis- forms grey deposits on [1, 36]
reaction with fatty acids

21. Gold NPs capped with citrate ions / Silver metallic prints obtained on analysis of [1, 27, 35]
AuNPs with Ag-PDA latent fingerprints

22. Silver NPs (1-200 nm size), Aluminum Latent FP analysis [8,29, 36, 49]
oxide NPs (30- 60 nm size) Al-NPs give good contrast in wet conditions

23. Eu3+ doped Al2O3 Nano crystalline Latent Fingerprint development [8, 9, 22, 29, 36,
powder(36.8 nm average ) Enhanced contrast on non-porous surface. 49]
Fluorescent starch based carbon NPs
(10-210 nm)

24. Poly (styrene-alt maleic anhy- Latent Fingerprint development [16]

dride)-b-polystyrene (SMA-b-PS) func-
tionalized gold NPs

Quantum dots [35, 36, 50]

25. Rare earth fluorescent nanomateri- Latent Fingerprint development [51,54]

al- YVO4 ,(red fluorescence) Eu Nano
crystal, LaPO4, Ce, Tb, Nano belts

26. Red and green color emitting Calcium – Enhanced development of latent fingerprint [55]
molybdate Nano phosphors

27. Citrate stabilized AuNPs with smart- Codeine sulfate detection [12, 25]
phone camera

28. AuNPs in presence of melamine Clonazepam detection [12, 25, 36]

29. Gold and silver NPs Cocaine detection in fingerprints [14]

30. Nano probe based detection Detection of morphine ,codeine, metham- [11, 73, 90]
phetamine, clonazepam

Nano chips based detection Detection of gamma hydroxybutyrate , ben-

zoylecgonine, cocaine

31. Mix and detect- Cocaine detection ( fluorescence) [13]

Thioflavin with anti-cocaine aptamer
MNS 4.1

32. CdSe/ZnS QDs Morphine biosensor [19]

Peptide taggants Fluorescence for drugs

33. Carbon dots, metal NPs, QDs and Halide detection [44]
magnetic iron oxide NPs, AuNPs, citrate-
AuNPs, Thymine-AuNPs

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286 Nanotechnology: A Powerful Tool in Forensic Science for Solving Criminal Cases

Continue Table 1


34. Functionalized magnetic NPs like trypto- Separation of enantiomers [45]

phan modified Si-NPs, L-cys-Au/Fe2O3,

35. Portable/ wearable electrochemical Detect metabolites of drugs on site in saliva, [46-48]
sensors sweat and tears.

36. Label free gold NPs – SERS probe Cyanide detection [66]

37. Nanoparticles of gold, Fe2O3, metals, Analysis of narcotics [91]

Carbon nanotubes

38. AuNPs Calorimetric detection of organophosphate [92]


39. Egg-white encapsulated gold Nano Detection of organophosphorus compounds [56]


40. Aptamer based AuNPs attached with Detection of malathion in environmental [57]
cationic peptide samples

41. Electronic sensor- polyaniline nanofibers Malathion detection [58]

and single wall carbon nanotube

42. Nanoparticles of Cu2O Destroy methyl parathion [67]

43. AuNP modified with citrate and HAu- Pb(II) detection in paints, plastic and water [70]
Cl4.3H2O calorimetric light scattering samples
assay Pb detection [71, 72]
Mercury(II) , Lead (II) detection [75, 76]
AuNPs capped with glutathione and
Mercury detection
pentapedtide [77,78,79]
Mercury (II) detection
Anti- Hg2+ aptamer with AuNP [80]
Thymine modified AuNPs

44. Aligent 2100 Bioanalyzer DNA Quantification and analysis , [1, 16, 81]
Biochips Real time PCR quantification
Microfluidic devices

45. Light it up Detection of biological fluid- calorimetric [1, 16]


46. Magnetic and silica based NPs Extraction of DNA [1, 21, 29]

47. Magnetic NPs with dimercaptosuccinic Extraction of DNA [22, 82, 84]
Sensors , AuNPs with Halloysite nano-
tubes, Si-NPs

48. Nano trackers For tracking criminals, stolen items [20,36]

Barcodes and disappearing inks Establishing authenticity and checking if the
item is counterfeited and duplicated

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Barcodes, in addition to Nano trackers, also help a solid support medium. The samples could be ob-
in preventive forensics. These are specific patterns tained from suspect, victim or even from the scene
drawn on articles which can determine the authen- of crime [21]. The first step involves the extraction
ticity of a product which helps in preventing the forg- of DNA from these cells which is very tough task
ery or duplication of such items. The counterfeiting, if the sample collected from the scene of crime for
forgery or duplication of any item raises a question comparison is in nanograms. Nano technological
on the reliability of a particular product being man- techniques like lab-on-chips, bionanochips, and
ufactured by a company leading to socio-economic microfluidic systems has showed its value in DNA
loos and damage to the reputation of such compa- analysis with less volume in less time up to even
nies. The barcodes along with watermarks are reli- one molecule of DNA [12].
able factors that can be checked for the authenticity Microfluidic system is used for the quantification
of a product which cannot be reproduced on the of samples after PCR (polymerase chain reaction)
counterfeited items. amplification. Bioanalyzer Agilent 2100 is available
Nano technology has introduced other unique in market that analyses DNA molecules (mitochon-
techniques such as Nano fibres and Nano dots with drial DNA) after PCR amplification at a very fast
different color which is used for the detection and speed and is being extensively used in most forensic
authentication of products. The Nano fibres and science laboratories for analysis of a single sample
Nano dots can be analysed using different forensic in less than 2 minutes. Biochips are probes manu-
light sources such as UV (ultraviolet), IR (infrared), factured by lithography process where DNA captures
etc. that will detect and decipher these Nano fibres the probe molecules and show fluorescence. These
and Nano dots [20]. probes have been successfully used in real time
PCR amplifications where the continuous analysis
3.7 Nanotechnology in DNA Analysis
along with amplification can be achieved. Also, DNA
DNA is a unique identifying feature of a person molecules immobilized over gold pads and carbon
as is a fingerprint of an individual. Analysis of DNA nanotubes have been probed with Atomic Force Mi-
gives the whole genetic profile of a person and is croscope (AFM) for analysis [1]. Forensic Science &
one of the best identity marker to detect a person Drug Monitoring department of King's College (Lon-
involved in a crime. It involves the study of repetitive don), developed a solution called 'Light it up' used for
tandem repeats, RFLP (restricted fragment length the detection of different types of biological materi-
polymorphism), etc. DNA acts as one of the most als/evidences like saliva, sweat, seminal fluid, blood,
crucial corroborative evidence in linking the suspect etc. This detection helps in a way that if biological
and victim to the crime. Magnetic nanoparticles are fluid is detected, then the extraction of DNA from a
used in DNA analysis in a more effective and faster particular matrix becomes easy for further investiga-
way than the conventional techniques like capillary tion. Here, a solution of mixture of fluorescent tagged
electrophoresis. The magnetic NPs like Fe3O4 ex- NPs when bind to molecule under investigation emits
tract the DNA from the hair, saliva, semen at a very fluorescence in different colors based on the biologi-
faster rates and also quite effectively when used as cal material [1, 21].

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288 Nanotechnology: A Powerful Tool in Forensic Science for Solving Criminal Cases

Another magnetic DNA extraction method is us- and also the direction of the movement. However,
ing bifuntional supramagnetic nanoparticles man- the age estimation of the bloodstain remain to be
ufactured by modified pylol method and surface a big question during investigations. However, the
modification with meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid age of the bloodstain could be determined, then the

(DMS) containing carboxyl groups that absorbs exact time of crime could be established. Here, AFM
rises up like a phoenix and resolve this issue in daily
DNA molecule. The DMS modified NPs used suc-
routine analytical practices. With time, the morpho-
cessfully for DNA isolation from human blood that
logical characters and cellular components of blood
isolated up to 86.16 % DNA [22].
undergo changes based on the environmental fac-
tors which can be analyzed by AFM at nano level.
3.8 Nanotechnology in Questioned Document
Analysis It analyzes morphological and surface elasticity of
Red blood cells which decreases with time due to
Not only we deal with documents in our daily life
degradation and coagulation process by force-dis-
but we also rely on documents for various purposes,
tance curves recording. This bloodstain age estima-
be it any order, recruiting employees, establishing
tion by recording the elasticity curve with respect to
credibility, etc. These documents are used to profile
time further help investigators in drawing out suc-
an individual, thus possess high vulnerability and cessful conclusions [31].
needs very much attention at every step before au-
thentication. The process of distinguishing a fraud- 3.10 Nanotechnology in Determining Time since
ulent, built up or forged document from an original Death (TSD)

comes under forensic document examination. Sur- Determination of time since death (TSD) is a
prisingly, nanotechnology plays an important role in crucial task in forensic medicine and legal medicine

studying the questioned documents at nano scale. to estimate the time when crime was committed or
when the victim died. There are various physical
The analysis of ink used for execution and the se-
and chemical postmortem changes that occur in a
quence of strokes tell a lot if there has been any
body. Blood, aqueous and vitreous humor, spinal
addition, substitution or obliteration. Atomic force mi-
fluid, pericardial fluid, synovial fluid undergo chang-
croscopy (AFM) works at nanoscale and analyze the
es which could be analyzed for the estimation of
crossing inks by scanning the documents surface via
TSD. Vitreous humor out of all these is one reliable
which the strokes and 3 Dimensional surface mor- factor that remains unchanged for a long period of
phological characters can be established. It also pro- time after death and undergo a slow linear change
vides information about the line alignment formed by for upto 96 hours, i.e., change in levels of amino
ball point pen ink and ribbon dye [8, 29, 31]. acid is observed. Recently, a very cost effective,
sensitive and specific “lab-on-a-chip” method was
3.9 Nanotechnology in Bloodstain age estima- devised to analyze the levels of amino acid cysteine
tion which could tell the TSD precisely for upto 96 hours
Bloodstains at a crime scene are quite useful in as cysteine increases significantly in vitreous humor
the estimation of how the perpetrator committed the and depicts a linear correlation with time. TSD could
crime, entered or took exit from the scene of crime also be estimated via flow cytometry method which

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quantify the DNA degradation rate of brain and cesses for analysis of evidences which will prevent
spleen for upto 96 hours. Also, fluorescent nanopar- piling up of cases in forensic laboratories.
ticles can help in quantifying the concentration of
vitreous humor along with flow cytometry in near 5. Future aspects
future [12, 26, 31]. The wide horizon of nanotechnology enables fo-
Some of the applications of nanotechnology in rensic scientists in detecting trace evidence which
different domains of forensics have been summa- otherwise is difficult via conventional techniques.
rized in Table-I. This technology holds immense potential in vari-
ous fields of forensic and other applied sciences,
4. Conclusion
where more and more advancement can lead to the
With the emerging trends in technologies and
development of new techniques and formulation of
resources, criminals have also updated themselves
related equipment. The combination of traditional
and now operate at molecular level leaving no or na-
technique along with new techniques will enhance
noscale evidences which needs immediate attention
the investigation system manifolds. The selectivity,
for analysis. This review paper summarizes how nan-
sensitivity and cost-effectiveness of these technolo-
otechnology can help forensic experts overcome this
gies might replace all the costly, time consuming wet
problem. The nanoscaled trace materials can be de-
experiments that are performed in forensic labora-
tected using nanotechnology like lab on a chip, Nano
tories. Lab-on-a-chip is one such device that is said
chips, Nano sensors, biosensors, microfluidic sys-
to be an integrated form of lab procedures which
tems, quantum dots and various types of nanopar-
gives calorimetric tests for trace materials on-site.
ticles like gold, silver ,zinc oxide, titanium oxides,
Cost –effectiveness of these procedures is another
magnetic nanoparticles, etc. These technologies
basic necessity which is superior to the traditional
will help forensic scientists in assisting law enforcing
methods. The rapid on-site analysis will fasten the
agencies in solving criminal cases and nabbing the
speed of court proceedings as well leading to faster
perpetrator. Nanotechnology plays a very important
convictions and vice-versa.
role in the analysis of drugs, explosives, post-blast
Instrumental technique analysis can only be done
residue, chemical warfare agents, development of
by a well-trained expert or a professional which is
latent fingerprints, tracking items and criminals, DNA
not the case in new emerging nanotechnologies. A
detection, security measures, etc. The integration of
person with comparatively less expertise or training
time taking procedures carried out in lab on a mi-
can handle and report the results generated.
crochip assists in real time investigation reducing
With the everyday increasing crime rate, the
time taken in collection, packing and transportation
need for modern and faster tools is justified. The
of evidences. The Nano trackers and barcodes help
addition of nanotechnology in the field of forensic
in preventing and combating crimes where the track-
sciencewill improve the quality of justice.
ing of any item or criminal is possible along with its
Conflict of Interest
authenticity detection. These new techniques might The authors declare that they have no conflict
sooner or later replace the time taking lengthy pro- of interest.

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290 Nanotechnology: A Powerful Tool in Forensic Science for Solving Criminal Cases

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