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The knowledge of the activities in which the police force is engaged has increased the

confidence and moral strength of people in society. Even the cripple and invalid are given every
protection. Thus, people today can live in greater security and happiness than they could before.
Society therefore owes a great debt of gratitude to the police force.

New words:
1. vital (adj): sống còn, quan trọng
2. seek (v): mưu cầu, theo đuổi
3. conceive (v): hình thành 1 ý nghĩ, trong đầu có ý tưởng
4. commit (v): phạm lỗi
5. impunity (n): sự không bị trừng phạt
6. rival (adj ): đối địch, cạnh tranh
7. ancient (adj) : xưa, cổ
8. apprehend (v) : bắt, tóm, nắm, lấy
9. deter (v) : ngăn cản, ngăn chặn, làm nản lòng
10. alertness (n): sự tỉnh táo, sự cảnh giác
11. discourage (v) : làm nản lòng, làm chán nản
12. compel (v) : bắt buộc, thúc ép
13. consequently (adv) : do đó, vì vậy, bởi vậy, cho nên
14. interference (n) : sự can thiệp, sự xen vào
15. law-abiding : trung thành với pháp luật, tuân theo luật pháp
16. frown (v) : không bằng lòng, phản đối
17. prove (v): tỏ ra, chứng tỏ, chứng minh
18. dedicated (adj): tận tụy, tận tâm
19. gratitude (n): lòng biết ơn, sự nhớ ơn
Essay 67: Discuss the view that tolerance is essential
for peace and harmony in any community or country
The progress of any community or country depends largely on the conduct of the people who
reside in it. Discontent, jealousies, prejudices, and intolerance among a few of the people can
cause great damage to the whole community or country.

Gregarious by nature, men hate to live in isolation. The urge for association, therefore, enables
men to tolerate the views and habits of others, to great extent. Most men have come to realise
that the cohesion of society cannot be secured without the exercise of tolerance on the part of
its members.

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