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Notice of the People's Inherent Rights

Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal and Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent

I,______________________________________________, one of the people in the 50

American States, (Article II Section 1 of the California State Constitution) republican in form, Sui
Juris, am serving you with this notice so that you and your agents may provide immediate due

Please take Notice that the People have a duty and obligation to preserve the blessings and
liberty of good government. (See evidence below):

Maxim of Law: 51q. A frequent recurrence to fundamental principles and a firm adherence to
justice, virtue, and original law, are indispensably necessary to preserve the blessings of liberty
and good government. American Maxim.

Please take Notice that the People's public servants are bound to serve the People's trust
indenture contract agreement. (See evidence below):

Maxim of Law: 84a. There is no stronger link or bond between men than an oath. Jenk. Cent.
Cas. 126; Id. p. 126, case 54.

OATH (to be taken before a Notary or other authorized administering officer): “I, AB, do
solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States
and the Constitution of the State of California against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I
will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of
the State of California; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or
purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which I am about
to enter…"

oath is: promise, forward, mission; send, throw; Online Etymology Dictionary.

California Constitution, Article XX, Section 3,

Text of Section 3:
"Members of the Legislature, and all public officers and employees, executive, legislative, and
judicial, except such inferior officers and employees as may be by law exempted, shall, before
they enter upon the duties of their respective offices, take and subscribe the following oath or
affirmation:" (See oath above)

Please take Notice that all political power is inherent in the People; (See evidence below):
California Constitution, Article II, Section 1:
Text of Section 1:
All political power is inherent in the people. Government is instituted for their protection,
security, and benefit, and they have the right to alter or reform it when the public good may

people is: men and women; nation; body of citizens; populonia, juno, she who protects; army;
Online Etymology Dictionary.

person is: an individual, human being; a mask, a false face; phersu, mask; Online Etymology

Please take Notice that it is insane for our servants to betray the trust and interfere with the
people's ability to produce energy propert. (See evidence below):

Maxim of Law: 34f. He who betrays his country is like the insane sailor who bores a hole in the
ship which carries him. 3 Inst. 36.

Please take Notice that it is a crime to deprive the People of rights under the color of law. (See
evidence below):

Maxim of Law: 92aa. The deprivation of any rights may be punished. Cummings v. Missouri, 4
Wall. (71 U.S.) 277, 320.

Please take notice that, for some time now, many attorneys and law schools have failed to
show the obligation of government to protect the rights to property ownership that have been
reserved by the People, as enshrined by fundamental law. It is therefore my wish, as one of the
People, that you share where the power was granted, in any state constitution, for the People's
servants to limit their right of ownership of property. Furthermore, as multiple governments
attempt to regulate or block the right for energy, please give a point of clarity on if and where
you were granted the power to interfere with private rights by any constitution. In conclusion, if
you shall be able to find any such grant of authority, please send notice back or make a public
press release and statement showing the granted powers within 7 days of receiving this notice.
Any failure to respond with constitutional authority within the above-mentioned time, with
constitutionally granted authority to interfere with the People’s free right to acquire and control
their own energy, shall be understood as you standing in agreement that there is no such right,
and any attempt to control the People’s access shall be considered a trespass against the

This Notice is sent to you in peace and with the love of Christ, so that you may provide due care
to those who have all political power, the People.

Autograph Date

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