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‭Basic Information‬

‭ ame:_________________(Optional)‬

‭Product/Service Details‬
‭What product/service are you interested in?‬

‭Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree‬

‭How frequently do you use this product?‬

‭How much did you influence to purchase this product?‬

‭Do you purchase this product for personal use or business purposes?‬

‭Past Purchasing Behavior‬

‭How much have you been purchasing this product?‬

‭How often do you purchase this product in a month?‬

‭Price Sensitivity‬
‭How do you feel about changes in the price of this product?‬
‭Are there any price ranges where you are more likely to purchase this product?‬

‭ o you tend to buy more of this product/service when it is on sale or when discounts are‬

‭Competitive Analysis‬
‭Are you aware of similar products/services offered by competitors?‬

‭Have you ever considered purchasing from competitors? If yes, why?‬

‭What factors would make you switch from your current product/service provider to a‬

‭Seasonal Variation‬
‭Do you notice any seasonal fluctuations in your demand for this product/service?‬

‭How does your purchasing behavior change during peak seasons or holidays?‬

‭Are there any specific times of the year when you tend to purchase more or less of this‬
‭ roduct/service?‬
‭Market Trends‬
‭Are you influenced by current trends or fads when purchasing this product/service?‬

‭ ow do external factors such as economic conditions or technological advancements affect‬

‭your demand for this product/service?‬

‭Are there any emerging trends that impact your future demand for this product/service?‬

‭Future Expectations‬
‭Do you anticipate any changes in your demand for this product/service in the future? If yes,‬
‭what factors will drive these changes?‬

‭ re there any improvements or additions you would like to see in this product/service that‬
‭might increase your demand for it?‬

‭Feedback and Suggestions‬

‭Do you have any additional comments, suggestions, or feedback regarding this‬
‭product/service and its demand estimation?‬

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