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he advantages of having too many university graduates in a country, however, are many.

In my
country, for example, the presence of a large number of graduates would enable the
government of my country lo find sufficient men to assume responsible positions in the various
administrative departments. It would also raise the status of the country in the eyes of the
world, as one with a high literacy rate. The efficiency of the administrative organs of the state
would also be increased, and in time of national crises, the government could draw on the
intellectual resources of the people. Even the younger generation of men would benefit from the
contacts with university graduates. They would draw inspiration from the work of the graduates
and themselves develop, consciously or unconsciously, some of the mental abilities of the
graduates. In other words, the presence of a large number of university graduates would create
an atmosphere conducive to the mental development of the younger people in the country.

The various private firms and industries too would benefit from the presence of large number of
university graduates in my country. It would facilitate the selection of suitable men for positions
of responsibility in the firms and industries. This would contribute substantially to the progress
and productivity of the business concerns. There would, however, also be certain disadvantages
in having too many university graduates in my country. The worst of them would be that people
without university qualifications would find themselves in a precarious position. Good positions in
the various professions would be closed to them. Thus, they would have to be content with
humble positions and meagre incomes, Without any prospects of promotion in their respective
places of work. Besides, the general drop in salary scales owing to the competition among
graduates for position, would further add to the misery of those without university training, for
employers would always look for university graduates, even for low positions.

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